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SUBJECT: Engineering Mechanics DIV: FE (B)

TIME: 30 Min MARKS: 20


1) Solve any four questions

2) Assume suitable data wherever necessary
Q1. The man has a mass of 80 kg and sits 3 m from the center of the rotating platform. Due
to the rotation his speed is increased from rest by 0.4 m/sec2. If the coefficient of static
friction between his clothes and the platform is S = 0.3, determine the time required to
cause him to slip. Refer fig. 1. [5]

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

Q2. The small ball of mass ‘m’ and its supporting wire becomes a simple pendulum when the
horizontal cord is served. Determine the ratio of the tension ‘T’ in the supporting wire
immediately after the cord is cut to that in the wire before the wire is cut. Refer fig. 2. [5]

Q3. If the crest of the hill ahs a radius of curvature ρ = 60 m, determine the maximum
constant speed at which the car can travel over it without leaving the surface of the road.
The car has a weight of 17.5 KN. Refer fig. 3 [5]

Fig. 3 Fig. 4

Q4. The system shown in Fig. 4 is initially at rest. Neglecting axle friction and mass of pulley,
determine the acceleration of block A. [5]
Q5. The conveyor belt is designed to transport packages of various weights shown in fig. 5. Each
10 kg package has a coefficient of kinetic friction k = 0.15. If the speed of the conveyor is 5
m/sec, and then it suddenly stop, determine the distance the package will slide on the belt
before coming to rest. [5]

Fig. 5

Q. 6. A ball has a mass of 30 kg and is thrown upward with a speed of 15 m/sec. Determine the
time to attain maximum height using impulse momentum principle. Also find the maximum
height. [5]

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