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2016 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽總決賽

2016 亚洲国际数学奥林匹克公开赛总决赛
Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Open 2016 Final

三年級 / 小學三年級 問題簿

三年级 / 小學三年级 问题簿
Grade 3 / Primary 3 Question Book





Write down the answer according to the instruction given in questions. If the calculation result is a fraction,
please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction. If the answer is in surd form, represent the answer
which is in the simplest form. No need to write down any unit. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.


甲部:每題 3 分
Section A – each question carries 3 marks

1) 定義 a  b  c  a  b  b  c  c  a ,求 8  8  8 的值。
定义 a  b  c  a  b  b  c  c  a ,求 8  8  8 的值。
Defined that a  b  c  a  b  b  c  c  a , evaluate 8  8  8 .

2) 某數加 4、乘 12 後得 132,求該數的值。

某数加 4、乘 12 后得 132,求该数的值。
A number comes to 132 after it is added by 4 and then multiplied by 12. Evaluate the number.

3) 求 803 803 803 803 803 803 803 803 803 803 803 803 的個位數。
求 803 803 803 803 803 803 803 803 803 803 803 803 的个位数。
Find the unit digit of 803 803 803 803 803 803 803 803 803 803 803 803 .

4) 小明計算 A + B 時,不小心將 A 的百位數的 3 寫成 6,將 B 的十位數由 6 寫成 3。若實際答案為

小明计算 A + B 时,不小心将 A 的百位数的 3 写成 6,将 B 的十位数由 6 写成 3。若实际答案为
When evaluating A + B , Mike mistakenly writes the hundred digit “3” as “6” and the ten digit “6” as “3”.
If the answer is actually 1218, find the answer that Mike has mistakenly found.

5) 求 12469  31753  21002   4869  4689 180 的值。

求 12469  31753  21002   4869  4689 180 的值。
Evaluate 12469  31753  21002   4869  4689 180 .

6) 求 1118 + 8111 + 7779 + 1181 + 1811 + 9777 的值。

求 1118 + 8111 + 7779 + 1181 + 1811 + 9777 的值。
Evaluate 1118 + 8111 + 7779 + 1181 + 1811 + 9777 .

7) 兩數相差為 48,大數是小數的四倍,求小數的值。
两数相差为 48,大数是小数的四倍,求小数的值。
The difference between two numbers is 48, where the greater number is 4 times the smaller one. Find the
smaller number.

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. You may use square root to represent the answer which is in the simplest form.
Unless otherwise stated, no need to write down any unit. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
8) 在以下算式謎中,求 A + B + C 的值。
在以下算式谜中,求 A + B + C 的值。
Evaluate A + B + C in the following arithmetic puzzle.
+) B C A
2 3 3 1

Question 8

9) 附圖中所有角均為直角,求附圖的周界。
All the angles given in the following diagram are straight angles. Find the perimeter of the diagram.
1 3

2 2
1 1

Question 9

10) 若某閏年的 7 月 1 日是星期日,該年的 1 月 1 日是星期幾?

若某闰年的 7 月 1 日是星期日,该年的 1 月 1 日是星期几?
If 1st July of a leap year is Sunday, what day is it on 1st January in that year?

11) 一個自動販賣機只接受 1 角,2 角,5 角和 1 元硬幣。艾迪想買一罐 4 元 7 角的飲品。她身上有 4

個 1 角,1 個 2 角,4 個五角和 3 個 1 元硬幣。問她最少要用多少個硬幣才能剛好買到飲品不用找
一个自动贩卖机只接受 1 角,2 角,5 角和 1 元硬币。艾迪想买一罐 4 元 7 角的饮品。她身上有 4
个 1 角,1 个 2 角,4 个五角和 3 个 1 元硬币。问她最少要用多少个硬币才能刚好买到饮品不用找
A vending machine only accepts 10¢, 20¢, 50¢ and $1 coins. Idy wants to buy a drink that costs $4.7.
She has 4 10¢ coins, 1 20¢ coin, 4 50¢ coins and 3 $1 coins. At least how many coins does she have to
spend in order to buy that drink without asking for change?
(C) 2016 Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association 香港數學奧林匹克協會 (HKMO)
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association.
12) 有一杯水杯子和水共重 260 克。把一半的水倒掉後,這杯水重 180 克。問這杯子重多少克?
有一杯水杯子和水共重 260 克。把一半的水倒掉后,这杯水重 180 克。问这杯子重多少克?
There is a cup of water that the water together with the cup weighs 260g. Having half of the water poured
out, the cup weighs 180 g. How much does the cup weigh?

