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As the new millennium approaches, a new

civilization is dawning. The qualitative changes
of this civilization have been the subject of
Globalization and many studies. For example, Huntington
(1996) speaks of the "clash of civilizations,"
Public Administration Fukuyama (1992) predicts "the end of history
and man," and Korbin (1996) indicates a
"return back to medievalism." The hallmark of
this change is the process of globalization,
Aii Farazmand, Florida Atlantic University through which worldwide integration and tran-
scendence take place, evoking at least two dif-
ferent intellectual responses. On one hand
This article discusses globalization and its implications for public
there are those who argue that the growth of
administration. Using a political economy approach, an analysis
transnational corporations, in particular because
is made of the different meanings and perspectives of globaliza-
of their "state-indifferent" nature, and the
tion, of the causes and consequences of globalization, and of the
spread of global capitalism have made state
underpinnings or constitutive elements of globalization, a phe-
irrelevant or even obsolescent (Ball, 1967; Nais-
nomenon that is all-embracing with transworld and far-reaching
bitt, 1994; Ohame, 1995). Some think of it as
implications for society, governance, and public administration.
even the end of work (Rifkin, 1975) and of
Causes of globalization are discussed, such as the economic factors
public administration (Stever, 1988). Others
of surplus accumulation, corporate reorganization, shift ofcorpo-
believe that global capitalism has led to the gen-
rate power structure, global money andfinancialization, global
eration of suprastate governing agencies that are
state and administration, domestic decline, rising human expecta-
supplementing, if not supplanting, the territori-
tions, innovations, and global supranational organizations such as
al nation-states (Picciotto, 1989; Cox, 1993;
the United Nations. Consequences of globalization are discussed,
Korten, 1995). Still others have suggested that
including the positive impact such as continuity and persistence of
this also has eroded the sense of community
the state and public administration, but also its negative conse-
and urban power structure (Mele, 1996; Knox,
quences such as threat to democracy and community, increasing
1997; Korten, 1995), causing the loss of urban
corruption, and elite empowerment. Then a discussion is made of
jobs (Wilson, 1996). They also warn that the
the converging, hegemonic global order with a question of possible
merging of the supranational governance agen-
counter-hegemonic model that might alter the dominant world
cies has deepened the dependency of less devel-
order. Einally, the article presents a number of significant impli-
oped countries, exacerbated their fiscal crises,
cations-positive and negative-forpublic administration as a theo-
and created a serious problem of governability
ry and practice, from both American and comparative/interna-
in those nations (Kregel, 1998).
tional perspectives.
On the other hand, some public administra-
tors and public-policy analysts have predicted
that global corporations will create a world
order beyond nation-states (Reich, 1991), that
is, a "global village" (Garcia-Zamor and Khator,
1994), a "world government" with "global man-
agement" (Wilson, 1994).

Public Administration Review • November/December 1999, Vol. 59, No. 6 509

Some theorists have even attempted to develop a uni-
versal, global theory of public administration (Caiden,
1994). Others have vocally refuted the idea of the end of
Globalization. the result ofseveralfactors.
the state and have argued for the persistence of the including surplus accumulation capital, the state,
nation-states with all the concomitant implications for
public administration (Caiden, 1994; Heady, 1996; domestic constraints, information technology,
Scholte 1997).
Hirst and Thompson (1996), Zysman (1996), and international institutions, and ideology.
Boyer and Drache (1996) have argued that globalization
has been exaggerated and that states remain strong in the public administration. While the core of the state and
crucial functions of governance. Some realists in the public administration persists in the broader sense of
international relations tradition have argued that "de continuity, major changes have occurred as a conse-
facto [state] sovereignty has been strengthened rather quence of globalization that have altered the nature and
than weakened" (Krasner 1993, 318). Similarly, sociolo- character of the state and public administration from the
gists and political scientists like Michael Mann (1993) traditional welfare administrative state to a corporate wel-
and Theda Skcopol (1985), who "brought the state back fare state. Capitalism needs the state, and the state is not
in" to their disciplines during the 1980s, have maintained independent from capital; the elites of both work togeth-
their skepticism about the disappearance of the state from er in the globalization process because it serves both.
history. The discussion that follows is presented in four parts:
However, the latter group of thinkers recognizes that Part one presents analytical perspectives on the concepts
globalism has changed the nature of the administrative of globalism and the new world order. Part two examines
state worldwide. The globalized economic structure, the causes of globalization. Part three discusses the con-
with its many superstructural changes, including sequences of global capitalism for the state and for public
supraterritorial power structures, has led to profound administration, focusing on the changing character and
implications for public administration (Mander and role of the state in general and the administrative state in
Coldsmith, 1996; Farazmand, 1994). Several social sci- particular. In part four, a number of implications are
entists have described the "retreating shifts" in the quality outlined for public administration, with suggestions for
and quantity of state power and authority (Strange, 1996; public administrators worldwide.
Graycar, 1983; Lipsky, 1984). They also have explained
the transitional nature of the state "from the welfare state Perspectives on Globalization
to the competitions state," as governments attempt to
"respond to, and shape and control, growing internation- and the New World Order
al political economic interpenetration" (Cerny, 1989), to Although the concept of world order is not new, it
"the hallow state" (Milward, 1994) or "the corporate became fashionable after World War II. With the emer-
state" (Farazmand, 1997a,b). gence of the Soviet reformist leader Mikhail Gorbachev,
This article treats the concepts of globalism and glob- who called for global restructuring, openness, a new way
alization as phenomena produced by historical changes of global thinking, peace for all, superpower cooperation,
within the broader framework of continuity. These phe- and an end to the Cold War, the concept of a new world
nomena are expected historical, dialectical developments order reemerged (Sedghi, 1992). Following the Helsinki
of late capitalism and are the products of the dynamic Summit in September 1990, U.S. President Ceorge Bush
nature of rapid accumulation of surplus at the global increasingly used the term. Today, the concepts of the
level. The dynamic nature of the capitalist political econ- new world order and globalism have become the subject
omy in its latest development has shifted in favor of of serious study. But what do they actually mean?
fmancial capital as opposed to the earlier production
nature of capital. It has shifted from national to global
capitalism. Change and continuity are dialectical charac- Meaning of the New World Order and Globalization
teristics of the development of socioeconomic systems. The new world order denotes a "system of collective
The qualitative and quantitative changes of the last few world security where states and peoples can live in peace
decades, which began after World War II and have accel- with each other, ideologies aside" (Farazmand, 1994, 65)
erated since the 1970s, have altered the nature of capital- and "observe each other's borders and maintain collective
ist economies and their respective structures and organi- security interests" (Sedghi, 1992, 62). The Persian Gulf
zations of governance and administration. War was arguably fought in the service of the new world
I argue that globalization is the result of several factors, order, and President Bush announced that the war was
including surplus accumulation capital, the state, domes- waged to "stand up for what is right and condemn what
tic constraints, information technology, international is wrong" (Trudeau, 1992, 21). However, with the fall of
institutions, and ideology. In turn, globalization has had the USSR, the concept of the new world order garnered a
significant consequences for the capitalist state and for diverse meaning and consequently became vague.

