Bmiwhf - Marj (Grade 7,8,9)

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How to use this Program

1. How to Use
This sheet will serve as your guide!

2. Sheet "1" - "60"

-Always start from sheet 1
-IMPORTANT: Edit Date of Weighing and Choose the Grade Level from the drop down menu in M6.
- There are 60 sheets which can accommodate a maximum of 65 students each or a total of 1950 students .
- Edit the upper part, encode (or Paste) name of students, birthday, weight ,height. and sex.
- Indicate their gender, "M" for male and "F" for female. (not case-sensitive)

3. -AUTOMATIC SHD Form 1 (Elementary) - summary for elementary

- AUTOMATIC SHD Form 2 (Secondary) - summary for secondary
- Encode only the male and female enrolment and edit the upper and lower part
& everything will be automatic.

4. list
- Displays a list of students based from a given Nutritional Status in M6!

5. Print in long bond paper.

I just hope that may this program be of great help to whoever will use it!

Canubing National High School
Canubing I, Calapan City


1. School's name, Division, Baseline or Endline & Date of Weighing in SHEET 1 will be true to all sheets.
2. Ask advisers to submit Name,Birthday, Weight, Height and Sex in Excel and copy/paste it in the program.
3. Delete Sex and the student will not be counted.
4. All computations are automatic as well as the the school summary.
5. Each sheet can contain 65 students (No particular sex arrangement is necessary) or a total of 1,950 students!.
6. It can accommodate 60 sections per school.
7. All Tables used as the Basis of Nutritional Status are located on the right side of this page!
8. You will be prompted if more that 2 meters of heigt was encoded.
9. Developed under Microsoft Office 2010 and may not be that good in lower office.
10. You can change font and font color, fill cells with the color you want, hide unused rows , sort and add your school logo.
11. If below 6, age is in months,no height squared, no BMI, for weight is the only basis of NS( Please see Weight for Age Table
12. If above 19 or Adult, a separate table is used and no HFA.
13. Donot use cut/paste in any part of the program
14. Displays a list of students based from a given Nutritional Status in M6 of sheet "List".

15. This is for FREE!

0 students .



50 students!.

add your school logo.

e see Weight for Age Table)
Department of Education
Height-for-Age BOYS
3-19 years old
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: Upon computation of correct age in months, look for the

point where the student's age in months intersects with the actual height of the student.
Depending on which column the child's height falls, classify the student as stunted,
severely stunted, normal, or tall.
Severely Stunted Normal
Stunted Tall
to to
from < from
Year-Month Months < -3SD -3SD -2SD -2SD +2SD > +2SD
3-0 36 84.9 85.0 88.6 88.7 103.5 103.6
3-1 37 85.4 85.5 89.1 89.2 104.2 104.3
3-2 38 85.9 86.0 89.7 89.8 105.0 105.1
3-3 39 86.4 86.5 90.2 90.3 105.7 105.8
3-4 40 86.9 87.0 90.8 90.9 106.4 106.5
3-5 41 87.4 87.5 91.3 91.4 107.1 107.2
3-6 42 87.9 88.0 91.8 91.9 107.8 107.9
3-7 43 88.3 88.4 92.3 92.4 108.5 108.6
3-8 44 88.8 88.9 92.9 93.0 109.1 109.2
3-9 45 89.3 89.4 93.4 93.5 109.8 109.9
3-10 46 89.7 89.8 93.9 94.0 110.4 110.5
3-11 47 90.2 90.3 94.3 94.4 111.1 111.2
4-0 48 90.6 90.7 94.8 94.9 111.7 111.8

4-1 49 91.1 91.2 95.3 95.4 112.4 112.5

4-2 50 91.5 91.6 95.8 95.9 113.0 113.1
4-3 51 92.0 92.1 96.3 96.4 113.6 113.7
4-4 52 92.4 92.5 96.8 96.9 114.2 114.3
4-5 53 92.9 93.0 97.3 97.4 114.9 115.0
4-6 54 93.3 93.4 97.7 97.8 115.5 115.6
4-7 55 93.8 93.9 98.2 98.3 116.1 116.2
4-8 56 94.2 94.3 98.7 98.8 116.7 116.8
4-9 57 94.6 94.7 99.2 99.3 117.4 117.5
4-10 58 95.1 95.2 99.6 99.7 118.0 118.1
4-11 59 95.5 95.6 100.1 100.2 118.6 118.7
5-0 60 96.0 96.1 100.6 100.7 119.2 119.3
5-1 61 96.4 96.5 101.0 101.1 119.4 119.5
5-2 62 96.8 96.9 101.5 101.6 120.0 120.1
5-3 63 97.3 97.4 101.9 102.0 120.6 120.7
5-4 64 97.7 97.8 102.4 102.5 121.2 121.3
5-5 65 98.1 98.2 102.9 103.0 121.8 121.9
5-6 66 98.6 98.7 103.3 103.4 122.4 122.5
5-7 67 99.0 99.1 103.8 103.9 123.0 123.1
5-8 68 99.4 99.5 104.2 104.3 123.6 123.7
5-9 69 99.8 99.9 104.7 104.8 124.1 124.2
5-10 70 100.3 100.4 105.1 105.2 124.7 124.8
5-11 71 100.7 100.8 105.6 105.7 125.2 125.3
6-0 72 101.1 101.2 106.0 106.1 125.8 125.9
6-1 73 101.5 101.6 106.4 106.5 126.4 126.5
6-2 74 101.9 102.0 106.9 107.0 126.9 127.0
6-3 75 102.3 102.4 107.3 107.4 127.5 127.6
6-4 76 102.7 102.8 107.7 107.8 128.0 128.1
6-5 77 103.1 103.2 108.1 108.2 128.5 128.6
6-6 78 103.5 103.6 108.6 108.7 129.1 129.2
6-7 79 103.8 103.9 109.0 109.1 129.6 129.7
6-8 80 104.2 104.3 109.4 109.5 130.2 130.3
6-9 81 104.6 104.7 109.8 109.9 130.7 130.8
6-10 82 105.0 105.1 110.2 110.3 131.2 131.3
6-11 83 105.4 105.5 110.7 110.8 131.8 131.9
7-0 84 105.8 105.9 111.1 111.2 132.3 132.4
7-1 85 106.2 106.3 111.5 111.6 132.8 132.9
7-2 86 106.5 106.6 111.9 112.0 133.4 133.5
7-3 87 106.9 107.0 112.3 112.4 133.9 134.0
7-4 88 107.3 107.4 112.7 112.8 134.4 134.5
7-5 89 107.7 107.8 113.1 113.2 134.9 135.0
7-6 90 108.0 108.1 113.5 113.6 135.5 135.6
7-7 91 108.4 108.5 113.9 114.0 136.0 136.1
7-8 92 108.8 108.9 114.3 114.4 136.5 136.6
7-9 93 109.1 109.2 114.7 114.8 137.0 137.1
7-10 94 109.5 109.6 115.1 115.2 137.5 137.6
7-11 95 109.9 110.0 115.5 115.6 138.1 138.2
8-0 96 110.2 110.3 115.9 116.0 138.6 138.7
8-1 97 110.6 110.7 116.3 116.4 139.1 139.2
8-2 98 110.9 111.0 116.6 116.7 139.6 139.7
8-3 99 111.3 111.4 117.0 117.1 140.1 140.2
8-4 100 111.6 111.7 117.4 117.5 140.6 140.7
8-5 101 112.0 112.1 117.8 117.9 141.1 141.2
8-6 102 112.3 112.4 118.2 118.3 141.6 141.7
8-7 103 112.7 112.8 118.6 118.7 142.1 142.2
8-8 104 113.0 113.1 118.9 119.0 142.6 142.7
8-9 105 113.4 113.5 119.3 119.4 143.1 143.2
8-10 106 113.7 113.8 119.7 119.8 143.6 143.7
8-11 107 114.1 114.2 120.1 120.2 144.1 144.2
9-0 108 114.4 114.5 120.4 120.5 144.6 144.7
9-1 109 114.8 114.9 120.8 120.9 145.1 145.2
9-2 110 115.1 115.2 121.2 121.3 145.6 145.7
9-3 111 115.5 115.6 121.6 121.7 146.1 146.2
9-4 112 115.8 115.9 121.9 122.0 146.6 146.7
9-5 113 116.2 116.3 122.3 122.4 147.1 147.2
9-6 114 116.5 116.6 122.7 122.8 147.6 147.7
9-7 115 116.8 116.9 123.1 123.2 148.1 148.2
9-8 116 117.2 117.3 123.4 123.5 148.6 148.7
9-9 117 117.5 117.6 123.8 123.9 149.1 149.2
9-10 118 117.9 118.0 124.2 124.3 149.5 149.6
9-11 119 118.2 118.3 124.6 124.7 150.0 150.1
10-0 120 118.6 118.7 124.9 125.0 150.5 150.6
10-1 121 118.9 119.0 125.3 125.4 151.0 151.1
10-2 122 119.2 119.3 125.7 125.8 151.5 151.6
10-3 123 119.6 119.7 126.1 126.2 152.0 152.1
10-4 124 119.9 120.0 126.4 126.5 152.5 152.6
10-5 125 120.3 120.4 126.8 126.9 153.0 153.1
10-6 126 120.6 120.7 127.2 127.3 153.5 153.6
10-7 127 121.0 121.1 127.6 127.7 154.0 154.1
10-8 128 121.3 121.4 128.0 128.1 154.5 154.6
10-9 129 121.7 121.8 128.4 128.5 155.0 155.1
10-10 130 122.1 122.2 128.7 128.8 155.5 155.6
10-11 131 122.4 122.5 129.1 129.2 156.1 156.2
11-0 132 122.8 122.9 129.6 129.7 156.6 156.7
11-1 133 123.2 123.3 130.0 130.1 157.1 157.2
11-2 134 123.6 123.7 130.4 130.5 157.6 157.7
11-3 135 124.0 124.1 130.8 130.9 158.2 158.3
11-4 136 124.4 124.5 131.2 131.3 158.7 158.8
11-5 137 124.8 124.9 131.6 131.7 159.3 159.4
11-6 138 125.2 125.3 132.1 132.2 159.8 159.9
11-7 139 125.6 125.7 132.5 132.6 160.4 160.5
11-8 140 126.0 126.1 133.0 133.1 160.9 161.0
11-9 141 126.4 126.5 133.4 133.5 161.5 161.6
11-10 142 126.8 126.9 133.9 134.0 162.1 162.2
11-11 143 127.3 127.4 134.3 134.4 162.7 162.8
12-0 144 127.7 127.8 134.8 134.9 163.3 163.4
12-1 145 128.2 128.3 135.3 135.4 163.9 164.0
12-2 146 128.6 128.7 135.8 135.9 164.5 164.6
12-3 147 129.1 129.2 136.3 136.4 165.1 165.2
12-4 148 129.6 129.7 136.8 136.9 165.7 165.8
12-5 149 130.1 130.2 137.3 137.4 166.3 166.4
12-6 150 130.6 130.7 137.8 137.9 167.0 167.1
12-7 151 131.1 131.2 138.4 138.5 167.6 167.7
12-8 152 131.6 131.7 138.9 139.0 168.3 168.4
12-9 153 132.1 132.2 139.4 139.5 168.9 169.0
12-10 154 132.6 132.7 140.0 140.1 169.6 169.7
12-11 155 133.1 133.2 140.5 140.6 170.2 170.3
13-0 156 133.7 133.8 141.1 141.2 170.9 171.0
13-1 157 134.2 134.3 141.6 141.7 171.6 171.7
13-2 158 134.7 134.8 142.2 142.3 172.2 172.3
13-3 159 135.3 135.4 142.8 142.9 172.9 173.0
13-4 160 135.8 135.9 143.3 143.4 173.5 173.6
13-5 161 136.3 136.4 143.9 144.0 174.2 174.3
13-6 162 136.9 137.0 144.4 144.5 174.8 174.9
13-7 163 136.4 136.5 145.0 145.1 175.5 175.6
13-8 164 137.9 138.0 145.6 145.7 176.1 176.2
13-9 165 138.5 138.6 146.1 146.2 176.7 176.8
13-10 166 139.0 139.1 146.6 146.7 177.4 177.5
13-11 167 139.5 139.6 147.2 147.3 178.0 178.1
14-0 168 140.0 140.1 147.7 147.8 178.6 178.7
14-1 169 140.5 140.6 148.2 148.3 179.1 179.2
14-2 170 141.0 141.1 148.7 148.8 179.7 179.8
14-3 171 141.5 141.6 149.2 149.3 180.3 180.4
14-4 172 142.0 142.1 149.7 149.8 180.8 180.9
14-5 173 142.4 142.5 150.2 150.3 181.3 181.4
14-6 174 142.9 143.0 150.7 150.8 181.8 181.9
14-7 175 143.3 143.4 151.1 151.2 182.3 182.4
14-8 176 143.8 143.9 151.6 151.7 182.8 182.9
14-9 177 144.2 144.3 152.0 152.1 183.3 183.4
14-10 178 144.6 144.7 152.4 152.5 183.7 183.8
14-11 179 145.0 145.1 152.8 152.9 184.1 184.2
15-0 180 145.4 145.5 153.3 153.4 184.6 184.7
15-1 181 145.8 145.9 153.6 153.7 185.0 185.1
15-2 182 146.2 146.3 154.0 154.1 185.4 185.5
15-3 183 146.6 146.7 154.4 154.5 185.7 185.8
15-4 184 147.0 147.1 154.8 154.9 186.1 186.2
15-5 185 147.3 147.4 155.1 155.2 186.4 186.5
15-6 186 147.6 147.7 155.4 155.5 186.8 186.9
15-7 187 148.0 148.1 155.8 155.9 187.1 187.2
15-8 188 148.3 148.4 156.1 156.2 187.4 187.5
15-9 189 148.6 148.7 156.4 156.5 187.7 187.8
15-10 190 148.9 149.0 156.7 156.8 187.9 188.0
15-11 191 149.2 149.3 157.0 157.1 188.2 188.3
16-0 192 149.5 149.6 157.3 157.4 188.4 188.5
16-1 193 149.8 149.9 157.5 157.6 188.7 188.8
16-2 194 150.0 150.1 157.8 157.9 188.9 189.0
16-3 195 150.3 150.4 158.0 158.1 189.1 189.2
16-4 196 150.5 150.6 158.3 158.4 189.3 189.4
16-5 197 150.8 150.9 158.5 158.6 189.5 189.6
16-6 198 151.0 151.1 158.7 158.8 189.7 189.8
16-7 199 151.2 151.3 158.9 159.0 189.8 189.9
16-8 200 151.4 151.5 159.1 159.2 190.0 190.1
16-9 201 151.6 151.7 159.3 159.4 190.1 190.2
16-10 202 151.8 151.9 159.5 159.6 190.2 190.3
16-11 203 152.0 152.1 159.6 159.7 190.3 190.4
17-0 204 152.1 152.2 159.8 159.9 190.4 190.5
17-1 205 152.3 152.4 159.9 160.0 190.5 190.6
17-2 206 152.4 152.5 160.1 160.2 190.6 190.7
17-3 207 152.6 152.7 160.2 160.3 190.7 190.8
17-4 208 152.7 152.8 160.3 160.4 190.8 190.9
17-5 209 152.9 153.0 160.4 160.5 190.8 190.9
17-6 210 153.0 153.1 160.5 160.6 190.9 191.0
17-7 211 153.1 153.2 160.7 160.8 190.9 191.0
17-8 212 153.2 153.3 160.8 160.9 191.0 191.1
17-9 213 153.3 153.4 160.8 160.9 191.0 191.1
17-10 214 153.4 153.5 160.9 161.0 191.0 191.1
17-11 215 153.5 153.6 161.0 161.1 191.1 191.2
18-0 216 153.6 153.7 161.1 161.2 191.1 191.2
18-1 217 153.7 153.8 161.2 161.3 191.1 191.2
18-2 218 153.8 153.9 161.3 161.4 191.1 191.2
18-3 219 153.9 154.0 161.3 161.4 191.1 191.2
18-4 220 154.0 154.1 161.4 161.5 191.1 191.2
18-5 221 154.1 154.2 161.5 161.6 191.1 191.2
18-6 222 154.1 154.2 161.5 161.6 191.1 191.2
18-7 223 154.2 154.3 161.6 161.7 191.2 191.3
18-8 224 154.3 154.4 161.6 161.7 191.2 191.3
18-9 225 154.4 154.5 161.7 161.8 191.2 191.3
18-10 226 154.4 154.5 161.7 161.8 191.1 191.2
18-11 227 154.5 154.6 161.8 161.9 191.1 191.2
19-0 228 154.5 154.6 161.8 161.9 191.1 191.2
Department of Education
Height-for-Age GIRLS
3-19 years old
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: Upon computation of correct age in months, look for the

point where the student's age in months intersects with the actual height of the student.
Depending on which column the child's height falls, classify the student as stunted,
severely stunted, normal, or tall.
Severely Stunted Normal
Stunted Tall
to to
from < from
Year-Month Months < -3SD -3SD -2SD -2SD +2SD > +2SD
3-0 36 83.5 83.6 87.3 87.4 102.7 102.8
3-1 37 84.1 84.2 87.9 88.0 103.4 103.5
3-2 38 84.6 84.7 88.5 88.6 104.2 104.3
3-3 39 85.2 85.3 89.1 89.2 105.0 105.1
3-4 40 85.7 85.8 89.7 89.8 105.7 105.8
3-5 41 86.2 86.3 90.3 90.4 106.4 106.5
3-6 42 86.7 86.8 90.8 90.9 107.2 107.3
3-7 43 87.3 87.4 91.4 91.5 107.9 108.0
3-8 44 87.8 87.9 91.9 92.0 108.6 108.7
3-9 45 88.3 88.4 92.4 92.5 109.3 109.4
3-10 46 88.8 88.9 93.0 93.1 110.0 110.1
3-11 47 89.2 89.3 93.5 93.6 110.7 110.8
4-0 48 89.7 89.8 94.0 94.1 111.3 111.4

4-1 49 90.2 90.3 94.5 94.6 112.0 112.1

4-2 50 90.6 90.7 95.0 95.1 112.7 112.8
4-3 51 91.1 91.2 95.5 95.6 113.3 113.4
4-4 52 91.6 91.7 96.0 96.1 114.0 114.1
4-5 53 92.0 92.1 96.5 96.6 114.6 114.7
4-6 54 92.5 92.6 97.0 97.1 115.2 115.3
4-7 55 92.9 93.0 97.5 97.6 115.9 116.0
4-8 56 93.3 93.4 98.0 98.1 116.5 116.6
4-9 57 93.8 93.9 98.4 98.5 117.1 117.2
4-10 58 94.2 94.3 98.9 99.0 117.7 117.8
4-11 59 94.6 94.7 99.4 99.5 118.3 118.4
5-0 60 95.1 95.2 99.8 99.9 118.9 119.0
5-1 61 95.2 95.3 100.0 100.1 119.1 119.2
5-2 62 95.6 95.7 100.4 100.5 119.7 119.8
5-3 63 96.0 96.1 100.9 101.0 120.3 120.4
5-4 64 96.4 96.5 101.3 101.4 120.9 121.0
5-5 65 96.9 97.0 101.8 101.9 121.5 121.6
5-6 66 97.3 97.4 102.2 102.3 122.0 122.1
5-7 67 97.7 97.8 102.6 102.7 122.6 122.7
5-8 68 98.1 98.2 103.1 103.2 123.2 123.3
5-9 69 98.5 98.6 103.5 103.6 123.7 123.8
5-10 70 98.9 99.0 103.9 104.0 124.3 124.4
5-11 71 99.3 99.4 104.4 104.5 124.8 124.9
6-0 72 99.7 99.8 104.8 104.9 125.4 125.5
6-1 73 100.1 100.2 105.2 105.3 125.9 126.0
6-2 74 100.4 100.5 105.6 105.7 126.4 126.5
6-3 75 100.8 100.9 106.0 106.1 127.0 127.1
6-4 76 101.2 101.3 106.5 106.6 127.5 127.6
6-5 77 101.6 101.7 106.9 107.0 128.0 128.1
6-6 78 102.0 102.1 107.3 107.4 128.6 128.7
6-7 79 102.4 102.5 107.7 107.8 129.1 129.2
6-8 80 102.8 102.9 108.1 108.2 129.6 129.7
6-9 81 103.1 103.2 108.5 108.6 130.2 130.3
6-10 82 103.5 103.6 108.9 109.0 130.7 130.8
6-11 83 103.9 104.0 109.4 109.5 131.2 131.3
7-0 84 104.3 104.4 109.8 109.9 131.7 131.8
7-1 85 104.7 104.8 110.2 110.3 132.3 132.4
7-2 86 105.1 105.2 110.6 110.7 132.8 132.9
7-3 87 105.5 105.6 111.0 111.1 133.3 133.4
7-4 88 105.9 106.0 111.5 111.6 133.9 134.0
7-5 89 106.3 106.4 111.9 112.0 134.4 134.5
7-6 90 106.7 106.8 112.3 112.4 134.9 135.0
7-7 91 107.1 107.2 112.7 112.8 135.5 135.6
7-8 92 107.5 107.6 113.1 113.2 136.0 136.1
7-9 93 107.9 108.0 113.6 113.7 136.5 136.6
7-10 94 108.3 108.4 114.0 114.1 137.1 137.2
7-11 95 108.7 108.8 114.4 114.5 137.6 137.7
8-0 96 109.1 109.2 114.9 115.0 138.2 138.3
8-1 97 109.5 109.6 115.3 115.4 138.7 138.8
8-2 98 109.9 110.0 115.7 115.8 139.2 139.3
8-3 99 110.3 110.4 116.2 116.3 139.8 139.9
8-4 100 110.7 110.8 116.6 116.7 140.3 140.4
8-5 101 111.1 111.2 117.0 117.1 140.9 141.0
8-6 102 111.5 111.6 117.5 117.6 141.4 141.5
8-7 103 111.9 112.0 117.9 118.0 142.0 142.1
8-8 104 112.4 112.5 118.4 118.5 142.5 142.6
8-9 105 112.8 112.9 118.8 118.9 143.1 143.2
8-10 106 113.2 113.3 119.3 119.4 143.6 143.7
8-11 107 113.6 113.7 119.7 119.8 144.2 144.3
9-0 108 114.1 114.2 120.2 120.3 144.7 144.8
9-1 109 114.5 114.6 120.6 120.7 145.3 145.4
9-2 110 114.9 115.0 121.1 121.2 145.8 145.9
9-3 111 115.4 115.5 121.5 121.6 146.4 146.5
9-4 112 115.8 115.9 122.0 122.1 146.9 147.0
9-5 113 116.2 116.3 122.5 122.6 147.5 147.6
9-6 114 116.7 116.8 122.9 123.0 148.1 148.2
9-7 115 117.1 117.2 123.4 123.5 148.6 148.7
9-8 116 117.6 117.7 123.9 124.0 149.2 149.3
9-9 117 118.0 118.1 124.3 124.4 149.7 149.8
9-10 118 118.4 118.5 124.8 124.9 150.3 150.4
9-11 119 118.9 119.0 125.3 125.4 150.9 151.0
10-0 120 119.3 119.4 125.7 125.8 151.4 151.5
10-1 121 119.8 119.9 126.2 126.3 152.0 152.1
10-2 122 120.3 120.4 126.7 126.8 152.6 152.7
10-3 123 120.7 120.8 127.2 127.3 153.1 153.2
10-4 124 121.2 121.3 127.7 127.8 153.7 153.8
10-5 125 121.6 121.7 128.1 128.2 154.3 154.4
10-6 126 122.1 122.2 128.6 128.7 154.8 154.9
10-7 127 122.6 122.7 129.1 129.2 155.4 155.5
10-8 128 123.1 123.2 129.6 129.7 156.0 156.1
10-9 129 123.5 123.6 130.1 130.2 156.6 156.7
10-10 130 124.0 124.1 130.6 130.7 157.1 157.2
10-11 131 124.5 124.6 131.1 131.2 157.7 157.8
11-0 132 125.0 125.1 131.6 131.7 158.3 158.4
11-1 133 125.4 125.5 132.1 132.2 158.9 159.0
11-2 134 125.9 126.0 132.6 132.7 159.4 159.5
11-3 135 126.4 126.5 133.1 133.2 160.0 160.1
11-4 136 126.9 127.0 133.6 133.7 160.6 160.7
11-5 137 127.3 127.4 134.1 134.2 161.1 161.2
11-6 138 127.8 127.9 134.6 134.7 161.7 161.8
11-7 139 128.3 128.4 135.1 135.2 162.2 162.3
11-8 140 128.8 128.9 135.6 135.7 162.8 162.9
11-9 141 129.2 129.3 136.0 136.1 163.3 163.4
11-10 142 129.7 129.8 136.5 136.6 163.9 164.0
11-11 143 130.2 130.3 137.0 137.1 164.4 164.5
12-0 144 130.6 130.7 137.5 137.6 164.9 165.0
12-1 145 131.1 131.2 137.9 138.0 165.4 165.5
12-2 146 131.5 131.6 138.4 138.5 165.9 166.0
12-3 147 131.9 132.0 138.8 138.9 166.4 166.5
12-4 148 132.4 132.5 139.2 139.3 166.9 167.0
12-5 149 132.8 132.9 139.7 139.8 167.4 167.5
12-6 150 133.2 133.3 140.1 140.2 167.8 167.9
12-7 151 133.6 133.7 140.5 140.6 168.3 168.4
12-8 152 134.0 134.1 140.9 141.0 168.7 168.8
12-9 153 134.4 134.5 141.3 141.4 169.1 169.2
12-10 154 134.7 134.8 141.7 141.8 169.5 169.6
12-11 155 135.1 135.2 142.0 142.1 169.9 170.0
13-0 156 135.5 135.6 142.4 142.5 170.3 170.4
13-1 157 135.8 135.9 142.7 142.8 170.6 170.7
13-2 158 136.1 136.2 143.1 143.2 171.0 171.1
13-3 159 136.4 136.5 143.4 143.5 171.3 171.4
13-4 160 136.8 136.9 143.7 143.8 171.6 171.7
13-5 161 137.1 137.2 144.0 144.1 171.9 172.0
13-6 162 137.3 137.4 144.3 144.4 172.2 172.3
13-7 163 137.6 137.7 144.6 144.7 172.5 172.6
13-8 164 137.9 138.0 144.8 144.9 172.7 172.8
13-9 165 138.1 138.2 145.1 145.2 173.0 173.1
13-10 166 138.4 138.5 145.3 145.4 173.2 173.3
13-11 167 138.6 138.7 145.6 145.7 173.5 173.6
14-0 168 138.9 139.0 145.8 145.9 173.7 173.8
14-1 169 139.1 139.2 146.0 146.1 173.9 174.0
14-2 170 139.3 139.4 146.2 146.3 174.1 174.2
14-3 171 139.5 139.6 146.4 146.5 174.2 174.3
14-4 172 139.7 139.8 146.6 146.7 174.4 174.5
14-5 173 139.9 140.0 146.8 146.9 174.6 174.7
14-6 174 140.0 140.1 147.0 147.1 174.7 174.8
14-7 175 140.2 140.3 147.1 147.2 174.9 175.0
14-8 176 140.4 140.5 147.3 147.4 175.0 175.1
14-9 177 140.5 140.6 147.4 147.5 175.1 175.2
14-10 178 140.7 140.8 147.6 147.7 175.2 175.3
14-11 179 140.8 140.9 147.7 147.8 175.3 175.4
15-0 180 140.9 141.0 147.8 147.9 175.4 175.5
15-1 181 141.1 141.2 147.9 148.0 175.5 175.6
15-2 182 141.2 141.3 148.0 148.1 175.6 175.7
15-3 183 141.3 141.4 148.1 148.2 175.7 175.8
15-4 184 141.4 141.5 148.2 148.3 175.7 175.8
15-5 185 141.5 141.6 148.3 148.4 175.8 175.9
15-6 186 141.6 141.7 148.4 148.5 175.9 176.0
15-7 187 141.7 141.8 148.5 148.6 175.9 176.0
15-8 188 141.8 141.9 148.6 148.7 176.0 176.1
15-9 189 141.8 141.9 148.6 148.7 176.0 176.1
15-10 190 141.9 142.0 148.7 148.8 176.0 176.1
15-11 191 142.0 142.1 148.8 148.9 176.1 176.2
16-0 192 142.1 142.2 148.8 148.9 176.1 176.2
16-1 193 142.1 142.2 148.9 149.0 176.1 176.2
16-2 194 142.2 142.3 149.0 149.1 176.1 176.2
16-3 195 142.2 142.3 149.0 149.1 176.2 176.3
16-4 196 142.3 142.4 149.1 149.2 176.2 176.3
16-5 197 142.3 142.4 149.1 149.2 176.2 176.3
16-6 198 142.4 142.5 149.1 149.2 176.2 176.3
16-7 199 142.4 142.5 149.2 149.3 176.2 176.3
16-8 200 142.5 142.6 149.2 149.3 176.2 176.3
16-9 201 142.5 142.6 149.3 149.4 176.2 176.3
16-10 202 142.6 142.7 149.3 149.4 176.2 176.3
16-11 203 142.6 142.7 149.3 149.4 176.2 176.3
17-0 204 142.7 142.8 149.4 149.5 176.2 176.3
17-1 205 142.7 142.8 149.4 149.5 176.2 176.3
17-2 206 142.8 142.9 149.4 149.5 176.2 176.3
17-3 207 142.8 142.9 149.5 149.6 176.3 176.4
17-4 208 142.8 142.9 149.5 149.6 176.3 176.4
17-5 209 142.9 143.0 149.5 149.6 176.3 176.4
17-6 210 142.9 143.0 149.6 149.7 176.3 176.4
17-7 211 143.0 143.1 149.6 149.7 176.3 176.4
17-8 212 143.0 143.1 149.6 149.7 176.3 176.4
17-9 213 143.0 143.1 149.7 149.8 176.3 176.4
17-10 214 143.1 143.2 149.7 149.8 176.3 176.4
17-11 215 143.1 143.2 149.7 149.8 176.3 176.4
18-0 216 143.1 143.2 149.7 149.8 176.3 176.4
18-1 217 143.2 143.3 149.8 149.9 176.3 176.4
18-2 218 143.2 143.3 149.8 149.9 176.3 176.4
18-3 219 143.2 143.3 149.8 149.9 176.3 176.4
18-4 220 143.3 143.4 149.8 149.9 176.3 176.4
18-5 221 143.3 143.4 149.9 150.0 176.3 176.4
18-6 222 143.3 143.4 149.9 150.0 176.3 176.4
18-7 223 143.3 143.4 149.9 150.0 176.3 176.4
18-8 224 143.4 143.5 149.9 150.0 176.3 176.4
18-9 225 143.4 143.5 149.9 150.0 176.3 176.4
18-10 226 143.4 143.5 149.9 150.0 176.3 176.4
18-11 227 143.4 143.5 150.0 150.1 176.2 176.3
19-0 228 143.4 143.5 150.0 150.1 176.2 176.3
Department of Education
BMI-for-Age BOYS
6-19 years old

Severely Wasted
Normal Overweight

Year-Month Months from to from to from

6-0 72 ≤12.0 12.1 12.9 13.0 18.5 18.6

6-1 73 ≤12.0 12.1 12.9 13.0 18.6 18.7

6-2 74 ≤12.1 12.2 13.0 13.1 18.6 18.7

6-3 75 ≤12.1 12.2 13.0 13.1 18.6 18.7
6-4 76 ≤12.1 12.2 13.0 13.1 18.7 18.8
6-5 77 ≤12.1 12.2 13.0 13.1 18.7 18.8
6-6 78 ≤12.1 12.2 13.0 13.1 18.7 18.8
6-7 79 ≤12.1 12.2 13.0 13.1 18.8 18.9
6-8 80 ≤12.1 12.2 13.0 13.1 18.8 18.9
6-9 81 ≤12.1 12.2 13.0 13.1 18.9 19.0
6-10 82 ≤12.1 12.2 13.0 13.1 18.9 19.0
6-11 83 ≤12.1 12.2 13.0 13.1 19.0 19.1
7-0 84 ≤12.2 12.3 13.0 13.1 19.0 19.1
7-1 85 ≤12.2 12.3 13.1 13.2 19.1 19.2
7-2 86 ≤12.2 12.3 13.1 13.2 19.1 19.2
7-3 87 ≤12.2 12.3 13.1 13.2 19.2 19.3

7-4 88 ≤12.2 12.3 13.1 13.2 19.2 19.3

7-5 89 ≤12.2 12.3 13.1 13.2 19.3 19.4
7-6 90 ≤12.2 12.3 13.1 13.2 19.3 19.4
7-7 91 ≤12.2 12.3 13.1 13.2 19.4 19.5
7-8 92 ≤12.2 12.3 13.1 13.2 19.4 19.5
7-9 93 ≤12.3 12.4 13.2 13.3 19.5 19.6
7-10 94 ≤12.3 12.4 13.2 13.3 19.6 19.7
7-11 95 ≤12.3 12.4 13.2 13.3 19.6 19.7
8-0 96 ≤12.3 12.4 13.2 13.3 19.7 19.8
8-1 97 ≤12.3 12.4 13.2 13.3 19.7 19.8
8-2 98 ≤12.3 12.4 13.2 13.3 19.8 19.9
8-3 99 ≤12.3 12.4 13.2 13.3 19.9 20.0
8-4 100 ≤12.3 12.4 13.3 13.4 19.9 20.0
8-5 101 ≤12.4 12.5 13.3 13.4 20.0 20.1
8-6 102 ≤12.4 12.5 13.3 13.4 20.1 20.2
8-7 103 ≤12.4 12.5 13.3 13.4 20.1 20.2
8-8 104 ≤12.4 12.5 13.3 13.4 20.2 20.3
8-9 105 ≤12.4 12.5 13.3 13.4 20.3 20.4
8-10 106 ≤12.4 12.5 13.4 13.5 20.3 20.4
8-11 107 ≤12.4 12.5 13.4 13.5 20.4 20.5
9-0 108 ≤12.5 12.6 13.4 13.5 20.5 20.6
9-1 109 ≤12.5 12.6 13.4 13.5 20.5 20.6
9-2 110 ≤12.5 12.6 13.4 13.5 20.6 20.7
9-3 111 ≤12.5 12.6 13.4 13.5 20.7 20.8
9-4 112 ≤12.5 12.6 13.5 13.6 20.8 20.9
9-5 113 ≤12.5 12.6 13.5 13.6 20.8 20.9
9-6 114 ≤12.6 12.7 13.5 13.6 20.9 21.0
9-7 115 ≤12.6 12.7 13.5 13.6 21.0 21.1
9-8 116 ≤12.6 12.7 13.5 13.6 21.1 21.2
9-9 117 ≤12.6 12.7 13.6 13.7 21.2 21.3
9-10 118 ≤12.6 12.7 13.6 13.7 21.2 21.3
9-11 119 ≤12.7 12.8 13.6 13.7 21.3 21.4
10-0 120 ≤12.7 12.8 13.6 13.7 21.4 21.5
10-1 121 ≤12.7 12.8 13.7 13.8 21.5 21.6
10-2 122 ≤12.7 12.8 13.7 13.8 21.6 21.7
10-3 123 ≤12.7 12.8 13.7 13.8 21.7 21.8
10-4 124 ≤12.8 12.9 13.7 13.8 21.7 21.8
10-5 125 ≤12.8 12.9 13.8 13.9 21.8 21.9
10-6 126 ≤12.8 12.9 13.8 13.9 21.9 22.0
10-7 127 ≤12.8 12.9 13.8 13.9 22.0 22.1
10-8 128 ≤12.9 13.0 13.8 13.9 22.1 22.2
10-9 129 ≤12.9 13.0 13.9 14.0 22.2 22.3
10-10 130 ≤12.9 13.0 13.9 14.0 22.3 22.4
10-11 131 ≤12.9 13.0 13.9 14.0 22.4 22.5
11-0 132 ≤13.0 13.1 14.0 14.1 22.5 22.6
11-1 133 ≤13.0 13.1 14.0 14.1 22.5 22.6
11-2 134 ≤13.0 13.1 14.0 14.1 22.6 22.7
11-3 135 ≤13.0 13.1 14.0 14.1 22.7 22.8
11-4 136 ≤13.1 13.2 14.1 14.2 22.8 22.9
11-5 137 ≤13.1 13.2 14.1 14.2 22.9 23.0
11-6 138 ≤13.1 13.2 14.1 14.2 23.0 23.1
11-7 139 ≤13.1 13.2 14.2 14.3 23.1 23.2
11-8 140 ≤13.2 13.3 14.2 14.3 23.2 23.3
11-9 141 ≤13.2 13.3 14.2 14.3 23.3 23.4
11-10 142 ≤13.2 13.3 14.3 14.4 23.4 23.5
11-11 143 ≤13.3 13.4 14.3 14.4 23.5 23.6
12-0 144 ≤13.3 13.4 14.4 14.5 23.6 23.7
12-1 145 ≤13.3 13.4 14.4 14.5 23.7 23.8
12-2 146 ≤13.4 13.5 14.4 14.5 23.8 23.9
12-3 147 ≤13.4 13.5 14.5 14.6 23.9 24.0
12-4 148 ≤13.4 13.5 14.5 14.6 24.0 24.1
12-5 149 ≤13.5 13.6 14.5 14.6 24.1 24.2
12-6 150 ≤13.5 13.6 14.6 14.7 24.2 24.3
12-7 151 ≤13.5 13.6 14.6 14.7 24.3 24.4
12-8 152 ≤13.6 13.7 14.7 14.8 24.4 24.5
12-9 153 ≤13.6 13.7 14.7 14.8 24.5 24.6
12-10 154 ≤13.6 13.7 14.7 14.8 24.6 24.7
12-11 155 ≤13.7 13.8 14.8 14.9 24.7 24.8
13-0 156 ≤13.7 13.8 14.8 14.9 24.8 24.9
13-1 157 ≤13.7 13.8 14.9 15.0 24.9 25.0
13-2 158 ≤13.8 13.9 14.9 15.0 25.0 25.1
13-3 159 ≤13.8 13.9 15.0 15.1 25.1 25.2
13-4 160 ≤13.9 14.0 15.0 15.1 25.2 25.3
13-5 161 ≤13.9 14.0 15.1 15.2 25.2 25.3
13-6 162 ≤13.9 14.0 15.1 15.2 25.3 25.4
13-7 163 ≤14.0 14.1 15.1 15.2 25.4 25.5
13-8 164 ≤14.0 14.1 15.2 15.3 25.5 25.6
13-9 165 ≤14.0 14.1 15.2 15.3 25.6 25.7
13-10 166 ≤14.1 14.2 15.3 15.4 25.7 25.8
13-11 167 ≤14.1 14.2 15.3 15.4 25.8 25.9
14-0 168 ≤14.2 14.3 15.4 15.5 25.9 26.0
14-1 169 ≤14.2 14.3 15.4 15.5 26.0 26.1
14-2 170 ≤14.2 14.3 15.5 15.6 26.1 26.2
14-3 171 ≤14.3 14.4 15.5 15.6 26.2 26.3
14-4 172 ≤14.3 14.4 15.6 15.7 26.3 26.4
14-5 173 ≤14.4 14.5 15.6 15.7 26.4 26.5
14-6 174 ≤14.4 14.5 15.6 15.7 26.5 26.6
14-7 175 ≤14.4 14.5 15.7 15.8 26.5 26.6
14-8 176 ≤14.5 14.6 15.7 15.8 26.6 26.7
14-9 177 ≤14.5 14.6 15.8 15.9 26.7 26.8
14-10 178 ≤14.5 14.6 15.8 15.9 26.8 26.9
14-11 179 ≤14.6 14.7 15.9 16.0 26.9 27.0
15-0 180 ≤14.6 14.7 15.9 16.0 27.0 27.1
15-1 181 ≤14.6 14.7 16.0 16.1 27.1 27.2
15-2 182 ≤14.7 14.8 16.0 16.1 27.1 27.2
15-3 183 ≤14.7 14.8 16.0 16.1 27.2 27.3
15-4 184 ≤14.7 14.8 16.1 16.2 27.3 27.4
15-5 185 ≤14.8 14.9 16.1 16.2 27.4 27.5
15-6 186 ≤14.8 14.9 16.2 16.3 27.4 27.5
15-7 187 ≤14.9 15.0 16.2 16.3 27.5 27.6
15-8 188 ≤14.9 15.0 16.2 16.3 27.6 27.7
15-9 189 ≤14.9 15.0 16.3 16.4 27.7 27.8
15-10 190 ≤14.9 15.0 16.3 16.4 27.7 27.8
15-11 191 ≤15.0 15.1 16.4 16.5 27.8 27.9
16-0 192 ≤15.0 15.1 16.4 16.5 27.9 28.0
16-1 193 ≤15.0 15.1 16.4 16.5 27.9 28.0
16-2 194 ≤15.1 15.2 16.5 16.6 28.0 28.1
16-3 195 ≤15.1 15.2 16.5 16.6 28.1 28.2
16-4 196 ≤15.1 15.2 16.6 16.7 28.1 28.2
16-5 197 ≤15.2 15.3 16.6 16.7 28.2 28.3
16-6 198 ≤15.2 15.3 16.6 16.7 28.3 28.4
16-7 199 ≤15.2 15.3 16.7 16.8 28.3 28.4
16-8 200 ≤15.2 15.3 16.7 16.8 28.4 28.5
16-9 201 ≤15.3 15.4 16.7 16.8 28.5 28.6
16-10 202 ≤15.3 15.4 16.8 16.9 28.5 28.6
16-11 203 ≤15.3 15.4 16.8 16.9 28.6 28.7
17-0 204 ≤15.3 15.4 16.8 16.9 28.6 28.7
17-1 205 ≤15.4 15.5 16.9 17.0 28.7 28.8
17-2 206 ≤15.4 15.5 16.9 17.0 28.7 28.8
17-3 207 ≤15.4 15.5 16.9 17.0 28.8 28.9
17-4 208 ≤15.4 15.5 17.0 17.1 28.9 29.0
17-5 209 ≤15.5 15.6 17.0 17.1 28.9 29.0
17-6 210 ≤15.5 15.6 17.0 17.1 29.0 29.1
17-7 211 ≤15.5 15.6 17.0 17.1 29.0 29.1
17-8 212 ≤15.5 15.6 17.1 17.2 29.1 29.2
17-9 213 ≤15.5 15.6 17.1 17.2 29.1 29.2
17-10 214 ≤15.6 15.7 17.1 17.2 29.2 29.3
17-11 215 ≤15.6 15.7 17.2 17.3 29.2 29.3
18-0 216 ≤15.6 15.7 17.2 17.3 29.2 29.3
18-1 217 ≤15.6 15.7 17.2 17.3 29.3 29.4
18-2 218 ≤15.6 15.7 17.2 17.3 29.3 29.4
18-3 219 ≤15.6 15.7 17.3 17.4 29.4 29.5
18-4 220 ≤15.7 15.8 17.3 17.4 29.4 29.5
18-5 221 ≤15.7 15.8 17.3 17.4 29.5 29.6
18-6 222 ≤15.7 15.8 17.3 17.4 29.5 29.6
18-7 223 ≤15.7 15.8 17.4 17.5 29.5 29.6
18-8 224 ≤15.7 15.8 17.4 17.5 29.6 29.7
18-9 225 ≤15.7 15.8 17.4 17.5 29.6 29.7
18-10 226 ≤15.7 15.8 17.4 17.5 29.6 29.7
18-11 227 ≤15.7 15.8 17.4 17.5 29.7 29.8
19-0 228 ≤15.8 15.9 17.5 17.6 29.7 29.8
Department of Education
6-19 years old
Severely Wasted
Overweight Obese Wasted Normal

to Year-Month Months from to from

20.7 20.8≥ 6-0 72 ≤11.6 11.7 12.6 12.7

20.8 20.9≥ 6-1 73 ≤11.6 11.7 12.6 12.7

20.8 20.9≥ 6-2 74 ≤11.6 11.7 12.6 12.7

20.9 21.0≥ 6-3 75 ≤11.6 11.7 12.6 12.7
21.0 21.1≥ 6-4 76 ≤11.6 11.7 12.6 12.7
21.0 21.1≥ 6-5 77 ≤11.6 11.7 12.6 12.7
21.1 21.2≥ 6-6 78 ≤11.6 11.7 12.6 12.7
21.2 21.3≥ 6-7 79 ≤11.6 11.7 12.6 12.7
21.3 21.4≥ 6-8 80 ≤11.6 11.7 12.6 12.7
21.3 21.4≥ 6-9 81 ≤11.6 11.7 12.6 12.7
21.4 21.5≥ 6-10 82 ≤11.6 11.7 12.6 12.7
21.5 21.6≥ 6-11 83 ≤11.6 11.7 12.6 12.7
21.6 21.7≥ 7-0 84 ≤11.7 11.8 12.6 12.7
21.7 21.8≥ 7-1 85 ≤11.7 11.8 12.6 12.7
21.8 21.8≥ 7-2 86 ≤11.7 11.8 12.7 12.8
21.9 22.0≥ 7-3 87 ≤11.7 11.8 12.7 12.8

22.0 22.1≥ 7-4 88 ≤11.7 11.8 12.7 12.8

22.0 22.1≥ 7-5 89 ≤11.7 11.8 12.7 12.8
22.1 22.2≥ 7-6 90 ≤11.7 11.8 12.7 12.8
22.2 22.3≥ 7-7 91 ≤11.7 11.8 12.7 12.8
22.4 22.5≥ 7-8 92 ≤11.7 11.8 12.7 12.8
22.5 22.6≥ 7-9 93 ≤11.7 11.8 12.7 12.8
22.6 22.7≥ 7-10 94 ≤11.8 11.9 12.8 12.9
22.7 22.8≥ 7-11 95 ≤11.8 11.9 12.8 12.9
22.8 22.9≥ 8-0 96 ≤11.8 11.9 12.8 12.9
22.9 23.0≥ 8-1 97 ≤11.8 11.9 12.8 12.9
23.0 23.1≥ 8-2 98 ≤11.8 11.9 12.8 12.9
23.1 23.2≥ 8-3 99 ≤11.8 11.9 12.8 12.9
23.3 23.4≥ 8-4 100 ≤11.8 11.9 12.9 13.0
23.4 23.5≥ 8-5 101 ≤11.9 12.0 12.9 13.0
23.5 23.6≥ 8-6 102 ≤11.9 12.0 12.9 13.0
23.6 23.7≥ 8-7 103 ≤11.9 12.0 12.9 13.0
23.8 23.9≥ 8-8 104 ≤11.9 12.0 12.9 13.0
23.9 24.0≥ 8-9 105 ≤11.9 12.0 13.0 13.1
24.0 24.1≥ 8-10 106 ≤12.0 12.1 13.0 13.1
24.2 24.3≥ 8-11 107 ≤12.0 12.1 13.0 13.1
24.3 24.4≥ 9-0 108 ≤12.0 12.1 13.0 13.1
24.4 24.5≥ 9-1 109 ≤12.0 12.1 13.1 13.2
24.6 24.7≥ 9-2 110 ≤12.0 12.1 13.1 13.2
24.7 24.8≥ 9-3 111 ≤12.1 12.2 13.1 13.2
24.9 25.0≥ 9-4 112 ≤12.1 12.2 13.1 13.2
25.0 25.1≥ 9-5 113 ≤12.1 12.2 13.2 13.3
25.1 25.2≥ 9-6 114 ≤12.1 12.2 13.2 13.3
25.3 25.4≥ 9-7 115 ≤12.2 12.3 13.2 13.3
25.5 25.6≥ 9-8 116 ≤12.2 12.3 13.3 13.4
25.6 25.7≥ 9-9 117 ≤12.2 12.3 13.3 13.4
25.8 25.9≥ 9-10 118 ≤12.2 12.3 13.3 13.4
25.9 26.0≥ 9-11 119 ≤12.3 12.4 13.3 13.4
26.1 26.2≥ 10-0 120 ≤12.3 12.4 13.4 13.5
26.2 26.3≥ 10-1 121 ≤12.3 12.4 13.4 13.5
26.4 26.5≥ 10-2 122 ≤12.3 12.4 13.4 13.5
26.6 26.7≥ 10-3 123 ≤12.4 12.5 13.5 13.6
26.7 26.8≥ 10-4 124 ≤12.4 12.5 13.5 13.6
26.9 27.0≥ 10-5 125 ≤12.4 12.5 13.5 13.6
27.0 27.1≥ 10-6 126 ≤12.4 12.5 13.6 13.7
27.2 27.3≥ 10-7 127 ≤12.5 12.6 13.6 13.7
27.4 27.5≥ 10-8 128 ≤12.5 12.6 13.6 13.7
27.5 27.6≥ 10-9 129 ≤12.5 12.6 13.7 13.8
27.7 27.8≥ 10-10 130 ≤12.6 12.7 13.7 13.8
27.9 28.0≥ 10-11 131 ≤12.6 12.7 13.7 13.8
28.0 28.1≥ 11-0 132 ≤12.6 12.7 13.8 13.9
28.2 28.3≥ 11-1 133 ≤12.7 12.8 13.8 13.9
28.4 28.5≥ 11-2 134 ≤12.7 12.8 13.9 14.0
28.5 28.6≥ 11-3 135 ≤12.7 12.8 13.9 14.0
28.7 28.8≥ 11-4 136 ≤12.8 12.9 13.9 14.0
28.8 28.9≥ 11-5 137 ≤12.8 12.9 14.0 14.1
29.0 29.1≥ 11-6 138 ≤12.8 12.9 14.0 14.1
29.2 29.3≥ 11-7 139 ≤12.9 13.0 14.1 14.2
29.3 29.4≥ 11-8 140 ≤12.9 13.0 14.1 14.2
29.5 29.6≥ 11-9 141 ≤12.9 13.0 14.2 14.3
29.6 29.7≥ 11-10 142 ≤13.0 13.1 14.2 14.3
29.8 29.9≥ 11-11 143 ≤13.0 13.1 14.2 14.3
30.0 30.1≥ 12-0 144 ≤13.1 13.2 14.3 14.4
30.1 30.2≥ 12-1 145 ≤13.1 13.2 14.3 14.4
30.3 30.4≥ 12-2 146 ≤13.1 13.2 14.4 14.5
30.4 30.5≥ 12-3 147 ≤13.2 13.3 14.4 14.5
30.6 30.7≥ 12-4 148 ≤13.2 13.3 14.5 14.6
30.7 30.8≥ 12-5 149 ≤13.2 13.3 14.5 14.6
30.9 31.0≥ 12-6 150 ≤13.3 13.4 14.6 14.7
31.0 31.1≥ 12-7 151 ≤13.3 13.4 14.6 14.7
31.1 31.2≥ 12-8 152 ≤13.4 13.5 14.7 14.8
31.3 31.4≥ 12-9 153 ≤13.4 13.5 14.7 14.8
31.4 31.5≥ 12-10 154 ≤13.4 13.5 14.7 14.8
31.6 31.7≥ 12-11 155 ≤13.5 13.6 14.8 14.9
31.7 31.8≥ 13-0 156 ≤13.5 13.6 14.8 14.9
31.8 31.9≥ 13-1 157 ≤13.5 13.6 14.9 15.0
31.9 32.0≥ 13-2 158 ≤13.6 13.7 14.9 15.0
32.1 32.2≥ 13-3 159 ≤13.6 13.7 15.0 15.1
32.2 32.3≥ 13-4 160 ≤13.7 13.8 15.0 15.1
32.3 32.4≥ 13-5 161 ≤13.7 13.8 15.1 15.2
32.4 32.5≥ 13-6 162 ≤13.7 13.8 15.1 15.2
32.6 32.7≥ 13-7 163 ≤13.8 13.9 15.1 15.2
32.7 32.8≥ 13-8 164 ≤13.8 13.9 15.2 15.3
32.8 32.9≥ 13-9 165 ≤13.8 13.9 15.2 15.3
32.9 33.0≥ 13-10 166 ≤13.9 14.0 15.3 15.4
33.0 33.1≥ 13-11 167 ≤13.9 14.0 15.3 15.4
33.1 33.2≥ 14-0 168 ≤13.9 14.0 15.3 15.4
33.2 33.3≥ 14-1 169 ≤14.0 14.1 15.4 15.5
33.3 33.4≥ 14-2 170 ≤14.0 14.1 15.4 15.5
33.4 33.5≥ 14-3 171 ≤14.0 14.1 15.5 15.6
33.5 33.6≥ 14-4 172 ≤14.0 14.1 15.5 15.6
33.5 33.6≥ 14-5 173 ≤14.1 14.2 15.5 15.6
33.6 33.7≥ 14-6 174 ≤14.1 14.2 15.6 15.7
33.7 33.8≥ 14-7 175 ≤14.1 14.2 15.6 15.7
33.8 33.9≥ 14-8 176 ≤14.2 14.3 15.6 15.7
33.9 34.0≥ 14-9 177 ≤14.2 14.3 15.7 15.8
33.9 34.0≥ 14-10 178 ≤14.2 14.3 15.7 15.8
34.0 34.1≥ 14-11 179 ≤14.2 14.3 15.7 15.8
34.1 34.2≥ 15-0 180 ≤14.3 14.4 15.8 15.9
34.1 34.2≥ 15-1 181 ≤14.3 14.4 15.8 15.9
34.2 34.3≥ 15-2 182 ≤14.3 14.4 15.8 15.9
34.3 34.4≥ 15-3 183 ≤14.3 14.4 15.9 16.0
34.3 34.4≥ 15-4 184 ≤14.4 14.5 15.9 16.0
34.4 34.5≥ 15-5 185 ≤14.4 14.5 15.9 16.0
34.5 34.6≥ 15-6 186 ≤14.4 14.5 15.9 16.0
34.5 34.6≥ 15-7 187 ≤14.4 14.5 16.0 16.1
34.6 34.7≥ 15-8 188 ≤14.4 14.5 16.0 16.1
34.6 34.7≥ 15-9 189 ≤14.4 14.5 16.0 16.1
34.7 34.8≥ 15-10 190 ≤14.5 14.6 16.0 16.1
34.7 34.8≥ 15-11 191 ≤14.5 14.6 16.1 16.2
34.8 34.9≥ 16-0 192 ≤14.5 14.6 16.1 16.2
34.8 34.9≥ 16-1 193 ≤14.5 14.6 16.1 16.2
34.8 34.9≥ 16-2 194 ≤14.5 14.6 16.1 16.2
34.9 35.0≥ 16-3 195 ≤14.5 14.6 16.1 16.2
34.9 35.0≥ 16-4 196 ≤14.5 14.6 16.1 16.2
35.0 35.1≥ 16-5 197 ≤14.5 14.6 16.2 16.3
35.0 35.1≥ 16-6 198 ≤14.6 14.7 16.2 16.3
35.0 35.1≥ 16-7 199 ≤14.6 14.7 16.2 16.3
35.1 35.2≥ 16-8 200 ≤14.6 14.7 16.2 16.3
35.1 35.2≥ 16-9 201 ≤14.6 14.7 16.2 16.3
35.1 35.2≥ 16-10 202 ≤14.6 14.7 16.2 16.3
35.2 35.3≥ 16-11 203 ≤14.6 14.7 16.2 16.3
35.2 35.3≥ 17-0 204 ≤14.6 14.7 16.3 16.4
35.2 35.3≥ 17-1 205 ≤14.6 14.7 16.3 16.4
35.2 35.3≥ 17-2 206 ≤14.6 14.7 16.3 16.4
35.3 35.4≥ 17-3 207 ≤14.6 14.7 16.3 16.4
35.3 35.4≥ 17-4 208 ≤14.6 14.7 16.3 16.4
35.3 35.4≥ 17-5 209 ≤14.6 14.7 16.3 16.4
35.3 35.4≥ 17-6 210 ≤14.6 14.7 16.3 16.4
35.4 35.5≥ 17-7 211 ≤14.6 14.7 16.3 16.4
35.4 35.5≥ 17-8 212 ≤14.6 14.7 16.3 16.4
35.4 35.5≥ 17-9 213 ≤14.6 14.7 16.3 16.4
35.4 35.5≥ 17-10 214 ≤14.6 14.7 16.3 16.4
35.4 35.5≥ 17-11 215 ≤14.6 14.7 16.3 16.4
35.4 35.5≥ 18-0 216 ≤14.6 14.7 16.3 16.4
35.4 35.5≥ 18-1 217 ≤14.6 14.7 16.4 16.5
35.5 35.6≥ 18-2 218 ≤14.6 14.7 16.4 16.5
35.5 35.6≥ 18-3 219 ≤14.6 14.7 16.4 16.5
35.5 35.6≥ 18-4 220 ≤14.6 14.7 16.4 16.5
35.5 35.6≥ 18-5 221 ≤14.6 14.7 16.4 16.5
35.5 35.6≥ 18-6 222 ≤14.6 14.7 16.4 16.5
35.5 35.6≥ 18-7 223 ≤14.6 14.7 16.4 16.5
35.5 35.6≥ 18-8 224 ≤14.6 14.7 16.4 16.5
35.5 35.6≥ 18-9 225 ≤14.6 14.7 16.4 16.5
35.5 35.6≥ 18-10 226 ≤14.6 14.7 16.4 16.5
35.5 35.6≥ 18-11 227 ≤14.6 14.7 16.4 16.5
35.5 35.6≥ 19-0 228 ≤14.6 14.7 16.4 16.5
of Education Weight (kg) for Age of Boy
Upon computation of correct age-in-months, look for the point where the
Normal Overweight Obese
of the child in the column corresponding to the child's sex.
to from to Weight (BOYS)

