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Acta Ophthalmologica 2016

carteolol, topical 0.1% betamethasone Iwao K, Inatani M & Tanihara H (2011): age groups is very interesting, different
twice daily and 7 mg oral prednisolone. Success rates of trabeculotomy for steroid- types of drugs were used and this could
No cyclodialysis was evident by gonio- induced glaucoma: a comparative, multicenter, lead to incorrect conclusions. The pur-
retrospective cohort study. Am J Ophthalmol
scopy and ultrasound biomicroscopy; pose of the article was to investigate the
151: 1047–1056.
cleft of trabecular meshwork was Malvankar-Mehta MS, Chen YN, Iordanous appropriate age cut-off for cycloplegia
observed at the trabeculotomy sites Y, Wang WW, Costella J & Hutnik CM in refraction, but the comparison
OU by anterior segment optical coher- (2015): iStent as a solo procedure for glau- should have been made with drugs that
ence tomography (Fig. 1G, arrow). coma patients: a systematic review and offer the same cycloplegic potential.
After a trabeculotomy greater than meta-analysis. PLoS One 10: e0128146. Several studies have shown that
180 degrees, marked IOP reduction was Minckler DS, Baerveldt G, Alfaro MR & cyclopentolate has more cycloplegic
achieved OU in the current case. As Francis BA (2005): Clinical results with effect than tropicamide and it reduces
the Trabectome for treatment of open-
reported regarding ab externo trabecu- the accommodative amplitude in adults
angle glaucoma. Ophthalmology 112: 962–
lotomy (Iwao et al. 2011), patients with 967. (Mutti et al. 1994; Owens et al. 1998;
steroid-induced glaucoma also may be Hofmeister et al. 2005). The authors
good candidates for microhook ab concluded that cycloplegia is not
interno trabeculotomy. Several tech- required to provide an estimation of
niques of ab interno trabeculotomy or Correspondence: refractive error for adults; we believe
gonio-bypass surgeries using the Masaki Tanito, MD, PhD that one cannot come to this conclu-
Trabectome (Neo-Medix, Tustin, CA, Division of Ophthalmology sion being as tropicamide was used in
USA) (Minckler et al. 2005), iStent Matsue Red Cross Hospital the adult group. As discussed above,
(Glaukos, Laguna Hills, CA, USA) 200 Horo-machi, Matsue this is a drug that produces less
Shimane 690-8506
(Malvankar-Mehta et al. 2015) and cycloplegia than cyclopentolate.
gonioscopy-assisted transluminal tra- Tel: +81-852-24-2111
Therefore, the amplitude of accommo-
beculotomy (Grover et al. 2014) have Fax: +81-852-31-9783 dation will not remove efficiently and
been reported. These techniques also Email: autorefraction may show erroneous
were indicated for the current case; data given the remaining reserve
however, the absence of the need for accommodation. Although some
expensive or special devices is an advan- authors consider that this is not nec-
tage of our procedure. To minimize the
Supporting Information essary, based on the concept that the
damage of outer wall of Schlemm’s Additional Supporting Information amplitude of accommodation is lost
canal, we recommend the surgeon to may be found in the online version of with age, the findings in their studies
make an initial goniotomy by scratching this article: have shown no significant differences
the trabecular meshwork surface using between perform it. It is also well
the tip of MVR knife rather than Video S1. Ab interno trabeculotomy known based on many studies that
cutting. The tip of the Sinskey hook using a microhook in the right eye. cycloplegic refraction is very impor-
can be observed thorough the trabecular tant in adults. Many authors conclude
meshwork under the visualization using that the lack of cyclopegia can show
a Swan–Jacob gonioprism lens with an overestimation of myopia or an
enough high magnification. To avoid
Cycloplegia in refraction: underestimation of hyperopia or
unintended tissue damage around the age and cycloplegics emmetropia. This can lead to a wrong
