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GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 56, NO. 12 (DECEMBER 1991); P. 193(}"'1939, 15 FIGS., I TABLE.

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The effects of porosity-permeability-clay content on the velocity of

compressional waves

Theodoros Klimentos*

ABSTRACT and increasing permeability. However, the effect of

permeability alone on Vp was found to be negligible in
Compressional velocities V p were measured in labo- rocks with identical porosity, lithology, and negligible or
ratory samples at ultrasonic frequencies (0.5--1.5 MHz) similar clay content. Hence, the velocity-permeability
and under varying confiningand pore fluidpressures (up relationship is controlled by the velocity-clay content
to 40 MPa). Forty-two water saturated sandstones hav- and permeability-claycontent interrelations.
ing a range of porosities <I> (2 to 36 percent), permeabil- For all samples, the compressional-wave velocity
ities K (0.001 to 306 mD) and clay contents C (negligible V p in km/s at ultrasonic frequencies and 40 MPa is
to 30 percent) were studied. I found that at 40 MPa the related to porosity <I> (fractional), clay content C
compressional velocity is inversely proportional to clay (fractional) and permeability K (millidarcy) by V p =
content. P-wave velocity decreases with increasing po- 5.66 - 6.11<1> - 3.53C + 0.0007K, r = 0.96 where
rosity, but the scatter is large even at very high pres- r is the correlation coefficient. The relationship shows
sures. The velocity-porosity scatter is reduced when the empirically that the permeability effect is very small
clay content is included. The dependence of Vp on compared to that of porosity and clay content.
permeability for a wide range of porosities (6 to 36 By calculating the elastic moduli, I extrapolated
percent) is indeterminable due to a large scatter. When from ultrasonic to seismic frequencies and obtained
the rocks are grouped into identical porosities the scatter VP(seismic) = 5.27 - 5.4<1> - 2.54C + O.OOIK, r =
is reduced and V p increases with decreasing clay content 0.93 for porosities 6-36 percent.

INTRODUCTION creased systematically in both well and poorly consolidated

Compressional-wave velocity is an important parameter Field results from sonic-log data (Castagna et aI., 1985)
for the analysis of rock properties. Lithology and porosity suggest that both compressional- and shear wave-velocities
can be related empirically to velocity in either the Wyllie have a linear dependence on porosity and clay content.
equation (Wyllie et aI., 1956) or the Raymer et al. (1980) These works on liquid-saturated sandstones suggest that
statistical equation. Both equations give reasonable results the framework clays reduce the bulk and shear moduli in a
for clean sandstones for a wide range of porosities, i.e., 10to systematic manner. The effects of intrapore clay minerals on
25 percent, under high pressure conditions (Han et aI., 1986). the seismic velocities in porous rocks are still poorly under-
Neither of these two equations, however, can be applied stood. Furthermore, Jorden and Campbell (1986) mention
reliably to shaly sandstones containing clay minerals. Lab- that no laboratory data or field experience have been re-
oratory experimental data from several investigators (De ported on the effect, if any, of permeability on P-wave
Martini et aI., 1976;Tosaya and Nur, 1982; Kowallis et aI., velocities.
1984, and Han et al., 1986), show that in shaly sandstones This paper discusses the relationships among P-wave
both equations overestimate the compressional wave veloc- velocity, porosity, clay content, and permeability of sand-
ities. Each of these studies concluded that as the clay stones. Laboratory data are presented to demonstrate that
content in sandstones increased, the P-wave velocity de- clays reduce the velocity of P-waves and control the perme-

Manuscript received by the Editor December 5, 1989;revised manuscript received April 18, 1991.
*Formerly Department of Geoscience and Postgraduate Research Institute for Sedimentology, University of Reading; presently Southern Oil
Exploration Corp., SOEKOR (PTY) Ltd., P. O. Box 307,7500 Parow, Cape Town, South Africa.
© 1991 Society of Exploration Geophysicists. All rights reserved.