~ 甲部完 ~
~ End of section A ~

乙部:每題 5 分
Section B – each question carries 5 marks

13) 6 個連續偶數之和是 366,求最小的一個偶數是多少。

6 个连续偶数之和是 366,求最小的一个偶数是多少。
The sum of 6 consecutive even number is 366. Find the smallest even number.

14) 附圖中所有角均為直角,求附圖的面積。
All the angles given in the following figure are straight angles. Find the area of the figure.


第 14 題
第 14 题
Question 14

15) 定義符號「  」為一個程序計算符合以下條件:

(i) 當 a 是奇數時, ab  a  2  b ;
(ii) 當 a 是偶數時, ab  a  2  b 。
試計算 ((2112)9)3 。
定义符号「  」为一个程序计算符合以下条件:
(i) 当 a 是奇数时, ab  a  2  b ;
(ii) 当 a 是偶数时, ab  a  2  b 。
试计算 ((2112)9)3 。
Defined that the symbol “  ” as an operation satisfies the following conditions:
(i) When a is odd, ab  a  2  b ;
(ii) When a is even, ab  a  2  b ,
evaluate ((2112)9)3 .

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. You may use square root to represent the answer which is in the simplest form.
Unless otherwise stated, no need to write down any unit. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
16) 參考附圖,圖中有多少個正方形?
How many squares are there in the following diagram?

第 16 題
第 16 题
Question 16

17) 求 640 128  640  64  640  8 的值。

求 640 128  640  64  640  8 的值。
Evaluate 640 128  640  64  640  8 .

18) 鋸斷鐵棒一次要 5 分鐘;現把一根長 90 米的鐵棒鋸成每根 30 厘米的鐵棒,需要多少分鐘?

锯断铁棒一次要 5 分钟;现把一根长 90 米的铁棒锯成每根 30 厘米的铁棒,需要多少分钟?
It takes 5 minutes to cut an iron rod. How many minutes does it take to cut a 90-metre long iron rod
into iron rods of 30 cm long?

19) 小珠因為偷吃,被媽媽罰不斷重複抄寫「pizza and pasta」,當她抄寫到第 1009 個字母時,她寫的

小珠因为偷吃,被妈妈罚不断重复抄写「pizza and pasta」,当她抄写到第 1009 个字母时,她写的
Jolly is punished by Mum to copy “pizza and pasta” repeatedly. When she copies the 1009th letter,
by how many letters is letter “a” ’s more than letter “z” ’s ?

20) 求 2016  803 1016  803  999  803  803 的值。

求 2016  803 1016  803  999  803  803 的值。
Evaluate 2016  803 1016  803  999  803  803 .

(C) 2016 Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association 香港數學奧林匹克協會 (HKMO)
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association.
21) 在計算兩數相減時,把被減數的個位數 7 寫錯成 9,又把減數的百位數 3 寫錯成 5,結果得到的
差是 1100。正確的差是多少?
在计算两数相减时,把被减数的个位数 7 写错成 9,又把减数的百位数 3 写错成 5,结果得到的
差是 1100。正确的差是多少?
When evaluating the difference of two numbers, the unit digit “7” of the minuend is mistakenly written as
“9”, and the hundred digit “3” of the subtrahend is mistakenly written as “5”, giving 1100 as the
difference. What is the correct difference?