19.2 19.3 22.1 22.2≥

Age 2/ Underweight Normal
19.3 19.4 22.2 22.3≥ Underweight

-3 SD <-2 SD -2 SD
19.3 19.4 22.3 22.4≥ <-3SD
19.3 19.4 22.4 22.5≥ From To From

19.4 19.5 22.5 22.6≥ 0 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.5

19.4 19.5 22.6 22.7≥ 1 2.9 3.0 3.3 3.4
19.5 19.6 22.7 22.8≥ 2 3.8 3.9 4.2 4.3
19.5 19.6 22.8 22.9≥ 3 4.4 4.5 4.9 5.0
19.6 19.7 22.9 23.0≥ 4 4.9 5.0 5.5 5.6
19.6 19.7 23.0 23.1≥ 5 5.3 5.4 5.9 6.0
19.7 19.8 23.1 23.2≥ 6 5.7 5.8 6.3 6.4
19.7 19.8 23.2 23.3≥ 7 5.9 6.0 6.6 6.7
19.8 19.9 23.3 23.4≥ 8 6.2 6.3 6.8 6.9
19.8 19.9 23.4 23.5≥ 9 6.4 6.5 7.0 7.1
19.9 20.0 23.5 23.6≥ 10 6.6 6.7 7.3 7.4
20.0 20.1 23.6 23.7≥ 11 6.8 6.9 7.5 7.6

20.0 20.1 23.7 23.8≥ 12 6.9 7.0 7.6 7.7

20.1 20.2 23.9 24.0≥ 13 7.1 7.2 7.8 7.9
20.1 20.2 24.0 24.1≥ 14 7.2 7.3 8.0 8.1
20.2 20.3 24.1 24.2≥ 15 7.4 7.5 8.2 8.3
20.3 20.4 24.2 24.3≥ 16 7.5 7.6 8.3 8.4
20.3 20.4 24.4 24.5≥ 17 7.7 7.8 8.5 8.6
20.4 20.5 24.5 24.6≥ 18 7.8 7.9 8.7 8.8
20.5 20.6 24.6 24.7≥ 19 8.0 8.1 8.8 8.9
20.6 20.7 24.8 24.9≥ 20 8.1 8.2 9.0 9.1
20.6 20.7 24.9 25.0≥ 21 8.2 8.3 9.1 9.2
20.7 20.8 25.1 25.2≥ 22 8.4 8.5 9.3 9.4
20.8 20.9 25.2 25.3≥ 23 8.5 8.6 9.4 9.5
20.9 21.0 25.3 25.4≥ 24 8.6 8.7 9.6 9.7
20.9 21.0 25.5 25.6≥ 25 8.8 8.9 9.7 9.8
21.0 21.1 25.6 25.7≥ 26 8.9 9.0 9.9 10.0
21.1 21.2 25.8 25.9≥ 27 9.0 9.1 10.0 10.1
21.2 21.3 25.9 26.0≥ 28 9.1 9.2 10.1 10.2
21.3 21.4 26.1 26.2≥ 29 9.2 9.3 10.3 10.4
21.3 21.4 26.2 26.3≥ 30 9.4 9.5 10.4 10.5
21.4 21.5 26.4 26.5≥ 31 9.5 9.6 10.6 10.7
21.5 21.6 26.5 26.6≥ 32 9.6 9.7 10.7 10.8
21.6 21.7 26.7 26.8≥ 33 9.7 9.8 10.8 10.9
21.7 21.8 26.8 26.9≥ 34 9.8 9.9 10.9 11.0
21.8 21.9 27.0 27.1≥ 35 9.9 10.0 11.1 11.2
21.9 22.0 27.2 27.3≥ 36 10.0 10.1 11.2 11.3
21.9 22.0 27.3 27.4≥ 37 10.1 10.2 11.3 11.4
22.0 22.1 27.5 27.6≥ 38 10.2 10.3 11.4 11.5
22.1 22.2 27.6 27.7≥ 39 10.3 10.4 11.5 11.6
22.2 22.3 27.8 27.9≥ 40 10.4 10.5 11.7 11.8
22.3 22.4 27.9 28.0≥ 41 10.5 10.6 11.8 11.9
22.4 22.5 28.1 28.2≥ 42 10.6 10.7 11.9 12.0
22.5 22.6 28.2 28.3≥ 43 10.7 10.8 12.0 12.1
22.6 22.7 28.4 28.5≥ 44 10.8 10.9 12.1 12.2
22.7 22.8 28.5 28.6≥ 45 10.9 11.0 12.3 12.4
22.8 22.9 28.7 28.8≥ 46 11.0 11.1 12.4 12.5
22.8 22.9 28.8 28.9≥ 47 11.1 11.2 12.5 12.6
22.9 23.0 29.0 29.1≥ 48 11.2 11.3 12.6 12.7
23.0 23.1 29.1 29.2≥ 49 11.3 11.4 12.7 12.8
23.1 23.2 29.3 29.4≥ 50 11.4 11.5 12.8 12.9
23.2 23.3 29.4 29.5≥ 51 11.5 11.6 13.0 13.1
23.3 23.4 29.6 29.7≥ 52 11.6 11.7 13.1 13.2
23.4 23.5 29.7 29.8≥ 53 11.7 11.8 13.2 13.3
23.5 23.6 29.9 30.0≥ 54 11.8 11.9 13.3 13.4
23.6 23.7 30.0 30.1≥ 55 11.9 12.0 13.4 13.5
23.7 23.8 30.2 30.3≥ 56 12.0 12.1 13.5 13.6
23.8 23.9 30.3 30.4≥ 57 12.1 12.2 13.6 13.7
23.9 24.0 30.5 30.6≥ 58 12.2 12.3 13.7 13.8
24.0 24.1 30.6 30.7≥ 59 12.3 12.4 13.9 14.0
24.1 24.2 30.8 30.9≥ 60 12.4 12.5 14.0 14.1
24.2 24.3 30.9 31.0≥ 61 12.7 12.8 14.3 14.4
24.3 24.4 31.1 31.2≥ 62 12.8 12.9 14.4 14.5
24.4 24.5 31.2 31.3≥ 63 13.0 13.1 14.5 14.6
24.5 24.6 31.4 31.5≥ 64 13.1 13.2 14.7 14.8
24.7 24.8 31.5 31.6≥ 65 13.2 13.3 14.8 14.9
24.8 24.9 31.6 31.7≥ 66 13.3 13.4 14.9 15.0
24.9 25.0 31.8 31.9≥ 67 13.4 13.5 15.1 15.2
25.0 25.1 31.9 32.0≥ 68 13.6 13.7 15.2 15.3
25.1 25.2 32.0 32.1≥ 69 13.7 13.8 15.3 15.4
25.2 25.3 32.2 32.3≥ 70 13.8 13.9 15.5 15.6
25.3 25.4 32.3 32.4≥ 71 13.9 14.0 15.6 15.7
25.4 25.5 32.4 32.5≥ 1/ WHO Child Growth Standards (WHO-CGS), WHO Reference Data
25.5 25.6 32.6 32.7≥ 2/ Age as of last birthday. The age of the child is computed to the ne
25.6 25.7 32.7 32.8≥ computation of age in months. For example, a child born on 01 Octob
25.7 25.8 32.8 32.9≥ Multiplying 2 years by 12 months and adding 10 months, the child wi
25.8 25.9 33.0 33.1≥
25.9 26.0 33.1 33.2≥ NOTE: The symbol "≤" means less than or equal to; and "≥" means
26.0 26.1 33.2 33.3≥
26.1 26.2 33.3 33.4≥
26.2 26.3 33.4 33.5≥ For inquiries, please contact the National Nutrition Council at (02) 84
26.3 26.4 33.6 33.7≥
26.4 26.5 33.7 33.8≥
26.5 26.6 33.8 33.9≥
26.6 26.7 33.9 34.0≥
26.7 26.8 34.0 34.1≥
26.8 26.9 34.1 34.2≥
26.9 27.0 34.2 34.3≥
27.0 27.1 34.3 34.4≥
27.1 27.2 34.4 34.5≥
27.1 27.2 34.5 34.6≥
27.2 27.3 34.6 34.7≥
27.3 27.4 34.7 34.8≥
27.4 27.5 34.7 34.8≥
27.5 27.6 34.8 34.9≥
27.6 27.7 34.9 35.0≥
27.7 27.8 35.0 35.1≥
27.7 27.8 35.1 35.2≥
27.8 27.9 35.1 35.2≥
27.9 28.0 35.2 35.3≥
28.0 28.1 35.3 35.4≥
28.0 28.1 35.4 35.5≥
28.1 28.2 35.4 35.5≥
28.2 28.3 35.5 35.6≥
28.2 28.3 35.5 35.6≥
28.3 28.4 35.6 35.7≥
28.4 28.5 35.7 35.8≥
28.4 28.5 35.7 35.8≥
28.5 28.6 35.8 35.9≥
28.5 28.6 35.8 35.9≥
28.6 28.7 35.8 35.9≥
28.6 28.7 35.9 36.0≥
28.7 28.8 35.9 36.0≥
28.7 28.8 36.0 36.1≥
28.8 28.9 36.0 36.1≥
28.8 28.9 36.0 36.1≥
28.9 29.0 36.1 36.2≥
28.9 29.0 36.1 36.2≥
29.0 29.1 36.1 36.2≥
29.0 29.1 36.1 36.2≥
29.0 29.1 36.2 36.3≥
29.1 29.2 36.2 36.3≥
29.1 29.2 36.2 36.3≥
29.1 29.2 36.2 36.3≥
29.2 29.3 36.2 36.3≥
29.2 29.3 36.3 36.4≥
29.2 29.3 36.3 36.4≥
29.3 29.4 36.3 36.4≥
29.3 29.4 36.3 36.4≥
29.3 29.4 36.3 36.4≥
29.3 29.4 36.3 36.4≥
29.4 29.5 36.3 36.4≥
29.4 29.5 36.3 36.4≥
29.4 29.5 36.3 36.4≥
29.4 29.5 36.3 36.4≥
29.4 29.5 36.3 36.4≥
29.5 29.6 36.3 36.4≥
29.5 29.6 36.3 36.4≥
29.5 29.6 36.3 36.4≥
29.5 29.6 36.3 36.4≥
29.5 29.6 36.3 36.4≥
29.5 29.6 36.3 36.4≥
29.6 29.7 36.3 36.4≥
29.6 29.7 36.3 36.4≥
29.6 29.7 36.3 36.4≥
29.6 29.7 36.2 36.3≥
29.6 29.7 36.2 36.3≥
29.6 29.7 36.2 36.3≥
29.6 29.7 36.2 36.3≥
29.6 29.7 36.2 36.3≥
29.6 29.7 36.2 36.3≥
29.7 29.8 36.2 36.3≥
29.7 29.8 36.2 36.3≥
ht (kg) for Age of Boys and Girls 0-71 Months 1/

ook for the point where the child's age-in-months in the first column intersects with the actual weight

e child's sex.
t (BOYS) Weight (GIRLS)

Normal Overweight Underweight Normal Overweight

+2 SD -3 SD <-2 SD -2 SD +2 SD
>+2 SD <-3SD >+2 SD
To From To From To

4.4 4.5 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.4 4.2 4.3

5.8 5.9 2.7 2.8 3.1 3.2 5.5 5.6
7.1 7.2 3.4 3.5 3.8 3.9 6.6 6.7
8.0 8.1 4.0 4.1 4.4 4.5 7.5 7.6
8.7 8.8 4.4 4.5 4.9 5.0 8.2 8.3
9.3 9.4 4.8 4.9 5.3 5.4 8.8 8.9
9.8 9.9 5.1 5.2 5.6 5.7 9.3 9.4
10.3 10.4 5.3 5.4 5.9 6.0 9.8 9.9
10.7 10.8 5.6 5.7 6.2 6.3 10.2 10.3
11.0 11.1 5.8 5.9 6.4 6.5 10.5 10.6
11.4 11.5 5.9 6.0 6.6 6.7 10.9 11.0
11.7 11.8 6.1 6.2 6.8 6.9 11.2 11.3

12.0 12.1 6.3 6.4 6.9 7.0 11.5 11.6

12.3 12.4 6.4 6.5 7.1 7.2 11.8 11.9
12.6 12.7 6.6 6.7 7.3 7.4 12.1 12.2
12.8 12.9 6.7 6.8 7.5 7.6 12.4 12.5
13.1 13.2 6.9 7.0 7.6 7.7 12.6 12.7
13.4 13.5 7.0 7.1 7.8 7.9 12.9 13.0
13.7 13.8 7.2 7.3 8.0 8.1 13.2 13.3
13.9 14.0 7.3 7.4 8.1 8.2 13.5 13.6
14.2 14.3 7.5 7.6 8.3 8.4 13.7 13.8
14.5 14.6 7.6 7.7 8.5 8.6 14.0 14.1
14.7 14.8 7.8 7.9 8.6 8.7 14.3 14.4
15.0 15.1 7.9 8.0 8.8 8.9 14.6 14.7
15.3 15.4 8.1 8.2 8.9 9.0 14.8 14.9
15.5 15.6 8.2 8.3 9.1 9.2 15.1 15.2
15.8 15.9 8.4 8.5 9.3 9.4 15.4 15.5
16.1 16.2 8.5 8.6 9.4 9.5 15.7 15.8
16.3 16.4 8.6 8.7 9.6 9.7 16.0 16.1
16.6 16.7 8.8 8.9 9.7 9.8 16.2 16.3
16.9 17.0 8.9 9.0 9.9 10.0 16.5 16.6
17.1 17.2 9.0 9.1 10.0 10.1 16.8 16.9
17.4 17.5 9.1 9.2 10.2 10.3 17.1 17.2
17.6 17.7 9.3 9.4 10.3 10.4 17.3 17.4
17.8 17.9 9.4 9.5 10.4 10.5 17.6 17.7
18.1 18.2 9.5 9.6 10.6 10.7 17.9 18.0
18.3 18.4 9.6 9.7 10.7 10.8 18.1 18.2
18.6 18.7 9.7 9.8 10.8 10.9 18.4 18.5
18.8 18.9 9.8 9.9 11.0 11.1 18.7 18.8
19.0 19.1 9.9 10.0 11.1 11.2 19.0 19.1
19.3 19.4 10.1 10.2 11.2 11.3 19.2 19.3
19.5 19.6 10.2 10.3 11.4 11.5 19.5 19.6
19.7 19.8 10.3 10.4 11.5 11.6 19.8 19.9
20.0 20.1 10.4 10.5 11.6 11.7 20.1 20.2
20.2 20.3 10.5 10.6 11.7 11.8 20.4 20.5
20.5 20.6 10.6 10.7 11.9 12.0 20.7 20.8
20.7 20.8 10.7 10.8 12.0 12.1 20.9 21.0
20.9 21.0 10.8 10.9 12.1 12.2 21.2 21.3
21.2 21.3 10.9 11.0 12.2 12.3 21.5 21.6
21.4 21.5 11.0 11.1 12.3 12.4 21.8 21.9
21.7 21.8 11.1 11.2 12.4 12.5 22.1 22.2
21.9 22.0 11.2 11.3 12.6 12.7 22.4 22.5
22.2 22.3 11.3 11.4 12.7 12.8 22.6 22.7
22.4 22.5 11.4 11.5 12.8 12.9 22.9 23.0
22.7 22.8 11.5 11.6 12.9 13.0 23.2 23.3
22.9 23.0 11.6 11.7 13.1 13.2 23.5 23.6
23.2 23.3 11.7 11.8 13.2 13.3 23.8 23.9
23.4 23.5 11.8 11.9 13.3 13.4 24.1 24.2
23.7 23.8 11.9 12.0 13.4 13.5 24.4 24.5
23.9 24.0 12.0 12.1 13.5 13.6 24.6 24.7
24.2 24.3 12.1 12.2 13.6 13.7 24.7 24.8
24.3 24.4 12.4 12.5 13.9 14.0 24.8 24.9
24.4 24.5 12.5 12.6 14.0 14.1 25.1 25.2
24.7 24.8 12.6 12.7 14.1 14.2 25.4 25.5
24.9 25.0 12.7 12.8 14.2 14.3 25.6 25.7
25.2 25.3 12.8 12.9 14.3 14.4 25.9 26.0
25.5 25.6 12.9 13.0 14.5 14.6 26.2 26.3
25.7 25.8 13.0 13.1 14.6 14.7 26.5 26.6
26.0 26.1 13.1 13.2 14.7 14.8 26.7 26.8
26.3 26.4 13.2 13.3 14.8 14.9 27.0 27.1
26.6 26.7 13.3 13.4 14.9 15.0 27.3 27.4
26.8 26.9 13.4 13.5 15.1 15.2 27.6 27.7
S), WHO Reference Data, 2006
ld is computed to the nearest month as of his/her last birth date. The number of days is not included in the
a child born on 01 October 2004 and weighed on 21 August 2007 is 2 years, 10 months and 30 days.
g 10 months, the child will be 24 months plus 10 months or 34 months old.

equal to; and "≥" means more than or equal to.

trition Council at (02) 843-5868, 843-5824.

Weight 1.26 1.28 1.30 1.32 1.34 1.36 1.38 1.40
kg (lb) (49.6) (50.4) (51.2) (52.0) (52.8) (53.5) (54.3) (55.1)

23.00 (50.6) 14.5 14.0 13.6 13.2 12.8 12.4 12.1 11.7

25.00 (55.0) 15.7 15.3 14.8 14.3 13.9 13.5 13.1 12.8

27.00 (59.4) 17.0 16.5 16.0 15.5 15.0 14.6 14.2 13.8

29.00 (63.8) 18.3 17.7 17.2 16.6 16.2 15.7 15.2 14.8

31.00 (68.2) 19.5 18.9 18.3 17.8 17.3 16.8 16.3 15.8
33.00 (72.6) 20.8 20.1 19.5 18.9 18.4 17.8 17.3 16.8
35.00 (77.0) 22.0 21.4 20.7 20.1 19.5 18.9 18.4 17.9
37.00 (81.4) 23.3 22.6 21.9 21.2 20.6 20.0 19.4 18.9
39.00 (85.8) 24.6 23.8 23.1 22.4 21.7 21.1 20.5 19.9
41.00 (90.2) 25.8 25.0 24.3 23.5 22.8 22.2 21.5 20.9
43.00 (94.60) 27.1 26.2 25.4 24.7 23.9 23.2 22.6 21.9
45.00 (99.0) 28.3 27.5 26.6 25.8 25.1 24.3 23.6 23.0
47.00 (103.4) 29.6 28.7 27.8 27.0 26.2 25.4 24.7 24.0
49.00 (107.8) 30.9 29.9 29.0 28.1 27.3 26.5 25.7 25.0
51.00 (112.2) 32.1 31.1 30.2 29.3 28.4 27.6 26.8 26.0
53.00 (116.6) 33.4 32.3 31.4 30.4 29.5 28.7 27.8 27.0

55.00 (121.0) 34.6 33.6 32.5 31.6 30.6 29.7 28.9 28.1
57.00 (125.4) 35.9 34.8 33.7 32.7 31.7 30.8 29.9 29.1
59.00 (129.8) 37.2 36.0 34.9 33.9 32.9 31.9 31.0 30.1
61.00 (134.2) 38.4 37.2 36.1 35.0 34.0 33.0 32.0 31.1
63.00 (138.6) 39.7 38.5 37.3 36.2 35.1 34.1 33.1 32.1
65.00 (143.0) 40.9 39.7 38.5 37.3 36.2 35.1 34.1 33.2
67.00 (147.4) 42.2 40.9 39.6 38.5 37.3 36.2 35.2 34.2
69.00 (151.8) 43.5 42.1 40.8 39.6 38.4 37.3 36.2 35.2
71.00 (156.2) 44.7 43.3 42.0 40.7 39.5 38.4 37.3 36.2
73.00 (160.6) 46.0 44.6 43.2 41.9 40.7 39.5 38.3 37.2
75.00 (165.0) 47.2 45.8 44.4 43.0 41.8 40.5 39.4 38.3
77.00 (169.4) 48.5 47.0 45.6 44.2 42.9 41.6 40.4 39.3
79.00 (173.8) 49.8 48.2 46.7 45.3 44.0 42.7 41.5 40.3
81.00 (178.2) 51.0 49.4 47.9 46.5 45.1 43.8 42.5 41.3
83.00 (182.6) 52.3 50.7 49.1 47.6 46.2 44.9 43.6 42.3
85.00 (187.0) 53.5 51.9 50.3 48.8 47.3 46.0 44.6 43.4
87.00 (191.4) 54.8 53.1 51.5 49.9 48.5 47.0 45.7 44.4
89.00 (195.8) 56.1 54.3 52.7 51.1 49.6 48.1 46.7 45.4
91.00 (200.2) 57.3 55.5 53.8 52.2 50.7 49.2 47.8 46.4
93.00 (204.6) 58.6 56.8 55.0 53.4 51.8 50.3 48.8 47.4
95.00 (209.0) 59.8 58.0 56.2 54.5 52.9 51.4 49.9 48.5
97.00 (213.4) 61.1 59.2 57.4 55.7 54.0 52.4 50.9 49.5
99.00 (217.8) 62.4 60.4 58.6 56.8 55.1 53.5 52.0 50.5
101.00 (222.2) 63.6 61.6 59.8 58.0 56.2 54.6 53.0 51.5
103.00 (226.6) 64.9 62.9 60.9 59.1 57.4 55.7 54.1 52.6
105.00 (231.0) 66.1 64.1 62.1 60.3 58.5 56.8 55.1 53.6
107.00 (235.4) 67.4 65.3 63.3 61.4 59.6 57.9 56.2 54.6
109.00 (239.8) 68.7 66.5 64.5 62.6 60.7 58.9 57.2 55.6
110.00 (242.0) 69.3 67.1 65.1 63.1 61.3 59.5 57.8 56.1

Note: If using pound (lb) and inch (in), use the ff formula:
BMI = weight (lb)/[height (in) 2] x 703
Body Mass Index (BMI) = W

Height, m

1.42 1.44 1.46 1.48 1.50 1.52 1.54 1.56 1.58 1.60
(55.9) (56.7) (57.5) (58.3) (59.1) (59.8) (60.6) (61.4) (62.2) (63.0)

11.4 11.1 10.8 10.5 10.2 10.0 9.7 9.5 9.2 9.0

12.4 12.1 11.7 11.4 11.1 10.8 10.5 10.3 10.0 9.8

13.4 13.0 12.7 12.3 12.0 11.7 11.4 11.1 10.8 10.5

14.4 14.0 13.6 13.2 12.9 12.6 12.2 11.9 11.6 11.3

15.4 14.9 14.5 14.2 13.8 13.4 13.1 12.7 12.4 12.1
16.4 15.9 15.5 15.1 14.7 14.3 13.9 13.6 13.2 12.9
17.4 16.9 16.4 16.0 15.6 15.1 14.8 14.4 14.0 13.7
18.3 17.8 17.4 16.9 16.4 16.0 15.6 15.2 14.8 14.5
19.3 18.8 18.3 17.8 17.3 16.9 16.4 16.0 15.6 15.2
20.3 19.8 19.2 18.7 18.2 17.7 17.3 16.8 16.4 16.0
21.3 20.7 20.2 19.6 19.1 18.6 18.1 17.7 17.2 16.8
22.3 21.7 21.1 20.5 20.0 19.5 19.0 18.5 18.0 17.6
23.3 22.7 22.0 21.5 20.9 20.3 19.8 19.3 18.8 18.4
24.3 23.6 23.0 22.4 21.8 21.2 20.7 20.1 19.6 19.1
25.3 24.6 23.9 23.3 22.7 22.1 21.5 21.0 20.4 19.9
26.3 25.6 24.9 24.2 23.6 22.9 22.3 21.8 21.2 20.7

27.3 26.5 25.8 25.1 24.4 23.8 23.2 22.6 22.0 21.5
28.3 27.5 26.7 26.0 25.3 24.7 24.0 23.4 22.8 22.3
29.3 28.5 27.7 26.9 26.2 25.5 24.9 24.2 23.6 23.0
30.3 29.4 28.6 27.8 27.1 26.4 25.7 25.1 24.4 23.8
31.2 30.4 29.6 28.8 28.0 27.3 26.6 25.9 25.2 24.6
32.2 31.3 30.5 29.7 28.9 28.1 27.4 26.7 26.0 25.4
33.2 32.3 31.4 30.6 29.8 29.0 28.3 27.5 26.8 26.2
34.2 33.3 32.4 31.5 30.7 29.9 29.1 28.4 27.6 27.0
35.2 34.2 33.3 32.4 31.6 30.7 29.9 29.2 28.4 27.7
36.2 35.2 34.2 33.3 32.4 31.6 30.8 30.0 29.2 28.5
37.2 36.2 35.2 34.2 33.3 32.5 31.6 30.8 30.0 29.3
38.2 37.1 36.1 35.2 34.2 33.3 32.5 31.6 30.8 30.1
39.2 38.1 37.1 36.1 35.1 34.2 33.3 32.5 31.6 30.9
40.2 39.1 38.0 37.0 36.0 35.1 34.2 33.3 32.4 31.6
41.2 40.0 38.9 37.9 36.9 35.9 35.0 34.1 33.2 32.4
42.2 41.0 39.9 38.8 37.8 36.8 35.8 34.9 34.0 33.2
43.1 42.0 40.8 39.7 38.7 37.7 36.7 35.7 34.9 34.0
44.1 42.9 41.8 40.6 39.6 38.5 37.5 36.6 35.7 34.8
45.1 43.9 42.7 41.5 40.4 39.4 38.4 37.4 36.5 35.5
46.1 44.8 43.6 42.5 41.3 40.3 39.2 38.2 37.3 36.3
47.1 45.8 44.6 43.4 42.2 41.1 40.1 39.0 38.1 37.1
48.1 46.8 45.5 44.3 43.1 42.0 40.9 39.9 38.9 37.9
49.1 47.7 46.4 45.2 44.0 42.8 41.7 40.7 39.7 38.7
50.1 48.7 47.4 46.1 44.9 43.7 42.6 41.5 40.5 39.5
51.1 49.7 48.3 47.0 45.8 44.6 43.4 42.3 41.3 40.2
52.1 50.6 49.3 47.9 46.7 45.4 44.3 43.1 42.1 41.0
53.1 51.6 50.2 48.8 47.6 46.3 45.1 44.0 42.9 41.8
54.1 52.6 51.1 49.8 48.4 47.2 46.0 44.8 43.7 42.6
54.6 53.0 51.6 50.2 48.9 47.6 46.4 45.2 44.1 43.0
s Index (BMI) = Weight (kg)/Height (m)2

Height, m (in)

1.62 1.64 1.66 1.68 1.70 1.72 1.74 1.76 1.78 1.80
(63.8) (64.6) (65.4) (66.1) (66.9) (67.7) (68.5) (69.3) (70.1) (70.9)

8.8 8.6 8.3 8.1 8.0 7.8 7.6 7.4 7.3 7.1

9.5 9.3 9.1 8.9 8.7 8.5 8.3 8.1 7.9 7.7

10.3 10.0 9.8 9.6 9.3 9.1 8.9 8.7 8.5 8.3

11.1 10.8 10.5 10.3 10.0 9.8 9.6 9.4 9.2 9.0

11.8 11.5 11.2 11.0 10.7 10.5 10.2 10.0 9.8 9.6
12.6 12.3 12.0 11.7 11.4 11.2 10.9 10.7 10.4 10.2
13.3 13.0 12.7 12.4 12.1 11.8 11.6 11.3 11.0 10.8
14.1 13.8 13.4 13.1 12.8 12.5 12.2 11.9 11.7 11.4
14.9 14.5 14.2 13.8 13.5 13.2 12.9 12.6 12.3 12.0
15.6 15.2 14.9 14.5 14.2 13.9 13.5 13.2 12.9 12.7
16.4 16.0 15.6 15.2 14.9 14.5 14.2 13.9 13.6 13.3
17.1 16.7 16.3 15.9 15.6 15.2 14.9 14.5 14.2 13.9
17.9 17.5 17.1 16.7 16.3 15.9 15.5 15.2 14.8 14.5
18.7 18.2 17.8 17.4 17.0 16.6 16.2 15.8 15.5 15.1
19.4 19.0 18.5 18.1 17.6 17.2 16.8 16.5 16.1 15.7
20.2 19.7 19.2 18.8 18.3 17.9 17.5 17.1 16.7 16.4

21.0 20.4 20.0 19.5 19.0 18.6 18.2 17.8 17.4 17.0
21.7 21.2 20.7 20.2 19.7 19.3 18.8 18.4 18.0 17.6
22.5 21.9 21.4 20.9 20.4 19.9 19.5 19.0 18.6 18.2
23.2 22.7 22.1 21.6 21.1 20.6 20.1 19.7 19.3 18.8
24.0 23.4 22.9 22.3 21.8 21.3 20.8 20.3 19.9 19.4
24.8 24.2 23.6 23.0 22.5 22.0 21.5 21.0 20.5 20.1
25.5 24.9 24.3 23.7 23.2 22.6 22.1 21.6 21.1 20.7
26.3 25.7 25.0 24.4 23.9 23.3 22.8 22.3 21.8 21.3
27.1 26.4 25.8 25.2 24.6 24.0 23.5 22.9 22.4 21.9
27.8 27.1 26.5 25.9 25.3 24.7 24.1 23.6 23.0 22.5
28.6 27.9 27.2 26.6 26.0 25.4 24.8 24.2 23.7 23.1
29.3 28.6 27.9 27.3 26.6 26.0 25.4 24.9 24.3 23.8
30.1 29.4 28.7 28.0 27.3 26.7 26.1 25.5 24.9 24.4
30.9 30.1 29.4 28.7 28.0 27.4 26.8 26.1 25.6 25.0
31.6 30.9 30.1 29.4 28.7 28.1 27.4 26.8 26.2 25.6
32.4 31.6 30.8 30.1 29.4 28.7 28.1 27.4 26.8 26.2
33.2 32.3 31.6 30.8 30.1 29.4 28.7 28.1 27.5 26.9
33.9 33.1 32.3 31.5 30.8 30.1 29.4 28.7 28.1 27.5
34.7 33.8 33.0 32.2 31.5 30.8 30.1 29.4 28.7 28.1
35.4 34.6 33.7 33.0 32.2 31.4 30.7 30.0 29.4 28.7
36.2 35.3 34.5 33.7 32.9 32.1 31.4 30.7 30.0 29.3
37.0 36.1 35.2 34.4 33.6 32.8 32.0 31.3 30.6 29.9
37.7 36.8 35.9 35.1 34.3 33.5 32.7 32.0 31.2 30.6
38.5 37.6 36.7 35.8 34.9 34.1 33.4 32.6 31.9 31.2
39.2 38.3 37.4 36.5 35.6 34.8 34.0 33.3 32.5 31.8
40.0 39.0 38.1 37.2 36.3 35.5 34.7 33.9 33.1 32.4
40.8 39.8 38.8 37.9 37.0 36.2 35.3 34.5 33.8 33.0
41.5 40.5 39.6 38.6 37.7 36.8 36.0 35.2 34.4 33.6
41.9 40.9 39.9 39.0 38.1 37.2 36.3 35.5 34.7 34.0
1.82 1.84 1.86 1.88 1.90 1.92 1.94 1.96 1.98 2.00
(71.7) (72.4) (73.2) (74.0) (74.8) (75.6) (76.4) (77.2) (78.0) (78.7)

6.9 6.8 6.6 6.5 6.4 6.2 6.1 6.0 5.9 5.8

7.5 7.4 7.2 7.1 6.9 6.8 6.6 6.5 6.4 6.3

8.2 8.0 7.8 7.6 7.5 7.3 7.2 7.0 6.9 6.8

8.8 8.6 8.4 8.2 8.0 7.9 7.7 7.5 7.4 7.3

9.4 9.2 9.0 8.8 8.6 8.4 8.2 8.1 7.9 7.8
10.0 9.7 9.5 9.3 9.1 9.0 8.8 8.6 8.4 8.3
10.6 10.3 10.1 9.9 9.7 9.5 9.3 9.1 8.9 8.8
11.2 10.9 10.7 10.5 10.2 10.0 9.8 9.6 9.4 9.3
11.8 11.5 11.3 11.0 10.8 10.6 10.4 10.2 9.9 9.8
12.4 12.1 11.9 11.6 11.4 11.1 10.9 10.7 10.5 10.3
13.0 12.7 12.4 12.2 11.9 11.7 11.4 11.2 11.0 10.8
13.6 13.3 13.0 12.7 12.5 12.2 12.0 11.7 11.5 11.3
14.2 13.9 13.6 13.3 13.0 12.7 12.5 12.2 12.0 11.8
14.8 14.5 14.2 13.9 13.6 13.3 13.0 12.8 12.5 12.3
15.4 15.1 14.7 14.4 14.1 13.8 13.6 13.3 13.0 12.8
16.0 15.7 15.3 15.0 14.7 14.4 14.1 13.8 13.5 13.3

16.6 16.2 15.9 15.6 15.2 14.9 14.6 14.3 14.0 13.8
17.2 16.8 16.5 16.1 15.8 15.5 15.1 14.8 14.5 14.3
17.8 17.4 17.1 16.7 16.3 16.0 15.7 15.4 15.0 14.8
18.4 18.0 17.6 17.3 16.9 16.5 16.2 15.9 15.6 15.3
19.0 18.6 18.2 17.8 17.5 17.1 16.7 16.4 16.1 15.8
19.6 19.2 18.8 18.4 18.0 17.6 17.3 16.9 16.6 16.3
20.2 19.8 19.4 19.0 18.6 18.2 17.8 17.4 17.1 16.8
20.8 20.4 19.9 19.5 19.1 18.7 18.3 18.0 17.6 17.3
21.4 21.0 20.5 20.1 19.7 19.3 18.9 18.5 18.1 17.8
22.0 21.6 21.1 20.7 20.2 19.8 19.4 19.0 18.6 18.3
22.6 22.2 21.7 21.2 20.8 20.3 19.9 19.5 19.1 18.8
23.2 22.7 22.3 21.8 21.3 20.9 20.5 20.0 19.6 19.3
23.8 23.3 22.8 22.4 21.9 21.4 21.0 20.6 20.2 19.8
24.5 23.9 23.4 22.9 22.4 22.0 21.5 21.1 20.7 20.3
25.1 24.5 24.0 23.5 23.0 22.5 22.1 21.6 21.2 20.8
25.7 25.1 24.6 24.0 23.5 23.1 22.6 22.1 21.7 21.3
26.3 25.7 25.1 24.6 24.1 23.6 23.1 22.6 22.2 21.8
26.9 26.3 25.7 25.2 24.7 24.1 23.6 23.2 22.7 22.3
27.5 26.9 26.3 25.7 25.2 24.7 24.2 23.7 23.2 22.8
28.1 27.5 26.9 26.3 25.8 25.2 24.7 24.2 23.7 23.3
28.7 28.1 27.5 26.9 26.3 25.8 25.2 24.7 24.2 23.8
29.3 28.7 28.0 27.4 26.9 26.3 25.8 25.2 24.7 24.3
29.9 29.2 28.6 28.0 27.4 26.9 26.3 25.8 25.3 24.8
30.5 29.8 29.2 28.6 28.0 27.4 26.8 26.3 25.8 25.3
31.1 30.4 29.8 29.1 28.5 27.9 27.4 26.8 26.3 25.8
31.7 31.0 30.4 29.7 29.1 28.5 27.9 27.3 26.8 26.3
32.3 31.6 30.9 30.3 29.6 29.0 28.4 27.9 27.3 26.8
32.9 32.2 31.5 30.8 30.2 29.6 29.0 28.4 27.8 27.3
33.2 32.5 31.8 31.1 30.5 29.8 29.2 28.6 28.1 27.5


Department of Education
Bureau of Learner Support Services
Endline (January) SY 2017 -2018


Grade Normal Tall
Enrolment Weighed Severely Wasted Wasted Normal Overweight Obese Severely Stunted Stunted Height
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Kinder F
Grade 1 F
Grade 2 F
Grade 3 F
Grade 4 F
Grade 5 F
Grade 6 F

09/09/2019 436700176.xls
Department of Education
Bureau of Learner Support Services
Baseline (June) SY 2019 -2020


Grade Normal Tall
Enrolment Weighed Severely Wasted Wasted Normal Overweight Obese Severely Stunted Stunted Height
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
M 420 420 100.00% 8 1.90% 21 5.00% 340 80.95% 40 9.52% 11 2.62% 13 3.10% 77 18.33% 329 78.33% 1 0.24% 420 100.00%
Grade 7 F 375 375 100.00% 2 0.53% 12 3.20% 326 86.93% 32 8.53% 3 0.80% 13 3.47% 51 13.60% 308 82.13% 2 0.53% 374 99.73%
Total 795 795 100.00% 10 1.26% 33 4.15% 666 83.77% 72 9.06% 14 1.76% 26 3.27% 128 16.10% 637 80.13% 3 0.38% 794 99.87%
Z 375 375 100.00% 12 3.20% 22 5.87% 325 86.67% 16 4.27% 0 0.00% 19 5.07% 58 15.47% 297 79.20% 1 0.27% 375 100.00%
Grade 8 F 418 418 100.00% 12 2.87% 16 3.83% 363 86.84% 20 4.78% 7 1.67% 10 2.39% 70 16.75% 338 80.86% 0 0.00% 418 100.00%
Total 793 793 100.00% 24 3.03% 38 4.79% 688 86.76% 36 4.54% 7 0.88% 29 3.66% 128 16.14% 635 80.08% 1 0.13% 793 100.00%
M 366 366 100.00% 10 2.73% 37 10.11% 294 80.33% 20 5.46% 5 1.37% 8 2.19% 42 11.48% 311 84.97% 2 0.55% 363 99.18%
Grade 9 F 398 398 100.00% 6 1.51% 21 5.28% 358 89.95% 13 3.27% 0 0.00% 5 1.26% 48 12.06% 344 86.43% 0 0.00% 397 99.75%
Total 764 764 100.00% 16 2.09% 58 7.59% 652 85.34% 33 4.32% 5 0.65% 13 1.70% 90 11.78% 655 85.73% 2 0.26% 760 99.48%
Grade 10 F
Grade 11 F
Grade 12 F
M 786 786 100.00% 18 2.29% 58 7.38% 634 80.66% 60 7.63% 16 2.04% 21 2.67% 119 15.14% 640 81.42% 3 0.38% 783 99.62%
F 1,191 1,191 100.00% 20 1.68% 49 4.11% 1,047 87.91% 65 5.46% 10 0.84% 28 2.35% 169 14.19% 990 83.12% 2 0.17% 1,189 99.83%
Total 2,352 2,352 100.00% 50 2.13% 129 5.48% 2,006 85.29% 141 5.99% 26 1.11% 68 2.89% 346 14.71% 1,927 81.93% 6 0.26% 2,347 99.79%
09/09/2019 436700176.xls
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 BAMBA, MARTIN B. 4/16/2007 26 1.36 m 1.8496 12 , 1 14 Wasted Grade 7:
2 MENDOZA, DARREN B. 3/13/2006 29 1.41 m 1.9881 13 , 2 14.5 Wasted Grade 7:
3 MENOR, JAREL KYLE D. 11/12/2006 31 1.46 m 2.1316 12 , 6 14.5 Wasted Grade 7:
4 VINUYA, RUSSEL I. 5/11/2003 41 1.6 m 2.56 16 , 0 16 Wasted Grade 7:
5 MARTIN, ASHLEY MAE P. 4/12/2007 41 1.69 f 2.8561 12 , 1 14.3 Wasted Grade 7:
6 ABALOS, RANIE NICOL T. 1/23/2006 30 1.41 f 1.9881 13 , 4 15 Wasted Grade 7:
7 YUMUL, MARL KENT T. 6/19/2004 36 1.51 m 2.2801 14 , 11 15.7 Wasted Grade 7:
8 DIZON, JOHN FRANCIS S. 10/20/2006 31 1.47 m 2.1609 12 , 7 14.3 Wasted Grade 7:
9 ARCEO, EMAN DANIEL S. 7/9/2007 28 1.43 M 2.0449 11 , 11 13.6 Wasted Grade 7:
10 ARROJO, JOHN ARCEL R. 10/17/2006 29 1.42 M 2.0164 12 , 7 14.3 Wasted Grade 7:
11 PUNO, WYNGARD S. 1/16/2007 32 1.5 M 2.25 12 , 4 14.2 Wasted Grade 7:
12 CELIS, PRECIOUS ERIKA 11/24/2007 28 1.41 F 1.9881 11 , 6 14 Wasted Grade 7:
13 MARCELO, ZABRINA KAYTHE 1/29/2007 27 1.37 F 1.8769 12 , 4 14.3 Wasted Grade 7:
14 MAGLALANG, HANNA JOY P. 4/1/2007 26 1.35 F 1.8225 12 , 2 14.2 Wasted Grade 7:
15 RICO, CHRISSA ANNE V. 2/15/2007 26 1.34 F 1.7956 12 , 3 14.4 Wasted Grade 7:
16 VILLAROJO, ALEXANDRA GAIL 8/22/2007 28 1.4 F 1.96 11 , 9 14.2 Wasted Grade 7:
17 CHU, JUWEL G. 3/8/2006 29 1.39 M 1.9321 13 , 3 15 Wasted GRADE 7:
18 RIVERA, JHON PAUL L. 8/3/2007 28 1.4 M 1.96 11 , 10 14.2 Wasted GRADE 7:
19 CALMA JR., EDUARDO G. 11/30/2006 24 1.28 M 1.6384 12 , 6 14.6 Wasted Grade 7:
20 MANALO, DONNA FAITH T. 2/24/2007 26 1.38 F 1.9044 12 , 3 13.6 Wasted Grade 7:
21 DIZON, JOSEPH S. 10/13/2006 26 1.34 M 1.7956 12 , 7 14.4 Wasted Grade 7:
22 GRAVADOR, SHAWN MICHAEL 3/28/2006 33 1.53 M 2.3409 13 , 2 14 Wasted Grade 7:
23 LAXAMANA, LANCE SEBASTIAN 10/1/2007 25 1.33 M 1.7689 11 , 8 14.1 Wasted Grade 7:
24 RIZAGA, JAMES STEVEN M. 2/24/2007 26 1.36 M 1.8496 12 , 3 14 Wasted Grade 7:
25 LUZUNG, MICO R. 10/21/2007 21 1.24 M 1.5376 11 , 7 13.6 Wasted Grade 7:
26 GONZALES, DWYNNE JILLARY R 4/25/2007 22 1.26 F 1.5876 12 , 1 13.8 Wasted Grade 7:
27 NAOL, ETHAN SEBASTIAN G. 7/24/2006 29 1.41 M 1.9881 12 , 10 14.5 Wasted Grade 7:
28 SANTIAGO, FRITZ IAN S. 9/19/2006 29 1.42 M 2.0164 12 , 8 14.3 Wasted Grade 7:
29 DIMATULAC, KRISTINE Q. 4/14/2007 27 1.37 F 1.8769 12 , 1 14.3 Wasted Grade 7:
30 CANLAS, DAVE CARLO DIZON 8/23/2007 26 1.39 M 1.9321 11 , 9 13.4 Wasted Grade 7:
31 MAGLALANG, HANNA KIM J. 4/1/2007 25 1.33 F 1.7689 12 , 2 14.1 Wasted #VALUE!
32 EVANS, RONALD S. 10/22/2000 47 1.58 M 2.4964 18 , 7 18.8 Wasted Grade 7:
33 SANTOS, DUNSTAN G. 9/3/2007 54 1.47 M 2.1609 11 , 9 24.9 Wasted Grade 7:
34 LARION, GHIROME Y. 2/13/2007 28 1.42 M 2.0164 12 , 3 13.8 Wasted Grade 7:
35 MACO, RUSSEL JOHN S. 3/11/2005 34 1.53 M 2.3409 14 , 2 14.5 Wasted Grade 8:
36 RIVERA, NEITHAN 7/30/2006 27 1.4 M 1.96 12 , 10 13.7 Wasted Grade 8:
37 LALU, KIANNE PAOLO A. 4/24/2006 40 1.66 M 2.7556 13 , 1 14.5 Wasted Grade 8:
38 LAMPA, ISABELLE E. 12/9/2005 35 1.54 F 2.3716 13 , 6 14.7 Wasted Grade 8:
39 DELA CRUZ, TRISTAN AZZER R. 1/16/2006 38 1.6 M 2.56 13 , 4 14.8 Wasted Grade 8:
40 ATIENZA, CRISTINE JOY A. 10/26/2004 33 1.51 F 2.2801 14 , 7 14.4 Wasted Grade 8:
41 MAURICIO, ALLYZA DIANE A. 6/21/2005 35 1.51 F 2.2801 13 , 11 15.3 Wasted Grade 8:
42 SERRANO, ANDREA A. 7/25/2006 30 1.49 F 2.2201 12 , 10 13.5 Wasted Grade 8:
43 Dimabuyu, Joshua 7/25/2005 32 1.48 m 2.1904 13 , 10 14.6 Wasted Grade 8:
44 Malabasco, Dapp Daniel 8/25/2006 25 1.34 m 1.7956 12 , 9 13.9 Wasted Grade 8:
45 Vijungco, Jhon Luie 12/25/2003 36 1.5 m 2.25 15 , 5 16 Wasted Grade 8:
46 Licup, Princess Izzy 4/18/2004 34 1.53 f 2.3409 15 , 1 14.5 Wasted Grade 8:
47 Okawara, Marika G. 2/19/2005 35 1.51 f 2.2801 14 , 3 15.3 Wasted Grade 8:
48 Basul, Jhuzteen Khysle 3/24/2005 37 1.57 m 2.4649 14 , 2 15 Wasted Grade 8:
49 Laxamana, Arnel 6/14/2004 33 1.45 m 2.1025 14 , 11 15.6 Wasted Grade 8:
50 Manalac, Paula Nicole 9/13/2006 32 1.49 f 2.2201 12 , 8 14.4 Wasted Grade 8:
51 Pineda, Shereena May 12/6/2005 33 1.48 f 2.1904 13 , 6 15 Wasted Grade 8:
52 Rivera, Lanz S. 2/11/2006 33 1.53 m 2.3409 13 , 3 14 Wasted Grade 8:
53 Estabillo, Kate Kristel 9/20/2004 33 1.5 f 2.25 14 , 8 14.6 Wasted Grade 8:
54 Arrojo, Francis 12/7/2004 31 1.46 m 2.1316 14 , 6 14.5 Wasted Grade 8:
55 Balbag, Rodel 11/13/2005 37 1.57 m 2.4649 13 , 6 15 Wasted Grade 8:
56 Magleo, Henry King C. 6/16/2006 30 1.46 M 2.1316 12 , 11 14 Wasted Grade 8:
57 Aguilar, Renalyn 12/16/2003 37 1.59 F 2.5281 15 , 5 14.6 Wasted Grade 8:
58 Molina, Oloisa 7/10/2003 37 1.55 F 2.4025 15 , 11 15.4 Wasted Grade 8:
59 San Diego, Albert James 8/18/2006 26 1.37 M 1.8769 12 , 9 13.8 Wasted Grade 8:
60 Manalang, Jasmare F. 10/27/2002 40 1.61 M 2.5921 16 , 7 15.4 Wasted Grade 9:
61 Yusi, Jansdale S. 5/21/2005 36 1.53 M 2.3409 14 , 0 15.3 Wasted Grade 9:
62 Tengco, Mariah Angel M. 5/26/2005 36 1.55 F 2.4025 14 , 0 14.9 Wasted Grade 9:
63 Lopez, Gerome D. 12/3/2003 37 1.56 M 2.4336 15 , 6 15.2 Wasted Grade 9:
64 Perez, Nathaniel Q. 12/3/2003 37 1.56 M 2.4336 15 , 6 15.2 Wasted Grade 9:
65 Pineda, Lucky B. 3/16/2005 32 1.46 M 2.1316 14 , 2 15 Wasted Grade 9:
66 Rivera, Prince Ashlee 5/2/2005 38 1.57 M 2.4649 14 , 1 15.4 Wasted Grade 9:
67 Soriano, Darwin B. 9/24/2003 44 1.65 M 2.7225 15 , 8 16.1 Wasted Grade 9:
68 Tayao, Cristian N. 10/3/2005 30 1.42 M 2.0164 13 , 8 14.8 Wasted Grade 9:
69 Licup, Romalyn, C. 2/18/2005 39 1.59 F 2.5281 14 , 3 15.4 Wasted Grade 9:
70 CUTAMURA, KEVIN GLENN 9/3/2002 39 1.59 M 2.5281 16 , 9 15.4 Wasted Grade 9:
71 MERCADO, JAZTINE CARELL L. 8/31/2005 43 1.72 M 2.9584 13 , 9 14.5 Wasted Grade 9:
72 LAMPA, JOSHUA 11/16/2002 42 1.65 M 2.7225 16 , 6 15.4 Wasted Grade 9:
73 DAVID, SPEED M. 8/9/2004 37 1.58 M 2.4964 14 , 10 14.8 Wasted Grade 9:
74 PINEDA, VINCENT NICOLO D. 9/6/2005 39 1.61 M 2.5921 13 , 9 15 Wasted Grade 9:
75 SARMIENTO, MARK EMMA 1/16/2004 46 1.69 M 2.8561 15 , 4 16.1 Wasted Grade 9:
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
76 SINGH, PRINCESS AIRA G. 10/19/2004 38 1.57 F 2.4649 14 , 7 15.4 Wasted Grade 9:
77 VELASCO, ROSALINA S. 11/27/2003 35 1.49 F 2.2201 15 , 6 15.7 Wasted Grade 9:
78 Malapitan, John Rovin 9/3/2002 41 1.6 M 2.56 16 , 9 16 Wasted Grade 9:
79 DALAPO, ALEXANDRA NICOLE 4/22/2005 34 1.53 F 2.3409 14 , 1 14.5 Wasted Grade 9:
80 DUNGCA, NADINE O. 10/28/2004 39 1.58 F 2.4964 14 , 7 15.6 Wasted Grade 9:
81 TURLA, JOANA MARIE P. 3/2/2003 34 1.46 F 2.1316 16 , 3 15.9 Wasted Grade 9:
82 Layug, Kurt Lance 7/15/2004 35 1.52 M 2.3104 14 , 10 15.1 Wasted Grade 9:
83 LOPEZ, PAULO G. 5/3/2005 37 1.57 M 2.4649 14 , 1 15 Wasted Grade 9:
84 MANANSALA, LAURENCE D. 7/28/2005 39 1.62 M 2.6244 13 , 10 14.8 Wasted Grade 9:
85 ESCOTO, ALICE M. 1/7/2000 45 1.61 F 2.5921 19 , 5 17.3 Wasted Grade 9:
86 VITAL, RYZA T. 2/18/2005 34 1.5 F 2.25 14 , 3 15.1 Wasted Grade 9:
87 CUDIA, ANGEL V. 9/1/2003 45 1.7 M 2.89 15 , 9 15.5 Wasted Grade 9:
88 QUINES, EDWARD JONATHAN 5/7/2005 37 1.58 M 2.4964 14 , 1 14.8 Wasted Grade 9:
89 YUMUL, ALVIN TRISTAN T. 4/21/2005 34 1.5 M 2.25 14 , 1 15.1 Wasted Grade 9:
90 DIZON, MARISTEL KATE B. 8/26/2004 35 1.52 F 2.3104 14 , 9 15.1 Wasted Grade 9:
91 ESCOTO, NICOLE C. 9/19/2005 31 1.47 F 2.1609 13 , 8 14.3 Wasted Grade 9:
92 HIPOLITO, JAMAICA ROSE R. 5/25/2005 38 1.6 F 2.56 14 , 0 14.8 Wasted Grade 9:
93 LAGMAN, LYZA ANDREI L. 8/27/2004 36 1.58 F 2.4964 14 , 9 14.4 Wasted Grade 9:
94 LAODENIO, SUSETTE T. 6/19/2004 35 1.5 F 2.25 14 , 11 15.5 Wasted Grade 9:
95 TAYAG, JOHN ROBERT N. 7/18/2004 40 1.6 M 2.56 14 , 10 15.6 Wasted Grade 9:
96 CASTRO, KRISTINA A. 4/24/2004 35 1.51 F 2.2801 15 , 1 15.3 Wasted Grade 9:
97 Pineda, John William 10/28/2004 36 1.53 M 2.3409 14 , 7 15.3 Wasted Grade 9:
98 Sebia, Lance 9/15/2004 38 1.56 M 2.4336 14 , 8 15.6 Wasted Grade 9:
99 Villanueva, Mark Jhonel 10/25/2004 44 1.67 M 2.7889 14 , 7 15.7 Wasted Grade 9:
100 Gamboa, Stephanie 2/6/2005 39 1.59 F 2.5281 14 , 4 15.4 Wasted Grade 9:
101 Hermias, Melbourne 4/17/2003 40 1.62 M 2.6244 16 , 1 15.2 Wasted Grade 9:
102 Leosala, Regine 6/10/2005 30 1.43 F 2.0449 14 , 0 14.6 Wasted Grade 9:
103 Matic, Cyrone Luigi 10/13/2005 37 1.57 F 2.4649 13 , 7 15 Wasted Grade 9:
104 Hermias, Melbourne 4/17/2003 40 1.62 M 2.6244 16 , 1 15.2 Wasted Grade 9:
105 Leosala, Regine 6/10/2005 30 1.43 F 2.0449 14 , 0 14.6 Wasted Grade 9:
106 Matic, Cyrone Luigi 10/13/2005 37 1.57 F 2.4649 13 , 7 15 Wasted Grade 9:
107 Dizon Jr., Roel 12/31/2002 36 1.48 M 2.1904 16 , 5 16.4 Wasted Grade 9:
108 Gamboa, John Harchi 10/5/2003 40 1.58 M 2.4964 15 , 8 16 Wasted Grade 9:
109 Alvarez, John Raiven 12/24/2004 31 1.42 M 2.0164 14 , 5 15.3 Wasted Grade 9:
110 Caneda, Jefre 9/17/2004 37 1.59 M 2.5281 14 , 8 14.6 Wasted Grade 9:
111 Villanueva, Glyza 11/10/2004 33 1.46 F 2.1316 14 , 7 15.4 Wasted Grade 9:
112 Fajardo, John Michael 9/22/2004 43 1.66 M 2.7556 14 , 8 15.6 Wasted Grade 9:
113 Pagcu, Cedrick 2/19/2004 37 1.56 M 2.4336 15 , 3 15.2 Wasted Grade 9:
114 Sacramento, John Christian 11/15/2004 39 1.6 M 2.56 14 , 6 15.2 Wasted Grade 9:
115 Sanchez, Justine James 3/11/2003 37 1.5 M 2.25 16 , 2 16.4 Wasted Grade 9:
116 Cansino, Mariel 12/15/2003 32 1.48 F 2.1904 15 , 5 14.6 Wasted Grade 9:
117 DAGTA, GIAN BELTRAN 12/14/2006 24 1.29 m 1.6641 12 , 5 14.4 Wasted Grade 9:
118 Arrojo, Francis 12/7/2004 31 1.46 m 2.1316 14 , 6 14.5 Wasted Grade 8:
119 Balbag, Rodel 11/13/2005 37 1.57 m 2.4649 13 , 6 15 Wasted Grade 8:
120 Rivera, Lanz S. 2/11/2006 33 1.53 m 2.3409 13 , 3 14 Wasted Grade 8:
121 Estabillo, Kate Kristel 9/20/2004 33 1.5 f 2.25 14 , 8 14.6 Wasted Grade 8:
122 Basul, Jhuzteen Khysle 3/24/2005 37 1.57 m 2.4649 14 , 2 15 Wasted Grade 8:
123 Laxamana, Arnel 6/14/2004 33 1.45 m 2.1025 14 , 11 15.6 Wasted Grade 8:
124 Manalac, Paula Nicole 9/13/2006 32 1.49 f 2.2201 12 , 8 14.4 Wasted Grade 8:
125 Pineda, Shereena May 12/6/2005 33 1.48 f 2.1904 13 , 6 15 Wasted Grade 8:
126 Dimabuyu, Joshua 7/25/2005 32 1.48 m 2.1904 13 , 10 14.6 Wasted Grade 8:
127 Malabasco, Dapp Daniel 8/25/2006 25 1.34 m 1.7956 12 , 9 13.9 Wasted Grade 8:
128 Vijungco, Jhon Luie 12/25/2003 36 1.5 m 2.25 15 , 5 16 Wasted Grade 8:
129 Licup, Princess Izzy 4/18/2004 34 1.53 f 2.3409 15 , 1 14.5 Wasted Grade 8:
130 Okawara, Marika G. 2/19/2005 35 1.51 f 2.2801 14 , 3 15.3 Wasted Grade 8:
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Overweight