P-wave Velocity in Sandstones 1931

ability of sandstones. The data also show that in sandstones mineralogy were determined by XRD. Clay content was also
with similar porosity and clay content, the effect of perme- obtained by point counting on thin sections, so that a
ability alone on P-wave velocity is negligible. In the theo- crosscorrelation with the semiquantitative results of the
retical development I have followed a similar approach to whole-rock XRD would be possible. It should be noted with
that of Biot (1956a, 1956b) and Geerstma and Smit (1961). I point counting, that the clay microporosity and occasional
start by introducing a "clay surface area" correction factor dissolved feldspars are counted as clays, as they cannot be
(Klimentos 1988b, 1989). Then I proceed to describe two resolved by the ordinary light microscope. Finally, scanning
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models of porous rocks with clays; the single and multiple electron microscopy was also used, for the analysis of pores,
pore-size distribution model, respectively. A method of pore-size distribution, and to determine the distribution of
estimating the elastic moduli from P-wave data for porous the clay minerals within the pores.
rocks under high-pressure conditions is also developed. The
derived equations are then tested with my experimental EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
data. Finally, I extrapolate the P-wave velocities from
ultrasonic (i.e., laboratory measurements) to seismic (i.e., The P-wave velocity profile with increasing confining
field measurements) frequencies. pressure presented in Figure 1 shows that, beyond a pres-
sure of 30 MPa, velocity is stabilized and becomes virtually
independent of pressure (i.e., terminal velocity). At these
high-pressure conditions the remaining open microfractures
By controlling porosities and having identical saturation should not play an important role in the velocity determina-
and pressure conditions, one can reduce the number of tion. Hence, in this study the velocity data measured at the
parameters affecting the velocity of seismic waves. highest confining pressure (40 MPa) are presented.
Forty-two sandstone samples were studied; all samples
Effects of porosity-clay content on P·wave velocities
were chosen to have reasonably consistent grain-size, grain-
shape, and other petrophysical characteristics, but with a It is apparent from Figure 2, that the P-wave velocity
wide range of porosity (i.e., 2 to 36 percent), permeability decreases with increasing porosity, though, the data are
(i.e., 0.001 md to 306 md) and clay content (i.e.; 0 to 30 scattered. For example, for porosities around 28 percent the
percent). A detailed description of all rock samples is given compressional velocity at 40 MPa varies from approximately
by Klimentos and McCann, 1990. 2900 mls to 3650 m/s, a 25-percent difference. A similar
Velocities were measured on water saturated rocks at 29-percent difference in P-wave velocity is seen for the
ultrasonic frequencies by the pulse-echo technique (Greg- 15-percent porosity samples. However, if the clay content is
ory, 1977; Winkler & Plona, 1982; Klimentos, 1988a, 1988b, taken into account one can see a linear velocity-porosity
1990). The ultrasonic transducer used was a "Sonatest relationship within each zone of clay-content with subse-
Schlumberger SP263" highly damped broad-band compres- quent scatter reduced. Nevertheless, there are two data
sional wave transducer; peak frequency about 1 MHz and points with 12 percent clay content which are not in agree-
effective frequency window 0.5-1.5 MHz. The estimated ment with Figure 2, since they are plotted within the 15-30
velocities are precise to ± 1 percent. The rock samples were
cored to a diameter of 5.08 ern with lengths between 1.8 and
3.5 cm. The end faces of the samples were ground flat and
parallel to within 0.03 mm. The rock samples were then oven 5000
dried for several days at 55°Cto prevent collapse of the clay x
x x
4950 x
minerals. The rock samples were then evacuated to 10- 4 Pa x
and fully water saturated at a pressure of 10.3 MPa. '""" 4900
The compressional wave velocities were measured at full <,
water saturation and at different confining pressures, up to a E 4850
maximum of 40 MPa, simulating burial conditions of approx- x
imately 2000 m, clearly of interest in hydrocarbon explora- ~ 4800
tion. The pore fluid pressure was adjusted to be half of the u x
confining pressure, so that the effective pressure was also g 4750
half of the confining pressure (Klimentos 1988a, 1988b, >
w 4700
1990). This adjustment is in approximate agreement with the >
normal crustal pore-fluid pressure gradient of about 0.465 of ~ 4650
the overburden or confining pressure gradient (Gregory, I
1977). 0... 4600
Following the velocity measurements, I studied the geo-
logical and petrophysical properties of the rock samples. The 4550
samples were initially chemically cleaned and vacuum-oven
4500 +----,--,---r---r-..,----,r--,---r---r--.
dried to determine the dry density. Subsequently, porosity o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
was determined to a precision of ± 1 percent using a helium CONFINING PRESSURE (MPa)
porosimeter. Permeability was measured using a nitrogen
permeameter and corrected for the Klinkenberg effect FIG. 1. P-wave velocity as a function of confining pressure
(Klinkenberg, 1941). Furthermore, whole rock and then clay P ef = P conf/2.
1932 Klimentos
percent clay zone. This apparent discrepancy may be caused Figure 4 presents the P-wave velocity variation as a
by the type of clay in these two samples, as their clay function of clay content at 40 MPa confining pressure for all
consists of only authegenic pore-bridging illite (10 percent), rocks with porosities of 15 and 28 percent. This figure
and chlorite (2 percent), with the 10 percent illitic content demonstrates that for both cases there is a clear linear trend
being the highest observed from all samples. of decreasing compressional velocity with increasing clay
Figure 3 shows the compressional velocity data, at 40 MPa content.
confining pressure, as a function of clay content for porosi- A multivariable linear regression was performed on the
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ties ranging from 6 to 36 percent. It is evident from this figure data set of the 42 water-saturated sandstone samples used in
that despite the significant scatter, a clear trend prevails, Figures 2 and 3. Thus, the relationship between P-wave
which indicates that compressional velocity V p decreases velocity V p (kmls), porosity <I> (fractional) and clay-content
with increasing clay content. This is in agreement with the C (fractional) from the regression is
results of Tosaya and Nul' (1982), Kowallis et al. (1984) and
Han et al. (1986). Vp(km/s) = 5.87 - 6.99<1> - 3.33C, r = 0.96 (1)

