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You are here: User's Guides > Modeling Construcon It ems > Draining and

Corner Holes

Draining and Corner Holes

This secon discusses the funconality of adding dr aining and corner holes

Draining Holes

Topological Extended Corner Holes

You are here: User's Guides > Modeling Construc on Items > Draining and
Corner Holes > Draining Holes

Draining Holes
Both standard and extended draining holes can be topological. Regular
draining holes are created with 'Construc on -> Draining/Corner Holes ->
Insert -> Draining Hole' in 3D-Contek.

Extended draining holes are created with the func on 'Construc on ->
Draining/Corner Holes -> Insert -> Extended Draining Hole' in 3D-Contek.

Topological Draining Holes

A topological draining hole has a rela on to a fixed length, breadth or height
and a rela on to the contour of the plate or the base line of the profile or
shell frame which it is a ached to. If the distance between the specified
draining hole posi on and the related contour is less or equal to 50 mm
during crea on then the new standard or extended draining hole is
topological and the loca on at the contour will be set as its new posi on.
Otherwise, the draining hole is not topological and its posi on is not
adjusted. The same situa on applies while shi ing an exis ng topological
draining hole.
When a topological draining hole is shi ed to a posi on, at which no
intersec on between the rela on and the contour can be found, then the
hole will be placed at the specified posi on. It remains topological so that,
when the part contour is changed and an intersec on can be found, the
hole will be relocated if necessary.

A topological draining hole loses its topology when:

The hole is copied or moved and the copy of the hole is rotated.
The hole is mirrored over a slanted line.
When a hole is copied or moved then the hole will remain connected to the
contour if it does not lose its topology, according to the two condi ons
listed above. There will be no distance check between original point and
contour connec on point.

When a topological draining hole loses its topology then it will not be
reposi oned to the contour anymore.

Recalcula on
Topological draining holes are recalculated when:
The plate contour is copied, modified or recalculated
The profile or shell frame is copied, modified or recalculated
The topological draining hole has been copied, shi ed or moved
Non-topological draining holes are not recalculated at these mes.

Maximum Bevel Opening

The ninth R-variable, R9, in The Type File for draining holes contains the
maximum bevel opening. This allows the maximum bevel opening to be
used while defining the shape of the draining hole.
To be able to use the R9 value in, for example, profile sketches it is
necessary to add the R9 value to the used robot layout files in the norms
map. This means that all I,C, lines must have an extra 0 at the end and that
the I,C, line a er the LOOP keyword must have an extra R9 at the end.
You are here: User's Guides > Modeling Construc on Items > Draining and
Corner Holes > Topological Extended Corner Holes

Topological Extended Corner Holes

Extended corner holes can be created on plates in the 3D-Contek
applica on within CADMATIC Hull. When beginning the func on found at:
'Construc on -> Draining/Corner Holes -> Insert -> Extended Corner Hole',
the following window will appear:

The following op ons are available in this window:

'Rel. to base'
The indicated rela on of the hole will be toward the base
'In the center'
The corner hole is centered in the corner of both lines at the
indicated side
'Rel. to the side
The second rela on of the hole will be toward the side

Inser ng a Topological Hole

Two rela ons are used when a topological corner hole is created: the base
rela on and the side rela on, which is nearest to the base. Possible
rela ons which can be used are with:

A plate, bracket or shell frame in cross sec on

A plate in plan view
A hull line

A part in cross sec on can only be selected once. If a rela on to a plate in

plan view is selected, it should be the same plate which the corner hole is to
be added. Only parts from a solid block can be selected for this process.

When selec ng a part: the plate in plan view has precedence over a plate in
cross sec on and a plate in cross sec on has precedence over a hull line.

The icons which can be selected underneath the op ons for the rela on
toggle are dictated by the Corner Hole Type Files and the 'Modify Icons -
3D-Contek' se ng in the System Management applica on. The dialog
window which appears a er selec ng an op on about rela on behavior
and selec ng a related part will depend on the type of corner hole selected
from the window.

Maximum Bevel Opening

The maximum allowable bevel opening must be determined for each side of
the hole by the system administrator using the corner hole's type file. The
value for the base dimension of the hole can be used in corner hole type
files as variable R9. The value for the side dimension of the hole can be used
in corner hole type files as RA.

Shi ing
If a topological extended corner hole is shi ed, it has to be reposi oned to
the contour of the part which it belongs to. If a shi leads to either the base
or side dimension exceeding 50 mm, then the corner hole will no longer be
topological. If the corner hole remains topological then the posi on will not
change because it is rela ve to the related parts. The behavior of this
func on is similar to topological draining holes. If a shi leads to a situa on
where no intersec on can be found then the corner hole will not be shown
un l it can find an intersec on again, during recalcula on of the part.

Copying and Moving

A topological corner hole will remain topological when it is copied or moved
unless no proper rela ons can be found. If no rela ons can be found, this
will be reported in the messages window. If a hole remains topological
during a move or copy ac on, then it will stay connected between two
parts. The system does not check the distance between its original and new
posi on of the hole and only ensures it remains placed against the related

A rela on should never change its type during a copy or move ac on. For
example, a rela on to a plate in plan view should be replaced by another
plate in plan view, such as the plate to which the new corner hole belongs.
Likewise, a rela on to a part in cross sec on should always be replaced by a
rela on to a part in cross sec on.

Recalcula on
Topological corner holes are recalculated when the associated part is
recalculated, however, non-topological corner holes are not.
Extended corner holes are recalculated when:
the associated part is modified or recalculated
the hole was copied, moved or shi ed

Holes that were created but were not visible will s ll be recalculated
according to the condi ons above. Once recalcula on has completed
successfully, the hole will be restored and will be visible again.

Informa on
If a selected corner hole is topological, then the 3D-Item Informa on
func on in 3D-Contek and Hull Viewer will show rela on informa on in the
'Extra' tab.

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