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) Index
Weight Height Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index


Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m 2
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Overweight

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Overweight

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m 2
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index


Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m 2
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Wasted

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Grade Level
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 7: Elijah

Birthday Weight Height Height2 Age Body
Names mm/dd/yyyy Sex (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . ADRIANO, JARGON YURI J. 10/14/2007 21 1.37 m 1.8769 11 ,7 11.10 Severely Wasted Normal
2 . AUDITOR, MIG JAMES V. 10/24/2006 30 1.38 m 1.9044 12 ,7 15.70 Normal Stunted
3 . BAMBA, MARTIN B. 4/16/2007 26 1.36 m 1.8496 12 ,1 14.00 Wasted Normal
4 . BARACINA, BRENT CLAIVENT P. 3/31/2004 46 1.53 m 2.3409 15 ,2 19.60 Normal Stunted
5 . BARACINA, KENNETH P. 6/8/2005 42 1.52 m 2.3104 14 ,0 18.10 Normal Normal
6 . BUQUE, ANGEL JOHN 12/12/2007 46 1.46 m 2.1316 11 ,5 21.50 Normal Normal
7 . CORCUERA, MARK ANGELO M. 2/28/2007 42 1.49 m 2.2201 12 ,3 18.90 Normal Normal
8 . DAVID, ALDON DWAYNE M. 12/28/2006 41 1.38 m 1.9044 12 ,5 21.50 Normal Normal
9 . GAMBOA, JOHN RITCHIE O. 8/2/2006 31 1.38 m 1.9044 12 , 10 16.20 Normal Stunted
10 . GORUBAT, RASHEED KRISTOFF C. 8/3/2007 31 1.41 m 1.9881 11 , 10 15.50 Normal Normal
11 . MALIG, JOHN CARLO G. 9/16/2005 48 1.59 m 2.5281 13 ,8 18.90 Normal Normal
12 . MENDOZA, DARREN B. 3/13/2006 29 1.41 m 1.9881 13 ,2 14.50 Wasted Stunted
13 . MENOR, JAREL KYLE D. 11/12/2006 31 1.46 m 2.1316 12 ,6 14.50 Wasted Normal
14 . MERCADO II, RODRIGO V. 8/26/2004 45 1.59 m 2.5281 14 ,9 17.70 Normal Normal
15 . NAVARRO, PRINCE ROVILLE E. 4/1/2006 52 1.55 m 2.4025 13 ,2 21.60 Normal Normal
16 . RAMOS, JESLIE JOHN 3/1/2007 39 1.45 m 2.1025 12 ,3 18.50 Normal Normal
17 . RAMOS, JOHN ANDREW J. 12/1/2003 47 1.6 m 2.5600 15 ,6 18.30 Normal Normal
18 . SADOGLIO, JAMIER AZRIEL D. 5/26/2007 60 1.52 m 2.3104 12 ,0 25.90 Overweight Normal
19 . SERRANO, IVAN 1/9/2006 45 1.6 m 2.5600 13 ,5 17.50 Normal Normal
20 . SICAT, MART DHARE P. 3/2/2007 50 1.46 m 2.1316 12 ,3 23.40 Normal Normal
21 . VILLANUEVA, JOVI D. 8/19/2007 30 1.39 m 1.9321 11 ,9 15.50 Normal Normal
22 . VINUYA, RUSSEL I. 5/11/2003 41 1.6 m 2.5600 16 ,0 16.00 Wasted Normal
23 . ARCEBUCHE, KRESHELL MAE M. 7/24/2007 39 1.48 f 2.1904 11 , 10 17.80 Normal Normal
24 . BANAG, AVRIL ASHLEY G. 5/12/2007 39 1.45 f 2.1025 12 ,0 18.50 Normal Normal
25 . CODAL, ALEESON P. 8/25/2007 44 1.43 f 2.0449 11 ,9 21.50 Normal Normal
26 . DELOS REYES, RICA MAE M. 5/2/2007 42 1.49 f 2.2201 12 ,1 18.90 Normal Normal
27 . DIMABUYU, JOBELLE M. 2/10/2007 32 1.41 f 1.9881 12 ,4 16.00 Normal Normal
28 . ENERA, BRITHNEY S. 9/1/2007 29 1.33 f 1.7689 11 ,9 16.30 Normal Stunted
29 . GUINA, KRISTAL KAYE T. 5/17/2007 40 1.45 f 2.1025 12 ,0 19.00 Normal Normal
30 . LACSAMANA, LORRAINE JANE D. 1/27/2007 32 1.39 f 1.9321 12 ,4 16.50 Normal Stunted
31 . MAÑALAC, RITCH P. 6/7/2007 44 1.47 f 2.1609 12 ,0 20.30 Normal Normal
32 . MARTIN, ASHLEY MAE P. 4/12/2007 41 1.69 f 2.8561 12 ,1 14.30 Wasted Tall
33 . MATTIAS, ANJELA P. 4/17/2007 27 1.27 f 1.6129 12 ,1 16.70 Normal Severely Stunted
34 . RAMOS EUNICE 2/1/2007 39 1.5 f 2.2500 12 ,4 17.30 Normal Normal
35 . REYES, ANGELICA G. 7/2/2007 35 1.47 f 2.1609 11 , 11 16.10 Normal Normal
36 . SANGALANG, JAMIE M. 2/12/2007 66 1.54 f 2.3716 12 ,3 27.80 Overweight Normal
37 . SUNGA, VALERY MAE D. 2/14/2007 52 1.46 f 2.1316 12 ,3 24.30 Normal Normal
38 . TIAMZON, PRINCESS LHEM M. 8/17/2007 29 1.3 f 1.6900 11 ,9 17.10 Normal Stunted
39 . TOLERO, CLAUDELYN C. 8/2/2007 32 1.37 f 1.8769 11 , 10 17.00 Normal Normal
40 . ZAPANTA, CASHLY G. 9/14/2007 43 1.47 f 2.1609 11 ,8 19.80 Normal Normal
41 . BETANA, KEITH J. 8/4/2004 48 1.61 m 2.5921 14 , 10 18.50 Normal Normal
42 . MELLA, AVERY JAYE R. 5/29/2007 30 1.31 f 1.7161 12 ,0 17.40 Normal Stunted
43 . ILO, EMMANUEL M. 1/22/2007 45 1.45 m 2.1025 12 ,4 21.40 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 24 19 43 No. of Cases 24 19 43 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 1 0 1 Sev. Stunted 0 1 1 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 4 1 5 Stunted 4 4 8
Normal 18 17 35 Normal 20 13 33
Overweight 1 1 2 Tall 0 1 1
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 7: Luke

Birthday Weight Height Height2 Age Body
Names mm/dd/yyyy Sex (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . ABALOS, JOHN FEDERICK F. 4/8/2007 33 1.41 m 1.9881 12 ,2 16.50 Normal Normal
2 . ADRIANO, JEMUEL P. 9/2/2007 25 1.3 m 1.6900 11 ,9 14.70 Normal Stunted
3 . ALDANA, KIRBY M. 4/15/2006 37 1.44 m 2.0736 13 ,1 17.80 Normal Normal
4 . CARREON, JAY BRANDON D. 3/21/2006 53 1.6 m 2.5600 13 ,2 20.70 Normal Normal
5 . DAVID, BRYAN L. 1/12/2007 39 1.47 m 2.1609 12 ,4 18.00 Normal Normal
6 . DE BELEN, LLOYD AXEL 3/9/2006 37 1.53 m 2.3409 13 ,3 15.80 Normal Normal
7 . DIZON, JESSIE S. 10/13/2008 31 1.39 m 1.9321 10 ,7 16.00 Normal Normal
8 . FLORENCIO, JONEL T. 10/21/2005 32 1.44 m 2.0736 13 ,7 15.40 Normal Stunted
9 . HIPOLITO, JARRED ROBBIE R. 11/17/2007 26 1.35 m 1.8225 11 ,6 14.20 Normal Normal
10 . MAGTULIS, CHRISTOPHER A. 12/27/2005 31 1.41 m 1.9881 13 ,5 15.50 Normal Stunted
11 . MANGANTI, MAVRHIC ALEX C. 8/23/2005 35 1.42 m 2.0164 13 ,9 17.30 Normal Stunted
12 . MANGILA, MARVIN 8/4/2005 40 1.56 m 2.4336 13 , 10 16.40 Normal Normal
13 . PANGILINAN, ADRIAN P. 3/26/2007 29 1.34 m 1.7956 12 ,2 16.10 Normal Stunted
14 . PINEDA, RAFAEL L. 12/16/2006 32 1.45 m 2.1025 12 ,5 15.20 Normal Normal
15 . QUITORIANO, JUNLHYN Y. 6/7/2006 53 1.46 m 2.1316 13 ,0 24.80 Normal Normal
16 . SALUNGA, JUSTIN T. 11/30/2006 36 1.46 m 2.1316 12 ,6 16.80 Normal Normal
17 . SICAT, DANIEL JR. P. 8/9/2007 29 1.33 m 1.7689 11 , 10 16.30 Normal Stunted
18 . SUPAN, NASH ANDREW A. 2/19/2007 38 1.37 m 1.8769 12 ,3 20.20 Normal Normal
19 . TENEGRA, RENZEL 9/10/2005 58 1.56 m 2.4336 13 ,9 23.80 Normal Normal
20 . VITALES, GABRIEL D. 2/8/2007 31 1.41 m 1.9881 12 ,4 15.50 Normal Normal
21 . YABUT, TYRONE M. 3/3/2007 53 1.48 m 2.1904 12 ,3 24.10 Overweight Normal
22 . ABALOS, RANIE NICOL T. 1/23/2006 30 1.41 f 1.9881 13 ,4 15.00 Wasted Stunted
23 . BAYBAYON, JOEREN C. 8/2/2006 36 1.44 m 2.0736 12 , 10 17.30 Normal Normal
24 . CATALAN, KATHLEEN JOY E. 2/4/2006 31 1.4 f 1.9600 13 ,4 15.80 Normal Stunted
25 . CODERIS, KZER GIE D. 6/26/2006 48 1.46 f 2.1316 12 , 11 22.50 Normal Normal
26 . DAYAG, RAIZA R. 4/12/2005 36 1.45 f 2.1025 14 ,1 17.10 Normal Stunted
27 . DE MESA, SAMANTHA FAITH M. 5/18/2006 44 1.5 f 2.2500 13 ,0 19.50 Normal Normal
28 . DEL ROSARIO, JENNY T. 6/7/2007 34 1.41 f 1.9881 12 ,0 17.10 Normal Normal
29 . DELA CRUZ, CHRISSA MAY R. 1/17/2007 42 1.54 f 2.3716 12 ,4 17.70 Normal Normal
30 . DUNGCA, MA. ARABELLA G. 6/6/2007 66 1.54 f 2.3716 12 ,0 27.80 Overweight Normal
31 . ESPEJO. STEPHANIE LORAINE M. 12/16/2006 49 1.57 f 2.4649 12 ,5 19.80 Normal Normal
32 . JAVIER, MARY FATIMA T. 4/2/2006 39 1.46 f 2.1316 13 ,2 18.20 Normal Normal
33 . MANGANTI, XYREL LOUISE C. 1/2/2007 25 1.27 f 1.6129 12 ,5 15.50 Normal Severely Stunted
34 . MANIAGO, ARRIANE A. 6/16/2007 37 1.43 f 2.0449 11 , 11 18.00 Normal Normal
35 . PANGANIBAN, NERICKA M. 4/4/2007 34 1.45 f 2.1025 12 ,2 16.10 Normal Normal
36 . PAYABYAB, KRISTEL C. 1/25/2007 32 1.43 f 2.0449 12 ,4 15.60 Normal Normal
37 . SICAT, NICOLE JOY A. 5/17/2007 72 1.58 f 2.4964 12 ,0 28.80 Overweight Normal
38 . SICAT, PRECIOUS D. 10/17/2007 50 1.41 f 1.9881 11 ,7 25.10 Overweight Normal
39 . SINGSON, ANGEL D. 3/9/2007 37 1.42 f 2.0164 12 ,3 18.30 Normal Normal
40 . TOLENTINO, JONNA MIE L. 8/1/2006 45 1.53 f 2.3409 12 , 10 19.20 Normal Normal
41 . UBERA, DIAN SHARMELL A. 9/20/2006 41 1.53 f 2.3409 12 ,8 17.50 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 22 19 41 No. of Cases 22 19 41 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 0 1 1 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 0 1 1 Stunted 6 3 9
Normal 21 15 36 Normal 16 15 31
Overweight 1 3 4 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 7: Paul

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . ANTONIO, JEFFERSON G. 8/7/2005 74 1.52 m 2.3104 13 , 10 32.00 Overweight Normal
2 . ANTONIO, JOSHUA JEREME G. 4/17/2007 69 1.44 m 2.0736 12 ,1 33.20 Obese Normal
3 . ATIENZA, PAUL JOHN C. 1/21/2007 30 1.36 m 1.8496 12 ,4 16.20 Normal Stunted
4 . BENITEZ, REX MERBEN M. 10/11/2006 25 1.36 m 1.8496 12 ,7 13.50 Severely Wasted Stunted
5 . CANSINO, CHRISTOPHER V. 12/12/2006 29 1.31 m 1.7161 12 ,5 16.80 Normal Stunted
6 . CAPITULO, JUSTIN JOEL A. 2/15/2004 55 1.65 m 2.7225 15 ,3 20.20 Normal Normal
7 . CLANOR, JASON E. 10/28/2005 45 1.58 m 2.4964 13 ,7 18.00 Normal Normal
8 . CORDOVA, CHRISTIAN SOLOMON G. 12/5/2005 50 1.47 m 2.1609 13 ,6 23.10 Normal Normal
9 . DE GUZMAN, NHEL P. 5/21/2005 39 1.51 m 2.2801 14 ,0 17.10 Normal Normal
10 . DIAZ, AARON KING S. 1/3/2006 85 1.59 m 2.5281 13 ,5 33.60 Obese Normal
11 . FLORES, ALJON FELIX O. 7/1/2007 39 1.55 m 2.4025 11 , 11 16.20 Normal Normal
12 . KABILING, PRINCE CARL T. 4/29/2007 41 1.56 m 2.4336 12 ,1 16.80 Normal Normal
13 . MALIG, JUSTINE KENNETH G. 11/14/2006 42 1.5 m 2.2500 12 ,6 18.60 Normal Normal
14 . MALLARI, EUGINE D. 2/2/2007 61 1.41 m 1.9881 12 ,4 30.60 Overweight Normal
15 . PENGSON, GLEN T. 1/5/2006 35 1.5 m 2.2500 13 ,5 15.50 Normal Normal
16 . PERALTA, JHENDEL 11/3/2006 34 1.38 m 1.9044 12 ,7 17.80 Normal Stunted
17 . PINEDA, DANE STEFAN T. 4/27/2007 55 1.57 m 2.4649 12 ,1 22.30 Normal Normal
18 . PINEDA, ROCHIE KENNETH C. 6/24/2007 28 1.33 m 1.7689 11 , 11 15.80 Normal Stunted
19 . PIO, GIAN CARL L. 5/30/2006 42 1.56 m 2.4336 13 ,0 17.20 Normal Normal
20 . TOLENTINO, JOHN CHRISTOPHER A. 8/4/2007 61 1.55 m 2.4025 11 , 10 25.30 Overweight Normal
21 . YANGCO, DHRAEIANNE JAMES 8/2/2007 37 1.4 m 1.9600 11 , 10 18.80 Normal Normal
22 . YUMUL, MARL KENT T. 6/19/2004 36 1.51 m 2.2801 14 , 11 15.70 Wasted Stunted
23 . SARMIENTO, JYVINE KIEN G. 4/13/2007 52 1.44 m 2.0736 12 ,1 25.00 Overweight Normal
24 . ALFARO, ARIANNE JOY N. 9/17/2007 48 1.53 f 2.3409 11 ,8 20.50 Normal Normal
25 . ANDASAN, MAYLENE L. 2/5/2006 50 1.58 f 2.4964 13 ,4 20.00 Normal Normal
26 . BASCO, FAITH LYKA P. 12/19/2006 65 1.54 f 2.3716 12 ,5 27.40 Overweight Normal
27 . DATANG, HAZEL Y. 12/31/2006 34 1.46 f 2.1316 12 ,5 15.90 Normal Normal
28 . DAVID, TRISHA MAE R. 1/26/2007 41 1.51 f 2.2801 12 ,4 17.90 Normal Normal
29 . GALANG, VALERRIE M. 2/14/2005 41 1.51 f 2.2801 14 ,3 17.90 Normal Normal
30 . LIMPIN, JANELLA KATE N. 9/24/2007 35 1.48 f 2.1904 11 ,8 15.90 Normal Normal
31 . MACO, RYZA JOY S. 4/15/2006 46 1.51 f 2.2801 13 ,1 20.10 Normal Normal
32 . MANALO, JOY E. 5/17/2007 51 1.51 f 2.2801 12 ,0 22.30 Normal Normal
33 . NUCUP, ABREA T. 7/26/2007 36 1.45 f 2.1025 11 , 10 17.10 Normal Normal
34 . OCHONDRA, CRISHIA H. 8/12/2007 34 1.43 f 2.0449 11 ,9 16.60 Normal Normal
35 . REGUNAOS, ELOISA GRACE L. 10/3/2007 51 1.53 f 2.3409 11 ,8 21.70 Normal Normal
36 . ROSANNA, LECEL R. 11/16/2006 37 1.39 f 1.9321 12 ,6 19.10 Normal Stunted
37 . DUNGO, CHARLENE 1/11/2007 40 1.45 f 2.1025 12 ,4 19.00 Normal Normal
38 . SERRANO, RYNA I. 3/26/2007 64 1.48 f 2.1904 12 ,2 29.20 Overweight Normal
39 . TIAMZON, PRINCESS LHET M. 8/17/2007 34 1.37 f 1.8769 11 ,9 18.10 Normal Normal
40 . TIGLAO, ASHLY A. 3/11/2007 38 1.52 f 2.3104 12 ,2 16.40 Normal Normal
41 . TIMOTEO, SHERLYN M. 1/13/2006 46 1.46 f 2.1316 13 ,4 21.50 Normal Normal
42 . CAHUCOM, JUSTINE C, 7/31/2004 41 1.53 m 2.3409 14 , 10 17.50 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 24 18 42 No. of Cases 24 18 42 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 1 0 1 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 1 0 1 Stunted 6 1 7
Normal 16 16 32 Normal 18 17 35
Overweight 4 2 6 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 2 0 2
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 7: Jacob

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . AQUINO, CHARLON 12/2/2006 52 1.49 m 2.2201 12 ,6 23.40 Normal Normal
2 . BANGIT, JUSTINE KURT D. 4/13/2007 35 1.36 m 1.8496 12 ,1 18.90 Normal Normal
3 . BANGIT, JUSTINE LEE D. 4/13/2007 39 1.46 m 2.1316 12 ,1 18.20 Normal Normal
4 . BERTIZ, SAMUEL M. 3/20/2007 39 1.55 m 2.4025 12 ,2 16.20 Normal Normal
5 . BRIOSO, MICH CHIMCOLE S. 10/7/2007 34 1.29 m 1.6641 11 ,8 20.40 Normal Stunted
6 . CABANTOG, FRANK CHARLEY 7/6/2007 60 1.36 m 1.8496 11 , 11 32.40 Obese Normal
7 . CATINDIG, NASH P. 2/4/2007 91 1.52 m 2.3104 12 ,4 39.30 Obese Normal
8 . CRISANTO, SPENZER DAVID L. 3/24/2007 51 1.51 m 2.2801 12 ,2 22.30 Normal Normal
9 . DAVID, GIAN CARL Q. 5/18/2006 47 1.59 m 2.5281 13 ,0 18.50 Normal Normal
10 . DIONISIO, TED JOSER S. 7/31/2006 34 1.46 m 2.1316 12 , 10 15.90 Normal Normal
11 . DIZON, JOHN FRANCIS S. 10/20/2006 31 1.47 m 2.1609 12 ,7 14.30 Wasted Normal
12 . GARGANERA, JHON PAUL B. 2/10/2007 29 1.31 m 1.7161 12 ,4 16.80 Normal Stunted
13 . GOMEZ, PAUL JOHN B. 5/30/2007 36 1.49 m 2.2201 12 ,0 16.20 Normal Normal
14 . MANALOTO, IVANH KURT P. 2/16/2006 68 1.5 m 2.2500 13 ,3 30.20 Overweight Normal
15 . MERCADO, BRYAN JAMES P. 5/29/2007 36 1.42 m 2.0164 12 ,0 17.80 Normal Normal
16 . MICLAT, DEN MARK V. 12/30/2006 33 1.46 m 2.1316 12 ,5 15.40 Normal Normal
17 . MICLAT, LOISEL D. 11/20/2006 31 1.35 m 1.8225 12 ,6 17.00 Normal Stunted
18 . OLARAN, KYLE ASHLEY G. 1/15/2007 45 1.57 m 2.4649 12 ,4 18.20 Normal Normal
19 . SANTIAGO, GLEN ANDREW P. 4/23/2006 37 1.53 m 2.3409 13 ,1 15.80 Normal Normal
20 . SANTOS, JERIC P. 4/20/2007 53 1.61 m 2.5921 12 ,1 20.40 Normal Normal
21 . SANTOS, MARK ANIEL 1/26/2005 43 1.57 m 2.4649 14 ,4 17.40 Normal Normal
22 . VERSOZA, JOHN CALVIN G. 4/11/2006 34 1.36 m 1.8496 13 ,1 18.30 Normal Stunted
23 . BARRY, PRINCESS ERICA R. 5/23/2007 55 1.44 f 2.0736 12 ,0 26.50 Overweight Normal
24 . CALAGUAS, RHEA CATHRINA G. 10/10/2007 32 1.43 f 2.0449 11 ,8 15.60 Normal Normal
25 . CAMAYA, GEANNE A. 10/9/2005 47 1.52 f 2.3104 13 ,8 20.30 Normal Normal
26 . CARREON, JADE D. 11/23/2005 46 1.5 f 2.2500 13 ,6 20.40 Normal Normal
27 . CORTEZ, KEITH CYRILLE C. 9/2/2007 64 1.53 f 2.3409 11 ,9 27.30 Overweight Normal
28 . DE VERA, DANIELA C. 5/1/2005 41 1.47 f 2.1609 14 ,1 18.90 Normal Normal
29 . DIZON, TRISHA S. 5/28/2006 37 1.41 f 1.9881 13 ,0 18.60 Normal Stunted
30 . GANON, JAQUELINE L. 5/26/2007 37 1.42 f 2.0164 12 ,0 18.30 Normal Normal
31 . GUINTO, MARLENE 9/3/2007 32 1.34 f 1.7956 11 ,9 17.80 Normal Stunted
32 . LATORENO, MARY LUZ 2/8/2006 43 1.5 f 2.2500 13 ,4 19.10 Normal Normal
33 . LISONDRA, CRISALYN KATE D. 8/3/2006 29 1.36 f 1.8496 12 , 10 15.60 Normal Stunted
34 . MALLARI, ANGEL GABRIELLE M. 5/22/2005 32 1.44 f 2.0736 14 ,0 15.40 Normal Stunted
35 . MANALO, JELAINE P. 10/22/2006 37 1.49 f 2.2201 12 ,7 16.60 Normal Normal
36 . MICLAT, ALEXANDRA NICHOLE P. 8/23/2006 37 1.49 f 2.2201 12 ,9 16.60 Normal Normal
37 . MIRANDAY, RHIAN 3/23/2007 29 1.34 f 1.7956 12 ,2 16.10 Normal Stunted
38 . NABONG, ANGEL M. 4/11/2007 39 1.4 f 1.9600 12 ,1 19.80 Normal Normal
39 . PINTOR, GIRLIE N. 8/2/2007 29 1.33 f 1.7689 11 , 10 16.30 Normal Stunted
40 . VERSOZA, CATLENE KEN G. 9/11/2005 45 1.46 f 2.1316 13 ,8 21.10 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 22 18 40 No. of Cases 22 18 40 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 1 0 1 Stunted 4 6 10
Normal 18 16 34 Normal 18 12 30
Overweight 1 2 3 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 2 0 2
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 7: James

Birthday Weight Height Height2 Age Body
Names mm/dd/yyyy Sex (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . LICUP, JOMAR C. 10/29/2007 46 1.43 m 2.0449 11 ,7 22.40 Normal Normal
2 . LOR, JIAN CARL B. 3/15/2007 44 1.54 m 2.3716 12 ,2 18.50 Normal Normal
3 . MALIG, CARLO ADRIEL M. 4/19/2006 48 1.52 m 2.3104 13 ,1 20.70 Normal Normal
4 . MALIG, JEREMY LUIS M, 10/31/2006 49 1.49 m 2.2201 12 ,7 22.00 Normal Normal
5 . MIRANDA, CHRISTIAN A. 9/27/2006 34 1.4 m 1.9600 12 ,8 17.30 Normal Normal
6 . MUÑOZ JR., AMIEL DENNIS S. 10/16/2005 44 1.51 m 2.2801 13 ,7 19.20 Normal Normal
7 . PINEDA, AARON JAZZ 9/26/2006 58 1.55 m 2.4025 12 ,8 24.10 Normal Normal
8 . PINEDA, MARK REYMOND 8/31/2007 56 1.45 m 2.1025 11 ,9 26.60 Overweight Normal
9 . RAÑOA, JUSTIN P. 9/3/2006 33 1.44 m 2.0736 12 ,9 15.90 Normal Normal
10 . SALES, ALEJANDRO I. 5/21/2007 33 1.32 m 1.7424 12 ,0 18.90 Normal Stunted
11 . SUMAGUE, JOHN MHAR L. 10/30/2006 44 1.53 m 2.3409 12 ,7 18.70 Normal Normal
12 . TAYAO, DRANREV G. 10/16/2005 53 1.5 m 2.2500 13 ,7 23.50 Normal Normal
13 . VELASCO, ALVIN JOHN T. 9/8/2007 40 1.47 m 2.1609 11 ,9 18.50 Normal Normal
14 . VILLAFANIA, ANGELO ISIAH 10/1/2006 70 1.67 m 2.7889 12 ,8 25.00 Overweight Normal
15 . ALFONSO, RHEAN NICOLE G. 5/3/2007 61 1.52 f 2.3104 12 ,1 26.40 Overweight Normal
16 . BAUTISTA, KRISTAL JOY V. 10/27/2006 45 1.54 f 2.3716 12 ,7 18.90 Normal Normal
17 . CAMILING, ANNA LHEA G. 11/22/2007 45 1.46 f 2.1316 11 ,6 21.10 Normal Normal
18 . CORTEZ, KATE ASHLEY Y. 9/14/2007 67 1.49 f 2.2201 11 ,8 30.10 Overweight Normal
19 . DAVID, DIMINICA P. 3/9/2007 40 1.41 f 1.9881 12 ,3 20.10 Normal Normal
20 . DAVID, KEICEL ANDREA M. 9/21/2007 54 1.6 f 2.5600 11 ,8 21.00 Normal Normal
21 . DUEÑAS, AALIYAH G. 9/15/2007 49 1.45 f 2.1025 11 ,8 23.30 Normal Normal
22 . HERRERA, JULIENNE NICOLETTE G. 10/31/2007 71 1.52 f 2.3104 11 ,7 30.70 Overweight Normal
23 . JAVIER, ARZEL M. 5/26/2006 43 1.4 f 1.9600 13 ,0 21.90 Normal Stunted
24 . MANALO, ANGELIE ROSE S. 3/12/2007 38 1.49 f 2.2201 12 ,2 17.10 Normal Normal
25 . MASANQUE, MARIELLE ANN M. 1/15/2007 44 1.46 f 2.1316 12 ,4 20.60 Normal Normal
26 . MERCADO, TRICIA FAMA 1/20/2007 37 1.53 f 2.3409 12 ,4 15.80 Normal Normal
27 . NAVARRO, LEA C. 6/12/2006 47 1.57 f 2.4649 12 , 11 19.00 Normal Normal
28 . SALONGA, ARYANA CASSANDRA H. 1/15/2006 47 1.49 f 2.2201 13 ,4 21.10 Normal Normal
29 . SIBUG, VENUS MARIE A. 10/9/2007 31 1.39 f 1.9321 11 ,8 16.00 Normal Normal
30 . SURINA, JALIL 1/19/2006 44 1.52 f 2.3104 13 ,4 19.00 Normal Normal
31 . YANGA, MHIA T. 5/9/2007 43 1.52 f 2.3104 12 ,1 18.60 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 14 17 31 No. of Cases 14 17 31 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 0 0 0 Stunted 1 1 2
Normal 12 14 26 Normal 13 16 29
Overweight 2 3 5 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 7: Moses

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . APIGO, JUSTINE G. 11/12/2005 41 1.54 M 2.3716 13 , 6 17.20 Normal Normal
2 . ARAMAY, MARK JOHN R. 1/16/2006 41 1.46 M 2.1316 13 , 4 19.20 Normal Normal
3 . ARCEO, EMAN DANIEL S. 7/9/2007 28 1.43 M 2.0449 11 , 11 13.60 Wasted Normal
4 . ARROJO, JOHN ARCEL R. 10/17/2006 29 1.42 M 2.0164 12 , 7 14.30 Wasted Normal
5 . CELIS, JOHN MARK F. 10/27/2006 32 1.44 M 2.0736 12 , 7 15.40 Normal Normal
6 . CORTEZ, LIEGEL S. 12/11/2006 32 1.35 M 1.8225 12 , 5 17.50 Normal Stunted
7 . DALUSUNG, AYLMER LOUIS T. 10/6/2007 31 1.37 M 1.8769 11 , 8 16.50 Normal Normal
8 . DE CASTRO, DEN MARK S. 1/3/2004 42 1.55 M 2.4025 15 , 5 17.40 Normal Stunted
9 . ESGUERRA, MICHAEL ANDREI T. 10/15/2006 35 1.45 M 2.1025 12 , 7 16.60 Normal Normal
10 . GALANG, DAVID JR. M 9/8/2005 40 1.48 M 2.1904 13 , 9 18.20 Normal Normal
11 . GARCIA, WILDREN D. 12/18/2006 46 1.47 M 2.1609 12 , 5 21.20 Normal Normal
12 . GATUS, KING ASHLEY 12/7/2007 61 1.46 M 2.1316 11 , 6 28.60 Overweight Normal
13 . GONZALES, JOHN CARLO P. 6/30/2004 37 1.44 M 2.0736 14 , 11 17.80 Normal Severely Stunted
14 . IMSON, JAMES CEAZAR 3/23/2005 37 1.49 M 2.2201 14 , 2 16.60 Normal Normal
15 . MAGAT, ADRIAN 3/22/2005 52 1.54 M 2.3716 14 , 2 21.90 Normal Normal
16 . MAGNO, JOSHUA MIGUEL 12/23/2006 45 1.41 M 1.9881 12 , 5 22.60 Normal Normal
17 . MONTEZ, PATRICK G. 12/7/2007 50 1.51 M 2.2801 11 , 6 21.90 Normal Normal
18 . MUNOZ, CHRISTIAN GABRIEL E. 8/13/2007 76 1.54 M 2.3716 11 , 9 32.00 Obese Normal
19 . PUNO, WYNGARD S. 1/16/2007 32 1.5 M 2.2500 12 , 4 14.20 Wasted Normal
20 . QUIAMBAO, JOHN KEVIN M. 11/25/2004 77 1.6 M 2.5600 14 , 6 30.00 Overweight Normal
21 . REGNER, KHIERU 7/30/2006 40 1.42 M 2.0164 12 , 10 19.80 Normal Normal
22 . RODRIGUEZ, JEFFREY 5/20/2005 47 1.49 M 2.2201 14 , 0 21.10 Normal Normal
23 . SANGIL, HARVEY 5/1/2007 27 1.33 M 1.7689 12 , 1 15.20 Normal Stunted
24 . VIJUNGCO, JHAREM KURT E. 8/2/2006 39 1.45 M 2.1025 12 , 10 18.50 Normal Normal
25 . ARCEO, ABEGAIL L. 8/28/2006 43 1.53 F 2.3409 12 , 9 18.30 Normal Normal
26 . BARNEDO, KEISHA NICOLE C. 3/13/2007 35 1.39 F 1.9321 12 , 2 18.10 Normal Normal
27 . BARNIDO, JHONAVELL 11/8/2006 34 1.46 F 2.1316 12 , 7 15.90 Normal Normal
28 . CELIS, PRECIOUS ERIKA 11/24/2007 28 1.41 F 1.9881 11 , 6 14.00 Wasted Normal
29 . CONDES, JENALYN R. 7/1/2005 34 1.48 F 2.1904 13 , 11 15.50 Normal Normal
30 . DAVID, MONIQUE L. 10/24/2007 45 1.4 F 1.9600 11 , 7 22.90 Normal Normal
31 . DIZON, JAMAICA V. 10/3/2007 33 1.45 F 2.1025 11 , 8 15.60 Normal Normal
32 . LACANLALE, AIRISA M. 7/24/2007 49 1.45 F 2.1025 11 , 10 23.30 Normal Normal
33 . LAMPA, ANGEL E. 10/24/2007 30 1.38 F 1.9044 11 , 7 15.70 Normal Normal
34 . MANDOLADO, RICA MAE G. 3/28/2001 42 1.42 F 2.0164 18 , 2 20.80 Normal Severely Stunted
35 . MARCELO, ZABRINA KAYTHE 1/29/2007 27 1.37 F 1.8769 12 , 4 14.30 Wasted Stunted
36 . MESA, JANELLE D. 7/15/2007 42 1.43 F 2.0449 11 , 10 20.50 Normal Normal
37 . MINAO, LADY ANN D. 9/16/2006 42 1.46 F 2.1316 12 , 8 19.70 Normal Normal
38 . PACHECO, MARIEL V. 12/19/2006 36 1.39 F 1.9321 12 , 5 18.60 Normal Stunted
39 . RELLORES, CATHERINE F. 7/7/2007 34 1.5 F 2.2500 11 , 11 15.10 Normal Normal
40 . SULIT, EUNICE JOEFFEL M. 10/9/2007 41 1.44 F 2.0736 11 , 8 19.70 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 24 16 40 No. of Cases 24 16 40 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 1 1 2 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 3 2 5 Stunted 3 2 5
Normal 18 14 32 Normal 20 13 33
Overweight 2 0 2 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 1 0 1
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 7: Peter

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . BACANI, IVAN RENIEL C. 6/28/2006 44 1.42 M 2.0164 12 , 11 21.80 Normal Normal
2 . BENITEZ, SAMUEL RYAN P. 11/16/2006 39 1.36 M 1.8496 12 ,6 21.00 Normal Stunted
3 . BERNABE, ASHLEY MIGUEL E. 11/22/2005 35 1.42 M 2.0164 13 ,6 17.30 Normal Stunted
4 . CANONO, ERIC LEE C. 8/30/2004 50 1.52 M 2.3104 14 ,9 21.60 Normal Stunted
5 . DAVID, GABRIEL M. 2/22/2007 30 1.38 M 1.9044 12 ,3 15.70 Normal Normal
6 . DEL ROSARIO, JONNEL G. 11/12/2005 62 1.65 M 2.7225 13 ,6 22.70 Normal Normal
7 . DIZON, KERT RUSSEL C. 6/24/2006 71 1.5 M 2.2500 12 , 11 31.50 Overweight Normal
8 . FERRER, PAUL KENGIE V. 8/3/2006 30 1.37 M 1.8769 12 , 10 15.90 Normal Stunted
9 . GUARIN, NATHANIEL V. 12/30/2005 52 1.57 M 2.4649 13 ,5 21.00 Normal Normal
10 . LAXAMANA, JOHN PAUL 10/5/2005 34 1.44 M 2.0736 13 ,8 16.30 Normal Stunted
11 . MALIG-ON, LESTER P. 7/12/2007 59 1.59 M 2.5281 11 , 10 23.30 Normal Normal
12 . MENDOZA, BRENT 11/15/2006 40 1.53 M 2.3409 12 ,6 17.00 Normal Normal
13 . MONTES, RONNEL 8/26/2007 45 1.5 M 2.2500 11 ,9 20.00 Normal Normal
14 . NUQUI, A-JAY M. 2/2/2007 41 1.49 M 2.2201 12 ,4 18.40 Normal Normal
15 . OBIEN, ROB LAWRENCE M. 8/26/2007 28 1.3 M 1.6900 11 ,9 16.50 Normal Stunted
16 . PANGILINAN, CHARLS 1/20/2008 34 1.42 M 2.0164 11 ,4 16.80 Normal Normal
17 . PINEDA, KENNETH C. 5/15/2005 50 1.63 M 2.6569 14 ,0 18.80 Normal Normal
18 . RAMOS, LITO 12/12/2006 37 1.39 M 1.9321 12 ,5 19.10 Normal Normal
19 . SEBASTIAN, CHRISTIAN CARL T. 9/13/2006 45 1.4 M 1.9600 12 ,8 22.90 Normal Normal
20 . TORRES, EIZEN LEE H. 1/18/2007 22 1.28 M 1.6384 12 ,4 13.40 Severely Wasted Severely Stunted
21 . YABUT, ALDRIN JAMES B. 9/13/2006 59 1.57 M 2.4649 12 ,8 23.90 Normal Normal
22 . BOLUS, JOBELLE D. 5/3/2007 27 1.32 F 1.7424 12 ,1 15.40 Normal Stunted
23 . DIMAGIBA, KRISHA NICKOLE V. 6/22/2007 35 1.39 F 1.9321 11 , 11 18.10 Normal Normal
24 . FIGUERROA, KATRINA 6/23/2007 40 1.41 F 1.9881 11 , 11 20.10 Normal Normal
25 . JAVIER, JILLIANA LYKA P. 6/20/2007 37 1.37 F 1.8769 11 , 11 19.70 Normal Stunted
26 . JIMENEZ, MARIA KYLA P. 4/21/2007 53 1.55 F 2.4025 12 ,1 22.00 Normal Normal
27 . LACQUIAN, KEANNA RAINNE C. 6/27/2007 35 1.55 F 2.4025 11 , 11 14.50 Normal Normal
28 . LAYUG, MA. SAMANTHA P. 4/17/2007 36 1.41 F 1.9881 12 ,1 18.10 Normal Normal
29 . MAGLALANG, HANNA JOY P. 4/1/2007 26 1.35 F 1.8225 12 ,2 14.20 Wasted Stunted
30 . MANANSALA, MARISE D. 10/4/2007 47 1.47 F 2.1609 11 ,8 21.70 Normal Normal
31 . NICDAO, FAITH C. 11/15/2006 35 1.51 F 2.2801 12 ,6 15.30 Normal Normal
32 . PAGUIO, KYLA MAE G. 11/24/2006 37 1.47 F 2.1609 12 ,6 17.10 Normal Normal
33 . PANGILINAN, ANGELA MARIESS 7/11/2007 59 1.56 F 2.4336 11 , 10 24.20 Normal Normal
34 . PAPAS, CHRISTINE JOY P. 8/2/2007 35 1.4 F 1.9600 11 , 10 17.80 Normal Normal
35 . RENON, NATHALY Q. 8/17/2007 42 1.45 F 2.1025 11 ,9 19.90 Normal Normal
36 . RICO, CHRISSA ANNE V. 2/15/2007 26 1.34 F 1.7956 12 ,3 14.40 Wasted Stunted
37 . RICO, CHRISSA MAE V. 12/15/2007 31 1.41 F 1.9881 11 ,5 15.50 Normal Normal
38 . ROMAN, QUEENBERLY S. 8/2/2007 37 1.42 F 2.0164 11 , 10 18.30 Normal Normal
39 . VILLAROJO, ALEXANDRA GAIL 8/22/2007 28 1.4 F 1.9600 11 ,9 14.20 Wasted Normal
40 . CONSUMO, JHENA S. 9/29/2005 32 1.44 F 2.0736 13 ,8 15.40 Normal Stunted

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 21 19 40 No. of Cases 21 19 40 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 1 0 1 Sev. Stunted 1 0 1 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 0 3 3 Stunted 6 5 11
Normal 19 16 35 Normal 14 14 28
Overweight 1 0 1 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 GRADE 7: Matthew

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . ANDAYA, JUSTINE KYLE D. 9/21/2006 24 1.34 M 1.7956 12 ,8 13.30 Severely Wasted Stunted
2 . BATAC, AKI UGI 5/5/2007 34 1.5 M 2.2500 12 ,1 15.10 Normal Normal
3 . CANETE, JUSTINE RAIN D. 10/17/2006 57 1.5 M 2.2500 12 ,7 25.30 Overweight Normal
4 . CHU, JUWEL G. 3/8/2006 29 1.39 M 1.9321 13 ,3 15.00 Wasted Stunted
5 . DAVID, SYDNEY LEE 5/5/2007 37 1.4 M 1.9600 12 ,1 18.80 Normal Normal
6 . DE VERA, DANIEL C. 5/30/2002 50 1.62 M 2.6244 17 ,0 19.00 Normal Normal
7 . DEL MUNDO, LEO M. 12/11/2003 42 1.5 M 2.2500 15 ,5 18.60 Normal Stunted
8 . DELA CRUZ, MARK A. 3/13/2007 32 1.42 M 2.0164 12 ,2 15.80 Normal Normal
9 . EDER, KARL M. 1/7/2007 41 1.56 M 2.4336 12 ,5 16.80 Normal Normal
10 . ESGUERRA, ALDRICH C. 3/14/2007 44 1.43 M 2.0449 12 ,2 21.50 Normal Normal
11 . FLORES, JARED KIM M. 5/9/2007 36 1.43 M 2.0449 12 ,1 17.60 Normal Normal
12 . LIWAG, NATHAN ARTH A. 9/18/2006 35 1.38 M 1.9044 12 ,8 18.30 Normal Stunted
13 . MANALO, KIRVY C. 10/17/2007 33 1.39 M 1.9321 11 ,7 17.00 Normal Normal
14 . MASANGCAY, JIM LAWRENCE P. 2/7/2006 32 1.41 M 1.9881 13 ,4 16.00 Normal Stunted
15 . MUSNGI, RICO DANIEL P. 7/9/2007 45 1.4 M 1.9600 11 , 11 22.90 Normal Normal
16 . MUSNI, ADRIAN S. 8/7/2007 56 1.55 M 2.4025 11 , 10 23.30 Normal Normal
17 . PANTOJA, MARK JAY L. 7/9/2007 33 1.36 M 1.8496 11 , 11 17.80 Normal Normal
18 . PASION, JOHN GABRIEL O. 3/6/2007 27 1.27 M 1.6129 12 ,3 16.70 Normal Severely Stunted
19 . RIVERA, JHON PAUL L. 8/3/2007 28 1.4 M 1.9600 11 , 10 14.20 Wasted Normal
20 . SALENGA, CHRISTIAN T. 7/30/2006 61 1.52 M 2.3104 12 , 10 26.40 Overweight Normal
21 . TUAZON, JEFFREY S. 11/13/2003 42 1.56 M 2.4336 15 ,6 17.20 Normal Normal
22 . YU, JAY C P. 9/8/2006 37 1.57 M 2.4649 12 ,9 15.00 Normal Normal
23 . ALFONSO, MOIRA JEAN P. 5/13/2007 44 1.48 F 2.1904 12 ,0 20.00 Normal Normal
24 . ANDEZA, LOURLYN MAE B. 2/11/2007 34 1.36 F 1.8496 12 ,3 18.30 Normal Stunted
25 . CRISOSTOMO, PAULA M. 10/18/2005 41 1.44 F 2.0736 13 ,7 19.70 Normal Stunted
26 . CUEVAS, ADELYN L. 11/11/2006 37 1.44 F 2.0736 12 ,6 17.80 Normal Normal
27 . DE ASIS, KATE LOUISE N. 3/15/2007 34 1.42 F 2.0164 12 ,2 16.80 Normal Normal
28 . DE LEON, JAYZEL S. 4/8/2007 37 1.51 F 2.2801 12 ,2 16.20 Normal Normal
29 . DIZON, ALEXANDRA M. 12/7/2006 49 1.55 F 2.4025 12 ,6 20.30 Normal Normal
30 . DULU, BENCH PAULA G. 6/18/2006 35 1.49 F 2.2201 12 , 11 15.70 Normal Normal
31 . ESGUERRA, RAVEN CLOUIE Z. 10/14/2007 29 1.41 F 1.9881 11 ,7 14.50 Normal Normal
32 . GRAVADOR, JESSICA S. 8/19/2007 35 1.44 F 2.0736 11 ,9 16.80 Normal Normal
33 . LASQUETY, JASMINE C. 1/19/2007 55 1.49 F 2.2201 12 ,4 24.70 Normal Normal
34 . PASAMONTE, ALECK XANDRA 10/2/2004 54 1.59 F 2.5281 14 ,8 21.30 Normal Normal
35 . PENGSON, KRISSEL 5/21/2006 37 1.45 F 2.1025 13 ,0 17.50 Normal Normal
36 . RECTO, GENEROSE V. 1/21/2007 32 1.44 F 2.0736 12 ,4 15.40 Normal Normal
37 . RIVERA, ELAINE D. 6/27/2007 43 1.49 F 2.2201 11 , 11 19.30 Normal Normal
38 . SARON, HAZEL MAE A. 10/30/2007 28 1.39 F 1.9321 11 ,7 14.40 Normal Normal
39 . TORRES, PRINCESS C. 4/14/2007 50 1.67 F 2.7889 12 ,1 17.90 Normal Tall
40 . TUAZON, JENNIFER S. 6/1/2002 37 1.5 F 2.2500 17 ,0 16.40 Normal Normal
41 . VILLANUEVA, ANIE LEE C. 10/12/2006 40 1.45 F 2.1025 12 ,7 19.00 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 22 19 41 No. of Cases 22 19 41 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 1 0 1 Sev. Stunted 1 0 1 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 2 0 2 Stunted 5 2 7
Normal 17 19 36 Normal 16 16 32
Overweight 2 0 2 Tall 0 1 1
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 7: Micah

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . ALBOLERAS, JUSTIN L. 10/7/2006 82 1.64 M 2.6896 12 ,8 30.40 Overweight Normal
2 . BEROY, ALEN WADE R. 8/1/2007 35 1.39 M 1.9321 11 , 10 18.10 Normal Normal
3 . CALMA JR., EDUARDO G. 11/30/2006 24 1.28 M 1.6384 12 ,6 14.60 Wasted Severely Stunted
4 . CASTRO, JHON RAFAEL 1/19/2006 65 1.64 M 2.6896 13 ,4 24.10 Normal Normal
5 . CAUAYAN, JAMES CLYDE V. 12/4/2006 35 1.41 M 1.9881 12 ,6 17.60 Normal Normal
6 . CAYANAN, GIAN Q. 1/13/2007 29 1.39 M 1.9321 12 ,4 15.00 Normal Normal
7 . CORTEZ, PAUL ARIEN M. 9/22/2006 55 1.57 M 2.4649 12 ,8 22.30 Normal Normal
8 . DE OCAMPO, MJ STANLEY C. 7/26/2006 23 1.22 M 1.4884 12 , 10 15.40 Normal Severely Stunted
9 . FABIAN, ARCEL C. 12/29/2005 36 1.4 M 1.9600 13 ,5 18.30 Normal Stunted
10 . GARCIA, PETER A. 11/3/2006 32 1.39 M 1.9321 12 ,7 16.50 Normal Normal
11 . GUTIERREZ, JIMBOY F. 5/5/2007 40 1.47 M 2.1609 12 ,1 18.50 Normal Normal
12 . INCILLO, IVAN JOE 5/24/2007 28 1.3 M 1.6900 12 ,0 16.50 Normal Stunted
13 . LACSON, JAYDEE M. 7/11/2007 35 1.43 M 2.0449 11 , 10 17.10 Normal Normal
14 . LASCUNA, CHRIS JHON E. 10/29/2005 42 1.47 M 2.1609 13 ,7 19.40 Normal Normal
15 . MANALAC, JEREMY T. 7/11/2007 45 1.5 M 2.2500 11 , 10 20.00 Normal Normal
16 . MANALO, KYLE JM P. 11/9/2006 51 1.44 M 2.0736 12 ,7 24.50 Overweight Normal
17 . PINEDA, FRANCIS M. 10/4/2005 38 1.4 M 1.9600 13 ,8 19.30 Normal Stunted
18 . PINPIN, MARVIN T. 12/25/2006 52 1.38 M 1.9044 12 ,5 27.30 Overweight Normal
19 . RAMIREZ, JAMES SIEGFRIED E. 10/4/2005 45 1.5 M 2.2500 13 ,8 20.00 Normal Normal
20 . SALTA, ALEXANDER R. 9/10/2005 54 1.62 M 2.6244 13 ,9 20.50 Normal Normal
21 . SANCHEZ, CHOLO F. 10/11/2006 46 1.59 M 2.5281 12 ,7 18.10 Normal Normal
22 . SERRANO, JIMSON A. 4/27/2007 68 1.46 M 2.1316 12 ,1 31.90 Obese Normal
23 . TIGLAO, MICHAEL ERRYL H. 8/3/2007 24 1.28 M 1.6384 11 , 10 14.60 Normal Stunted
24 . CARREON, ANDREA NICOLE D. 11/8/2007 57 1.48 F 2.1904 11 ,7 26.00 Overweight Normal
25 . CARTAGENA, IRISH JOY A. 10/31/2006 30 1.35 F 1.8225 12 ,7 16.40 Normal Stunted
26 . CUNANAN, ELDRINA L. 12/30/2006 45 1.44 F 2.0736 12 ,5 21.70 Normal Normal
27 . DALAPO, ANGELLA A. 9/12/2007 32 1.41 F 1.9881 11 ,8 16.00 Normal Normal
28 . ESPEJO, STEPHANIE LORAINE M. 12/30/2006 45 1.4 F 1.9600 12 ,5 22.90 Normal Normal
29 . FLORES, ARA JOY M. 6/1/2007 65 1.52 F 2.3104 12 ,0 28.10 Overweight Normal
30 . GADAYAN, MARJORIE V. 8/16/2006 36 1.43 F 2.0449 12 ,9 17.60 Normal Normal
31 . GAITE, LHARLEE ANNE MAUISIA 12/2/2006 38 1.42 F 2.0164 12 ,6 18.80 Normal Normal
32 . MANALANG, MARINELLA F. 9/4/2007 34 1.44 F 2.0736 11 ,9 16.30 Normal Normal
33 . MANALO, DONNA FAITH T. 2/24/2007 26 1.38 F 1.9044 12 ,3 13.60 Wasted Stunted
34 . MARIANO, ANGELICA MHAY L. 3/17/2006 55 1.56 F 2.4336 13 ,2 22.60 Normal Normal
35 . MARIANO, CRISTEL DIAN P. 8/13/2006 56 1.55 F 2.4025 12 ,9 23.30 Normal Normal
36 . PANGILINAN, CHERRYLYN W. 10/13/2007 61 1.54 F 2.3716 11 ,7 25.70 Overweight Normal
37 . PANGILINAN, JESSALIN S. 12/5/2006 52 1.56 F 2.4336 12 ,6 21.30 Normal Normal
38 . QUIAMBAO, ADIELIANE MEIL D. 8/5/2007 43 1.46 F 2.1316 11 , 10 20.10 Normal Normal
39 . REYES, GINA JOY 12/5/2006 40 1.4 F 1.9600 12 ,6 20.40 Normal Stunted
40 . TAYAG, ASHLEY P. 9/30/2007 40 1.51 F 2.2801 11 ,8 17.50 Normal Normal
41 . VILLARANAS, ALEXANDRA 9/30/2007 35 1.4 F 1.9600 11 ,8 17.80 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 23 18 41 No. of Cases 23 18 41 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 2 0 2 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 1 1 2 Stunted 4 3 7
Normal 18 14 32 Normal 17 15 32
Overweight 3 3 6 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 1 0 1
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 7: Solomon

