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CJ Bersamin to Concerned Agencies: Review Drug Policies | Supreme...


CJ Bersamin to Concerned Agencies: Review Drug Policies. Chief Justice Lucas P. Bersamin calls
on all the concerned government agencies to review the country’s drug policies and law enforcement
capacity as he underscored that “the biggest challenge for us is how to remain relevant and responsive
considering the creative ways drug traffickers evade the authorities.”

In his keynote speech during the Pre-Summit Conference Workshop on Dangerous Drugs Law
by the Philippine Judicial Academy (PHILJA) at the PHILJA Training Center in Tagaytay City on
September 6, 2019, Chief Justice Bersamin says that it was “an opportune moment” to make the appeal
as various stakeholders are present in the forum. He adds that he is hopeful that the productive
discussions would greatly contribute in developing effective policies and procedures towards critical
adjustments and reforms in the handling of drugs cases.

The Pre-Summit Conference Workshop on Dangerous Drugs Law is conducted in preparation for
the National Summit on Dangerous Drugs Law on October 3, 2019 in Manila. The Summit
addressing the issues from various agencies and stakeholders relative to the implementation of R.A. No
9165, otherwise known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. Likewise, it is to make
recommendations and/or solutions addressing said issues, as well as to validate and approve a unified
guidelines for implementation of stakeholders during the Summit. (Caption by Atty. Cyd Kristine Daphne

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CJ Bersamin to Concerned Agencies: Review Drug Policies | Supreme...

S. Libutan-Dueñas, Photo by Francisco S. Gutierrez)

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