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PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121, 103601 (2018)

Observation of Three-Body Correlations for Photons Coupled to a Rydberg Superatom

Nina Stiesdal,1 Jan Kumlin,2 Kevin Kleinbeck,2 Philipp Lunt,1 Christoph Braun,1 Asaf Paris-Mandoki,1,3
Christoph Tresp,1 Hans Peter Büchler,2 and Sebastian Hofferberth1
Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy, Physics@SDU, University of Southern Denmark, 5320 Odense, Denmark
Institute for Theoretical Physics III and Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology,
University of Stuttgart, 70550 Stuttgart, Germany
Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico
(Received 31 May 2018; published 4 September 2018)

We report on the experimental observation of nontrivial three-photon correlations imprinted onto

initially uncorrelated photons through an interaction with a single Rydberg superatom. Exploiting the
Rydberg blockade mechanism, we turn a cold atomic cloud into a single effective emitter with collectively
enhanced coupling to a focused photonic mode which gives rise to clear signatures in the connected part
of the three-body correlation function of the outgoing photons. We show that our results are in good
agreement with a quantitative model for a single, strongly coupled Rydberg superatom. Furthermore, we
present an idealized but exactly solvable model of a single two-level system coupled to a photonic mode,
which allows for an interpretation of our experimental observations in terms of bound states and scattering

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.103601

Engineering effective interactions between individual been extensively studied for a variety of systems [23],
optical photons is essential for applications in classical and the observation of antibunching is accepted as a
and quantum computation, communication, and metrology characteristic fingerprint of a single-photon source [24],
[1–3]. The most established approach to achieve two- while bound states of two photons have been observed as
photon interaction is strong coupling of light to individual strong bunching feature in Rydberg polariton systems [25].
quantum emitters, either in resonators [4–7] and wave- To study the interaction between three photons, it is natural to
guides [8–13] or through tight focusing in free space turn to third-order correlations gð3Þ [26–28]. While any two-
[14–16]. A complementary approach combines electro- body correlation will also induce a signal in the three-body
magnetically induced transparency and strong interaction correlation function, a natural approach is to subtract these
between atoms in Rydberg states to convert photons into trivial contributions via the cumulant expansion to identify
interacting Rydberg polaritons in an extended medium the pure three-body correlations. This approach leads to the
[17–19]. Here we exploit a combination of the two concepts connected part of the three-body correlation function:
by using the Rydberg blockade mechanism [20] to convert X
an atomic ensemble containing N individual atoms into a gc ðs1 ; s2 ; s3 Þ ¼ 2 þ gð3Þ ðs1 ; s2 ; s3 Þ − gð2Þ ðsi ; sj Þ: ð2Þ
single effective two-level quantum system, a Rydberg i<j
superatom, with strongly enhanced coupling to a single ð3Þ
photonic mode [21,22]. Note that gc vanishes if one photon is separated from the
A central concept for quantifying the influence of an other two. Furthermore, for any classical Gaussian state of
effective photon-photon interaction in any of these systems photons, the connected part of the three-body correlation
is to study the intensity correlations imprinted by the function is zero.
interaction onto initially uncorrelated photons by the Here, we report the first experimental observation of
determination of n-body correlation functions: three-photon correlations by clear signatures in the con-
nected part of the three-body correlation function of
hE† ðs1 Þ…E† ðsn ÞEðsn Þ…Eðs1 Þi initially uncorrelated photons interacting with a single
gðnÞ ðs1 ; …; sn Þ ¼ Qn †
: ð1Þ Rydberg superatom. Our setup is based on a cold atomic
i¼1 hE ðsi ÞEðsi Þi cloud interacting with a focused photonic mode coupling
to a highly excited Rydberg state via a far detuned
Here, the operators E† ðsÞ and EðsÞ describe the creation intermediate state. The transversal size of the photonic
and annihilation, respectively, of photons at time s. The mode as well as the longitudinal extent of the atomic cloud
outgoing photon rate is related to these operators via is smaller than the Rydberg blockade volume, resulting in a
IðsÞ ¼ hE† ðsÞEðsÞi. Two-photon correlations gð2Þ have single effective emitter with collectively enhanced coupling