Comparing equation (1) with that derived by Han et al.

Clay content (%)
zones Vp(kmls) = 5.59 - 6.93<1> - 2.18C, (2)
5800 [!]o
one can see that the clay coefficient in equation (1) is greater,
5600 whereas the porosity coefficients are almost identical. This
5400 discrepancy in the clay coefficient can be explained by the
r--. 5200 fact that Han et al. (1986) have estimated their clay contents
~5000 05[J1l[!], by thin-section point-counting only. Their clay overestima-
9 o.
54800 tion may be attributed to the point-counting of clay micro-
7[!] tfJ [!]7
~ 4600 14[!] [!)s So
porosity and minerals with flaky textures, such as hematite
U 4400 SQbt5 ~ and other ion oxides.
d 4200 15
,£!liZ IS'!>:.
15 As stated previously, for a constant porosity the P-wave
velocity decrease is caused primarily by the clay content.
> 4000 £!I 12 0

~ 3800 This decrease in P-wave velocity associated with increasing

~ 3600 \5 5 e" clay-content may be attributed either to the increase of
d. 3400 noncompressible clay microporosity or to the elastic moduli
3200 of the clay content itself.
2800 Effects of permeability on P-wave velocities
Figure 5 is a log-linear plot of P-wave velocity V p at 40
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Mpa versus permeability for sandstone samples with a
POROSITY (%) porosity range of 6 to 36 percent. The scatter is large,
especially at low permeabilities, with only a minor increasing
FIG. 2. P-wave velocity at 1 MHz and 40 MPa confining trend of V p with increasing permeability. Once again, the
pressure as a function of porosity and clay content for all


5500 m
'" 5000
['J <,
'" 5000 ['J
<, ';:' 4500
E I'l ,...
l!J U
';:' 4500 m
s 4000

g 4000 >
!.oJ ~ 3500
> m I!I «
l!J n 3=
~ 3500 m
d. 3000
d. 3000
Slope = -89
2500 Sid dey = 4599
Yinler = 51 65 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
2000 Sid dey = 26507 CLAY CONTENT (%)
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
FIG. 4. P-wave velocity at 1 MHz and 40 MPa confining
FIG. 3. P-wave velocity at 1 MHz and 40 MPa confining pressure, as a function of clay content for samples with
pressure, as a function of clay content and porosity for average porosity 15 ± 1 percent (squares) and 28 ± 1 percent
samples with porosities 6-36 percent. (circles).
P-wave Velocity in Sandstones 1933

