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Grade 5
Maximo Home School
Medina, Mis. Or
Teacher: Ardelene A. Mercado
Date: April 29, 2019

At the end of the period the pupils will identify parts of a circle and will be able to
describe and illustrate the relationship of radius and diameter with at least 80%


Topic: Identifying Circles and Its Parts
Materials: illustration, pictures, collared papers, manila paper, marker
References: Integrative Mathematics 5 Book pp.301-303, Our World of Math Book
pp. 344-349

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activites
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance
 Classroom Rules
NO to STEPS (Standing, Talking, Eating, Playing, Shouting)
B. Lesson Proper
 Review
Kinds of Quadrilaterals
“Riddle Game”
1. I have two pairs of parallel sides, what am I? (parallelogram)
2. I am a parallelogram which has four right angles, what am I? (rectangle)
3. I have 4 congruent sides; they also call me rectangle, what am I? (square)
4. I am also a parallelogram with four congruent sides, what am I?
5. I am the only quadrilaterals with one pair of parallel side what am I?

 Motivation
“Picture Clue”
The teacher will post a picture of a ball, and ask the pupils what curved
figure the object represents.

 Activities
“Label the Parts”
A big circle is placed on the left side of the board and on the right are the
names of its part. The teacher will pick a volunteer to label the parts of the
circle from the given description.
 Abstraction
Each pupil who volunteered will give insights on the answer they choose.

 Application
“Pick and Tell”
The pupils will pick shapes posted on the board read what was written and
share ideas about it.

Write True or False

______1. A radius is a chord.

______2. The length of a diameter of a circle is one half of the length of its radius.
______3. All chords are the same in length.

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