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Septem ber, 2019


1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

(1)Blair's younger cousin was going to celebrate her sixth birthday next month. He wanted to get a
special gift but had no idea what a six-year-old girl might like. Besides, he did not have much
money to spend on her present either

(2)One day, Blair was at the public library trying to pick some interesting books himself. The
school holidays were approaching soon and he wanted to have a few books to occupy his free
time. He browsed through the shelves, looking at many different genres of books. Then, he
chanced upon the arts and crafts section. He saw that there were many books on painting,
charcoal sketching, clay modeling, origami and so on.

(3)As Blair scanned the books, one particular book caught his eye. It was a book on balloon
sculpting. Blair's idea of sculpting had always been one that involved using a chisel to form a
giant piece of rock into a statue. He had never heard of balloon sculpting. Out of curiosity, he
pulled the book from the shelf and flipped it open. When he saw the pictures inside, he realized
that balloon sculpting was actually using balloons to twist them into all sorts of shapes in order to
create objects like a sword or a crown. As he looked through the colorful pages, an idea struck him
! He could make balloon sculptures for his cousin and her friends at her birthday party ! They
ought to love that ! Excited with his idea, he borrowed the book.

(4)At home, Blair told his mother about his idea. She agreed that it was an amazing idea. In fact,
she even offered to pay for the balloons. That very day, Blair's mother took him out to buy some
balloons to practice on. Blair diligently followed the instructions in the book. At first, he had
difficulty twisting the balloons. He was afraid of bursting the balloons. When he realized that the
balloons were very stretchable, he was more relaxed. As he practised, he burst dozens of balloons
but that never discouraged him. He continued to work hard on it.

(5)By the day of the party, Blair was pretty good at balloon sculpting. Many of the children
requested for all sorts of shapes. He tried his best to give them what they wanted. Most
importantly, his cousin loved his idea that made all his hard work worthwhile.

On the basis of your reading of the passage, complete the following statements:
i. The two problems Blair faced when deciding on a birthday present for his cousin
were__________ and ___________.
ii. One day while looking at different genres of books. Blair chanced upon ___________
iii. Blair had never heard of ___________.

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Answer the following questions in one or two sentences:
iv. What was Blair’s idea of sculpting?
v. In what way did Blair's mother support his idea ?
vi. How did Blair feel when he burst the balloons while practising ?

Find words from the passage which mean the same as following:
vii. extraordinary(paragraph 1)
viii incredible (paragraph 4)

2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

(1)The day started out hot and humid, just like any other typical day in Hong Kong. Everyone
seemed to be in a rush to go somewhere, elbowing and jostling around. Ai Ling was standing
around with a small metal tin in her hand. Every few minutes, she would be walking around and
shaking the tin to rattle the few coins that were already inside. Everyone avoided her like the

(2)No, Ai Ling was not a beggar. She was one of the many pupils dotted all around Hong Kong
today, selling flags for a charitable cause. It depressed her to see how miserly Hong Kongers were.
From afar, people would spot her with the foreboding tin and veer away from her direction.
Others would walk past, avoiding eye contact. It made her wonder, "Since when did Hong
Kongers become such self-absorbed people?" With a sign, she continued her task.

(3)By mid-day, Ai Ling was drained. Her stomach was also starting to growl. The sweltering heat
only made things worse. She decided to take a break and have her lunch. There was a fast food
restaurant nearby. The cool blast of air as she entered was a welcoming treat. She quickly bought
her food and sat down to enjoy both the food and the air-conditioning. She wished she could just
sit in there for the rest of the day. However, she knew that it would not be right. She had a duty to
perform. After finishing her lunch, Ai Ling continued sitting for just a little longer before
reluctantly dragging herself out into the streets again.

(4)For the next three hours, Ai Ling trawled the streets hoping to meet people who might be
willing to part with a few coins. Ironically, Ai Ling realized that she had actually collected more
money from tourists than from the locals themselves. What a shame! Thankfully, she still
managed to fill up most of her metal tin. She felt rather pleased with her achievement, considering
what a tough crowd she had faced the whole day. Ai Ling then told herself that the next time she
saw someone else selling flags in the streets; she would make it a point to donate something, even
if it was only a token amount.
On the basis of your reading of the passage, complete the following statements:
i. Ali Ling was not a beggar. She was today, selling flags for_____________.
ii. Everyone avoided her like__________.
iii. Ali Ling collected more money from___________.

Answer the following questions in not more than one or two sentences:
iv. How did Ai Ling feel about the reaction of the public towards her?
v. What were the two actions of the people who saw Ai Ling?
vi. What did Ai Ling decide to do after her experience?

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vii.. Find the word from the passage which means the same
a. hurry (para1)
b. Ai Ling continued sitting for just a little longer before reluctantly dragging herself out
into the streets again. Which part of speech is the underlined word.

3. Read the poem carefully and answer the questions that follow:


I used to play at Pirates,

And sailed the seven seas.
Then I was a cowboy,
These simple things did me please.

