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Hope at the end of our Tunnels

Pandora Mining Company

Pandora’s primary goal is to become an internationally competitive mining company that

processes resources for the use and betterment of society. As a company we recognize the
importance of harnessing the natural resources in the earth and putting them to use in our
industries and everyday life. The earth is rich in resources for us to use to our advantage.

Main Problem

Handling negotiations with the IP community so we can mine in their ancestral domain because
we need their Free, Prior and Informed Consent to be able to mine.

Initial Ideas to Resolve Conflict

● Pay rent to indigenous people for their land

● Offer them jobs under the guise of continuous jobs and sustainable living
● Install amenities in their ancestral lands such as deep wells, solid housing and storage
units, primary schools, green houses, etc.
● Promise in a judicial contract to return said land to the IP, and rehabilitation up to the
requisites and demands of the IP, be it converted to an agricultural area, etc.

Sustainable living is often a problem for the indigenous people, and we plan to appeal to their
lack of job opportunities and finances in order to gain their consent.

We have the resources they need and can offer it to them generously if they choose to
cooperate with us for the duration of our project.

What are we willing to compromise on?

Our compromises will mainly focus on the rehabilitation of the land. We hope for our project to
be a give and take between Pandora and the IP community.
● Meet with the demands of the indigenous people with the aid of an expert on the
indigenous people.
● Proper and prompt rehabilitation with proper reporting to the IP and DENR.
● Build a processing plant on site, to avoid bringing the soil abroad, and also provide jobs,
with preferential option to the IPs
● If the indigenous people remain wary, we plan to organize talks with the IP on how
mining can be beneficial in the long run to both the community and the economy
● Have negotiations focus on the rehabilitation of the land instead of the purchasing of
land. This way, the community will be able to use it even long after left.
● Follow Environmentally Sensitive "Green" Mining based on (Molycorp's Green Mining

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