Product: Principles of Marketing

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Principles of Marketing

Integrated marke ng Program

-By Shubhi Saini and Vidhi Saroha

UBER AIR The future of urban mobility
Uber is developing shared air transporta on between suburbs and ci es, and ul mately within
ci es
The ideal launch city for an urban air taxi is a dense metropolitan area where traffic conges on
can mean that even distances of 10-15 kilometers can take an hour. Indian ci es qualify quite
Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore are some of the most congested ci es in the world, where
traveling even a few kilometers can take over an hour. Uber Air offers tremendous poten al to
help create a transporta on op on that goes over conges on, instead of adding to it.

The short-term fares are likely to be around
Rs200per kilometer. Uber believes this could fall
Rs50. Already, such a service has existed in Bengaluru since March this year, with helicopters
slicing the two hour road commute between Electronic City and Kempegowda Interna onal
Airport to a mere 15 minutes for Rs4,130 per person. A similar heli-taxi service cut down the
four-hour Chandigarh-Shimla journey, too, to just 20 minutes by air.

With this market penetra on scheme Uber plans to reach out to millions of people affected by
the daily road traffic jam situa ons which lead to wastage of me.

Online availability through Mobile Applica on and website. Uber already runs a successful mobile
applica on with over 5 million weekly ac ve users. With Uber Air, it tends to capture a larger target
market and a greater appeal to target audience.

Advertising through Social Media, All India Radio network and telemarke ng. Regular and frequent
adver sement to imprint the upcoming addi on of Uber Air.

Sales Promotion techniques like 50% off on first three rides.

Promo codes: Promo codes are distributed to the users allowing users to have a discount for their next
Loyalty program: “Uber VIP” is exclusive to those who are actuallyloyal – customers who’ve taken over
100 Uber rides. The benefits include special access to the highest-rated drivers among others.

Free rides: Users can earn free rides by invi ng their friends to sign up and ride with Uber

Public Relations by taking regular customer sugges ons and feedbacks.

● In ci es where Uber operates, use your rider app to request a ride. When a nearby
driver-partner accepts your request, your app displays an es mated me of arrival for the
driver-partner heading to your pickup loca on. Your app no fies you when the driver is about to
● Uber Air will also work with same ideology and process with a few adjustments as Uber Air is an
extension of the same transporta on service.

As Uber is a service oriented business, people are the greatest resource and hence the comprehensive
screening process.

Uber Air will a empt to hire best trained pilots from the apex avia on training ins tutes who will have to
go through me culous screening process and background check.

Physical Evidence 
Physical evidence refers to everything your customers see when interac ng with your business. An easy
to use, user- interac ve mobile applica on.

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