510 Public Administration Review • November/December 1999, Vol. 59, No. 6

Globalization means many things to many people. raised it against the doctrine of balance of power in the
Economists consider globalization as a step toward a fully early twentieth century, and the transnationalists raised it
integrated world market. Some political scientists view it against the "realist" view of nationalist and state
as a march away from the conventionally defined concept sovereignty proclamations in international relations
of the state, with territorial sovereignty and the emer- (Scholte, 1997), not to mention the internationalist mis-
gence of nongovernmental power players in the world sion and claims of socialists led by the USSR.
order (Falk, 1997). Business school academics and con- The concept is also redundant because the liberaliza-
sultants apply globalization to a "borderless world" tion of borders for a new world has been around for
(Ohmae, 1990), and others view it as a phenomenon many decades, especially among the satellite nations of
driven only by private-sector firms, not by governments the West led by the United States, such as the developing
(Strange, 1996; Julius, 1997). All discussions of global- countries of Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle
ization deal with the question of borders—"the territorial East. Regulatory, labor, and administrative policies have
demarcations of state jurisdictions, and associated issues always been concessionary toward multinational corpora-
of governance, economy, identity, and community" tions operating profitable businesses in the Third World
(Scholte, 1997, 430). Five or possibly six meanings of (Heeger, 1974; Bill and Springborg, 1990; LaFebber,
globalization, as they relate to public administration, are 1984; Mandel, 1983; Halliday, 1989; Dos Santos, 1996;
briefly reviewed and assessed here. Frank, 1996; Farazmand, 1989,1991; and Henderson,
Globalization as internationalization. This notion treats1994). Again, CAG and other international public
globalization in a narrow sense as an increase in cross- administration consulting groups have been active in less
border relations among organizations, that is, identities developed nations, and publications on comparative and
and communities that extend beyond national jurisdic- development administration have produced voluminous
tional boundaries. This is nothing new: international literature attesting to this phenomenon.
trade and other aspects of economic and political rela- Globalization as a process. Using a political economy
tions began to grow among nations centuries ago. The view, this notion refers to globalization not as a phe-
field of international relations is an outgrowth of such a nomenon, but as a process—a continuing process of capi-
development. The internationalization of public admin- tal accumulation in modern capitalism that has been
istration is not new either, though it gained momentum going on for centuries. Only recently has it intensified as
after World War II, when both the United States and the a result of the availability of modern technology. There-
Soviet Union internationalized their satellite nations and, fore, this view is also not new. The beginning of this
in turn, the ways in which public administration was globalization process goes back to the nineteenth and
thought about and practiced. The rise of the United early twentieth centuries and was marked by the transi-
Nations and its affiliate agencies also promoted interna- tion from early (competitive) capitalism to late
tionalization. The birth and growth of the Comparative (monopoly) capitalism, which was boosted by the two
Administration Group (CAG) was the outcome of this world wars and produced capitalism's "golden age"
development (Waldo, 1980; Riggs, 1998). (1950-1970) at the height of the Cold War. Capitalism,
Globalization as border openness. This means large- this view contends, is "in its innermost essence an
scale openness of borders achieved by removing state reg- expanding system both internally and externally. Once
ulatory barriers and protectionist measures, thus facilitat- rooted, it both grows and spreads" (Sweezy, 1997, 1).
ing rapid financial transactions, communications, trade, Beginning with the recession of 1974-1975, three trends
and cultural relationships (Brown, 1992). Such a border- have contributed to the accelerated rate of capital accu-
less world would be characterized by a unified global mulation at the global level: a decreasing growth rate, the
economy, global government, homogenous global cul- "worldwide proliferation of monopolistic (or oligopolis-
ture, and, by implication, a global system of public tic) multinational corporation[s]," and the "financializa-
administration (Scholte, 1997). The Internet and other tion of the capital accumulation process" (Sweezy, 1997,
means of information technology have contributed to 1-2). This view tells us little about the changing role of
this phenomenon beyond comprehension. Globalization the state and public administration, especially under the
of public administration has meant "thinking globally new global order.
and acting locally." The concepts of the "new world" Globalization as ideology. The ideological underpin-
(Cleveland, 1993), the "global village" (Garcia-Zamor nings of Western capitalist democracy have acted as a
and Khator, 1994), and "global management" (Wilson, driving force behind the globalization of American and
1994) seem to characterize this notion of globalization Western European liberal democracy. The wealth of
and its implications for public administration. information—including propaganda—spread throughout
This notion of globalization, however, is also limited the world by the media, the press, computers, and satel-
and deficient in that it is synonymous with liberalization. lite communication systems offers an image of an ideal
The anticameralists raised it in favor of capitalist develop- political system for other countries to emulate. The key
ment, and the classical liberals raised it against statism in words freedom, individualism, free enterprise, and plural
the nineteenth century. The liberal internationalists democracy have characterized this ideological force of

