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Section A
[15 marks]

Look at the picture below and answer the question that follows

1 What is the purpose of the CCTV and the notice?

A To warn shoppers
B To prevent shoplifting
C To take photographs of shoppers
D To keep an eye on the amount of goods sold

Study the label below and answer the following question.

2 Which sentence best explains this label?

A Children may be given this by adults only
B Children should not consume it
C Children can easily open it
D Only children can take it

requests the pleasure of the company of
Mr David Yap

to a concert performed by Ms Chin May Ling

on Saturday, 6 May 2010 at 8.00 p.m.
at La Musique Ballroom, Calton Hotel

Dress code: Formal

3 The invitation above informs us that?

A Guests should wear formal clothes
B Guests may dress as comfortably as they like
C Guests and friends may dress in formal clothes if they like


Melaka: Five families celebrated their New Year in grief as they lost all their
belongings, including their homes, in a blaze this morning. The incident that
happened at 7.30 a.m. destroyed all five houses in just a few minutes. The
strong wind aided the fire. However, there were no casualties. The families are
now sheltered at the nearest school. Those who wish to donate can do so by
contacting The Orient Newspaper at 06-2233445.

4 Which statement shows that nobody was injured during the incident?
A They celebrated in grief
B There were no casualties
C They lost all their belongings
D They are being sheltered at a nearby school

Youths are introduced to cigarettes by peers or friends. They love to experiment, and
being curious, they tread on forbidden grounds. A mere challenge by a friend can
trigger off a smoking habit just to be accepted into a group of friends. Young people
also tend to attach the macho image to smoking, imitating celebrities who smoke.
Therefore, it is important that famous personalities realize their moral role and become
models to inculcate positive habits in our youths. It is time for the youth to be aware of
the dangers of smoking.

5 According to the extract above, it is important for famous personalities to realize their
moral role because
A they are fashionable
B they have to inculcate good habits
C young people want to be just like them
D they have strong influence on youths

6 Study the pie chart below and answer the question that follows.

Percentage of Car Thefts, 2009

Work Places

Others Parking Lots

7% 23%

Housing Estates Shopping Areas

30% 25%

Based on the pie chart above, which of the following statements it true?
A The least number of car thefts occur in parking lots
B A low percentage of car thefts occur at shopping areas
C A high percentage of car thefts occur at places of work
D The most number of car thefts occur in residential areas

Research has show that, too much of carbohydrates can cause diabetes. It is important for us
to eat a balanced diet as well as exercise frequently to improve our heath. Therefore I have
warned my sedentary and overweight friends to take a look at their diets, especially those
who over-indulge in rice. I have also advised them to lead a healthy lifestyle.

7 The word sedentary refers to people who

A like to think a lot
B do not go out much
C tend to sit down a lot
D are very slowly while working

Nice to see and nice to hold


once broken, considered SOLD!

8 Where can you find this notice in a departmental store?

A The book and magazine section
B The kitchenware section
C The ladies wear section
D The dry food section
Questions 9 – 15

Read the following passage and choose the best answer. Then, circle A, B, C or D on the answer

Butter is one of the oldest articles of diet known to man, and one of the most universally
used. Yet strangely enough, in ancient times butter was not used as food in many parts of the

The Hindus 9 butter as a sacrifice in their worship. The Greeks and the Romans
did not eat butter, but used it as a 10 for injuries to the skin. They believed the soot on
11 butter was good for sore eyes! The Romans also used it as an ointment for the skin and

In Spain, as late as 300 years ago, butter was found in medicine shops only. When butter
was eaten ____12____ early times, it was only eaten by a few people 13 it was never eaten
when fresh. It was stored in a melted condition for many years. In fact, there were some people
14 specially valued butter that was held more than a hundred years!

Today, of course, butter is a very important food. Butter ____15 a fine energy food,
and is quickly and easily digested. It also has ‘staying’ qualities, which means that it stays in the
stomach long enough to provide energy that is needed during the work period between meals.

