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* Turn on the ignition so all the dash lights come on but don't start the engine.
- pune contactul asa incat sa se aprinda toate becurile pe bord (fara sa pornesti motorul)
* Lock the door using the button on the door handle and then unlock the door (but don't open it)
3 times.
- blocheaza/deblocheaza usile de trei ori consecutiv cu butonul de deasupra clantei soferului (nu
deschide usa)
* Turn off the ignition.
- ia contactul
* Lock the door using the button on the door handle and then unlock the door (but don't open it)
3 times.
- blocheaza/deblocheaza usile de trei ori consecutiv cu butonul de deasupra clantei soferului (nu
deschide usa)
* Turn on the ignition but dont start the engine - you should be able to hear a beep.
- pune contactul (fara sa pornesti motorul) - ar trebui sa auzi un beep
* Lock the door again as before then unlock it (only once this time) - a final beep should be
- blocheaza/deblocheaza usile o singura data cu butonul de deasupra clantei soferului- ar trebui
sa auzi un ultim beeeeeeeeeep

If all goes according to plan your doors should now auto lock when you go over a certain speed
(about 5-10mph). This will also auto lock the doors if you reverse away. This mode will be
operational until you repeat the above steps to switch it off. It will only work once for each time
the car is started though. In other words, if you unlock the doors to let someone out without
turning the engine off, they will not automatically lock when you move away again.
Daca tine la modelul tau smecheria, usile ar trebui sa se blocheze automat de la o anumita viteza
(8-16km/h). Valabil si in marsarier.

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