SICA Jubilee: Globalization and Public Administration 511

globalization (Lindblom, 1977, 1990). Important and nity, the changing role of the administrative state and
effective as it may have been, this normative force of public administration is explored as both a cause and an
globalization says little about the political economy of the effect.
state and public administration.
GlobalizMtion as a phenomenon. As a cause-and-effect
Causes of Globalization
phenomenon in late capitalism, this perspective treats
globalization as a cause of world capitalism's endless To avoid oversimplification, the process and phe-
effort to reach global markets for accelerated accumula- nomenon of globalization are not treated here solely in
tion of capital during the stagnant era of the 1970s. terms of advance capitalism, though that has been a
Globalization has produced significant consequences for major contributing factor. Indeed, several factors have
the state and other institutions, whose territorial bor- contributed to the process of globalization, including sur-
ders have "not so much crossed or opened as transcend- plus accumulation of corporate capital, the role of the
ed. Here, 'global' phenomena are those that extend dominant states and their bureaucracies, domestic con-
across widely dispersed locations simultaneously. Terri- straints, rising human expectations, international institu-
torial distance and territorial borders hold limited sig- tions, and technological innovations.
nificance in these circumstances; the globe becomes a Economic factors of surplus accumulation. The most
single 'place' in its own right" (Scholte, 1997, 431). important factor contributing to the globalization of cap-
This view of globalization is useful for understanding italism has been the driving force of surplus accumula-
global changes in the political economy of nations. It tion that has crossed territorial borders and transcended
also considers the world as a global village and offers national boundaries for decades. It accelerated after
significant explanatory power. Yet, it gives limited World War II and reached a high point after the 1970s,
weight to the role of the modern state and public reaching its zenith in the 1990s. Surplus (or profit) accu-
administration in causing globalization. It also tells littlemulation is the lifeblood of capitalism, which needs con-
about the future role of the state, institutional elites, stant expansion at any cost; hence the continuity of
and public administration in such a global "place." It dynamic capitalism. Globalization has been a central fea-
tells nothing about the dialectical counterforces of ture of transnational corporations (also called multina-
change exerted from below. tionals), which have for many decades reached global
Globalization as both a transcending phenomenon and a markets and enjoyed cheap labor in less developed
process. Sharing with and building upon the previous nations. What is new is the rapidity and high rate of sur-
meanings, this perspective considers globalization to be a plus accumulation, made possible by a number of mecha-
process of accumulation by global capitalism—a constant nisms, as well as the transworld mobility of corporations
process of expansion into new frontiers and opportunities in a spaceless and timeless global place facilitated by the
for increasing capital accumulation at the global level. It state. Borrowing from Scholte's (1997) list of factors,
also views globalization as a phenomenon caused by the these mechanisms are briefly explained below.
process of global capital accumulation—a phenomenon Global marketing. In search of new markets, cheap
that has manifested its negative and positive effects labor, and unrestricted production sites, many multina-
almost everywhere. The impact has even been felt by the tionals and transnational corporations have decided to
powerful nations of the West and Japan, where most, if "go global." The movement out of the Snow Belt into the
not all, of the transcending organizations of capital accu- Sun Belt of the antiunion South, still in progress, has
mulation have homebases and are backed by their global- boosted surplus accumulation. But more American cor-
ly dominant states. Unlike the Third World countries, porations found globalization a much faster and more
which have been plagued by the devastating effects of profitable strategy. Global consumerism began to flour-
globalization by multinational and transnational corpora- ish, with monied consumers around the planet being able
tions for decades, the peoples, institutions, and commu- "to purchase the same goods at the same time," and coor-
nities of the advanced industrial countries of the North dinated corporate research and development activities
did not experience the impact of globalization until produced new economies of scale beyond the reach of
recently. individual corporations (Modelski, 1979). These activi-
It is this qualitative change, spurred by the new global- ties produced high profit rates and a significant upturn
ization process, that has caused concerns and led to "new for globalizing firms and the home states supporting
consequences" for the nation-states in the dominant them. By 1989, the cost of corporate advertising reached
West. Therefore, this perspective of globalization is rather $240 billion, in addition to the $380 billion spent on
novel and complementary to the views noted above, in packaging, design, and promotion (During, 1992, 171-
that it adds an innovative dimension to the concept. It 72). In 1992, almost all of the 40 largest advertising firms
considers the state as an active institutional player in the in Great Britain and the United States had specialized
process of globalization and in dealing with its conse- departments with global commercials (Sklair, 1995;
quences. Other factors, such as information technology, Scholte, 1997, 433). By the 1990s, the corporate convic-
also have been effective. Here, in the new global commu- tion that globalization "is not a luxury any more, it's a