9 A offered 13 A or
B differed B and
C preferred C while
D conferred D unless

10 A healing 14 A who
B remedy B whom
C recovery C whose
D which

11 A burn 15 A is
B burns B are
C burnt C was
D burning D were

12 A in
B on
C from

Section C

[25 marks]

Questions 26 to 31 are based on the following passage.

Mayonnaise Jar – the story of life

1 A friend e-mailed the following story titled A Mayonnaise Jar and 2 Cups of
Coffee and the story goes like this. A professor stood before his philosophy
class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he picked
up a large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.
He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The 5
professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He
shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf
balls. Again the students agreed with him that the jar was full. Then, he
poured sand into the jar and the students responded with a unanimous “Yes!”

2 The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and 10
poured the contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between
the sand. The students laughed.

3 “Now,” said the professor as the laughter subsided, “I want you to recognize
that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things –
your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favourite 15
passions – and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life
would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job,
your house and your car. The sand is everything else – the small stuff. If you
put the sand into the jar first, there is no room for the pebbles and the golf
balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the 20
small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to

4 He paused and continued, “Pay attention to the things that are critical to your
happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take
your spouse out for dinner. There will always be time to clean the house. 25
Take care of the golf balls first – the things that really matter. Set your
priorities. The rest is just sand.”

5 One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented.
The professor smiled, “I’m glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no
matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a couple of cups 30
of coffee with a friend.”

6 After reading this interesting and provocative story, my mind flew to a

teacher whom I knew from a few years ago. This teacher used to tell me that
he hated teaching.

7 “I don’t know what it is about this profession that people seem to like so 35
much!” he would exclaim. “It is a boring, mundane, routine and a totally
ridiculous job. Day in day out, we chase after students and force them to
learn so that they can pass some exams. We stuff facts down their throat,

facts they neither like nor care for. We keep wanting them to get higher
grades but they hate it! Where’s the joy in teaching?” 40

8 This man would say all the above and more yet never left the profession. In
fact, for all that he said and done, he actually did more than he said. He was a
good teacher. He was ruthlessly direct but courageously creative in his
teaching methods. His students navigated round his rough ways and got the
best from him. He was, in their eyes, never the sand nor the pebbles but 45
always the golf balls. They took care of this ‘golf ball’ and managed to care
less about his acid tongue and more about what they could cull from him.

9 When I think of him, I can’t help smiling because the image that fills my
mind is that of a mayonnaise jar and two cups of coffee.

26. From paragraph 1,

(a) What is the title of the story?
________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) What items were put into the jar?

______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

27. From paragraph 3, explain how the jar represents ‘life’ as explained by the professor.
_________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

28. From paragraph 4, which word conveys the meaning of ‘very important’?
_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

29. From paragraph 8, explain the significance of the coffee in the jar.

___________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

30. In your own words, state two priorities that should be one’s ‘golf balls’.
Provide reasons to support your answer.
Priorities: ________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

Reasons: ___________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

31 The passage is on how the writer learned about the meaning of life from his professor.
Write a summary on how the writer learned about the meaning of life.
 the story of the mayonnaise jar and its relevance
 the writer’s school teacher and his work

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the
original meaning.

Your summary must:

 be in continuous writing form (not note form)
 use materials from lines 2 - 47
 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:

In the story, a professor filled a mayonnaise jar of …

















[15 marks]

General Guidelines

1. Read the whole passage through once to get a general idea of what it is about. Do not worry if you come
across unfamiliar words. Sometimes, it is not necessary to understand every word you read.

2. Do read the passage a second time, if necessary. The second reading helps you take in the details and
improve your understanding.

3. Read the questions carefully. Use cue words in the questions to help you answer them. These can be the
“wh” words (what, when, where, why, who, whose, how) and action verbs (identify, find, list).

4. Questions sometimes contain words found in the passage. Use these words to help you identify the part
of the passage where the answer can be found.

5. You do not have to answer questions in complete sentences

6. You can lift words, clauses or sentences from the passage to answer questions. You do not have to use
your own words unless you are told to do so. Be careful not to alter/distort the meaning expressed in the
passage and hence lose precious marks.

