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Shona’s Ariki Peer Feedback Term 3 2019

Questions/ wonderings Statements

Laura - Oral language

● How will you be incorporating elements of your ● OL comes before reading and writing
intervention programme into your everyday ● So clever to use colouring in as part of a
teaching? How can you make it sustainable? purposeful OL activity
● Are you seeing more engagement from home? ● Lovely that you are using leadership
Are whānau practising enough at home, or is opportunities in the morning for dual purposes:
this a challenge at the moment? building students’ reo as well as assessing their
● How clever that you can differentiate with the
same picture - this is really sophisticated.

Vanessa - Handwriting and fine motor skills

● Can you find a way to share this staff with ● Children’s hands fully develop around the age of
parents? That way some of them can be doing 6 or 7
the pegs/threading/etc. at home. ● Really interesting that you’re using sensory
activities and whiteboard pens for some children
in handwriting lessons.

Annabelle - Bucket Fillers

● Do you think that your students’ progress with ● Evaluating bucket fillers!
wellbeing will be captured by our Feel Brave ● Starting your year with bucket fillers - this is
survey? lovely. It’s had a big impact on your children and
● Please could you forward me your findings? I’d fits in so well with your personality, values and
love to use them when I’m writing our wellbeing teaching style.
analysis of variance! ● I like your ideas for engaging whānau

Susan - Local Curriculum Design Tool

● Please can you share the Year 6 capabilities ● Next year’s focus is on building a local
with me?! curriculum
● I’m trying to understand how this fits into the ● Focus is now on capabilities - brief and easily
bigger picture - is this what is filling the “hole” understood by whānau
left behind by NS? ● Seems very “common sense” - wonderful!
● Wondering: How might our local curriculum
evolve over the next few years? How different
will ours end up being compared to other local

Kelly - Wellbeing

● Do you know how long the boys take to calm ● Great use of emojis!
down? Is it possible that they need even more ● Calm down area
than 5 minutes, even if they look calm on the ● Kindness focus and manners
outside ● I love the above/below the line OAR ad BED - I
● I can see how deeply you have thought about think getting the students to do their own display
the needs of your students, and how you are is a great idea, that way they understand it
supporting them to develop better skills that will much better
in turn increase their wellbeing. Are you sharing ● Wow! You have heaps of ideas for going
these great ideas/strategies with whānau? forward. This is awesome, Kelly! It’s great that
Incredible Years is giving you some
Jennie - Literacy

● Are you seeing any flow-through to reading after ● Linking writing with wellbeing, shared reading,
your focus on writing? etc. etc. - not only efficient, but also great
● Is there greater independence? If someone else reinforcement of the new learning for them.
came in, would they be able to do all these ● These children are so lucky to have the benefit
wonderful things still? Or are they dependent on of all your ideas.

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