512 Public Administration Review • November/December 1999, Vol. 59, No. 6

they play governments against governments and stage
In search of new markets, cheap labor, and coup d'etats or counterinsurgencies against governments
unsympathetic to them (Parenti, 1995; Korten, 1995).
unrestricted production sites, many multinationals Global money and financialization. Global money has
no loyalty or attachment to any space, nation, or com-
and transnational corporations have decided to "go global" munity of people. Unlike in the past, when money and
its distribution were mainly territorial and promoted
necessity" was expressed in the Wall Street fournal domestic communities—jobs, opportunities, commercial
(September 26, RI). activities, community values—global money has now
Global production, with its reduced costs, also has loosened its link to territorial finance, facilitated by the
begun to replace national production. Globalization of cyberspace of banking computers. In 1995, "over $9 tril-
finance has facilitated this process and has produced lion of the world's bank assets belonged to depositors
"global sourcing," through which a production company non-resident in the country where the account was held
can draw its components and materials from anywhere in and/or were denominated in a currency issued outside
the world. With the globalization of financial capital, it that country" (Scholte, 1997, 439-440). Global financial-
has become possible "to produce a product anywhere, ization has been accelerated (Sweezy, 1997) with the help
using resources from anywhere, by a company located of "cyberpolitiks," changing the "nature of power in the
anywhere, to be sold anywhere" (Friedman, 1994; also information age" (Rothkopf, 1998, 325).
cited in Naisbitt, 1994, 19; Scholte, 1997, 435). The Global state and administration. Ironically, capitalism
result is a "global factory" in which different countries needs a strong state and a stable environment to prosper.
host different production activities, supply cheap labor It demands order and social control (Weber, 1947; Offe,
and materials, and absorb all social and external costs 1985). The globally dominant governments, particularly
associated with global production. the United States and its European partners, have played
Global commodification of new items has transformed an active role in promoting globalization of capital
social as well as economic life worldwide. Traditional tan- throughout this century. These governments have allo-
gible trades and industries have shifted toward "intangi- cated large amounts of public expenditures to military
bles" (Scholte, 1997, 436) which are considered new, and security systems to protect and promote corporate
unique, or different, and are appealing to global con- capital accumulation in less-developed nations, as well as
sumers, such as folk songs and cultural and ethnic fea- in domestic marketplaces. They have intervened militari-
tures (Mele, 1996). ly in many countries, replaced legitimate governments,
Reorganization of corporate structure. The rise and and installed and supported some of the most repressive
expansion of transworld corporations has resulted in ver- and corrupt regimes in the world. Examples include
tical as well as horizontal organizational restructuring; Ghile in the 1970s, Iran in the 1950s, and Indonesia in
this has led to a concentration of corporate power at the the 1960s (Parenti, 1995; Greenberg, 1986; LaFeber,
global level and the creation of a global ruling class 1984;Hailiday, 1979).
(Korten, 1995; Brown, 1992; Brecher and Gostello, Especially since World War II, Western governments
1994). The number of global corporations increased have exported their ideologies, value systems, and systems
from 3,500 in I960 to 40,000 in 1995, representing 40 of governance and administration as ideal models by
percent of the world's total commerce (UNGTAD, 1996, using state-of-the-art communication systems. By con-
ix). Vertically, the number of strategic alliances between ducting direct and proxy wars of intervention and inva-
globalizing enterprises have risen, and the global waves of sions in Asia, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East,
successive mergers and acquisitions have produced a full- American corporate interests were sought (Brown, 1992;
scale "fusion," reaching 6,000 in 1995, with an aggregate Gill and Law, 1988; Korten, 1995; Bill and Springborg,
value of $229.4 billion {Financial Times, Jan. 20, 22). In 1990) and justified as protection of American global
fact, "mergermania" and "mega-merger" trends have pro- interests (Ball, 1967; Hamilton, 1989; Murphy, 1988).
duced a globally centralized organization and a concen- The efficient functioning of the market depends on
trated power structure in which the largest 300 transna- strong governments (Daly and Gobb, 1989). Capitalism
tionals control 70 percent of all foreign direct investment needs a strong state and bureaucracy to fiourish, and
and almost one third of the total assets of all corporations powerRil business elites dominate the policy process and
around the world (Dunning, 1993, 15; Harvey, 1995, affect its outcomes (Jones, 1983; Lindblom, 1990). To
189). protect the system from periodic collapse and to provide
This concentrated global corporate structure has also safety nets for promoting capitalist development, market
produced a globalizing cadre of "managerial elites," as failures demand government intervention in the economy
well as a new level of "organizational elite" that tend to (Burkhead and Miner, 1971; Parenti, 1995; Korten,
infiuence public policy and administrative decisions vir- 1995; Singer and Wildavsky, 1993). Thus, the modern
tually anywhere on the planet. These global elites pro- state has, through public expenditures, played a pivotal
duce a global "organizational culture" (Pascale, 1984): role in the accelerated development of both capitalism

SICA Jubilee: Globalization and Public Administration 513

and globalization for a new world order. However, in fair- I 'T'1
ness to these systems, they also have spent significant por- I 1 llC United Nations itselfhas been a major
tions of their budgets to finance the welfare state I
(Gilbert, 1983) to produce a balance of social and eco- I factor in Malization.
nomic actions, a balance that was not acceptable to cor- *
porate elites (Henry, 1995). these supranational organizations have played an effective
Domestic decline. The 1970s were plagued by the role in globalization through "structural adjustment"
domestic economic downturn marked by stagfiation, requirements dictated to the poor and less-developed
energy crisis, budget deficits, political and presidential nations desperately seeking international aid (Ghan,
crises, a confidence-gap crisis in both corporate and gov- 1996).
ernmental elite performance (Lipset, 1987; Rosenbloom, A key feature of the structural adjustment program is
1995; Henry, 1995), and general organizational decline the major reforms to the regulatory, financial, and
and cutback management (Levine, 1978, 1980; Peters, administrative schemes imposed on those countries.
1991). These problems were accompanied by citizen tax These reforms have included massive privatization and
revolts and the rising expectations of employee unions in promotion of the subsidiary private sector, removal of
corporate and public sectors. These domestic upsets were trade and other barriers, tax incentives for corporate
compounded by international challenges posed to the operations, favorable labor laws allowing for unrestrained
United States and other Western powers by revolutions in use of cheap labor, an emphasis on export-oriented pro-
Iran and Nicaragua. The net result was that the state duction and economic growth versus development, and a
faced a legitimacy crisis of its own. It was unable to con- reduction of government's role in the economy (Han-
tribute to accelerated capital accumulation and to per- cock, 1989; Korten, 1995; Gill and Law, 1991; Brown,
form the increasingly costly social welfare function that 1992).
was contributing to its "fiscal crisis" (O'Gonnor, 1973;
Arrow, 1963; Heidenheimer et al., 1983, 330). These ^ . „ , , ,. .
events, in turn, drove more corporations toward global- Consequences of Globalization
lzation. Globalization has facilitated connection and coordina-
Rising human expectations. The expectations of the tion among peoples, governments, and nongovernmental
general populace have been rising, particularly those of organizations. Global accessibility is a giant positive step
the employee unions; this has become evident by the toward human advancements. Yet, globalization is build-
unions' demands for "property rights" in jobs, greater ing the foundation of a new civilization characterized by
participation in management of enterprises, the emerging many paradoxes. Not all states have been affected by or
role of women in the workforce, and so on. The corpo- responded to globalization equally. This process has
rate power structure has called many of these expectations moved much faster in North America, East Asia, Western
of public- and private-sector employees unsuitable for Europe, and Australia than in the rest of Asia and
their purpose of profitmaking. Moreover, the many law- Europe, Africa, and Latin America. Nevertheless, the
suits stemming from Equal Employment Opportunity globalization of capital, politics, administration, and cul-
Act have encouraged more corporations to operate in ture has affected virtually every nation; no country has
outside global factories with cheap labor and litde or no been left untouched. For our purposes, the following dis-
legal constraints. All of this has contributed to globaliza- cussion focuses only on the consequences of globalization
"°"- for the state and for public administration. T'hese conse-
Innovations. Innovations in information technology, quences are discussed in the context of both developed
communications and transportation systems, and the and less-developed nations and their public administra-
Internet have contributed significantly to the globaliza- tion.
tion phenomenon (Welch and Wong, 1998; Savith, Gontinuity and persistence of the state. Globalization has
1998). As Bill Gates (1995) of Microsoft promises, a not brought about the end of the state and its bureaucra-
future "shoppers' heaven" in cyberspace seems to provide cy; nor will it result in a decline of the state in the future,
a place where "all the goods for sale in the world will be The territorial state as a sociopolitical identity will con-
available from home via Internet" (158). tinue to exist, as it has for several millennia. The relation-
United Nations agencies. The United Nations itself has ship between market and politics, capitalism and the
been a major factor in globalization. Since the 1970s, its state, the private- and public-sector management has
key affiliated organizations, such as the World Bank, the been an intimate one. The relationship continues to exist
International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World because public administration and civilization, including
Trade Organization (WTO), have been powerfiil instru- capitalist civilization, have coexisted and promoted one
ments in this process, which has been dominated and another (Waldo, 1980/1992) with a bureaucracy that has
controlled primarily by the Trilaterals (the United States, also survived millennia of political and economic changes
some West European governments, and the Japanese), the (Heady, 1996; Farazmand, 1998a, 1996b).
key donors of international aid. In the last two decades. However, globalization has also caused major changes

