Complete The Following Sentences Using Superlatives: Fernando, Alejandra, Demi y Gabriela

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Complete the following sentences using superlatives.

1. The church is (old) building in our town.

2. Can you remember (wonderful)day of your life?
3. John is (careful) driver I know.
4. Michelle is (tall) girl in our class
5. (bad) restaurant in town.
6. This sofa is (comfortable) in the house.
7. Einstein was (clever) man of the twentieth
8. That movie was (good) I've seen.
9. Who is (nice) person you know?
10. It’s (expensive) way to travel.
Extra Activity
1) Our city is _____________________________ (beautiful) in Mexico.
2) Today was ______________________________(tiring) day of my life.
3) Kathie is ________________________________ (lucky) person I know.
4) Mexicali is _______________________________ (hot) city in Baja California
5) This one is (cheap)I could find.

Answer Extra Activity: 1) the most beautiful; 2) the most tiring; 3) the luckiest; 4) the hottest;5) the cheapest

Fernando, Alejandra, Demi y Gabriela.

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