Uchiyama Lawsuit v. Kihagi

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cmoto Sir ORR EORT Law Olfices of Karen Y: Uchiyama 733 Webster Stret F San amare no. (418) 963-9300, (415) 563-9304 S & D rere reste, ung ssronerren suns, Plains Karen Y. Uchiyatna ino pr "ete Pa IsuPeRion COURT OF CALFORNA.couwTY oF San Fraticisco srrec sores: 400 Mcallister Street SEP 04 2019 wun anne c crv so29 cove: [San Francisco, CA 94102 _ CLERBOF TH COURT msec Lt et hey CASE NAME Karen Y. Uchiyama dba Law Offices of v. Anne Kihagi, et al. CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Complex Case Designation | ET 57899 invite | mse, gga 19-57 899) demanded emended'e | Filed wit frst appearance by defondant exceeds $25,000) $25,000 orless)| "(Col Rules of Cour rule 402) | cere 7 Terns 16 bolow must be completed (s0e instructions on page 2) [1. Check one box below forthe case type that best describes this case: ‘Auto Tort Contract Provslonaly Complex Chil Ligation A 2) [= Breach ot convacivarranty (06) (Gal: Rus of Cour rules 3400-3409) } uninsured motorist 46) [Rue 3740 cotectons (09) [Ants Trade rein (03) Other PUPDIMD (Personal injuryiPropenty [7 Other colecions (0) [| construon defect (10) DamageiWrongful Death) Tort [7 insurance coverage (18) [J nas tort (40) ‘Asbestos (04) [omer canact 27 [| secures tigation 6) [J ret tatty (24) Real Property [[) envienmentavTos tt (30) (esi matpracice 48) [Eminent domaivtnverse [insurance coverage claims aising frm the [1] omer euroiwo (23) concernation (14) oove sted provaonaly eompios ease ‘Non-PUPDIWD (Other) Tort [) Wrongful eviction (33) types (41) {1} usinesstrvuntes business practice (07) |] Other real propery (26) Enforcement of Judgment [J] co tats 9) Unlawful Detana (1 entorcemen of sent 20) {=} oetematon 3) commercial (21) tMiscotanoous Civil Complaint (=) rau 16) (=) resent (2) [=] rco@n [neal property (10 5) ops [=] ome complaint (net pected above) (42) Profesional negligence (26) Judit Review icelneous Chl Petton } operon oiroma ta (Sasa (09 CS Pent ae expat gorenane 2 Empoyront [) petcnse: arivaton awars(tt) [=] Gene retuon ot pectes atone) eon ‘Wrong termination (28) [watt ot mandate 2) . | er empayment (15) ners reve 30) 2 Thiscase [Tis [Tisnot — compiex under rule 3.400 of the California Rules of Court. Ifthe case is complex, mark the factors requiing exceptional judicial management 2.) Large number of separately represented parties. [_] Large number of witnesses > |_] Extensive motion practice raising difficult or novel e. [__] Coordination with related actions pending in one or more courts Issues that wil be time-consuming to resolve In other counties, states, or countries, or in a federal court c. [__] Substantial amount of documentary evidence +. [21 Substantial postjudgment judicial supervision 3, Remedies sought (check all that apply): aG7] monetary b.[—] nonmonetary; declaratory or injunctive relief ¢. (—]punitive 4. Number of causes of action (specify); Two 5. Thiscase [_Jis isnot aclass action suit. 8. there are any known related cases, file and serve anotice of related case, (Your use form CMO15) Date: August_25_,2019 Karen Y. Uchiyama, sq, Z NOTICE + Plaintif must file this cover sheet with the first paper fled in the action or proceeding (except small clainis cade Under the Probate Code, Family Code, or Welfare and Insitutions Code). (Cal. Rules of Cour, rule 3.220 ) Failure to fle may result ip sanctions. ‘+ File this cover sheet in adaition to any cover sheet required by local court rule. + Irthis case is complex under rule 3.400 et seq, ofthe California Rules of Court, you must serve a copy of this cover sheet on al other partes to the action or proceeding + Unless this @ collections case under rue 2.740 or a complex case, this cover sheet wil be used fr statistical purposes ony Taeeeae 7 CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET SS Ra Sarr RT SRA 37 teases awa SUMMONS (wots pana sabe A coRre) (CITACION JUDICIAL) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): ix) ANNE KIHAGI aketbtciciHtAG#, ZORIALL, LLC, XELAN PROP 1, LLC, RENKA PROP, LLC, NOZARI 2, LLC and Does | through 10, YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFI prelate gape (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): KAREN Y. UCHIYAMA, dba LAW OFFICES OF KAREN Y. UCHTYAMA NC below. ‘You have 90 CALENDAR DAYS afer this summons and legal papers are served on you to fle writen response at this court and have @ copy ‘served onthe plait. iter or phone cal ll ot protect you. Your witen response must be In proper legal form ityau want the court to ear your case. There may be @ court form hat you can use for your response. You can ind these cour forms