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The word encryption comes from the Greek word kryptos, meaning hidden or secret. The use of encryption is nearly
as old as the art of communication itself. As early as 1900 B.C., an Egyptian scribe used nonstandard hieroglyphs to
hide the meaning of an inscription. The contents of a message were reordered (transposition) or replaced (substitution)
with other characters, symbols, numbers or pictures in order to order to conceal its meaning. (Rouse, 2019)

It was not until the mid-1970s that encryption took a major leap forward. Until this point, all encryption schemes used
the same secret for encrypting and decrypting a message: a symmetric key. This breakthrough was followed shortly
afterward by RSA, an implementation of public-key cryptography using asymmetric algorithms, which ushered in a new
era of encryption. (Rouse, 2019)


Encryption is widely used on the internet to protect user information being sent between a browser and a server,
including passwords, payment information and other personal information that should be considered
private. Encryption is one of the most important methods for providing data security, especially for end-to-end protection
of data transmitted across networks. (Rouse, 2019). Basic forms of encryption may be as simple as switching letters.
As cryptography advanced, cryptographers added more steps, and decryption became more difficult. Today's most
widely used encryption algorithms fall into two categories: symmetric and asymmetric (Tyson).

 Symmetric-Key Encryption, each computer has a secret key (code) that it can use to encrypt a packet of
information before it is sent over the network to another computer.
o requires that you know which computers will be talking to each other so you can install the key on
each one.
o Symmetric-key encryption is essentially the same as a secret code that each of the two computers
must know in order to decode the information.

 Asymmetric-Key Encryption or also known as public-key encryption, uses two different keys at once -- a
combination of a private key and a public key.
o The private key is known only to your computer; while the public key is given by your computer to
any computer that wants to communicate securely with it.
o The very popular public-key encryption program is Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), which allows you to
encrypt almost anything.


The primary purpose of encryption is to protect the confidentiality of digital data stored on computer systems or
transmitted via the internet or any other computer network. A number of organizations and standards bodies either
recommend or require sensitive data to be encrypted in order to prevent unauthorized third parties or threat actors from
accessing the data.

 Authentication: the origin of a message can be verified.

 Integrity: proof that the contents of a message have not been changed since it was sent.

 Nonrepudiation: the sender of a message cannot deny sending the message.


Encryption uses algorithms to scramble your information. It is then transmitted to the receiving party, who is able to
decode the message with a key. There are many types of algorithms, which all involve different ways of scrambling and
then decrypting information.

Search Encrypt uses multiple methods of encryption to ensure maximum security. All requests to Search Encrypt are
made over SSL (secure socket layer), which is the preferred method for websites that deal with sensitive information like
financial information, social security numbers or passwords.

Unlike basic encryption which would use one key, SSL uses a public and a private key together to create a secure
connection. Sites like Google, that track user data, use this method to encrypt information about its users (A Medium
Corporation, 2017)



A workstation (WS) is a computer dedicated to a user or group of users engaged in business or professional work. It
includes one or more high resolution displays and a faster processor than a personal computer (PC) (techopedia, n.d.)
The term workstation has also been used loosely to refer to everything from a mainframe computer terminal to a PC
connected to a network, but the most common form refers to the group of hardware offered by several current and
defunct companies such as Sun Microsystems, Silicon Graphics, Apollo Computer, DEC, HP, NeXT and IBM which
opened the door for the 3D graphics animation revolution of the late 1990s (Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia, 2008).

In the early 1980s, a high-end workstation had to meet the three Ms. The so-called "3M computer" had a Megabyte
of memory, a Megapixel display (roughly 1000×1000), and a "MegaFLOPS" compute performance (at least one million
floating point operations per second). Other desirable features not found in desktop computers at that time included
networking, graphics acceleration, and high-speed internal and peripheral data buses (Wikipedia The Free
Encyclopedia, 2008).


A workstation is a computer intended for individual use that is faster and more capable than a personal computer. It's
intended for business or professional use (rather than home or recreational use)
(, 2005). A workstation also has greater multitasking capability because of
additional random access memory (RAM), drives and drive capacity. A workstation may also have a higher-speed
graphics adapters and more connected peripherals.

They include systems that vary from sophisticated, high-powered computer used for computer-aided design (CAD),
computer-aid engineering (CAE), graphics, and simulations, all the way to simple data entry terminals with no
independent central processing unit (CPU). A workstation typically includes a mouse, keyboard, monitor, and often,
though not always, a CPU. It may also include peripheral devices such as a modem, digital camera, scanner, or printer
(, n.d.)


There are different types of computer workstation that plays an important role in maintaining the professionalism and
also the networking with the help of heavy duty software. Some of the important and the common type of the
workstations are as follows (Wifi Notes, 2015):

 Ergonomic Workstation
The first type of the computer workstation is the ergonomic workstation. It is a type of workstation that deals
with the work of the users in the comfort area. In this workstation different type of organizations maintain their
offices or the stations with the out class furnishing equipment and also provide the comfortability to their
customers or the employees.