•' Public Administration Review • November/December 1999, Vol. 59, No. 6

all states are needed for globalizing capitalism, and all
The orientation and the role of the globalizing states have public administration functions that cannot
and will not be dismantled. The changing character of
state have changed as a result of globalizing public administration as a field of enquiry, however, is
manifest in its recent and current debate over the role of
corporate capitalism. the state and the explorations into philosophical, institu-
tional, organizational, and practical underpinnings in
in the character of the modern state (Heady, 1998; search of identity (Peters, 1997; Rockman, 1997). Gorre-
Gaiden, 1994; Esman, 1999; Scholte, 1997). At least five spondingly, the twin fields of comparative and develop-
such major changes may be discerned. First is the rein- mental public administration have been filled with the
forcement of supraterritorial governance organizations shifting debate over the nature and size of the state and
such as the IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO, whose public administration in developing knowledge and
decisions and codes of conduct are binding over the building theoretical generalizations (Heady, 1998; Riggs,
nation-states affecting their administrative systems. The 1998). Similar changes have been observed in practical
second is the increasing degree of interdependence dimensions of the state and public administration.
among modern states to handle territorial and supraterri- The orientation and the role of the globalizing state
torial issues and to seek cooperation for a host of matters have changed as a result of globalizing corporate capital-
of general interest, such as the alarming concern for the ism. Unlike the welfare administrative state, which tend-
global environment and the viability of ecological sus- ed to balance corporate/market interests with social and
tainability. Here, the concepts of the global village, global political interests for several decades during the Gold
environment, and global citizenship are among the War, the role of the new corporate welfare administrative
emerging concerns that are pressed on all states and their state features several characteristics. These include the
public administration practices (Khator, 1994; Brown, shrinking of the stabilizing welfare state as we know it;
1992). the expansion of the security and military or warfare
The third change is that all states have gained the state; and the expansion of the coercive bureaucracy—
information-age advantages to process information for police, prisons, court systems, and their auxiliary func-
almost all functions of governance and administration, tions such as social works, psychological networks, and
both domestic and international, though less-developed counseling. Thus, the state and bureaucracy are actually
nations will continue to trail behind for a while. More alive and well (Korten, 1995; Lowi, 1995; Parenti, 1995;
noteworthy is the increased military and technological Farazmand, 1997a,b,c). However, equity and fairness
capability of the dominant states, especially the United may have been the casualties of corporate greed and glob-
States, to globally dominate the world from both the alization of capital (Farazmand, 1997a,b).
earth and space—hence a global hegemony. The fourth Negative consequences of globalization. The negative
change is the growing role of governments as partners consequences of globalization are many: they include the
with and promoters of the private sectors, often at the diminished or lost sovereignty of states, constraints on
expense of public goods and services. Under forces of democracy, loss of community, concentration of the glob-
globalization, "the role of government is progressively al power structure, increased centralization of corporate
shifting toward providing an appropriate enabling envi- and government organizational elites, and increased
ronment for private [corporate] enterprise" ( U N G T A D , dependency among less-developed nations on globalizing
1996, IGla22). powers.
The fifi:h, and perhaps the most important change for Threat to state sovereignty. Sovereign statehood depends
public administrators, is the shifi: of the administrative state on territoriality, fixed locations, and supreme authority
from a welfare state to a corporate state (Parenti, 1995; over land, space, and sea (Helleiner, 1994; Scholte,
Korten, 1995) or "shadow state" (Wolch, 1990), "indiffer- 1997). But the pivotal role of the state in globalizing
ent state," "contracting state" (Bowls and Wagman, 1997; capitalism has, at the same time, threatened state identity
Rathgerb and Lipsky, 1993), or "entrepreneurial state" by putting its "sovereignty at bay" (Vernon, 1971). Ghal-
(Eisinger, 1988). Gorresponding changes in the nature of lenges to sovereignty mean a loss of unilateral ability by
public administration and management have been charac- nation-states to exercise comprehensive macroeconomic
terized by such terms as "managerialism," "political man- policy. Many states have surrendered their national poli-
agement," "new public management," and the "hallow- cy-making ability to regional or international organiza-
state" (Milward, 1994) or "the corporate administrative tions for collaborating with globalization efforts. Some
state" (Farazmand, 1997a, b). governments have even revised their constitutions in the
Similarly, public administration will continue to per- interest of regional collaboration (for example, Italy, Por-
sist as both a self-conscious enterprise and a professional tugal, and Spain in the European Gommunity, and Latin
field. Research and development in public administration American countries are considering similar actions
may be negatively affected by globalization to some toward the Transamerican community). Since the 1970s,
extent, but the continuity of the field of enquiry is intact; the IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO have enforced