data was regressed with permeability entering as a new Additionally, lithology and other petrophysical effects (e.g.,
variable. The new relationships obtained are grain size and shape, pore size and shape, etc.) on the data
used in Figure 7 have been minimized. The five samples with
V p = 5.59 - 8.36<1> + 0.002K, r = 0.93 (3) negligibleclay content (squares) come from the same forma-
V p = 5.66 - 6.11<1> - 3.53C + 0.0007K, r = 0.96 (4) tion with a lithology of approximately 90-percent quartz and
10-percent feldspar.
where K is permeability in md. Equations (3) and (4) show
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that the effect of permeability on P-wave velocity is very

small compared to that of porosity and clay content. The
scatter of Figure 5 is considerably reduced when the data are
plotted for a constant porosity, as shown in Figure 6 for The data presented in the previous sections show that the
samples with 15- and 28-percent porosity. However, if the clay content in sandstones has a dominant effect on the
data of IS-percent porosity from Figure 6 is further grouped velocity of compressional waves, at very high pressures,
in terms of clay content, as shown in Figure 7 for negligible where microcracks are closed and terminal velocities (i.e.,
(squares) and 15 percent clay content (circles), respectively, independent of pressure) are reached. This phenomenon has
the effect of permeability on P-wave velocity becomes been reported previously by Tosaya and Nur (1982), Kow-
negligible. Hence, this misleading velocity-permeability de- allis et al. (1984) and Han et al. (1986). However, the
pendence in Figures 5 and 6, arises mainly from the velocity- mechanisms of the clay effect on seismic velocities are still
clay content and clay content-permeability interrelations. under investigation.
Figures 8-11 show that clays can cause the following
changes to the petrophysical properties:
10000 1) Reduce the diameter of pores and pore-throats.
8000 2) Create microporosity with pores <1 microns.
7000 3) Increase the specific surface area.
Klimentos and McCann (1988a, 1988b, 1988c, 1990) have
i 5000 m
m "'' ' m '" shown that intra-pore clay minerals increase the attenuation
o m
of seismic waves mainly due to their high specific surface
...J o area. The following section is an attempt to investigate the
w 3000
> mechanisms of the clay effect on P-wave velocities by using
« a modification of Bioi's theory (Biot 1956a, 1956b).
~ 2000

Slope = 2
SId dey = 111 1
Yin!er = 399S
1000 +----,--,--.----,-----,----r--, SId dey =
50 100 150 200 250 300 350
FIG. 5. Measured P-wave velocity at 1 MHz and 40 MPa, as
a function of permeability for samples with porosities 6-36 5600
.--... 5400
-S 5200
§o 5000
i 5000
~ 4800
~ 4000
U ~ 4600
w 3000 I
> 0...
w 4400
~I 2000

4000 -j------,--,------,--,------,--,------,
o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 PERMEABILITY (mD)
FIG. 7. P-wave velocity at 1 MHz and 40 MPa, as a function
FIG. 6. Log-log plot of P-wave velocity at 1MHz and 40 MPa of permeability for rock samples with average porosity 15 ±
confining pressure, as a function of permeability for samples 1 percent, identical lithology, grain-size and sorting, pore-
with average porosities 15 ± 1 percent (squares) and 28 ± 1 size and shape, and negligible (i.e., <1 percent, squares) or
percent (circles), with linear best fits. identical (i.e., 15 percent, circles) clay content.
1934 Klimentos
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FIG. 8. Well-crystallized, authegenic Kaolinite precipitated FIG. 10. Pore-lining and bridging illitic ribbons in rock
on the pore-walls and filling a pore of rock sample A4BP. sample A6BP. Note the increase of the overall surface area.
Scale bar = 165 microns, magnification: 350x. Scale bar = 10 microns, magnification: 5550 x.

FIG. 11. Abundant pore-lining and grain coating glauconitic

FIG. 9. Enlargement of central area of Figure 8. Note the clay particles of rock sample 4HM1. Note (a) reduction of
increase of the overall surface area and the presence of the pore-throat size, (b) intra-clay microporosity and (c)
intra-clay microporosity. Scale bar = 46 microns, magnifi- increase of the surface area. Scale bar = 26 microns,
cation: 1220 x. magnification: 2135 x.
P-wave Velocity in Sandstones 1935