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . DE JESUS, ANGEL RYX 8/3/2006 36 1.5 M 2.2500 12 , 10 16.00 Normal Normal
2 . DIAZ, BENJIE S, 6/4/2006 43 1.59 M 2.5281 13 ,0 17.00 Normal Normal
3 . DUNGCA, ALVERN JAY T. 10/10/2007 27 1.34 M 1.7956 11 ,8 15.00 Normal Normal
4 . HERNANDEZ, ALDREI S. 7/25/2007 25 1.3 M 1.6900 11 , 10 14.70 Normal Stunted
5 . LUZUNG, JOBERT A. 11/29/2006 43 1.44 M 2.0736 12 ,6 20.70 Normal Normal
6 . MANALO, JAYSON M. 7/25/2007 43 1.4 M 1.9600 11 , 10 21.90 Normal Normal
7 . MANALO, KRISTIAN REYBERT O. 12/5/2006 69 1.5 M 2.2500 12 ,6 30.60 Overweight Normal
8 . MARQUEZ, REDEMER D. 8/26/2002 42 1.53 M 2.3409 16 ,9 17.90 Normal Stunted
9 . MENESES, IAN CHRISTAN A, 12/4/2006 37 1.44 M 2.0736 12 ,6 17.80 Normal Normal
10 . MINAO, JUSTINE D. 9/29/2005 36 1.5 M 2.2500 13 ,8 16.00 Normal Normal
11 . MUNOZ, JOSEPH J. 10/15/2007 36 1.36 M 1.8496 11 ,7 19.40 Normal Normal
12 . MUNOZ, MMICKOLAN RONBIENN 10/15/2007 40 1.4 M 1.9600 11 ,7 20.40 Normal Normal
13 . NEO, GUILLER 7/14/2007 45 1.4 M 1.9600 11 , 10 22.90 Normal Normal
14 . PAGARAO, DENMARK O. 7/14/2007 45 1.5 M 2.2500 11 , 10 20.00 Normal Normal
15 . PALABASAN, LUIS ANGELO 8/29/2006 43 1.59 M 2.5281 12 ,9 17.00 Normal Normal
16 . PAMINTUAN, MARC JELO R. 7/14/2007 26 1.28 M 1.6384 11 , 10 15.80 Normal Stunted
17 . PINEDA, JOHN MICHAEL D. 6/19/2007 28 1.32 M 1.7424 11 , 11 16.00 Normal Stunted
18 . ROMERO, LESTER O. 7/1/2004 42 1.56 M 2.4336 14 , 11 17.20 Normal Normal
19 . SANTIAGO, DANIEL ERNEST 5/20/2006 28 1.45 M 2.1025 13 ,0 13.30 Severely Wasted Normal
20 . STA. ANA, RALPH LAWRENCE C. 4/18/2006 39 1.46 M 2.1316 13 ,1 18.20 Normal Normal
21 . VILLANUEVA, JOSHUA L. 6/4/2007 28 1.36 M 1.8496 12 ,0 15.10 Normal Normal
22 . ACUNIN, EURICE P. 5/25/2007 38 1.49 F 2.2201 12 ,0 17.10 Normal Normal
23 . BANAG, ABIGAIL M. 3/26/2007 28 1.33 F 1.7689 12 ,2 15.80 Normal Stunted
24 . BARANGAY, ANGEL ANN A. 7/23/2006 44 1.54 F 2.3716 12 , 10 18.50 Normal Normal
25 . CANSINO, JAIMEE 2/16/2005 57 1.52 F 2.3104 14 ,3 24.60 Normal Normal
26 . COCAMAO, ARIANNE JOY 3/26/2007 45 1.5 F 2.2500 12 ,2 20.00 Normal Normal
27 . DAYRIT, CLARISSE D. 10/21/2007 36 1.41 F 1.9881 11 ,7 18.10 Normal Normal
28 . DE LEON, TIFFANY GAYLE 11/29/2006 39 1.49 F 2.2201 12 ,6 17.50 Normal Normal
29 . DOCULARA, MABELLE P. 12/31/2006 31 1.44 F 2.0736 12 ,5 14.90 Normal Normal
30 . LUCENO, JOVELYN S. 10/9/2006 42 1.46 F 2.1316 12 ,8 19.70 Normal Normal
31 . MANILA, YESHA MAE S. 2/8/2007 42 1.46 F 2.1316 12 ,4 19.70 Normal Normal
32 . MEMIJE, ANDREA S. 3/26/2007 31 1.35 F 1.8225 12 ,2 17.00 Normal Stunted
33 . MENDOZA, GRABIELA ANN 8/17/2007 35 1.46 F 2.1316 11 ,9 16.40 Normal Normal
34 . NEDIC, PAULINA B. 12/31/2004 60 1.53 F 2.3409 14 ,5 25.60 Normal Normal
35 . PALO, JEDALYN 9/8/2007 39 1.41 F 1.9881 11 ,9 19.60 Normal Normal
36 . QUIAMBAO, MICA GRACE P. 9/11/2003 38 1.46 F 2.1316 15 ,8 17.80 Normal Stunted
37 . QUINES, ABIGAIL G. 1/14/2007 36 1.45 F 2.1025 12 ,4 17.10 Normal Normal
38 . REYES, SHERYL S. 3/2/2004 46 1.57 F 2.4649 15 ,3 18.60 Normal Normal
39 . SANCHEZ, BEATRICE JOHANNEL 7/13/2007 39 1.54 F 2.3716 11 , 10 16.40 Normal Normal
40 . YU, JANIELLA KIM L. 1/12/2007 39 1.43 F 2.0449 12 ,4 19.00 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 21 19 40 No. of Cases 21 19 40 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 1 0 1 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 0 0 0 Stunted 4 3 7
Normal 19 19 38 Normal 17 16 33
Overweight 1 0 1 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 7: Philemon

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . ALBERTO, JAN PATRICK J. 3/24/2007 33 1.45 M 2.1025 12 ,2 15.60 Normal Normal
2 . BONDOC, MARK LOUIE D. 3/24/2007 33 1.45 M 2.1025 12 ,2 15.60 Normal Normal
3 . BuNGAY, JAMES GIL 1/16/2006 35 1.36 M 1.8496 13 ,4 18.90 Normal Stunted
4 . DE CASTRO, JOSHUA C. 2/16/2007 44 1.57 M 2.4649 12 ,3 17.80 Normal Normal
5 . DIZON, JOSEPH S. 10/13/2006 26 1.34 M 1.7956 12 ,7 14.40 Wasted Stunted
6 . ELAMERA, RAINER M. 2/16/2007 30 1.4 M 1.9600 12 ,3 15.30 Normal Normal
7 . ESCALA, JC JAMES DE GUZMAN 12/13/2006 46 1.55 M 2.4025 12 ,5 19.10 Normal Normal
8 . GRAVADOR, SHAWN MICHAEL 3/28/2006 33 1.53 M 2.3409 13 ,2 14.00 Wasted Normal
9 . GUEVARRA, CLARENCE MIGUEL M. 6/3/2007 65 1.49 M 2.2201 12 ,0 29.20 Overweight Normal
10 . GUINTO, STEVEN JAMES 9/26/2007 38 1.46 M 2.1316 11 ,8 17.80 Normal Normal
11 . LAXAMANA, LANCE SEBASTIAN M. 10/1/2007 25 1.33 M 1.7689 11 ,8 14.10 Wasted Stunted
12 . LOPEZ, MARVIN A. 11/21/2006 66 1.5 M 2.2500 12 ,6 29.30 Overweight Normal
13 . MACASPAC, IVAN M. 6/13/2007 45 1.4 M 1.9600 11 , 11 22.90 Normal Normal
14 . MANGUERRA, GLEYAN LESTER C. 1/25/2001 49 1.6 M 2.5600 18 ,4 19.10 Normal Stunted
15 . MATIC, EMMANUEL 4/5/2007 36 1.5 M 2.2500 12 ,2 16.00 Normal Normal
16 . OLALIA, XIUS JAY LORENZ T. 8/7/2007 37 1.47 M 2.1609 11 , 10 17.10 Normal Normal
17 . OLIVEROS, EIRHOL W. 4/5/2007 40 1.5 M 2.2500 12 ,2 17.70 Normal Normal
18 . PINEDA, FRANCE JAVIER H. 12/3/2006 29 1.35 M 1.8225 12 ,6 15.90 Normal Stunted
19 . REBUCAS, PRINCE B. 10/26/2004 47 1.5 M 2.2500 14 ,7 20.80 Normal Stunted
20 . RIZAGA, JAMES STEVEN M. 2/24/2007 26 1.36 M 1.8496 12 ,3 14.00 Wasted Stunted
21 . ROSELA, CLYDE VINCENT 8/26/2007 39 1.45 M 2.1025 11 ,9 18.50 Normal Normal
22 . SICAT, WESLEE Y. 8/25/2006 90 1.61 M 2.5921 12 ,9 34.70 Obese Normal
23 . TANGI JR, GILBIRT E. 6/19/2007 40 1.37 M 1.8769 11 , 11 21.30 Normal Normal
24 . ALVIZ, JENNY L. 10/7/2007 43 1.51 F 2.2801 11 ,8 18.80 Normal Normal
25 . BAKING, PATRICIA 6/4/2006 32 1.45 F 2.1025 13 ,0 15.20 Normal Normal
26 . BAYANI, ROSEMEL 2/3/2007 39 1.44 F 2.0736 12 ,4 18.80 Normal Normal
27 . CALMA, SHANE ANDREA P. 3/17/2007 39 1.52 F 2.3104 12 ,2 16.80 Normal Normal
28 . CAMAYA, RAVEN R. 8/8/2006 40 1.44 F 2.0736 12 , 10 19.20 Normal Normal
29 . CORPUZ, SARAH MAE 10/29/2007 33 1.31 F 1.7161 11 ,7 19.20 Normal Stunted
30 . DAHMAN, SHANE GRACE 7/8/2007 55 1.45 F 2.1025 11 , 11 26.10 Overweight Normal
31 . DORONA, RYVE ANGEL B. 2/5/2007 34 1.44 F 2.0736 12 ,4 16.30 Normal Normal
32 . EVARISTO, JAYLIN EUNICE T. 5/18/2006 43 1.45 F 2.1025 13 ,0 20.40 Normal Normal
33 . FELIX, JAYRAH NICOLE P. 6/13/2007 32 1.39 F 1.9321 11 , 11 16.50 Normal Normal
34 . MALIQ, ALIM O. 5/11/2006 49 1.5 F 2.2500 13 ,0 21.70 Normal Normal
35 . MARTIN, MARY JOYCE C. 12/8/2006 49 1.55 F 2.4025 12 ,6 20.30 Normal Normal
36 . MENDOZA, EIYDHEE D. 12/6/2006 52 1.53 F 2.3409 12 ,6 22.20 Normal Normal
37 . REYES, ROXIE ANNE D. 2/28/2007 44 1.45 F 2.1025 12 ,3 20.90 Normal Normal
38 . RIVERA, BLESSIE HEART G. 5/4/2007 39 1.48 F 2.1904 12 ,1 17.80 Normal Normal
39 . SUNGA, KATHLEEN DENISE H. 7/16/2007 40 1.43 F 2.0449 11 , 10 19.50 Normal Normal
40 . VICTORIA, MAE ANNE S. 5/7/2007 39 1.48 F 2.1904 12 ,1 17.80 Normal Normal
41 . VILLAFUENTE, ALLYZA NICOLE L 10/21/2006 49 1.49 F 2.2201 12 ,7 22.00 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 23 18 41 No. of Cases 23 18 41 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 4 0 4 Stunted 7 1 8
Normal 16 17 33 Normal 16 17 33
Overweight 2 1 3 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 1 0 1
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 7: Timothy

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . ABREGA, CLARENCE NEIL G. 9/10/2006 33 1.47 M 2.1609 12 ,9 15.20 Normal Normal
2 . CALIXTRO, BLAKE JHASMER G. 11/25/2006 68 1.6 M 2.5600 12 ,6 26.50 Overweight Normal
3 . CASUPANAN, JAYVEE GENASKEY B. 11/26/2006 40 1.6 M 2.5600 12 ,6 15.60 Normal Normal
4 . ESTANISLAO, CHERWIN M. 11/27/2006 38 1.6 M 2.5600 12 ,6 14.80 Normal Normal
5 . FERER, ALZHANE MARK 12/2/2006 33 1.42 M 2.0164 12 ,6 16.30 Normal Normal
6 . GAMBOA, BRYLE MIGUEL S. 8/15/2007 37 1.45 M 2.1025 11 ,9 17.50 Normal Normal
7 . GARCIA, KIM ZHYREL 10/23/2006 30 1.4 M 1.9600 12 ,7 15.30 Normal Normal
8 . GARGANERA, JHON PAUL B. 10/23/2006 35 1.4 M 1.9600 12 ,7 17.80 Normal Normal
9 . GULTIANO, JUSTINE S. 10/24/2006 38 1.49 M 2.2201 12 ,7 17.10 Normal Normal
10 . LUZUNG, MICO R. 10/21/2007 21 1.24 M 1.5376 11 ,7 13.60 Wasted Severely Stunted
11 . MACAPANAS, JUSTIN KYLE T. 12/19/2006 32 1.39 M 1.9321 12 ,5 16.50 Normal Normal
12 . MANACMUL, JOHN MARK 8-25-2007 40 1.41 M 1.9881 11 ,9 20.10 Normal Normal
13 . MANGUERRA, JON ELIJAH B. 10-1-2007 33 1.39 M 1.9321 11 ,8 17.00 Normal Normal
14 . MANICDAO, DEXTER 6/19/2007 49 1.48 M 2.1904 11 , 11 22.30 Normal Normal
15 . PATDU, NATHAN F. 6/28/2006 44 1.51 M 2.2801 12 , 11 19.20 Normal Normal
16 . SINGH, ASHLEY G. 5/31/2004 29 1.33 M 1.7689 15 ,0 16.30 Normal Severely Stunted
17 . STO DOMINGO, JUMONG P. 6/19/2007 33 1.48 M 2.1904 11 , 11 15.00 Normal Normal
18 . SUBA, LEVIE M. 2/12/2007 45 1.4 M 1.9600 12 ,3 22.90 Normal Normal
19 . TALADRO, JEREMIL C. 2/22/2006 32 1.39 M 1.9321 13 ,3 16.50 Normal Stunted
20 . TUAZON, RENZ CARL D. 2/12/2007 28 1.34 M 1.7956 12 ,3 15.50 Normal Stunted
21 . BATHAN, STEFFANIE U. 12/2/2007 47 1.49 M 2.2201 11 ,6 21.10 Normal Normal
22 . BITUIN, JEM MAIOMI D. 1/18/2006 46 1.52 F 2.3104 13 ,4 19.90 Normal Normal
23 . CALIWAN, ASHLEY GRECHELLE E. 4/15/2007 33 1.46 F 2.1316 12 ,1 15.40 Normal Normal
24 . DE JESUS, IRISH V. 8/22/2007 57 1.58 F 2.4964 11 ,9 22.80 Normal Normal
25 . DEL ROSARIO, JANELLE P. 7/15/2007 73 1.62 F 2.6244 11 , 10 27.80 Overweight Normal
26 . DIZON, MARIE ELLA B. 3/13/2007 49 1.51 F 2.2801 12 ,2 21.40 Normal Normal
27 . MARIANO, ANGEL GRACE M. 8/19/2007 31 1.33 F 1.7689 11 ,9 17.50 Normal Stunted
28 . MASA, AYESHA GWEN C. 8/28/2007 96 1.62 F 2.6244 11 ,9 36.50 Obese Normal
29 . OLIMPO, MICHELLE NICOLE U. 10/30/2007 25 1.32 F 1.7424 11 ,7 14.30 Normal Stunted
30 . PAJARILLO, RHYSTEPAN 11/4/2007 27 1.31 F 1.7161 11 ,7 15.70 Normal Stunted
31 . PALAÑA, KATRINA NALRA D. 12/22/2005 35 1.46 F 2.1316 13 ,5 16.40 Normal Normal
32 . PALAÑA, RIAMEL D. 1/17/2007 37 1.39 F 1.9321 12 ,4 19.10 Normal Stunted
33 . PAMINTUAN, NELLY ANN ASHLEY R 7/3/2007 45 1.42 F 2.0164 11 , 11 22.30 Normal Normal
34 . PINEDA, JANELLA KHIM B. 5/30/2006 42 1.54 F 2.3716 13 ,0 17.70 Normal Normal
35 . QUIAMBAO, MICA GRACE P. 7/3/2007 45 1.5 F 2.2500 11 , 11 20.00 Normal Normal
36 . RIVERA TRISHA FELICE L. 11/25/2006 38 1.46 F 2.1316 12 ,6 17.80 Normal Normal
37 . SABINO, PRINCESS ADEA V. 8/14/2007 72 1.51 F 2.2801 11 ,9 31.50 Overweight Normal
38 . SALAMAT, JAIMEE ANNE G. 10/29/2006 41 1.51 F 2.2801 12 ,7 17.90 Normal Normal
39 . SANTOS SHAINA V. 5/10/2007 53 1.5 F 2.2500 12 ,1 23.50 Normal Normal
40 . SERRANO, FAITH T. 8/5/2006 80 1.51 F 2.2801 12 , 10 35.00 Obese Normal
41 . SIGUA, ANDREA NICOLE D. 12/26/2007 36 1.39 F 1.9321 11 ,5 18.60 Normal Normal
42 . TIGLAO, KATHLEEN A. 5-8-2007 49 1.47 F 2.1609 12 ,1 22.60 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 21 21 42 No. of Cases 21 21 42 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 2 0 2 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 1 0 1 Stunted 2 4 6
Normal 19 17 36 Normal 17 17 34
Overweight 1 2 3 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 2 2
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 7: Abraham

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . BRIONES, JASPER KYLLE C. 9/6/2006 66 1.61 M 2.5921 12 ,9 25.40 Overweight Normal
2 . FABIAN, TIMOTHY JAY M. 8/3/2007 41 1.54 M 2.3716 11 , 10 17.20 Normal Normal
3 . GAÑA, ADRIAN CARL L. 11/14/2007 61 1.49 M 2.2201 11 ,6 27.40 Overweight Normal
4 . GARLITOS, JOSHUA CYRUS P. 8/3/2007 41 1.49 M 2.2201 11 , 10 18.40 Normal Normal
5 . LAYUG, JONASH G. 5/19/2007 34 1.42 M 2.0164 12 ,0 16.80 Normal Normal
6 . LAZATIN, JUSTIN 3/13/2007 40 1.43 M 2.0449 12 ,2 19.50 Normal Normal
7 . ORFRECIO, DAVE KEITH 1/10/2007 40 1.43 M 2.0449 12 ,5 19.50 Normal Normal
8 . PANLILIO, LUIS RIONE R. 3/13/2007 69 1.59 M 2.5281 12 ,2 27.20 Overweight Normal
9 . PINEDA, NATHANIEL 10/4/2007 35 1.43 M 2.0449 11 ,8 17.10 Normal Normal
10 . QUIRANI, REYNAN CARL M. 9/22/2006 43 1.54 M 2.3716 12 ,8 18.10 Normal Normal
11 . ROBLES, MARK JUSTINE 9/26/2006 35 1.43 M 2.0449 12 ,8 17.10 Normal Normal
12 . SANTOS, NATHANIEL ANGEL P. 9/20/2007 25 1.3 M 1.6900 11 ,8 14.70 Normal Stunted
13 . SAPNU, JUSTINE ALLAN T. 11/12/2006 40 1.54 M 2.3716 12 ,6 16.80 Normal Normal
14 . YAMBAO, JOHN BENEDICT P. 8/7/2007 64 1.57 M 2.4649 11 , 10 25.90 Overweight Normal
15 . BARERRA, LEIZELL G. 8/6/2007 37 1.45 F 2.1025 11 , 10 17.50 Normal Normal
16 . BOGNOT, CHLOE R. 6/26/2006 39 1.43 F 2.0449 12 , 11 19.00 Normal Normal
17 . CALAGUAS, STEFANIE ANGEL 1/8/2007 44 1.54 F 2.3716 12 ,5 18.50 Normal Normal
18 . CARILLO, KASSANDRA ANTONIO 8/20/2007 38 1.42 F 2.0164 11 ,9 18.80 Normal Normal
19 . DE GUZMAN, SOPHIA ANGELICA M 8/30/2007 48 1.43 F 2.0449 11 ,9 23.40 Normal Normal
20 . DE LARA, RHIAN R. 11/6/2007 33 1.39 F 1.9321 11 ,7 17.00 Normal Normal
21 . DUQUE, ABIGAIL G. 2/17/2007 60 1.53 F 2.3409 12 ,3 25.60 Overweight Normal
22 . GARCIA, KATE SHELBY M. 4/1/2007 43 1.47 F 2.1609 12 ,2 19.80 Normal Normal
23 . GOZUN, KRYSTAL MAE A. 11/24/2006 37 1.46 F 2.1316 12 ,6 17.30 Normal Normal
24 . IGNEO, VALERIE S. 12/1/2006 28 1.32 F 1.7424 12 ,6 16.00 Normal Severely Stunted
25 . JIMENEZ, ROSE ANN Y. 11/11/2006 41 1.47 F 2.1609 12 ,6 18.90 Normal Normal
26 . LAGMAN, XYRELLE YSI L. 3/27/2007 52 1.52 F 2.3104 12 ,2 22.50 Normal Normal
27 . LINDO, BIANCA 8/5/2006 51 1.56 F 2.4336 12 , 10 20.90 Normal Normal
28 . MANINANG, VERRIANA NICOLE K. 8/2/2007 42 1.54 F 2.3716 11 , 10 17.70 Normal Normal
29 . MOQUIA, ASHLEE JEAN 1/6/2007 51 1.54 F 2.3716 12 ,5 21.50 Normal Normal
30 . NONOD, KLAIRE MICAELA G. 4/4/2007 53 1.44 F 2.0736 12 ,2 25.50 Overweight Normal
31 . RAÑON , PAULA MAE C. 1/6/2007 51 1.52 F 2.3104 12 ,5 22.00 Normal Normal
32 . RODRIGUEZ, ZAMIRAH O. 12/3/2006 34 1.47 F 2.1609 12 ,6 15.70 Normal Normal
33 . TONGOL, BERNANDETH S. 12/6/2006 74 1.56 F 2.4336 12 ,6 30.40 Overweight Normal
34 . VALDEZ, JENNY ROSE 12/6/2006 51 1.55 F 2.4025 12 ,6 21.20 Normal Normal
35 . VALENZUELA, CHARRY L. 7/22/2006 47 1.52 F 2.3104 12 , 10 20.30 Normal Normal
36 . VILLANUEVA, AILEN B. 6/20/2007 34 1.37 F 1.8769 11 , 11 18.10 Normal Stunted
37 . YAMZON, JECIYANE CHANTEL D. 4/30/2007 75 1.55 F 2.4025 12 ,1 31.20 Overweight Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 14 23 37 No. of Cases 14 23 37 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 0 1 1 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 0 0 0 Stunted 1 1 2
Normal 10 19 29 Normal 13 21 34
Overweight 4 4 8 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 7: Daniel

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . APERONG, RACEL B. 4/12/2004 42 1.53 M 2.3409 15 ,1 17.90 Normal Stunted
2 . AZUELO, CHRISTIAN GABRIEL P. 10/1/2007 30 1.34 M 1.7956 11 ,8 16.70 Normal Normal
3 . BISDA, GABRIEL 10/1/2007 42 1.42 M 2.0164 11 ,8 20.80 Normal Normal
4 . CANSINO, JERICHO F. 9/18/2007 76 1.42 M 2.0164 11 ,8 37.60 Obese Normal
5 . CAPITULO, MAVRICK NATHAN T. 5/13/2006 21 1.17 M 1.3689 13 ,0 15.30 Normal Severely Stunted
6 . DUNGCA, ALLEN Y. 9/6/2006 40 1.57 M 2.4649 12 ,9 16.20 Normal Normal
7 . DUNGCA, MARVIN F. 9/6/2006 38 1.56 M 2.4336 12 ,9 15.60 Normal Normal
8 . ESGUERRA, ERIC JR. D. 7/26/2006 61 1.55 M 2.4025 12 , 10 25.30 Overweight Normal
9 . HERNANDEZ, CARL STEVEN R. 2/14/2007 40 1.4 M 1.9600 12 ,3 20.40 Normal Normal
10 . LASCO, MICHAEL S. 12/2/2005 59 1.57 M 2.4649 13 ,6 23.90 Normal Normal
11 . MANIAGO, CHARLIE S. 5/14/2007 34 1.49 M 2.2201 12 ,0 15.30 Normal Normal
12 . NACPIL, MARK LAWRENCE M. 4/5/2007 51 1.6 M 2.5600 12 ,2 19.90 Normal Normal
13 . OLAVARIO, JEREMY R. 10/18/2006 32 1.35 M 1.8225 12 ,7 17.50 Normal Stunted
14 . RAMOS, TIMI L. 9/29/2007 40 1.48 M 2.1904 11 ,8 18.20 Normal Normal
15 . SALAZAR, GERALD S. 1/30/2007 40 1.49 M 2.2201 12 ,4 18.00 Normal Normal
16 . SUNGA, DANILO ARCEL T. 8/7/2006 31 1.42 M 2.0164 12 , 10 15.30 Normal Normal
17 . TIMBOL, JOHN LESTER Q. 5/26/2007 27 1.33 M 1.7689 12 ,0 15.20 Normal Stunted
18 . TONGOL, ALVIN T. 12/14/2007 30 1.42 M 2.0164 11 ,5 14.80 Normal Normal
19 . ZILMAR, JOHN ANGELOU D. 3/12/2004 53 1.59 M 2.5281 15 ,2 20.90 Normal Normal
20 . TURLA, REYNAN L. 9/11/2001 46 1.57 M 2.4649 17 ,8 18.60 Normal Stunted
21 . BALDERA, ANAMAE O. 5/1/1999 44 1.47 F 2.1609 20 ,1 20.30 Normal Adult
22 . BELEN, MONICA A. 6/5/2006 38 1.44 F 2.0736 13 ,0 18.30 Normal Normal
23 . BUHAIN, CLARENCE ARIELLE C. 12/14/2007 44 1.44 F 2.0736 11 ,5 21.20 Normal Normal
24 . CABALLA, ALYANNA JANE B. 9/6/2006 49 1.52 F 2.3104 12 ,9 21.20 Normal Normal
25 . CAYABYAB, KRISHA ANN O. 12/14/2007 39 1.39 F 1.9321 11 ,5 20.10 Normal Normal
26 . FRANCO, LYZA RHIAN P. 8/9/2007 30 1.39 F 1.9321 11 , 10 15.50 Normal Normal
27 . GONZAGA, YZA RAE R. 12/14/2007 47 1.48 F 2.1904 11 ,5 21.40 Normal Normal
28 . HICBAN, JULYIANA VHIENYZ L. 6/6/2007 47 1.5 F 2.2500 12 ,0 20.80 Normal Normal
29 . LACSAMANA, LHESHAN KATE S. 4/8/2006 43 1.48 F 2.1904 13 ,2 19.60 Normal Normal
30 . MENDOZA, SOPIA P. 6/6/2007 44 1.49 F 2.2201 12 ,0 19.80 Normal Normal
31 . PASION, JUSTINE KEIZHA A. 12/2/2006 42 1.49 F 2.2201 12 ,6 18.90 Normal Normal
32 . REGNER, RHIALYN M. 8/13/2007 44 1.49 F 2.2201 11 ,9 19.80 Normal Normal
33 . RODRIGO, MIA JANE R. 8/10/2006 55 1.53 F 2.3409 12 , 10 23.40 Normal Normal
34 . ROJAS, MARIEL C. 8/13/2007 55 1.49 F 2.2201 11 ,9 24.70 Normal Normal
35 . SALANGSANG, JASMINE D. 10/18/2007 44 1.43 F 2.0449 11 ,7 21.50 Normal Normal
36 . SALANGSANG, PRINCESS JANELLE C 8/23/2007 38 1.44 F 2.0736 11 ,9 18.30 Normal Normal
37 . SAN LUIS, ANGELICA P. 10/18/2007 42 1.43 F 2.0449 11 ,7 20.50 Normal Normal
38 . SUNIEGA, ASHLEY S. 10/17/2007 43 1.41 F 1.9881 11 ,7 21.60 Normal Normal
39 . SUPAN, MARLYN R. 1/14/2007 33 1.47 F 2.1609 12 ,4 15.20 Normal Normal
40 . TOLOSA, ASHLEY S. 9/29/2007 37 1.51 F 2.2801 11 ,8 16.20 Normal Normal
41 . VELASCO, ALYSSA NICOL O. 8/22/2006 34 1.5 F 2.2500 12 ,9 15.10 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 20 21 41 No. of Cases 20 20 40 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 1 0 1 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 0 0 0 Stunted 4 0 4
Normal 18 21 39 Normal 15 20 35
Overweight 1 0 1 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 1 0 1
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 7: Kongzi

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . BANGIT, ARGEL D. 11/25/2005 63 1.69 M 2.8561 13 ,6 22.00 Normal Normal
2 . DELA CRUZ, NIMUEL M. 4/19/2007 32 1.41 M 1.9881 12 ,1 16.00 Normal Normal
3 . EVARISTO, KURT HOWARD P. 2/7/2007 54 1.48 M 2.1904 12 ,4 24.60 Overweight Normal
4 . GARCIA, JOAQUIN B. 10-22-2007 35 1.36 M 1.8496 11 ,7 18.90 Normal Normal
5 . MANALANG, ZIAN GABRIEL P. 7-15-2007 68 1.5 M 2.1025 11 , 10 32.30 Obese Normal
6 . NAIGAN, EIDREF MILES G. 9-1-2006 50 1.48 M 2.1904 12 ,9 22.80 Normal Normal
7 . NAPA, GIAN GABRIEL B. 4-14-2006 36 1.45 M 2.1025 13 ,1 17.10 Normal Normal
8 . PANGILINAN, CHARLES JUSTINE A. 12-8-2006 43 1.56 M 2.4336 12 ,6 17.60 Normal Normal
9 . PASSION, CLENT JHYRO G. 10-23-2007 42 1.44 M 2.0736 11 ,7 20.20 Normal Normal
10 . MAGNO, KEITH MATTHEW P. 2-24-2007 62 1.5 M 2.3104 12 ,3 26.80 Overweight Normal
11 . PUNO, IAN OTHELLO C. 3-23-2007 34 1.39 M 1.9321 12 ,2 17.50 Normal Normal
12 . VILLAS, DAVID JOHN G. 11-14-2007 72 1.5 M 2.1609 11 ,6 33.30 Obese Normal
13 . BALUYUT, KINESHA MARGARETTE D. 8-22-2007 39 1.45 F 2.1025 11 ,9 18.50 Normal Normal
14 . CALMA, RABYN S. 11-6-2007 45 1.46 F 2.1316 11 ,7 21.10 Normal Normal
15 . DUYA, RICA ROSE NICOLE 11-27-2006 59 1.44 F 2.0736 12 ,6 28.40 Overweight Normal
16 . GONZALES, DWYNNE JILLARY R. 4-25-2007 22 1.26 F 1.5876 12 ,1 13.80 Wasted Severely Stunted
17 . GUINTU, ABIGAIL G. 5-15-2006 60 1.48 F 2.1904 13 ,0 27.30 Overweight Normal
18 . HADAP, LORIE ANNE M. 3-14-2007 39 1.47 F 2.1609 12 ,2 18.00 Normal Normal
19 . HERNANDEZ, MICAH ANGELICA P. 8-27-2007 28 1.37 F 1.8769 11 ,9 14.90 Normal Normal
20 . LAQUINDANUM, MICAH C. 2-7-2007 59 1.55 F 2.4025 12 ,4 24.50 Normal Normal
21 . LUZUNG, JAYMEE G. 6-20-2007 39 1.4 F 1.9600 11 , 11 19.80 Normal Normal
22 . NUCUP, ALEXIE NICOLE E. 6-8-2006 62 1.54 F 2.3716 13 ,0 26.10 Normal Normal
23 . PANALIGAN, PRECIOUS INDY M. 1-29-2007 48 1.53 F 2.3409 12 ,4 20.50 Normal Normal
24 . PAYUMO, MAILYN G. 7-13-2007 36 1.45 F 2.1025 11 , 10 17.10 Normal Normal
25 . QUIAMBAO, MICAELLA R. 12-29-2006 38 1.51 F 2.2801 12 ,5 16.60 Normal Normal
26 . RUEDA, ASHLEY ANN M. 7-31-2007 63 1.46 F 2.1316 11 , 10 29.50 Overweight Normal
27 . SACRO, CARLA S. 2-17-2007 38 1.45 F 2.1025 12 ,3 18.00 Normal Normal
28 . TIQUI, MA NILYN D. 10-10-2007 59 1.47 F 2.1609 11 ,8 27.30 Overweight Normal
29 . TOLENTINO, SOFIA B. 5-24-2007 42 1 F 2.1904 12 ,0 19.10 Normal Normal
30 . TORRES, JILIANA M. 1/31/2007 40 1.49 F 2.2201 12 ,4 18.00 Normal Normal
31 . TORRES, SAMANTHA NICOLE C. 7/31/2007 47 1.44 F 2.0736 11 , 10 22.60 Normal Normal
32 . TUAZON, SOPHIA MAE 9/9/2006 74 1.56 F 2.4336 12 ,9 30.40 Overweight Normal
33 . VALENCIA, CASSANDRA KATE C. 8/11/2007 45 1.51 F 2.2801 11 ,9 19.70 Normal Normal
34 . VERGARA, ALLEAH T. 6/7/2007 64 1.57 F 2.4649 12 ,0 25.90 Overweight Normal
35 . VILLALUZ, NATHALIE GWYNE D. 1/15/2007 78 1.56 F 2.4336 12 ,4 32.00 Overweight Normal
36 . VILLOCERO, ALCEE NATALIE A. 10/19/2007 42 1.46 F 2.1316 11 ,7 19.70 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 12 24 36 No. of Cases 12 24 36 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 0 1 1 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 0 1 1 Stunted 0 0 0
Normal 8 16 24 Normal 12 23 35
Overweight 2 7 9 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 2 0 2
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 7: David

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . ALFONSO, JOHN MICHAEL R. 2/1/2007 52 1.4 M 1.9600 12 ,4 26.50 Overweight Normal
2 . BALDERA, ROBERTO O. 9/10/2002 43 1.57 M 2.4649 16 ,9 17.40 Normal Stunted
3 . CABBAB, KENNETH P. 4/29/2007 30 1.37 M 1.8769 12 ,1 15.90 Normal Normal
4 . CASTRO, JAMES BRYAN C. 1/10/2007 28 1.56 M 2.4336 12 ,5 11.50 Severely Wasted Normal
5 . CASTRO, JOHN JONAR M. 10/13/2007 51 1.4 M 1.9600 11 ,7 26.00 Overweight Normal
6 . CUNANAN, KARL VINCENT L. 7/19/2007 41 1.45 M 2.1025 11 , 10 19.50 Normal Normal
7 . DE VERA, JEROME 5/6/2007 40 1.4 M 1.9600 12 ,1 20.40 Normal Normal
8 . DICOLAYAN, JOHN PATRICK T. 4/28/2007 31 1.41 M 1.9881 12 ,1 15.50 Normal Normal
9 . LAXAMANA, RICCI B. 10/7/2007 53 1.43 M 2.0449 11 ,8 25.90 Overweight Normal
10 . LEYCO, JHON LUI E. 12/27/2006 43 1.39 M 1.9321 12 ,5 22.20 Normal Normal
11 . MAGTULOY, JOHN STEPHEN GERAL 6/4/2007 28 1.28 M 1.6384 12 ,0 17.00 Normal Stunted
12 . MERCADO, GEOFFREY T. 1/4/2005 43 1.62 M 2.6244 14 ,5 16.30 Normal Normal
13 . MUÑOZ, GIO D. 1/23/2007 37 1.46 M 2.1316 12 ,4 17.30 Normal Normal
14 . NAOL, ETHAN SEBASTIAN G. 7/24/2006 29 1.41 M 1.9881 12 , 10 14.50 Wasted Normal
15 . PATDU, AARON L. 11/6/2006 31 1.36 M 1.8496 12 ,7 16.70 Normal Stunted
16 . PEÑA, NIXON BRYLE B. 10/19/2006 41 1.48 M 2.1904 12 ,7 18.70 Normal Normal
17 . RODRIGUEZ, TERRENCE SHIEN M. 9/30/2007 36 1.33 M 1.7689 11 ,8 20.30 Normal Stunted
18 . ROY, JADE LOUIS B. 7/5/2007 35 1.45 M 2.1025 11 , 11 16.60 Normal Normal
19 . SANCHEZ, ALBERT 8/7/2006 44 1.44 M 2.0736 12 , 10 21.20 Normal Normal
20 . SANTIAGO, FRITZ IAN S. 9/19/2006 29 1.42 M 2.0164 12 ,8 14.30 Wasted Normal
21 . TULIAO, CRIS DOMINIC 1/13/2003 43 1.52 M 2.3104 16 ,4 18.60 Normal Stunted
22 . WILLIAMS, ROBERT NEIL N. 6/9/2007 31 1.38 M 1.9044 12 ,0 16.20 Normal Normal
23 . DEGALA, ROMHAR G. 10/27/2007 42 1.57 M 2.4649 11 ,7 17.00 Normal Normal
24 . HURICKS, JOHN RENZ 10/20/2004 55 1.7 M 2.8900 14 ,7 19.00 Normal Normal
25 . BUNGAY, HIDEE CLAIRE C. 7/29/2007 40 1.44 F 2.0736 11 , 10 19.20 Normal Normal
26 . CABELIZA, ANGELICA A. 8/23/2007 40 1.37 F 1.8769 11 ,9 21.30 Normal Normal
27 . CALAGUAS, JASHLEY MAE M. 4/25/2007 31 1.31 F 1.7161 12 ,1 18.00 Normal Severely Stunted
28 . CELIS, PRINCESS D. 4/12/2007 33 1.42 F 2.0164 12 ,1 16.30 Normal Normal
29 . DELOS SANTOS, SACHI MAE B. 10/25/2005 33 1.41 F 1.9881 13 ,7 16.50 Normal Stunted
30 . DIMATULAC, KRISTINE Q. 4/14/2007 27 1.37 F 1.8769 12 ,1 14.30 Wasted Stunted
31 . GUNAY, JADE CARMELLE 12/22/2006 33 1.39 F 1.9321 12 ,5 17.00 Normal Stunted
32 . ELLADOR, AIMIE T. 2/14/2007 41 1.48 F 2.1904 12 ,3 18.70 Normal Normal
33 . LUMBANG, BIANCA L. 7/5/2006 45 1.44 F 2.0736 12 , 11 21.70 Normal Normal
34 . MANALOTO, NICOLE D. 5/9/2007 37 1.48 F 2.1904 12 ,1 16.80 Normal Normal
35 . ONTING, JEVERLYN D. 7/1/2007 21 1.16 F 1.3456 11 , 11 15.60 Normal Severely Stunted
36 . PINPIN, ROAN CARMELYN G. 7/23/2007 27 1.3 F 1.6900 11 , 10 15.90 Normal Stunted
37 . SAVANDAL, PRECIOUS ELAINE M. 1/30/2007 39 1.5 F 2.2500 12 ,4 17.30 Normal Normal
38 . TALAMAYAN, OLIVE M. 1/13/2007 41 1.52 F 2.3104 12 ,4 17.70 Normal Normal
39 . VILLANUEVA, ANGEL R. 1/18/2007 31 1.42 F 2.0164 12 ,4 15.30 Normal Normal
40 . YALUNG, PAULINE M. 7/25/2007 33 1.35 F 1.8225 11 , 10 18.10 Normal Stunted
41 . RAMOS, REALYN 9/26/2005 36 1.36 F 1.8496 13 ,8 19.40 Normal Severely Stunted

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 24 17 41 No. of Cases 24 17 41 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 1 0 1 Sev. Stunted 0 3 3 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 2 1 3 Stunted 5 5 10
Normal 18 16 34 Normal 19 9 28
Overweight 3 0 3 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 7: Isaac

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . AGUELO, JERIC 9/22/2006 25 1.29 M 1.6641 12 ,8 15.00 Normal Severely Stunted
2 . CANLAS, DAVE CARLO DIZON 8/23/2007 26 1.39 M 1.9321 11 ,9 13.40 Wasted Normal
3 . CEDBISA, LAWRENCE DANILLE R. 12/9/2006 34 1.49 M 2.2201 12 ,6 15.30 Normal Normal
4 . CUNANAN, MICHAEL TRIX 6/24/2005 34 1.45 M 2.1025 13 , 11 16.10 Normal Stunted
5 . DAVID, VINCE ANDREW R. 5/5/2007 48 1.42 M 2.0164 12 ,1 23.80 Overweight Normal
6 . DIZON, HAILIE JADE D. 12/20/2006 39 1.5 M 2.2500 12 ,5 17.30 Normal Normal
7 . FERRER, ALZHANNE MARK 4/30/2007 39 1.55 M 2.4025 12 ,1 16.20 Normal Normal
8 . GARCIA, KARL HAROLD L. 2/15/2006 30 1.36 M 1.8496 13 ,3 16.20 Normal Stunted
9 . GUEVARRA, JHON NICHOLE M. 8/31/2004 47 1.66 M 2.7556 14 ,9 17.00 Normal Normal
10 . LANSANG, EINER NIGEL L. 3/1/2007 42 1.47 M 2.1609 12 ,3 19.40 Normal Normal
11 . MAGLALANG, JAYSON T. 3/18/2005 43 1.53 M 2.3409 14 ,2 18.30 Normal Normal
12 . MARUCUT, VINCE A. 9/9/2003 51 1.56 M 2.4336 15 ,9 20.90 Normal Stunted
13 . PAMINTUAN, JOEY D. 6/7/2006 35 1.39 M 1.9321 13 ,0 18.10 Normal Stunted
14 . PAMINTUAN, JOSELITO S. 8/10/2005 38 1.53 M 2.3409 13 , 10 16.20 Normal Normal
15 . PANGANIBAN, JOHN MARK F. 9/27/2006 36 1.42 M 2.0164 12 ,8 17.80 Normal Normal
16 . PANGANIBAN, JOHN PAUL F. 9/14/2004 50 1.59 M 2.5281 14 ,8 19.70 Normal Normal
17 . RAMOS, RAINIER 7/4/2004 52 1.66 M 2.7556 14 , 11 18.80 Normal Normal
18 . REBALLOS, ALEC MARK C. 8/31/2007 31 1.37 M 1.8769 11 ,9 16.50 Normal Normal
19 . ROCA, VHINZIEL JOHN C. 1/3/2007 39 1.42 M 2.0164 12 ,5 19.30 Normal Normal
20 . SAYCE, RUBEN JR. L. 9/25/2003 59 1.64 M 2.6896 15 ,8 21.90 Normal Normal
21 . TOLENTINO, LANCE RHOVEE M. 8/7/2007 38 1.41 M 1.9881 11 , 10 19.10 Normal Normal
22 . ALFONSO, RHEAN NICOLE G. 4/4/2006 45 1.31 F 1.7161 13 ,2 26.20 Normal Severely Stunted
23 . BAULA, SAMANTHA THEA B. 8/28/2007 58 1.4 F 1.9600 11 ,9 29.50 Overweight Normal
24 . BONDOC, LIRA JAN C. 1/4/2007 55 1.51 F 2.2801 12 ,5 24.10 Normal Normal
25 . CORPUZ, STEPHANIE L. 6/22/2006 35 1.49 F 2.2201 12 , 11 15.70 Normal Normal
26 . DOLOHAN, ERICA C. 5/6/2007 36 1.53 F 2.3409 12 ,1 15.30 Normal Normal
27 . ESGUERRA, MYCA ROSE D. 7/6/2007 46 1.44 F 2.0736 11 , 11 22.10 Normal Normal
0 12/20/2006 37 1.41 M 1.9881 12 ,5 18.60 Normal Normal
######JACOB, LARA MAE E. 2/3/2004 40 1.47 F 2.1609 15 ,4 18.50 Normal Stunted
######LAYUG, JESLIE 2/8/2005 59 1.48 F 2.1904 14 ,4 26.90 Normal Normal
######LIBAO, RAILEE T. 8/7/2007 31 1.39 F 1.9321 11 , 10 16.00 Normal Normal
######MAGLALANG, HANNA KIM J. 4/1/2007 25 1.33 F 1.7689 12 ,2 14.10 Wasted Stunted
######MANIAGO, MARIE LHYND B. 3/5/2006 35 1.4 F 1.9600 13 ,3 17.80 Normal Stunted
######MARQUEZ, BON JESLIE D. 12/7/2005 31 1.36 F 1.8496 13 ,6 16.70 Normal Severely Stunted
######NUNAG, SAVANNA APRIL B. 4/4/2007 55 1.5 F 2.2500 12 ,2 24.40 Normal Normal
######OJERAS, CRYSTEL ANNE P. 5/4/2007 57 1.5 F 2.2500 12 ,1 25.30 Overweight Normal
######REYES, TRISHA MAE D. 5/3/2007 31 1.36 F 1.8496 12 ,1 16.70 Normal Stunted
######SAET, ALLEEMARHEY QWYNEY A. 10/27/2007 38 1.57 F 2.4649 11 ,7 15.40 Normal Normal
######SAGUN, CAMIYAH LEI U. 1/10/2007 40 1.43 F 2.0449 12 ,5 19.50 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 22 17 39 No. of Cases 22 17 39 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 1 2 3 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 1 1 2 Stunted 4 4 8
Normal 20 14 34 Normal 17 11 28
Overweight 1 2 3 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 7: John

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . CALIGAGAN, CHRISTIAN JAY B. 4/2/2007 26 1.32 M 1.7424 12 ,2 14.90 Normal Stunted
2 . CARTAGENA, JERICHO A. 7/25/2005 34 1.43 M 2.0449 13 , 10 16.60 Normal Stunted
3 . ENAJE, DENVER JOHN C. 12/23/2006 33 1.39 M 1.9321 12 ,5 17.00 Normal Normal
4 . EVANS, RONALD S. 10/22/2000 47 1.58 M 2.4964 18 ,7 18.80 Normal Stunted
5 . LAXAMAMANA, DANIEL S. 8/22/2006 40 1.52 M 2.3104 12 ,9 17.30 Normal Normal
6 . MAGSINO, ANDREI JOSH M. 8/5/2007 52 1.4 M 1.9600 11 , 10 26.50 Overweight Normal
7 . MANALO, DENVER M. 8/31/2007 46 1.55 M 2.4025 11 ,9 19.10 Normal Normal
8 . MONTILLA, AARON JAMES J. 2/25/2007 42 1.5 M 2.2500 12 ,3 18.60 Normal Normal
9 . MUÑOZ, STEVEN M. 11/29/2006 31 1.43 M 2.0449 12 ,6 15.10 Normal Normal
10 . NACPIL , JONAS P. 1/7/2005 41 1.45 M 2.1025 14 ,5 19.50 Normal Stunted
11 . PADILLA, PATRICK REGINAL F. 6/21/2006 41 1.57 M 2.4649 12 , 11 16.60 Normal Normal
12 . PAYUMO, RENZ PAULO T. 11/30/2006 32 1.33 M 1.7689 12 ,6 18.00 Normal Stunted
13 . PEREZ, RENZ S. 1/10/2006 42 1.49 M 2.2201 13 ,5 18.90 Normal Normal
14 . PIACIDAD, ALVIN B. 4/18/2007 30 1.67 M 2.7889 12 ,1 10.70 Severely Wasted Tall
15 . PIODO, CARL JIMUEL 5/18/2006 50 1.49 M 2.2201 13 ,0 22.50 Normal Normal
16 . QUIAMBAO, STEVEN M. 2/1/2007 1.51 1.39 M 1.9321 12 ,4 0.70 Severely Wasted Normal
17 . QUINTO, JESTER T. 1/7/2007 38 1.43 M 2.0449 12 ,5 18.50 Normal Normal
18 . SANIEGA, GENESIS P. 5/30/2008 42 1.49 M 2.2201 11 ,0 18.90 Normal Normal
19 . SANTOS, DUNSTAN G. 9/3/2007 54 1.47 M 2.1609 11 ,9 24.90 Overweight Normal
20 . SUNGA, RJAY H. 4/7/2007 79 1.57 M 2.4649 12 ,2 32.00 Obese Normal
21 . TAYAG, APRIL JOHN M. 4/25/2005 48 1.61 M 2.5921 14 ,1 18.50 Normal Normal
22 . TONGOL, LANDER G. 11/28/2000 36 1.43 M 2.0449 18 ,6 17.60 Normal Severely Stunted
23 . BALAGOT, ANNIE JOY S. 2/22/2006 37 1.38 F 1.9044 13 ,3 19.40 Normal Stunted
24 . BAUTISTA, ALICIA M. 10/1/2005 31 1.44 F 2.0736 13 ,8 14.90 Wasted Stunted
25 . DAVID, LIZEL L. 5/5/2007 36 1.4 F 1.9600 12 ,1 18.30 Normal Normal
26 . DELA CRUZ, ROJESSA B. 6/3/2006 39 1.46 F 2.1316 13 ,0 18.20 Normal Normal
27 . ELUMORA, AIZY S. 11/7/2005 41 1.46 F 2.1316 13 ,7 19.20 Normal Normal
28 . FRANCISCO, NICOLE M. 12/23/2006 35 1.3 F 1.6900 12 ,5 20.70 Normal Severely Stunted
29 . GALANO, JOANA FAYE D. 9/11/2007 49 1.44 F 2.0736 11 ,8 23.60 Normal Normal
30 . FIGUEROA, KATHRINE VINES P. 1/15/2007 49 1.46 F 2.1316 12 ,4 22.90 Normal Normal
31 . GARCIA, JURIES ANNE S. 4/11/2006 44 1.48 F 2.1904 13 ,1 20.00 Normal Normal
32 . LALU, APREAL L. 3/3/2007 33 1.49 F 2.2201 12 ,3 14.80 Normal Normal
33 . MANANSALA, ERHYZA MAE P. 9/13/2007 37 1.43 F 2.0449 11 ,8 18.00 Normal Normal
34 . POTENCIO, DANIELLA NICOLE T. 12/16/2006 45 1.45 F 2.1025 12 ,5 21.40 Normal Normal
35 . RABULAN, CHRISTINE JOY C. 8/13/2007 49 1.42 F 2.0164 11 ,9 24.30 Normal Normal
36 . SALENGA, MIRA NICOLE A. 9/3/2006 38 1.5 F 2.2500 12 ,9 16.80 Normal Normal
37 . SARMIENTO, SUSAN A 4/26/2007 33 1.43 F 2.0449 12 ,1 16.10 Normal Normal
38 . TAN, ALYSSA MARIELA G. 1/31/2006 48 1.53 F 2.3409 13 ,4 20.50 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 22 16 38 No. of Cases 22 16 38 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 2 0 2 Sev. Stunted 1 1 2 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 0 1 1 Stunted 5 2 7
Normal 17 15 32 Normal 15 13 28
Overweight 2 0 2 Tall 1 0 1
Obese 1 0 1
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 7: Joshua

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . ALVAREZ, RALPH LOUISE C. 10/11/2005 34 1.44 M 2.0736 13 ,7 16.30 Normal Stunted
2 . CALINAYA, TEDDY B. 10/24/2007 36 1.47 M 2.1609 11 ,7 16.60 Normal Normal
3 . CARREON, ANDRE PAUL S. 9/26/2006 31 1.4 M 1.9600 12 ,8 15.80 Normal Normal
4 . DELA CRUZ, ALIH S. 6/9/2004 43 1.52 M 2.3104 15 ,0 18.60 Normal Stunted
5 . DIMARUCUT, JOHN KENNETH G. 4/5/2007 34 1.38 M 1.9044 12 ,2 17.80 Normal Normal
6 . DINIO, ARJUN RENT J. 11/8/2006 43 1.41 M 1.9881 12 ,7 21.60 Normal Normal
7 . ECHEVARRIA JR., EMIL P. 8/17/2004 54 1.57 M 2.4649 14 ,9 21.90 Normal Normal
8 . EVANS, EMMANUEL JOSE S. 1/5/2005 29 1.31 M 1.7161 14 ,5 16.80 Normal Severely Stunted
9 . GALUTAN, REGGIE 11/19/2006 57 1.62 M 2.6244 12 ,6 21.70 Normal Normal
10 . GARCIA, MICO F. 9/7/2007 36 1.45 M 2.1025 11 ,9 17.10 Normal Normal
11 . HERRERA, DUNCAN REIN A. 9/19/2007 30 1.3 M 1.6900 11 ,8 17.70 Normal Stunted
12 . LARION, GHIROME Y. 2/13/2007 28 1.42 M 2.0164 12 ,3 13.80 Wasted Normal
13 . LISING, JAY-AR M. 5/13/2007 29 1.24 M 1.5376 12 ,0 18.80 Normal Severely Stunted
14 . MICLAT, JOHN IVAN E. 10/31/2006 58 1.55 M 2.4025 12 ,7 24.10 Normal Normal
15 . MANOY, JOHN FRANCIS LORENZ B. 8/19/2007 31 1.39 M 1.9321 11 ,9 16.00 Normal Normal
16 . PAMPLONA, JHOLOE D. 9/26/2006 43 1.59 M 2.5281 12 ,8 17.00 Normal Normal
17 . RIVERA, CHARLES KENT S. 7/4/2007 58 1.44 M 2.0736 11 , 11 27.90 Overweight Normal
18 . SAMBILE, JEREMY P. 4/13/2007 36 1.42 M 2.0164 12 ,1 17.80 Normal Normal
19 . SANTIAGO, JOHN LLOYD E. 10/8/2007 29 1.41 M 1.9881 11 ,8 14.50 Normal Normal
20 . SANTOS, BENJAMIN D. 9/18/2007 30 1.38 M 1.9044 11 ,8 15.70 Normal Normal
21 . TONGOL, JOHN JACOB 8/16/2007 55 1.45 M 2.1025 11 ,9 26.10 Overweight Normal
22 . VELASCO, ZINITCHI ZACH GR 8/16/2007 55 1.45 M 2.1025 11 ,9 26.10 Overweight Normal
23 . ANDAYA, STEPHANIE C. 10/28/2007 62 1.49 F 2.2201 11 ,7 27.90 Overweight Normal
24 . ANGELES, SANTY S. 12/19/2006 38 1.46 F 2.1316 12 ,5 17.80 Normal Normal
25 . CAGUIN, ALISON KIM D. 7/24/2002 31 1.51 F 2.2801 16 , 10 13.50 Severely Wasted Normal
26 . CONDES, PATRICIA R. 7/23/2006 41 1.51 F 2.2801 12 , 10 17.90 Normal Normal
27 . CORPUZ, CATHERINE M. 1/23/2007 51 1.5 F 2.2500 12 ,4 22.60 Normal Normal
28 . DUCUT, SHERRIE ANNE E. 5/3/2007 35 1.52 F 2.3104 12 ,1 15.10 Normal Normal
29 . ESGUERRA, LOVELY ANGELB. 7/2/2006 39 1.35 F 1.8225 12 , 11 21.30 Normal Severely Stunted
30 . FABROS, JUVIEROSE S. 7/6/2006 34 1.3 F 1.6900 12 , 11 20.10 Normal Severely Stunted
31 . GUALDARIO, RIZA MAE P. 2/8/2007 29 1.37 F 1.8769 12 ,4 15.40 Normal Stunted
32 . GUEVARRA, JERALDINE V. 10/12/2006 38 1.46 F 2.1316 12 ,7 17.80 Normal Normal
33 . LACANLALE, RAINN JASTINN N. 8/19/2007 38 1.45 F 2.1025 11 ,9 18.00 Normal Normal
34 . PAMINTUAN, CHILLIE ANN C. 2/5/2004 28 1.45 F 2.1025 15 ,4 13.30 Severely Wasted Stunted
35 . PASAMONTE, MIZIELA DEIREL D. 12/13/2006 50 1.44 F 2.0736 12 ,5 24.10 Normal Normal
36 . SAGPATAN, ASHLEY YVONE I. 12/23/2006 40 1.55 F 2.4025 12 ,5 16.60 Normal Normal
37 . SARMIENTO, DOMINGA J. 2/17/2007 53 1.48 F 2.1904 12 ,3 24.10 Normal Normal
38 . SUDLA, AUDREY LEONNAFRED PARI 5/21/2007 32 1.39 F 1.9321 12 ,0 16.50 Normal Normal
39 . SUNDIANG, JESEL DARRE B. 6/14/2007 36 1.42 F 2.0164 11 , 11 17.80 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 22 17 39 No. of Cases 22 17 39 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 2 2 Sev. Stunted 2 2 4 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 1 0 1 Stunted 3 2 5
Normal 18 14 32 Normal 17 13 30
Overweight 3 1 4 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 7: Mark

