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ROMILLO fact in this case is the Nevada divorce of the

ART 15 parties

ISSUE: Whether or not the foreign divorce
 Pet, Alice Reyes Van Dorn is a PH citizen between the petitioner and private
while the respondent is US Citizen, they respondent in Nevada is binding in the
were married in HK 1972, then lived in PH Philippines where petitioner is a Filipino
and begot two children, respectively, they citizen.
were divorce in Nevada US and where also
Alice Van Dorn got remarried to Theodore  HELD:
Van Dorn  As to Richard Upton, the divorce is
 Priv Res, filed suit against the petitioner binding on him as an American Citizen.
stating that the petitioner’s business in  Owing to the nationality principle
Ermita isconjugal property and asking the embodied in Article 15 of the Civil Code,
petitioner be ordered to render an account only Philippine nationals are covered by
of that business where he claim that he has the policy against absolute divorces the
the right to manage the business because it same being considered contrary to our
is conjugal property. concept of public policy and morality.
 Pet, moved to dismiss the case on the  However, aliens may obtain divorces
ground that the action is barred by previous abroad, which may be recognized in the
judgement in the divorce proceedings in Philippines, provided they are valid
the Nevada Court, where the res according to their national law. The
acknowledge that he and pet had no divorce is likewise valid as to the
community property. petitioner.
 Court denied to the motion to dismiss on
the ground that the property is located in  As such, pursuant to his national law,
PH in where the divorce decree has no private respondent Richard Upton is no
bearing in the case. longer the husband of petitioner.
 Pet, also contends that the business was not
established by conjugal funds
 Respondent avers that Divorce Decree  He would have no standing to sue Alice
issued in Nevada cannot prevail over Van Dorn to exercise control over
prohibitive laws of the PH and declared conjugal assets.
national policy
 It is not necessary to determine whether the
property relations between petitioner and  He was bound by the Decision of his
res, after the marriage were upon absolute own country’s Court, which validly
or relative community property. The pivotal exercised jurisdiction over him, and
whose decision he did not repudiate, he
is estopped by his own representation on the ground that they were deprived
before said Court from asserting his of their legitimes as illegitimate children
right over the alleged conjugal property.  Probate Court: Relying upon Art. 16 of
the Civil Code, it applied the national
BELLIS VS. BELLIS law of the decedent, which in this case is
 Amos Belis born in Texas, a citizen of the Texas law, which did not provide for
state of Texas and of the US., first wife, legitimes.
Mary E. Mallen;
- 5 Legitimate Child ;
1. Henry
2. Edward
3. George – pre deceased in infancy  HELD: Doctrine of Processual
4. Anna Presumption:
5. Alexander
 The foreign law, whenever applicable,
Second wife, Violet Kennedy;
should be proved by the proponent
- 3 legitimate child
thereof, otherwise, such law shall be
1. Edwin presumed to be exactly the same as the
2. Walter law of the forum.
3. Dorothy  In the absence of proof as to the conflict
of law rule of Texas, it should not be
and 3 ILLEGITIMATE child to Amos Bellis;
presumed different from ours. Apply
Maria Cristina and Miriam Palma Amos
Philippine laws.
Bellis Jr,
 Article 16, par. 2, and Art. 1039 of the
 Amos Bellis died in San Antonio Texas Civil Code, render applicable the
USA, and his will admitted to probate in national law of the decedent, in intestate
the CFI of Manila or testamentary successions, with regard
 Amos G. Bellis executed a will in PH to four items: (a) the order of succession;
where it state that his 1st wife: 240,000 , (b) the amount of successional rights; (e)
second wife will receive 120,000 and to the intrinsic validity of the provisions of
his 3 illegitimate children will get 40,000 the will; and (d) the capacity to succeed.