7. For questions on vocabulary, if you are asked for a word, then give only ONE word and nothing else.
Make sure you spell the word correctly. If you are asked for a phrase, then give the relevant phrase. If you
copy the sentence where the word or phrase are found, you must indicate the chosen word or phrase by
underlining it or putting it within quotation marks.

8. Some questions require you to use your own words and you must do so.

9. Do pay attention to the tense (and sometimes, pronoun) used in the questions when formulating your

10. For questions with the phrase " in your own words, in your opinion, give your reason", make sure
answer is not taken from the text.

Pitfalls to avoid:

1. Do not give more than the required information. Sometimes, students copy chunks from a
passage. This only highlights their weakness; failure to understand the question and/or text.

2. Do not give two or more answers to a question. Some students write down all the possible answers to a
question, just to be on the safe side.

3. Do not waste time paraphrasing answers unless you are asked to do so.


Section C
[25 marks]

Questions 21 – 26 are based on the following passage. Read the passage below and answer the
questions that follow.

1 I met him sitting nonchalantly on a wooden bench at the bus station. The air was laden with
the smell of garlic and spice coming from the nearby stalls. He kept rubbing his nose.
He was conspicuous. The stranger in a foreign land that had just gained independence was
just a normal sight, but not to me.

2 His blue eyes fascinated me. High-nose and rather unusual eye-brows definitely 5
made him more Caucasion than Chinese!
“Hi boy!” he greeted me. His British accent arousing the interest of a few
3 ‘Nyonyas’ sitting on a bench opposite mine. They gazed at me, expecting a response. Not
many of the immigrants spoke English. But, their children tended to pick-up the language, 10
were forced to learn the language. This was an irony for the imperialists had left. It was the
generations to come that would reap the fruits of colonialism, be it bad or good.
“How old are you?” he asked.
“I’m twelve” I answered proudly.
4 The ladies smiled. I felt good. My father had sent me to an English school amid the 15
reluctance of many schools to accept the local children. That was five year earlier. The
British were still masters then! The Chinese went to their ‘Kongsis’. It was a mere twelve
months ago that Tunku declared ‘Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka’ – banishing the colonial rule
over Malaya. People were just beginning to feel the aura of independence. The Malays,
Chinese, Indians and the list of other ethnic minorities lived together. Here I thought sat this 20
‘big man’ who still felt that he was the ‘lord of the land’.

“Are you travelling alone,” he asked as if I was being interrogated. “My

father’s with me. He went to the … to freshen up.”
5 I was just could not help it. There was a feeling of malice towards the British. Every 25
time I saw trishaws being pulled by aged Malayans I knew that each time I took a peek at
the passenger in the trishaw, I would see a White Man. I only knew the actual meaning of
that word at tertiary level, some years later.

The bus station was not more than a shed with wooden benches lined on each side.
6 30
There was another such structure (only smaller). It had an attap roof while the main building
had a roof made of zinc sheets. His gaze was actually on the stalls that housed some Indian
cloth merchants who sold trinkets, bracelets, ear-rings and necklaces (ornamental mostly,
but cheap).

I thought he would sit down again but I was wrong. I could decipher some of
7 his gestures. He had bought something for someone. I saw a smile forming on his face. He 35
sat down on the bench again. This time much closer to me. I tried to say something.
“Are you from here?” I spoke with the intention of knowing where he came

“No. I am from London.”
He had a clear and powerful voice.
8 40
“Are you going somewhere?” I asked.
He smiled but not at me. The English lady had a wide smile on her face. Their
cheeks touched lightly.

“How was your journey.” 45

9 “Come, let’s go.”
They left. There were still many people in the station. We had gained our
A few years later, I wrote to one of the local tabloids saying “This is a beautiful
country with beautiful people, rich in resources and cultures. We have a great future ahead
10 but right now it is blackened and tarnished by the ugliness of our hatred. We have a long
road ahead.”