I had a vivid imagination,

Adventure was always on my mind.
I discovered the joys of reading,
And escaped the daily grind.

Once I lived with the Eskimos,

In the land of ice and snow,
Went hunting and afishing,
My fantasy was all aglow.

I read a book of Jules Verne,

And went off to the moon,
It was just to take a look,
Then it was time to return.

I spent time in the forests of Africa,

With Dr. Livingstone as my guide,
Then off again to America,
With Huckleberry Finn I did hide.

In my world of fantasy and imagination,

I performed such wonderful deeds.
A Hero of all the Nations,
I was the one that did succeed.

- Bernard Shaw
On the basis of your reading, complete the following statements:
i. _____________________________ guided the narrator in the forests of Africa.
ii. A word in stanza 2 that means ‘clear’ is ____________.

Answer the following questions in one or two sentences:

iii. How did the narrator travel all through the places mentioned in the poem?
iv. Where did the Eskimos live?
v. What is the rhyme scheme of the first stanza?

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1. On the basis of the information provided in the box below, write a short bio-sketch of
Abraham Lincoln.

Born : 1809 in Northern Kentucky

Family : Father- wealthy farmer lost his land when Lincoln was 7, moved
to Indiana. Mother- died when he was nine, family moved to
Illinois after her death.
Education : Little formal education, loved to read. Studied law by reading law
books - became a lawyer in 1837, Springfield, Illinois Political
Career : began early- served in State Legislature, in the U.S. House of
Representatives. Gifted Speaker, speeches against slavery,
nomination for Presidency- won in 1860. Re elected in 1864
Death : assassinated by John Wilkes Booth on April 15, 1865.
Remembered for wisdom, compassion, patriotism

2. Write a story using the outline given below also give a suitable title to your story.

Once I was going back home from school. I saw a wounded dog-----------.

3. You are Dheeraj/Divya. Write an Email to your friend, who lives in another city, inviting
him/her to spend the summer vacation at your place. Tell him of all the fun things you
plan to do and the places you intend to visit together.

4. You are Aditya/Adhya. Write a letter to a friend thanking for his hospitality during your
visit to his house. He is residing in No.42, Lake Town, Darjeeling.

5. Books are necessary for every one. They not only enhance your knowledge but also
entertain you. Write a paragraph on the topic Importance of Books in Our Life .

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words to complete the following passage. You
may use a word more than once: [½x8=4]

because while however otherwise or then if so

A few weeks ago, I did some ironing and (i) _____ went out to do some shopping. (ii) _____
I was out, I realized that I couldn't remember whether I had switched the iron off (iii) _____
left it on. (iv) _____ I had left it on, the house might be on fire! I was really worried
(v) _____ I ran home at once. (vi) _____, I needn't have worried (vii) _____, although I had
left the iron on, everything was all right. It was a good thing I got home in time, (viii) _____
things could have turned out very differently.

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2. In the following sentences pick out the verbs and state whether they are Transitive or
Verb Transitive/Intransitive
i. The children stole apples. ___________ ____________________
ii. Grass grows after rain. ___________ ____________________
iii. He grows vegerabels. ___________ ____________________
iv. He tore the cloth. ___________ ____________________
v. The cloth tears easily. ___________ ____________________
vi. The flowers look fresh. ___________ ____________________
vii. I sent the suit to the laundry. ___________ ____________________
viii. Rohan has eaten an apple. ___________ ____________________

3. Rearrange the words/phrases into meaningful sentences. Be careful to put appropriate

i. you/ eaten/ ever / have / raw/ papaya
ii. lovely / of / bouquet / a / what / flowers

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable non-finite :

One evening, (a) ……………… (walk) down the road I saw a funny old man (b)
……………… (lean) against a lamp-post. (c) ……………… (look) at my pockets he asked if
I had got my salary. (d) ……………… (surprise) at the question I wanted (e) ………………
(move) away but he held on to my arm as if it was my duty (f) ……………… (treat) him to

5. Fill in the blanks with For or Since:

Ramya: How long have you had your new skates Sneha?
Sneha: I’ve had them (i) _________ Diwali. Now it’s June, so I’ve had them (ii)___________
seven months. And when did you ride your new bicycle?
Ramya: (iii) ________ March, I got it as a gift on my birthday. So I’ve had it (iv) __________
about three months now.

6. Complete the following passage by choosing the appropriate modal from the box given
below :
Must shouldn’t couldn’t could would can

The rural inhabitants living in the countryside have to face certain inconveniences, yet they
(i)__________ enjoy peace of mind. In the past, they used to depend on rains for agriculture.
These people (ii) ______________ rise early in the morning and go to their fields. But they
(iii) ____________plough only a few acres of land with their oxen and ploughs. They (iv)
________ finish their work on time as they used only manual tools. (v)_____________ they
have reformed their methods with changing times? However, in some Indian villages,
people decided, they (vi) _________ adopt newer methods. They started using tractors
instead of ploughs.