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . BASCO, ARWIN B. 10/23/2007 44 1.41 M 1.9881 11 ,7 22.10 Normal Normal
2 . CANONO, RAINIER 6/15/2004 54 1.58 M 2.4964 14 , 11 21.60 Normal Normal
3 . CORTEZ, SEAN HAYDEN M. 9/25/2007 45 1.46 M 2.1316 11 ,8 21.10 Normal Normal
4 . DE GUZMAN, MARK BERNARD 6/9/2006 46 1.45 M 2.1025 13 ,0 21.80 Normal Normal
5 . DE JESUS, ROMMEL C. 7/26/2006 36 1.44 M 2.0736 12 , 10 17.30 Normal Normal
6 . DICHOSO, JOHN MARK B. 1/14/2006 29 1.38 M 1.9044 13 ,4 15.20 Normal Stunted
7 . EUSEBIO, EMMANUEL V. 10/7/2006 56 1.57 M 2.4649 12 ,8 22.70 Normal Normal
8 . FLORORITA, JOHN LOUISE E. 5/10/2007 54 1.45 M 2.1025 12 ,1 25.60 Overweight Normal
9 . GARCIA, RAPHAEL G. 6/11/2007 36 1.43 M 2.0449 11 , 11 17.60 Normal Normal
10 . MANALOTO, MARCO POLO D. 11/14/2006 44 1.51 M 2.2801 12 ,6 19.20 Normal Normal
11 . NACPIL, JONATHAN 6/10/2003 47 1.46 M 2.1316 16 ,0 22.00 Normal Severely Stunted
12 . PAMINTUAN, JOHN CARLO G. 6/19/2006 45 1.42 M 2.0164 12 , 11 22.30 Normal Normal
13 . PAMINTUAN, MICHAEL JR. S. 10/5/2006 51 1.54 M 2.3716 12 ,8 21.50 Normal Normal
14 . PANLILLIO, GABRIEL IVAN I. 8/31/2007 32 1.4 M 1.9600 11 ,9 16.30 Normal Normal
15 . QUISMUNDO, BIEN CARLO P. 10/31/2007 36 1.39 M 1.9321 11 ,7 18.60 Normal Normal
16 . RAMOS, JOHN PATRICK R. 10/9/2007 31 1.31 M 1.7161 11 ,8 18.00 Normal Stunted
17 . RAMOS, STEVEN KETAN F. 10/21/2006 55 1.56 M 2.4336 12 ,7 22.60 Normal Normal
18 . SALUNGA, CHRISTIAN C. 4/14/2007 67 1.56 M 2.4336 12 ,1 27.50 Overweight Normal
19 . SALUNGA, SEAN JHAYRONE C. 6/25/2007 37 1.46 M 2.1316 11 , 11 17.30 Normal Normal
20 . SEÑORIN, JAYVIE 10/15/2004 44 1.46 M 2.1316 14 ,7 20.60 Normal Stunted
21 . SUAREZ, MANUEL T. 4/14/2007 40 1.59 M 2.5281 12 ,1 15.80 Normal Normal
22 . TAYAO, RAINIER A. 8/12/2006 59 1.52 M 2.3104 12 ,9 25.50 Overweight Normal
23 . TIMOTEO, ASHLEY C. 2/14/2007 33 1.38 M 1.9044 12 ,3 17.30 Normal Normal
24 . BASA, ERICA JOY M. 8/12/2006 71 1.55 F 2.4025 12 ,9 29.50 Overweight Normal
25 . BATI, KRISHIAKEIN S. 3/23/2007 38 1.46 F 2.1316 12 ,2 17.80 Normal Normal
26 . CHIU, KIMBERLY SALIYUMBA 10/3/2007 42 1.49 F 2.2201 11 ,8 18.90 Normal Normal
27 . CUYAB, KRISTAL JOY S. 8/29/2007 37 1.45 F 2.1025 11 ,9 17.50 Normal Normal
28 . DIZON, RIAMN DLAIN M. 3/24/2007 33 1.32 F 1.7424 12 ,2 18.90 Normal Stunted
29 . FLORES, CHARLENE DAYANARA R. 1/29/2006 41 1.47 F 2.1609 13 ,4 18.90 Normal Normal
30 . GALANG, CLARISSE JOYCE 11/28/2006 41 1.52 F 2.3104 12 ,6 17.70 Normal Normal
31 . MELLA, KRYSTEL ANN JOY G. 12/29/2006 52 1.57 F 2.4649 12 ,5 21.00 Normal Normal
32 . NUCUM, ANGEL NICOLE C. 11/12/2006 71 1.45 F 2.1025 12 ,6 33.70 Obese Normal
33 . NUNAG, JAYLENE N. 11/30/2006 37 1.47 F 2.1609 12 ,6 17.10 Normal Normal
34 . JAPZON, ODESSA C. 2/24/2007 42 1.47 F 2.1609 12 ,3 19.40 Normal Normal
35 . ORPIANDA, JASMINE M. 9/18/2007 45 1.57 F 2.4649 11 ,8 18.20 Normal Normal
36 . RESULTAY, TRICIA MAE C. 10/27/2007 34 1.41 F 1.9881 11 ,7 17.10 Normal Normal
37 . SEÑORIN, ELLAINE B. 5/16/2006 33 1.42 F 2.0164 13 ,0 16.30 Normal Stunted
38 . SOLIMAN, AYESSA N. 10/14/2006 50 1.46 F 2.1316 12 ,7 23.40 Normal Normal
39 . TAN, MARRY GRACE A. 10/8/2007 31 1.43 F 2.0449 11 ,8 15.10 Normal Normal
40 . TAYAG, JASHLEY P. 6/13/2007 30 1.44 F 2.0736 11 , 11 14.40 Normal Normal
41 . TICMON, ASHLEY MHARE 6/16/2007 36 1.5 F 2.2500 11 , 11 16.00 Normal Normal
42 . LAPUZ, ELIEZA M. 6/12/2007 37 1.57 F 2.4649 11 , 11 15.00 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 23 19 42 No. of Cases 23 19 42 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 1 0 1 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 0 0 0 Stunted 3 2 5
Normal 20 17 37 Normal 19 17 36
Overweight 3 1 4 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 1 1
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 8: Jerusalem

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . BALATBAT, JOHN RUSSEL D. 10/26/2005 46 1.66 M 2.7556 13 ,7 16.60 Normal Normal
2 . BANGIT, MICHAEL B. 1/24/2006 42 1.58 M 2.4964 13 ,4 16.80 Normal Normal
3 . BERNARDO, JUSTINE RICKY L. 10/8/2006 50 1.59 M 2.5281 12 ,8 19.70 Normal Normal
4 . DUENAS, BRIAN JHAY L. 5/29/2006 59 1.55 M 2.4025 13 ,0 24.50 Normal Normal
5 . GUEVARRA, ASHLEY JIRO M. 7/10/2006 50 1.6 M 2.5600 12 , 11 19.50 Normal Normal
6 . JULIAN, JOHN LLOYD N. 3/24/2005 44 1.64 M 2.6896 14 ,2 16.30 Normal Normal
7 . MACO, RUSSEL JOHN S. 3/11/2005 34 1.53 M 2.3409 14 ,2 14.50 Wasted Normal
8 . MANALANG, RAMETH JAMES P. 1/31/2006 67 1.62 M 2.6244 13 ,4 25.50 Overweight Normal
9 . NAGUIT, ALDREI C. 4/3/2005 62 1.69 M 2.8561 14 ,2 21.70 Normal Normal
10 . NOGOY, CRISTHAN M. 5/11/2006 54 1.53 M 2.3409 13 ,0 23.00 Normal Normal
11 . NUCUP, JOSHUEL D. 9/5/2005 48 1.55 M 2.4025 13 ,9 19.90 Normal Normal
12 . PINEDA, CYRUS M. 8/17/2006 47 1.57 M 2.4649 12 ,9 19.00 Normal Normal
13 . QUIAMBAO, MICHAEL R. 11/14/2005 40 1.61 M 2.5921 13 ,6 15.40 Normal Normal
14 . SERRANO, JONDY C. 11/20/2005 38 1.55 M 2.4025 13 ,6 15.80 Normal Normal
15 . TALANAY, FLORENCE DANIEL S. 7/14/2006 63 1.49 M 2.2201 12 , 10 28.30 Overweight Normal
16 . TAYAG, JAN CHRISTOPHER D. 8/26/2006 84 1.71 M 2.9241 12 ,9 28.70 Overweight Tall
17 . TOLENTINO, JUSTIN T. 6/27/2006 30 1.55 M 2.4025 12 , 11 12.40 Severely Wasted Normal
18 . VIOLENTA, ARISTOOTLE MIKHAIL D 11/15/2006 46 1.59 M 2.5281 12 ,6 18.10 Normal Normal
19 . CABAUATAN, REINALYN C. 7/18/2006 30 1.57 F 2.4649 12 , 10 12.10 Severely Wasted Normal
20 . CAGUIN, ANGEL C. 10/25/2006 79 1.54 F 2.3716 12 ,7 33.30 Obese Normal
21 . CAMBALLA, MARIA CASSANDRA N. 12/1/2005 55 1.5 F 2.2500 13 ,6 24.40 Normal Normal
22 . CHAVEZ, MICAELA 8/3/2004 39 1.49 F 2.2201 14 , 10 17.50 Normal Normal
23 . CRUZA, AIRISH B. 11/16/2004 52 1.49 F 2.2201 14 ,6 23.40 Normal Normal
24 . DAYRIT, MARY LYN P. 2/9/2006 39 1.52 F 2.3104 13 ,4 16.80 Normal Normal
25 . DE DOTE, ALEXANDRA YVONNE D. 11/25/2005 38 1.54 F 2.3716 13 ,6 16.00 Normal Normal
26 . DE GUZMAN, GIAN RAYE D. 10/6/2006 45 1.49 F 2.2201 12 ,8 20.20 Normal Normal
27 . DE JESUS, AITHENN M. 11/14/2006 57 1.44 F 2.0736 12 ,6 27.40 Overweight Normal
28 . DIMACALI, TRISSHA N. 6/25/2006 54 1.41 F 1.9881 12 , 11 27.10 Overweight Stunted
29 . DUBLIN, EREZ JOY Y. 2/28/2006 49 1.54 F 2.3716 13 ,3 20.60 Normal Normal
30 . DUNGCA, NATASHA Y. 2/23/2006 48 1.48 F 2.1904 13 ,3 21.90 Normal Normal
31 . GAMBOA, BEA MIKYLA S. 6/2/2006 50 1.53 F 2.3409 13 ,0 21.30 Normal Normal
32 . GUTIERREZ, PRINCESS 6/15/2006 35 1.44 F 2.0736 12 , 11 16.80 Normal Normal
33 . MACATANGAY, LJ RAEKA V. 10/28/2006 63 1.47 F 2.1609 12 ,7 29.10 Overweight Normal
34 . MANALOTO, PAULEEN M. 11/24/2005 45 1.44 F 2.0736 13 ,6 21.70 Normal Stunted
35 . MATIC, FRANCHESKA DENISE C. 12/1/2005 43 1.57 F 2.4649 13 ,6 17.40 Normal Normal
36 . MENDOZA, LEA REIGN C. 10/19/2006 40 1.52 F 2.3104 12 ,7 17.30 Normal Normal
37 . MORAO, JOCAS T. 1/3/2006 56 1.52 F 2.3104 13 ,5 24.20 Normal Normal
38 . OPENA, KATE CAMILLE C. 9/7/2005 50 1.55 F 2.4025 13 ,9 20.80 Normal Normal
39 . PASION, EUNICE ERICA M. 4/14/2006 52 1.56 F 2.4336 13 ,1 21.30 Normal Normal
40 . ROMERO, ROMINA M. 12/11/2005 39 1.55 F 2.4025 13 ,5 16.20 Normal Normal
41 . SABLAY, MARY JOY P. 1/23/2006 39 1.53 F 2.3409 13 ,4 16.60 Normal Normal
42 . SILOT, SLHIWYN JANE L. 5/26/2006 52 1.55 F 2.4025 13 ,0 21.60 Normal Normal
43 . TIAMZON, SHIENA P. 1/13/2006 47 1.46 F 2.1316 13 ,4 22.00 Normal Normal
44 . TOLENTINO, ZYRELLE MAE R. 9/22/2006 47 1.55 F 2.4025 12 ,8 19.50 Normal Normal
45 . VILLANUEVA, JOY NICOLE L. 10/19/2005 39 1.45 F 2.1025 13 ,7 18.50 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 18 27 45 No. of Cases 18 27 45 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 1 1 2 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 1 0 1 Stunted 0 2 2
Normal 13 22 35 Normal 17 25 42
Overweight 3 3 6 Tall 1 0 1
Obese 0 1 1
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 8: Bethany

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . ADOVAS, ALDRIN RALPH Y. 11/28/2005 39 1.39 M 1.9321 13 ,6 20.10 Normal Stunted
2 . ANDAYA, JOHN MICHAEL D. 8/17/2006 43 1.44 M 2.0736 12 ,9 20.70 Normal Normal
3 . ARGUELLAS, KURT LUIS S. 7/2/2006 43 1.4 M 1.9600 12 , 11 21.90 Normal Stunted
4 . DAVID, JAYRON G. 10/19/2005 45 1.56 M 2.4336 13 ,7 18.40 Normal Normal
5 . DIMACALI, WENDEL WICO 11/10/2005 73 1.62 M 2.6244 13 ,7 27.80 Overweight Normal
6 . GALVAN, EMANUEL J. 6/2/2005 44 1.6 M 2.5600 14 ,0 17.10 Normal Normal
7 . GARCIA, KAIROS A. 12/11/2005 62 1.64 M 2.6896 13 ,5 23.00 Normal Normal
8 . LARITA, KENT O. 12/31/2005 41 1.48 M 2.1904 13 ,5 18.70 Normal Normal
9 . LIWANAG, JORGE T. 10/6/2006 65 1.53 M 2.3409 12 ,8 27.70 Overweight Normal
10 . LOPEZ, JEMERK M. 8/7/2006 38 1.49 M 2.2201 12 , 10 17.10 Normal Normal
11 . MALLARI, EDWARD JOHN B. 10/31/2005 34 1.46 M 2.1316 13 ,7 15.90 Normal Normal
12 . MALLARI, RANZEL D. 3-23-2006 42 1.51 M 2.2801 13 ,2 18.40 Normal Normal
13 . ONTING, MARC D. 3-19-2006 37 1.46 M 2.1316 13 ,2 17.30 Normal Normal
14 . PINEDA, SHERWIN C. 5-29-2006 65 1.53 M 2.3409 13 ,0 27.70 Overweight Normal
15 . RIVERA, NEITHAN 7/30/2006 27 1.4 M 1.9600 12 , 10 13.70 Wasted Stunted
16 . ACUB, NATASHA JANLYN A. 12/19/2005 23 1.32 F 1.7424 13 ,5 13.20 Severely Wasted Severely Stunted
17 . AQUINO, ZIZNA MAECY D. 5/7/2006 56 1.58 F 2.4964 13 ,1 22.40 Normal Normal
18 . ARIOLA, KAYDEE E. 12/14/2006 40 1.51 F 2.2801 12 ,5 17.50 Normal Normal
19 . BANAG, NIKKI D. 1/3/2006 46 1.54 F 2.3716 13 ,5 19.30 Normal Normal
20 . CAYETANO, ANGEL MAE V. 12/26/2006 41 1.42 F 2.0164 12 ,5 20.30 Normal Normal
21 . DELA CRUZ, KAREN MAE P. 3/2/2004 47 1.38 F 1.9044 15 ,3 24.60 Normal Severely Stunted
22 . ENCARNACION, RAZEL ANN 10/25/2005 43 1.47 F 2.1609 13 ,7 19.80 Normal Normal
23 . FABIALA, MARIANE 3/8/2006 48 1.59 F 2.5281 13 ,3 18.90 Normal Normal
24 . GANTAN, MARY GRACE D. 2/9/2003 45 1.52 F 2.3104 16 ,4 19.40 Normal Normal
25 . GONZALES, ASHLEY YSHIN 10/14/2005 45 1.5 F 2.2500 13 ,7 20.00 Normal Normal
26 . GUTIERREZ, CLARISSE M. 2/1/2006 42 1.49 F 2.2201 13 ,4 18.90 Normal Normal
27 . GUTIERREZ, MARIELA S. 2/15/2006 38 1.43 F 2.0449 13 ,3 18.50 Normal Stunted
28 . HIPOLITO, KRISHA Q. 7/25/2006 35 1.63 F 2.6569 12 , 10 13.10 Severely Wasted Normal
29 . LINTAG, ALEXANDRA L. 3/8/2004 55 1.51 F 2.2801 15 ,3 24.10 Normal Normal
30 . LOMRES, LEABEL 1/2/2004 44 1.49 F 2.2201 15 ,5 19.80 Normal Normal
31 . MALLARI LIEANN S. 8/11/2005 48 1.51 F 2.2801 13 ,9 21.00 Normal Normal
32 . MANALASTAS, NICOLE 8/2/2006 50 1.51 F 2.2801 12 , 10 21.90 Normal Normal
33 . MUNOZ, GELANINA P. 7/14/2006 46 1.57 F 2.4649 12 , 10 18.60 Normal Normal
34 . ORQUIA, SHEENA 3/2/2002 50 1.54 F 2.3716 17 ,3 21.00 Normal Normal
35 . PINEDA, AIRA M. 11/12/2005 42 1.5 F 2.2500 13 ,6 18.60 Normal Normal
36 . QUIROZ, SHEENA MARIE C. 8/29/2006 39 1.53 F 2.3409 12 ,9 16.60 Normal Normal
37 . RAMOS, PAULENE D. 9/12/2006 54 1.48 F 2.1904 12 ,8 24.60 Normal Normal
38 . RIVERA, L-JHAY C. 3/4/2006 38 1.51 F 2.2801 13 ,3 16.60 Normal Normal
39 . RIVERA, MARY JOY F. 8/9/2005 69 1.4 F 1.9600 13 , 10 35.20 Obese Stunted
40 . VILLARBA, ANDREA R. 9/29/2005 41 1.61 F 2.5921 13 ,8 15.80 Normal Normal
41 . YANDAN, FAITH DENISE I. 11/29/2006 41 1.57 f 2.4649 12 ,6 16.60 Normal Normal
42 . RIVERA, ARA SHAINAZ 2/25/2005 45 1.58 F 2.4964 14 ,3 18.00 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 15 27 42 No. of Cases 15 27 42 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 2 2 Sev. Stunted 0 2 2 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 1 0 1 Stunted 3 2 5
Normal 11 24 35 Normal 12 23 35
Overweight 3 0 3 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 1 1
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 8: Wen Miao

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . ANTONIO, ANDREI KIEL S. 3/23/2005 58 1.69 M 2.8561 14 ,2 20.30 Normal Normal
2 . CASUPANAN, PAUL ANDREI D. 12/15/2005 42 1.55 M 2.4025 13 ,5 17.40 Normal Normal
3 . CENABRE, PEEJAY B. 4/22/2006 37 1.51 M 2.2801 13 ,1 16.20 Normal Normal
4 . DIMABUYU, JOHN ADRIAN M. 7/26/2006 49 1.53 M 2.3409 12 , 10 20.90 Normal Normal
5 . GARCIA, GABRIEL S. 12/28/2006 54 1.38 M 1.9044 12 ,5 28.30 Overweight Normal
6 . LALU, KIANNE PAOLO A. 4/24/2006 40 1.66 M 2.7556 13 ,1 14.50 Wasted Normal
7 . MANGUERRA, STEVEN CIANT I. 1/8/2006 44 1.57 M 2.4649 13 ,5 17.80 Normal Normal
8 . NUCUM, JUSTIN EMMANUEL C. 7/5/2005 72 1.6 M 2.5600 13 , 11 28.10 Overweight Normal
9 . PADILLA, JHON CARLO I. 9/7/2006 56 1.62 M 2.6244 12 ,9 21.30 Normal Normal
10 . PARDO, ALLEN AERON E. 1/17/2006 58 1.56 M 2.4336 13 ,4 23.80 Normal Normal
11 . PINEDA, BRANDON LEE B. 3/1/2005 42 1.55 M 2.4025 14 ,3 17.40 Normal Normal
12 . PUNO, GEANNE ANGELO C. 11/7/2005 38 1.38 M 1.9044 13 ,7 19.90 Normal Stunted
13 . SANGALANG, KIRSTEN B. 6/14/2006 61 1.52 M 2.3104 12 , 11 26.40 Overweight Normal
14 . AGUSTIN, KATRINA MARITHE D. 12/24/2005 36 1.41 F 1.9881 13 ,5 18.10 Normal Stunted
15 . ARGUELLAS, ANGEL LYN H. 6/20/2006 55 1.49 F 2.2201 12 , 11 24.70 Normal Normal
16 . ATILLO, NINA ALEXANDRA S. 9/6/2006 44 1.54 F 2.3716 12 ,9 18.50 Normal Normal
17 . CABALLA, PRECIOUS PAULA NICOLE 4/9/2006 69 1.49 F 2.2201 13 ,2 31.00 Overweight Normal
18 . DE LEON, PHOEBE JEANNE P. 12/23/2005 40 1.56 F 2.4336 13 ,5 16.40 Normal Normal
19 . DELA CRUZ, REGINA AMBER L. 1/17/2006 52 1.56 F 2.4336 13 ,4 21.30 Normal Normal
20 . DIZON, KASSANDRA MAEVE C. 7/26/2006 46 1.55 F 2.4025 12 , 10 19.10 Normal Normal
21 . EVARISTO, FEBE ANN S. 3/31/2006 45 1.56 F 2.4336 13 ,2 18.40 Normal Normal
22 . FRANCISCO, NATHALIE JANE M. 6/29/2006 44 1.49 F 2.2201 12 , 11 19.80 Normal Normal
23 . GRAVADOR, SHARMEL M. 3/28/2006 47 1.54 F 2.3716 13 ,2 19.80 Normal Normal
24 . GUINTU, ASHLEY Q. 10/5/2005 46 1.51 F 2.2801 13 ,8 20.10 Normal Normal
25 . LAMPA, ISABELLE E. 12/9/2005 35 1.54 F 2.3716 13 ,6 14.70 Wasted Normal
26 . MACABANTI, MARIEL JOY R. 10/17/2005 65 1.59 F 2.5281 13 ,7 25.70 Normal Normal
27 . MANDAP, SHEILLA MAY D. 10/23/2005 48 1.51 F 2.2801 13 ,7 21.00 Normal Normal
28 . MANGILIMAN, ANIKA JHAZMIN P. 10/12/2006 48 1.43 F 2.0449 12 ,7 23.40 Normal Normal
29 . MARCELO, JOY RAVEN G. 1/29/2006 36 1.47 F 2.1609 13 ,4 16.60 Normal Normal
30 . MIRANDA, ALLODEA T. 11/22/2005 59 1.48 F 2.1904 13 ,6 26.90 Overweight Normal
31 . MORTON, YASMIEN KATE G. 8/7/2006 63 1.52 F 2.3104 12 , 10 27.20 Overweight Normal
32 . NUNAG, ARSHEN NICOLE N. 3/17/2006 46 1.52 F 2.3104 13 ,2 19.90 Normal Normal
33 . PINEDA, PHEANNE JHEM M. 3/2/2006 44 1.55 F 2.4025 13 ,3 18.30 Normal Normal
34 . QUIAZON, SAMANTHA NICHOLE T. 11/13/2005 42 1.59 F 2.5281 13 ,6 16.60 Normal Normal
35 . SILAPAN, RAIZA JAIRA F. 7/13/2006 33 1.37 F 1.8769 12 , 10 17.50 Normal Stunted
36 . SORIANO, PRINCESS KATE A. 9/18/2006 54 1.53 F 2.3409 12 ,8 23.00 Normal Normal
37 . UNCAD, DIANALYN A. 6/28/2006 38 1.46 F 2.1316 12 , 11 17.80 Normal Normal
38 . WU, PRINCESS TIFFANY J. 9/12/2006 29 1.36 F 1.8496 12 ,8 15.60 Normal Stunted

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 13 25 38 No. of Cases 13 25 38 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 1 1 2 Stunted 1 3 4
Normal 9 21 30 Normal 12 22 34
Overweight 3 3 6 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 8: Smyrna

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . AGAPITO, ASHLEE P. 8/10/2005 68 1.66 M 2.7556 13 , 10 24.60 Normal Normal
2 . AGUINALDO, JOURNEE T. 4/4/2006 58 1.54 M 2.3716 13 ,2 24.40 Normal Normal
3 . BEROY, JEREMY D. 8/18/2006 52 1.49 M 2.2201 12 ,9 23.40 Normal Normal
4 . DAVID, ANDREW FRANCIS D. 5/21/2006 43 1.59 M 2.5281 13 ,0 17.00 Normal Normal
5 . DELA CRUZ, TRISTAN AZZER R. 1/16/2006 38 1.6 M 2.5600 13 ,4 14.80 Wasted Normal
6 . EVARISTO, NEIL ARCHIE D. 9/12/2005 37 1.44 M 2.0736 13 ,8 17.80 Normal Stunted
7 . FERNANDEZ, NICK RHOGAN 9/13/2006 57 1.57 M 2.4649 12 ,8 23.10 Normal Normal
8 . LUBRICO, GIO KURTH ADRIAN 10/1/2005 76 1.68 M 2.8224 13 ,8 26.90 Overweight Normal
9 . MACASIEB, JOHN CLAUDE M. 9/3/2006 46 1.59 M 2.5281 12 ,9 18.10 Normal Normal
10 . MANALAC, MARK NINO 7/30/2006 36 1.48 M 2.1904 12 , 10 16.40 Normal Normal
11 . MANALOTO, JHONELLE ANDREI 12/20/2005 39 1.57 M 2.4649 13 ,5 15.80 Normal Normal
12 . PIODENA, JOHN MICHAEL M. 8/7/2006 42 1.52 M 2.3104 12 , 10 18.10 Normal Normal
13 . PINEDA, JIMUEL ASHLEY R. 4/17/2006 53 1.57 M 2.4649 13 ,1 21.50 Normal Normal
14 . SUNDIANG, JESS ANDREY D. 11/24/2005 40 1.51 M 2.2801 13 ,6 17.50 Normal Normal
15 . VILLANUEVA, PETER PAUL P. 11/2/2005 50 1.59 M 2.5281 13 ,7 19.70 Normal Normal
16 . VIRAY, ANDREI M. 8/29/2006 38 1.5 M 2.2500 12 ,9 16.80 Normal Normal
17 . YABUT, ARJHIE Y. 6/8/2006 42 1.37 M 1.8769 13 ,0 22.30 Normal Stunted
18 . ARCEO, LALAINE M. 12/16/2005 40 1.37 F 1.8769 13 ,5 21.30 Normal Severely Stunted
19 . ARISTELA, MARYROSE C. 10/26/2005 40 1.48 F 2.1904 13 ,7 18.20 Normal Normal
20 . BUAN, DANLYN MAE S. 11/25/2005 36 1.49 F 2.2201 13 ,6 16.20 Normal Normal
21 . CEBALLOS, MIKAELA B. 4/26/2006 34 1.38 F 1.9044 13 ,1 17.80 Normal Stunted
22 . CALMONA, PRINCESS CSHIKINA 8/24/2006 82 1.51 F 2.2801 12 ,9 35.90 Obese Normal
23 . CAYANAN, JULIA ROSE B. 11/21/2005 53 1.56 F 2.4336 13 ,6 21.70 Normal Normal
24 . ENRIQUEZ, YUNA RINOA S. 2/18/2006 53 1.63 F 2.6569 13 ,3 19.90 Normal Normal
25 . ER-ER, KHRISTAL ANGEL P. 12/26/2005 48 1.44 F 2.0736 13 ,5 23.10 Normal Stunted
26 . ESCOTO, KIM IRISH G. 1/25/2006 51 1.59 F 2.5281 13 ,4 20.10 Normal Normal
27 . LIWANAG, GABRIELLA C. 3/26/2004 59 1.49 F 2.2201 15 ,2 26.50 Normal Normal
28 . MAGAT, JESSICA F. 7/2/2003 48 1.54 F 2.3716 15 , 11 20.20 Normal Normal
29 . MANALO, SOPHIA MAUREEN M 4/29/2006 57 1.5 F 2.2500 13 ,1 25.30 Normal Normal
30 . MANARANG, SOPHIA L. 7/28/2006 79 1.52 F 2.3104 12 , 10 34.10 Obese Normal
31 . MOQUIA, ALTHEA JARE 7/29/2005 38 1.51 F 2.2801 13 , 10 16.60 Normal Normal
32 . MORALES, PRINCES NICOLE M. 9/7/2005 42 1.53 F 2.3409 13 ,9 17.90 Normal Normal
33 . PASION, PRECIOUS DANE T. 2/6/2006 40 1.46 F 2.1316 13 ,4 18.70 Normal Normal
34 . PINEDA, LOREINE O. 1/12/2006 45 1.53 F 2.3409 13 ,4 19.20 Normal Normal
35 . PINEDA, ZAIRICE MAE C. 10/14/2006 47 1.43 F 2.0449 12 ,7 22.90 Normal Normal
36 . RAGONJAN, ASHLEY SHANE 2/2/2006 51 1.44 F 2.0736 13 ,4 24.50 Normal Normal
37 . RENON, RYZA Q. 10/17/2005 37 1.47 F 2.1609 13 ,7 17.10 Normal Normal
38 . RIVERA, DINA PRECIOUS 4/21/2006 55 1.52 F 2.3104 13 ,1 23.80 Normal Normal
39 . SERRANO, JANINE CHARLOTTE S. 5/28/2006 45 1.42 F 2.0164 13 ,0 22.30 Normal Stunted
40 . TONGOL, JASMINE CLAIRE M. 1/5/2006 51 1.51 F 2.2801 13 ,5 22.30 Normal Normal
41 . VITAL, ARABELLA T. 2/12/2006 39 1.48 F 2.1904 13 ,3 17.80 Normal Normal
42 . YAMSON, VINNICE O. 9/18/2006 41 1.52 F 2.3104 12 ,8 17.70 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 17 25 42 No. of Cases 17 25 42 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 0 1 1 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 1 0 1 Stunted 2 3 5
Normal 15 23 38 Normal 15 21 36
Overweight 1 0 1 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 2 2
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 8: Damascus

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . BASUL, RUSCEL C. 06/18/2006 34 1.42 M 2.0164 12 , 11 16.80 Normal Normal
2 . DIZON, CYRIL JOHN D. 02/18/2006 74 1.65 M 2.7225 13 ,3 27.10 Overweight Normal
3 . DUNGO, NINO JERICO T. 09/27/2006 37 1.38 M 1.9044 12 ,8 19.40 Normal Stunted
4 . FRANCO, JOSHUA G. 07/08/2006 39 1.51 M 2.2801 12 , 11 17.10 Normal Normal
5 . GOZUN, JOHN NAN 10/27/2005 46 1.53 M 2.3409 13 ,7 19.60 Normal Normal
6 . JAPANA, SEAN BORRIX T. 07/20/2005 43 1.54 M 2.3716 13 , 10 18.10 Normal Normal
7 . LAZATIN, ERIC S. 10/01/2004 57 1.60 M 2.5600 14 ,8 22.20 Normal Normal
8 . LUMAY, JULIUS M. 11/19/2005 35 1.45 M 2.1025 13 ,6 16.60 Normal Normal
9 . MAMANGUN, JHEROME S. 01/26/2005 60 1.65 M 2.7225 14 ,4 22.00 Normal Normal
10 . MANIAGO, ALDRIN 07/05/2006 55 1.45 M 2.1025 12 , 11 26.10 Overweight Normal
11 . NUCUP, GABREAL T. 09/13/2005 45 1.49 M 2.2201 13 ,8 20.20 Normal Normal
12 . PATAWE, JUDE S. 07/18/2006 45 2 M 2.2801 12 , 10 19.70 Normal Normal
13 . RAVELO, JET JET 06/25/2002 44 1.55 M 2.4025 16 , 11 18.30 Normal Stunted
14 . SANCHEZ, LANCE 10/17/2006 44 1.54 M 2.3716 12 ,7 18.50 Normal Normal
15 . SILVA, LANCE AARON A. 04/19/2006 40 2 M 2.3104 13 ,1 17.30 Normal Normal
16 . TAYAG, JHON ANDREI D. 02/02/2006 38 1.49 M 2.2201 13 ,4 17.10 Normal Normal
17 . ARIOLA, JEZREEL JOHN P. 12/24/2005 36 1.52 F 2.3104 13 ,5 15.50 Normal Normal
18 . ATIENZA, CRISTINE JOY A. 10/26/2004 33 1.51 F 2.2801 14 ,7 14.40 Wasted Normal
19 . CALMA, CAILA G. 03/11/2005 39 1.45 F 2.1025 14 ,2 18.50 Normal Stunted
20 . CATAN, CATHRICIALYN JHANE 09/06/2004 44 1.45 F 2.1025 14 ,9 20.90 Normal Stunted
21 . CAVILAN, MICA 12/14/2005 38 1.48 F 2.1904 13 ,5 17.30 Normal Normal
22 . CUI, LIBERTY S. 07/12/2005 57 1.52 F 2.3104 13 , 10 24.60 Normal Normal
23 . COLLADO, ALLYSSA G. 11/06/2004 59 1.52 F 2.3104 14 ,7 25.50 Normal Normal
24 . DAVID, MONIQUE L. 09/12/2004 43 1.43 F 2.0449 14 ,8 21.00 Normal Stunted
25 . DAVID, LOU GEE T. 09/28/2006 45 1.48 F 2.1904 12 ,8 20.50 Normal Normal
26 . DOCENA, LYCAVIC F. 07/18/2006 51 1.44 F 2.0736 12 , 10 24.50 Normal Normal
27 . ESGUERRA, MARICRIS P. 11/18/2004 44 1.45 F 2.1025 14 ,6 20.90 Normal Stunted
28 . GARCIA, MICHAELLA 11/22/2005 39 1.43 F 2.0449 13 ,6 19.00 Normal Stunted
29 . GIGANTE, JINKIE A. 02/15/2006 54 1.47 F 2.1609 13 ,3 24.90 Normal Normal
30 . LACANDULA, MARY JANE C. 09/04/2004 46 1.45 F 2.1025 14 ,9 21.80 Normal Stunted
31 . MACAPAGAL, MARIEL L. 01/08/2005 39 1.41 F 1.9881 14 ,5 19.60 Normal Stunted
32 . MAGNANAO, MARY ANNE S. 10/04/2006 39 1.42 F 2.0164 12 ,8 19.30 Normal Normal
33 . MANINANG, MARY ANN 12/30/2003 51 1.62 F 2.6244 15 ,5 19.40 Normal Normal
34 . MAURICIO, ALLYZA DIANE A. 06/21/2005 35 1.51 F 2.2801 13 , 11 15.30 Wasted Normal
35 . PERONCE, ALLYSA ANN E. 06/02/2006 45 1.49 F 2.2201 13 ,0 20.20 Normal Normal
36 . SALVADOR, JENICA NICOLE D. 10/06/2006 39 1.47 F 2.1609 12 ,8 18.00 Normal Normal
37 . SERRANO, ANDREA A. 07/25/2006 30 1.49 F 2.2201 12 , 10 13.50 Wasted Normal
38 . SORIANO, DANIELA B. 01/19/2005 44 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,4 18.50 Normal Normal
39 . SUPAN, ASHLEY KIM S. 10/02/2006 23 1.5 F 2.2500 12 ,8 10.20 Severely Wasted Normal
40 . Valdez, Leslie 2-16-2004 50 1.56 F 2.4336 15 ,3 20.50 Normal Normal
41 . Villanueva, Elmer M. 5/5/2005 50 1.56 F 2.4336 14 ,1 20.50 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 16 25 41 No. of Cases 16 25 41 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 1 1 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 0 3 3 Stunted 2 7 9
Normal 14 21 35 Normal 14 18 32
Overweight 2 0 2 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 8: Jericho

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Banag, Raymond 8/7/2005 48 1.56 m 2.4336 13 , 10 19.70 Normal Normal
2 . Barrreto, Jade Michael 6/24/2006 30 1.34 m 1.7956 12 , 11 16.70 Normal Stunted
3 . Dimabuyu, Joshua 7/25/2005 32 1.48 m 2.1904 13 , 10 14.60 Wasted Normal
4 . Esguerra, Justin Lee 6/21/2006 38 1.58 m 2.4964 12 , 11 15.20 Normal Normal
5 . Flores, Ivan Q. 6/12/2006 39 1.48 m 2.1904 12 , 11 17.80 Normal Normal
6 . Garcia, Levi D. 9/17/2005 32 1.4 m 1.9600 13 ,8 16.30 Normal Stunted
7 . Gatus, Jeranz Gian 9/14/2006 42 1.4 m 1.9600 12 ,8 21.40 Normal Normal
8 . Herrera, Paul Vincent 1/10/2006 55 1.58 m 2.4964 13 ,5 22.00 Normal Normal
9 . Konno, Kennichi 1/23/2006 52 1.48 m 2.1904 13 ,4 23.70 Normal Normal
10 . Larway, Rads Vincent S. 11/24/2005 40 1.48 m 2.1904 13 ,6 18.20 Normal Normal
11 . Malabasco, Dapp Daniel 8/25/2006 25 1.34 m 1.7956 12 ,9 13.90 Wasted Stunted
12 . Manalac, Jan Lawrence 9/4/2006 39 1.39 m 1.9321 12 ,9 20.10 Normal Stunted
13 . Masancay, Jim Martin 8/25/2006 45 1.4 m 1.9600 12 ,9 22.90 Normal Normal
14 . Nunag, Jhan Chloe M. 10/23/2006 43 1.5 m 2.2500 12 ,7 19.10 Normal Normal
15 . Salunga, Raymark 3/29/2004 48 1.61 m 2.5921 15 ,2 18.50 Normal Normal
16 . Sarmiento, Michael 10/16/2006 39 1.38 m 1.9044 12 ,7 20.40 Normal Stunted
17 . Tayag, Kart Kenon D. 8/4/2005 46 1.53 m 2.3409 13 , 10 19.60 Normal Normal
18 . Vijungco, Jhon Luie 12/25/2003 36 1.5 m 2.2500 15 ,5 16.00 Wasted Stunted
19 . Vinuya, Lee Vie Jin 9/9/2005 48 1.5 m 2.2500 13 ,9 21.30 Normal Normal
20 . Yutuc, Emmanuel Raphael S 11/9/2005 54 1.67 m 2.7889 13 ,7 19.30 Normal Normal
21 . Aguas, Francine Nicole 11/26/2005 42 1.47 f 2.1609 13 ,6 19.40 Normal Normal
22 . Baluyut, Christine 1/12/2006 33 1.4 f 1.9600 13 ,4 16.80 Normal Stunted
23 . Baluyut, Mary Jane 12/14/2005 46 1.53 f 2.3409 13 ,5 19.60 Normal Normal
24 . Bardillon, Rainelyn 7/20/2004 38 1.38 f 1.9044 14 , 10 19.90 Normal Severely Stunted
25 . Casupanan, Nikki Ashley A 11/30/2005 41 1.51 f 2.2801 13 ,6 17.90 Normal Normal
26 . David, Arlene 5/3/2006 37 1.43 f 2.0449 13 ,1 18.00 Normal Normal
27 . Dungo, Psyche 9/18/2005 42 1.47 f 2.1609 13 ,8 19.40 Normal Normal
28 . Garganera, Cathelyn B. 10/25/2004 37 1.43 f 2.0449 14 ,7 18.00 Normal Stunted
29 . Laxamana, Roxan S 1/19/2006 36 1.45 f 2.1025 13 ,4 17.10 Normal Normal
30 . Librando, Angelique Chloe 3/8/2005 55 1.57 f 2.4649 14 ,3 22.30 Normal Normal
31 . Licup, Princess Izzy 4/18/2004 34 1.53 f 2.3409 15 ,1 14.50 Wasted Normal
32 . Lumanog, Michelle 10/14/2005 38 1.48 f 2.1904 13 ,7 17.30 Normal Normal
33 . Luzung, Franzen Maui 10/14/2005 38 1.38 f 1.9044 13 ,7 19.90 Normal Stunted
34 . Manalo, Carina M. 1/31/2006 35 1.51 f 2.2801 13 ,4 15.30 Normal Normal
35 . Maniago, Schenley Joy 1/23/2005 48 1.58 f 2.4964 14 ,4 19.20 Normal Normal
36 . Okawara, Marika G. 2/19/2005 35 1.51 f 2.2801 14 ,3 15.30 Wasted Normal
37 . Paulino, Princess Rielyn 12/13/2005 38 1.38 f 1.9044 13 ,5 19.90 Normal Stunted
38 . Pineda, Shiela 3/10/2005 61 1.52 f 2.3104 14 ,3 26.40 Normal Normal
39 . Sibug, Alysandra 8/13/2006 45 1.48 f 2.1904 12 ,9 20.50 Normal Normal
40 . Trinidad, Micaela Allyjah 6/11/2006 54 1.48 f 2.1904 12 , 11 24.60 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 20 20 40 No. of Cases 20 20 40 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 0 1 1 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 3 2 5 Stunted 6 4 10
Normal 17 18 35 Normal 14 15 29
Overweight 0 0 0 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 8: Bethlehem

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Aguas, Kenneth D. 6/19/2005 28 1.45 m 2.1025 13 , 11 13.30 Severely Wasted Stunted
2 . Bungay, Clutch Russell L. 2/17/2006 40 1.48 m 2.1904 13 ,3 18.20 Normal Normal
3 . Caballero, Gabby C. 12/9/2005 31 1.38 m 1.9044 13 ,6 16.20 Normal Stunted
4 . Cernito, Vincent T. 11/9/2005 58 1.58 m 2.4964 13 ,7 23.20 Normal Normal
5 . Corpuz, Kenneth C. 8/6/2005 54 1.68 m 2.8224 13 , 10 19.10 Normal Normal
6 . De Jesus, JC M. 1/19/2006 44 1.54 m 2.3716 13 ,4 18.50 Normal Normal
7 . Del Rosario, John Patrick G. 9/17/2006 38 1.5 m 2.2500 12 ,8 16.80 Normal Normal
8 . Dela Cruz, Carl France P. 6/16/2006 59 1.57 m 2.4649 12 , 11 23.90 Normal Normal
9 . Dela Cruz, Noel Jr. N. 5/10/2006 39 1.52 m 2.3104 13 ,1 16.80 Normal Normal
10 . Dizon Jr., Albert C. 11/3/2005 49 1.69 m 2.8561 13 ,7 17.10 Normal Normal
11 . Dungca, Melvin John B. 6/16/2006 39 1.35 m 1.8225 12 , 11 21.30 Normal Stunted
12 . Guintu, Ruel P. 1/19/2006 49 1.5 m 2.2500 13 ,4 21.70 Normal Normal
13 . Lingad, Nathaniel G. 11/20/2005 46 1.59 m 2.5281 13 ,6 18.10 Normal Normal
14 . Muñoz, Prince Daniel S. 1/19/2006 45 1.5 m 2.2500 13 ,4 20.00 Normal Normal
15 . Ocampo, Mark Daniel T. 1/19/2006 49 1.6 m 2.5600 13 ,4 19.10 Normal Normal
16 . Pamintuan, Kim John Rick 6/11/2006 27 1.32 m 1.7424 12 , 11 15.40 Normal Severely Stunted
17 . Panganiban, Ken Angelo L. 1/19/2006 40 1.3 m 1.6900 13 ,4 23.60 Normal Severely Stunted
18 . Pleno, Mark June M. 1/19/2006 49 1.5 m 2.2500 13 ,4 21.70 Normal Normal
19 . Quizon, Stephen Jhun J. 2/20/2006 42 1.48 m 2.1904 13 ,3 19.10 Normal Normal
20 . Rodriguez, Jaf Lawrence R. 6/30/2006 31 1.5 m 2.2500 12 , 11 13.70 Severely Wasted Normal
21 . Serrano, Raenald M. 12/8/2005 49 1.5 m 2.2500 13 ,6 21.70 Normal Normal
22 . Billena, Abril P. 4/10/2006 42 1.44 f 2.0736 13 ,2 20.20 Normal Normal
23 . Daito, Jasmin G. 10/10/2005 42 1.51 f 2.2801 13 ,8 18.40 Normal Normal
24 . Dizon, Charmaine 5/7/2004 37 1.47 f 2.1609 15 ,1 17.10 Normal Stunted
25 . Dungo, Princess Erica C. 12/8/2005 51 1.51 f 2.2801 13 ,6 22.30 Normal Normal
26 . Fernan, Clarissa 12/8/2005 37 1.4 f 1.9600 13 ,6 18.80 Normal Stunted
27 . Gervacio, Ivy D. 8/2/2006 49 1.5 f 2.2500 12 , 10 21.70 Normal Normal
28 . Guevarra, Christine Joy L. 12/24/2005 40 1.42 f 2.0164 13 ,5 19.80 Normal Stunted
29 . Guina, Raven D. 8/2/2006 35 1.5 f 2.2500 12 , 10 15.50 Normal Normal
30 . Licup, Pearl Micaela M. 12/9/2005 41 1.47 f 2.1609 13 ,6 18.90 Normal Normal
31 . Lising, Lharra Jhallayne O. 8/3/2006 30 1.54 f 2.3716 12 , 10 12.60 Severely Wasted Normal
32 . Liwanag, Cassandra Mae P. 11/17/2005 37 1.44 f 2.0736 13 ,6 17.80 Normal Stunted
33 . Lozada, Audrey Mae L. 5/25/2006 37 1.51 f 2.2801 13 ,0 16.20 Normal Normal
34 . Lumbang, Bethany G. 5/5/2006 47 1.51 f 2.2801 13 ,1 20.60 Normal Normal
35 . Macabanti, Camille B. 11/27/2005 48 1.48 f 2.1904 13 ,6 21.90 Normal Normal
36 . Mendiola, Germaine R. 4/17/2006 59 1.6 f 2.5600 13 ,1 23.00 Normal Normal
37 . Mercado, Mica Joy A. 12/17/2005 37 1.53 f 2.3409 13 ,5 15.80 Normal Normal
38 . Payumo, Tricia Nicole R. 4/27/2005 46 1.53 f 2.3409 14 ,1 19.60 Normal Normal
39 . Quintano, Marie A. 11/9/2003 43 1.51 f 2.2801 15 ,7 18.80 Normal Normal
40 . Quitoriano, Justine Eliza G. 4/17/2006 36 1.34 f 1.7956 13 ,1 20.00 Normal Severely Stunted
41 . Velaquez, Camille Joyce S. 3-9-2006 39 1.48 f 2.1904 13 ,3 17.80 Normal Normal
42 . Penascosas, Allaiza 3-6-2005 46 1.6 f 2.5600 14 ,3 17.90 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 21 21 42 No. of Cases 21 21 42 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 2 1 3 Sev. Stunted 2 1 3 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 0 0 0 Stunted 3 4 7
Normal 19 20 39 Normal 16 16 32
Overweight 0 0 0 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 8: Judea

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Alabado, Harold 8/28/2006 40 1.48 m 2.1904 12 ,9 18.20 Normal Normal
2 . Basul, Jhuzteen Khysle 3/24/2005 37 1.57 m 2.4649 14 ,2 15.00 Wasted Normal
3 . Cervantes, Mark Anthony 4/4/2005 44 1.55 m 2.4025 14 ,2 18.30 Normal Normal
4 . Dizon, Justine Kelly 2/2/2006 57 1.59 m 2.5281 13 ,4 22.50 Normal Normal
5 . Encarnacion , George Adrian 3/24/2005 44 1.55 m 2.4025 14 ,2 18.30 Normal Normal
6 . Estipona, Erick 9/26/2004 54 1.73 m 2.9929 14 ,8 18.00 Normal Normal
7 . Guevarra, David Kim M. 8/13/2005 41 1.52 m 2.3104 13 ,9 17.70 Normal Normal
8 . Guevarra, Justin Rey 9/21/2005 45 1.64 m 2.6896 13 ,8 16.70 Normal Normal
9 . Laxamana, Arnel 6/14/2004 33 1.45 m 2.1025 14 , 11 15.60 Wasted Severely Stunted
10 . Magat, John Francis 9/21/2005 45 1.37 m 1.8769 13 ,8 23.90 Normal Severely Stunted
11 . Mallari, Rc Kenneth 8/26/2005 53 1.55 m 2.4025 13 ,9 22.00 Normal Normal
12 . Manalo, Jan Jay Lord 7/27/2006 46 1.65 m 2.7225 12 , 10 16.80 Normal Normal
13 . Ocampo, Diether 10/29/2006 34 1.37 m 1.8769 12 ,7 18.10 Normal Stunted
14 . Ocampo, James Michael 7/11/2006 38 1.48 m 2.1904 12 , 10 17.30 Normal Normal
15 . Patio, Justin Rio 8/8/2005 30 1.37 m 1.8769 13 , 10 15.90 Normal Severely Stunted
16 . Puno, John Carlo 12/21/2005 50 1.5 m 2.2500 13 ,5 22.20 Normal Normal
17 . Ricacho, Serge Dennis Paul S. 3/8/2006 30 1.28 m 1.6384 13 ,3 18.30 Normal Severely Stunted
18 . Rivera, Jaybie 10/16/2005 47 1.57 m 2.4649 13 ,7 19.00 Normal Normal
19 . Samson, Adrian J. 10/27/2004 60 1.58 m 2.4964 14 ,7 24.00 Normal Normal
20 . Supan,Mark Oliven 7/12/2006 47 1.49 m 2.2201 12 , 10 21.10 Normal Normal
21 . Tolentino, Justine Lee 11/2/2005 53 1.51 m 2.2801 13 ,7 23.20 Normal Normal
22 . Bingcang, Allein 8/22/2006 56 1.52 f 2.3104 12 ,9 24.20 Normal Normal
23 . Capuno, Danilyn 1/2/2006 44 1.59 f 2.5281 13 ,5 17.40 Normal Normal
24 . Carreon, Rein 10/28/2005 41 1.46 f 2.1316 13 ,7 19.20 Normal Normal
25 . Domingo, Ma Cassandra 1/27/2006 39 1.48 f 2.1904 13 ,4 17.80 Normal Normal
26 . Dunglao, Princess Iris 9/27/2006 53 1.46 f 2.1316 12 ,8 24.80 Normal Normal
27 . Espinosa, Aila Marie 5/28/2004 45 1.53 f 2.3409 15 ,0 19.20 Normal Normal
28 . Francisco, Bianca Denise 1/3/2006 47 1.46 f 2.1316 13 ,5 22.00 Normal Normal
29 . Garcia, Cristel Jin L. 11/24/2004 40 1.47 f 2.1609 14 ,6 18.50 Normal Stunted
30 . Limon, Kim Cyrel B. 4/21/2004 34 1.41 f 1.9881 15 ,1 17.10 Normal Severely Stunted
31 . Mallari, Kelsyh S. 1/3/2006 40 1.46 f 2.1316 13 ,5 18.70 Normal Normal
32 . Manalac, Paula Nicole 9/13/2006 32 1.49 f 2.2201 12 ,8 14.40 Wasted Normal
33 . Manaloto, Adralyn 5/19/2006 35 1.51 f 2.2801 13 ,0 15.30 Normal Normal
34 . Paguio, Arlyn 2/6/2005 40 1.41 f 1.9881 14 ,4 20.10 Normal Stunted
35 . Pineda, Jenalyn N. 6/1/2006 41 1.5 f 2.2500 13 ,0 18.20 Normal Normal
36 . Pineda, Shereena May 12/6/2005 33 1.48 f 2.1904 13 ,6 15.00 Wasted Normal
37 . Pinpin, Irish Claire 10/22/2006 52 1.59 f 2.5281 12 ,7 20.50 Normal Normal
38 . Reyes, May P. 5/17/2006 48 1.49 f 2.2201 13 ,0 21.60 Normal Normal
39 . Senorin, Jaymielyn 11/6/2003 45 1.46 f 2.1316 15 ,7 21.10 Normal Stunted
40 . Singian, Jhazmine 9/16/2006 41 1.53 f 2.3409 12 ,8 17.50 Normal Normal
41 . Suba, Denice Joy 7/10/2005 48 1.52 f 2.3104 13 , 11 20.70 Normal Normal
42 . Tamayo, Celina Reisel 11/18/2005 32 1.53 f 2.3409 13 ,6 13.60 Severely Wasted Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 21 21 42 No. of Cases 21 21 42 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 1 1 Sev. Stunted 4 1 5 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 2 2 4 Stunted 1 3 4
Normal 19 18 37 Normal 16 17 33
Overweight 0 0 0 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 8: Gethsemane

