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3. 4, BA Part -I PAPER-I HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL INDIA-(1206-1526 A.D.) 1. Definition of History 2. Significant Source Material of Medieval India: Archaeological LiteraRy and Historical. 3. Arab Invasion, Turkish Invasion and their Impact. UNIT-2 Early Turkish Sultans: Aibak - Early Career, achievements and assessment. ._Itutmish ~ Early life, Problem, achievements, an estimate, the successors of Itutmish. Balban-Early life and accession his Problems theory of Kingship, achievements, an estimate. Causes of downfall of the Early Turkish dynasty. UNIT3 Khalji Dynasty 1. Jalauddin Firoz Shah Khalji - Early life and Career, Significant events of his — reign Foreign Policy, estimate. 2 Alauddin Khilji : Accession, Theory of Kingship, revolts and its remedies, Administration System, Economic Policy, Southern Conquest, Mongol Invasion and its effects an assessment. UNIT4 ea 1- Giasuddin Tuglaq - Domestic Policy, Foreign Policy, Death of Giasuddin. Mohammad-bin-Tuglaq ~ Domestic Policy, Schemes of Mohd. Tuglaq, Revenue reforms, Administrative reforms. Daccan Policy, revolts, Significance of his reign. 3- Firoz Shah Tughlag - Early life, Accession Administrative reforms, an estimate. 4- Invasion of Timur, Causes and its effects. 5- Causes of downfall of Tuglag dynasty. 2. UNIT 5 1- Sayyid Dynasty : A brief Survey. 2- Lodi Dynasty: a. Behlol Lodi : Accession, main events of reign Character, assessment. b. Sikandar Lodi : Main event of his life and Relation with the Nobles. c. Ibrahim Lodi: Domestic Policy, foreign Policy Causes of failure an estimate. ® Hea Ge: UNIT 6 1- Central and Provincial Administration. 2- Army Organization. 3 Architecture 4 Literature - Persian, Hindi and Sanskrit. 5- Causes of downfall of Delhi Sultanate Books Recommended : 1 Rech aoa — So Ure. Mareta Reet weer — WO Towat a reae@res HRa — vortouesa Foundation of Muslim Rule in India ~ A.B.M. Habibullah Medieval Indian History ~ Ishwari Prasad History of Qaraunah Truks In India Ishwari Prasad. 7- Growth of Khalji Imperialism. Ishwari Prasad 8 Alauddin’s Market Regulation - B.P. Saxena 9- Chronology of Mohd Tughlaq- N.H. Rizvi 10- Firoz Shah Tuglaq-K.K. Basy 11- Sikandar Lodhi as a founder ~ A. Halim 12. The Administration of Sultanate of Delhi - 1H. Quraishi 13- Some Aspects of Muslim Administration - R.P. Tripathi. 14 fara cer ar after — Boye ae 15- Reet Sect — BoyoPartr a desa ree B.A. Part -I PAPER-IL WORLD HISTORY-(1453-1789 A.D.) UNIT 1, Renaissance definition, development Significance. 2, The Reformation and Counter Reformation ~Causes, nature of refprmation results . UNIT: 1. Rise of nation States ~Causes Main monarchies and their growth- Ferdinand, Isabella if Spain Louis xt* of France England-Hennery VII Rise and Decline of Spain -Foreign Policy of Charles V, Philip I, Revolt of Netherlands, Thirty Years War, Causes of downfall of Spain. 3. The Ascendency of Despotism in France, Regime of Louis XII. UNIT3 1- Louis XIV - Domestic and Foreign Policy 2. Despotism in England, James If and Glorious revolution. 