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Republika ng Pilipinas KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON Rehiyon XI SANGAY NG LUNGSOD NG DAVAO Lungsod ng Davao TEL, NOS. 224:2274/224-0100/224-3274/227-4725, DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 00000972 5 r018 To : Elementary Public Schools District Supervisors — Secondary School Cluster Heads ~ Public Elementary and Secondary School Principals — Science Department Heads/ Teachers From : Schools Division Superintendent Subject: SY 2018 - 2019 NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY WEEK CELEBRATION, Date : 22 WN 2018 1. Tohighlight the different contributions of science and technology to national development and to provide a platform in heralding science and technology advocacy in the country, the National Science and Technology Week (NSTW) was institutionalized and recommended by law to be celebrated in the month of July of every year. Carrying the theme “Science for the People: Innovation for Collective Prosperity”, this year’s NSTW will be celebrated in all schools on July 7 ~ 14, 2018 per DepEd Order No. 25, s. 2018 entitled, “Schoo! Calendar for School Year 2018 ~ 2019”. 2. __All science teachers are enjoined to integrate in their science lessons the various contributions of science, technology, and innovation for the progress of a community. Furthermore, schools may initiate relevant classroom-based activities that would strengthen our leamers’ appreciation of science, technology, and innovation. 3. __The following Divisioned activities shall be held in the month of October 2018: (1) Elementary Science Investigatory Project Competition, (2) Strategic Intervention Material Competition for Elementary and Secondary Levels, (3) Secondary School Science Fair, (4) Sclence Education Research Congress for Teachers ~ tentative event, and (5) Science Super Quiz Bee for Elementary Level and for Secondary Level ~ anew event. Participants of these events shall be the winners / representatives from district/ cluster-level eliminations. The mechanics of these events shall be detailed in separate Memorandum. 4, _Itis highlighted that local activities will be regulated so as not to cause disruption of classes and to ensure that the required contact time or number of teachingleamning days is met. School eliminations and district/ cluster eliminations should not be scheduled at least two weeks before the quarterly examinations. 5. For information, guidance and compliance. DepEd - Davae city Reigae fia MARIAINES C. ASUNCION, CESOV Glosfg Schools Speier Fre cldtepySclence_ NSTW_Schoolcelebretion

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