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Angle input as 0 to 360 acording to show output on analog out and after one rotaion it shout start from zero

Analog input multiplie by angle(0-360) and output give on analog output

Find the time for howmuch PB is pressed

find the floating point value of sin, cos,tan of angle(0-360)
find the angle of sinˉⁱ,cosˉⁱ,tanˉⁱ from floating point value
two 16 bit data with selected input wich input selected shoud show on output and give out put of adding both
to GX works 2
take input from PB and count the noo of pressing and give oput put acording to secuance
1)5 times pressing first output on sfter thst
2)4 times pressing second output should on sfter that
3)3 times pressing third output shoul on after that
4)2 times pressing fourth output should on after that
5)1 time pressing fifth output should on after one press it shoud resetall
check the retantivity of registirs future
Details Remark
Use encoder to give angle input and analog volt meter for analog out

Use potentio meter for analog input and rotory encoder for angle input and
volt meter for analog output
Use one local PB X0 or X1 out put use online mode of GX works2
Give angle from Encoder and show output on GX work 2
Give floatinmg point value from analog input or GX works2
use potentio meter for analog input and PB to change data resistor input
and GX works 2 for output

use GX works 2 for giving input output

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