0= Sc/So = \f2CDsetJ-3/2Kl/2, (11)
Geerstma and Smit (1961) modified Biot's theory (Biot,
1956a, 1956b) and obtained approximate solutions more where C is the fractional clay content, D is the density of wet
practical to applications in geophysics. They found that clay in g/cm ', s is the specific surface area of the clay
content in cm 2 /g, <I> is the fractional porosity, T is the
2 V~ + VciUe/f)2 tortuosity, R is the radius of single pore-size in em and K is
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V -----,------.,.--- (5) the permeability in em -2. By combining equations (9), (10),

p - V; + V~Ue/f)2
and (11),
where V p is the P-wave velocity at frequency f, Vo is the
"zero-frequency" velocity (i.e., forfrequencies much lower 2 V~ + Vci[(fcJf)\f2CDsetJ-3/2KI/2]2
than the Biot characteristic frequency fe)' and V is the 00 V
= V~ + V~[Ue/f)\f2CDs<l>-3/2Kll2]2 . (12)
"infinite frequency" velocity (i.e., for very high frequen-
cies). Equation (5) shows that P-wave velocity decreases Knowing that fe = (4IJ.J'ITpjR2)TII2 for smooth tortuous
with increasing Uc!f), approaching asymptotically the value pore-walls (Biot 1956b) and T = etJ -I (Johnson, 1985) one
of Yo. If I; is constant, P-wave velocity increases with obtains
increasing frequency approaching asymptotically the value
V~ + Vci(0.56fLCDsetJ 1/2K-1I2/'ITpj) 2
of V which is the velocity of purely elastic waves (i.e.,

nonattenuative and nondispersive waves).

vp2 = V; + V~(0.56fLCDsetJ 1I2K-1I2/'ITpj) 2 .
In Biot's theory it was convenient to introduce the char-
acteristic frequency as Equations (12) and (13) suggest that:
1) P-wave velocity V p in saturated porous rocks is mainly
(6) dependent on V 0 and V 00 ,

where b is the ratio of the total friction force to the average 2) Vo ~ V p ~ V oo , and
fluid velocity, Pj is the fluid density and <I> is the fractional 3) If Vo and V are defined, then porosity <1>, clay content

porosity. Klimentos (1988b, 1989) has shown that for an C, specific surface area s , wet-clay density D, perme-
intrapore clay rough surface area of the pore-walls the Biot ability K, pore-fluid viscosity fL and density Pj' have an
ratio b becomes indirect slight effect on V p by shifting it along the
velocity window V 0 - V 00 •

b* = ob = (Sc/So)b (7) Gassmann (1951) and Geerstma and Smit (1961) showed
that the "zero" and "infinite" frequency velocities Vo and
where 0 is the "surface area" correction factor, Sc is the
V are strongly dependent on the elastic moduli of the dry
specific surface area of the intra-pore clay rough area and So
rock. Although no experimental proof has yet been reported,
is the specific surface area of smooth pore-walls. Corre-
I believe that clay minerals situated at the grain contacts
spondingly, for a rough surface area
lower the bulk and shear moduli in dry consolidated rocks.
f~ =(b*/2'ITp j <l» =ofe =(Sc/So )fe =(Sc/So )(b/2'ITp jetJ) (8) Consequently, V 0 and V are decreased which leads to

lower P-wave velocity. In addition, equations (12) and (13)

Thus, for an intrapore clay rough surface area, equation (5) show that there is a slight clay effect on V p via the effect of
becomes clay-content C, wet-clay density D and specific surface
area s.
Multiple pore-size distribution model