each They provide that —
 All the remainder shall go to his 7  ART. 16. Real property as well as
legitimate child in equal shares personal property is subject to the law
 People's Bank and Trust Company as of the country where it is situated
executor of the will did as the will
directed  However, intestate and testamentary
 Maria Cristina Bellis and Miriam Palma successions, both with respect to the
Bellis filed their respective oppositions order of succession and to the amount
of successional rights and to the intrinsic  Pet, entered to a ICA or Independent
validity of testamentary provisions, shall Contractors Agreement with the
be regulated by the national law of the Respondent, KITAMURA, japanese
person whose succession is under nations residing in PH.
consideration, whatever may he the  Kitamura were assigned as Proj Manager
nature of the property and regardless of of STAR Project in 1991
the country wherein said property may  2000 he was informed by the Petitiones
be found. that it will no longer renew the ICA and
will be retained till the expiration
 ART. 1039. Capacity to succeed is  Consequently, Kitamura filed a
governed by the law of the nation of the complaint for specific performance and
decedent. damages with the Regional Trial Court
 The parties admit that the decedent,  Petitioners contended that the ICA had
Amos G. Bellis, was a citizen of the State been perfected in Japan and executed
of Texas, U.S.A., and that under the laws by and between Japanese nationals,
of Texas, there are no forced heirs or moved to dismiss the complaint for lack
legitimes. Accordingly, since the intrinsic of jurisdiction.
validity of the provision of the will and  They asserted that the claim for
the amount of successional rights are to improper pre-termination of
be determined under Texas law, the respondent’s ICA could only be heard
Philippine law on legitimes cannot be and ventilated in the proper courts of
applied to the testacy of Amos G. Bellis. Japan following the principles of lex loci
celebrationis and lex contractus.
 The RTC, denied the motion to dismiss.
*RENVOI DOCTRINE - takes place when the
 Petitioners on certiorari invoked the
conflicts rule of the forum makes a reference to
defense of forum non conveniens. On
a foreign law, but the foreign law is found to
petition for review before this Court,
contain a conflict rule that returns or refers the
petitioners dropped their other
matter back to the law of the forum
arguments, maintained the forum non
conveniens defense, and introduced
their new argument that the applicable
HASEGAWA V. NIKAMURA principle is the [state of the] most
 Nippon Engineering Consultants, significant relationship rule.
petitioner is a Japanese Consultancy firm
ISSUE:Whether or not the subject matter
which provides technical and
jurisdiction of Philippine courts in civil cases for
management suppor in the
specific performance and damages involving
infrastracture project of Foreign
contracts executed outside the country by
foreign nationals may be assailed on the  Lex loci celebrationis relates to the “law
principles of lex loci celebrationis, lex of the place of the ceremony” or the law
contractus, the “state of the most significant of the place where a contract is made.
relationship rule,” or forum non conveniens The doctrine of lex contractus or lex loci
contractus means the “law of the place
 HELD: No. To elucidate, in the judicial
where a contract is executed or to be
resolution of conflicts problems, three
consecutive phases are involved:
 Accordingly, since the RTC is vested by
jurisdiction, choice of law, and
law with the power to entertain and hear
recognition and enforcement of
the civil case filed by respondent and
the grounds raised by petitioners to
 Jurisdiction and choice of law are two
assail that jurisdiction are inappropriate,
distinct concepts. Jurisdiction considers
the trial and appellate courts correctly
whether it is fair to cause a defendant to
denied the petitioners’ motion to
travel to this state; choice of law asks the
further question whether the application
of a substantive law which will
determine the merits of the case is fair
 Respondent Mabasa owns a parcel of
to both parties. The power to exercise
land with a two door aparment erected
jurisdiction does not automatically give
thereon situated at the Interior P. Burgos
a state constitutional authority to apply
St. Palingon, Tipas, Taguig Metro Manila.
forum law.
