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Quality Indicators to evaluate the impact of ICT

1 Achievement and Attainment

To what extent do we Themes Level How do we know?

4 (high) - 1 (low)
 promote and support the use of
ICT across all sectors of
education in order to raise
standards and improve

Features to consider

1.1 Promote, monitor and a) share the examples of good

evaluate the use of ICT to practice
provide evidence of b) continue to explore software
improved performance in solutions to promote the raising
the core skills of literacy of attainment
and numeracy across all c) train teachers to extend their
age ranges skills with ICT

1.2 Develop the use of ICT a) extend the use of

for tracking pupil management information
performance systems
b) share existing examples of
good practice
c) examine the relationship
between various assessment
1.3 Assist teachers to a) promote use of ICT evaluation

evaluate their use of ICT materials such as MIICE
in a planned and (
systematic way b) work in partnership with others
to develop teacher confidence
in assessing pupils’ ICT
c) assist teachers to improve
teaching methodologies by
appropriate use of ICT

1.4 Assist teachers to make a) promote the use of suitable

use of appropriate ICT ICT software and other
teaching and learning resources
materials to suit different b) provide guidance on suitability
age and ability levels of software by relating to the
c) encourage the use of suitable
online resources
d) share information about
appropriate teaching and
learning materials
e) provide appropriate training
courses to increase teachers’
ICT skills

2 Framework for Learning

To what extent do we Themes Level How do we know?

4 (high) - 1 (low)
 ensure that there is a robust
technical and policy
framework in place to support
ICT developments?

Features to consider

2.1 Implement ICT plans and a) ensure that ICT policies and
ensure appropriate plans are regularly updated,
mechanisms for reporting and review progress on a
and disseminating regular basis
information and for b) hold regular meetings of
ongoing monitoring and relevant staff
evaluation c) provide information on an
ongoing basis
d) write and implement an
evaluation plan

2.2 Ensure adequate a) ensure planned and equitable

resources (financial, allocation of funding for ICT
human and physical) to b) ensure clarity of roles and
implement the plans responsibilities to ensure an
effective system of technical
and curricular support for ICT
c) hold regular audit of resources
d) extend access to modern
server-based networks

e) extend remote network
management support
f) address sustainability issues
g) ensure all possible funding
sources for ICT are accessed

2.3 Assist teachers to plan a) ensure schools regularly

for the effective use of ICT update plans for the integration
across all areas of the of ICT into the curriculum
curriculum b) provide appropriate staff
development opportunities
c) encourage sharing of
interesting practice

2.4 Work with colleagues at a) raise awareness of local

local and national level to and national initiatives
ensure the provision of a involving ICT
suitable and cost-effective b) provide broadband access
infra-structure of to online content
connectivity and hardware c) explore and promote the
in readiness for national potential of emerging
priorities in education technologies and instigate pilot
d) exchange information with
colleagues in national forums

2.5 Develop and improve a) develop a secure intranet

channels of b) develop better electronic
communication management of information
c) begin to develop channels of
communication with parents
and the wider community using

d) regularly provide information to
schools through email,
websites and newsletters

2.6 Provide and access a) provide support for staff

appropriate Continuous undertaking ICT training
Professional Development b) encourage peer support
opportunities for staff c) develop and provide
appropriate ICT courses for

3 Inclusion and Equality

To what extent do we Themes Level

4 (high) - 1 (low)
 ensure that all learners have
opportunities to access
learning through modern

Features to consider

3.1 Provide appropriate ICT a) ensure that funding for

equipment, resources and specialised ICT equipment and
advice for learners with resources is available
special needs b) encourage establishments to
continue to access specialised
advice and support

3.2 Promote the use of ICT to a) continue to explore the

enable pupils with special potential of remote access to
needs to access learning school-based resources
from outwith the school b) raise awareness of the
concept and implications of
Anytime Anywhere learning

4 Values and Citizenship

To what extent do we Themes Level

4 (high) - 1 (low)
 ensure that learners use ICT
responsibly and understand the
role technology can play in
promoting global citizenship

Features to consider

4.1 Encourage knowledge a) link, where appropriate, to

and understanding of the other relevant areas of the
impact of ICT on society curriculum eg. Citizenship,
International Education
b) promote discerning use of ICT
and ensure that all staff and
learners are aware of their
legal and ethical
responsibilities when using ICT
c) link to other national and
international initiatives aiming
to promote active citizenship

4.2 Contribute to the a) encourage participation in

development of the global national and transnational
information society uses of ICT eg. online
discussions, debates and
collaborative learning

5 Learning for Life

To what extent do we Themes Level How do we know?

