English Research Articles Written by Indonesian Academics Coping With Common Practices and Rhetorical Diversity

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English Research Articles Written by Indonesian Academics: Coping with

Common Practices and Rhetorical Diversity

This resarch introduction use to Analysis about Articles written by Acdemic on common
practices and rhetorical diversity. Which is Coping with Common Practices and Rhetorical Diversity
is language style develop evaluation rhetorical with culture and How is English in Analyisis article
written in journal International translate do it by Indonesia Acaademic. This is articles of bilingualism
between Indonesia->English or English-> Indonesia.

Identify problem ins journal article in English on Coping with Common Practices and
Rhetorical Diversity.different structure, clearly Article make Acdemic Indonesi try publication Article
written on shape English. But, the Republic Indonesia Act no 24/2009 o have role the writing and
publishing of RAs in English becomes the main consideration for Indonesian academics. The purpose
to make more is reader.

Thi is showwing Journal Ademic Important to have bilingualism easy to reader more
understanding. With use method Descriptive text to be clearly write Article on Jurnal.

Analyses of Move Structure and Verb Tense of Research Article Abstracts in

Applied Linguistics Journals

This is journals explain how abstract very important by article journals for
details applied and to easy writer. Use kuantitatif given evidence analyisis research article
abstracts by 90 abstract in three applied journals linguistics i.e., TESOL Quarterly, Applied
Linguistics, and Language Learning) from two dimensions: the move structure features and
the verb tense of each move. With use method basis corpus. This is study focus in two words
verb tense move is present tense and past tense. Purpose analyisis know choice verb effective
on move abstract. And result have different corpus which is move of different verb for jurnals.

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