 Armories Workstation

A type of workstation in which the computer system is hides in a decorative shelf or trolley when not in use.
Generally, they are known for decorating or hiding the monitors, printers, scanner, CPU and other units of the
computer system.

 Network Workstation

The second type of the workstation is the network work station. It is that type of workstation that deals with
the different type of desktop computers that are officially connected with the local area network and the
operator that operate that workstation can operate all the other devices attached to the central point such as
printer, scanner etc.

 Modular Workstation

A type of the computer workstation that is used to provide the components to the users according to the space
and their need of the work is called as the modular workstation. Generally, these workstations are categorized
in the corners or the u-shape places in the building or offices.

 Portable Workstation

Another important form of the workstations is the portable workstations. They are the workstations that provide
the opportunity to the users to perform their working at different locations and some time with consistency.
The big advantages of such workstations are the mobility.


The use of the word server in computing comes from queueing theory, where it dates to the mid-20th century, being
notably used in Kendall (1953) (along with "service"), the paper that introduced Kendall's notation. In earlier papers,
such as the Erlang (1909), more concrete terms such as "[telephone] operators" are used. In computing, "server" dates
at least to RFC 5 (1969),[4] one of the earliest documents describing ARPANET (the predecessor of Internet), and is
contrasted with "user", distinguishing two types of host: "server-host" and "user-host". The use of "serving" also dates
to early documents, such as RFC 4 contrasting "serving-host" with "using-host". The Jargon File defines "server" in the
common sense of a process performing service for requests, usually remote, with the 1981 (1.1.0) version reading
(Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia, n.d.)

A server is a computer equipped with specific programs and/or hardware that enables it to offer services to other
computers (clients) on its network (Griffin, n.d.). Server computers are the lifeblood of any network. Servers provide
the shared resources that network users crave, such as file storage, databases, e-mail, Web services, and so on
(, n.d.). The basic function of a server is to listen in on a port for incoming network requests, and a good
demonstration of this is the interaction between a Web server and browser. (Baltayan, n.d.)


A computer may need many services to work. As such, there are different types of servers available (Beal, 2011).

 Proxy Server

A proxy server sits between a client program (typically a Web browser) and an external server (typically
another server on the Web) to filter requests, improve performance, and share connections.

 Mail Server

Almost as ubiquitous and crucial as Web servers, mail servers move and store mail over corporate networks
(via LANs and WANs) and across the Internet.

 Server Platforms

A term often used synonymously with operating system, a platform is the underlying hardware or software for
a system and is thus the engine that drives the server.

 Web Server

At its core, a Web server serves static content to a Web browser by loading a file from a disk and serving it
across the network to a user's Web browser. This entire exchange is mediated by the browser and server
talking to each other using HTTP.

 Application Server

Sometimes referred to as a type of middleware, application servers occupy a large chunk of computing
territory between database servers and the end user, and they often connect the two.

 Real Time Communication Server

Real-time communication servers, formerly known as chat servers or IRC Servers, and still sometimes
referred to as instant messaging (IM) servers, enable large numbers users to exchange information near

 FTP Server

One of the oldest of the Internet services, File Transfer Protocol makes it possible to move one or more files
securely between computers while providing file security and organization as well as transfer control.

 Collaboration Server

In many ways, collaboration software, once called 'groupware,' demonstrates the original power of the Web.
Collaboration software designed to enable users to collaborate, regardless of location, via the Internet or a
corporate intranet and to work together in a virtual atmosphere.

 List Server

List servers offer a way to better manage mailing lists, whether they be interactive discussions open to the
public or one-way lists that deliver announcements, newsletters or advertising.

 Telnet Server

A Telnet server enables users to log on to a host computer and perform tasks as if they're working on the
remote computer itself.

 Open Source Server

From your underlying open source server operating system to the server software that help you get your job
done, open source software is a critical part of many IT infrastructures.

 Virtual Server

In 2009, the number of virtual servers deployed exceeded the number of physical servers. Today, server
virtualization has become near ubiquitous in the data center.


 Host computers connect via networking equipment

 Can send messages to each other over communication protocols
 Client: the host initiating the request
 Server: the host responding to a request

All messages broadcast on the local network

 Local hosts only “listen” for data that targets them


 Mechanism to connect networks together via forwarding data along routing paths

 Hosts are assigned a unique address used for all communication and routing
o Internet Protocol Address (IP Address)
 Each IP Address can be used to communicate over various “ports”
o Allows multiple applications to communicate with a host without mixing up traffic
 IP numbers can be difficult to remember, so also assign hostnames
o Handled through the global Domain Name System (DNS)
o Clients first look up a hostname in DNS to find the IP Number
o ->
o Then they open a connection to the IP Number
o (, 2017)


An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the
computer's memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with
the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language. Without an operating system, a computer is
useless (, n.d.).