 the said property purchased by Mabasa,
 To succeed in its motion for the
have tenants occupying the remises and
dismissal of an action for lack of
were acknowledge by Mabasa as
jurisdiction over the subject matter of
the claim, the movant must show that
 However sometime in Feb 1962, one the
the court or tribunal cannot act on the
tenant built an adobe fence in the first
matter submitted to it because no law
passageway making it narrower in width
grants it the power to adjudicate the
 constructed by Petitioners Santoses
along their property which is also along
 In the instant case, petitioners, in their
the first passageway. Defendant Morato
motion to dismiss, do not claim that the
constructed her adobe fence and even
trial court is not properly vested by law
extended said fence in such a way that
with jurisdiction to hear the subject
the entire passageway was enclosed.
controversy for, indeed, Civil Case No.
 Petitioners claim that they built the wall
00-0264 for specific performance and
in order to protect their persons and
damages is one not capable of
their property from their intrusive
pecuniary estimation and is properly
cognizable by the RTC of Lipa City.
 Trial Court nonetheless ordered that an  provided for in Article 21 of the New
easement be created. Civil Code and where the following
 Mabasa not satisfied, went to the Court requisites must concur: (1) defendant
of Appeals which modified the decision acted in a manner contrary to morals,
of the trial court by awarding actual good customs or public policy; (2) The
damages (p65,000.00), moral damages acts should be willful and; (3) There was
(p30,000.00) and exemplary damages damage or injury to the plaintiff. None
(p10,000.00). of these requisites was present in this
 Hence this petition. Damages were case.
based on the fact of loss in the form of  The loss was therefore not a result of a
unrealized rentals on the property due violation of a legal duty. Instances where
to the adobe wall restricting acces the damage was not a result of an injury
is called damnum absque injuria and the
plaintiff is not normally given an award
for damages.
RULING:  In other words, in order that the law will
give redress for an act causing damage,
 Yes. The Court of Appeals erred, the
that act must be not only hurtful, but
award for damages has no legal basis.
wrongful. There must be damnum et
The mere fact of loss does not give rise
to a right to recover damages. There
must be both a right of action for a legal DOCTRINE:
wrong inflicted by defendant and a
The mere fact that the plaintiff suffered
damage to the plaintiff resulting
losses does not give rise to a right to
therefrom. Damages are merely a part
recover damages. To warrant the recovery
of the remedy allowed for the injury
of damages, there must be both a right of
caused by a breach or wrong.
action for a legal wrong inflicted by the
 An injury is an illegal invasion of a legal
defendant, and damage resulting to the
right, any loss, hurt and harm resulting
plaintiff therefrom. Wrong without damage,
from the injury is damage.
or damage without wrong, does not
 Damages are the recompense or
constitute a cause of action, since damages
compensation awarded for the damage
are merely part of the remedy allowed for
suffered. In this case, the petitioners
the injury caused by a breach or wrong.
merely constructed an adobe wall which
was in keeping with and is a valid **** Damnum absque injuria – There is a
exercise of their rights as the owner of material distinction between damages and
their respective properties—i.e. there injury. Injury is the illegal invasion of a legal
was no abuse of right as right; damage is the loss, hurt, or harm
which results from the injury; and damages
are the recompense or compensation eventually fell in love with each other
awarded for the damage suffered. Thus, and conducted clandestine trysts and
there can be damage without injury in those exchanged love notes
instances in which the loss or harm was not  The rumors about their love affairs
the result of a violation of a legal duty. reached Lolita's parents sometime, in
These situations are often called damnum 1955, and since then defendant was
absque injuria. forbidden from going to their house and
from further seeing Lolita. The plaintiffs
Article 21 – Article 21 of the New Civil Code
even filed deportation proceedings
provides the basis for the principle of abuse
against defendant.
of rights. For there to be an abuse of rights,
 The affair between defendant and Lolita
the following requisites must concur: (1)
continued nonetheless.On April 14,
defendant acted in a manner contrary to
1957, Lolita disappeared from their
morals, good customs or public policy; (2)
house but her brothers and sisters found
The acts should be willful and; (3) There was
a note written by the defendant.
