Methods of Heat Transfer: Juneisha Kelly 5 Plain Physics

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Juneisha Kelly 5 plain Physics

Methods of heat transfer

Heat transfer is a discipline of thermal engineering that concerns the
generation, use, conversion, and exchange of thermal energy between
physical systems. Some methods of heat transfer are Conduction,
Convection and Radiation. Conduction is the flow of heat through a
material without any flow of the material. In conduction of heat, kinetic
energy is said to be passed through from on particle (vibrating particle) to a
next particle. Often it is said that solids conduct heat much better than
liquids and even gases. Good heat conductors are called thermal
conductors while the bad conductors are called insulator. Examples of
good conductors are metals because they have free which transfer heat
readily from particle to the next. Convection is heat transfer by mass motion
of a fluid such as air or water when the heated fluid is caused to move
away from the source of heat, carrying energy with it. Examples of this is
convection currents (flow of water via circulating within a container) in water
and convection currents in air. Convection currents are mainly caused
when a liquid or gas rises above a source of heat. Radiation is the transfer
of thermal energy as electromagnetic infrared radiation. Travels by speed
of light and doesn’t need particles to transmit energy and can de detected
by observing the change in temperature when it falls on objects.
In methods of heat transfer there are some advantages and
disadvantages. Some advantages are the are less expensive, easily
maintained, environmentally friendly and used in technology today to make
life easier, makes you feel warmer because it creates instant heat on your
skin and helps to reduce heat loss in the home. some disadvantages are it
might cause allergies and might not be extremely effective (convection) and
can be more expensive to install (radiation). These methods are also use in
everyday life. For example, each day people might use the vacuum flasks,
and, in this flask, all three-heat transfer method is used. Another example is
for home heating by using heaters or cavity walls and keeping warm and
keeping cool as well by using air conditioners.
Diagram showing conduction, convection and radiation Diagram showing convection

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