SICA jubilee: Globalization and Public Administration 315

more authoritative measures on the monetary and fiscal
policies of less-developed member countries. The struc- managerial elites are making
tural adjustment programs mentioned above have forced
these countries into reforms and changes that have deep- colonizing decisions that affect governments,
ened their dependency on globalizing corporations and
their dominant governments.
By 1994, the World Bank had sought to "provide
communities, andpeoples around the globe, and
$200 billion to the Third World in the next decade to
promote the private sector" (Milman and Lundstedt,
human beings are reduced to consumers of global markets.
1994, 1667). Such international loans carry both cross- 22). Community displacement is a bitter pill that mil-
conditions and crossover conditions that deepen the lions of farmers in many less-developed nations have
financial, military, political, and economic dependency been tasting for several decades. Self-sufficient farmers
on Western powers and globalizing power elites, who can who contributed to their community and to the national
easily dictate policy choices to poor and less-developed economy have been forced out and dispossessed by glob-
nations. Such money usually enriches the host country's alizing agribusiness and agroindustry, which have had the
power elites at the expense of millions of people. It is full support of subservient governments and administra-
also true that most foreign aid and international loans are tive elites. These farmers' migration to cities to seek
returned to donor countries (Hudson, 1971). As Korten undignified wage-earning jobs has only exacerbated exist-
(1995) states, the "Bank-approved consultants often ing urban problems (Chan, 1996; Helmut, 1975; Hoog-
rewrite a country's trade policy, fiscal policy, civil service land, 1970; McCoy, 1971; LaFeber, 1984; Farazmand,
requirements, labor laws, health care arrangements, envi- 1989, 1991b). However, such problems of displacement
ronmental regulations, energy policy, resettlement are justified by modernization theorists such as Hunting-
requirements, procurement rules, and budgetary policy" ton (1968). Similar charges of globalization focus atten-
(165). Hancock (1989) calls the Bank leaders the "lords tion on the "global pillage" (Brecher, 1993; Mander and
of poverty" leading global policy directions through Goldsmith, 1996) and "modern slavery" in "sweatshops
"organizational elites" (Farazmand, 1997a,b) who execute behind the labels" (Udesky, 1994, 6G6-6S), creating a
the policy preferences of the "inner circle," global corpo- "race to the bottom in which wages and social conditions
rate elites (Useem, 1984; Domhaff, 1970). tend to fall to the level of the most desperate" (Brescher,
Threat to democracy and community. The rise and 1993, 685-688).
expansion of globalizing capital pose a serious threat to Globalizing managerial elites are making colonizing
democratic ideas around the globe. The very fact that decisions that affect governments, communities, and peo-
global organizations such as the IMF, the World Bank, ples around the globe, and human beings are reduced to
and the WTO, as well as a few transnational elites, pre- consumers of global markets. Contrary to some rational-
scribe and dictate fiscal, monetary, and other structural- choice theorists (Buchanan and Toiluck, 1962; Mueller,
adjustment policies to poor and less-developed countries 1989), market and democracy are not synonymous; in
is, in a way, a negation of local democracy. People in fact, they are in serious confiict with each other (Lind-
these nations do not and cannot exercise their human blom, 1977; Macpherson, 1987). "Exporting democracy"
and civil rights to determine their own policy preferences; has been a favorite slogan under the new world order and
their national and human interests are sacrificed to the globalization (Lowenthal, 1991; Huntington, 1991). But
interests of the dominant powers (Hancok, 1989). Glob- the record shows that the great capitalist democracies of
alization has resulted in deepening poverty, social disinte- the West, including the United States, have supported
gration, and environmental destruction. Globalization of "some of the most repressive and exploitative dictator-
corporations in these nations has resulted in the destruc- ships" around the globe (Kitscheil, 1992), forcing mil-
tion of domestic production economies in favor of lions of people in less-developed nations to stage bloody
export-oriented, cash-crop activities and global interests. revolutions (Magdoff, 1969; Schultz and Slater, 1990;
People in most of these nations have been struggling with Farazmand, 1989).
repressive regimes and politico-administrative elites who Equating democracy with market is both misleading
are supported by global corporations and the Western and dangerous. It is misleading because their values clash
democracies, including the United States (Cottam, 1979; in many ways. As Heilbroner (1990) notes, "it is of
LaFeber, 1984; Mander and Goldsmith, 1996). course foolish to suggest that capitalism is the sine qua
Conversely, the threat to domestic Western democracy non of democracy, or to claim that democracy, with its
is also real when global corporations close factories commitment to political equality, does not confiict in
overnight and take their business overseas without con- many ways with the inequalities built into capitalism"
sulting local communities (Wilson, 1997), or when for- (105). Markets are inherently biased in favor of wealthy
eign investments in domestic enterprises are made with- people, who may not necessarily realize the needs of a
out input from local communities. Local people have lost healthy society. With economic and political power con-
control of their communities (Mele, 1997; Korten, 1995, centrated in a few global corporations and government

