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A döntő időpontja: május 28-a 14:00-15:00
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Jó felkészülést kívánunk!

1. A oldalon a lentebb belinkelt témákat dolgozd fel! (hallgasd

meg a szavakat, tanuld meg őket, majd oldd meg az online feladatokat!)

animal body parts

animal homes

animal sounds
2. Ismerkedj az állatok lábnyomaival! Melyik lábnyom milyen állathoz tartozik?
Lábnyomokat a csatolt PDF dokumentumban is találsz még!!
3. Olvasd el, tanulmányozd az állati rekordokat. Melyik állat miben vezeti a

Largest reptile Saltwater Crocodile

Largest land carnivore Polar Bear
Largest rodent Capybara
Smallest rodent Pygmy Jerboa
Longest venomous snake King Cobra
Largest amphibian Chinese Giant Salamander
Largest snake Anaconda
Tallest flying bird Sarus Crane
Fastest flying bird Peregrine Falcon
Largest invertebrate Giant Squid
Animal with longest lifespan Tortoise
Largest butterfly Alexandra's Birdwing
Largest living lizard Komodo dragon
4. Hasonlítsd össze az állatokat egymással a táblázat alapján! Miben térnek el

Similar Animals - Differences

Leopard and Cheetah
Leopard Cheetah
(Panthera pardus) (Acinonyx jubatus)

Large and muscular Tall and slender

Larger head Head is small in relation to its body

Rosette shaped spots covering

Single large spots like thumb prints.
whole body and face

It has white eye-linings at the It has tear lines which run from the eyes
bottom of the eyes down to the sides of the mouth

Except the dew claw, none of its claws are

All the claws are fully retractable

African and Asian elephant

African elephant Asian elephant
(Loxodonta africana) (Elephas maximus)

Weight :4000 - 7000 kg Weight: 3000 - 6000 kg

Highest point: Shoulder Highest point: Back

Bigger ears reach upto the neck Smaller ears

Both sexes have tusks with males

Females have rudimentary or no tusks
having bigger

African Lion Asiatic Lion

(Panthera leo) (Panthera leo persica)

Weight :330 - 500 pounds Weight: 350 - 420 pounds

Mane: lesser than African lion, hence

Mane: Thicker mane
ears are visible always

Tail: shorter than Asiatic lion Tail: longer tail with longer tail tuft

Almost all African lions lack the The most distinguishing feature of
longitudinal fold of skin that runs Asiatic lion is the longitudinal fold of
along the belly of Asiatic lions. skin that runs along the belly

Habitat: Sub-saharan Africa Gir forest of Gujarat

Raven and Crow
Raven Crow

Raven is larger about the size of a Smaller about the size of a

hawk pigeon

Wedge-shaped tail Fan-shaped tail

Prefers wild areas for habitat Lives closer to human habitats

Crocodile and Alligator

Crocodile Alligator

Long, narrow V shaped snouts Wide U-shaped snouts

Upper jaw is wider than

Upper and Lower jaws are of same width
lower jaw

Teeth of both the jaws are exposed in Teeth of only upper jaw are
interlocking pattern exposed

Alligator is almost black in

Crocodile is nearly olive brown in colour

Both crocodiles and alligators found around the world. The gharial, which
has a much narrower snout than other species in this order is found only in

Tortoise and Turtle

Tortoise Turtle

Dwells mostly on land Dwells mostly in water

Has dome shaped shells Has flat, streamlined shells

Short feet with bent legs Webbed feet with long claws

Lifespan is upto 150 years Lifespan is upto 40 years

Ape and Monkey

Ape Monkey

Lives at least sometimes on

Lives almost entirely on trees
Does not have tail Has tail

Brain size is large Brain size is small

Upright posture, humans are

Quadrupedal (walk on four limbs)
entirely bipedal

Can live upto 60 years Can live upto 30 years

Only around 23 species known Hundreds of species known

Examples: Gibbon, Gorilla, Examples: Monkey, Langur, Mandrill,

Orangutan, Chimpanzee, Bonobo, Macaque, Baboon, Marmoset,
Humans Tamarin etc.

Doves and Pigeons

Both doves and pigeons belong to the same family of birds called Columbidae.
The difference between doves and pigeons lies in their size.

1. Doves are smaller and some weigh as less as 22 grams while pigeons are large birds may weight upto 4
2. Doves have pointed tails while pigeons have rounded tails.
5. Melyik állat melyik kontinensről származik?

Animal Continent

Alpaca South America

Bonobo Africa

Bactrian Camel Asia

Chimpanzee Africa

Giant Panda Asia

Gorilla Africa

Kangaroo Australia

Koala Australia

Lemur Africa

Lion tailed macaque Asia

Llama South America

Nilgiri Tahr Asia

Okapi Africa

One horned rhinoceros Asia

Orangutan Asia

Polar Bear Multiple

Reindeer Multiple

Tasmanian Devil Australia

Komodo Dragon Asia

Platypus Australia

Yak Asia

Ostrich Africa

Kiwi Australia
Emu Australia

Rhea South America

Cassowary Asia and Australia

Kookaburra Australia

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