and mare Information atthe Calfrnia Courts nine Selt-elp Center (www: courtfo.ca gowselee), you county law Novy or the courthouse nearest you, you cannot pay the ing fee, ask {he cour clerk fora fee waiver form. you do nat le your response on me, you may loge the case by defau. and your wages, money, and property ‘may be taken without further warring fom the court “There are other logal requirements. You may want to cal an attorney right away. I you donot know an atorey, you may want to call an attorney teferal servic. you cannot afford an attorney, you may be elgble fr fee legal series from a nonprott legal sences programm, You can locate these nonprofit groups atthe Calon Legal Services Web ste (wi lanhepcalfomia org), the Calfornia Cours Onine SeltHelp Center (wn courtinto.ca govseet), or by contacting you local cout or county bat association, NOTE: The court has a stalutory lien fox waived fees and ‘Costs on ary setlement or aviation award of $10,000 oF more Ina vl ease, The cou Ben must be pala before the court wl dismiss the IAVISO! Lo han demanded, Sino responde dentro de 30 das, la corte puede deci en su conra in escuchar tu verain. Lea fa Informacion @ ‘entinvacin. Tene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO después de que le entroguen esta citacién y papeles legals para presenter una respuesta por escntaen esta corte y hacer que se entregue una copa al demardante. Una cata o una lads feletGnica no io prolegen. Su respuesta por escrito tiene que estar ‘en formato legal comecta si desea que procesen su caso en ls corte. Es posible que haya un formulario que usted pueda Usar pare su respuesta ‘Puede encontrar ests formularios dele cortey mas infomacién en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cares de California (wav sucote a go), biota de leyes desu condado 0 en fa corte que le quede més cerca. Sino puede pagar a cuota de pesenacién pide al eecretaro de a corte {qe le d® un formularo de exencion de pago de cuctas. Sino presen su respuesta» hempo, puede perder el caso por incumplmento la cote Ie ocr guitar su sueld, dinar y bionos sin mas advertencia ‘ay otros requisios legales. Es recomendable que lame a un sbogado inmediatamente, Sino conoce a un abogade, puede lamar aun cervice de ‘remision a abogades, Sino puede pagar a un abogado, es posible que cumpla con los requistos para obtener services legaiesgratos de un programa de services legals sin nes de uo. Puede encontrar estos grupos sin fines de ucre an sito web de Calflora Legal Services (vo lavnelpcatfori org), en ef Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Calforia, (www sucorte a. 9os) 0 poniendose en contacto con la cote © 6! ‘colegio de abogados locales. AVISO: Por ey, la cote tone derecho a reclame as cuss ys costo exentos por imponerun gravamen eobre ‘cualquier recuperecin de $10,000 6 mas de valor recibida mediante un acuerdo o una contcesion de ariaje en un caso de derecho cil Tene que agar el gravamen de 16 corte antes de que fa cota pueda desechare caso, The cour may decide inst you without your belng heard unloss you respoed wihin 30 days, Read te information ‘The name and adress ofthe cours; lasenamer 7 (Elnombre y direccién dela corte es): Superior Court of San Francisco County ae 19-57 8909 400 McAllister Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 c6e —_] The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiffs attorney, or plaintif without an attomey, is: (Elnombra, la dreccién y ef nimero de telsfono del abogado dei demandante, o del demandante que no tiene abogado, es): Karen Y. Uchiyama, in pro per, 733 Webster Street, San Francisco, CA 94117, (415) 563-9300 = SEP 04 2019 cuenk oF tHe Cong by Wy, rae taro) (adjunt) For proof of service oF Tis Summons, use Proof of Seivoe of Summons (form POS-070) ney (Para prueba de entrega do esta citation use 6! formulario Proof of Service of Summons, (A0s-o14!Malyn Bura. a NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served 1. Za as anindividual defendant. 