Adapted from ‘The Last Celebration of the Century’

1. From paragraph 1,
(a) where did the writer meet the Englishman?
………………………………………………………………………………………….… (1 mark)

(b) which phrase tells us that the Englishman was not used to the local environment?
…………………………………………………………………………………………… (1 mark)

2. From paragraph 4, which word means ‘ending’?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………. (1 mark)

3. From paragraph 5, where was the writer’s father?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………. (1 mark)

4. From paragraph 6, what two evidence was there to show that the bus station was an old building?
(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… (1 mark)

(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… (1 mark)

5. (a) From paragraph 9, who was the Englishman waiting for at the bus station?
.......………………………………………………………………………………………….. (1 mark)

(b) From paragraph 10, who was your referring to?
……………………………………………………………………………………………… (1 mark)

6. “We have a great future ahead but right now it is blackened and tarnished by the ugliness of our hatred.
We have a long road ahead.”
Based on these statement, how would you describe the writer’s feeling for his country.
Give a reason to support your answer.
Feeling: …………………………………………………………………………………..... (1 mark)
Reason: ……………………………………………………………………………………. (1 mark)


General guidelines:

1. Read the question carefully. Identify the focus of the question

2. Mark the first and last lines of the passage you are asked to refer to.

3. Then select information that is relevant to your answer. To do this, underline the relevant lines or ideas as
you read the text. Identify 12 or 13 content points.

4. Do not repeat ideas or take lengthy examples.

5. You may paraphrase ideas/sentences. However, make sure that the meaning is not changed.

6. Begin the summary with the 10 words given.

7. Organise the ideas/points in the manner in which they are found in the text. Use suitable connectors .

8. Adhere to the word limit. Anything short of the word limit means you lack content.

9. Pay attention to the tense and most importantly pronoun used .

Content (maximum 10 marks even if all the points are given) C: 10 marks
Language L: 5 marks
Total 15 marks

Change in Pronouns

First / Second person Third person

I, me The writer/ he/ she
Mine The writer's/ his/ hers
We They
Us Them
Ours Theirs

Example of Connectors to be used to join the sentences:


Besides this/that


In addition





After this/that

Based on the passage given, write a summary of:
 The writer’s experience with the Englishman
 His opinion of the country after independence

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning.

Your summary must:

 Be in continuous form (not in note form)
 Use materials from line 14 to line 52
 Not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:

The Englishman asked him how old he was. He answered proudly ......……………………………………


General guidelines:

1. Read the question carefully. Identify the focus of the question

2. For 1 focus provide minimum 3 evidence. For more than one focus, provide minimum 3, 1 evidence to
support each focus. Include your opinion.

3. Make sure you do not make factual error when providing evidence

When answering your novel question, it is helpful to have a framework to organize your answer.
A simple but comprehensive framework, may look like this:







This is shown when Newton Newman helps Cecil to get a big bass drum from the top of a dumpster.
Cecil calls Captain Nobody to help him get the drum because he cannot get it down by himself. Cecil
insists that Captain Nobody is the one who should climb the dumpster. At first, Newt hesitates to
climb the dumpster as he is an acrophobic. However, when he disguises as Captain Nobody, he feels
more confident to overcome his fear of height. He is determined to help his best friend and continues
climbing the dumpster. He almost gives up in the beginning but later succeeds. He carefully passes the
drum to his sidekick, Cecil who is waiting with open arms on the ground.

During the Big Game, Chris shows his determination to win. At first Merrimac is leading. Without
giving up, Chris and his teammates go on fighting. Chris finds his way for a touchdown. He ,manages to
bring victory to Fillmore for the second time.

This shows that Newt is a determined person. If I were Newt, as a ten-year-old boy, I would
not have that great determination to climb the dumpster. His action has inspired me to be
determined in facing challenges in life.
Determination will lead us to success. Chris’s determination to win paid off although he is
knocked down. We should practice determination in our life so that we can achieve success.
Being determined will bring us the victory that we deserved.