3. The Age of Enlightened Disposition Meaning Prominent enlightened despots — Fredrick the great, weakness of enlightened despotism, Rise of Modern Russia, -Peter the great, Catherine IT UNIT4 1- Commercial Revolution & Mercantilism 2- Industrial Revolution in England 3- Industrial Revolution in Europe & Its impact UNIT 5 x 1- China - Ching and Ming 2 Japan - Tohugawa Shogunate 3- American War of Independence - causes, events, results. Books Recommended : 1 argftes ferer aor eftert — Zio cae aera 2 aryPtes Rea or gftere — ernest 3 amafe fea or gftere — : 7.Modern India- B. L. Grover Bane wr teria wet — shearer fie 9 anyfies aR wr worifea grees — aeraret wax 10 aera aa wT efereras — Teo So wat 44.British Rule in india - Ram Gopal 12. Hind Swaraj - M. K. Aziz 13.Britain & Muslim india — K. k. Aziz 14. History Of Freedom Movement in Indian - R.C. Majumadar 15, A History of British India - W.W. Hunter 16. orgptes are A areata — fa ae 7. eeciaen siglo ar efrers — YAN TIT 19 She ANAT Br eters — S10 ako are feat fe Near (p> e B.A. Part-II PAPERAIT History of India Society and Culture MM : 100 Unit—1 1. Indus valley Civilization : Source of information. Social life. Rel Art, Town Planning. 2. Early Vedic Perlod & Later Vedic Period ~Social Condition. Religious Condition, Council and Assembly. Ashrama System. Status of women 3. Jainism : Causes for the Religious Upheaval Teaching of Mahavira & Principale of Jainism contribution of Jainism to Indian Culture. 4. Buddhism ~ Rise and Growth, Doctrines of Buddhism, causes of Downfall. Contribution to Indian Culture. 5, Mauryan Period — Social & religious condition, Art-Mathura art and Gandhar art. 6. Gupta Age : Golden age, Religious condition in Gupta period, the Gupta art. Unit —1 ious ideas and Beliefs , 1. Development of literature art and architecture in medieval India. 2. Development of education during medieval period 3. Position of women during medieval period. 4. Impact of Islam on Indian society and Culture. 5. Bhakti Movement : Causes, Prominent Saints, Growth and Impact. 6.Sufism — Meaning, concept and practices. Unit - OT 1. Social and religious uniform movement ~ Arya Samaj, Brahman Samaj, Theosophical Society. Ramkrishna Mission, Bhawi, Deoband, Ahmadia and Aligarh Movements. 2. Development of Modern education & arts, and its impact. 3. Social stratification : Proliferation of castes, untouchability , lower caste movements, pleasant societies & movement, rise of middle class. 4, Development of press & media. 5. Position of women. 6. Architecture- Colonial Architecture ~ The new towns, colonial forts, architecture in 20" century. Books Recommended : 1. ows are ve one wate — SoqoRT Ancient India An Introductory Outline — D.N. Jha. 2. ART AR —YOTSOSTETT The wonder that was India -A.L. Basham 3. ae oT efter 1 Mer ae History of India Vol-i Romilla Thapar 4. ARG aga a wie yeH—qosRo Sag Social Background of Indian Nationalism ~A.R. Desai 5. Set Br ARI-sRoToga4r 6. The History and culture of Indian people — R.C. Majumdar 7. Glimpses of Medieval Indian Culture ~Yusuf Husain. tga Oe Religious and social reforms-M.G. Ranade Art & Architecture of India ~ B. Rowland ‘Modern India ~Sumit Sarkar SS ST ARTO OT eT India today —Rajani Palm Dutt 12. The National culture of india — Abid Hussain 130 weds ART GT UTAH sfters—orasion fs 44. ore ae @ aie athe avait ghee wat 15. Feuer RG APT 1, 2 — Rea oat 16. Evolution of Indian culture ~ B.N. Lunia 17- Medieval culture — U.N. Dey 48. Medieval Indian culture - A.L. Srivastava. 49. Our Heritage - Humayun Kabir 20. yrds aid @r gfeere —s wa sitet 2. ade feswen Ee eT 22, Ree BEE vd were —srosilerener fear \ Yet (ye

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