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Ablang, Jericho 10/21/2005 44 1.48 m 2.1904 13 ,7 20.00 Normal Normal
2 . Adovas, Michael 2/10/2006 33 1.41 m 1.9881 13 ,4 16.50 Normal Stunted
3 . Bartolome, Tristan 8/7/2006 50 1.45 f 2.1025 12 , 10 23.70 Normal Normal
4 . Bati, Vincent 1/27/2006 46 1.45 m 2.1025 13 ,4 21.80 Normal Normal
5 . Belo, Jomari 8/7/2006 44 1.45 m 2.1025 12 , 10 20.90 Normal Normal
6 . Boac, Genesis Aeron 9/21/2005 46 1.54 m 2.3716 13 ,8 19.30 Normal Normal
7 . Cordero, Jorelle G. 7/27/2006 37 1.43 m 2.0449 12 , 10 18.00 Normal Normal
8 . Cunanan, Adrian 3/8/2004 50 1.58 m 2.4964 15 ,3 20.00 Normal Normal
9 . Echevarria, Keneth 10/5/2005 36 1.47 m 2.1609 13 ,8 16.60 Normal Normal
10 . Eligio, Rafael Francine 7/11/2003 60 1.59 m 2.5281 15 , 10 23.70 Normal Normal
11 . Fajardo, Verchel M. 6/4/2006 44 1.36 m 1.8496 13 ,0 23.70 Normal Stunted
12 . Manis, Jemno F. 10/14/2003 37 1.49 m 2.2201 15 ,7 16.60 Normal Stunted
13 . Mariano, Ceejay M 11/11/2004 62 1.6 m 2.5600 14 ,6 24.20 Normal Normal
14 . Mariano, Michael Angelo 9/11/2004 44 1.61 m 2.5921 14 ,8 16.90 Normal Normal
15 . Musni, Antonio 4/6/2006 36 1.53 m 2.3409 13 ,2 15.30 Normal Normal
16 . Ochoa, Ken Archir 2/11/2006 40 1.54 m 2.3716 13 ,3 16.80 Normal Normal
17 . Recto, Reden 4/12/2005 33 1.42 M 2.0164 14 ,1 16.30 Normal Stunted
18 . Rivera, Lanz S. 2/11/2006 33 1.53 m 2.3409 13 ,3 14.00 Wasted Normal
19 . Sinamban, Prince Ian 5/30/2005 36 1.51 m 2.2801 14 ,0 15.70 Normal Normal
20 . Tapnio, Jaymark M. 5/25/2006 47 1.41 m 1.9881 13 ,0 23.60 Normal Stunted
21 . Tiglao, Benedic 1/8/2006 52 1.55 m 2.4025 13 ,5 21.60 Normal Normal
22 . Aquino, Cassey Reign 5/25/2006 71 1.57 f 2.4649 13 ,0 28.80 Overweight Normal
23 . Bamba, Samantha Nicole 3/6/2006 46 1.51 f 2.2801 13 ,3 20.10 Normal Normal
24 . Belardo, Erica C. 12/4/2004 47 1.41 f 1.9881 14 ,6 23.60 Normal Stunted
25 . Canda, Ann Misharie 5/30/2005 77 1.58 f 2.4964 14 ,0 30.80 Overweight Normal
26 . Dalisay Marie Joy 8/12/2005 41 1.5 f 2.2500 13 ,9 18.20 Normal Normal
27 . David, Leian Q. 4/6/2005 47 1.44 f 2.0736 14 ,2 22.60 Normal Stunted
28 . Enriquez, Angela 2/9/2006 48 1.48 f 2.1904 13 ,4 21.90 Normal Normal
29 . Estabillo, Kate Kristel 9/20/2004 33 1.5 f 2.2500 14 ,8 14.60 Wasted Normal
30 . Fajardo, Margareth 1/9/2006 59 1.44 f 2.0736 13 ,5 28.40 Overweight Stunted
31 . Guellang, Diane 9/30/2005 49 1.5 f 2.2500 13 ,8 21.70 Normal Normal
32 . Labrador, Clave Ashley 8/24/2005 91 1.57 f 2.4649 13 ,9 36.90 Obese Normal
33 . Leyco, Jovelene 9/26/2005 48 1.52 f 2.3104 13 ,8 20.70 Normal Normal
34 . Licup, Carmela 11/7/2006 30 1.52 f 2.3104 12 ,7 12.90 Severely Wasted Normal
35 . Mariano, Catherine 6/28/2005 59 1.54 f 2.3716 13 , 11 24.80 Normal Normal
36 . Narciso, Sophia Bianca C. 6/30/2005 35 1.48 f 2.1904 13 , 11 15.90 Normal Normal
37 . Niric, Jewel Ashley 10/13/2006 62 1.53 f 2.3409 12 ,7 26.40 Overweight Normal
38 . Pantig, Chloe Nicole M. 7/9/2005 47 1.53 f 2.3409 13 , 11 20.00 Normal Normal
39 . Pascual, Rowengail 10/19/2005 43 1.47 f 2.1609 13 ,7 19.80 Normal Normal
40 . Sarmiento, Carina 8/11/2006 49 1.46 f 2.1316 12 ,9 22.90 Normal Normal
41 . Talosig, Iza 9/7/2006 49 1.52 f 2.3104 12 ,9 21.20 Normal Normal
42 . Viray, AJ-Joy 8/14/2005 48 1.5 f 2.2500 13 ,9 21.30 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 20 22 42 No. of Cases 20 22 42 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 1 1 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 1 1 2 Stunted 5 3 8
Normal 19 15 34 Normal 15 19 34
Overweight 0 4 4 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 1 1
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 8: Galatia

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Arrojo, Francis 12/7/2004 31 1.46 m 2.1316 14 ,6 14.50 Wasted Stunted
2 . Balbag, Rodel 11/13/2005 37 1.57 m 2.4649 13 ,6 15.00 Wasted Normal
3 . Bargola, Paul John 12/12/2005 49 1.55 m 2.4025 13 ,5 20.30 Normal Normal
4 . Calixto, DJ 6/22/2003 52 1.61 m 2.5921 15 , 11 20.00 Normal Normal
5 . Calma, M-jay 2/17/2005 47 1.52 m 2.3104 14 ,3 20.30 Normal Normal
6 . Cleofe, Mc. Saulo R. 1-11-2004 49 1.62 m 2.6244 15 ,4 18.60 Normal Normal
7 . Cortez, Charles S. 5-13-2005 42 2 m 2.4025 14 ,0 17.40 Normal Normal
8 . Gama, John Michael S. 12-13-2005 54 1.53 m 2.3409 13 ,5 23.00 Normal Normal
9 . Garcia, Ram Angelo 7-10-2006 65 1.62 m 2.6244 12 , 11 24.70 Normal Normal
10 . Gonzales, Carl Efrhaim G. 7-19-2006 34 1.44 m 2.0736 12 , 10 16.30 Normal Normal
11 . Hernandez,Sean Jacob 10-13-2006 45 1.54 m 2.3716 12 ,7 18.90 Normal Normal
12 . Mariano, Troy H. 4-20-2006 40 2 m 2.4025 13 ,1 16.60 Normal Normal
13 . Obien, Rohan Lance 3-5-2006 55 1.47 m 2.1609 13 ,3 25.40 Overweight Normal
14 . Pacheco, Anthony V. 5-25-2005 60 1.52 m 2.3104 14 ,0 25.90 Normal Normal
15 . Pasion, Miko Y. 4-14-2005 34 1 m 2.1609 14 ,1 15.70 Normal Stunted
16 . Pasion, Tristan Lee 9-12-2002 52 1.58 m 2.4964 16 ,8 20.80 Normal Stunted
17 . Pineda, Christian P. 1-17-2006 42 1.43 m 2.0449 13 ,4 20.50 Normal Stunted
18 . Pinpin, Roniel Aaron G. 9-30-2004 48 1.59 m 2.5281 14 ,8 18.90 Normal Normal
19 . Reonal, Bryan John 8-28-2005 55 1.66 m 2.7556 13 ,9 19.90 Normal Normal
20 . Rivera, Reynan 12-21-2004 44 1.43 m 2.0449 14 ,5 21.50 Normal Stunted
21 . Sinamban, Roniel 5-13-2006 38 1.47 m 2.1609 13 ,0 17.50 Normal Normal
22 . Talabucon, John Francis 4-6-2005 48 1.53 m 2.3409 14 ,2 20.50 Normal Normal
23 . Abella, Amy 8/22/2005 38 1.44 f 2.0736 13 ,9 18.30 Normal Stunted
24 . Acunin, Eunice 5/25/2005 43 1.47 f 2.1609 14 ,0 19.80 Normal Normal
25 . Candelaria, Princess 9/20/2004 44 2 f 2.3104 14 ,8 19.00 Normal Normal
26 . Catacutan, Precious Jewel 7/19/2005 44 1.4 f 1.9600 13 , 10 22.40 Normal Stunted
27 . Co, Anna Marie 4-1-2006 46 1.66 f 2.7556 13 ,2 16.60 Normal Normal
28 . Co, Kaxandra Marie 4-1-2006 46 1.46 f 2.1316 13 ,2 21.50 Normal Normal
29 . Dalina, Ashley M. 8-24-2006 43 1.5 f 2.2500 12 ,9 19.10 Normal Normal
30 . Datang, Katrina 11-14-2005 42 1.52 f 2.3104 13 ,6 18.10 Normal Normal
31 . David, Angelica Rain S. 2-20-2006 49 1.53 f 2.3409 13 ,3 20.90 Normal Normal
32 . Dela Cruz, Princess Ellaine 7-24-2006 46 2 f 2.2801 12 , 10 20.10 Normal Normal
33 . Encarnacion, Mary Joy 1/19/2006 31 1.53 f 2.3409 13 ,4 13.20 Severely Wasted Normal
34 . Ferrer, Liza May 8/17/2006 37 1.48 f 2.1904 12 ,9 16.80 Normal Normal
35 . Francisco, Angel Nicole 10/16/2005 36 1.5 f 2.2500 13 ,7 16.00 Normal Normal
36 . Gomez, Lady Ann 1/16/2005 48 1.52 f 2.3104 14 ,4 20.70 Normal Normal
37 . Guevarra, Jennilyn C. 3/11/2005 39 1.48 f 2.1904 14 ,2 17.80 Normal Normal
38 . Libao, Raizen T. 2/18/2006 41 1.47 f 2.1609 13 ,3 18.90 Normal Normal
39 . Luceño, Jessa G. 10/23/2003 44 1.46 f 2.1316 15 ,7 20.60 Normal Stunted
40 . Pangilinan, Jhasmin N. 2/1/2005 36 1.43 f 2.0449 14 ,4 17.60 Normal Stunted
41 . Relente, Rhaxia Angel Mae Y. 6/21/2006 59 1.49 f 2.2201 12 , 11 26.50 Overweight Normal
42 . Vinuya, Mariah Kate V. 1/14/2006 32 1.39 f 1.9321 13 ,4 16.50 Normal Stunted

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 22 20 42 No. of Cases 22 20 42 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 1 1 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 2 0 2 Stunted 5 5 10
Normal 19 18 37 Normal 17 15 32
Overweight 1 1 2 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 8: Bethel

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Aquino, Chezter L. 9/9/2005 36 1.47 M 2.1609 13 ,9 16.60 Normal Normal
2 . Cabagtong, Briann M. 4/29/2005 34 1.40 M 1.9600 14 ,1 17.30 Normal Severely Stunted
3 . Catacutan, Jonathan Cloyd G. 3/16/2006 30 1.53 M 2.3409 13 ,2 12.80 Severely Wasted Normal
4 . David, Harold D. 5/20/2006 39 1.38 M 1.9044 13 ,0 20.40 Normal Stunted
5 . David, Jade Mark D. 9/26/2005 31 1.53 M 2.3409 13 ,8 13.20 Severely Wasted Normal
6 . Del Rosario, John Ron R. 4/2/2004 31 1.51 M 2.2801 15 ,2 13.50 Severely Wasted Stunted
7 . Depante, Andrew Krisna Das P. 5/1/2006 30 1.55 M 2.4025 13 ,1 12.40 Severely Wasted Normal
8 . Elumbra, Bryan M. 10/6/2002 46 1.6 M 2.5600 16 ,8 17.90 Normal Normal
9 . Elumbra, John Joshua S. 1/16/2002 56 1.61 M 2.5921 17 ,4 21.60 Normal Normal
10 . Gomez, Daryll F. 2/22/2006 33 1.56 M 2.4336 13 ,3 13.50 Severely Wasted Normal
11 . Guinto, Andrei John T. 10/6/2002 46 1.6 M 2.5600 16 ,8 17.90 Normal Normal
12 . Gutierrez, Justine Paul L. 5/14/2006 56 1.52 M 2.3104 13 ,0 24.20 Normal Normal
13 . Hernandez, Adrian L. 5/31/2004 34 1.38 M 1.9044 15 ,0 17.80 Normal Severely Stunted
14 . Magleo, Henry King C. 6/16/2006 30 1.46 M 2.1316 12 , 11 14.00 Wasted Normal
15 . Mallari, Jimuel D. 12/27/2005 43 1.6 M 2.5600 13 ,5 16.70 Normal Normal
16 . Marquez, John Patrick Ycole R. 4/13/2006 57 1.66 M 2.7556 13 ,1 20.60 Normal Normal
17 . Marucut, Jimuel 9/7/2006 51 1.52 M 2.3104 12 ,9 22.00 Normal Normal
18 . Miranda, Darwin 10/16/2005 34 1.42 M 2.0164 13 ,7 16.80 Normal Stunted
19 . Payumo, Joshua G. 12/31/2005 30 1.48 M 2.1904 13 ,5 13.60 Severely Wasted Normal
20 . Reyes, Mark Joseph G. 4/13/2006 57 1.66 M 2.7556 13 ,1 20.60 Normal Normal
21 . Singian, Justine B. 7/19/2005 49 1.58 M 2.4964 13 , 10 19.60 Normal Normal
22 . Tugade, Jr. Sergie C. 2/24/2005 48 1.63 M 2.6569 14 ,3 18.00 Normal Normal
23 . Aguilar, Renalyn 12/16/2003 37 1.59 F 2.5281 15 ,5 14.60 Wasted Normal
24 . Basco, Ronalyn L. 10/15/2005 69 1.48 F 2.1904 13 ,7 31.50 Overweight Normal
25 . Bautista, Ayumie R. 8/3/2005 53 1.5 F 2.2500 13 , 10 23.50 Normal Normal
26 . Dela Cruz, Norine C. 9/12/2006 38 1.4 F 1.9600 12 ,8 19.30 Normal Stunted
27 . Fernandez, Trisha D. 8/28/2005 34 1.48 F 2.1904 13 ,9 15.50 Normal Normal
28 . Garcia, Kerstein Kate H. 7/6/2006 34 1.42 F 2.0164 12 , 11 16.80 Normal Stunted
29 . Guintu, April P. 4/21/2005 37 1.49 F 2.2201 14 ,1 16.60 Normal Normal
30 . Licup, Alessandra Mae M. 8/1/2006 56 1.5 F 2.2500 12 , 10 24.80 Normal Normal
31 . Llarvez, Micaela A. 9/12/2006 38 1.4 F 1.9600 12 ,8 19.30 Normal Stunted
32 . Lopez, Riamay C. 11/5/2005 36 1.49 F 2.2201 13 ,7 16.20 Normal Normal
33 . Lulu, Jenny Rose T. 7/9/2005 40 1.48 F 2.1904 13 , 11 18.20 Normal Normal
34 . Musni, Nicole M. 4/16/2006 80 1.5 F 2.2500 13 ,1 35.50 Obese Normal
35 . Nogoy, Jenny D. 9/11/2003 49 1.49 F 2.2201 15 ,8 22.00 Normal Normal
36 . Paulino, Aryann M. 3/25/2006 66 1.53 F 2.3409 13 ,2 28.10 Overweight Normal
37 . Pineda, Xyrelle P. 12/1/2005 34 1.45 F 2.1025 13 ,6 16.10 Normal Normal
38 . Pingol, Alyssa S. 1/15/2005 52 1.56 F 2.4336 14 ,4 21.30 Normal Normal
39 . Ravelo, Jocel C. 6/13/2005 49 1.53 F 2.3409 13 , 11 20.90 Normal Normal
40 . Sonon, Janella P. 10/25/2006 39 1.52 F 2.3104 12 ,7 16.80 Normal Normal
41 . Suba, Sharmaine S. 5/9/2006 37 1.4 F 1.9600 13 ,1 18.80 Normal Stunted
42 . Tuliao, Daniela May I. 6/3/2005 42 1.43 F 2.0449 14 ,0 20.50 Normal Stunted

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 22 20 42 No. of Cases 22 20 42 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 6 0 6 Sev. Stunted 2 0 2 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 1 1 2 Stunted 3 5 8
Normal 15 16 31 Normal 17 15 32
Overweight 0 2 2 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 1 1
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 8: Israel

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Alfonso, Joshua 9/25/2006 41 1.49 M 2.2201 12 ,8 18.40 Normal Normal
2 . Anuengo, Jhunrev A. 11/25/2001 51 1.55 M 2.4025 17 ,6 21.20 Normal Stunted
3 . Basilo, Dustin 10/17/2006 44 1.48 M 2.1904 12 ,7 20.00 Normal Normal
4 . Cabeliza, Akiro 3/25/2006 50 1.52 M 2.3104 13 ,2 21.60 Normal Normal
5 . Cudia, Aaron 8/30/2005 54 1.59 M 2.5281 13 ,9 21.30 Normal Normal
6 . Cunanan, Doben 8/15/2006 32 1.29 M 1.6641 12 ,9 19.20 Normal Severely Stunted
7 . Dela Cruz, James 8/15/2006 32 1.29 M 1.6641 12 ,9 19.20 Normal Severely Stunted
8 . Duya, John Michael 10/22/2006 36 1.42 M 2.0164 12 ,7 17.80 Normal Normal
9 . Ebrando, Reniel Y. 5/10/2006 40 1.47 M 2.1609 13 ,1 18.50 Normal Normal
10 . Esplana, Arvey John 11/23/2006 36 1.49 M 2.2201 12 ,6 16.20 Normal Normal
11 . Franco, Anakin david 11/23/2006 31 1.4 M 1.9600 12 ,6 15.80 Normal Normal
12 . Gabijan, Jullian S. 9-3-2005 51 1.51 M 2.2801 13 ,9 22.30 Normal Normal
13 . Gadayan, Vincent 6-5-2004 40 1.54 M 2.3716 15 ,0 16.80 Normal Normal
14 . Gaddi, John Ashley 8/3/2005 49 1.48 M 2.1904 13 , 10 22.30 Normal Normal
15 . Galaw, Luigi 8/3/2005 49 1.48 M 2.1904 13 , 10 22.30 Normal Normal
16 . Gomez, Ranielle Angelo 10/10/2006 51 1.6 M 2.5600 12 ,8 19.90 Normal Normal
17 . Hernandez, Niel Ashley T. 10/10/2006 51 1.6 M 2.5600 12 ,8 19.90 Normal Normal
18 . Mendoza, John Michael 1/13/2005 32 1.38 M 1.9044 14 ,4 16.80 Normal Severely Stunted
19 . Salas, John Daniel 1/13/2005 32 1.38 M 1.9044 14 ,4 16.80 Normal Severely Stunted
20 . Tuazon, Gian Paulo 12/30/2005 49 1.56 M 2.4336 13 ,5 20.10 Normal Normal
21 . Banag, Nicole D. 4/4/2005 41 1.5 F 2.2500 14 ,2 18.20 Normal Normal
22 . Briones, Kasandra S. 10/7/2006 52 1.42 F 2.0164 12 ,8 25.70 Normal Normal
23 . Delantar, Victoria 9/24/2006 37 1.4 F 1.9600 12 ,8 18.80 Normal Stunted
24 . Doculara, Arsheen Blaire 9/15/2005 45 1.5 F 2.2500 13 ,8 20.00 Normal Normal
25 . Duran, Mary Joy 4/23/2006 36 1.48 F 2.1904 13 ,1 16.40 Normal Normal
26 . Estanislao, Charlene 10/30/2005 38 1.46 F 2.1316 13 ,7 17.80 Normal Normal
27 . Ibay, Cherry Miles A. 8/22/2006 28 1.5 F 2.2500 12 ,9 12.40 Severely Wasted Normal
28 . Lapid, Princess 5/9/2006 42 1.47 F 2.1609 13 ,1 19.40 Normal Normal
29 . Mallari, Ryza 2/13/2005 41 1.44 F 2.0736 14 ,3 19.70 Normal Stunted
30 . Manansala Mikaela 8/8/2005 49 1.63 F 2.6569 13 , 10 18.40 Normal Normal
31 . Marquez, Angel 10/30/2005 38 1.46 F 2.1316 13 ,7 17.80 Normal Normal
32 . Mercardo, Erlita G. 9/24/2005 41 1.51 F 2.2801 13 ,8 17.90 Normal Normal
33 . Molina, Oloisa 7/10/2003 37 1.55 F 2.4025 15 , 11 15.40 Wasted Normal
34 . Nagales, Paula Nicole 7/14/2006 54 1.44 F 2.0736 12 , 10 26.00 Normal Normal
35 . Odi, Jennry Rose A. 6/8/2006 38 1.47 F 2.1609 13 ,0 17.50 Normal Normal
36 . Palo, Jelly 10/30/2005 38 1.46 F 2.1316 13 ,7 17.80 Normal Normal
37 . Pantoja, Rica Mae 10/30/2005 38 1.46 F 2.1316 13 ,7 17.80 Normal Normal
38 . Pating, January Mae G. 1/26/2006 42 1.5 F 2.2500 13 ,4 18.60 Normal Normal
39 . Ravelo, Maria Lorena 8/19/2004 41 1.45 F 2.1025 14 ,9 19.50 Normal Stunted
40 . Salamatin, Nicole Jane 2/12/2006 43 1.49 F 2.2201 13 ,3 19.30 Normal Normal
41 . Santos, Joana Mae G. 8/24/2005 54 1.48 F 2.1904 13 ,9 24.60 Normal Normal
42 . Teodoro, Princess Jewel 8/20/2006 46 1.55 F 2.4025 12 ,9 19.10 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 20 22 42 No. of Cases 20 22 42 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 1 1 Sev. Stunted 4 0 4 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 0 1 1 Stunted 1 3 4
Normal 20 20 40 Normal 15 19 34
Overweight 0 0 0 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 8: Jordan

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Aquino, Mac Rhenz 11/2/2004 56 1.76 M 3.0976 14 ,7 18.00 Normal Normal
2 . Balanquit, Chris Raven 10/14/2005 44 1.51 M 2.2801 13 ,7 19.20 Normal Normal
3 . Bautista, Olyver M. 8/20/2006 45 1.54 M 2.3716 12 ,9 18.90 Normal Normal
4 . Bergonia, Mark M. 8/4/2006 38 1.51 M 2.2801 12 , 10 16.60 Normal Normal
5 . Guanlao, Ian Jass 8/4/2006 38 1.51 M 2.2801 12 , 10 16.60 Normal Normal
6 . Lazatin, Ashter Ravhen 6/14/2006 60 1.55 M 2.4025 12 , 11 24.90 Overweight Normal
7 . Malang, Arjay 10/14/2006 41 1.42 M 2.0164 12 ,7 20.30 Normal Normal
8 . Malicad, Jeremy I. 10/6/2005 38 1.48 M 2.1904 13 ,8 17.30 Normal Normal
9 . Manliclic, Jan Rich 9/14/2005 57 1.66 M 2.7556 13 ,8 20.60 Normal Normal
10 . Maso, Ramil S. 9/21/2006 49 1.5 M 2.2500 12 ,8 21.70 Normal Normal
11 . Medina, Dean G. 9/21/2006 49 1.5 M 2.2500 12 ,8 21.70 Normal Normal
12 . Miranda, Clyve Xyrell 12/31/2005 41 1.51 M 2.2801 13 ,5 17.90 Normal Normal
13 . Ocampo, Renz Wilner 1/25/2006 44 1.56 M 2.4336 13 ,4 18.00 Normal Normal
14 . Ravelo, Jomar 11/11/2004 45 1.57 M 2.4649 14 ,6 18.20 Normal Normal
15 . Raymundo, Sydnie 6/15/2006 40 1.5 M 2.2500 12 , 11 17.70 Normal Normal
16 . Salunga, Justine John 10/6/2005 38 1.4 M 1.9600 13 ,8 19.30 Normal Stunted
17 . San Diego, Albert James 8/18/2006 26 1.37 M 1.8769 12 ,9 13.80 Wasted Stunted
18 . Santos, Eisen 1/23/2006 45 1.6 M 2.5600 13 ,4 17.50 Normal Normal
19 . Scott, David Lee E. 1/23/2006 45 1.6 M 2.5600 13 ,4 17.50 Normal Normal
20 . Sicat, Piolo D. 4/10/2006 37 1.41 M 1.9881 13 ,2 18.60 Normal Stunted
21 . Sunga, Jodel R. 10/19/2005 61 1.5 M 2.2500 13 ,7 27.10 Overweight Normal
22 . Tolentino, Carlo 2/24/2006 55 1.63 M 2.6569 13 ,3 20.70 Normal Normal
23 . Tungol, Jenel 8/5/2006 35 1.5 M 2.2500 12 , 10 15.50 Normal Normal
24 . Bolus, Hazel Joy M. 8/12/2005 47 1.46 F 2.1316 13 ,9 22.00 Normal Normal
25 . Cadiente, Camille Nice 3/2/2006 48 1.44 F 2.0736 13 ,3 23.10 Normal Normal
26 . Catacutan, Angelika Mae 10/5/2005 42 1.51 F 2.2801 13 ,8 18.40 Normal Normal
27 . David, Gelaiza 6/21/2006 41 1.46 F 2.1316 12 , 11 19.20 Normal Normal
28 . Escoto, Hazel 9/10/2005 47 1.54 F 2.3716 13 ,9 19.80 Normal Normal
29 . Gonzales, Andrea 4/23/2006 39 1.46 F 2.1316 13 ,1 18.20 Normal Normal
30 . Lacson, Junea M. 7/6/2005 42 1.48 F 2.1904 13 , 11 19.10 Normal Normal
31 . Mendoza, Eingel 9/19/2005 38 1.52 F 2.3104 13 ,8 16.40 Normal Normal
32 . Ochondra, Chrisandra 7/27/2006 47 1.51 F 2.2801 12 , 10 20.60 Normal Normal
33 . Perequite, Mary Jane A. 3/28/2006 40 1.54 F 2.3716 13 ,2 16.80 Normal Normal
34 . Potencio, Leah 7/24/2006 39 1.53 F 2.3409 12 , 10 16.60 Normal Normal
35 . Reyes, Grace Angel 6/27/2006 63 1.48 F 2.1904 12 , 11 28.70 Overweight Normal
36 . Reyes, Kristine Joy 5/16/2006 45 1.51 F 2.2801 13 ,0 19.70 Normal Normal
37 . Robea, Behive 5/16/2006 45 1.51 F 2.2801 13 ,0 19.70 Normal Normal
38 . Sunga, Keith Rizbel 3/24/2006 33 1.46 F 2.1316 13 ,2 15.40 Normal Normal
39 . Surilla, Maricar 6/29/2004 39 1.51 F 2.2801 14 , 11 17.10 Normal Normal
40 . Talento, Erica Joy 12/12/2005 54 1.53 F 2.3409 13 ,5 23.00 Normal Normal
41 . Turla, Marzelene 11/30/2005 35 1.4 F 1.9600 13 ,6 17.80 Normal Stunted
42 . Ubaldo, Monalie 7/4/2006 57 1.5 F 2.2500 12 , 11 25.30 Normal Normal
43 . Velasco, Janel 3/5/2005 46 1.51 F 2.2801 14 ,3 20.10 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 23 20 43 No. of Cases 23 20 43 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 1 0 1 Stunted 3 1 4
Normal 20 19 39 Normal 20 19 39
Overweight 2 1 3 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 8: Nazareth

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Bautista, Earl James 6/25/2006 54 1.54 M 2.3716 12 , 11 22.70 Normal Normal
2 . Degala, Vincent L. 2/20/2006 47 1.65 M 2.7225 13 ,3 17.20 Normal Normal
3 . Gonzales, Charles Julian G. 7/19/2006 34 1.45 M 2.1025 12 , 10 16.10 Normal Normal
4 . Ibay, Mark Leo H. 7/20/2003 45 1.53 M 2.3409 15 , 10 19.20 Normal Stunted
5 . Layug, Joel Q. 5/13/2005 48 1.6 M 2.5600 14 ,0 18.70 Normal Normal
6 . Lusdoc, Jahy -ar lee 7/19/2006 29 1.2 M 1.4400 12 , 10 20.10 Normal Severely Stunted
7 . Magsino, Ajay 10/9/2006 53 1.51 M 2.2801 12 ,8 23.20 Normal Normal
8 . Manalili, Jay- Ar 3/21/2006 49 1.65 M 2.7225 13 ,2 17.90 Normal Normal
9 . Manalo, Jun Jun 9/15/2002 54 1.63 M 2.6569 16 ,8 20.30 Normal Normal
10 . Manaloto, Michael Ivan 2/21/2005 35 1.48 M 2.1904 14 ,3 15.90 Normal Stunted
11 . Mangiliman, Christian 3/13/2006 32 1.46 M 2.1316 13 ,2 15.00 Normal Normal
12 . Mella, Ralph Mico 11/23/2003 58 1.71 M 2.9241 15 ,6 19.80 Normal Normal
13 . Obrado, Dion L. 7/31/2006 34 1.45 M 2.1025 12 , 10 16.10 Normal Normal
14 . Orias, Hillbert 7/29/2005 38 1.48 M 2.1904 13 , 10 17.30 Normal Normal
15 . Pineda, James Harvie 1/10/2006 32 1.45 M 2.1025 13 ,5 15.20 Normal Normal
16 . Plazo, Glensson 1/29/2006 38 1.42 M 2.0164 13 ,4 18.80 Normal Stunted
17 . Santos, Jashper Paul 1/3/2006 46 1.57 M 2.4649 13 ,5 18.60 Normal Normal
18 . Serrano, Francis 3/9/2005 53 1.6 M 2.5600 14 ,3 20.70 Normal Normal
19 . Tanay, Baltazar Jr. 3/6/2006 37 1.47 M 2.1609 13 ,3 17.10 Normal Normal
20 . Velasquez, Andrew N. 3/6/2006 37 1.47 M 2.1609 13 ,3 17.10 Normal Normal
21 . Agapito, Shaina Nicole 10/10/2006 41 1.55 F 2.4025 12 ,8 17.00 Normal Normal
22 . Aguilar, Mary Anne 5/8/2006 44 1.44 F 2.0736 13 ,1 21.20 Normal Normal
23 . Alfonso, Cherry Loe S. 11/25/2005 39 1.42 F 2.0164 13 ,6 19.30 Normal Stunted
24 . Alvarez, Syra Jean 5/8/2006 38 1.41 F 1.9881 13 ,1 19.10 Normal Stunted
25 . Angot, Lucilyn 12/3/2005 55 1.38 F 1.9044 13 ,6 28.80 Overweight Stunted
26 . Banay Banay, Angel 7/12/2005 44 1.55 F 2.4025 13 , 10 18.30 Normal Normal
27 . Basallo, May Anne 5/30/2006 31 1.32 F 1.7424 13 ,0 17.70 Normal Severely Stunted
28 . Cabrera, Nathalie V. 7/24/2006 45 1.47 F 2.1609 12 , 10 20.80 Normal Normal
29 . Carlos, Janella Sophia M.0 11/29/2005 40 1.44 F 2.0736 13 ,6 19.20 Normal Stunted
30 . Castro, Bianca 7/20/2006 31 1.44 F 2.0736 12 , 10 14.90 Normal Normal
31 . De Dios, Michaela Nicole 7/23/2006 42 1.47 F 2.1609 12 , 10 19.40 Normal Normal
32 . Del Rosario, Aljen A. 4/15/2005 53 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,1 22.30 Normal Normal
33 . Dela Cruz, Lorie Jane 6/25/2005 47 1.49 F 2.2201 13 , 11 21.10 Normal Normal
34 . Galvan, Kathleen Faye C. 11/5/2005 34 1.46 F 2.1316 13 ,7 15.90 Normal Normal
35 . Layug, Jayra T. 4/6/2004 50 1.66 F 2.7556 15 ,2 18.10 Normal Normal
36 . Llanza, Alheya 6/27/2006 30 1.39 F 1.9321 12 , 11 15.50 Normal Stunted
37 . Liwanag, Samantha 8/8/2005 40 1.54 F 2.3716 13 , 10 16.80 Normal Normal
38 . Pagarao, Dhanaya 8/8/2005 40 1.54 F 2.3716 13 , 10 16.80 Normal Normal
39 . Pagcu, April Joy 4/18/2003 46 1.47 F 2.1609 16 ,1 21.20 Normal Stunted
40 . Santos, Erica Nicole 8/14/2005 44 1.58 F 2.4964 13 ,9 17.60 Normal Normal
41 . Torres, Stephanie Ann 8/9/2005 56 1.46 F 2.1316 13 , 10 26.20 Normal Normal
42 . Umali, Lie Jessica 8/8/2005 40 1.54 F 2.3716 13 , 10 16.80 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 20 22 42 No. of Cases 20 22 42 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 1 1 2 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 0 0 0 Stunted 3 6 9
Normal 20 21 41 Normal 16 15 31
Overweight 0 1 1 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 9: Molihua

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Benitez, Jr. Jimmy A 12/10/2004 62 1.54 M 2.3716 14 ,6 26.10 Normal Normal
2 . Calma, Sean Andrei P. 4/28/2005 58 1.6 M 2.5600 14 ,1 22.60 Normal Normal
3 . Manalang, Jasmare F. 10/27/2002 40 1.61 M 2.5921 16 ,7 15.40 Wasted Normal
4 . Nayre, John Jefferson B. 12/2/2005 52 1.6 M 2.5600 13 ,6 20.30 Normal Normal
5 . Pasion, Reinier Eliazher G. 11/11/2004 64 1.64 M 2.6896 14 ,6 23.70 Normal Normal
6 . Sundiang, Victor Louise D. 12/2/2005 40 1.54 M 2.3716 13 ,6 16.80 Normal Normal
7 . Tiria, Dion B. 2/28/2005 62 1.54 M 2.3716 14 ,3 26.10 Normal Normal
8 . Tiria, Jhon Lloyd C. 10/17/2004 40 1.54 M 2.3716 14 ,7 16.80 Normal Normal
9 . Yusi, Jansdale S. 5/21/2005 36 1.53 M 2.3409 14 ,0 15.30 Wasted Normal
10 . Baluyut, Sheenah F. 3/31/2005 64 1.59 F 2.5281 14 ,2 25.30 Normal Normal
11 . Cailang, Marien Rose M. 1/21/2005 48 1.59 F 2.5281 14 ,4 18.90 Normal Normal
12 . Concepcion, Lica Gayle A. 9/20/2004 40 1.56 F 2.4336 14 ,8 16.40 Normal Normal
13 . Danganan, Riza P. 10/9/2004 40 1.56 F 2.4336 14 ,8 16.40 Normal Normal
14 . David, Angela Joy S. 10/8/2005 42 1.56 F 2.4336 13 ,8 17.20 Normal Normal
15 . De Guzman, Angel Anne G. 7/10/2005 40 1.57 F 2.4649 13 , 11 16.20 Normal Normal
16 . Degala, Alyssa G. 12/5/2004 43 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,6 18.10 Normal Normal
17 . Dionisio, Ashley U. 2/27/2005 50 1.49 F 2.2201 14 ,3 22.50 Normal Normal
18 . Erese, Rose Jane A. 9/12/2004 43 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,8 18.10 Normal Normal
19 . Gomez, Jennah E. 3/10/2005 54 1.6 F 2.5600 14 ,3 21.00 Normal Normal
20 . Hojilla, Stephanie D. 8/30/2005 40 1.49 F 2.2201 13 ,9 18.00 Normal Normal
21 . Jimenez, Maizy Catherine C. 1/10/2005 40 1.52 F 2.3104 14 ,5 17.30 Normal Normal
22 . Lansang, Abigail Ann G. 8/31/2005 50 1.5 F 2.2500 13 ,9 22.20 Normal Normal
23 . Laxamana, Christine Joy D. 3/10/2005 44 1.5 F 2.2500 14 ,3 19.50 Normal Normal
24 . Licup, Alexa Nicaila G. 9/26/2004 83 1.59 F 2.5281 14 ,8 32.80 Overweight Normal
25 . Lopez, Stephanie Irish G. 4/30/2005 45 1.49 F 2.2201 14 ,1 20.20 Normal Normal
26 . Malimbag, Zoe Jan M. 8/5/2005 38 1.45 F 2.1025 13 , 10 18.00 Normal Stunted
27 . Mallari, Aira Mae R. 3/9/2005 39 1.5 F 2.2500 14 ,3 17.30 Normal Normal
28 . Ocampo, Trina Mae M. 4/7/2005 49 1.68 F 2.8224 14 ,2 17.30 Normal Normal
29 . Pangan, Queen Mary Knoll D 10/24/2005 42 1.54 F 2.3716 13 ,7 17.70 Normal Normal
30 . Pineda, Dianne L. 9/14/2004 42 1.56 F 2.4336 14 ,8 17.20 Normal Normal
31 . Quiazon, Maicca Jolene C. 9/12/2004 42 1.58 F 2.4964 14 ,8 16.80 Normal Normal
32 . Salenga, Denzell Ann P. 2/27/2005 41 1.43 F 2.0449 14 ,3 20.00 Normal Stunted
33 . Silvestre, Cailyn S. 1/31/2005 45 1.48 F 2.1904 14 ,4 20.50 Normal Normal
34 . Sindac, Katrina C. 10/18/2004 38 1.52 F 2.3104 14 ,7 16.40 Normal Normal
35 . Singian, Tsinee G. 9/11/2004 30 1.49 F 2.2201 14 ,8 13.50 Severely Wasted Normal
36 . Soliven, Francen O. 1/18/2006 46 1.58 F 2.4964 13 ,4 18.40 Normal Normal
37 . Soriano, Aleighia Geiza B. 11/26/2004 42 1.52 F 2.3104 14 ,6 18.10 Normal Normal
38 . Tengco, Mariah Angel M. 5/26/2005 36 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,0 14.90 Wasted Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 9 29 38 No. of Cases 9 29 38 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 1 1 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 2 1 3 Stunted 0 2 2
Normal 7 26 33 Normal 9 27 36
Overweight 0 1 1 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 9: Everlasting

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Aldea, Alladin D. 3/5/2000 55 1.64 M 2.6896 19 ,3 20.40 Normal Adult
2 . Baluyut, Lance Justine D. 5/6/2004 43 1.53 M 2.3409 15 ,1 18.30 Normal Stunted
3 . Banawa, June A. 9/18/2005 33 1.46 M 2.1316 13 ,8 15.40 Normal Normal
4 . Bautista, Jolo S. 1/29/2005 71 1.62 M 2.6244 14 ,4 27.00 Overweight Normal
5 . Buque, Angelo Q. 12/12/2003 56 1.64 M 2.6896 15 ,5 20.80 Normal Normal
6 . Cruz, Rafael B. 9/18/2005 33 1.46 M 2.1316 13 ,8 15.40 Normal Normal
7 . Dizon, Kervin Chloe C. 10/27/2004 46 1.64 M 2.6896 14 ,7 17.10 Normal Normal
8 . Gozun, Ronel D. 12/12/2005 56 1.65 M 2.7225 13 ,5 20.50 Normal Normal
9 . Laxamana, Eliel John M. 6/13/2005 41 1.57 M 2.4649 13 , 11 16.60 Normal Normal
10 . Lopez, Gerome D. 12/3/2003 37 1.56 M 2.4336 15 ,6 15.20 Wasted Normal
11 . Mallorca, Kristian Erroll S. 7/28/2004 38 1.46 M 2.1316 14 , 10 17.80 Normal Stunted
12 . Mercado, Rain E. 6/13/2005 41 1.57 M 2.4649 13 , 11 16.60 Normal Normal
13 . Pasion, Luige C. 6/28/2005 46 1.49 M 2.2201 13 , 11 20.70 Normal Normal
14 . Payumo, Kim Carlo M. 10/2/2004 64 1.58 M 2.4964 14 ,8 25.60 Normal Normal
15 . Perez, Nathaniel Q. 12/3/2003 37 1.56 M 2.4336 15 ,6 15.20 Wasted Normal
16 . Pingol, John Recelle P. 9/30/2004 45 1.48 M 2.1904 14 ,8 20.50 Normal Stunted
17 . Ricacho, Maxinestor Kyle S. 6/10/2004 37 1.51 M 2.2801 15 ,0 16.20 Normal Stunted
18 . Tiamson, Sam M. 4/10/2005 43 1.51 M 2.2801 14 ,2 18.80 Normal Normal
19 . Torres, Adrian R. 11/24/2003 78 1.71 M 2.9241 15 ,6 26.60 Normal Normal
20 . Torres, Charles T. 5/25/2005 48 1.63 M 2.6569 14 ,0 18.00 Normal Normal
21 . Torres, Ram B. 4/10/2004 42 1.59 M 2.5281 15 ,2 16.60 Normal Normal
22 . Tupaz, James G. 6/29/2005 106 1.73 M 2.9929 13 , 11 35.40 Obese Normal
23 . Vivas, Justine Shawn H. 6/12/2004 48 1.59 M 2.5281 14 , 11 18.90 Normal Normal
24 . Bangit, Giselle Paula B. 5/25/2005 48 1.63 F 2.6569 14 ,0 18.00 Normal Normal
25 . Cabbab, Rica Joy P. 4/15/2005 42 1.52 F 2.3104 14 ,1 18.10 Normal Normal
26 . Catap, Evelyn P. 6/7/2005 43 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,0 17.80 Normal Normal
27 . Concepcion, Cheliza M. 8/3/2004 53 1.54 F 2.3716 14 , 10 22.30 Normal Normal
28 . Cunanan, Jade Anne T. 10/16/2004 38 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,7 16.00 Normal Normal
29 . Galang, Izen A. 1/16/2005 59 1.48 F 2.1904 14 ,4 26.90 Normal Normal
30 . Garcia, Erica D. 3/13/2004 46 1.53 F 2.3409 15 ,2 19.60 Normal Normal
31 . Ladia, Kimberly R. 3/31/2002 41 1.54 F 2.3716 17 ,2 17.20 Normal Normal
32 . Laxamana, Rusette Y. 3/14/2005 45 1.52 F 2.3104 14 ,2 19.40 Normal Normal
33 . Lingis, Jackylou C. 8/17/2004 44 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,9 18.50 Normal Normal
34 . Morales, Ardy M. 4/21/2004 53 1.51 F 2.2801 15 ,1 23.20 Normal Normal
35 . Palo, Jessa B. 12/5/2005 50 1.5 F 2.2500 13 ,6 22.20 Normal Normal
36 . Parungao, Mariel A. 8/31/2005 67 1.59 F 2.5281 13 ,9 26.50 Normal Normal
37 . Reyes, Alyssa Nicole G. 5/25/2005 48 1.63 F 2.6569 14 ,0 18.00 Normal Normal
38 . Romero, Lee Vianca. 9/19/2003 36 1.46 F 2.1316 15 ,8 16.80 Normal Stunted
39 . Sanchez, Atasha Maye M. 5/27/2005 58 1.49 F 2.2201 14 ,0 26.10 Normal Normal
40 . Sarmiento, Ma. Cassandra A. 5/8/2004 48 1.54 F 2.3716 15 ,1 20.20 Normal Normal
41 . Tayag, Kyla Shane M. 6-22-2003 39 1.52 F 2.3104 15 , 11 16.80 Normal Normal
42 . Tongol, Jeselle T. 7-16-2004 46 1.54 F 2.3716 14 , 10 19.30 Normal Normal
43 . Valdez, Leslie 2-16-2004 50 1.56 F 2.4336 15 ,3 20.50 Normal Normal
44 . Villanueva, Elmer M. 5/5/2005 50 1.56 F 2.4336 14 ,1 20.50 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 23 21 44 No. of Cases 22 21 43 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 2 0 2 Stunted 4 1 5
Normal 19 21 40 Normal 18 20 38
Overweight 1 0 1 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 1 0 1
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 9: Gladiola

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Askalani, Kyan Denice P. 6/5/2005 75 1.62 M 2.6244 14 ,0 28.50 Overweight Normal
2 . Calegan, Jelo M. 11/6/2004 71 1.62 M 2.6244 14 ,7 27.00 Overweight Normal
3 . Castillo, alexander E. 12/29/2004 51 1.62 M 2.6244 14 ,5 19.40 Normal Normal
4 . David, Rheann C. 1/20/2005 57 1.62 M 2.6244 14 ,4 21.70 Normal Normal
5 . Fernando, Joven T. 1/6/2003 47 1.56 M 2.4336 16 ,5 19.30 Normal Stunted
6 . Hidalgo, George Jr. G. 12/9/2004 39 1.54 M 2.3716 14 ,6 16.40 Normal Normal
7 . Jimenez, Peter John P. 9/13/2005 51 1.64 M 2.6896 13 ,8 18.90 Normal Normal
8 . Lacson, John Paul M. 5/1/2004 52 1.67 M 2.7889 15 ,1 18.60 Normal Normal
9 . Lintag, Ralph Arreld T. 4/11/2002 61 1.71 M 2.9241 17 ,1 20.80 Normal Normal
10 . Munoz, Kevin Daves C. 9/13/2005 51 1.64 M 2.6896 13 ,8 18.90 Normal Normal
11 . Naguit, Andrew C. 11/1/2003 50 1.63 M 2.6569 15 ,7 18.80 Normal Normal
12 . Nicdao, Paulo D. 8/18/2004 53 1.62 M 2.6244 14 ,9 20.10 Normal Normal
13 . Pamintuan, Niko I. 9/3/2004 44 1.59 M 2.5281 14 ,9 17.40 Normal Normal
14 . Pineda, Lucky B. 3/16/2005 32 1.46 M 2.1316 14 ,2 15.00 Wasted Stunted
15 . Rivera, Prince Ashlee 5/2/2005 38 1.57 M 2.4649 14 ,1 15.40 Wasted Normal
16 . Salas, Jarel C. 8/7/2005 36 1.47 M 2.1609 13 , 10 16.60 Normal Normal
17 . Sanchez, Kurt Joseph C. 12/19/2005 53 1.58 M 2.4964 13 ,5 21.20 Normal Normal
18 . Soriano, Darwin B. 9/24/2003 44 1.65 M 2.7225 15 ,8 16.10 Wasted Normal
19 . Tabores, Jerby D. 9/5/2005 38 1.48 M 2.1904 13 ,9 17.30 Normal Normal
20 . Timoteo, Crizzel V. 1/6/2005 51 1.6 M 2.5600 14 ,5 19.90 Normal Normal
21 . Alfonso, Abby D. 8/27/2004 43 1.4 F 1.9600 14 ,9 21.90 Normal Severely Stunted
22 . Bardillon, Trisha Ann G. 9/12/2004 35 1.48 F 2.1904 14 ,8 15.90 Normal Normal
23 . Bulanadi, Camille E. 1/27/2005 43 1.6 F 2.5600 14 ,4 16.70 Normal Normal
24 . Erese, Jamaica B. 11/14/2004 39 1.43 F 2.0449 14 ,6 19.00 Normal Stunted
25 . Evaristo, Zyrelle Venice P. 10/10/2005 53 1.61 F 2.5921 13 ,8 20.40 Normal Normal
26 . Garcia, Michelle B. 9/4/2004 48 1.52 F 2.3104 14 ,9 20.70 Normal Normal
27 . Gutierrez, Lourene T. 4/7/2005 35 1.45 F 2.1025 14 ,2 16.60 Normal Stunted
28 . Lugue, Mary Joy D. 10/10/2005 53 1.61 F 2.5921 13 ,8 20.40 Normal Normal
29 . Luzung, Allyzza Mhae A. 4/26/2005 56 1.53 F 2.3409 14 ,1 23.90 Normal Normal
30 . Martinez, Josephine S. 8/5/2005 36 1.42 F 2.0164 13 , 10 17.80 Normal Stunted
31 . Masion, Charlette D. 12/20/2004 51 1.63 F 2.6569 14 ,5 19.10 Normal Normal
32 . Nabong, Shaina Mae M. 7/20/2004 62 1.42 F 2.0164 14 , 10 30.70 Overweight Stunted
33 . Ojeras, Fresian Lee P. 12/20/2004 51 1.63 F 2.6569 14 ,5 19.10 Normal Normal
34 . Oliveros, crystalline R. 5/17/2005 40 1.47 F 2.1609 14 ,0 18.50 Normal Normal
35 . Rivera, Angel D. 8/25/2004 57 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,9 23.70 Normal Normal
36 . Silvano, Mariah Eunice H. 9/8/2005 59 1.51 F 2.2801 13 ,9 25.80 Normal Normal
37 . Ubera, Danica A. 3/19/2004 51 1.45 F 2.1025 15 ,2 24.20 Normal Stunted
38 . Valix, Tracy Amber S. 9/22/2004 68 1.56 F 2.4336 14 ,8 27.90 Normal Normal
39 . Viray, Aleine A. 5/19/2003 55 1.55 F 2.4025 16 ,0 22.80 Normal Normal
40 . Yalung, Ma. Lourdes M. 11/16/2004 52 1.49 F 2.2201 14 ,6 23.40 Normal Normal
41 . Beroy, Jose Marco 10/6/2004 50 1.73 M 2.9929 14 ,8 16.70 Normal Normal
42 . Ravelo, Joel 4/24/2001 43 1.57 M 2.4649 18 ,1 17.40 Normal Stunted
43 . Danez, Princess 3/14/2004 61 1.55 F 2.4025 15 ,2 25.30 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 22 21 43 No. of Cases 22 21 43 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 0 1 1 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 3 0 3 Stunted 3 5 8
Normal 17 20 37 Normal 19 15 34
Overweight 2 1 3 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 9: Rose

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Calma, Steven Clark T. 2/17/2005 53 1.65 M 2.7225 14 ,3 19.40 Normal Normal
2 . Cuyugan, Nesty P. 11/8/2005 49 1.47 M 2.1609 13 ,7 22.60 Normal Normal
3 . Francisco, Christian M. 6/23/2004 50 1.59 M 2.5281 14 , 11 19.70 Normal Normal
4 . Gatus, Gem M. 5/3/2004 38 1.52 M 2.3104 15 ,1 16.40 Normal Stunted
5 . Laynesa, Joshua John 11/8/2005 49 1.47 M 2.1609 13 ,7 22.60 Normal Normal
6 . Lumanlan, John Michael G. 9/25/2005 41 1.57 M 2.4649 13 ,8 16.60 Normal Normal
7 . Mijares, Moises T. 8/8/2004 47 1.68 M 2.8224 14 , 10 16.60 Normal Normal
8 . Munez, Killua James S. 9/12/2005 47 1.56 M 2.4336 13 ,8 19.30 Normal Normal
9 . Ocampo, John Nathaniel M. 4/18/2004 77 1.52 M 2.3104 15 ,1 33.30 Overweight Stunted
10 . Quiambao, Jimwell G. 8/16/2003 47 1.57 M 2.4649 15 ,9 19.00 Normal Normal
11 . Raquel, Reinan G. 8/8/2005 35 1.48 M 2.1904 13 , 10 15.90 Normal Normal
12 . Suarez, Adrian Paul C. 9/16/2005 66 1.67 M 2.7889 13 ,8 23.60 Normal Normal
13 . Tayao, Cristian N. 10/3/2005 30 1.42 M 2.0164 13 ,8 14.80 Wasted Stunted
14 . Adovas, Kate Allysa D. 8/2/2004 37 1.43 F 2.0449 14 , 10 18.00 Normal Stunted
15 . Alcayde, Denise Y. 2/14/2005 51 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,3 21.20 Normal Normal
16 . Alejandrino, Asia Pearl S. 1/15/2005 66 1.53 F 2.3409 14 ,4 28.10 Overweight Normal
17 . Besa, Juvy C. 10/3/2001 41 1.37 F 1.8769 17 ,8 21.80 Normal Severely Stunted
18 . Canono, Erika Grace C. 10/5/2004 48 1.49 F 2.2201 14 ,8 21.60 Normal Normal
19 . Cortez, Charlene S. 3/2/2002 49 1.58 F 2.4964 17 ,3 19.60 Normal Normal
20 . Costales, Mimosa B. 1/3/2003 38 1.46 F 2.1316 16 ,5 17.80 Normal Stunted
21 . Diano, Neriessa Joy P. 7/31/2004 45 1.51 F 2.2801 14 , 10 19.70 Normal Normal
22 . Domingo, Cesaria M. 11/4/2003 47 1.53 F 2.3409 15 ,7 20.00 Normal Normal
23 . Enriquez, Julie Ann T. 11/8/2005 49 1.47 F 2.1609 13 ,7 22.60 Normal Normal
24 . Evaristo, Thea Bianca P. 8/11/2005 54 1.51 F 2.2801 13 ,9 23.60 Normal Normal
25 . Fernando, Janna T. 4/23/2005 52 1.57 F 2.4649 14 ,1 21.00 Normal Normal
26 . Flores, LJ Ken L. 8/8/2005 66 1.47 F 2.1609 13 , 10 30.50 Overweight Normal
27 . Guellang, Keziah C. 4/19/2004 40 1.56 F 2.4336 15 ,1 16.40 Normal Normal
28 . Lacerna, Raizalaine M. 9/15/2005 38 1.52 F 2.3104 13 ,8 16.40 Normal Normal
29 . Laxa, Myka Q. 8/18/2004 42 1.44 F 2.0736 14 ,9 20.20 Normal Stunted
30 . Licup, Romalyn, C. 2/18/2005 39 1.59 F 2.5281 14 ,3 15.40 Wasted Normal
31 . Lim, Jhanelle T. 10/10/2005 43 1.43 F 2.0449 13 ,8 21.00 Normal Stunted
32 . Maglaqui, Jamaeka Caryl An 6/26/2005 44 1.52 F 2.3104 13 , 11 19.00 Normal Normal
33 . Malbog, Angel C. 2/8/2005 54 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,4 22.40 Normal Normal
34 . Manansala, Erhica P. 6/29/2005 39 1.45 F 2.1025 13 , 11 18.50 Normal Stunted
35 . Pasamonte, Ann KC R. 8/4/2005 41 1.49 F 2.2201 13 , 10 18.40 Normal Normal
36 . Randing, Princess Kyla B. 11/24/2004 74 1.65 F 2.7225 14 ,6 27.10 Normal Normal
37 . Regunaos, Rachel Sarah L. 11/3/2004 46 1.57 F 2.4649 14 ,7 18.60 Normal Normal
38 . Canlas, Diosdado P. 4/20/2004 43 1.62 M 2.6244 15 ,1 16.30 Normal Normal
39 . Lino, Xyrus C. 7/10/2003 45 1.6 M 2.5600 15 , 11 17.50 Normal Normal
40 . Aguilar, Marvin G. 3/29/2003 55 1.7 M 2.8900 16 ,2 19.00 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 16 24 40 No. of Cases 16 24 40 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 0 1 1 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 1 1 2 Stunted 3 5 8
Normal 14 21 35 Normal 13 18 31
Overweight 1 2 3 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 9: Daisy