2. [= as the person sued under the fttious name of (speci) 3, onbenaitot (speci): four limited liability companies under: LI cop 418.10 (corporation) [cep 416.60 (minor) J 6cP 41620 (detunct corporation) ==] CP 416.70 (conservatee) (CCP 416.40 (association or partnership) [—] CCP 416.90 (authorized person) 7 other (specity): 4. (1 by personal delivery on (date): 7 << — fgets Nada CunalafCatarne ‘SUMMONS. ‘Cot Ci Proce 9541220, 488 sta es Say ‘oon cnt PLD-c-001 ‘ATOR OF PARTY WiTNOUT ATTORNEY ona, Sa arm, od aR FoR coum USE ony KAREN Y, UCHIYAMA, SBN I34414 Law Offices of Karen Y. Uchiyama 733 Webster Street San Francisco, CA 94117 TELEPONENO: (415) 563-9300 10 enna (415) 563-9304 ‘tw ADoREs8otton: KarenGuchlegalcom Artonwey FoR wanes _Karen Y. Uchiyama, in pro per F “SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Sa Fancion ‘stReerconess: 400 MoAllster Street Supicter Comme caer anne sooness: ‘orrmozp-coce: San Francisco, CA 94102 SEP 04 2019 rancnaue, Unlimited Civil uriedition PLAINTIFF: Karen Y, Uchiyam, dba Law Offices of Karen ¥. Uchiyama “EL cn q DEFENDANT: Anne Kiagi, Zora, LLC, Xelan Prop 1, LLC, Renks Prop, LLC, Nzai2, LLC my and owes 1 70 10, ioctsive CONTRACT TZ compraws (2 Amenven compan (wumben: Ccross-compaint [—) AMENDED CROSS-CONPLAINT (Number): ‘urlediction (check all hat appiy): case nono COUACTION Is A LiMiTED CIVIL CASE ‘Amount demanded [J doos not exceed $10,000 ‘excoods $10,000 but does not excoed $26,000 FE ASTION'S AN UNLIMITED CIVIL CASE (excoods $26,000) ASTIONISRECLASSIIED by ths amend compat or rove complnt 6C-19-578999 [Strom tmited to untied [trom uniimited to limited 4. Plaintf® (name or names) Karen Y. Uchiyama, dba Law Offices of Karen Y. Uchiyama ‘logos causes of action against defendant: name or names): Anne Kihagi, Zoriall, LLC, Xelan Prop 1, LLC, Renka Prop, LLC, Nozari 2, LLC 2. This pleading, incuaing attachments and exhibis, consiets ofthe following number of peges’ # ‘3.8. Each plaintfnamed above is @ competent adult TF excopt paint (name): (1) [Je corporation qualited to do business In Cetfonia (2) [jan unincorporated entity (describe) @) other epecty: >, CZ pPiaine name): Karen Y. Uchiyama 2. CZ has complied wit the fttous business name laws and is doing business under the fctitous name (speci Law Offices of Karen Y. Uchiyama b. CZ has complied with al iconsing requirements a8 @ lensed (specify: attorney at law Information about addtional plants who are not competent eduts is shown In Attachment 3o, 4. &. Each defendant named above isa natural person except defendant (name): Zoriall, LLC jexcoptdotendent (name): Xelan Prop 1, LLC (1) [Ja business organization, form unknown (1) [Ja business organization, form unkown 2) Ja corporation (2) Ja comoration (2) an unincorporated entiy (describe): (©) [Jan unincorporates entity (desaribe): (4) [Ja public entity (describe): (4) a pubic entity (describe): (8) [Zhother (speci): a limited liability company (6) [ZJother (spect): a limited liak bom isu oa cence, pnt ne ois cogl mana -dne. "aire ‘COMPLAINT—Contract Crone Oa Poeaue, $2582 PLD-C-001 Sea TMS CSS | Karen. Uchiyama, da Law Offices of Karen Y. Uchiyama v. Anne Kia 4. (Continued) ». The truo names of defendents sued as Does ere unknown to plain, (1) [Z) Doe defendants (spectty Doe numbers): | 10 were the agents or employees of the named TPE OR a ‘ (ityou wish to vert this ploadlng af a vertication) PLDG001 (Rev, dua 12007) ‘COMPLAINT—Contract Page tot PLD-C-001(2) SHORT TITLE: ‘CASE NUMBER: Uchiyama v. Kihagi, et al. Second CAUSE OF ACTION—Common Counts. Tae ATTACHMENT TO CZ] Complaint [[] cross - Complaint (Use 2 seperate cause of action form for each cause of action.) CC-1, Plaintit (name): Karen Y. Uchiyama, dba Law Offices of Karen Y. Uchiyama aleges that defendant (name): Anne Kihagi, Zoriall, LLC, Xelan Prop 1, LLC, Renka became indebted to (Z] plaintit (7) othor (name): Prop, LLC and Nozati 2, LLC 2. 2 witinthe tast four years (1) [1 on an open book account for money de, 2) [Cy because an account was stated in witing by and between plaintiff and defendant In whch it as agreed that defendant was Indebted to plant. >. TZ) wihintnetast ] woyears [Z] four years (1) [for monay nad and received by defendant forthe use and benefit of pain (2) [Z] for wor, labor, sencos and materials rendered atthe special instance and request of detendent nd for which defendent promised to pay plant the sum of at least $158,501.66 the reasonable valve. © (1 foFgocds, wares, and merchendise sold and delivered to defendant and for which defendant promised to pay plant! CS treeumats [the reasonable value {2 [21 frmoney ent by paint to defendant at defendants request (8) [2] focmoney pala as out, and expended to or fr defendant al defendant’ special instance and request © other rspocny: 60-2. $ 158,501.66 + Which Is the reasonable value, is due and unpaid despite plaintit's demand, lis preludgmentinterest [7] according to proof [7] attheraiof 18 percent per year from (date): December 2015 cc-3. [7] Piaintitis entitled to attomey fees by an agreement or a statute D os 5) according to proot. cc-4, Z) Other: For whatever the Court deems proper. Eaecr ee ‘CAUSE OF ACTION—Common Counts me ATTACHMENT 4c TO COMPLAINT Additional Defendants: Renka Prop, LLC is a limited liability company. Nozari 2, LLC is a limited liability company.

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