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Name: Daniela Barreto A.

Level: 3th Major:

Glossary with words of the psychology career.

1. Addiction: chronic and recurrent disease of the brain that is characterized by a
pathological search for reward and / or relief through the use of a substance or
other behaviors.

2. Anxiety: Mental state that is characterized by great restlessness, intense

excitement and extreme insecurity.

3. Learning: Acquisition of knowledge of something through study, exercise or

experience, especially the knowledge necessary to learn an art or trade.

4. Assimilation: to understand some data to integrate it to the previous knowledge

or to the incorporation of certain components to a whole.

5. Attention: Attention is a cognitive process that allows us to select and focus on

relevant stimuli.

6. Self-esteem: is the assessment, perception or positive or negative judgment that

a person makes of himself based on the evaluation of his thoughts, feelings and

7. Cognition: it is the ability of a living being to process information from

perception, acquired knowledge (experience) and subjective characteristics that
allow information to be valued.

8. Behavior: set of responses, either by presence or absence, which presents a

living being in relation to its environment or world of stimuli.

9. Development: means growth, progress, evolution, improvement.

10. Memory: memory can be defined as the brain's ability to retain information and
retrieve it voluntarily.

11. Mind: it is the set of cognitive faculties that encompass processes such as
perception, thought, consciousness, memory, imagination, etc.

12. Perception: ability to receive through the senses the images, impressions or
external sensations, or understand and know something).
13. Problem: A questionable question to be solved or to which an explanation is

14. Sexuality: Set of physical and psychological characteristics of each sex.

15. Disorder: Change or alteration that occurs in the essence or permanent

characteristics that make up a thing or in the normal development of a process.

Grade: 5

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