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Computation Settings Page 1 of 4

Navigation: Analysis > Seismic Analysis > Not Linear Analysis - Pushover >
Computation Settings

To access to the global analysis of the structure, select "Global Calculation" from the drop-down
In this phase, the computation is performed using the selected code.

Many of the computation parameters defined in the "Settings" window are already set so as to work with
most examinable structures. Others are automatically computed by the program based on the geometry
of the model. The earthquake direction to be considered and the choice of the control node are chosen
by the designer based on the indications found in the code.

The bearing capacity curve can be drawn monitoring displacement, in place of the control node of the
average of the project, by selecting the appropriate text box.

The choice of the seismic force distributions is up to the designer, the available options are:
Uniform: distribution of forces, deduced from a uniform trend of accelerations along the height of the

Static forces: proportional distribution to static forces

Modal distribution: this distribution is an alternative to "Static forces" and is calculated on the basis of
the identified significant modes following the calculation of modal forms.
At the bottom right side,a panel allows to select which
distribution to use between static and modal forces.

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Computation Settings Page 2 of 4

General data:

Land level: represents the elevation of the land level. The program assigns the lowest point of the
structure elevation 0. The possibility of inserting this elevation allows the user to define the point
where the seismic load initiates. The value of this elevation must be between the foundation elevation
(generally zero) and the maximum elevation of all the constrained nodes.

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Computation Settings Page 3 of 4

Maximum iteration no.: represents the maximum number of analysis steps that the solver must perform
before stopping the computation if no convergences are found.
Accuracy pbw: represents the degree of accuracy attained by the calculation of the first step of the
calculation (where it is present only pbw)

Control node options: definition of a control node is obligatory for computation. It is recommended that
the node is chosen in correspondence with the highest level of the structure.
Control node displacement: the capacity curve is drawn only with the control node displacement.
Average displacement: the capacity curve is drawn based on the average displacement of all nodes of
the level at which the control node belongs
Weighted average displacement: the capacity curve is drawn based on the average weighted
displacement (weighed on the masses) of all nodes of the level at which the control node belongs. If
the floor was infinitely rigid, this displacement would equate to the displacement of the center of

The check node can be chosen from the menu.

The (*) symbol indicates a top node of the roof.
Very often, it is preferred not to perform the calculation with a roof top type
node because the deformation behavior at a ridge may not be representative
of the actual behavior of the structure deformation.

This window performs multiple analysis in distinct cascades, for direction, orientation, type of seismic
load, and eccentricity.

Direction: indicates the earthquake direction.

Orientation: positive if in concordance with the positive direction of the axis examined.

Seismic load: Proportional to the mass or the first node to vibrate.

Eccentricity: Accidental eccentricity of the center of mass with respect to the rigidity center computed
automatically according to the code.

Using the associated space, multiple analysis can be performing by activating the selection filters.

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Computation Settings Page 4 of 4

Enables the calculation of all the currently disabled analyzes

Disables the calculation of all the currently active analyzes

The parameters of each analysis can be set through the appropriate area.

Substeps: represents the number of displacement steps computed by the solver for the seismic load

Tolerance: represents the degree of tolerance reached by the non-linear computation.

Maximum displacement: represents the maximum displacement that the structure's control node can

Apply to All: With the active tick the values are applied to all analyzes; if the check is disabled they are
only applied to the selected analysis.

See also:
How to change the referring code?

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