Single pore-size model Consider a porous medium with a multiple pore-size

distribution as described by McCann and McCann (1985).
Consider two porous media with the following properties: This model is a porous rock with porosity consisting of a
1) A single pore-size, distribution of cylindrical pores of varying radii R and the
2) Equal effective porosity and permeability, fractional porosity contributed by each pore radius interval
3) Different surface areas, being <I> R' All the pores of a given radius are gathered
4) The first has smooth pore walls or skeletal frame as in together to form a unit cross-sectional area segment of rock,
Biot's theory (1956), and with the porosity of the segment being assumed equal to the
5) The second has pore walls with a uniformly distributed overall porosity etJ of the rock. The length of each segment is
intrapore clay rough surface area as described in the set equal to etJR/<I>; the summed length of the segment is
theory presented by Klimentos (1988a, 1989). therefore unity and the total porosity of the unit cube of the
It can be easily proved (Klimentos 1988a, 1989) that for rock is etJ. Hence the density is uniform throughout the
the above conditions the surface correction factor 0 is model. Two alternative assumptions can be made. The first
related to clay content, porosity, and permeability by the assumption is that the clay content is distributed uniformly
following expressions throughout the rock. Thus, the relative fractional clay con-
tent C existing in each different pore-size segment is equal to
the overall fractional clay content C of the rock. Conse-
quently, the absolute fractional clay content existing in each
1936 Klimentos
segment will be equal to C times (<I> R 1<1». In this model described in the experimental procedure section. The data of
equations (12) and (13) will be valid for each different the specific areas of clays are from the existing literature on
pore-size segment and the total velocity will be equal to physical properties of clays (Diamond and Kinter, 1956;
Aylmore and Quirk, 1960; Konta, 1961; Van Olphen and
i=N <I> Fripiat, 1979; and Gillot, 1987).
_I '" Ri (14)
Vp=LJ--, Figure 15 shows the variation of the divergence "V p -
i ~ 1 II> V Pi
V o" of measured (line a) and calculated (line b) terminal
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where V Pi is the P-wave velocity of each individual segment P-wave velocity V p at 40 MPa from calculated "zero-
given by equations (12) or (13) and (II>Ri/ll» is the length L, frequency" velocity V 0, as a function of permeability for all
of each segment. The second assumption is that the bulk of samples with porosities 6-36 percent. The data show a trend
the clay content exists in the microporosity of the rock. of increasing" V p - V 0" with increasing permeability, but
Thus, there will be two different types ofregions; a type of the scatter is very large. The discrepancy (negative V p -
Yo) at very low permeabilities (very high clay content) may
clay-free or clean macroporosity, and a type of intra-clay
microporosity. In the macroporosity, the P- wave velocities
will tend to be equal to the "infinite-frequency" velocity V 00

and in the clay microporosity they will tend to approach the

"zero-frequency" velocity V o' The total P-wave velocity
for a random distribution of the two types of porosity in this 1.000

model is
e 10

1 1- x x
-=--+- (Klimentos, 1988a), (15)
v- v; V o
where x is the total fractional length of the intraclay micro- ~ .950
porosity regions. If the clay-microporosity regions have a "~
uniform clay distribution, then 1Il •
x = C<I>clay (16) >0-
where II>clay is the intraclay fractional microporosity. V 0 and FOURTH DEGREE)
V can be estimated from the dry elastic bulk and shear
00 II .900


Figure 12 shows the variation of (V p-fully water saturatedl
V p-dry) as a function of porosity at high pressures (Gregory, PRESSURE=10.000 PSI.
1976). From "V p-fully water saturated" and Figure 12 we
can estimate "V p-dry" for a specific porosity. We can then
estimate the shear wave velocity" V s -fully water saturated"
from the following equation (Castagna et al., 1985) .800 ' - - _ - L _ - 1_ _.L-_-L_--I_ _..1.-_-1.---I
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
V p = 1.16V s + 1.36 (17) POROSITY. PERCENT

V s is almost independent of saturation, hence we may FIG. 12. P-wave velocity ratio versus porosity for fully
assume that Vs-fully water saturated = V s-dry; knowing water-saturated rocks and dry rocks under 69 MPa (10,000
Vp-dryand V s-dry we can then estimate the dry elastic bulk Psi) confining pressure (after Gregory, 1976).
and shear moduli. V 0 and V can then be estimated from the

elastic moduli. A numerical example is given in Table 1. Table 1. Measured properties and predicted values.
Measured V p (fully water-saturated) = 4246 mls
Figures 13 and 14 show a comparison between measured Porosity II> = 0.1541
and predicted P-wave velocities by the single-pore size and Clay content C = 0.15
Intra-clay microporosity II>clay = 0.3
the multiple pore-size model, respectively. The dashed line
is the best fit for the measured/predicted P-wave velocities The predicted values are:
and the solid line stands for loo-percent accurate predictions Bulk modulus of the dry rock K o = 19.657 GPa
(predicted V p = measured V p). It can be seen that for Shear modulus /.l. = 14.41 GPa
velocities> 4000 m/s, both models predict velocities within "Zero-frequency" velocity V o = 4166 mls
the experimental error (± 1 percent). The petrophysical data "Infinite-frequency" velocity V = 4234 mls