22) 小豬 4 年後的年齡與小埋 5 年後的年齡相等;而小豬 2 年前的年齡和與小埋 3 年後的年齡合共 40

小猪 4 年后的年龄与小埋 5 年后的年龄相等;而小猪 2 年前的年龄和与小埋 3 年后的年龄合共 40
The age of Piggy 4 years later is equal to the age of Catty 5 years later. The age of Piggy 2 years ago and
the age of Catty 3 years later add up to 40. Find the age of Piggy.

~ 乙部完 ~
~ End of section B ~

丙部:每題 8 分
Section C – each question carries 8 marks

23) 求 375  8  25 16  3 的值。

求 375  8  25 16  3 的值。
Evaluate 375  8  25 16  3 .

24) 參考附圖,陰影部分是一個正方形,求最大長方形的周界。
In the following figure, the shaded part is a square. Find the perimeter of the largest rectangle.


第 24 題
第 24 题
Question 24

25) 一個整數除以 21 的餘數是 19,且為一個三位數,求該數的最大可能值。

一个整数除以 21 的余数是 19,且为一个三位数,求该数的最大可能值。
The remainder of an integer, which is a 3-digit number, is 19 when divided by 21. Find the largest
possible value of the number.
Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. You may use square root to represent the answer which is in the simplest form.
Unless otherwise stated, no need to write down any unit. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
26) 6 罐曲奇和 8 包曲奇共有 256 塊;9 罐曲奇和 10 包曲奇共有 368 塊。那麼 1 罐曲奇比 1 包曲奇多
6 罐曲奇和 8 包曲奇共有 256 块;9 罐曲奇和 10 包曲奇共有 368 块。那么 1 罐曲奇比 1 包曲奇多
In 6 cans of cookies and 8 packets of cookies, there are 256 pieces. So by how many pieces is 1 can of
cookies more than 1 packet of cookies?

27) 哥哥、弟弟和妹妹都有糖,哥哥比弟弟多 180 粒,哥哥又比妹妹多 45 粒,如果妹妹的糖數是弟弟

的 6 倍,則他們三人共有多少粒糖?
哥哥、弟弟和妹妹都有糖,哥哥比弟弟多 180 粒,哥哥又比妹妹多 45 粒,如果妹妹的糖数是弟弟
的 6 倍,则他们三人共有多少粒糖?
Elder Brother, Younger Brother and Younger Sister have some candies. Elder Brother has 180 candies
more than Younger Brother. Besides, Elder Brother has 45 candies more than Younger Sister. If the
number of Younger Sister’s candies is 6 times of that of Younger Brother’s, how many candies do three
of them have?

28) 小明前四次測驗的平均成績是 86 分,如果要使平均成績上升至 92 分,他最少要連續考多少次 100

小明前四次测验的平均成绩是 86 分,如果要使平均成绩上升至 92 分,他最少要连续考多少次 100
The average score of the last 4 tests taken by Mike is 86 marks. To raise the average score to 92 marks, at
least how many times does Mike have to get 100 marks in a row?

29) 一個邊長 432 米的正五邊形花園,於邊上每隔 4 米種一朵花。如果五個角落都種了花,問花園最

一个边长 432 米的正五边形花园,于边上每隔 4 米种一朵花。如果五个角落都种了花,问花园最
A regular pentagonal garden, each side being 432 m long, has a flower planted on every other 4 m on
each side. If all 5 corners are planted with flowers, at most how many flowers can the garden have

30) 一個矩形周界是 24 厘米,而該矩形的長和闊的長度都是整數厘米;那麼在這些條件可組成的矩形

一个矩形周界是 24 厘米,而该矩形的长和阔的长度都是整数厘米;那么在这些条件可组成的矩形
The perimeter of a rectangle is 24 metres, while the length and width of such rectangle are in integral
centimeters. Among the rectangles that can be formed under such conditions, how many square metres is
the largest value of the area?

~ 全卷完 ~
~ End of Paper ~

(C) 2016 Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association 香港數學奧林匹克協會 (HKMO)
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association.

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