trabecular meshwork, after the insertion spherical equivalent, even in patients
of a microhook into the Schlemm’s Virgilio Galvis,1,2 Alejandro Tello,1,2 between the ages of 20 and 50. There-
canal, correct insertion, direction and Oscar Blanco2,3 and M. Margarita fore, cycloplegia should be considered
depth of the tip of hook should be Parra1,2 the gold standard for epidemiological
carefully monitored during the proce- studies of refraction in both children
dure. The microhook ab interno tra- Centro Oftalmol
ogico Virgilio Galvis, and adults (Morgan et al. 2015). In
beculotomy, a minimally invasive Floridablanca, Colombia; 2Universidad other studies, sensitivity and specificity
glaucoma surgery that targets the out- Aut
onoma de Bucaramanga, of non-cycloplegic autorefraction were
flow pathway while sparing the conjunc- Bucaramanga, Colombia; 3Fundaci on determined using cyclopentolate and
tiva without scleral dissection, can be a Oftalmol
ogica de Santander (FOSCAL), tropicamide. They found that the
surgical option in cases of open-angle Floridablanca, Colombia absence of cyclopegia leads to signif-
glaucoma with scleral thinning. doi: 10.1111/aos.13064 icant errors in the measurement of
refraction which ceases to be impor-
tant in adults over the age of 50
Editor, (Fotouhi et al. 2012).
Grover DS, Godfrey DG, Smith O, Feuer WJ,
Montes DE OCA I & Fellman RL (2014):
W e read your informative article
on corneal total astigmatism
measurement in the September 2014 References
Gonioscopy-assisted transluminal trabecu- issue (Sanfilippo et al. 2014). In
lotomy, ab interno trabeculotomy: tech- ‘Methods’ although the intention of Fotouhi A, Morgan IG, Iribarren R, Khabaz-
nique report and preliminary results. khoob M & Hashemi H (2012): Validity of
making a comparison between different
Ophthalmology 121: 855–861.

Acta Ophthalmologica 2016

noncycloplegic refraction in the assessment and Genetic Epidemiology Unit, St. phenotype (Kiefer et al. 2013). Numer-
of refractive errors: the Tehran Eye Study. Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK; 5Centre ous novel (and replicated) genetic asso-
Acta Ophthalmol 90: 380–386. for Ophthalmology and Visual Science, ciations were identified using refractive
Hofmeister EM, Kaupp SE & Schallhorn SC Lions Eye Institute, University of data from customers of 23 and Me
(2005): Comparison of tropicamide
Western Australia, Perth, Western obtained without the assistance of
and cyclopentolate for cycloplegic refrac-
tions in myopic adult refractive surgery
Australia, Australia; 6Discipline of tropicamide or cyclopentolate. It would
patients. J Cataract Refract Surg 31: 694– Medicine, University of Tasmania, appear that there is still some work to be
700. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia carried out in determining the relative
Morgan IG, Iribarren R, Fotouhi A & Grzy- doi: 10.1111/aos.13082 utility of both agents.
bowski A (2015): Cycloplegic refraction is
the gold standard for epidemiological stud-
ies. Acta Ophthalmol 93: 581–585.
Mutti DO, Zadnik K, Egashira S, Kish L,
Editor, References
Twelker JD & Adams AJ (1994): The effect
of cycloplegia on measurement of the ocular
components. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 35:
W e appreciate the letter by Galvis
et al. (2016) regarding our
recent publication investigating age
Egashira SM, Kish LL, Twelker JD, Mutti
DO, Zadnik K & Adams AJ (1993): Com-
515–527. cut-offs for cycloplegic refraction in parison of cyclopentolate versus tropicamide
Owens H, Garner LF, Yap MK, Frith MJ & cycloplegia in children. Optom Vis Sci 70:
teenagers and young adults. Indeed, we
Kinnear RF (1998): Age dependence of 1019–1026.
recognize that the use of two different Galvis V, Tello A, Blanco O & Margarita
ocular biometric measurements under cyclo-
cycloplegic agents introduces an incon- Parra M (2016): Cycloplegia in refraction:
plegia with tropicamide and cyclopentolate.
