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A Research proposal submitted to the Faculty of Blessed Christian School –

Senior High School Program in Partial Fulfillment for the subject 3 I’s


Apego, Yuan Miguel V.

Atampar, Glenn C.
Ciudad, Chester A
Del Rosario, Mark Joshua V.
Lazaga, Jessie Jr R.



The history of the personal computer as a mass-market consumer

electronic device began with the microcomputer revolution of the 1980s. The 1981

launch of the IBM Personal Computer coined both the term Personal Computer

and PC. A personal computer is one intended for interactive individual use.

Computers then evolved so that many can use it and became part of our daily


Most of the students now a days are using computer just to get large

amounts of information. All of the students know that computer is an electric

machine that can store or work for people to help them easily find answer on their

question. From an international setting, having basic computer software skills is a

necessity for the students because communication is important in everyday lives.

While in a local setting, students create a presentation for the reports/assignments,

sending files by using internet, etc.

So the researchers chose this because they want to know what the basic

skills of students in software are and to identify the basic computer software skills

of Grade 10 students in Blessed Christian School S. Y 2018-2019. The locale of

this study
Theoretical Background

This study is related to the theory of Aaron Beck known as Cognitive

Learning Theory. According to Aaron Beck (2017), Cognitive Learning Theory is a

broad theory that explains thinking and differing mental processes and how they

are influenced by internal and external factors in order to produce learning in

individuals. When cognitive processes are working normally then acquisition and

storage of knowledge works well, but when these cognitive processes are

ineffective, learning delays and difficulties can be seen.

These cognitive processes are: observing, categorizing, and forming

generalizations. Cognitive Learning Theory relates to Basic Software Skills

because some students do not know about what are going to do how to move a

document, or how to create a presentation, and etc. The connection of this theory

in this study is to tell that having basic software skills will help the students to

organize documents, browsing internet, and creating a good presentation.

Background of the Study

Software skills help you to efficiently use computer programs and

applications. There are some software skills that employers may consider as

prerequisites to employment. Employers may not include some software skills on

job posts under the assumption they are universally understood. For example,

many employers may believe all applicants have a basic knowledge of word

processing programs, like Microsoft Word (Indeed, 2019).

The history of computers is deeply rooted in the desire by mankind to

compute basic mathematical functions. These and other tasks remain the core

functions of computers even today. Advanced computers as we know them today

became mainstream at the turn of the 20th century.

But in this world, almost everything in the software can be done by a human

being by means of technology, however there are still disadvantages of this

creation, one is the negligence of more important things, like most of the youth are

focusing only in one side, the entertainment side. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

and many more, but most of them didn’t even know the other side of computer,

like how to use Microsoft offices and so much more.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of this study

What is the PROCESS
demographic profile of OUTPUT
the respondents in 1. Data
Gathering Identified Basic
terms of: Computer
1.1 Section Software Skills of
a. Distribution Grade 10
1.2 Gender and retrieval of Students in
1.3 Availability of survey Blessed Christian
Internet Connection questionaire School
What is the level b. Tabulation of
proficiencies of data
computer skills of the 2. Data Analysis
JHS Students of BCS in
terms of: 3. Evaluation
2.1 Navigation
2.2 Browsing
2.3 Creating
2.4 Typing
3. Is there any
significant difference on
the proficiency level of
the grade 7 students
when they are grouped
according to their
demographic profile?

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to identify the Basic Computer Software Skills

of Grade 10 students in Blessed Christian School. Specifically, this study aims to

answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Section

1.2 Gender

1.3 Availability of Internet Connection

2. What is the level of proficiency of computer skills of the grade 7 students of

BCS in terms of:

2.1 Navigation

2.2 Browsing

2.3 Creating documents/spreadsheets/presentation

2.4 Typing

3. Is there any significant difference on the proficiency level of the grade 10

students when they are grouped according to their demographic profile?

Statement of Hypothesis

There is no significant difference of the proficiency in Basic Computer

Software Skills Grade 10 students when they are grouped according to their

demographic profile.
Significance of the Study

This study will provide the identified the Grade 10 students in Blessed

Christian School on Basic Computer Software Skills. Furthermore, this study

hopes to provide significant data towards the following: students, parents,

computer teachers, school administrators, and future researchers.

STUDENTS. This research will help the students specifically the ICT Students of

Blessed Christian School, in able for them to know their capabilities regarding on

the basic computer skills, and also to gain knowledge in computer.

PARENTS. This research will be a very big help for the parents to monitor what is

happening to their children in school and to know what is the basic needs of their

children in able to show their support for them

COMPUTER TEACHERS. The research will help the teachers of Blessed

Christian School to monitor their student particularly the Senior High School ICT

students to give instructions that are necessary for their chosen field.

SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR. This study will allow school administrators to make

use of the research for observation. The data will be capable of providing

information regarding the basic skills of students when it comes to operating a


FUTURE RESEARCHERS. This study will also be significant to future

researchers. It will serve them as a guide to follow if they want to continue this

Scope and Limitations of the study

This study was delimited to Grade 10 students during year 2018-2019 at

the Blessed Christian School de Sta. Rosa Inc. This study focuses on the skills of

students in computer software.

Definition of Terms

For clarification, the following terms are hereby defined conceptually:

 Microcomputer – a small computer that contains a microprocessor as its central


 Software - the programs and other operating information used by a computer.

 Computer - is a device that can be instructed to carry out sequences of

arithmetic or logical operations automatically via computer programming.