damage or injury to the plaintiff. *****
ISSUE: WON the defendant is liable
according to Art 21 of CC
 HELD: Defendant won Lolita's
affection through an ingenious
scheme or trickery and seduced her
 Plaintiffs are the parents, brothers and
to the extent of making her fall in
sisters of one Lolita Pe. At the time of
love with him. The wrong that
her disappearance on April 14, 1957,
defendant has caused Lolita and her
Lolita was 24 years old and unmarried.
family is indeed immeasurable
Defendant is a married man and works
considering the fact that he is a
as agent of the La Perla Cigar and
married man. Verily, he has
Cigarette Factory.
committed an injury to Lolita's family
 Defendant was an adopted son of a
in a manner contrary to morals,
Chinaman named Pe Beco, a collateral
good customs, and public policy as
relative of Lolita's father. Because of
contemplated in Article 21 of the
such fact and the similarity in their
New Civil Code.
family name, defendant became close to
the plaintiffs who regarded him as a
member of their family.
 "Any person who wilfully causes loss
 Sometime in 1952, defendant
or injury to another in a manner
frequented the house of Lolita on the
which is contrary to morals, good
pretext that he wanted her to teach him
customs, or public policy shall
how to pray the rosary. The two
compensate the latter for the  Whether or not breach of promise to
damage." marry is an actionable wrong.
 - P5,000.00 as damages  Whether or not Art. 21 of the Civil Code
applies to this case.
 - P2,000.00 as attorney's fees and
 Whether or not pari delicto applies in
expenses of litigation
this case
 - costs against appellee  HELD: The existing rule is that a breach
of promise to marry per se is not an
actionable wrong.
 Petitioner Gashem Shookat Baksh was  This, notwithstanding, Art. 21 is
an Iranian citizen, exchange student designed to expand the concept of torts
taking a medical course in Dagupan City, or quasi-delict in this jurisdictions by
who courted private respondent Marilou granting adequate legal remedy for the
Gonzales, and promised to marry her. untold number of moral wrongs which is
 On the condition that they would get impossible for human foresight to
married, she reciprocated his love. They specifically enumerate and punish in the
then set the marriage after the end of statute books.
the school semester.  Art. 21 defines quasi-delict:
 He visited Marilou’s parents to secure Whoever by act or omission causes
their approval of marriage. In August damage to another, there being fault or
1987, he forced her to live with him, negligence is obliged to pay for the
which she did. damage done. Such fault or negligence,
 However, his attitude toward her if there is no pre-existing contractual
changed after a while; he would maltreat relation between the parties, is called
and even threatened to kill her, from quasi-delict and is governed by the (Civil
which she sustained injuries. Code).
 Upon confrontation with the barangay  It is clear that petitioner harbors a
captain, he repudiated their marriage condescending if not sarcastic regard for
agreement, saying that he was already the private respondent on account of
married to someone living in Bacolod. the latter’s ignoble birth, inferior
 Marilou then filed for damages before educational background, poverty and, as
the RTC. perceived by him, dishonorable
 Baksh denied the accusations but employment. From the beginning,
asserted that he told her not to go to his obviously, he was not at all moved by
place since he discovered her stealing good faith and an honest motive. Thus,
his money and passport. his profession of love and promise to
 The RTC ruled in favor of Gonzales. The marry were empty words directly
CA affirmed the RTC decision. intended to fool, dupe, entice, beguile
and deceive the poor woman into
believing that indeed, he loved her and
would want her to be his life partner.  Tanjanco expressed his undying love
His was nothing but pure lust which he and affection for Santos who in due time
wanted satisfied by a Filipina who reciprocated the tender feelings.
honestly believed that by accepting his  Santos consented and acceded to
proffer of love and proposal of marriage, Tanjanco's pleas for carnal knowledge
she would be able to enjoy a life of ease because off his promise to marriage.
and security. Petitioner clearly violated Santos then conceived a child as a
the Filipino concept of morality and so consequence and to avoid
brazenly defied the traditional respect embarrassment and humiliation she had
Filipinos have for their women. It can to resign her job as a secretary in IBM
even be said that the petitioner Inc.,.
committed such deplorable acts in  She was unable to support herself and
blatant disregard of Article 19 of the the baby.