516 Public Administration Review • November/December 1999, Vol. 59, No. 6

elites, policy choices are "impaired" (Lindblom, 1990), administrators across the world.
and it is increasingly difficult to exercise freedom of 1. There has been a major change in the configuration
choice and to enjoy protected individual rights (Dugger, of public-private spheres in favor of the globalizing cor-
1989). Global corporations are extremely difficult, if not porate sector. The leading economic role of the govern-
impossible, to hold accountable. As Korten (1995) notes, ment and the public sector in the allocation of resources,
"it is impossible to have healthy, equitable, and demo- the equitable distribution of wealth, the stabilization of
cratic societies when political and economic power is economy, and economic growth has been overruled by
concentrated in a few gigantic corporations" (181). the globalizing corporate elites. With the fall of the Sovi-
Equating democracy with market is dangerous for two et Union and increasing globalization, as well as the fiscal
reasons. First, the equation is applied inconsistently crisis of the state, the traditional administrative state has
around the world—friendly dictators are praised for pro- come under attack from all fronts, but especially from the
moting globalizing corporate enterprises and are consid- corporate elites who no longer see a need for the welfare
ered democratic, whereas legitimate socialist and indige- state. Therefore, the dismantling of the administrative
nously oriented capitalist governments that are not so welfare state has had negative consequences for public
friendly to global corporations are considered undemo- administration and citizens. The "public sphere" and the
cratic (Gibbs, 1991; Hamilton, 1989). Second, it raises space for citizen involvement have been shrinking as a
false expectations of democratic rights among people in result of globalization and government restructuring
less-developed nations who live under repressive regimes (Rockman, 1997; Habermas, 1974; Offe, 1985). Public
supported by Western democracies. administrators should resist shrinking this realm of public
Gorruption and elite empowerment. Globalization service by engaging citizens in the administration of pub-
pushes privatization as a part of structural-adjustment lic affairs and by playing a proactive role in managing
programs, empowers the growing subsidiary elites (sub- societal resources away from the dominant control of
servient comprador bourgeoisie) as agents of transworld globalizing corporate elites. Their future legitimacy will
corporations, and promotes corruption in less- as well as be based on this action.
more-developed nations. Such corruption at the highest 2. A bigger challenge lies in the change in the charac-
ter and activities of the state and of public administration
levels has already reached the point of national crisis. For
example, Chile has been touted as a model of privatized from "civil administration to non-civil administration"
economy, when in fact one-third of the population lives (Farazmand, 1997a,b). For several decades, the tradition-
in miserable poverty, while the military-bureaucratic- al administrative state balanced corporate elite interests
business elites enjoy world-class lifestyles (Rehren, 1999;with broad public interests, thus providing the social and
Gould, 1991). Similar problems are reported in the political stability necessary for capital accumulation and
United States (see Henry, 1993; Thayer, 1984). Other system legitimacy. And it played a key role in system
studies refer to globalization- and privatization-induced maintenance and regime enhancement. Now, the bal-
corruption among elites at high levels around the world anced administrative state has been replaced by the cor-
Qreisat, 1997; Eisner, 1995; Farazmand, 1996a). porate-coercive state, which is characterized by a massive-
Elite empowerment leads to a new global organiza- ly growing coercive bureaucracy in charge of
tional structure with the characteristics of a global "cor-incarcerating millions of citizens considered potential
threats to social order. These citizen threats are created by
porate empire" that requires fiexibility in its giant trans-
formation of the world power structure. It calls for market chaos under economic and social pressures caused
concentration without centralization, similar to colonial- by globalization and marketization (Schneider, 1993;
ism, with four elements: (1) downsizing to organizational Farazmand, 1997a,b,c). The criminalization of society is
core competencies; (2) computerization and automation; finding many victims among the most respected, hard-
working citizens, who are trapped in unbearable socioe-
(3) mergers, acquisitions, and strategic alliances; and (4)
headquarters teamwork and morale among core person- conomic conditions (Davey, 1995; Lowi, 1996). As a
nel (Harrison, 1993). This transformation draws a clear result, public administration is being transformed from
demarcation between the elites and the nonelites, the lat- traditional civil administration to noncivil administration
ter seen as expendable commodities (Dugger, 1989). of the "public"—not their affairs—for social control and
Globalization empowers elite dominance under the new facilitation of capital accumulation. This is a major
world order in which hegemonic theory prevails along change in the character of the state and should be resisted
with the globalization of capital (Korten, 1995). What, by all public administrators with a social conscience.
then, are the implications of globalization and the new 3. The globalizing state has forced public administra-
world order for public administration? tion to do more with less. Indeed, public administrators
must perform the impossible task of high output under
severe psychological conditions of fear and downsized
Implications for Public Administration
personnel, setting them up for failure only to prove the
The following paragraphs highlight the challenges fac- corporate claims of government inefficiency. Public
ing public administration and offer suggestions for public administrators can and should document their records of