0031-9007=18=121(10)=103601(6) 103601-1 © 2018 American Physical Society

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121, 103601 (2018)
(a) (d)
dominated by spontaneous Raman decay via jei with a rate
of Γ ¼ Ω2 =ð2ΔÞ2 Γe .
With a van der Waals coefficient of C6 ¼ 1.88 ×
105 GHz μm6 [29] and a control field Rabi frequency
Ω ¼ 2π × 12 MHz, the radius of the Rydberg blockade
volume is sufficiently large to blockade the whole inter-
(b) (c) section of the probe beam and sample, so that only a single
Rydberg excitation is allowed at any time. We verify this
through the sub-Poissonian counting statistics of field-
ionized Rydberg atoms detected on a microchannel plate.
Under these circumstances, N ≈ 5 × 103 atoms within the
overlap volume with the probe beam couple collectively to
the propagating light mode. Specifically, the N-body
ground state jGi ¼ jg1 ; …; i couples to the many-body
FIG. 1. (a) Sketch of the experimental setup to couple a single excited state jWi ¼ ð1= N Þ Nj¼1 eik·xj jji, where jji ¼
Rydberg superatom to a few-photon light field. (b) Single-atom jg1 ; …; rj ; …; gN i is the state with the jth atom in jri and all
level scheme. A weak probe and a strong control field couple the
ground state jgi via the intermediate state jei to the Rydberg state
others in jgi, k is the sum of the wave vectors of the probe
jri. (c) Because of the Rydberg blockade, the atomic ensemble and control fields, and xj denotes the position of the jth
behaves as a single two-level system with ground state jGi and atom. These two states form a single two-level superatom,
collective excited state jWi. In addition to decay, the excited state which couples topthe ffiffiffiffi probe light with collective coupling
can dephase into the dark state manifold fjDi igN−1
i¼1 . (d) Time traces constant gcol ¼ N g0 Ω=ð2ΔÞ [Fig. 1(c)]. The complete
of the outgoing probe photon pulses (blue points) for incoming basis of collective states also contains N − 1 dark states
pulses (broken lines) with three different peak photon rates fjDi igN−1
i¼1 formed by linear combinations of fjjigj¼1 .
Rin ¼ 3.4 μs−1 , Rin ¼ 6.7 μs−1 , and Rin ¼ 15.2 μs−1 . Solid
orange lines show fits of our single-emitter model to the data.
Since all these states are orthogonal to jWi, they do not
couple to the probe light, but they still contain one Rydberg
excitation blocking the medium. The thermal motion of the
to the probe light [22]. We demonstrate that such a individual atoms constitutes the main dephasing from the
superatom gives rise to nontrivial three-body correlations, strongly coupled state jWi into the collective dark states in
in good agreement with a quantitative model for our our system. Additionally, the exchange of virtual photons
system. Finally, we present an idealized but exactly between atoms provides a coupling between the jWi state
solvable model of a single two-level system coupled to a and the manifold of dark states fjDi igN−1 i¼1 [30–33], which
photonic mode, which allows for an interpretation of our can provide a fundamental limit on the minimal dephasing
experimental observations in terms of a three-body bound rate [34].
state coherently superimposed with two-body bound states We probe the superatom with Tukey-shaped probe pulses
and scattering states. We note that recent experiments with with a peak photon rate Rin and collect the transmitted
Rydberg polaritons have also found signatures consistent probe photons with a set of four single-photon counters
with a three-body bound state of photons [28]. [Fig. 1(a)]. After each probe pulse, a field-ionization pulse
The experiment starts with trapping an ensemble of removes the possibly remaining excitation in the medium,
24 × 103 laser-cooled Rb87 atoms at a temperature of resetting the superatom to state jGi. Figure 1(d) shows time
5.9 μK in an optical dipole trap positioned in the focus traces of the outgoing probe pulses for three different
(w0 ¼ 6.5 μm) of a weak probe beam at a wavelength of photon rates Rin ¼ 3.4 μs−1 , Rin ¼ 6.7 μs−1 , and Rin ¼
780 nm [Fig. 1(a)]. The extensions of the atomic medium 15.2 μs−1 . Because of the low total photon number in the
(given by 1=e of the Gaussian density distribution) are σ z ¼ probe pulses, the Rabi oscillation of the Rydberg popula-
6.5 μm along the probe beam and σ x;y ¼ 10; 21 μm in the tion [35–37] is visible in the transmitted photon stream as a
transverse directions. We couple atoms from their ground periodic modulation, which results from the absorption and
state jgi ¼ j5S1=2 ; F ¼ 2; mF ¼ 2i to the Rydberg state subsequent stimulated emission of single photons by the
jri ¼ j111S1=2 ; J ¼ 1=2; mJ ¼ 1=2i by overlapping the coherently driven two-level atom.
probe beam with a strong counterpropagating control beam On the theoretical side, the quantitative description of
λc ¼ 479 nm [Fig. 1(b)]. With a single-photon detuning the experimental setup is described in detail in Ref. [22].
Δ ¼ 2π × 100 MHz and the two-photon detuning δ on The basic idea is to treat the superatom as a single two-level
Raman resonance, the intermediate state jei ¼ j5P3=2 ; system coupled to a quantized light field:
F ¼ 3; mF ¼ 3i can be adiabatically eliminated, reducing Z
dk pffiffiffi
the dynamics of each atom to those of a resonantly driven H¼ ℏcka†k ak þ ℏ κ ½E† ð0Þσ GW þ Eð0Þσ †GW ; ð3Þ
two-level system, with the upper-state decay rate being 2π