Civil Code which directs every person to  She also suffered moral shock and
act with justice, give everyone his due, humiliation because Tanjanco refused to
and observe honesty and good faith in marry her.
the exercise of his right and in the  She prayed that Tanjanco would be
performance of his obligations. liable for damages
 No foreigner must be allowed to make
ISSUE : WON Santos can claim damages and if
a mockery of our laws, customs and
the acts of Tanjanco constitutes seduction.
 She is not in pari delicto with the  HELD:
petitioner. Pari delicto means in equal  No case can be made since the plaintiff
fault. At most, it could be conceded that Araceli was a woman of adult age,
she is merely in delicto. maintained intimate sexual relations
 Equity often interfered for the relief of with appellant with repeated acts of
the less guilty of the parties, where his intercourse. Such is not compatible to
transgression has been brought about the idea of seduction.
by the imposition of undue influence of  Plainly, there is voluntariness and mutual
the party on whom the burden of the passion; for had the appellant been
original wrong principally rests, or where deceived she would not have again
his consent to the transaction was itself yielded to his embraces much less for
procured by fraud. one year without exacting fulfillment of
the alleged promises of marriage and
she would have cut all relationship upon
finding that the defendant did not
 Apolonio Tanjanco courted Araceli intend to fulfill his promises.
Santos both are of legal age.  One cannot be held liable for a breach
of promise to marry.
 In its decision, Court of Appeals relied  Petitioner admitted the paternity of child
upon the memorandum submitted by and expressed willingness to support
the Code Commission to the Legislature the later, but denied having ever
in 1949 to support the original draft of promised to marry the complainant.
the Civil Code. In the example set forth  The court ordered petitioner, on
by the memorandum, Court of Appeals October 27, 1954, to pay, by way of
failed to recognize that it refers to a tort alimony pendente lite, P50 a month,
upon a minor which was, on February 16 1955,
reduced to P30 a month. Sentencing
defendant to pay to plaintiff the sum of
 Complainant Soledad Cagigas, was then P4,500 for actual and compensatory
a teacher in the in Cebu, and petitioner, damages; the sum of P5,000 as moral
who was almost 10 years younger than damages; and the further sum of P500
she, used to go around together and as attorney's fees
were regarded as engaged, although he  CA affirmed this decision.
had made no promise of marriage prior
Issue: Whether moral damages are recoverable,
under our laws, for breach of promise to marry.

 One evening, in 1953, when after
 NO. Court ruled in De Jesus vs. Syquia
coming from the movies, they had
(58 Phil., 866), that "the action for breach
sexual intercourse in his cabin on board
of promise to marry has no standing in
M/V "Escaño," to which he was then
the civil law, apart from the right to
attached as apprentice pilot. In February,
recover money or property advanced * *
1954, Soledad advised petitioner that
* upon the faith of such promise".
she was in the family way, whereupon he
promised to marry her. Their child, Chris
Hermosisima, was born on June 17,
 The history of breach of promise suits in
1954, in a private maternity and clinic.
the United States and in England has
However, subsequently, or on July 24,
shown that no other action lends itself
1954, defendant married one Romanita
more readily to abuse by designing
women and unscrupulous men. It is this
 On October 4, 1954, Soledad Cagigas
experience which has led to the
filed with said court of first instance a
abolition of rights of action in the so-
complaint for the acknowledgment of
called Balm suits in many of the
her child, Chris Hermosisima, as natural
American States.
child of said petitioner, as well as for
support of said child and moral
damages for alleged breach of promise.

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