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GS Troop 3862 September 7, 2019

Define Homeless
Views West Park | Smile Sack Project
Homelessness means people (children
included) who do not have a place to
stay. The word “homelessness” also
includes people who sleep in warming
centers, homeless shelters, or in
abandoned buildings.

The main reasons for homelessness
include: lack of affordable housing,
low paying job, bad choices, natural
disasters, no family support.

We talked about those we choose to be

homeless, because of their situation or
because they’d prefer to live that way.

How Can We Help?

By doing exactly what you did today
again and again! Today you helped to
Smile Sack Project
make 24 peoples days because they Today, some of our troop organized and assembled 24 sacks to be
received a chance to brush their teeth,
a way to clean their bodies, some food handed out to those in need. The sacks included, socks, wipes, body
in their stomachs, cozy socks for their wipes, a small shower set, a pre-filled reusable water bottle, and a
cold tired feet, and refreshing water
after a long hot day. Other ways to snack. The sacks were from the Smile Sack Project, a non-profit
help are to donate your old clothes organization based in San Francisco, who’s mission is to spread
instead of throwing them away, collect
bottles & cans and donate them at the smiles through helping people in need.
recycle center. Carry a pack of water
bottles for when you spot a person in A message to our troop from Carina Founder of SSP
“It’s okay to feel sad. As strong young girls, you have the power to
turn sad feelings into a positive action that touches other people’s
hearts. That’s what you did by assembling donations today. Small
Sack Project was started because I saw people experiencing
challenges and wondered if how I could help. Kindness works like
dominoes- when 1 person decides to be kind to someone, the next
person will pas along their smile to someone else. Soon enough,
more people are smiling and the world becomes a better place.”

The Unicorns of San Diego 1

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