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Atienza, Rusty Angelo C. 5/8/2005 44 1.58 M 2.4964 14 ,1 17.60 Normal Normal
2 . Banag, Ian Justine P. 3/16/2005 88 1.64 M 2.6896 14 ,2 32.70 Overweight Normal
3 . Benito, Adam Kurt T. 6/21/2004 56 1.66 M 2.7556 14 , 11 20.30 Normal Normal
4 . Bingcang, Regino P. 8/3/2005 34 1.46 M 2.1316 13 , 10 15.90 Normal Stunted
5 . Camaclang, Simone Edrei S. 8/7/2005 43 1.53 M 2.3409 13 , 10 18.30 Normal Normal
6 . Fernandez, Christian B. 12-26-2002 46 1.57 M 2.4649 16 ,5 18.60 Normal Stunted
7 . Flores, Mico C. 8/3/2005 34 1.46 M 2.1316 13 , 10 15.90 Normal Stunted
8 . Paguio, Jenesis S. 8-20-2004 54 1.56 M 2.4336 14 ,9 22.10 Normal Normal
9 . Paras, Shedrick T. 7-19-2005 52 1.65 M 2.7225 13 , 10 19.10 Normal Normal
10 . Pineda, RB M. 8-29-2004 34 1.53 M 2.3409 14 ,9 14.50 Severely Wasted Normal
11 . Reyla, Orlando S. 7-25-2004 50 1.63 M 2.6569 14 , 10 18.80 Normal Normal
12 . Rivera, Alex, C. 6-5-2004 56 2 M 2.7556 15 ,0 20.30 Normal Normal
13 . Sahagun, Justin Gariel C. 3-25-2005 47 1.52 M 2.3104 14 ,2 20.30 Normal Normal
14 . Serra, Jam Bart Anthony T. 8-30-2005 44 1.6 2.5600 13 ,9 17.10
15 . Supan, Stephen John D. 10-23-2005 82 2 2.5600 13 ,7 32.00
16 . Viray, Jovi Lee B. 3-19-2005 38 1.52 M 2.3104 14 ,2 16.40 Normal Normal
17 . Alimurung, Rain 10-24-2005 43 1.49 F 2.2201 13 ,7 19.30 Normal Normal
18 . Antonio, Jaycel B. 12-14-2004 43 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,5 18.10 Normal Normal
19 . Aquino, Charllote C. 8-8-2004 46 1.54 F 2.3716 14 , 10 19.30 Normal Normal
20 . Bacanto, Ronalyn S. 6-23-2005 42 1.48 F 2.1904 13 , 11 19.10 Normal Normal
21 . Bautista, Fiona Ila C. 5-31-2005 47 1.52 F 2.3104 14 ,0 20.30 Normal Normal
22 . Bendicio, Rizza Marie B 10-8-2004 39 1.51 F 2.2801 14 ,8 17.10 Normal Normal
23 . Canlas, Ryza T. 3-17-2005 44 1.45 F 2.1025 14 ,2 20.90 Normal Stunted
24 . Chin, Mary Ann Joy A. 12-1-2004 58 1.56 F 2.4336 14 ,6 23.80 Normal Normal
25 . Dela Cruz, Ma. Isabela M. 10-10-2005 44 1 F 2.2201 13 ,8 19.80 Normal Normal
26 . Enriquez, Julie Ann T. 7-5-2005 40 1.53 F 2.3409 13 , 11 17.00 Normal Normal
27 . Escoto, Cristhel R. 10-27-2004 45 1.47 F 2.1609 14 ,7 20.80 Normal Stunted
28 . Figueras, Mary Angela M. 9-28-2005 41 1.47 F 2.1609 13 ,8 18.90 Normal Normal
29 . Gomez, Beyonce Gabrielle G 11-15-2004 47 1.49 F 2.2201 14 ,6 21.10 Normal Normal
30 . Igneo, Frances S. 10-16-2004 41 1.41 F 1.9881 14 ,7 20.60 Normal Stunted
31 . Laxamana, Ivy Joy S. 9-11-2004 40 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,8 16.80 Normal Normal
32 . Manalac, Reana P. 7-25-2005 43 1 F 2.2201 13 , 10 19.30 Normal Normal
33 . Manalo, Mary Rose S. 12/10/2004 42 1.59 F 2.5281 14 ,6 16.60 Normal Normal
34 . Mirasol, Kchy-Lee 7/29/2005 36 1.46 F 2.1316 13 , 10 16.80 Normal Normal
35 . Nonog, Sophia Eirene N. 8/3/2005 34 1.46 F 2.1316 13 , 10 15.90 Normal Normal
36 . Orpiada, Jannel M. 8/15/2005 43 1.57 F 2.4649 13 ,9 17.40 Normal Normal
37 . Sevilla, LJ S. 7/29/2005 36 1.46 F 2.1316 13 , 10 16.80 Normal Normal
38 . Sundiang, Arianne Xyril D. 9/9/2005 54 1.49 F 2.2201 13 ,9 24.30 Normal Normal
39 . Tabora, Jean Ayen G. 6/24/2005 57 1.56 F 2.4336 13 , 11 23.40 Normal Normal
40 . Timbol, Abigail I. 4/12/2005 48 1.53 F 2.3409 14 ,1 20.50 Normal Normal
41 . Valentino, Faye Loren M. 5/15/2005 51 1.6 F 2.5600 14 ,0 19.90 Normal Normal
42 . Aguelo, Yza V. 1/26/2005 34 1.47 F 2.1609 14 ,4 15.70 Normal Normal
43 . Mirabueno, Frincess Angel S. 8/20/2004 38 1.47 F 2.1609 14 ,9 17.50 Normal Stunted

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 14 27 41 No. of Cases 14 27 41 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 1 0 1 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 0 0 0 Stunted 3 4 7
Normal 12 27 39 Normal 11 23 34
Overweight 1 0 1 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 9: Orchids

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Alabado, Henrich Laks T. 7/20/2004 43 1.64 M 2.6896 14 , 10 15.90 Normal Normal
2 . Barrozo, Junar M. 7/20/2004 42 1.55 M 2.4025 14 , 10 17.40 Normal Normal
3 . Bautista, Kurt C. 5/11/2004 59 1.68 M 2.8224 15 ,0 20.90 Normal Normal
4 . Bobis, Kohen D. 9/20/2003 50 1.64 M 2.6896 15 ,8 18.50 Normal Normal
5 . Dimabuyu, Kristofer M. 12/25/2004 44 1.61 M 2.5921 14 ,5 16.90 Normal Normal
6 . Galang, Cris Baron G. 4/29/2005 35 1.58 M 2.4964 14 ,1 14.00 Severely Wasted Normal
7 . Gatus, Orcelenso Zallee T. 6/15/2003 53 1.62 M 2.6244 15 , 11 20.10 Normal Normal
8 . Orpiada, John Lloyd C. 3/6/2005 44 1.63 M 2.6569 14 ,3 16.50 Normal Normal
9 . Quiambao, John Luis L. 4/12/2005 42 1.49 M 2.2201 14 ,1 18.90 Normal Normal
10 . Reyno, Kyle Gilmore D. 4/9/2002 55 1.63 M 2.6569 17 ,2 20.70 Normal Normal
11 . Sanchez, Elton John S. 4/28/2004 59 1.84 M 3.3856 15 ,1 17.40 Normal Normal
12 . Santiago, Mike Eunice 2/9/2005 47 1.59 M 2.5281 14 ,4 18.50 Normal Normal
13 . Sibug, George Ken A. 10/24/2005 40 1.54 M 2.3716 13 ,7 16.80 Normal Normal
14 . Soan, Gelo B. 10/31/2002 65 1.57 M 2.4649 16 ,7 26.30 Normal Stunted
15 . Tonelete, Steven Miles N. 4/22/2004 63 1.7 M 2.8900 15 ,1 21.70 Normal Normal
16 . Aguas, Bea P. 10/29/2004 39 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,7 16.40 Normal Normal
17 . Bugayong, Ganherica D. 12/9/2004 34 1.47 F 2.1609 14 ,6 15.70 Normal Stunted
18 . Calano, Israela Louisse S. 10/30/2005 45 1.58 F 2.4964 13 ,7 18.00 Normal Normal
19 . David, Nicole Jean C. 6/9/2005 56 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,0 23.30 Normal Normal
20 . Deang, Elizabeth Ann I. 1/29/2005 53 1.48 F 2.1904 14 ,4 24.10 Normal Normal
21 . Dizon, Janelle Rose D. 10/24/2005 46 1.56 F 2.4336 13 ,7 18.90 Normal Normal
22 . Domingo, Jade P. 8/16/2004 36 1.49 F 2.2201 14 ,9 16.20 Normal Normal
23 . Elumbaring, Jamelle B. 3/3/2005 41 1.46 F 2.1316 14 ,3 19.20 Normal Stunted
24 . Evaristo, Grayzel Y. 7/12/2005 50 1.6 F 2.5600 13 , 10 19.50 Normal Normal
25 . Gamboa, Jean Nicole 9/7/2004 38 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,9 15.80 Normal Normal
26 . Garcia, Joy Nicole F. 9/22/2004 43 1.49 F 2.2201 14 ,8 19.30 Normal Normal
27 . Gomez, Eunice B. 2/21/2005 51 1.5 F 2.2500 14 ,3 22.60 Normal Normal
28 . Gregorio, Angel Anne C. 3/15/2004 52 1.58 F 2.4964 15 ,2 20.80 Normal Normal
29 . Gregorio, Angel Marie C. 3/15/2005 50 1.57 F 2.4649 14 ,2 20.20 Normal Normal
30 . Imson, Jasmine D. 12/14/2002 36 1.46 F 2.1316 16 ,5 16.80 Normal Stunted
31 . Musni, Angelika L. 5/28/2005 44 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,0 18.30 Normal Normal
32 . Musni, Angeline L. 5/28/2005 46 1.57 F 2.4649 14 ,0 18.60 Normal Normal
33 . Ojeras, Fresian Lee P. 5/28/2005 44 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,0 18.30 Normal Normal
34 . Ranoa, Tuesday P. 9/28/2004 42 1.52 F 2.3104 14 ,8 18.10 Normal Normal
35 . Rivera, Ara Shainaz R. 2/25/2005 47 1.58 F 2.4964 14 ,3 18.80 Normal Normal
36 . Sanchez, Asialyn A. 10/25/2005 58 1.59 F 2.5281 13 ,7 22.90 Normal Normal
37 . Tan, Ara Bela Gracy G. 11/26/2004 45 1.48 F 2.1904 14 ,6 20.50 Normal Normal
38 . Toledo, Khayle C. 12/8/2004 37 1.48 F 2.1904 14 ,6 16.80 Normal Normal
39 . Yalung, Sylyn Rose Ann P. 7/15/2005 36 1.47 F 2.1609 13 , 10 16.60 Normal Normal
40 . Yutuc, Jamhae Ann V. 4/3/2005 58 1.53 F 2.3409 14 ,2 24.70 Normal Normal
41 . Laxamana, Rey Ann M. 8/3/2004 53 1.46 F 2.1316 14 , 10 24.80 Normal Stunted
42 . Reyes, Alyssa Nicole G. 8/27/2005 48 1.63 F 2.6569 13 ,9 18.00 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 15 27 42 No. of Cases 15 27 42 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 1 0 1 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 0 0 0 Stunted 1 4 5
Normal 14 27 41 Normal 14 23 37
Overweight 0 0 0 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 9: Gumamela

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . BANGQUIRIGAN, JULIUS R. 8/4/2003 42 1.55 M 2.4025 15 , 10 17.40 Normal Stunted
2 . CAMILING, DENMARK G. 11/12/2004 63 1.64 M 2.6896 14 ,6 23.40 Normal Normal
3 . CATOLICO, JADE IAN S. 7/21/2005 49 1.64 M 2.6896 13 , 10 18.20 Normal Normal
4 . CUTAMURA, KEVIN GLENN 9/3/2002 39 1.59 M 2.5281 16 ,9 15.40 Wasted Stunted
5 . DAVID, TRISTAN R. 1/29/2005 39 1.57 M 2.4649 14 ,4 15.80 Normal Normal
6 . DAYRIT, JUSTIN KENNETH V. 4/5/2003 49 1.64 M 2.6896 16 ,2 18.20 Normal Normal
7 . DURAN, MILCHOR JR. Y. 5/18/2004 50 1.64 M 2.6896 15 ,0 18.50 Normal Normal
8 . LAMPREA, LAURENCE KURT P. 8/25/2004 51 1.71 M 2.9241 14 ,9 17.40 Normal Normal
9 . LICUP, JEROME CHESTER G. 7/23/2005 51 1.53 M 2.3409 13 , 10 21.70 Normal Normal
10 . MANALILI, JOHN ASHLEY R. 7/4/2004 50 1.59 M 2.5281 14 , 11 19.70 Normal Normal
11 . MAURICIO, ARJAY A. 3/24/2002 58 1.62 M 2.6244 17 ,2 22.10 Normal Normal
12 . MERCADO, JAZTINE CARELL L. 8/31/2005 43 1.72 M 2.9584 13 ,9 14.50 Wasted Normal
13 . OCAMPO, JESTER O. 8/31/2004 48 1.7 M 2.8900 14 ,9 16.60 Normal Normal
14 . PORTUGAL, GABRIEL ALEXIS P. 12/8/2004 67 1.6 M 2.5600 14 ,6 26.10 Normal Normal
15 . SANGALANG, JOANNA MAE F. 6/15/2005 65 1.58 F 2.4964 13 , 11 26.00 Normal Normal
16 . SANGIL, JERICO YAN B. 11/9/2003 44 1.59 M 2.5281 15 ,7 17.40 Normal Normal
17 . SUBA, JOEDEL V. 9/18/2005 33 1.46 M 2.1316 13 ,8 15.40 Normal Normal
18 . TORRES, JOHN PATRICK D. 3/20/2004 64 1.76 M 3.0976 15 ,2 20.60 Normal Normal
19 . TORRES, JOHN PATRICK D. 3/20/2004 64 1.76 M 3.0976 15 ,2 20.60 Normal Normal
20 . RIVERA, LIAN JAMES 5/9/2003 62 1.71 M 2.9241 16 ,1 21.20 Normal Normal
21 . LAMPA, JOSHUA 11/16/2002 42 1.65 M 2.7225 16 ,6 15.40 Wasted Normal
22 . TOLENTINO, JEROME KYLE M. 6/30/2004 46 1.51 M 2.2801 14 , 11 20.10 Normal Stunted
23 . TONGOL, BERWIN S. 9/11/2004 77 1.7 M 2.8900 14 ,8 26.60 Normal Normal
24 . TONGOL, BERWIN S. 9/11/2004 77 1.7 M 2.8900 14 ,8 26.60 Normal Normal
25 . ABUAN, PRINCESS LARA T. 10/4/2005 37 1.53 F 2.3409 13 ,8 15.80 Normal Normal
26 . BENITEZ, MARVY JEAN M. 11/9/2004 35 1.46 F 2.1316 14 ,7 16.40 Normal Stunted
27 . CASTAÑEDA, MARIE CYRYL M. 7/21/2004 55 1.59 F 2.5281 14 , 10 21.70 Normal Normal
28 . DE JESUS, BERNADETH C. 12/15/2003 45 1.58 F 2.4964 15 ,5 18.00 Normal Normal
29 . EJERCITO, MIKYLLA G. 8/15/2004 50 1.62 F 2.6244 14 ,9 19.00 Normal Normal
30 . GALANG, ESTHER P. 5/4/2004 48 1.51 F 2.2801 15 ,1 21.00 Normal Normal
31 . GUIAO, CHYNEE MAE C. 6/18/2005 53 1.56 F 2.4336 13 , 11 21.70 Normal Normal
32 . LINTAG, DANICA T. 5/8/2002 48 1.52 F 2.3104 17 ,1 20.70 Normal Normal
33 . MALIG, JHANA V. 1/16/2005 44 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,4 18.50 Normal Normal
34 . MANALO, VALERIE P. 10/29/2005 41 1.63 F 2.6569 13 ,7 15.40 Normal Normal
35 . MANALOTO, ATHENA VALERIE 1/1/2005 42 1.57 F 2.4649 14 ,5 17.00 Normal Normal
36 . PINEDA, MARIEL G. 8/27/2004 73 1.57 F 2.4649 14 ,9 29.60 Overweight Normal
37 . PINGUL, JONNALYN 6/13/2003 47 1.53 F 2.3409 15 , 11 20.00 Normal Normal
38 . SOLIMAN, GERALYN C. 7/27/2003 41 1.52 F 2.3104 15 , 10 17.70 Normal Normal
39 . TIGLAO, IRAH JOY C. 7/31/2005 47 1.49 F 2.2201 13 , 10 21.10 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 23 16 39 No. of Cases 23 16 39 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 3 0 3 Stunted 3 1 4
Normal 20 15 35 Normal 20 15 35
Overweight 0 1 1 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 9: Lotus

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . AGUSTIN, VILLIE JOE S. 11/24/2004 95 1.71 M 2.9241 14 ,6 32.40 Overweight Normal
2 . ARANAS, JAYVEE D. 12/16/2003 45 1.57 M 2.4649 15 ,5 18.20 Normal Normal
3 . BALATURAN, CHARLS D. 3/18/2003 49 1.69 M 2.8561 16 ,2 17.10 Normal Normal
4 . DAVID, CARL A NGELO B. 1/1/2003 49 1.69 M 2.8561 16 ,5 17.10 Normal Normal
5 . DAVID, SPEED M. 8/9/2004 37 1.58 M 2.4964 14 , 10 14.80 Wasted Normal
6 . DE JESUS, JOHN PAUL A. 4/11/2005 50 1.63 M 2.6569 14 ,1 18.80 Normal Normal
7 . ENCILA, VINZENT HEAVEN S. 12/16/2005 59 1.62 M 2.6244 13 ,5 22.40 Normal Normal
8 . MALLARI, JHON RICK P. 11/7/2003 40 1.56 M 2.4336 15 ,7 16.40 Normal Normal
9 . MANANSALA, RENEL S. 4/3/2005 40 1.56 M 2.4336 14 ,2 16.40 Normal Normal
10 . MORALES, JOHN ALEXCEL A. 9/8/2005 40 1.47 M 2.1609 13 ,9 18.50 Normal Normal
11 . PASAMONTE, HANZ JANVER E. 1-8-2003 60 1.71 M 2.9241 16 ,5 20.50 Normal Normal
12 . PINEDA, VINCENT NICOLO D. 9-6-2005 39 1.61 M 2.5921 13 ,9 15.00 Wasted Normal
13 . RODRIGUEZ, CARL JOSHUA R. 8-8-2005 71 1.81 M 3.2761 13 , 10 21.60 Normal Tall
14 . SALAMATIN, LANDER KENN S. 10/15/2003 47 1.63 M 2.6569 15 ,7 17.60 Normal Normal
15 . SARMIENTO, MARK EMMAN A. 1/16/2004 46 1.69 M 2.8561 15 ,4 16.10 Wasted Normal
16 . SIMON, RALPH LAURENN C. 9/25/2004 46 1.69 M 2.8561 14 ,8 16.10 Normal Normal
17 . TUAZON, MARK JAY D. 11/2/2004 45 1.68 M 2.8224 14 ,7 15.90 Normal Normal
18 . YUMUL ARON D. 7/17/2002 82 1.7 M 2.8900 16 , 10 28.30 Normal Normal
19 . ODI, JOSHUA A. 8/26/2001 59 1.64 M 2.6896 17 ,9 21.90 Normal Normal
20 . BELO, ALVINCENT 7/3/2004 42 1.56 M 2.4336 14 , 11 17.20 Normal Normal
21 . DUYA, ROM ELIZ P. 8/24/2004 78 1.74 3.0276 14 ,9 25.70
22 . ENERA, GERALD 8/25/2004 78 1.74 3.0276 14 ,9 25.70
23 . PASACAY, DHENVER 8/26/2004 78 1.74 3.0276 14 ,9 25.70
24 . BAKING, ERICKA M. 3/13/2005 42 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,2 17.70 Normal Normal
25 . BOCADE, KRISTALYN C. 12/14/2004 44 1.51 F 2.2801 14 ,5 19.20 Normal Normal
26 . CASTILLO, KRISNA MAY M. 5/4/2001 44 1.52 F 2.3104 18 ,1 19.00 Normal Normal
27 . CORPUZ, ABIGAIL M. 3/18/2004 51 1.61 F 2.5921 15 ,2 19.60 Normal Normal
28 . CUNANAN, MIKAELA Q. 3/5/2005 37 1.53 F 2.3409 14 ,3 15.80 Normal Normal
29 . DIZON, NIÑA SCARLET S. 7/15/2004 39 1.57 F 2.4649 14 , 10 15.80 Normal Normal
30 . ENCIO, MARIEL T. 11/26/2002 51 1.51 F 2.2801 16 ,6 22.30 Normal Normal
31 . FONG, AKISHA NAE 5/30/2005 51 1.51 F 2.2801 14 ,0 22.30 Normal Normal
32 . GONZALES, MARY ANN D. 8/24/2004 44 1.48 F 2.1904 14 ,9 20.00 Normal Normal
33 . MARTIN, SAMANTHA A. 1/4/2005 56 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,5 23.30 Normal Normal
34 . MASANQUE, JANE ARYANA M. 8/10/2005 49 1.52 F 2.3104 13 , 10 21.20 Normal Normal
35 . MENDOZA, SAMANTHA P. 9/6/2002 34 1.44 F 2.0736 16 ,9 16.30 Normal Stunted
36 . NUNAG, MARY JOY G. 3/31/2005 45 1.58 F 2.4964 14 ,2 18.00 Normal Normal
37 . SINGH, PRINCESS AIRA G. 10/19/2004 38 1.57 F 2.4649 14 ,7 15.40 Wasted Normal
38 . TANDOY, LADY LEE P. 12/2/2003 42 1.54 F 2.3716 15 ,6 17.70 Normal Normal
39 . VELASCO, ROSALINA S. 11/27/2003 35 1.49 F 2.2201 15 ,6 15.70 Wasted Normal
40 . VIRAY, RIZA JANELLE D. 9/16/2003 47 1.55 F 2.4025 15 ,8 19.50 Normal Normal
41 . ALBOLERAS, ROVEL JAY R. 7-18-2003 43 1.52 F 2.3104 15 , 10 18.60 Normal Normal
42 . SUGIMAYA, ANGEL 3-12-2005 41 1.53 2.3409 14 ,2 17.50
43 . PARILLA, JASMINE 6-5-2005 46 1.5 2.2500 14 ,0 20.40
44 . PRIN, CARL KEVIN 5/8/2005 49 1.58 2.4964 14 ,1 19.60

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 20 18 38 No. of Cases 20 18 38 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 3 2 5 Stunted 0 1 1
Normal 16 16 32 Normal 19 17 36
Overweight 1 0 1 Tall 1 0 1
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 9: Carnation

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . ABALOS, CEZAR F. 6/27/2005 36 1.46 M 2.1316 13 , 11 16.80 Normal Stunted
2 . BALBUENA, KHIM ALJAY K. 9/14/2003 48 1.69 M 2.8561 15 ,8 16.80 Normal Normal
3 . BASCO,MANUELITO L. 10/2/2003 64 1.77 M 3.1329 15 ,8 20.40 Normal Normal
4 . BAUTISTA, CHRISTIAN R. 1/29/2005 69 1.67 M 2.7889 14 ,4 24.70 Normal Normal
5 . CANLAS, JERMAINE P. 9/9/2004 51 1.69 M 2.8561 14 ,9 17.80 Normal Normal
6 . CARIAGA, RICKY C. 12/14/2004 57 1.69 M 2.8561 14 ,5 19.90 Normal Normal
7 . DELA CRUZ, JOHN MANUEL V. 5/2/2005 50 1.76 M 3.0976 14 ,1 16.10 Normal Normal
8 . FAJARDO, HANS AYZEN B. 8/31/2006 68 1.61 M 2.5921 12 ,9 26.20 Overweight Normal
9 . GARCIA, LAURENCE PAUL L. 4/27/2004 39 1.5 M 2.2500 15 ,1 17.30 Normal Stunted
10 . LAXAMANA, IVAN S. 1/20/2005 64 1.54 M 2.3716 14 ,4 26.90 Overweight Normal
11 . MALLARI, JHESTER F. 4/17/2001 50 1.64 M 2.6896 18 ,1 18.50 Normal Normal
12 . MICLAT, CARLO B. 4/18/2001 50 1.64 M 2.6896 18 ,1 18.50 Normal Normal
13 . MICLAT, LESTER D. 9/17/2003 50 1.64 M 2.6896 15 ,8 18.50 Normal Normal
14 . PINEDA, RHOME DANIELLE J. 10/21/2005 45 1.59 M 2.5281 13 ,7 17.70 Normal Normal
15 . REYES, JAYSON P. 6/30/2005 49 1.65 M 2.7225 13 , 11 17.90 Normal Normal
16 . SAMIA, ELIJAAH JOSEPH G. 4/21/2005 49 1.7 M 2.8900 14 ,1 16.90 Normal Normal
17 . TIGLAO, BRYAN JAY T. 10/13/2005 44 1.53 M 2.3409 13 ,7 18.70 Normal Normal
18 . VILLANUEVA, ARVI D. 5/29/2005 42 1.59 M 2.5281 14 ,0 16.60 Normal Normal
19 . Catalan, John Cristian 3/23/2005 42 1.59 M 2.5281 14 ,2 16.60 Normal Normal
20 . Garcia, Adrian 5/29/2005 42 1.59 M 2.5281 14 ,0 16.60 Normal Normal
21 . Porras, Jemar 3/23/2005 42 1.59 M 2.5281 14 ,2 16.60 Normal Normal
22 . Malapitan, John Rovin 9/3/2002 41 1.6 M 2.5600 16 ,9 16.00 Wasted Normal
23 . Alvarez, Michael 3/28/2003 50 1.67 M 2.7889 16 ,2 17.90 Normal Normal
24 . Paular, Angelo 6/9/2003 45 1.63 M 2.6569 16 ,0 16.90 Normal Normal
25 . BRIONES, KISSEL S. 10/26/2004 42 1.49 F 2.2201 14 ,7 18.90 Normal Normal
26 . CAÑADA, KEANA FE C. 9/17/2004 41 1.5 F 2.2500 14 ,8 18.20 Normal Normal
27 . DALAPO, ALEXANDRA NICOLE 4/22/2005 34 1.53 F 2.3409 14 ,1 14.50 Wasted Normal
28 . DUNGCA, NADINE O. 10/28/2004 39 1.58 F 2.4964 14 ,7 15.60 Wasted Normal
29 . FLORES, JENNIFER R. 6/8/2005 48 1.53 F 2.3409 14 ,0 20.50 Normal Normal
30 . GUEVARRA, KIMBERLY M. 1/9/2005 63 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,5 26.20 Normal Normal
31 . GUEVARRA, MELANIE P. 1/23/2004 50 1.57 F 2.4649 15 ,4 20.20 Normal Normal
32 . GUINTO, ALYSSA KATE T. 8/23/2005 51 1.53 F 2.3409 13 ,9 21.70 Normal Normal
33 . LACSAMANA, DERLYN Q. 2/13/2005 49 1.47 F 2.1609 14 ,3 22.60 Normal Normal
34 . LUMUNTAD, JESSA M. 4/22/2005 47 1.5 F 2.2500 14 ,1 20.80 Normal Normal
35 . MASBANG, CRISTA JADE S. 5/10/2005 51 1.47 F 2.1609 14 ,1 23.60 Normal Normal
36 . QUIAMBAO, PAULA MAY 11/12/2004 41 1.49 F 2.2201 14 ,6 18.40 Normal Normal
37 . SARMIENTO, SHEENA Y. 10/2/2004 47 1.56 F 2.4336 14 ,8 19.30 Normal Normal
38 . SUAREZ, LIAN JOY M. 8/1/2005 42 1.43 F 2.0449 13 , 10 20.50 Normal Stunted
39 . TIRIA, JULIANA GRACE Q. 7/3/2005 42 1.43 F 2.0449 13 , 11 20.50 Normal Stunted
40 . TURLA, JOANA MARIE P. 3/2/2003 34 1.46 F 2.1316 16 ,3 15.90 Wasted Stunted
41 . YABUT, ROSEMARIE 7/20/2003 56 1.54 F 2.3716 15 , 10 23.60 Normal Normal
42 . Lampa, Cristal mae 4/23/2002 58 1.6 F 2.5600 17 ,1 22.60 Normal Normal
43 . INOCENCIO, THRISTANNE JOHN 12/23/2002 55 1.73 M 2.9929 16 ,5 18.30 Normal Normal
44 . Layug, Kurt Lance 7/15/2004 35 1.52 M 2.3104 14 , 10 15.10 Wasted Stunted
45 . Laxamana, Rhizi 1/20/2005 44 1.46 F 2.1316 14 ,4 20.60 Normal Stunted

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 26 19 45 No. of Cases 26 19 45 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 2 3 5 Stunted 3 4 7
Normal 22 16 38 Normal 23 15 38
Overweight 2 0 2 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 9: Daffodil

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . ANGELES, MARK MIGUEL G. 04/07/2004 30 1.51 M 2.2801 15 ,2 13.10 Severely Wasted Stunted
2 . ANGELES, WAYNE PAUL 09/17/2004 40 1.56 M 2.4336 14 ,8 16.40 Normal Normal
3 . BINGCANG, KRISTIAN CYRUS 02/09/2005 53 1.55 M 2.4025 14 ,4 22.00 Normal Normal
4 . CABUANG, JOHN MARK D. 11/14/2002 55 1.68 M 2.8224 16 ,6 19.40 Normal Normal
5 . CADAVID, JERSON N 04/06/2004 60 1.63 M 2.6569 15 ,2 22.50 Normal Normal
6 . CAGUIN, JOHN ASHLEY 08/08/2005 35 1.5 M 2.2500 13 , 10 15.50 Normal Normal
7 . CONCHA, JIM KENNETH B. 09/18/2002 48 2 M 2.6244 16 ,8 18.20 Normal Normal
8 . FUERTEZ, JUSTINE NEIL M. 09/19/2002 48 2 M 2.6244 16 ,8 18.20 Normal Normal
9 . GATUS JR., VICENTE O. 05/26/2004 49 1.69 M 2.8561 15 ,0 17.10 Normal Normal
10 . LOPEZ, PAULO G. 05/03/2005 37 1.57 M 2.4649 14 ,1 15.00 Wasted Normal
11 . LUSUNG, AIRAM CHRISTOPER 09/18/2003 40 1.56 M 2.4336 15 ,8 16.40 Normal Stunted
12 . MANANSALA, LAURENCE D. 07/28/2005 39 1.62 M 2.6244 13 , 10 14.80 Wasted Normal
13 . NABONG, JEFFERSON M. 11/13/2003 52 1.72 M 2.9584 15 ,6 17.50 Normal Normal
14 . PALEB MERVIN C. 08/05/2005 57 1.63 M 2.6569 13 , 10 21.40 Normal Normal
15 . PICPICAN, SHANE JOHN L. 03/21/2005 70 2 M 2.8561 14 ,2 24.50 Normal Normal
16 . REYES, JESSTY P. 03/22/2005 70 2 M 2.8561 14 ,2 24.50 Normal Normal
17 . TOLENTINO, JAY-R T. 04/16/2005 62 1.61 M 2.5921 14 ,1 23.90 Normal Normal
18 . VILLANUEVA, RENZ CEDRIX A. 09/26/2004 50 1.56 M 2.4336 14 ,8 20.50 Normal Normal
19 . LAPUZ, EJAY M. 08/26/2005 49 1.63 M 2.6569 13 ,9 18.40 Normal Normal
20 . FERRER, LAWRENCE P. 12/11/2004 37 1.5 M 2.2500 14 ,5 16.40 Normal Stunted
21 . CARREON, VANN AERWELL M. 06/29/2003 54 1.66 M 2.7556 15 , 11 19.50 Normal Normal
22 . JALLORES, JONEL 09/02/2002 50 1.61 M 2.5921 16 ,9 19.20 Normal Normal
23 . BINGCANG, NADINE P. 07/10/2005 45 1.65 F 2.7225 13 , 11 16.50 Normal Normal
24 . CALO, MICA FAITH B. 08/09/2004 45 1.65 F 2.7225 14 , 10 16.50 Normal Normal
25 . CARLOS, MARIELLA RYZA J. 04/04/2005 36 1 F 2.2201 14 ,2 16.20 Normal Normal
26 . COMBOY, ELOISA L. 09/04/2005 40 1.52 F 2.3104 13 ,9 17.30 Normal Normal
27 . CUENCO, JANINEE G. 11/25/2005 44 1.57 F 2.4649 13 ,6 17.80 Normal Normal
28 . CUENCO, JIANSHE G. 10/10/2004 49 1.66 M 2.7556 14 ,8 17.70 Normal Normal
29 . DELA CRUZ, ANGELEENE D. 10/22/2005 39 1.53 F 2.3409 13 ,7 16.60 Normal Normal
30 . ESCOTO, ALICE M. 01/07/2000 45 1.61 F 2.5921 19 ,5 17.30 Wasted Adult
31 . ESCOTO, MARY EUNICE ANN C. 10/26/2005 52 1.49 F 2.2201 13 ,7 23.40 Normal Normal
32 . MALLARI, AIRA C. 09/19/2003 41 2 F 2.3104 15 ,8 17.70 Normal Normal
33 . NABONG, SARAH JANE M. 10/27/2004 43 1.49 F 2.2201 14 ,7 19.30 Normal Normal
34 . PAMINTUAN, IYA T. 09/07/2004 63 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,9 26.20 Normal Normal
35 . RAMOS, PATRICIA JENIELLE L. 09/03/2002 48 1.52 F 2.3104 16 ,9 20.70 Normal Normal
36 . SERRANO, MARICAR R. 01/15/2005 46 1.58 F 2.4964 14 ,4 18.40 Normal Normal
37 . TERRIBLE, MARIEL NICOLE A. 03/23/2005 45 1.6 F 2.5600 14 ,2 17.50 Normal Normal
38 . TUBIG, REGINE C. 03/27/2004 49 1.49 F 2.2201 15 ,2 22.00 Normal Normal
39 . VALENCIA, CLAIRE M. 10/11/2005 41 1.45 F 2.1025 13 ,7 19.50 Normal Normal
40 . VITAL, RYZA T. 02/18/2005 34 1.5 F 2.2500 14 ,3 15.10 Wasted Normal
41 . MANALILI, XYDIE V. 11/15/2004 58 1.61 F 2.5921 14 ,6 22.30 Normal Normal
42 . TAYAG, JENYMAGNE M. 01/17/2003 49 1.51 F 2.2801 16 ,4 21.40 Normal Normal
43 . MESINA, GRACE 12/04/2004 48 1.62 F 2.6244 14 ,6 18.20 Normal Normal
44 . SALANGSANG, JAMIE YSABEL 08/16/2004 70 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,9 29.50 Overweight Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 23 21 44 No. of Cases 23 20 43 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 1 0 1 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 2 2 4 Stunted 3 0 3
Normal 20 18 38 Normal 20 20 40
Overweight 0 1 1 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 9: Sampaguita

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . BASCO, CLARK JUSTINE T. 1/8/2005 71 1.62 M 2.6244 14 ,5 27.00 Overweight Normal
2 . BAYANI, JOSHUA ROEL T. 1/16/2005 50 1.58 M 2.4964 14 ,4 20.00 Normal Normal
3 . CUDIA, ANGEL V. 9/1/2003 45 1.7 M 2.8900 15 ,9 15.50 Wasted Normal
4 . DUYA, FRANCIN MARTHY M. 7/7/2004 58 1.56 M 2.4336 14 , 11 23.80 Normal Normal
5 . EVARISTO, BRYANT DANE T. 3/20/2005 66 1.63 M 2.6569 14 ,2 24.80 Normal Normal
6 . FUKUDA, LEE YAN PAUL S. 2/18/2005 39 1.58 M 2.4964 14 ,3 15.60 Normal Normal
7 . GOMEZ, JUSTIN VAN D. 4/24/2005 48 1.57 M 2.4649 14 ,1 19.40 Normal Normal
8 . OCAMPO, KIAN N. 11/24/2004 82 1.76 M 3.0976 14 ,6 26.40 Normal Normal
9 . PAMINTUAN, CHRISTIAN P. 9/23/2004 49 1.72 M 2.9584 14 ,8 16.50 Normal Normal
10 . PASAMONTE, EUAN EIMER R. 6/15/2005 53 1.62 M 2.6244 13 , 11 20.10 Normal Normal
11 . QUINES, EDWARD JONATHAN E. 5/7/2005 37 1.58 M 2.4964 14 ,1 14.80 Wasted Normal
12 . QUIZON, EMMUEL P. 2/4/2005 47 1.6 M 2.5600 14 ,4 18.30 Normal Normal
13 . REPOL, MARK RAYMOND D. 10/11/2004 55 1.63 M 2.6569 14 ,7 20.70 Normal Normal
14 . SARMIENTO, GIO A. 6/11/2005 60 1.73 M 2.9929 13 , 11 20.00 Normal Normal
15 . VIOVICENTE, JOHN MARK C. 3/31/2005 50 1.58 M 2.4964 14 ,2 20.00 Normal Normal
16 . YUMUL, ALVIN TRISTAN T. 4/21/2005 34 1.5 M 2.2500 14 ,1 15.10 Wasted Normal
17 . ALFONSO, MARGIE LAINE P. 11/13/2004 50 1.47 F 2.1609 14 ,6 23.10 Normal Stunted
18 . CARREON, ROSE ANN P. 8/4/2005 44 1.61 F 2.5921 13 , 10 16.90 Normal Normal
19 . CEBALLOS, CELINE B. 12/17/2004 35 1.49 F 2.2201 14 ,5 15.70 Normal Normal
20 . DAGDAG, PRECIOUS TRISHA C. 11/30/2004 54 1.56 F 2.4336 14 ,6 22.10 Normal Normal
21 . DAVID, CHLOE RICCI T. 4/12/2005 44 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,1 18.30 Normal Normal
22 . DELA CRUZ, MIKAELLA NICOLE C. 12/1/2004 55 1.59 F 2.5281 14 ,6 21.70 Normal Normal
23 . DIZON, MARISTEL KATE B. 8/26/2004 35 1.52 F 2.3104 14 ,9 15.10 Wasted Normal
24 . ESCOTO, NICOLE C. 9/19/2005 31 1.47 F 2.1609 13 ,8 14.30 Wasted Normal
25 . GARCIA, MEGAN M. 1/16/2005 68 1.6 F 2.5600 14 ,4 26.50 Normal Normal
26 . HIPOLITO, JAMAICA ROSE R. 5/25/2005 38 1.6 F 2.5600 14 ,0 14.80 Wasted Normal
27 . JACINTO, FATIMA JOY C. 10/24/2004 43 1.42 F 2.0164 14 ,7 21.30 Normal Stunted
28 . JAVIER, GIEZELLE M. 8/22/2004 45 1.52 F 2.3104 14 ,9 19.40 Normal Normal
29 . LAGMAN, LYZA ANDREI L. 8/27/2004 36 1.58 F 2.4964 14 ,9 14.40 Wasted Normal
30 . LAODENIO, SUSETTE T. 6/19/2004 35 1.5 F 2.2500 14 , 11 15.50 Wasted Normal
31 . LIRA, MIKAYLA JAMI M. 3/16/2005 47 1.45 F 2.1025 14 ,2 22.30 Normal Stunted
32 . MANALO, KRISTELLE C. 1/6/2005 41 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,5 17.20 Normal Normal
33 . MANICDAO, CLAIRE G. 3/19/2005 52 1.48 F 2.1904 14 ,2 23.70 Normal Normal
34 . MIÑEQUE, ARLENE A. 8/15/2001 45 1.55 F 2.4025 17 ,9 18.70 Normal Normal
35 . NICDAO, HEAVEN C. 10/20/2004 44 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,7 18.50 Normal Normal
36 . OCAMPO, MICALYN D. 12/6/2004 48 1.58 F 2.4964 14 ,6 19.20 Normal Normal
37 . OCAMPO, TRISKY MAE T. 9/13/2004 44 1.6 F 2.5600 14 ,8 17.10 Normal Normal
38 . REYES, JEEL RIANAE C. 4/22/2005 46 1.62 F 2.6244 14 ,1 17.50 Normal Normal
39 . SALAZAR, TRIXIE S. 1/29/2005 37 1.46 F 2.1316 14 ,4 17.30 Normal Stunted
40 . SALUNGA, CHELSEA C. 11/5/2005 45 1.53 F 2.3409 13 ,7 19.20 Normal Normal
41 . SICAT, ISABELLA P. 11/8/2004 42 1.51 F 2.2801 14 ,7 18.40 Normal Normal
42 . VALDERRAMA, MAY T. 5/19/2005 47 1.57 F 2.4649 14 ,0 19.00 Normal Normal
43 . VIZCAYNO, JENNY T. 8/4/2005 38 1.52 F 2.3104 13 , 10 16.40 Normal Normal
44 . ZABLAN, JANASHYA JESSIE P. 7/28/2005 49 1.54 F 2.3716 13 , 10 20.60 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 16 28 44 No. of Cases 16 28 44 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 3 5 8 Stunted 0 4 4
Normal 12 23 35 Normal 16 24 40
Overweight 1 0 1 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 9: Tulip

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . ALFONSO, HARVEY D. 8/27/2004 49 1.67 M 2.7889 14 ,9 17.50 Normal Normal
2 . BALDRES, JOHN RAVEN T. 11/2/2004 48 1.61 M 2.5921 14 ,7 18.50 Normal Normal
3 . CABANTOG, FREDERICK CARL M. 4/20/2005 59 1.61 M 2.5921 14 ,1 22.70 Normal Normal
4 . CASILAN, KEVIN IAN L. 3/29/2005 50 1.67 M 2.7889 14 ,2 17.90 Normal Normal
5 . CENABRE, MARK ANGELO B. 1/11/2005 44 1.65 M 2.7225 14 ,4 16.10 Normal Normal
6 . GALANG, KHIEL JAMES R. 4/11/2005 39 1.52 M 2.3104 14 ,1 16.80 Normal Normal
7 . GATUS, JERALD M. 1/21/2004 41 1.7 M 2.8900 15 ,4 14.10 Severely Wasted Normal
8 . MASBANG, RENZEL KIEL M. 8/8/2005 88 1.68 M 2.8224 13 , 10 31.10 Overweight Normal
9 . MITTING, RICHARD RAILEY N. 11/5/2004 50 1.6 M 2.5600 14 ,7 19.50 Normal Normal
10 . PANLILIO, SEAN MARION 6/14/2005 75 1.75 M 3.0625 13 , 11 24.40 Normal Normal
11 . SAPIERA, AUNDREY EUAN B. 3/22/2005 50 1.61 M 2.5921 14 ,2 19.20 Normal Normal
12 . TAYAG, JOHN ROBERT N. 7/18/2004 40 1.6 M 2.5600 14 , 10 15.60 Wasted Normal
13 . CARREON, JESSICA PAULA M. 8/27/2004 45 1.56 F 2.4336 14 ,9 18.40 Normal Normal
14 . CASTRO, KRISTINA A. 4/24/2004 35 1.51 F 2.2801 15 ,1 15.30 Wasted Normal
15 . DE CASTRO, JENNY ROSE E. 11/17/2004 44 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,6 18.50 Normal Normal
16 . DE JESUS, MARY ANNE CLAIRE A. 5/28/2005 39 1.59 F 2.5281 14 ,0 15.40 Normal Normal
17 . FRANCISCO, SHERYL A. 4/22/2005 45 1.58 F 2.4964 14 ,1 18.00 Normal Normal
18 . GAZO, JENNIFER S. 3/11/2005 75 1.6 F 2.5600 14 ,2 29.20 Overweight Normal
19 . GIRON, HARIEANE M. 10/11/2004 48 1.52 F 2.3104 14 ,7 20.70 Normal Normal
20 . GOZUM, IRISH DIANE G. 7/3/2005 68 1.59 F 2.5281 13 , 11 26.80 Normal Normal
21 . LIWAG, NATHALY FAITH A. 1/26/2005 47 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,4 19.50 Normal Normal
22 . LIWANAG, CATHERINE G. 6/24/2005 41 1.53 F 2.3409 13 , 11 17.50 Normal Normal
23 . LOPEZ, ASHLEE A. 9/19/2005 46 1.56 F 2.4336 13 ,8 18.90 Normal Normal
24 . MACAPAGAL, TRICIA JOY G. 12/25/2004 44 1.6 F 2.5600 14 ,5 17.10 Normal Normal
25 . MANLAPAZ, DONITA I. 2/1/2005 47 1.57 F 2.4649 14 ,4 19.00 Normal Normal
26 . NABONG, ALEXANDRA MAE M. 3/1/2005 46 1.6 F 2.5600 14 ,3 17.90 Normal Normal
27 . NOGOY, ANGELIKA M. 7/24/2004 52 1.53 F 2.3409 14 , 10 22.20 Normal Normal
28 . NUCUP, JELYZA LORINE B. 3/25/2005 57 1.69 F 2.8561 14 ,2 19.90 Normal Normal
29 . PARAS, JELAINE D. 12/18/2004 78 1.64 F 2.6896 14 ,5 29.00 Overweight Normal
30 . PINEDA, NICCOLL M. 7/8/2005 59 1.53 F 2.3409 13 , 11 25.20 Normal Normal
31 . QUIAMBAO, CHRISTINE L. 8/5/2005 39 1.59 F 2.5281 13 , 10 15.40 Normal Normal
32 . SAMPANG, DESSA MAE B. 11/23/2004 48 1.67 F 2.7889 14 ,6 17.20 Normal Normal
33 . SANTOS, KARYLLE B. 3/24/2005 50 1.56 F 2.4336 14 ,2 20.50 Normal Normal
34 . SAPNU, JAN CHANNEL T. 1/12/2005 39 1.52 F 2.3104 14 ,4 16.80 Normal Normal
35 . SILAPAN, RICA JANELLE F. 11/25/2004 31 1.51 F 2.2801 14 ,6 13.50 Severely Wasted Normal
36 . SUNDIANG, KYLA JOY B. 4/10/2005 43 1.56 F 2.4336 14 ,2 17.60 Normal Normal
37 . SUNGA, SHERICA JOY 10/26/2004 58 1.59 F 2.5281 14 ,7 22.90 Normal Normal
38 . TIAMZON, PRINCESS ELDY P. 11/19/2004 48 1.49 F 2.2201 14 ,6 21.60 Normal Normal
39 . YUMUL, HONEY SHARINAH MAE Y. 9/3/2004 49 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,9 20.30 Normal Normal
40 . Soriano, Ysabel 5/25/2005 45 1.56 F 2.4336 14 ,0 18.40 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 12 28 40 No. of Cases 12 28 40 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 1 1 2 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 1 1 2 Stunted 0 0 0
Normal 9 24 33 Normal 12 28 40
Overweight 1 2 3 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 9: Sunflower

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Bituin, James Clarence 10/25/2005 49 1.65 M 2.7225 13 ,7 17.90 Normal Normal
2 . Calixto, Aldrei Lance 2/15/2005 56 1.59 M 2.5281 14 ,3 22.10 Normal Normal
3 . Despues, Mark Christian 8/31/2004 49 1.53 M 2.3409 14 ,9 20.90 Normal Normal
4 . Dizon, Christian 4/23/2004 43 1.55 M 2.4025 15 ,1 17.80 Normal Normal
5 . Espanol, Kristopershon 10/8/2004 46 1.6 M 2.5600 14 ,8 17.90 Normal Normal
6 . Fernandez, Maranello 4/13/2004 56 1.63 M 2.6569 15 ,1 21.00 Normal Normal
7 . Fuertez, Justine Neil 9/4/2005 101 1.74 M 3.0276 13 ,9 33.30 Obese Normal
8 . Martinez, Calvin 9/29/2004 50 1.64 M 2.6896 14 ,8 18.50 Normal Normal
9 . Munoz, Paul Kenjie 6/17/2005 60 1.54 M 2.3716 13 , 11 25.20 Normal Normal
10 . Pamintuan, Ian 9/7/2004 68 1.64 M 2.6896 14 ,9 25.20 Normal Normal
11 . Pineda, John William 10/28/2004 36 1.53 M 2.3409 14 ,7 15.30 Wasted Normal
12 . Reyes, Edward Philippe 7/24/2004 75 1.61 M 2.5921 14 , 10 28.90 Overweight Normal
13 . Reyes, Jessty 10/12/2005 64 1.61 M 2.5921 13 ,7 24.60 Normal Normal
14 . Sebia, Lance 9/15/2004 38 1.56 M 2.4336 14 ,8 15.60 Wasted Normal
15 . Torres. Rich Levis 6/5/2005 39 1.56 M 2.4336 14 ,0 16.00 Normal Normal
16 . Umali, Mike Adriane 8/4/2003 60 1.68 M 2.8224 15 , 10 21.20 Normal Normal
17 . Villanueva, Mark Jhonel 10/25/2004 44 1.67 M 2.7889 14 ,7 15.70 Wasted Normal
18 . Baluyut, Mary Jane 6/6/2004 45 1.54 F 2.3716 15 ,0 18.90 Normal Normal
19 . Blor, Rhea Anthonette 11/12/2004 56 1.63 F 2.6569 14 ,6 21.00 Normal Normal
20 . Castro, Keisha 10/11/2004 40 1.5 F 2.2500 14 ,7 17.70 Normal Normal
21 . Cordero, Mikaela 6/2/2005 70 1.5 F 2.2500 14 ,0 31.10 Overweight Normal
22 . Cortez, Joana Mae 7/23/2005 38 1.57 F 2.4649 13 , 10 15.40 Normal Normal
23 . De Guiao, Jeniccah 9/1/2003 48 1.61 F 2.5921 15 ,9 18.50 Normal Normal
24 . Evaristo, Jessie Kyla 2/18/2005 53 1.53 F 2.3409 14 ,3 22.60 Normal Normal
25 . Gamboa, Stephanie 2/6/2005 39 1.59 F 2.5281 14 ,4 15.40 Wasted Normal
26 . Guanlao, Ivy Jane 10/24/2004 52 1.58 F 2.4964 14 ,7 20.80 Normal Normal
27 . Guanzon, Thea Ysael 5/20/2005 52 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,0 21.60 Normal Normal
28 . Hermias, Majorie 10/10/2005 32 1.43 F 2.0449 13 ,8 15.60 Normal Stunted
29 . Jianoran, Chelsea Catherine 8/26/2005 53 1.56 F 2.4336 13 ,9 21.70 Normal Normal
30 . Lising, Mary Grace 5/12/2005 79 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,0 33.30 Overweight Normal
31 . Marimla, Princess 4/1/2005 45 1.48 F 2.1904 14 ,2 20.50 Normal Normal
32 . Moscoso, Kimberly Jane 10/22/2004 47 1.59 F 2.5281 14 ,7 18.50 Normal Normal
33 . Pasamonte, Girlie Dianne 12/5/2004 52 1.57 F 2.4649 14 ,6 21.00 Normal Normal
34 . Pasamonte, Jaimee 10/10/2004 45 1.5 F 2.2500 14 ,8 20.00 Normal Normal
35 . Pena, Andrea Lee 2/12/2003 62 1.53 F 2.3409 16 ,3 26.40 Normal Normal
36 . Quiambao, Carmela 4/12/2003 37 1.51 F 2.2801 16 ,1 16.20 Normal Normal
37 . Quiroz, Shine Mariele 7/22/2005 48 1.62 F 2.6244 13 , 10 18.20 Normal Normal
38 . Razote, Andrea Marie 10/15/2004 50 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,7 20.80 Normal Normal
39 . Saylon, Juliane 8/25/2004 34 1.61 F 2.5921 14 ,9 13.10 Severely Wasted Normal
40 . Serrano,Ma. Ella Casandra 10/14/2004 48 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,7 20.20 Normal Normal
41 . Sicat, Patricia Ann 8/8/2004 38 1.42 F 2.0164 14 , 10 18.80 Normal Stunted
42 . Tuazon, Akishi Avril 10/30/2004 42 1.51 F 2.2801 14 ,7 18.40 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 17 25 42 No. of Cases 17 25 42 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 1 1 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 3 1 4 Stunted 0 2 2
Normal 12 21 33 Normal 17 23 40
Overweight 1 2 3 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 1 0 1
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 9: Marigold

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Batac, John Michael 11/14/2004 64 1.7 M 2.8900 14 ,6 22.10 Normal Normal
2 . Carreon, Julius 11/14/2004 64 1.7 M 2.8900 14 ,6 22.10 Normal Normal
3 . Cordova, Derrek Dee 3/1/2000 54 1.48 M 2.1904 19 ,3 24.60 Normal Adult
4 . Dimarucut, John Sherwin 9/28/2002 46 1.63 M 2.6569 16 ,8 17.30 Normal Normal
5 . Docot, Charles Ron 4/25/2005 54 1.48 M 2.1904 14 ,1 24.60 Normal Stunted
6 . Gabito, Algin 9-3-2005 41 1.5 M 2.2500 13 ,9 18.20 Normal Normal
7 . Garcia, Romel 11-30-2004 44 1.63 M 2.6569 14 ,6 16.50 Normal Normal
8 . Gomez, Paulo 11-29-2001 50 1.68 M 2.8224 17 ,6 17.70 Normal Normal
9 . Hermias, Melbourne 4-17-2003 40 1.62 M 2.6244 16 ,1 15.20 Wasted Normal
10 . Laynesa, Joshua Paul 10-19-2004 93 1.61 M 2.5921 14 ,7 35.80 Obese Normal
11 . Lugue, Chlio Gwen 5-31-2004 55 1.6 M 2.5600 15 ,0 21.40 Normal Normal
12 . Maluntag, Kim Hart 7-11-2005 52 1.65 M 2.7225 13 , 10 19.10 Normal Normal
13 . Manganti, Marc Russel 9-23-2004 39 1.49 M 2.2201 14 ,8 17.50 Normal Stunted
14 . Obligacion, Jonas 9-26-2004 40 1.54 M 2.3716 14 ,8 16.80 Normal Normal
15 . Palomo, Karl Brian 5-11-2005 62 1.69 M 2.8561 14 ,0 21.70 Normal Normal
16 . Pangilinan, Jeremiah 10-18-2004 107 1.72 M 2.9584 14 ,7 36.10 Obese Normal
17 . Pelayo, John Nikko 7-10-2004 64 1.65 M 2.7225 14 , 11 23.50 Normal Normal
18 . Pineda, Steve 3-27-2004 37 1.46 M 2.1316 15 ,2 17.30 Normal Severely Stunted
19 . Rentoria, John Jervin 6-28-2004 75 1.56 M 2.4336 14 , 11 30.80 Overweight Normal
20 . Saclao, Jerricco 11-19-1999 48 1.57 M 2.4649 19 ,6 19.40 Normal Adult
21 . Salas, Isaac Gabriel 9-7-2004 77 1.68 M 2.8224 14 ,9 27.20 Overweight Normal
22 . Tarrayo, John Paul 5-22-2003 72 1.55 M 2.4025 16 ,0 29.90 Overweight Stunted
23 . Tiamzon, Arvin John 5-26-2005 69 1.52 M 2.3104 14 ,0 29.80 Overweight Normal
24 . Bautista, Teresa 1-13-2005 50 1.52 M 2.3104 14 ,4 21.60 Normal Normal
25 . Canlas, Pauline 3-21-2005 71 1.57 F 2.4649 14 ,2 28.80 Overweight Normal
26 . Caya, Bea 1-6-2005 44 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,5 18.30 Normal Normal
27 . Dayrit, Samantha 12-24-2004 47 1.5 F 2.2500 14 ,5 20.80 Normal Normal
28 . Dimabuyu, Jenny Jeff 4-17-2005 47 1.48 F 2.1904 14 ,1 21.40 Normal Normal
29 . Dizon, Ella Joanna 3-27-2005 40 1.53 F 2.3409 14 ,2 17.00 Normal Normal
30 . Domingo, Christine 4-9-2002 42 1.54 F 2.3716 17 ,2 17.70 Normal Normal
31 . Ferrer, Mary Joy 10-14-2004 47 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,7 19.80 Normal Normal
32 . Garcia, Jessica 8-31-2005 48 1.47 F 2.1609 13 ,9 22.20 Normal Normal
33 . Leosala, Regine 6/10/2005 30 1.43 F 2.0449 14 ,0 14.60 Wasted Stunted
34 . Malit, Ann Rodelyn 1/21/2003 40 1.43 F 2.0449 16 ,4 19.50 Normal Stunted
35 . Mallari, Elyza Jean 8/22/2004 58 1.67 F 2.7889 14 ,9 20.70 Normal Normal
36 . Mariano, Angelica 12/8/2003 52 1.55 F 2.4025 15 ,6 21.60 Normal Normal
37 . Matic, Cyrone Luigi 10/13/2005 37 1.57 F 2.4649 13 ,7 15.00 Wasted Normal
38 . Miclat, Risha Nicole 7/22/2005 47 1.47 F 2.1609 13 , 10 21.70 Normal Normal
39 . Miranda, Crystel Jane 6/25/2001 44 1.53 F 2.3409 17 , 11 18.70 Normal Normal
40 . Nonog, Sophia Eirene 10/10/2004 36 1.47 F 2.1609 14 ,8 16.60 Normal Stunted
41 . Parilla, Charlinda Mae 6/6/2004 44 1.58 2.4964 15 ,0 17.60
42 . Pineda, Rosemarie 11/24/2004 45 1.44 2.0736 14 ,6 21.70
43 . Samson, Ana Rose 3/15/2005 43 1.47 2.1609 14 ,2 19.80
44 . Tayag, Conley 3/14/2005 34 1.57 2.4649 14 ,2 13.70

