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Modals; Present simple;

(+) You can drink this soda (+) He works in a bank

(-) You can´t drink this soda (-) He doesn´t work in a bannk

(¿?) Can you drink this soda? (¿?) Does he work in a bank?

Present continuous for future; Present continuous;

(+) They will be pacticing English (+) We are playing soccer

(-) They won´t be practicing English (-) We are not playing soccer

(¿?) Will they be practicing English? (¿?) Are we playing soccer?

Tenses task
Will; Present Perfect;

(+) I will drive tonight (+)They have eaten breakfast

(-) I won´t drive tonight (-) They haven´t eaten breakfast

(¿?) Will i drive tonight? (¿?) Have they eaten breakfast?

Going to; Past simple;

(+) You are going to cook pizza (+) She bought a computer

(-) You aren´t going to cook pizza Past continuous; (-) She didn´t buy a computer

(¿?) Are you going to cook pizza? (+) We were studing chemistry (¿?) Did she buy a computer?
(-) We weren´t studing chemistry

(¿?) Were we studing chemistry?

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