P-wave velocity V p = 4231 mls

of porosity, permeability, and clay content were obtained as
P-wave Velocity in Sandstones 1937

be due to the dominant effect of clay content on the dry pecting «200 Hz) and in sonic logging (10 to 30 KHz). The
elastic moduli as described in the previous section. On the velocity of sound is known to vary slightly with frequency.
basis of Figure 15 it would appear that "V p - V o" Velocities measured at logging frequencies (~1O KHz) are
increases with increasing permeability, but the scatter is so higher than those measured at seismic frequencies (10-100
large that is rather difficult to compute an accurate enough Hz) (Goetz et al., 1979). Velocity dispersion with frequency
permeability from velocity data only. Nevertheless, P-wave is an extensively but inadequately understood subject of
velocity can give qualitative permeability information; very exploration geophysics. An understanding of velocity dis-
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low" V p - V 0" is probably but not definitely attributed to persion could help in correcting the distortion of seismic
very low-permeability rocks. pulses in seismics and vertical seismic profiling and thus
improve the resolution ofrefiector locations (Winkler, 1986).
King (1966), Murphy (1982), Gregory (1976), and Winkler
EXTRAPOLATION FROM ULTRASONIC TO SEISMIC (1985, 1986) found that in many rocks dispersion between
FREQUENCIES zero frequency and ultrasonic frequencies is of the order of
10 percent at low effective pressures, and it decreases to
Results of seismic wave propagation studies in the labo- only a few percent at higher pressures. Winkler (1985),
ratory would be very valuable if they could guide the studying the P-wave velocity dispersion on brine-saturated
interpretation of seismic field data and sonic well logs. It is Berea sandstone, found that at 20 MPa effective stress the
recognized that wide differences exist between the ultrasonic observed dispersion between seismic and ultrasonic frequen-
frequencies (0.5-1.5 MHz) and those used in seismic pros- cies is 2.1 percent (percent increase of the "ultrasonic-
frequency" velocity in the saturated rock relative to the
"seismic-frequency" velocity), i.e, Vultras =3923 mls and
Vseism = 3843 m/s. Hence, there is no significant velocity
dispersion with frequency in consolidated fully water-satu-
rated sedimentary porous rocks over this frequency range at
high differential pressures. Nevertheless, for a more realistic
~ 5000 approach to the "seismic velocity/porosity-permeability-
..s clay content" relationship, it would be appropriate to con-
vert the seismic velocities from ultrasonic to seismic fre-
quencies. This was done here by using the method of
estimating the dry elastic moduli from ultrasonic P-wave
velocity data, as suggested above; then the "zero or seismic-
frequency" P-wave velocity Vo was calculated from the
elastic moduli (Gassmann, 1951). By replacing the measured
ultrasonic velocities V p by the seismic velocities V 0' for
sandstones with porosities between 6 and 36 percent, I
2000 +r."..-rr,....,...,""--rr-1r-r-1--'-'--rT--r-r.,..,."..-rr,....,...,.,...,r-r-1"""-' obtain
2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

FIG. 13. Comparison between measured and predicted

P-wave velocities by the single-pore size model.


'Z 5000
d> 4000
I /'
o /'
~ 3000 /

o, 300 350
100 150 200 250
3000 4000 5000 6000
MEASURED P-WAVE VELOCITY (m/s) FIG. 15. Variation of the divergence V p - V 0 of measured
V p (line a) and calculated V p (line b) at 40 MPa from
FIG. 14. Comparison between measured and predicted calculated "zero-frequency" velocity V 0, as a function of
P-wave velocities by the multiple-pore size model. permeability for all samples with porosities 6--36 percent.
1938 Klimentos

VP(seismic) = 5.27 - 5.4<1> - 2.54C + 0.97 1O- 3K, Editor of Geophysics for their helpful and constructive
(18) review of this paper. I thank Maurice Vanderhaeghen
r = 0.93 (Soekor pty ltd) for his in-house review of this paper. Soekor
(Pty) Ltd provided the use of their facilities for manuscript
where V P(seismic) is in Km/s at seismic frequencies. preparation and editing.
Downloaded 05/19/13 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; see Terms of Use at

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Geoscience and Postgraduate Research Institute for Sed- taining clays: Presented at the 51st Ann. Internat. Mtg., Eur.
imentology, University of Reading, U. K.) for useful discus- Assn. Expl. Geophys.
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