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121, 103601 (2018)

where ak and a†k are photon annihilation andR creation

operators, respectively, while EðxÞ ¼ ½ c=ð2πÞ dkeikx ak
is the electric field operator measured in photons=time, (a) (b)
and σ αβ ¼ jαihβj. Here, κ ≡ gcol =2 describes the collec-
tive coupling between the superatom and the light field and
accounts for the collectively enhanced spontaneous decay
rate κ. Eliminating the photonic modes for a coherent input
pulse leads to a master equation for the reduced density
matrix ρðtÞ of the atom alone:

∂ t ρðtÞ ¼ − ½H0 ðtÞ; ρðtÞ þ ðκ þ ΓÞD½σ GW ρðtÞ

þ γ d D½σ DW ρðtÞ þ ΓD½σ GD ρðtÞ ð4Þ FIG. 2. (a) Cut through the experimental third-order correlation
gð3Þ ðs1 ; s2 ; s3 Þ for input photon rate Rin ¼ 6.7 μs−1 along the
with the Lindblad dissipator D½σ¼σρσ †p−ðσ † † η,ffiffiffiζ averaged over the center-of-mass
ffiffiffi  σρþρσ σÞ=2
relative Jacobi coordinates p
and the driving Hamiltonian H0 ðtÞ ¼ ℏ κα ðtÞσ GW þH:c: coordinate range Rrange ¼ 3 × ð2.5…3.5Þ μs. (b) Correspond-
Here, the coherent field amplitude αðtÞ is related to the ing theoretical calculation based on the single-emitter model
time-dependent mean photon rate by jαðtÞj2 ¼ Rin ðtÞ. In using the parameters extracted from the fitted curves in Fig. 1(d).
Note the different scales on the colorbars, the contrast of the
addition to the intrinsic collectively enhanced decay κ into experimentally observed correlations is reduced due to finite
the photonic mode, we include phenomenologically the photon detection efficiency (see Supplementary Material [38]).
spontaneous decay of the Rydberg level with rate Γ as well
as the dephasing of the superatom state jWi into the emitted photons never interact with the system again [40].
manifold of dark states with rate γ d . The outgoing pffiffiffi electric For other input photon states, a more sophisticated quantum
field operator is determined by EðtÞ ¼ αðtÞ − i κσ GW ðtÞ. field formalism can be employed. The theoretical third-
Fitting these parameters by comparing the theoretical order correlations based on the parameters extracted from
predictions with the experimental outgoing photon time the time trace fits and averaged over the time range Rrange
traces [orange lines in Fig. 1(d)] yields a single set of are shown in Fig. 2(b), reproducing to very good agreement
parameters: κ ¼0.55μs−1 , Γ¼0.14μs−1 , and γ d ¼1.49 μs−1 . the bunching and antibunching features observed in the
Next, we calculate the third-order correlations experimental data.
gð3Þ ðs1 ; s2 ; s3 Þ [Eq. (1)] from the outgoing photon traces. To quantify pure three-body correlations in the outgoing
A natural choice for the visualization of these correlations pffiffiffi photon stream, we now extract the connected third-order
is to transform to Jacobi coordinates
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi R ¼ ðs 1 þs 2 þs 3 Þ= 3, correlation function gc by subtracting the two-body
η ¼ ðs1 − s2 Þ= 2, and ζ ¼ 2=3½ðs1 þ s2 Þ=2 − s3 . Since correlations for all pairwise combinations of time coor-
we are investigating the response of the superatom to a dinates s1 , s2 , and s3 from gð3Þ , as defined in Eq. (2).
pulsed probe, the correlation function is not stationary and Figures 3(a)–3(c) show cuts gc ðη; ζÞ through the measured
thus depends on the center-of-mass value R as well as on connected three-body correlation function for all three
the relative coordinates η and ζ. Nevertheless, this choice of investigated photon input rates Rin ¼ 3.4 μs−1 , Rin ¼
coordinates lets us average the gð3Þ function over a limited 6.7 μs−1 , and Rin ¼ 15.2 μs−1 averaged over Rrange, deter-
range of R, corresponding to times ðs1 ; s2 ; s3 Þ within the mined from the measured second- and third-order corre-
flattop part of the Tukey pulse. In Fig. 2(a), we show the lation functions. Even for low photon numbers, we find a
third-order correlation function gð3Þ ðη; ζÞ for the input clear signal of three-photon correlations in the connected
photon rate pffiffiffi Rin ¼ 6.7 μs averaged over the time range part of gð3Þ with a three-photon bunching at short distances,
Rrange ¼ 3 × ð2.5…3.5Þ μs [with respect to the time axis accompanied by an antibunching at intermediate separa-
shown in Fig. 1(d)]. While the averaging over R certainly tions, followed by another ring of bunching. This sequence
reduces the visibility of the three-body correlations, it is of bunching and antibunching features increases with
essential to extract a significant signal from the few-photon increasing photon numbers. Note that gð3Þ for a transla-
data for a realistic number of repetitions of the experiment. tionally invariant system exhibits a sixfold symmetry in
Within the theoretical model described above any multi- Jacobi coordinates. The reduction to a threefold symmetry,
time correlation functions for a coherent input pulse are visible in particular in Fig. 3(c), is a consequence of the
conveniently calculated using the quantum regression finite length of our probe pulse. In Figs. 3(d) and 3(e), we
theorem; alternative approaches using Keldysh formalisms show the corresponding theoretical predictions from our
have also been developed [39]. Note that, for a single quantitative model, which well reproduce the observed
superatom, the quantum regression theorem is exact, as the structure in the experimental data.

