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Topic: The action scene - Rescue

- In an abandoned place, made of concrete and far away from society, late at

night, Daniel kidnapped Ana, and Mark is going to rescue her.

- A “demon” that breaks the laws of physics. Manipulative, and just plain bad.

In a suit  a human’s suit.

- “I won’t keel over and die”

- Why do I have to think sometimes about a little “torture” scene? Actually, you

can eliminate the quotation marks.

- “Well, huh, I should probably thank you, Mark” he said in a menacing voice. Commented [MAR1]: Try to say that in a better way
He almost sounded as a maniac, if he wasn’t so calm. “None of us would

probably be together tonight if you had listened to what I told you about…”

Mark looked at him as if he were to jump and beat Daniel, his muscles all

tensed from rage, but he wouldn’t move in fear of him (Daniel) hurting Ana. Commented [MAR2]: Mark is afraid that if he makes a bad
move, Daniel will hurt Ana.
He turned his eyes between Ana and Daniel, making sure the latter didn’t do

anything that could hurt her.

“She has nothing to do with this,” Mark whispered “please, let her go”

- (After Daniel kills someone) M-“You’ll pay for this” / “you’re gonna burn for


“Am I?” Daniel asked, “

- After a confrontation, and Ana being hurt, either before or during the

confrontation, they have to leave; a persecution scene ensues. John (one of

Novela debe tener 150 pg.

the good guys) goes out the door first, but Mark stays for a second longer to

pick up Ana and help her escape from where they are. Ana can’t walk, so Mark

helps her by supporting her weight, but seeing that they can’t run, he takes

her into his arms and begins running. k

- In some point, Mark is hugging somebody, but that somebody is hiding a knife Commented [MAR3]: We need a character that has the
protagonist’s full trust, but they betray him. This could be
the antagonist, or the villain.
under their sleeve, and stabs Mark on the back. Mark’s face changes from

happiness to surprise and pain, and after a small dialogue, he looks betrayed.

This someone was someone he trusted very much.

- He is present when one of his friends gets fatally injured. He goes to their aid,

but they’re too far gone, and he only can whisper soothing words to his friend

before they pass. He gets closer to his friend’s body, forehead to forehead, and

then screamed (grief and stuff)

- Mark gets shot while trying to escape. Ana tries to take the bullet out, but she

cowards because it’s causing Mark too much pain. His friend then tries to take

it out while Ana tries to comfort Mark.

- “Mimoo! Mimoo, run!” Mark screamed, trying to warn his friend, but he was

too far away, and Daniel’s henchmen were restraining him. “Mimoo, no!” //

Daniel watched wickedly. Mark saw the predator lurking behind his friend,

unable to do anything. He fought to free himself, but he was held even tighter

by the two men behind him. Despair was filling his heart, watching powerless

behind the screen as the giant beast got ready to attack. “No! Mimoo! Mimoo,

run!” he screamed out desperately, but it was useless. Mimoo couldn’t listen

to him. In a swift movement the beast took a leap and attacked Mimoo, killing

Novela debe tener 150 pg.

him in an instant. Mark stared blankly at the screen, trying to process what

had just happened.  Mark put his hands on his face and sobbed as the giant

beast screamed at the sky, celebrating his victory.

- “Is she…?” his voice broke. Mark couldn’t let himself finish the question. He

wouldn’t. It would make it real. Everyone in the room knew what the next

word was. // “Mark, you have to calm down” Ethan whispered in Mark’s ear,

trying to calm his friend down. // “No,” Mark whispered “no, no no” every Commented [MAR4]: REDACCIÓN OJO

word getting louder and more desperate, with hints of crying. “ No, please.” Commented [MAR5]: How the hell do you write that?!

// “Mark!” Nick screamed at him “Mark, she’s breathing! You have to get it

together, man!” These words ran like cold water down his spine. //”What?”

Mark whispered incredulously. His body had been going on overdrive, so the

moment that he heard Nick’s words he exhaled loudly, and passed out.

Topic: Falling in love – Romance/Love

- She can’t help but smile and think how much she loves him every time she

listens to the excitement when he talks about (space) Commented [MAR6]: Change topic, If necessary

- When you get that very first glimpse of her face, that cheesy line comes to mind- the one that

goes “where have you been all my life?”

- The look in her eyes as she’s talking about what she loves just makes you feel all warm on the


Novela debe tener 150 pg.

- Laughing with her makes your heart stop and then start up again at 5x the speed, because her

laugh is just the most wonderful sound.

- Thinking of her is a constant that you can’t avoid no matter who you’re with or what you’re


- Being near her feels simultaneously like you’re setting yourself on fire but also settling in to

the most comfortable place in the world.

- Her stupid jokes never fail to get you laughing even though you roll your eyes every time.

- You find yourself smiling whenever you get a text from her and then it’s kind of hard to stop


- You look at other girls and think they’re pretty but then you see her face again and realize she’s

the most beautiful girl in the world.

- She’s the one you think of when the love songs come on, when you’re watching the sun set,

when you’re standing by the edge of the ocean, when you start worrying about the future.

- People call you crazy for being so into her, but you can’t stop yourself and you don’t want to.

- Perfect somehow seems plausible every time you see her standing there in front of you.

- “I love you” doesn’t even sum it up anymore.

Topic : Characters’ sayings

Mark :

· oh, it’s so pretty

· oh boy

· Oh, come on!


Novela debe tener 150 pg.

· Pretty please with a cherry on top

· Oh man!

· It’s so awesome!


· I mean, like… - annoying character

Topic: Characters’ personalities:


+ Adorkable, funny, cute, does stupid things just to make people laugh, likes to help

people, he gets really excited for almost anything. Loves dogs, he’s patient but has a


- Fits of rage, scared of the dark and to be forgotten

¨ Fatherly, in touch with his feelings (wears his heart on his sleeve)


+ Very smart, Loves reading (makes faces while reading – Mark finds this endearing)

and animals,

- Can be too serious, Short attention span, no patience at all. Scared of heights and

the ocean, and spiders.

¨very serious but laughs at Mark’s jokes, loves cats and animals in general

Novela debe tener 150 pg.

Novela debe tener 150 pg.

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