Clin Exp Optom 81: 159–162.
sistency into our methodology in mea- age and cycloplegics. Acta Ophthalmol. 94:
Sanfilippo PG, Chu BS, Bigault O et al. suring cycloplegic effect. However, the e372–373.
(2014): What is the appropriate age cut-off decision to use tropicamide in older Kiefer AK, Tung JY, Do CB, Hinds DA,
for cycloplegia in refraction? Acta Ophthal- individuals was made after considering Mountain JL, Francke U & Eriksson N
mol 92: 458–462. both the available evidence and prag- (2013): Genome–wide analysis points to
roles for extracellular matrix remodeling,
matic factors affecting our study pop-
the visual cycle, and neuronal development
ulation. in myopia. PLoS Genet 9: e1003299.
Correspondence: Many of our older subjects gra- Manny RE, Hussein M, Scheiman M, Kurtz
Maria Margarita Parra ciously gave off their time to partici- D, Niemann K & Zinzer K (2001): Tropi-
Centro Oftalmologico Virgilio Galvis pate in the study during work periods, camide (1%): an effective cycloplegic agent
Centro Medico Ardila Lulle Floor 3rd and in these cases, we felt the period of for myopic children. Invest Ophthalmol Vis
Floridablanca, Santander cycloplegic recovery (up to 24 hours) Sci 42: 1728–1735.
Tel: 7 6392929 was inordinate. In the authors’ previ- Mutti DO, Zadnik K, Egashira S, Kish L,
Fax: 7 6392626 Twelker JD & Adams AJ (1994): The effect
ous experience in similar studies, this
Email: of cycloplegia on measurement of the ocular
slow recovery has resulted in high rates components. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 35:
of loss to follow-up. The more desir- 515–527.
able pharmacokinetic properties (and Nawrot P, Przekoracka-Krawczyk A, Perz K,
Response: Cycloplegia in safer profile) of tropicamide make this Rusiak P & Naskrecki R (2012): Change in
an easier agent to use with the working ocular refraction after tropicamide cyclople-
refraction: age and individual. gia in preschool children. Klin Oczna 114:
cycloplegics A review of the literature regarding
Owens H, Garner LF, Yap MK, Frith MJ &
the cycloplegic potential of cyclopento-
Kinnear RF (1998): Age dependence of
Paul G. Sanfilippo,1 Byoung-Sun Chu,2 late vs tropicamide will yield data find- ocular biometric measurements under cyclo-
Olivia Bigault,1 Lisa S. Kearns,1 ing statistical favour with the plegia with tropicamide and cyclopentolate.
Mei-Ying Boon,2 Terri L. Young,3 effectiveness of the former agent. How- Clin Exp Optom 81: 159–162.
Christopher J. Hammond,4 ever, what is much less clear is whether
Alex W. Hewitt1,5 and these differences translate to meaningful
David A. Mackey5,6 clinical effects – a reflection of the
importance of interpreting effect size in
Paul G. Sanfilippo, PhD
Department of Ophthalmology, Centre statistical analysis. Accordingly, there Department of Ophthalmology
for Eye Research Australia, Royal are several studies that would suggest Centre for Eye Research Australia
Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, tropicamide is a useful cycloplegic agent Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, in many circumstances (Egashira et al. University of Melbourne
Victoria, Australia; 2School of 1993; Mutti et al. 1994; Owens 32 Gisborne St East Melbourne
et al. 1998; Manny et al. 2001; Nawrot Melbourne 3002
Optometry and Vision Science,
et al. 2012). It is interesting to note that Victoria
University of New South Wales, Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia; 3Duke the largest genomewide association
Tel: +61 3 9929 8360
Center for Human Genetics, Durham, study of myopia utilized a participant Fax: +61 3 9929 8794
North Carolina, USA; 4Twin Research reported rather than clinically based Email:


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