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121, 103601 (2018)

(a) (d)

(a) (b)

(b) (e)

FIG. 4. Three-photon correlation functions derived from the

wave function ψ out of the exactly solvable idealized model in
(c) (f)
the Jacobi coordinates η, ζ. (a) The correlation function gð3Þ
exhibits strong three-photon bunching at η ¼ ζ ¼ 0, with a
subsequent antibunching and finally saturation at gð2Þ if one
photon is separated from the other two. (b) The connected part
of the correlation function gc still shows a strong nontrivial

interested in an incoming state ψ in ¼ i ψðsi Þ for n
FIG. 3. Connected part of the three-photon correlation function photons in the single photon mode ψ with width τ.
gc in the Jacobi coordinates η, ζ. (a)–(c) show experimental results Then, the outgoing n-photon wave function after interact-
for Rin ¼ 3.4 μs−1, Rin ¼ 6.7 μs−1 , and Rin ¼ 15.2μs−1 , respec- ing with a single superatom at times s1 ≥    ≥ sn reduces
tively. (d)–(f) show the corresponding theoretical predictions. to (see Supplemental Material [38])
ψ out ðs1 ;…;sn Þ ¼ ∂ α1 …∂ αn eðκ=2Þ i ðsi −2αi Þ ϕðs1 − α1 Þ
While this agreement between the theory and experiment 
suggests that our simple single-emitter model captures the Y n 
physics of the superatom-light interaction and the effective × ½ϕðsi −αi Þ −ϕðsi−1 þαi−1 Þ ð5Þ
i¼2 αi ¼0
photon-photon interaction mediated through the superatom
very well, it is not straightforward to understand the R
with ϕðsÞ ¼ s∞ dtψðtÞe−κt=2 ; the wave function for all
microscopic origin for the appearance of three-photon
values of fsi g is obtained by requiring the bosonic
correlations from this model. In order to provide a micro-
symmetry of the wave function. For three photons in a
scopic and qualitative understanding of these correlations,
wide incoming mode τκ ≫ 1, the wave function in the
we turn to the theoretical study of an idealized setup, which
center of the pulse reduces to (s1 ≥ s2 ≥ s3 )
allows for a fully analytical solution. For this purpose, we
point out that the Hamiltonian Eq. (3) is exactly solvable ð3Þ
ψ out ¼ 1 þ 12e−κ½ðs1 −s3 Þ=2 − 4ðe−κ½ðs1 −s2 Þ=2 þ e−κ½ðs2 −s3 Þ=2 Þ;
via the Bethe ansatz [41]. While such an approach ignores
the additional dephasing and spontaneous emission of the ð6Þ
excited state, it allows us to gain a microscopic under-
standing of the possible correlations induced by a single from which we can analytically derive the three-body
superatom. A first important aspect is that the exact correlation functions shown in Fig. 4. We find a very
eigenstates for three photons can be characterized as a strong three-photon bunching around η ¼ ζ ¼ 0. The
three-photon bound state, a combination of a two-body contribution of the three-body bound state to this signal
bound state with an additional scattering photon, and can be observed by the decomposition of the wave function
finally pure scattering states [41]. Especially, the three- ψ out ¼ 4e−κðs1 −s3 Þ þ ψ sc . The first term describes the three-
photon bound state naturally provides a nontrivial contri- body bound state, while ψ sc accounts for the remaining
bution to the connected part of the correlation function. A contributions of scattering states and two-photon bound
second important aspect is the relation between the out- states with ψ sc ¼ 1 at s1 ¼ s2 ¼ s3 . Therefore, the three-
going wave function and the incoming photon wave body bound state provides the dominant contribution to
function, which for the considered problem can be derived the three-photon bunching signal, but contributions of
in a closed form [42]. For the present setup, we are the remaining states are still significant. Especially, the

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121, 103601 (2018)

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