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Writers Journal #3

The people I would expect my CRQ to reach that may act on it are people I would imagine are
being tasked with research on the topic or maybe somebody who feels very passionate on the
subject and would like to maybe blog on the matter at hand or try and get some research out on
the table to help make the public more aware. With the audience I hope to reach, the only stuff i
feel that will matter when it comes to the solution is taking it step by step and first presenting the
solid facts and gaining some sort of belief that I have done the work that will either matter or
possibly have the chance to make a difference and reach a large amount of people. The way
that I write my project will be affected by the people that I intend to reach with my research
because instead of writing something that seems like a project or an essay it will need to be
constructed as a professional research paper with solid facts and information that I want to
communicate to them plain and simple and maybe also include few personal affairs and
reasoning for interest.

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