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I. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words:
1. Where did Tom want to go instead of school? Why?
2. Why didn’t Tom want to ‘chance’ his dangling tooth?
3. What did Sid mean by ‘it makes my flesh crawl’?
4. ‘Tom groaned louder and fancied that he began to feel pain in the toe.’ What does the word
‘fancied’ mean?
5. How did Aunt Polly understand that Tom was only making an excuse?
6. How did Aunt Polly extract Tom’s tooth?
7. How did Aunt Polly react when Tom said that his sore toe was mortified?
8. Why did Tom say ‘I forgive you everything’?
9. What was Tom’s outrageousness?
10. Why was it difficult to differentiate between the mares?
11. ‘No price was too high, such were the mares.’ What does this tell us about the horses?
12. Why was Poona Durbar’s reputation at stake?
13. Describe the scene of the turbulent Mutha river when the mares were driven into it.
14. Which quality of the mother mare was noticed by Nana?
15. On what condition the merchant wanted to present the mares to the Peshwa?
16. Why was Mother’s Day gift an out-of-the-ordinary luxury for the family?
17. Why didn’t Joe and Nick’s mother laugh much?
18. Why was the mother vexed with Nick’s gift?
19. What was Joe’s ‘careful deliberation’?
20. Where did Joe and his brother Nick work and how much did they earn?
21. How did mother react when Nick gave the gift to her on ‘Mother’s Day’?
22. How do you come to know that the mother was a very hardworking person?
23. Do you think Joe was an understanding and a loving brother? Justify.
24. There was a great hustle and bustle in the kitchen of Motilal’s house. What was the reason
of this hustle and bustle?
25. What was the secret of good health and prosperity in Kisan Lal’s village?
26. Why did Moti lal spend hours in great expectation?
27. Draw a contrast between Moti Lal’s and Kisan Lal’s feasts?
28. Why did Moti Lal drop down in disappointment?
29. How did the Sage try to solve his problem?
30. What is ‘the mystery’ the sage is trying to solve? Why does he call it a mystery?
31. Describe the voyage of the Owl and the Pussy Cat.
32. What does the Owl do to impress the Pussycat? What was Pussycat’s reply to it?
33. How do the Owl and the Pussycat celebrate their wedding?
II. Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow:
34. “He mused upon this curious case,
And swore he’d change the pigtail’s place.”
a. What poetic device has been used in the lines above?
b. Give a synonym for the word ‘mused’.
c. What ‘curious case’ is being referred to here?
35. “How charmingly sweet you sing!
O let us be married! Too long have we tarried”
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a. Who said the above lines?
b. To whom does ‘you’ refer to in the above lines?
c. What poetic device has been used in the first line?
36. “It’s a fine gift. A wonderful gift. I should have thought of it myself.”
a. Who said these lines and to whom?
b. What was the occasion and for whom was the gift bought?
c. Why did the speaker say the gift was wonderful?
37. “From his wistful tone, we knew what he was thinking. He had given our mother little enough in
their life together.”
a. Who is the narrator in the above lines?
b. Whose ‘wistful tone’ are they talking about?
c. How did the narrator feel about his mother?
38. “I love you so much and you seem to try every way you can to break my old heart with your
a. Who is ‘you’ in the above lines?
b. Why does he break the speaker’s heart?
c. What is the meaning of ‘outrageousness’?
39. “I have heard a great deal about the Poona Durbar.’
a. Who is the speaker of the above line?
b. Who is the speaker speaking to?
c. What has the speaker heard about the Poona Durbar?
40. “That is a big thought to come from so small a head.”
a. Who is the speaker of the above line?
b. Who is the speaker praising?
c. What ‘big thought’ is the speaker talking about?
41. “I would really have said that the food today was incomparable had I not tasted the feasts at home.”
a. Who is the speaker of the above line?
b. Why didn’t the speaker appreciate the feast of the host?
c. How were the feasts better at the speaker’s home?
42. “Which they ate with a runcible spoon.”
a. ‘they’ refers to whom?
b. What did they eat ?
c. What does ‘runcible spoon’ mean?
Answer the following questions in about 100 words:
43. Imagine you are the Merchant from the story The Mares. Write a Diary Entry about how
Nana saved the reputation of Poona Durbar.
44. Imagine You are Aunt Polly. Write a diary entry expressing your disappointment and
anguish due to Tom’s outrageous and shocking behaviour to skip school.
45. Imagine you are Nick. Write a ‘Thank you’ letter to your brother Joe for displaying a very
mature and thoughtful behaviour by not revealing about the gift that he had bought for the
46. Imagine you are Kisan Lal who visited Moti Lal. Write in the form of a paragraph about the
food that was served to you in Moti Lal’s house and how you appreciate his efforts but do
not admirethe kind of food offered.
47. Imagine you are the boatman rowing the boat for the Owl and the Pussycat. Describe the
entire sight of their voyage and marriage in the form of a paragraph.

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