4 (high) - 1 (low)
 ensure that learners are
aware of the potential of ICT
to support lifelong learning

Features to consider

5.1 Promote and support a) support the effective use of

learners’ access to online online learning environments
learning environments in b) work with colleagues and
support of seamless various agencies to provide
lifelong learning and develop online content for
learners of all ages
c) develop informed and positive
attitudes of learners and
teachers to using ICT for their
personal and professional
development on a lifelong
d) support ICT developments in
community learning contexts

Next Steps

The grid below is for the recording of action points arising from the evaluation exercise:

Quality Indicator Theme Possible Action Who? When?

1 Achievement and Attainment
1.1 promote, monitor a) share examples of
and evaluate the use of good practice
ICT to provide evidence
of improved
performance in the core
skills of literacy and
numeracy across all age

b) continue to explore
software solutions to
promote the raising
of attainment

c) train teachers to
extend their skills
with ICT

1.2 develop the use of a) extend the use of the

ICT for tracking pupil management
performance informaton system

b) share existing
examples of good

c) examine the
relationship between
various assessment

1.3 assist teacher to a) promote the use of

evaluate their use of ICT evaluation
ICTin a planned and materials such as
systematic way MIICE

b) work in partnership
with others to
develop teacher
confidence in
assessing pupils@
ICT capability

c) assist teachers to
improve teaching
methodologies by
appropriate use of

1.4 assist teachers to a) promote the use of

make use of appropriate suitable ICT software
ICT teaching and and other resources
learning materials to suit
different age and ability
b) provide guidance on
suitability of software

by relating to the
c) encourage the use of
suitable online
d) share information
about appropriate
teaching and
learning materials
e) provide appropriate
training courses to
increase teachers'
ICT skills
2 Framework for learning
2.1 implement ICT plans a) ensure that ICT
and ensure appropriate policies and plans
mechanisms for are regularly updated
reporting and and review progress
disseminating on a regular basis
information and for
ongoing monitoring and
b) hold regular
meetings of relevant

c) provide information
on an ongoping

d) write and implement

an evaluation plan

2.2 ensure adequate a) ensure planned and
resources (financial, equitable allocation
human, physical) to of funding for ICT
implement the plans
b) ensure clarity of
roles and
responsibilities to
ensure an effective
system of technical
and curricular
support for ICT

c) hold regular audit of


d) extend access to
modern server-
based networks

e) extend remote
management support
f) address
sustainability issues
g) ensure all possible
funding sources for
ICT are accessed
2.3 assist teachers to a) ensure schools
plan for the effective use regularly update
of ICT across all areas plans for the
of the curriculum integration of ICT

into the curriculum

b) provide appropriate
staff development

c) encourage sharing of
interesting practice

2.4 work with a) raise awareness of

colleagues at local and local and national
national level to ensure initiatives involving
the provision of a ICT
suitable and cost-
effective infra-structure
of connectivity and
hardware in readiness
for national priorities in
b) provide broadband
access to online
c) explore and promote
the potential of
d) exchange
information with
collegues in national
2.5 develop and a) develop a secure
improve channels of intranet

b) develop better
management of

c) begin to develop
channels of
communication with
parents and the
wider community
using ICT

d) regularly provide
information to
schools through
email, websites and

2.6 provide and access a) provide support for

appropriate CPD staff undertaking ICT
opportunities for staff training
b) encourage peer
c) develop and provide
appropriate ICT
courses for teachers
3 Inclusion and Equality
3.1 provide appropriate a) ensure that funding
ICT equipment, for specialised ICT
resources and advice for equipment and
learners with special resources is

needs available
b) encourage
establishments to
continue to access
specialised advice
and support
3.2 promote the use of a) continue to explore
ICT to enable pupils with the potential of
special needs to access remote access to
learning from outwith the school-based
school resources

b) raise awareness of
the concept and
implications of
Anytime Anywhere
4 Values and Citizenship
4.1 Encourage a) link, where
knowledge and appropriate, to other
understanding of the relevant areas of the
impact of ICT on society curriculum

b) promote discerning
use of ICT and
ensure that all staff
and learners are
aware of their legal
and ethical
responsibilities when
using ICT
c) link to other national

and international
initiatives aiming to
promote active
4.2 Contribute to the d) encourage
develop of the global participation in
information society national and
transnational uses of
ICT eg. online
discussions, debates
and collaborative
learning opportunities
5 Learning for Life
5.1 promote and a) support the effective
support learner’s access use of online
to online learning learning
environments in support environments
of seamless lifelong
b) work with colleagues
and other agencies
to provide and
develop online
content for learners
of all ages

c) develop informed
and positive attitudes
of learners and
teachers to using
ICT for their personal
and professional

development on a
lifelong basis
d) support ICT
developments in
community learning

Rosetta McLeod, Aberdeen City Council, Scotland


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