Welcome Letter

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ENGLSE, FUMANITES mMSY sme Prothro-teager Collegeof toTetBodevard umanites snd Soci selences haat Teas 0082058 August 28, 2019 Dear Colleagues, ‘hope that you all enjoyed relaxing yet productive summers and that you alae returning to campus ready and energized for the new academe year. ‘As you make your travel plans or 2018-2020, please consider submitting a paper or abstract tothe TCEA (Texas Calege English Association conference. The deadline for submissions November 2, 2019. urge you to submit an abstract or Paper yourself, but als hope that you will encourage graduate students to submit thelr work as well At lat year's conference, we introduced programing especialy designed for graduate students as they begin to ind their way in the professional eommunity |lockforwardto similar programming this year. Full etas about the conference and registration are availabe at ou conference website, btip:/Avru cet org Papers submitted to TCEA willbe presented atthe TCEA sessions atthe Conference of College Teachers of Enlsh CCTE} ‘March -7 at Collin Coliege in NcKinney, Texas. The TCEA theme this year is "Don't Mess with Texas, Women" We welcome both scholarly and creative work related to this theme. Presenters will have the paorunity to submit thei \works for publication n SCOL: Sholership and Creotity Ontne, 9 publestion ofthe Texas College English Association, ‘One presentation from the TCEA conference wil aso be selected for publication In CCTE studies ‘The TCEA breakfast wil be held on Saturday, March 7, and this years featured speaker willbe Dr. TI Geiger from Baylor Univesity. Dr. Geger holds a PHO from Syracuse University and an MA fram Texas Wornen’s University. He recently published an article in Rhetrie Society Quortery entitled, "Forgiveness More Than Platitudes; Evangelical Women, ‘Sevual Violence, and Casustic Tightening.” Additional, he's currently working onan archivathistorcal research project ‘bout a Texas woman, Lula Pace, who wes involved in several Progresive Era education-relsted movements. His workin feminist rhetoric and gender studles wil add much to this years theme, you have questions about TCEA participation in CCTE, pease direct them to me. Faculty members, independent Scholars, and graduate students find the CCTE conference particularly friendly and welcoming, We hope that you and ‘yur colesgues will consider ong us tis coming spring. look forward to weleoming you tothe conference next, March bes, esse Nivens, PhO President TCEA Assistant Professor Wing Program Administrator MIDWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY ‘El oprnty nae Aon Byer nd Bt

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