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 24 16 40 No. of Cases 22 16 38 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 1 0 1 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 1 2 3 Stunted 3 3 6
Normal 17 13 30 Normal 18 13 31
Overweight 4 1 5 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 2 0 2
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 9: Camia

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Bedoledo, Arvan 11/29/2003 43 1.54 M 2.3716 15 ,6 18.10 Normal Stunted
2 . Bico, Russel 6/18/2002 47 1.71 M 2.9241 16 , 11 16.00 Wasted Normal
3 . Cabael, Jerwin 9/9/2005 47 1.71 M 2.9241 13 ,9 16.00 Normal Normal
4 . Canaria, Ivan 11/4/2001 47 1.61 M 2.5921 17 ,7 18.10 Normal Normal
5 . Canda, Christian 9/26/2005 41 1.51 M 2.2801 13 ,8 17.90 Normal Normal
6 . Cordero, James 6/3/2005 41 1.51 M 2.2801 14 ,0 17.90 Normal Normal
7 . Dimatulac, Rage 1/19/2006 35 1.48 M 2.1904 13 ,4 15.90 Normal Normal
8 . Escopete, Bryan Dale 12/2/2004 36 1.47 M 2.1609 14 ,6 16.60 Normal Stunted
9 . Escoto, Adrian 12/9/2003 50 1.6 M 2.5600 15 ,6 19.50 Normal Normal
10 . Gamboa, Jervie 3/24/2004 50 1.6 M 2.5600 15 ,2 19.50 Normal Normal
11 . Garcia, Genesis 3/24/2004 50 1.58 M 2.4964 15 ,2 20.00 Normal Normal
12 . Gozun, Ruberto 8/14/2004 56 1.7 M 2.8900 14 ,9 19.30 Normal Normal
13 . Gutierrez, John Wendel 7/29/2003 54 1.7 M 2.8900 15 , 10 18.60 Normal Normal
14 . Hondrade, Jhan Euphert 9/18/2004 48 1.63 M 2.6569 14 ,8 18.00 Normal Normal
15 . Igneo, Vevencio 9/17/2003 47 1.56 M 2.4336 15 ,8 19.30 Normal Stunted
16 . Layag, Redgel 7/16/2005 30 1.39 M 1.9321 13 , 10 15.50 Normal Severely Stunted
17 . Lugtu, Kyle Joshua 12/12/2004 44 1.61 M 2.5921 14 ,5 16.90 Normal Normal
18 . Magtoto, Kelvin 6/23/2005 52 1.5 M 2.2500 13 , 11 23.10 Normal Normal
19 . Mallari, Kalvin 8/17/2003 45 1.68 M 2.8224 15 ,9 15.90 Wasted Normal
20 . Marcelo, Edgardo 10/16/2004 52 1.5 M 2.2500 14 ,7 23.10 Normal Stunted
21 . Martin, Mark Joseph 7/30/2003 78 1.69 M 2.8561 15 , 10 27.30 Normal Normal
22 . Mercado, Armando 6/5/2004 53 1.65 M 2.7225 15 ,0 19.40 Normal Normal
23 . Olavario, John Bryan 4/5/2004 54 1.67 M 2.7889 15 ,2 19.30 Normal Normal
24 . Presas, John Mark 12/7/2002 55 1.52 M 2.3104 16 ,6 23.80 Normal Stunted
25 . Vallejos, Henry 11/10/2002 46 1.6 M 2.5600 16 ,7 17.90 Normal Normal
26 . Villarojo, Rainhel 6/16/2005 55 1.7 M 2.8900 13 , 11 19.00 Normal Normal
27 . Bayani, Wendy 8/18/2004 45 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,9 18.90 Normal Normal
28 . Buan, Jenicca 11/4/2004 60 1.7 F 2.8900 14 ,7 20.70 Normal Normal
29 . Bulaun, Diane Nicole 12/7/2004 44 1.48 F 2.1904 14 ,6 20.00 Normal Normal
30 . Carbungco, Erika 9/23/2004 52 1.51 F 2.2801 14 ,8 22.80 Normal Normal
31 . Cunanan, Aicelle 10/6/2005 42 1.53 F 2.3409 13 ,8 17.90 Normal Normal
32 . Fernandez, Charmaine 8/7/2002 42 1.53 F 2.3409 16 , 10 17.90 Normal Normal
33 . Gabriel, Christine 11/25/2005 55 1.54 F 2.3716 13 ,6 23.10 Normal Normal
34 . Layam, Crideliane 9/28/2005 36 1.48 F 2.1904 13 ,8 16.40 Normal Normal
35 . Lintag, Aliyah 2/24/2004 33 1.49 F 2.2201 15 ,3 14.80 Wasted Normal
36 . Lopera, Ilen 9/2/2001 30 1.44 F 2.0736 17 ,9 14.40 Severely Wasted Stunted
37 . Luat, Marivic 6/9/2005 44 1.56 F 2.4336 14 ,0 18.00 Normal Normal
38 . Lulu, Micaella 10/12/2005 39 1.46 F 2.1316 13 ,7 18.20 Normal Normal
39 . Munoz, Samantha 1/11/2005 78 1.56 F 2.4336 14 ,4 32.00 Overweight Normal
40 . Palaming, Christine 3/5/2003 39 1.41 F 1.9881 16 ,3 19.60 Normal Severely Stunted
41 . Palmiano, Jazel 12/5/2004 38 1.45 F 2.1025 14 ,6 18.00 Normal Stunted
42 . Presas, Justine 4/17/2005 49 1.41 F 1.9881 14 ,1 24.60 Normal Stunted
43 . Quiambao, Kyla Daniel 11/10/2002 42 1.53 F 2.3409 16 ,7 17.90 Normal Normal
44 . Quimora, Gina 1/31/2006 35 1.49 F 2.2201 13 ,4 15.70 Normal Normal
45 . Tiamzon, Gwynneth 9/26/2005 42 1.51 F 2.2801 13 ,8 18.40 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 26 19 45 No. of Cases 26 19 45 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 1 1 Sev. Stunted 1 1 2 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 2 1 3 Stunted 5 3 8
Normal 24 16 40 Normal 20 15 35
Overweight 0 1 1 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 9: Rosal

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Avila, John Ace 8/4/2003 33 1.55 M 2.4025 15 , 10 13.70 Severely Wasted Stunted
2 . Brillanttes, Marvin 9/30/2003 52 1.65 M 2.7225 15 ,8 19.10 Normal Normal
3 . Cabalu, Carlos Daniel 8/15/2004 61 1.62 M 2.6244 14 ,9 23.20 Normal Normal
4 . David, John Wayne 1/23/2005 64 1.55 M 2.4025 14 ,4 26.60 Overweight Normal
5 . Dela Cruz, Jamel 5/15/2005 47 1.61 M 2.5921 14 ,0 18.10 Normal Normal
6 . Delos Angeles, Justin 3/11/2001 44 1.58 M 2.4964 18 ,2 17.60 Normal Stunted
7 . Dizon Jr., Roel 12/31/2002 36 1.48 M 2.1904 16 ,5 16.40 Wasted Severely Stunted
8 . Figueroa, Christian 12/11/2003 62 1.65 M 2.7225 15 ,5 22.70 Normal Normal
9 . Gamboa, John Harchi 10/5/2003 40 1.58 M 2.4964 15 ,8 16.00 Wasted Normal
10 . Garcia, Gabriel 10/1/2005 40 1.46 M 2.1316 13 ,8 18.70 Normal Normal
11 . Ignacio, Marc Isaac 10/30/2005 58 1.68 M 2.8224 13 ,7 20.50 Normal Normal
12 . Libunao, Clinton 3/2/2004 44 1.64 M 2.6896 15 ,3 16.30 Normal Normal
13 . Luceno, Jeson 11/25/2003 42 1.51 M 2.2801 15 ,6 18.40 Normal Stunted
14 . Mangusing, John Philip 11/7/2003 43 1.61 M 2.5921 15 ,7 16.50 Normal Normal
15 . Pasion, Rogene 4/20/2005 62 1.65 M 2.7225 14 ,1 22.70 Normal Normal
16 . Pineda, Wenslier 9/3/2004 63 1.73 M 2.9929 14 ,9 21.00 Normal Normal
17 . Sanchez, Aldrin 11/11/2001 59 1.66 M 2.7556 17 ,6 21.40 Normal Normal
18 . Sicat, Maverick 2/11/2002 42 1.53 M 2.3409 17 ,3 17.90 Normal Stunted
19 . Tayag, James 5/25/2005 42 1.53 M 2.3409 14 ,0 17.90 Normal Normal
20 . Vino, Brandon 9/27/2005 71 1.55 M 2.4025 13 ,8 29.50 Overweight Normal
21 . Aguas, Hazel Ann 12/22/2002 53 1.54 F 2.3716 16 ,5 22.30 Normal Normal
22 . Amurao, Queenie 1/27/2003 60 1.61 F 2.5921 16 ,4 23.10 Normal Normal
23 . Bati, Mikaela 5/16/2004 60 1.61 F 2.5921 15 ,0 23.10 Normal Normal
24 . Calaguas, Jan France 7/9/2005 36 1.46 F 2.1316 13 , 11 16.80 Normal Normal
25 . Garcia, Trisha Joy 8/7/2003 44 1.49 F 2.2201 15 , 10 19.80 Normal Normal
26 . Hermias, Marjorie 7/29/2005 33 1.54 F 2.3716 13 , 10 13.90 Severely Wasted Normal
27 . Hernandez, Francine 6/5/2005 34 1.44 F 2.0736 14 ,0 16.30 Normal Stunted
28 . Larosa, Angela Mae 8/2/2005 35 1.5 F 2.2500 13 , 10 15.50 Normal Normal
29 . Lasquety, Aieleen 7/26/2005 54 1.48 F 2.1904 13 , 10 24.60 Normal Normal
30 . Manacmol, Erica 3/29/2005 48 1.54 F 2.3716 14 ,2 20.20 Normal Normal
31 . Mariano, Mary Joy 5/17/2004 56 1.5 F 2.2500 15 ,0 24.80 Normal Normal
32 . Ocampo, Reycel 4/23/2004 60 1.61 F 2.5921 15 ,1 23.10 Normal Normal
33 . Pamintuan, Erica 3/11/2005 36 1.47 F 2.1609 14 ,2 16.60 Normal Normal
34 . Pasamonte, Miarella 7/11/2005 73 1.54 F 2.3716 13 , 10 30.70 Overweight Normal
35 . Pocamas, Marylou 10/31/2004 39 1.48 F 2.1904 14 ,7 17.80 Normal Normal
36 . Reyes, Alyssa 11/8/2002 62 1.64 F 2.6896 16 ,7 23.00 Normal Normal
37 . Sumagpang, Keanne 9/24/2005 56 1.59 F 2.5281 13 ,8 22.10 Normal Normal
38 . Sumucol, Angel 6/25/2005 37 1.33 F 1.7689 13 , 11 20.90 Normal Severely Stunted
39 . Tamboboy, Anna Marie 10/1/2002 35 1.44 F 2.0736 16 ,8 16.80 Normal Stunted
40 . Treyes, Shela 12/6/2003 60 1.61 F 2.5921 15 ,6 23.10 Normal Normal
41 . Masion, Charlene 12/20/2004 54 1.64 F 2.6896 14 ,5 20.00 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 20 21 41 No. of Cases 20 21 41 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 1 1 2 Sev. Stunted 1 1 2 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 2 0 2 Stunted 4 2 6
Normal 15 19 34 Normal 15 18 33
Overweight 2 1 3 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 9: Dahlia

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Ablang, Jonathan 6/2/2003 50 1.61 M 2.5921 16 ,0 19.20 Normal Normal
2 . Agustin, Raven 5/1/2003 56 1.65 M 2.7225 16 ,1 20.50 Normal Normal
3 . Alvarez, John Raiven 12/24/2004 31 1.42 M 2.0164 14 ,5 15.30 Wasted Severely Stunted
4 . Briones, Rafael 4/2/2005 46 1.6 M 2.5600 14 ,2 17.90 Normal Normal
5 . Calma, Andrei 8/20/2004 48 1.65 M 2.7225 14 ,9 17.60 Normal Normal
6 . Caneda, Jefre 9/17/2004 37 1.59 M 2.5281 14 ,8 14.60 Wasted Normal
7 . Dalusung, Ashley 9/1/2003 72 1.69 M 2.8561 15 ,9 25.20 Normal Normal
8 . David, Dhanikel 11/1/2004 57 1.57 M 2.4649 14 ,7 23.10 Normal Normal
9 . Esponilla, John Joseph 3/6/2004 57 1.57 M 2.4649 15 ,3 23.10 Normal Normal
10 . Garamonte, Jonathan 11/15/2002 48 1.59 M 2.5281 16 ,6 18.90 Normal Normal
11 . Gavino, Raniel 5/18/2005 63 1.65 M 2.7225 14 ,0 23.10 Normal Normal
12 . Hall, Lance Vernon 4/14/2004 56 1.74 M 3.0276 15 ,1 18.40 Normal Normal
13 . Hernandez, Mark Kenneth 10/1/2004 27 1.49 M 2.2201 14 ,8 12.10 Severely Wasted Stunted
14 . Manis, John Paul 2/19/2003 56 1.6 M 2.5600 16 ,3 21.80 Normal Normal
15 . Mesina, Fidel 11/15/2004 56 1.6 M 2.5600 14 ,6 21.80 Normal Normal
16 . Miclat, Carlo Angelo 11/4/2004 41 1.55 M 2.4025 14 ,7 17.00 Normal Normal
17 . Pablo, John Asis 2/3/2005 43 1.63 M 2.6569 14 ,4 16.10 Normal Normal
18 . Pasamonte, Hans Jerold 10/12/2004 39 1.51 M 2.2801 14 ,7 17.10 Normal Stunted
19 . Reyes, Michael 2/20/2003 33 1.52 M 2.3104 16 ,3 14.20 Severely Wasted Stunted
20 . Salas, Kharl Dino 8/25/2005 49 1.6 M 2.5600 13 ,9 19.10 Normal Normal
21 . Scott, Joseph 3/6/2004 46 1.62 M 2.6244 15 ,3 17.50 Normal Normal
22 . Tiglao, John Carlo 9/15/2005 45 1.61 M 2.5921 13 ,8 17.30 Normal Normal
23 . Tonido, Daniel 10/2/2001 45 1.61 M 2.5921 17 ,8 17.30 Normal Normal
24 . Tumang, Randy 11/13/2004 45 1.61 M 2.5921 14 ,6 17.30 Normal Normal
25 . Ventura, Jayvee 11/13/2003 45 1.61 M 2.5921 15 ,6 17.30 Normal Normal
26 . Aquino, Hycee 6/28/2003 36 1.45 F 2.1025 15 , 11 17.10 Normal Stunted
27 . Aquino, Igie 2/8/2004 32 1.52 F 2.3104 15 ,4 13.80 Severely Wasted Normal
28 . Baluyut, Lyka Mae 3/19/2003 50 1.51 F 2.2801 16 ,2 21.90 Normal Normal
29 . Bondoc, Karen 12/9/2001 38 1.51 F 2.2801 17 ,6 16.60 Normal Normal
30 . Caban, Leah 5/10/2005 52 1.57 F 2.4649 14 ,1 21.00 Normal Normal
31 . Cayetano, Merlette 9/22/2005 45 1.46 F 2.1316 13 ,8 21.10 Normal Normal
32 . Dizon, Alexis 11/2/2003 52 1.6 F 2.5600 15 ,7 20.30 Normal Normal
33 . Dungo, Jade 6/3/2005 52 1.6 F 2.5600 14 ,0 20.30 Normal Normal
34 . Herrera, Ailyn joy 5/3/2004 40 1.49 F 2.2201 15 ,1 18.00 Normal Normal
35 . Laxamana, Janine 3/10/2005 61 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,3 25.30 Normal Normal
36 . Magbayao, Francine 10/4/2004 42 1.51 F 2.2801 14 ,8 18.40 Normal Normal
37 . Manguerra, Bea Shanel 12/7/2004 44 1.5 F 2.2500 14 ,6 19.50 Normal Normal
38 . Mariano, Danica 2/6/2004 41 1.51 F 2.2801 15 ,4 17.90 Normal Normal
39 . Mosqueda, Diane Loraine 10/20/2004 60 1.53 F 2.3409 14 ,7 25.60 Normal Normal
40 . Patdu, Iris El Jane 10/10/2004 40 1.45 F 2.1025 14 ,8 19.00 Normal Stunted
41 . San Luis, Kurt Kenjre 1/20/2005 50 1.55 F 2.4025 14 ,4 20.80 Normal Normal
42 . Singh, Nicole 9/10/2001 50 1.55 F 2.4025 17 ,9 20.80 Normal Normal
43 . Tamboboy, Analyn 9/22/2000 38 1.38 F 1.9044 18 ,8 19.90 Normal Severely Stunted
44 . Villanueva, Glyza 11/10/2004 33 1.46 F 2.1316 14 ,7 15.40 Wasted Stunted
45 . Williams, Tricia May 8/6/2005 40 1.49 F 2.2201 13 , 10 18.00 Normal Normal
46 . Hyolin, Daniel 10/2/2001 40 1.64 M 2.6896 17 ,8 14.80 Severely Wasted Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 26 20 46 No. of Cases 26 20 46 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 3 1 4 Sev. Stunted 1 1 2 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 2 1 3 Stunted 3 3 6
Normal 21 18 39 Normal 22 16 38
Overweight 0 0 0 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 9: Lavender

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Bisda, Christian 9/15/2005 45 1.65 M 2.7225 13 ,8 16.50 Normal Normal
2 . David, Kirvy 10/10/2005 39 1.52 M 2.3104 13 ,8 16.80 Normal Normal
3 . De Guzman, Kim Gabriel 4/30/2005 66 1.66 M 2.7556 14 ,1 23.90 Normal Normal
4 . Dmacali, Angelo 10/5/2005 71 1.51 M 2.2801 13 ,8 31.10 Overweight Normal
5 . Fajardo, John Michael 9/22/2004 43 1.66 M 2.7556 14 ,8 15.60 Wasted Normal
6 . Guintu, Gabriel 3/17/2005 38 1.48 M 2.1904 14 ,2 17.30 Normal Stunted
7 . Lampa, John Paul 7/9/2002 42 1.57 M 2.4649 16 , 11 17.00 Normal Stunted
8 . Mandani, Racinoj 7/17/2005 23 1.56 M 2.4336 13 , 10 9.40 Severely Wasted Normal
9 . Marquez, Charles 1/16/2005 48 1.6 M 2.5600 14 ,4 18.70 Normal Normal
10 . Mauricio, Gerwin 4/30/2003 53 1.62 M 2.6244 16 ,1 20.10 Normal Normal
11 . Ocampo, Rainier Vhasty 11/25/2004 51 1.67 M 2.7889 14 ,6 18.20 Normal Normal
12 . Pagcu, Cedrick 2/19/2004 37 1.56 M 2.4336 15 ,3 15.20 Wasted Normal
13 . Pamintuan, Carl Joseph 1/7/2004 51 1.55 M 2.4025 15 ,5 21.20 Normal Stunted
14 . Panaligan, John Erick 8/5/2003 48 1.64 M 2.6896 15 , 10 17.80 Normal Normal
15 . Pasion, Edward 10/27/2003 22 1.4 M 1.9600 15 ,7 11.20 Severely Wasted Severely Stunted
16 . Payumo, Aron Jhon 12/27/2004 54 1.6 M 2.5600 14 ,5 21.00 Normal Normal
17 . Payumo, Nimuel 11/8/2004 54 1.58 M 2.4964 14 ,7 21.60 Normal Normal
18 . Sacramento, John Christian 11/15/2004 39 1.6 M 2.5600 14 ,6 15.20 Wasted Normal
19 . Sanchez, Justine James 3/11/2003 37 1.5 M 2.2500 16 ,2 16.40 Wasted Severely Stunted
20 . Torres, Francisco 9/18/2005 51 1.53 M 2.3409 13 ,8 21.70 Normal Normal
21 . Villegas, John Dale 3/13/2005 50 1.56 M 2.4336 14 ,2 20.50 Normal Normal
22 . Yabut, Yman 12/27/2002 50 1.6 M 2.5600 16 ,5 19.50 Normal Normal
23 . Zablan, John Lawrence 1/21/2003 40 1.5 M 2.2500 16 ,4 17.70 Normal Severely Stunted
24 . Amor, Claire 11/21/2004 53 1.51 F 2.2801 14 ,6 23.20 Normal Normal
25 . Cansino, Mariel 12/15/2003 32 1.48 F 2.1904 15 ,5 14.60 Wasted Stunted
26 . Castillo, Krisha Jane 1/2/2003 49 1.5 F 2.2500 16 ,5 21.70 Normal Normal
27 . Castro, Rodelyn 11/8/2004 49 1.5 F 2.2500 14 ,7 21.70 Normal Normal
28 . Clerigo, Keith 3/8/2004 44 1.54 F 2.3716 15 ,3 18.50 Normal Normal
29 . Cortez, Shamelle 3/23/2005 52 1.6 F 2.5600 14 ,2 20.30 Normal Normal
30 . Cunanan, Reginalyn 8/29/2004 38 1.47 F 2.1609 14 ,9 17.50 Normal Stunted
31 . David, Diane Nicole 7/18/2003 66 1.68 F 2.8224 15 , 10 23.30 Normal Normal
32 . Garcia, Rica 6/14/2005 57 1.54 F 2.3716 13 , 11 24.00 Normal Normal
33 . Manaclang, Eveth Fhaye 3/5/2005 49 1.5 F 2.2500 14 ,3 21.70 Normal Normal
34 . Mirabueno, Grace Ann 6/3/2001 42 1.44 F 2.0736 18 ,0 20.20 Normal Stunted
35 . Miranda, Draven 4/4/2003 42 1.5 F 2.2500 16 ,2 18.60 Normal Normal
36 . Peralta, Aira Nicole 9/27/2004 53 1.64 F 2.6896 14 ,8 19.70 Normal Normal
37 . Reyes, Jaileen 11/21/2003 62 1.52 F 2.3104 15 ,6 26.80 Normal Normal
38 . Relojero, Reyanalyn 8/7/2005 36 1.48 F 2.1904 13 , 10 16.40 Normal Normal
39 . Rivera, Princess Kyle 3/3/2005 57 1.59 F 2.5281 14 ,3 22.50 Normal Normal
40 . Santos, Jhammel 2/19/2005 42 1.5 F 2.2500 14 ,3 18.60 Normal Normal
41 . Vilacora, Joana Luz 9/27/2004 41 1.45 F 2.1025 14 ,8 19.50 Normal Stunted
42 . AGUAS, JUSTIN LEE Q. 1/16/2007 34 1.39 m 1.9321 12 ,4 17.50 Normal Normal
43 . ALVAREZ, RALPH LOUISE 2/17/2007 52 1.44 m 2.0736 12 ,3 25.00 Overweight Normal
44 . BLOR, REXIE JR. D. 10/6/2006 39 1.49 m 2.2201 12 ,8 17.50 Normal Normal
45 . BONO, MARK JOHN T. 2/18/2006 36 1.48 m 2.1904 13 ,3 16.40 Normal Normal
46 . CAPIRAL, JURIST MAVERICK A. 8/2/2007 56 1.59 m 2.5281 11 , 10 22.10 Normal Normal
47 . DAGTA, GIAN BELTRAN 12/14/2006 24 1.29 m 1.6641 12 ,5 14.40 Wasted Severely Stunted
48 . DE LEON, JOHN CARLO L. 3/31/2007 50 1.41 m 1.9881 12 ,2 25.10 Overweight Normal
49 . DIZON, ARTHON M. 12/16/2007 93 1.65 m 2.7225 11 ,5 34.10 Obese Tall
50 . DUNGCA, E-JHAY B. 6/22/2007 43 1.41 m 1.9881 11 , 11 21.60 Normal Normal
51 . ERMAC, RUSSEL JUSTINE JAKE A. 10/4/2005 38 1.38 m 1.9044 13 ,8 19.90 Normal Stunted
52 . FELICIANO, JURIZ PAUL S. 1/1/2007 40 1.46 m 2.1316 12 ,5 18.70 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 34 18 52 No. of Cases 34 18 52 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 2 0 2 Sev. Stunted 4 0 4 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 5 1 6 Stunted 4 4 8
Normal 23 17 40 Normal 25 14 39
Overweight 3 0 3 Tall 1 0 1
Obese 1 0 1
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 8: Horeb

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Arrojo, Francis 12/7/2004 31 1.46 m 2.1316 14 ,6 14.50 Wasted Stunted
2 . Balbag, Rodel 11/13/2005 37 1.57 m 2.4649 13 ,6 15.00 Wasted Normal
3 . Bargola, Paul John 12/12/2005 49 1.55 m 2.4025 13 ,5 20.30 Normal Normal
4 . Calixto, DJ 6/22/2003 52 1.61 m 2.5921 15 , 11 20.00 Normal Normal
5 . Calma, M-jay 2/17/2005 47 1.52 m 2.3104 14 ,3 20.30 Normal Normal
6 . Cleofe, Mc. Saulo R. 1-11-2004 49 1.62 m 2.6244 15 ,4 18.60 Normal Normal
7 . Cortez, Charles S. 5-13-2005 42 2 m 2.4025 14 ,0 17.40 Normal Normal
8 . Gama, John Michael S. 12-13-2005 54 1.53 m 2.3409 13 ,5 23.00 Normal Normal
9 . Garcia, Ram Angelo 7-10-2006 65 1.62 m 2.6244 12 , 11 24.70 Normal Normal
10 . Gonzales, Carl Efrhaim G. 7-19-2006 34 1.44 m 2.0736 12 , 10 16.30 Normal Normal
11 . Hernandez,Sean Jacob 10-13-2006 45 1.54 m 2.3716 12 ,7 18.90 Normal Normal
12 . Mariano, Troy H. 4-20-2006 40 2 m 2.4025 13 ,1 16.60 Normal Normal
13 . Obien, Rohan Lance 3-5-2006 55 1.47 m 2.1609 13 ,3 25.40 Overweight Normal
14 . Pacheco, Anthony V. 5-25-2005 60 1.52 m 2.3104 14 ,0 25.90 Normal Normal
15 . Pasion, Miko Y. 4-14-2005 34 1 m 2.1609 14 ,1 15.70 Normal Stunted
16 . Pasion, Tristan Lee 9-12-2002 52 1.58 m 2.4964 16 ,8 20.80 Normal Stunted
17 . Pineda, Christian P. 1-17-2006 42 1.43 m 2.0449 13 ,4 20.50 Normal Stunted
18 . Pinpin, Roniel Aaron G. 9-30-2004 48 1.59 m 2.5281 14 ,8 18.90 Normal Normal
19 . Reonal, Bryan John 8-28-2005 55 1.66 m 2.7556 13 ,9 19.90 Normal Normal
20 . Rivera, Reynan 12-21-2004 44 1.43 m 2.0449 14 ,5 21.50 Normal Stunted
21 . Sinamban, Roniel 5-13-2006 38 1.47 m 2.1609 13 ,0 17.50 Normal Normal
22 . Talabucon, John Francis 4-6-2005 48 1.53 m 2.3409 14 ,2 20.50 Normal Normal
23 . Abella, Amy 8/22/2005 38 1.44 f 2.0736 13 ,9 18.30 Normal Stunted
24 . Acunin, Eunice 5/25/2005 43 1.47 f 2.1609 14 ,0 19.80 Normal Normal
25 . Candelaria, Princess 9/20/2004 44 2 f 2.3104 14 ,8 19.00 Normal Normal
26 . Catacutan, Precious Jewel 7/19/2005 44 1.4 f 1.9600 13 , 10 22.40 Normal Stunted
27 . Co, Anna Marie 4-1-2006 46 1.66 f 2.7556 13 ,2 16.60 Normal Normal
28 . Co, Kaxandra Marie 4-1-2006 46 1.46 f 2.1316 13 ,2 21.50 Normal Normal
29 . Dalina, Ashley M. 8-24-2006 43 1.5 f 2.2500 12 ,9 19.10 Normal Normal
30 . Datang, Katrina 11-14-2005 42 1.52 f 2.3104 13 ,6 18.10 Normal Normal
31 . David, Angelica Rain S. 2-20-2006 49 1.53 f 2.3409 13 ,3 20.90 Normal Normal
32 . Dela Cruz, Princess Ellaine 7-24-2006 46 2 f 2.2801 12 , 10 20.10 Normal Normal
33 . Encarnacion, Mary Joy 1/19/2006 31 1.53 f 2.3409 13 ,4 13.20 Severely Wasted Normal
34 . Ferrer, Liza May 8/17/2006 37 1.48 f 2.1904 12 ,9 16.80 Normal Normal
35 . Francisco, Angel Nicole 10/16/2005 36 1.5 f 2.2500 13 ,7 16.00 Normal Normal
36 . Gomez, Lady Ann 1/16/2005 48 1.52 f 2.3104 14 ,4 20.70 Normal Normal
37 . Guevarra, Jennilyn C. 3/11/2005 39 1.48 f 2.1904 14 ,2 17.80 Normal Normal
38 . Libao, Raizen T. 2/18/2006 41 1.47 f 2.1609 13 ,3 18.90 Normal Normal
39 . Luceño, Jessa G. 10/23/2003 44 1.46 f 2.1316 15 ,7 20.60 Normal Stunted
40 . Pangilinan, Jhasmin N. 2/1/2005 36 1.43 f 2.0449 14 ,4 17.60 Normal Stunted
41 . Relente, Rhaxia Angel Mae Y. 6/21/2006 59 1.49 f 2.2201 12 , 11 26.50 Overweight Normal
42 . Vinuya, Mariah Kate V. 1/14/2006 32 1.39 f 1.9321 13 ,4 16.50 Normal Stunted

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 22 20 42 No. of Cases 22 20 42 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 1 1 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 2 0 2 Stunted 5 5 10
Normal 19 18 37 Normal 17 15 32
Overweight 1 1 2 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 8: Thessalonica

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Ablang, Jericho 10/21/2005 44 1.48 m 2.1904 13 ,7 20.00 Normal Normal
2 . Adovas, Michael 2/10/2006 33 1.41 m 1.9881 13 ,4 16.50 Normal Stunted
3 . Bartolome, Tristan 8/7/2006 50 1.45 f 2.1025 12 , 10 23.70 Normal Normal
4 . Bati, Vincent 1/27/2006 46 1.45 m 2.1025 13 ,4 21.80 Normal Normal
5 . Belo, Jomari 8/7/2006 44 1.45 m 2.1025 12 , 10 20.90 Normal Normal
6 . Boac, Genesis Aeron 9/21/2005 46 1.54 m 2.3716 13 ,8 19.30 Normal Normal
7 . Cordero, Jorelle G. 7/27/2006 37 1.43 m 2.0449 12 , 10 18.00 Normal Normal
8 . Cunanan, Adrian 3/8/2004 50 1.58 m 2.4964 15 ,3 20.00 Normal Normal
9 . Echevarria, Keneth 10/5/2005 36 1.47 m 2.1609 13 ,8 16.60 Normal Normal
10 . Eligio, Rafael Francine 7/11/2003 60 1.59 m 2.5281 15 , 10 23.70 Normal Normal
11 . Fajardo, Verchel M. 6/4/2006 44 1.36 m 1.8496 13 ,0 23.70 Normal Stunted
12 . Manis, Jemno F. 10/14/2003 37 1.49 m 2.2201 15 ,7 16.60 Normal Stunted
13 . Mariano, Ceejay M 11/11/2004 62 1.6 m 2.5600 14 ,6 24.20 Normal Normal
14 . Mariano, Michael Angelo 9/11/2004 44 1.61 m 2.5921 14 ,8 16.90 Normal Normal
15 . Musni, Antonio 4/6/2006 36 1.53 m 2.3409 13 ,2 15.30 Normal Normal
16 . Ochoa, Ken Archir 2/11/2006 40 1.54 m 2.3716 13 ,3 16.80 Normal Normal
17 . Recto, Reden 4/12/2005 33 1.42 M 2.0164 14 ,1 16.30 Normal Stunted
18 . Rivera, Lanz S. 2/11/2006 33 1.53 m 2.3409 13 ,3 14.00 Wasted Normal
19 . Sinamban, Prince Ian 5/30/2005 36 1.51 m 2.2801 14 ,0 15.70 Normal Normal
20 . Tapnio, Jaymark M. 5/25/2006 47 1.41 m 1.9881 13 ,0 23.60 Normal Stunted
21 . Tiglao, Benedic 1/8/2006 52 1.55 m 2.4025 13 ,5 21.60 Normal Normal
22 . Aquino, Cassey Reign 5/25/2006 71 1.57 f 2.4649 13 ,0 28.80 Overweight Normal
23 . Bamba, Samantha Nicole 3/6/2006 46 1.51 f 2.2801 13 ,3 20.10 Normal Normal
24 . Belardo, Erica C. 12/4/2004 47 1.41 f 1.9881 14 ,6 23.60 Normal Stunted
25 . Canda, Ann Misharie 5/30/2005 77 1.58 f 2.4964 14 ,0 30.80 Overweight Normal
26 . Dalisay Marie Joy 8/12/2005 41 1.5 f 2.2500 13 ,9 18.20 Normal Normal
27 . David, Leian Q. 4/6/2005 47 1.44 f 2.0736 14 ,2 22.60 Normal Stunted
28 . Enriquez, Angela 2/9/2006 48 1.48 f 2.1904 13 ,4 21.90 Normal Normal
29 . Estabillo, Kate Kristel 9/20/2004 33 1.5 f 2.2500 14 ,8 14.60 Wasted Normal
30 . Fajardo, Margareth 1/9/2006 59 1.44 f 2.0736 13 ,5 28.40 Overweight Stunted
31 . Guellang, Diane 9/30/2005 49 1.5 f 2.2500 13 ,8 21.70 Normal Normal
32 . Labrador, Clave Ashley 8/24/2005 91 1.57 f 2.4649 13 ,9 36.90 Obese Normal
33 . Leyco, Jovelene 9/26/2005 48 1.52 m 2.3104 13 ,8 20.70 Normal Normal
34 . Licup, Carmela 11/7/2006 30 1.52 m 2.3104 12 ,7 12.90 Severely Wasted Normal
35 . Mariano, Catherine 6/28/2005 59 1.54 m 2.3716 13 , 11 24.80 Normal Normal
36 . Narciso, Sophia Bianca C. 6/30/2005 35 1.48 f 2.1904 13 , 11 15.90 Normal Normal
37 . Niric, Jewel Ashley 10/13/2006 62 1.53 f 2.3409 12 ,7 26.40 Overweight Normal
38 . Pantig, Chloe Nicole M. 7/9/2005 47 1.53 f 2.3409 13 , 11 20.00 Normal Normal
39 . Pascual, Rowengail 10/19/2005 43 1.47 f 2.1609 13 ,7 19.80 Normal Normal
40 . Sarmiento, Carina 8/11/2006 49 1.46 f 2.1316 12 ,9 22.90 Normal Normal
41 . Talosig, Iza 9/7/2006 49 1.52 f 2.3104 12 ,9 21.20 Normal Normal
42 . Viray, AJ-Joy 8/14/2005 48 1.5 f 2.2500 13 ,9 21.30 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 23 19 42 No. of Cases 23 19 42 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 1 0 1 Sev. Stunted 0 0 0 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 1 1 2 Stunted 5 3 8
Normal 21 13 34 Normal 18 16 34
Overweight 0 4 4 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 1 1
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 8: Ephesus

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Alabado, Harold 8/28/2006 40 1.48 m 2.1904 12 ,9 18.20 Normal Normal
2 . Basul, Jhuzteen Khysle 3/24/2005 37 1.57 m 2.4649 14 ,2 15.00 Wasted Normal
3 . Cervantes, Mark Anthony 4/4/2005 44 1.55 m 2.4025 14 ,2 18.30 Normal Normal
4 . Dizon, Justine Kelly 2/2/2006 57 1.59 m 2.5281 13 ,4 22.50 Normal Normal
5 . Encarnacion , George Adrian 3/24/2005 44 1.55 m 2.4025 14 ,2 18.30 Normal Normal
6 . Estipona, Erick 9/26/2004 54 1.73 m 2.9929 14 ,8 18.00 Normal Normal
7 . Guevarra, David Kim M. 8/13/2005 41 1.52 m 2.3104 13 ,9 17.70 Normal Normal
8 . Guevarra, Justin Rey 9/21/2005 45 1.64 m 2.6896 13 ,8 16.70 Normal Normal
9 . Laxamana, Arnel 6/14/2004 33 1.45 m 2.1025 14 , 11 15.60 Wasted Severely Stunted
10 . Magat, John Francis 9/21/2005 45 1.37 m 1.8769 13 ,8 23.90 Normal Severely Stunted
11 . Mallari, Rc Kenneth 8/26/2005 53 1.55 m 2.4025 13 ,9 22.00 Normal Normal
12 . Manalo, Jan Jay Lord 7/27/2006 46 1.65 m 2.7225 12 , 10 16.80 Normal Normal
13 . Ocampo, Diether 10/29/2006 34 1.37 m 1.8769 12 ,7 18.10 Normal Stunted
14 . Ocampo, James Michael 7/11/2006 38 1.48 m 2.1904 12 , 10 17.30 Normal Normal
15 . Patio, Justin Rio 8/8/2005 30 1.37 m 1.8769 13 , 10 15.90 Normal Severely Stunted
16 . Puno, John Carlo 12/21/2005 50 1.5 m 2.2500 13 ,5 22.20 Normal Normal
17 . Ricacho, Serge Dennis Paul S. 3/8/2006 30 1.28 m 1.6384 13 ,3 18.30 Normal Severely Stunted
18 . Rivera, Jaybie 10/16/2005 47 1.57 m 2.4649 13 ,7 19.00 Normal Normal
19 . Samson, Adrian J. 10/27/2004 60 1.58 m 2.4964 14 ,7 24.00 Normal Normal
20 . Supan,Mark Oliven 7/12/2006 47 1.49 m 2.2201 12 , 10 21.10 Normal Normal
21 . Tolentino, Justine Lee 11/2/2005 53 1.51 m 2.2801 13 ,7 23.20 Normal Normal
22 . Bingcang, Allein 8/22/2006 56 1.52 f 2.3104 12 ,9 24.20 Normal Normal
23 . Capuno, Danilyn 1/2/2006 44 1.59 f 2.5281 13 ,5 17.40 Normal Normal
24 . Carreon, Rein 10/28/2005 41 1.46 f 2.1316 13 ,7 19.20 Normal Normal
25 . Domingo, Ma Cassandra 1/27/2006 39 1.48 f 2.1904 13 ,4 17.80 Normal Normal
26 . Dunglao, Princess Iris 9/27/2006 53 1.46 f 2.1316 12 ,8 24.80 Normal Normal
27 . Espinosa, Aila Marie 5/28/2004 45 1.53 f 2.3409 15 ,0 19.20 Normal Normal
28 . Francisco, Bianca Denise 1/3/2006 47 1.46 f 2.1316 13 ,5 22.00 Normal Normal
29 . Garcia, Cristel Jin L. 11/24/2004 40 1.47 f 2.1609 14 ,6 18.50 Normal Stunted
30 . Limon, Kim Cyrel B. 4/21/2004 34 1.41 f 1.9881 15 ,1 17.10 Normal Severely Stunted
31 . Mallari, Kelsyh S. 1/3/2006 40 1.46 f 2.1316 13 ,5 18.70 Normal Normal
32 . Manalac, Paula Nicole 9/13/2006 32 1.49 f 2.2201 12 ,8 14.40 Wasted Normal
33 . Manaloto, Adralyn 5/19/2006 35 1.51 f 2.2801 13 ,0 15.30 Normal Normal
34 . Paguio, Arlyn 2/6/2005 40 1.41 f 1.9881 14 ,4 20.10 Normal Stunted
35 . Pineda, Jenalyn N. 6/1/2006 41 1.5 f 2.2500 13 ,0 18.20 Normal Normal
36 . Pineda, Shereena May 12/6/2005 33 1.48 f 2.1904 13 ,6 15.00 Wasted Normal
37 . Pinpin, Irish Claire 10/22/2006 52 1.59 f 2.5281 12 ,7 20.50 Normal Normal
38 . Reyes, May P. 5/17/2006 48 1.49 f 2.2201 13 ,0 21.60 Normal Normal
39 . Senorin, Jaymielyn 11/6/2003 45 1.46 f 2.1316 15 ,7 21.10 Normal Stunted
40 . Singian, Jhazmine 9/16/2006 41 1.53 f 2.3409 12 ,8 17.50 Normal Normal
41 . Suba, Denice Joy 7/10/2005 48 1.52 f 2.3104 13 , 11 20.70 Normal Normal
42 . Tamayo, Celina Reisel 11/18/2005 32 1.53 f 2.3409 13 ,6 13.60 Severely Wasted Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 21 21 42 No. of Cases 21 21 42 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 1 1 Sev. Stunted 4 1 5 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 2 2 4 Stunted 1 3 4
Normal 19 18 37 Normal 16 17 33
Overweight 0 0 0 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 8: Sinai

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Banag, Raymond 8/7/2005 48 1.56 m 2.4336 13 , 10 19.70 Normal Normal
2 . Barrreto, Jade Michael 6/24/2006 30 1.34 m 1.7956 12 , 11 16.70 Normal Stunted
3 . Dimabuyu, Joshua 7/25/2005 32 1.48 m 2.1904 13 , 10 14.60 Wasted Normal
4 . Esguerra, Justin Lee 6/21/2006 38 1.58 m 2.4964 12 , 11 15.20 Normal Normal
5 . Flores, Ivan Q. 6/12/2006 39 1.48 m 2.1904 12 , 11 17.80 Normal Normal
6 . Garcia, Levi D. 9/17/2005 32 1.4 m 1.9600 13 ,8 16.30 Normal Stunted
7 . Gatus, Jeranz Gian 9/14/2006 42 1.4 m 1.9600 12 ,8 21.40 Normal Normal
8 . Herrera, Paul Vincent 1/10/2006 55 1.58 m 2.4964 13 ,5 22.00 Normal Normal
9 . Konno, Kennichi 1/23/2006 52 1.48 m 2.1904 13 ,4 23.70 Normal Normal
10 . Larway, Rads Vincent S. 11/24/2005 40 1.48 m 2.1904 13 ,6 18.20 Normal Normal
11 . Malabasco, Dapp Daniel 8/25/2006 25 1.34 m 1.7956 12 ,9 13.90 Wasted Stunted
12 . Manalac, Jan Lawrence 9/4/2006 39 1.39 m 1.9321 12 ,9 20.10 Normal Stunted
13 . Masancay, Jim Martin 8/25/2006 45 1.4 m 1.9600 12 ,9 22.90 Normal Normal
14 . Nunag, Jhan Chloe M. 10/23/2006 43 1.5 m 2.2500 12 ,7 19.10 Normal Normal
15 . Salunga, Raymark 3/29/2004 48 1.61 m 2.5921 15 ,2 18.50 Normal Normal
16 . Sarmiento, Michael 10/16/2006 39 1.38 m 1.9044 12 ,7 20.40 Normal Stunted
17 . Tayag, Kart Kenon D. 8/4/2005 46 1.53 m 2.3409 13 , 10 19.60 Normal Normal
18 . Vijungco, Jhon Luie 12/25/2003 36 1.5 m 2.2500 15 ,5 16.00 Wasted Stunted
19 . Vinuya, Lee Vie Jin 9/9/2005 48 1.5 m 2.2500 13 ,9 21.30 Normal Normal
20 . Yutuc, Emmanuel Raphael S 11/9/2005 54 1.67 m 2.7889 13 ,7 19.30 Normal Normal
21 . Aguas, Francine Nicole 11/26/2005 42 1.47 f 2.1609 13 ,6 19.40 Normal Normal
22 . Baluyut, Christine 1/12/2006 33 1.4 f 1.9600 13 ,4 16.80 Normal Stunted
23 . Baluyut, Mary Jane 12/14/2005 46 1.53 f 2.3409 13 ,5 19.60 Normal Normal
24 . Bardillon, Rainelyn 7/20/2004 38 1.38 f 1.9044 14 , 10 19.90 Normal Severely Stunted
25 . Casupanan, Nikki Ashley A 11/30/2005 41 1.51 f 2.2801 13 ,6 17.90 Normal Normal
26 . David, Arlene 5/3/2006 37 1.43 f 2.0449 13 ,1 18.00 Normal Normal
27 . Dungo, Psyche 9/18/2005 42 1.47 f 2.1609 13 ,8 19.40 Normal Normal
28 . Garganera, Cathelyn B. 10/25/2004 37 1.43 f 2.0449 14 ,7 18.00 Normal Stunted
29 . Laxamana, Roxan S 1/19/2006 36 1.45 f 2.1025 13 ,4 17.10 Normal Normal
30 . Librando, Angelique Chloe 3/8/2005 55 1.57 f 2.4649 14 ,3 22.30 Normal Normal
31 . Licup, Princess Izzy 4/18/2004 34 1.53 f 2.3409 15 ,1 14.50 Wasted Normal
32 . Lumanog, Michelle 10/14/2005 38 1.48 f 2.1904 13 ,7 17.30 Normal Normal
33 . Luzung, Franzen Maui 10/14/2005 38 1.38 f 1.9044 13 ,7 19.90 Normal Stunted
34 . Manalo, Carina M. 1/31/2006 35 1.51 f 2.2801 13 ,4 15.30 Normal Normal
35 . Maniago, Schenley Joy 1/23/2005 48 1.58 f 2.4964 14 ,4 19.20 Normal Normal
36 . Okawara, Marika G. 2/19/2005 35 1.51 f 2.2801 14 ,3 15.30 Wasted Normal
37 . Paulino, Princess Rielyn 12/13/2005 38 1.38 f 1.9044 13 ,5 19.90 Normal Stunted
38 . Pineda, Shiela 3/10/2005 61 1.52 f 2.3104 14 ,3 26.40 Normal Normal
39 . Sibug, Alysandra 8/13/2006 45 1.48 f 2.1904 12 ,9 20.50 Normal Normal
40 . Trinidad, Micaela Allyjah 6/11/2006 54 1.48 f 2.1904 12 , 11 24.60 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 20 20 40 No. of Cases 20 20 40 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 0 0 0 Sev. Stunted 0 1 1 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 3 2 5 Stunted 6 4 10
Normal 17 18 35 Normal 14 15 29
Overweight 0 0 0 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 8: Corinth

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index
1 . Aguas, Kenneth D. 6/19/2005 28 1.45 m 2.1025 13 , 11 13.30 Severely Wasted Stunted
2 . Bungay, Clutch Russell L. 2/17/2006 40 1.48 m 2.1904 13 ,3 18.20 Normal Normal
3 . Caballero, Gabby C. 12/9/2005 31 1.38 m 1.9044 13 ,6 16.20 Normal Stunted
4 . Cernito, Vincent T. 11/9/2005 58 1.58 m 2.4964 13 ,7 23.20 Normal Normal
5 . Corpuz, Kenneth C. 8/6/2005 54 1.68 m 2.8224 13 , 10 19.10 Normal Normal
6 . De Jesus, JC M. 1/19/2006 44 1.54 m 2.3716 13 ,4 18.50 Normal Normal
7 . Del Rosario, John Patrick G. 9/17/2006 38 1.5 m 2.2500 12 ,8 16.80 Normal Normal
8 . Dela Cruz, Carl France P. 6/16/2006 59 1.57 m 2.4649 12 , 11 23.90 Normal Normal
9 . Dela Cruz, Noel Jr. N. 5/10/2006 39 1.52 m 2.3104 13 ,1 16.80 Normal Normal
10 . Dizon Jr., Albert C. 11/3/2005 49 1.69 m 2.8561 13 ,7 17.10 Normal Normal
11 . Dungca, Melvin John B. 6/16/2006 39 1.35 m 1.8225 12 , 11 21.30 Normal Stunted
12 . Guintu, Ruel P. 1/19/2006 49 1.5 m 2.2500 13 ,4 21.70 Normal Normal
13 . Lingad, Nathaniel G. 11/20/2005 46 1.59 m 2.5281 13 ,6 18.10 Normal Normal
14 . Muñoz, Prince Daniel S. 1/19/2006 45 1.5 m 2.2500 13 ,4 20.00 Normal Normal
15 . Ocampo, Mark Daniel T. 1/19/2006 49 1.6 m 2.5600 13 ,4 19.10 Normal Normal
16 . Pamintuan, Kim John Rick 6/11/2006 27 1.32 m 1.7424 12 , 11 15.40 Normal Severely Stunted
17 . Panganiban, Ken Angelo L. 1/19/2006 40 1.3 m 1.6900 13 ,4 23.60 Normal Severely Stunted
18 . Pleno, Mark June M. 1/19/2006 49 1.5 m 2.2500 13 ,4 21.70 Normal Normal
19 . Quizon, Stephen Jhun J. 2/20/2006 42 1.48 m 2.1904 13 ,3 19.10 Normal Normal
20 . Rodriguez, Jaf Lawrence R. 6/30/2006 31 1.5 m 2.2500 12 , 11 13.70 Severely Wasted Normal
21 . Serrano, Raenald M. 12/8/2005 49 1.5 m 2.2500 13 ,6 21.70 Normal Normal
22 . Billena, Abril P. 4/10/2006 42 1.44 f 2.0736 13 ,2 20.20 Normal Normal
23 . Daito, Jasmin G. 10/10/2005 42 1.51 f 2.2801 13 ,8 18.40 Normal Normal
24 . Dizon, Charmaine 5/7/2004 37 1.47 f 2.1609 15 ,1 17.10 Normal Stunted
25 . Dungo, Princess Erica C. 12/8/2005 51 1.51 f 2.2801 13 ,6 22.30 Normal Normal
26 . Fernan, Clarissa 12/8/2005 37 1.4 f 1.9600 13 ,6 18.80 Normal Stunted
27 . Gervacio, Ivy D. 8/2/2006 49 1.5 f 2.2500 12 , 10 21.70 Normal Normal
28 . Guevarra, Christine Joy L. 12/24/2005 40 1.42 f 2.0164 13 ,5 19.80 Normal Stunted
29 . Guina, Raven D. 8/2/2006 35 1.5 f 2.2500 12 , 10 15.50 Normal Normal
30 . Licup, Pearl Micaela M. 12/9/2005 41 1.47 f 2.1609 13 ,6 18.90 Normal Normal
31 . Lising, Lharra Jhallayne O. 8/3/2006 30 1.54 f 2.3716 12 , 10 12.60 Severely Wasted Normal
32 . Liwanag, Cassandra Mae P. 11/17/2005 37 1.44 f 2.0736 13 ,6 17.80 Normal Stunted
33 . Lozada, Audrey Mae L. 5/25/2006 37 1.51 f 2.2801 13 ,0 16.20 Normal Normal
34 . Lumbang, Bethany G. 5/5/2006 47 1.51 f 2.2801 13 ,1 20.60 Normal Normal
35 . Macabanti, Camille B. 11/27/2005 48 1.48 f 2.1904 13 ,6 21.90 Normal Normal
36 . Mendiola, Germaine R. 4/17/2006 59 1.6 f 2.5600 13 ,1 23.00 Normal Normal
37 . Mercado, Mica Joy A. 12/17/2005 37 1.53 f 2.3409 13 ,5 15.80 Normal Normal
38 . Payumo, Tricia Nicole R. 4/27/2005 46 1.53 f 2.3409 14 ,1 19.60 Normal Normal
39 . Quintano, Marie A. 11/9/2003 43 1.51 f 2.2801 15 ,7 18.80 Normal Normal
40 . Quitoriano, Justine Eliza G. 4/17/2006 36 1.34 f 1.7956 13 ,1 20.00 Normal Severely Stunted
41 . Velaquez, Camille Joyce S. 3-9-2006 39 1.48 f 2.1904 13 ,3 17.80 Normal Normal
42 . Penascosas, Allaiza 3-6-2005 46 1.6 f 2.5600 14 ,3 17.90 Normal Normal

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases 21 21 42 No. of Cases 21 21 42 Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted 2 1 3 Sev. Stunted 2 1 3 Height squred(m2)
Wasted 0 0 0 Stunted 3 4 7
Normal 19 20 39 Normal 16 16 32
Overweight 0 0 0 Tall 0 0 0
Obese 0 0 0
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 12: Matapat

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases No. of Cases Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted Sev. Stunted Height squred(m2)
Wasted Stunted
Normal Normal
Overweight Tall
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 12: Matapat

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases No. of Cases Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted Sev. Stunted Height squred(m2)
Wasted Stunted
Normal Normal
Overweight Tall
Pandacaqui, Mexico Pampanga
Baseline SY 2019 -2020

Date of Weighing: June 10, 2019 Grade 12: Matapat

Weight Height Age Body
Birthday Sex Height
Names mm/dd/yyyy (m2)
Mass Nutritional Status Height-For-Age
(kg) ( meters) y ,m Index

Body Mass Index M F T HFA M F TOTAL Body Mass Index =

No. of Cases No. of Cases Weight (kgs)
Severely Wasted Sev. Stunted Height squred(m2)
Wasted Stunted
Normal Normal
Overweight Tall

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