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Key Constraints in Internationalization • Cost Reduction • Capital Allocation • US-China trade tension • Uncertainty about the
future of NAFTA and other trade agreement • Focus on adding up on new features in coming products because its been
observed that product of Apple which are coming after 206 does not carrying much features. • Planning to set up new
manufacturing plant mainly trying to exist from china manufacturing sector. • Environment Issues Involves the use, disposal
and clean-up of substances regulated under environmental protection laws. Expenditure on such actions amounted to
approximately $0.2 billion per year. • Research and Development- To continually enhance existing products and services ,
develop new products and services to meet costumer’s changing demand globally. • Patents- Obtained through Research and
Development Issues faced during Internationalization Ethics refer to accepted principles of right and wrong that govern the
conduct of a person, the members of a profession, or the actions of an organization. Certain practices in one country may be
unethical when judged by another countries standard. Most common ethical issues involve Employment Practices and Ethics
Ethical issues may also related to employment practices in other countires. The conditions in a host country may be much
inferior to those in a multinational’s home nation. Many may suggest that pay and work conditions need to be similar across
nations, but no one actually cares about the quantum of this divergence. 12-hour workdays, minimal pay, and indifference in
protecting workers from toxic chemicals are common in some developing nations. Is it good for a multinational to fall prey to
the same thing when they chose such developing nations as their host countries The answers is not easy, but if we deeply do
analysis, they really create huge dilemmas. Human Rights Basic human rights are still denied in many nations. Freedom of
speech also includes association, assembly, movement, freedom from political repression and other things that are not
universally accepted. South Africa during the days of white rule and apartheid is an example. It lasted till 1994. The system
practiced denial of basic political rights to the majority non-white population of South Africa, segregation between whites and
nonwhites was prevalent, some occupations were exclusively reserved for whites, etc. This things is no equal and
consideration depending on ethnicity was questioned right from 1980s. It is still a major ethical issue in international
business. Environmental Pollution When environmental laws in the host countries is much inferior to those in the home
nation, ethical issues can be seen. Many nations have firm regulations regarding the emission of pollutants, the dumping and
use of toxic materials, and so on. Developing nations are not so strict, and according to analyst, it results in much increased
levels of pollution from the operations of multinationals in many countries. Is it fine for multinational firms to pollute the
developing countries. It does not seem to be correct ethically. What is the appropriate and morally correct thing to do in such
circumstances? Should MNCs be allowed to pollute the host countries for their economic advantage, or the MNCs should
make sure that they will follow the same things as they are following in their own country. These issues are not old they are
still very much dicey. Corruption Corruption as we know can be seen in every society in history, and It also continues to be so
even today. Corrupt officials are everywhere. International businesses it is observed that many such things happens which is
not legally supported and also it observed many times to gain and have gained financial and business advantages by bribing
officers which have powers or which can help this type of things happens, which is clearly unethical. Moral Obligations Some
of the critics says that the power of MNCs brings with it the social responsibility to give resources back to the societies as
resources are the part of society and businesses should give back to society what they have taken from society. The idea of
Social Responsibility arises or we can say it is necessary due to the thing that business people should consider the social
consequences of their actions. They should also care that decisions should have both meaningful and ethical economic and
social consequences because if any type of harm has been done than it is not good for mncs. Social responsibility can be
supported because it is right and appropriate way for a business to do things in a correct manner. Businesses, particularly the
large and which have touches heights, need to recognize their social and moral obligations and give resources and donations
back to the societies.

Sources Similarity
Ibr - Ethics and International Business | Business Ethics | MoralityCompare text
Businesses, particularly the large and very successful ones, need to recognize their social and moral obligations and give resources
and donations back to the societies. LIU - IBR 22 ETHICAL ISSUES ARISING FROM THE NATURE OF MARKETS The 18th Century 3%
and donations back to the societies. LIU - IBR 22 ETHICAL ISSUES ARISING FROM THE NATURE OF MARKETS The 18th Century 3%
economist Adam Smith...

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