Your computer's operating system (OS) manages all of the software and hardware on the computer. Most of the time,
there are several different computer programs running at the same time, and they all need to access your
computer's central processing unit (CPU), memory, and storage. The operating system coordinates all of this to make
sure each program gets what it needs (, n.d.)


Operating systems usually come pre-loaded on any computer you buy. Most people use the operating system that
comes with their computer, but it's possible to upgrade or even change operating systems. The three most common
operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Modern operating systems use a Graphical User Interface, or GUI (pronounced gooey). A GUI lets you use your
mouse to click icons, buttons, and menus, and everything is clearly displayed on the screen using a combination
of graphics and text (, n.d.).

 Microsoft Windows
Microsoft created the Windows operating system in the mid-1980s. There have been many different versions
of Windows, but the most recent ones are Windows 10 (released in 2015), Windows 8 (2012), Windows
7 (2009), and Windows Vista (2007). Windows comes pre-loaded on most new PCs, which helps to make it
the most popular operating system in the world.

 macOS

(previously called OS X) is a line of operating systems created by Apple. It comes preloaded on all Macintosh
computers, or Macs. Some of the specific versions include Mojave (released in 2018), High Sierra (2017),
and Sierra (2016).

 Linux

It is a family of open-source operating systems, which means they can be modified and distributed by anyone
around the world. This is different from proprietary software like Windows, which can only be modified by the
company that owns it. The advantages of Linux are that it is free, and there are many different distributions—
or versions—you can choose from.


Here is a list of some of the most prominent characteristic features of Operating Systems (, n.d.) −
 Memory Management − Keeps track of the primary memory, i.e. what part of it is in use by whom, what part
is not in use, etc. and allocates the memory when a process or program requests it.
 Processor Management − Allocates the processor (CPU) to a process and deallocates the processor when
it is no longer required.
 Device Management − Keeps track of all the devices. This is also called I/O controller that decides which
process gets the device, when, and for how much time.
 File Management − Allocates and de-allocates the resources and decides who gets the resources.
 Security − Prevents unauthorized access to programs and data by means of passwords and other similar
 Job Accounting − Keeps track of time and resources used by various jobs and/or users.
 Control Over System Performance − Records delays between the request for a service and from the
 Interaction with the Operators − Interaction may take place via the console of the computer in the form of
instructions. The Operating System acknowledges the same, does the corresponding action, and informs
the operation by a display screen.
 Error-detecting Aids − Production of dumps, traces, error messages, and other debugging and error-
detecting methods.
 Coordination Between Other Software and Users − Coordination and assignment of compilers,
interpreters, assemblers, and other software to the various users of the computer systems.



Simply defined, the Internet is a very large network of many other computer networks. The United States Government
played an important role in creating what eventually became the Internet during the 1960s. This approach differed from
the way telephone systems transmitted data. Packet switching technology led to the development of ARPANET, the
Internet's predecessor.

In 1990, ARPANET was succeeded by NSFNET, which the National Science Foundation created in 1987 to link
university computer science departments across the United States. In 1995, the NSF did away with its backbone and
turned what had been NSFNET over to the commercial sector. It created network access points (NAPs) that made
it possible for telecommunication companies like MCI and Sprint to establish Internet backbones of their own, to which
national or regional Internet Service Providers (ISPs) could connect (Internet Infrastructure "Gale Encyclopedia of E
Commerce", 2019)


Internet infrastructure is made up of hardware and software that transmits and receives information from a variety of
different systems and networks. There are many components involved in internet infrastructure, including networks,
servers, data centers, storage devices, and more.

 Data Center

o A data center is a specialized building that is used to store and run computer equipment and the
connectivity devices used with computers in order to provide access to the internet.

o A data center is a secure, carefully controlled environment.

o Within a data center, there is a network of storage devices and processors. The purpose of the
network is to transfer data between processors inside the data center as well as transferring data to
other data centers. The data must successfully reach the end user.

 Servers
o A server looks like a PC, but it is much more powerful; it has significantly more storage space and
more processing capabilities than a typical PC.

o A server’s capabilities are measured in terms of processing power as well as storage space, or
RAM. A server might consist of one computer or a whole group of computers that work together.

 Storage Device

o The capacity of a storage device is measured in gigabytes (GB) or terabytes (TB). Data can be
stored locally – on a hard drive – or remotely – on a cloud.

 Software

o The operating software is what allows us to use the data that is stored. A server must have an
operating system and a database in order to function. Then, web applications can be added.

All of these components work together to build the internet infrastructure. With these tools, users all over the world
can access the vast array of information that is available on the internet (, n.d.)

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