This is shown when Newton Newman helps Cecil to get a big bass drum from the top of a dumpster.
Cecil calls Captain Nobody to help him get the drum because he cannot get it down by himself. At first,
Newt hesitates to climb the dumpster as he is an acrophobic. However, knowing how much his friend
loves the bass drum, he decides to help his best friend and continues climbing the dumpster.

Newt, JJ and Cecil are always supportive of each other. JJ and Cecil help Newt out with his costume for
Halloween when they see he is not ready with his costume. Their help has led to the creation of
Captain Nobody. Newt, JJ and Cecil are always supportive of each other. They also stand behind Newt
when the whole school laugh at him for dressing up as Captain Nobody.


The three friends have shown a good example of friendship of friendship. They do not hesitate to help
each other when in need.

1. The following is the novel studied in the literature component in English
Captain Nobody – by Dean Pitchford
“Determination is the key to success.” How is this shown in the novel that you
have read? Support your answer with close reference to the text.


The novel that I have studied is Captain Nobody by Dean Pitchford. The - title of the novel
and the author.
statement “Determination is the key to success” is clearly shown in the novel
by a few characters. It is undeniable that determination will help us to - respond to the

Firstly, the character Newt shows high determination in order for him
to succeed in helping Cecil to get a big bass drum from the top of a dumpster. - POINT 1.
Cecil needs Captain Nobody’s help to get a big bass drum on top of a dumpster
because he cannot get it down by himself. Cecil insists that Captain Nobody is
the one who should climb the dumpster. Newt hesitates when he saw how - Textual Evidence
to support POINT 1
high it is. It is such a big task for Newt since he is acrophobic- he has fear of
heights. However, he is determined to help his best friend to fulfil Cecil’s

dream of owning the bass drum. Slowly, Newt continues climbing the
dumpster. This has clearly shown that his great determination has overcome - opinion
his greatest fear of heights.

Secondly, the character which has shown great determination in order

to succeed is Chris Newman. Prior to the Big Game, Chris has been training
hard with his teammates. The Big Game has become the greatest rivalry
between Fillmore High School and Merrimac High School for two consecutive
- Textual Evidence
years. In the first year, Chris was only the substitute player. He came in the
to support POINT 2
quarter of the Finals and showed great determination to get himself a
touchdown and led his team to the victory. His determination has placed him
as a regular first team player for next year’s season. During the second final,
which everyone is referring to the Big Game, Chris shows high determination
and also inspires his teammates. During the last moment of the game, the
Merrimac High manages to score a touchdown, leading the Fillmore High by a
slight margin. Chris, without giving up, is determined to score a touchdown
and has succeeded in doing so within the final 7 seconds of the Big Game. As a - opinion
result, the Ferrets of Fillmore manage to secure another victory for that year.
This has clearly shown how determination is the key to success.

Newt portrays the courage, determination and perseverance too as

Captain Nobody. For example, he is supposed to look after the Ferocious, the
- Textual Evidence
Fillmore team’s mascot. It escapes when Reggie Ratner and his friends cause
to support POINT 3
disturbance until the cage opens. It runs on to the busiest highway with four
lanes of vehicles racing after it. Newt is brave and determined to catch it
because he is responsible to return it safely the next day. Without thinking of
his safety, Newt, runs to the middle of the highway, screaming and waving his
hands to stop the vehicles. He could have been run over many times. Yet he
goes after Ferocious with cars zooming dangerously close. Slowly, the traffic
comes to a halt and at the moment, a passenger plane with engine problem - opinion
makes an emergency landing on the freeway that is cleared of traffic. In saving
Ferocious, Newt has also saved the pilot and passengers. Newt has shown that
his determination has superseded his safety. He sacrificed his life for others.
In short, I really think that determination will lead us to success. Newt and
Chris have shown determination that can be considered as heroic acts. Newt, - Strengthen the
by conquering his fear when helping Cecil and risking his life when saving conclusion with
Ferocious. Chris, by giving his all to make sure Fillmore wins the Big Game. additional opinion
They are indeed role models for teenagers like me. We should practice the
value in our life so that we can achieve what we have always wanted.


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