 Hardware - is the physical aspect of computers, telecommunications, and

other devices.

 Algorithm - a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other

problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.

 Abacus - also called a counting frame, is a calculating tool that was in use in

Europe, China and Russia, centuries before the adoption of the written Hindu–

Arabic numeral system.



Foreign Literature and Foreign Studies

As computers become an integral part of the teaching and learning

environment, it is useful for those who use these digital appliances to know the

theoretical basis to support the belief that computers support and assist learning.

Remember one of the questions that Dr. Poole raised in Chapter 13 of his book

was whether the application of computers in the classroom was based on sound

pedagogical theories. He went on to say that by and large it was based on learning

theories that fall under three categories. These are behaviourism, cognitivism and


The theory on behaviourism owes its origins to behaviourists like Ivan

Pavlov (1913), John Watson and Skinner (1897). It describes a developmental

theory that measures observable behaviours produced by a learner's response to

stimuli. Such responses to stimuli can be reinforced with positive or negative

feedback to condition desired behaviours. Educational effects of behaviourism are

key in developing basic skills and foundations of understanding in all subject areas

and in classroom management. According to behaviourism, knowing is giving the

correct response when exposed to a particular stimulus.

Cognition, or cognitive processes, can be natural or artificial, conscious or

unconscious. These processes are analyzed from different perspectives within

different contexts, notably in the fields of linguistics, anaesthesia, neurology,

psychology, philosophy, anthropology, systemics, computer science and creed.

Within psychology or philosophy, the concept of cognition is closely related to

abstract concepts such as mind and intelligence. Cognition is used to refer to the

mental functions, mental processes (thoughts) and states of intelligent entities

(humans, human organizations, highly autonomous machines and artificial


Local Literature and Local Studies

In study of Famor (2005), he said that the use of ICT in education has

become a critical factor to ensure that a country’s workforce is

skilled and prepared to meet the challenges of development and global

employment opportunities. Thus, as ICT becomes part of the Philippine basic

education landscape, the inclusion of basic learning competencies in computers

to educate our Filipino learners so that they can be globally competitive and raise

their personal and national esteem, and realize a progressive life will be no less

than strategic.

Students have high regard on the capability of their teachers. It is a fact that

many students can afford to have ICT gadgets at home, hence, they are advanced

in terms of knowledge and skills on ICT. It is a great challenge for teachers to learn

and internalize the use of computers in the subjects they are teaching, integrating

ICT in the classroom instruction (Itaas, 2009). The Philippine Star (2006)

discussed the edge of students over teachers in ICT. Students now are virtually

knowledgeable about chatting, on-line games and other useful applications of

computer, while teachers, mostly, are clueless about them. The sad part is

teachers lack training so they cannot even teach students of computer. According
to Labian (2007), teachers touch the future of the learners that pass through their

caring hands. Their task is not just imparting knowledge but also preparing

students with stand all the rigors in a high competitive societal order.

Synthesis of the Reviewed Literature and Studies

As computers become an integral part of the teaching and learning

environment, it is useful for those who use these digital appliances to know the

theoretical basis to support the belief that computers support and assist learning.

In study of Famor (2005), he said that the use of ICT in education has

become a critical factor to ensure that a country’s workforce is

skilled and prepared to meet the challenges of development and global

employment opportunities. As computers rise their usage in this world, so is the

need an individual to have one. If an individual is unable to operate the computer,

the computer will be useless to that individual. As such, education on computers

will be a must for every school. An individual must learn how to operate a computer

so that those who use computers will be able to efficiently boost their productivity

in terms of teaching, making and processing documents.

Chapter 3


This chapter includes the method of research used, the respondents of the

study, the instrument utilized in the investigation, the data gathering procedure

adopted, and the statistical treatment applied to the data of the study.

Research Design

The researchers used quantitative type of research. Quantitative research

is centered on objective measurements and numerical analysis data collected

through questionnaires or surveys and generalizing the results across groups of

people. This study used descriptive research. Kowalczyk (2018) said that

Descriptive research is a study designed to depict the participants in an accurate

way. More simply put, descriptive research is all about describing people who take

part in the study. Therefore, the researchers used descriptive research for their

study in order to identify the Basic Computer Software Skills of Grade 7 students

of Blessed Christian School.

Respondents of The Study

The researchers chose the Grade 10 Junior High School students who are

studying in Blessed Christian School as their respondents in order to obtain the

answer on the study the researchers are conducting. There were approximately

100 students surveyed. There were 55 Boys and 45 Girls.

Instrument of the Study

The instrument used for this study was survey questionnaires. The

researchers provided questionnaires for the subjects to answer. The

questionnaires and the subject’s answers represent the data the researchers need

to satisfy the hypothesis proposed by the researchers.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before conducting the survey, the researchers will have to ask permission

from the principal to conduct the study on their students which are the Grade 10

Junior High School Students of Blessed Christian School. The researchers will also

allow their supervisors to check the survey questionnaires for validation.

Afterwards, the researchers will then proceed to giving out the questionnaires to

their subjects. The researchers will then collect the data from their subjects and

proceed to gathering the answers and analyze the results. The results should help

answer the questions that the researchers have and provide solutions to it.

Statistical Treatment

Weighted Mean

∑ 𝑥𝑤
𝑥̅ − 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑥̅ = ∑𝑤
𝑥 − 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛

𝑤 − 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡

∑ 𝑥̅
Grand Mean 𝑋𝐺𝑚 = 𝑛

𝑥 − 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 XGm − Grand Mean n − Total number of Sets

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