SICA Jubilee: Globalization and Public Administration 517

high performance as well as the failures of the corporate
marketplace. more about public administration fom
4. By extension, the professionalization of public
administration is a response to the challenge of globaliza- a comparative perspective broadens our world outlook.
tion. Professionalization brings both institutional and
moral and ethical standards to public service at the global centration of corporate power and has centralized its
level, exposing the fallacies of globalizing transnational organizational structure while at the same time govern-
elites while learning from their organizational and techni- mental decentralization has been promoted across the
cal skills. The excesses of globalization and market failure world.
will invite more government intervention. A professional- 7. Globalization threatens communities (Korten,
ly sound public administration should be ready for fiiture 1995) and "public spiritedness"—to borrow Frederick-
action. son's 1997 term—by removing local control and making
5. Globalization pushes for increased privatization, irrelevant the participatory role of citizens and local pub-
which promotes greater opportunities for corruption lic administrators to make significant decisions that affect
(Gould, 1991). Gorruption has turned societal resources people's lives. Local governments' ability to forecast rev-
into illegal, immoral, and unproductive activities. It also enue bases will be undermined as global firms close oper-
challenges the very foundations of societal health and ations overnight for more profitable locations (Eisner,
destroys citizens' trust in leadership and system legitima- 1995; Mander and Goldsmith, 1996). Public adminis-
cy. Privatization is based on the market-based, rational- trators should try to minimize such uncertainties by
choice theory of self-interested individualism in search of attaching long-term strings to dealings with global corpo-
maximizing self-interests at almost any cost to communi- rations. They should also build a sense of community,
ty and society. This behavioral and normative philosophy encourage citizen involvement in administration, and fos-
puts individual interests above the interests of the com- ter values of citizenship and community/public interest
munity and society (Bellah et al., 1991; Triandis, 1995); in balance against rugged self-interest. And they should
this is exactly what the globalizing transnational compa- treat citizens with respect and effiiciency.
nies are trying to promote in order to build a global cul- 8. There is a growing knowledge explosion in public
ture of consumerism that converges national cultures into administration and related fields, including in its sub-
a global culture (Schein, 1985). This global corporate fields of comparative and international administration
culture is, in part, managed through human resources (Savitch, 1998). I agree with Ferrel Heady's (1998) state-
management practices, many of which are in sharp con- ment that these two subfields have been separately and
trast with national and community cultures (Laurent, disjointediy promoted in the past decades. There is a
1986). Public administrators must resist the market- new subfield of globalization in town now, and there is a
based concepts of treating citizens as consumers and need to integrate the studies of public administration
degrading them to market commodities. from the comparative, international, and global perspec-
6. Globalization tends to promote elitism and enriches tives. ASPA members are challenged to undertake this
elites—business, political, military, and managerial— new endeavor to produce materials that will help to gen-
most of whom operate as "subsidiaries" (Schenider, 1993) erate generalizations across global spaces. Practitioners
or agents of transnational corporations. The personal and will be enlightened by the exposure to these needed stud-
career interests of these "global soldiers" generally over- ies and will likely be better administrators in the future
ride national and community interests; they actually global village.
become "corporate mercenaries" (Edstrom and Galbraith, 9. Learning more about public administration from a
1977) and promote "cultural imperialism" (Said, 1993). comparative perspective broadens our world outlook.
People in less-developed nations are familiar with these American students and scholars can broaden their per-
subservient elites, who seem to rise to power and wealth sonal and professional worldviews by appreciating the
overnight at the expense of millions. Because the globaliz- cultural, institutional, and religious underpinnings of the
ing governments are actively involved in corporate global- administrative cultures of less-developed nations, some of
ization through the implementation of public-private which have rich cultural and governance heritages. Glob-
partnership programs with globalizing firms, public alization challenges the American parochial and ethno-
administrators and administrative consultants are chal- centric tradition of public administration and shatters the
lenged by the implications of this aspect of globalization. politics-administration dichotomy while providing
Many elites in less-developed nations run repressive immense opportunities for consultancy and corporate-
regimes which violate the human rights of their own peo- related public management practices in less-developed
ple. American advisors and consultants often enhance the countries. Learning about other peoples, cultures, and
domination of these bureaucratic elites—both military public administration contributes to fiarther "knowledge
and civilian—over their own society in less-developed explosion." Already, rich administrative traditions exist
countries (Riggs, 1994, 36; Said, 1993; Parenti, 1995). around the world to which Americans have not been
Paradoxically, globalization has produced a massive con- exposed. Examples include Scandinavian and Soviet sys-

518 Public Administration Review • November/December 1999, Vol. 59, No. 6

tems of public administration (Gaiden, 1994), as well as nations have a global responsibility to act ethically and
the systems of cooperatives in which democratic adminis- morally in a coordinated manner. They must expose and
tration can be fostered. Similarly, Americans and other fight corruption at any level and at any time. Political
global citizens can learn about public administration appointees and politicians are temporal officials, many of
under other indigenous systems. Comparative study of whom have intimate fmancial and personal ties with
governance and public administration is not new and has global corporate elites; they are prone to corruption and
a long tradition dating back to ancient times (Heady, abuse of authority, and their definition of public interest
1996; Farazmand, 1996b); its focus for global studies of is narrow and aimed at the powerful constituencies.
administration should be the agendas of the Section on 12. Globalization does not end the state and public
International and Gomparative Administration (SICA) of administration. There is a new global challenge that
the American Society for Public Administration in the broadens public administration's scope of research, prac-
twenty-first century. tice, and teaching. Public administration has just entered
10. Globalization challenges the human conscience of a new stage of human civilization, with a future that is
the public administration community. Professional citi- both brightened and darkened by globalization and the
zens of the global community have the opportunity—and hegemonic world order. We hope that prosperity for all
the responsibility—to observe and examine what is hap- will be the outcome.
pening around the corners of their global community. • • •
There are many issues that challenge their conscience, Aii Farazmand is a professor in the School of Public
including the conditions and deprivations of the poor, Administration, Florida Atlantic University, where he
wage slavery and sweatshops in global factories, environ- teaches organization/administrative theory, behavior, con-
mental destruction, global warming, and inequity and ceptual foundations of public administration, and per-
injustice. Raising consciousness about global issues, both sonnel administration. His current research interests are
positive and negative, is both important and necessary, as organizational elite theory, administrative state, globaliza-
public administrators can make a difference when mak- tion, governance and administration, privatization,
ing decisions that affect their fellow citizens. They can administrative reform, bureaucratic politics, and strategic
question the sincerity of the elites, oppose exploitation, public personnel administration. He is the author and
and resist being used for undemocratic, unjust, and editor of more than 14 books and handbooks, including:
inequitable purposes around the globe. In the 1980s, Handbook of Gomparative and Development Public Admin-
public administrators played an effective role in the glob- istration (1991/1993, 2nd ed. 1999); Handbook of Grisis
ally successful campaign against South Africa's regime of and Emergency Management (1999); Modern Organiza-
apartheid. Raising such a global consciousness can chal- tions (1994); Public Enterprise Management (1996); Sound
lenge destructive forces of globalization and global elites Governance (1999/2000); Building Human Gapitalfor the
on various grounds. The Internet and other communica- 21st Gentury (1999/2000); Strategic Public Personnel
tion systems can help administrators communicate glob- Administration (2000); Privatization and Public Enterprise
ally with fellow professionals in outlying areas. Reform (1999); The New American Administrative State: A
11. As guardians of "global community interests," New Institutional Analysis (2000); and Globalization and
public administrators in more- and less-developed the New Gorporate Administrative State.

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522 Public Administration Review » November/December 1999, Vol. 59, No. 6

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