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School : SDN 1 Tingkulang

Subject : English
Class / Semester : VI / 1
Topic : Self Introduction
Time Allocation : 1 x 30 Minutes (1 Meeting)

A. Core Competence

KI 1 : Respecting and appreciating the teachings of their religion.

KI 2 : Living and practicing honest, disciplined, responsible, caring (polite, cooperative, tolerant,
peaceful) behavior, courteous, responsive and pro-active and showing attitudes as part of the
solution to problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment and in
placing ourselves as a reflection of the nation in the association of the world.

KI 3 : Understanding, applying, analyzing factual, conceptual, procedural knowledge based on his

knowledge of science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with the insights of humanity,
nationality, state and civilization on the causes of phenomena and events, and applying
procedural knowledge to the field-specific studies according to their talents and interests to
solve problems.

KI 4 : Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the realm of concrete and abstract realms related to
the development of the self-study in the school independently, and able to use methods
according to scientific rules.

B. Basic Competence and Indicators

No. Basic competence Indicators

3.10 memahami fungsi 3.10.1 Determine social function of text

sosoal, struktur teks, dan 3.10.2 Identify generic structures and linguistic
unsur kebahasaan pada element of self introduction.
teks perkenalan diri,
sesuai dengan konteks

4.15 Menyusun teks lisan 4.15.1 Write down simple sentence about self
dan tulis tentang introduction.
perkenalan diri dengan 4.15.2 Introduce their self with good intonation
memperhatikan fungsi and pronunciation.
sosial, struktur teks,
intonasi, cara
pengucapan, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar
sesuai konteks.

C. Instructionals Objective
After studying this lesson, the students should be able to :
1. Identify the social function and generic structure of self-introduction
2. Make the simple sentence about self-introduction
3. Introduce their self orally in front of class

D. Learning Materials
1. Simple written and oral sentence to state, ask, and respond to self introduction
2. Social Functions: Introduce their self to etabilish interpersonal relationship with
teacher and friends
3. Structure Text:
 Greetings
 Opening
 Name
 Place and date of birth
 Origin
 Address
 Marital status
 Profession
 Hobby
 Favorite
 Religion
 Family background
 Closing

4. Linguistic Element:
a. Vocabulary
b. Grammar
c. Pronunciation
d. Intonation

Example of self-introduction

Hello, my name is Abdi Wisesa. You can call me Echa. I’m 20 years old. I was born
in Jakarta, on September 26 1998. I’m from Jakarta, but I live in Palu now. I am single. I am
studying in SMA Negeri 1 Palu. My hobbies are playing drum, reading comics, and watching
movie. My favorite food is meatballs and my favorite colour is black. I like study hard and
smile a lot. I am a moeslim. I was the youngest in my family. I have one sister, her name is
Lestari. She was merried with one child. I have parents who very loving me. They are never
mind to accept all my desire. Well, that is my introduction. It is nice to see you. Bye!

E. Learning Method
1. Scientific Approach.

F. Teaching Aid
1. Media : LCD Projector and power point
2. Learning sources :
G. Teaching Activities

Pre-  The teacher greets the students

activities (5  The teacher and students pray together .

menit)  The teacher check the student’s attendancelist
 Teacher tells the students about the instructionals objective.

Whilst  The teacher gives an example about self introduction

activities  The student see the material of self introduction in the

power point
(20 menit)
 The students write down their self introduction
 The students introduce themselves in front of class
 The teacher give an evaluation.

Post  The student make a conclusion about the material.

activities  The teacher ends the class.

 The students are greeted by the teache
(5 menit)

H. Assessment

Indicators of competence achievement Assessme Form

nt Instrument
1) To Identify the act of speech self Test Identify the
introduction act of
speech self
1) To Demonstrate a conversation that introduction
uses the expression of the and
Selfindroduction Demonstrat
n that uses
of the Self
C. Assessment Rubric
Scoring Rubric:
L1 2 L3 4

Fluency Limit Some Good Well

ed develop

Pronunciati Uncle Parts Mostl Very

on ar clear y clear
Vocabulary Limit Adequa Sound Extensi
ed te ve

Effort Poor Fair Good Excelle



Read the text carefully and answer the question !

My name is Nataly. I am a girl. I live in Thailand. I like my friends, because they are
very pretty. My best friends are Kanis and Tania. They are beautiful and very good friends.
My family has a father, mother, sister and me. I love my family. My school’s name is
Smithsonian School. My favourite subjects are English, Science and Maths. All subjects are
interesting for me. My hobbies are playing badminton and swimming. I have a cousin. His
name is Brad. He studies in New Zealand. He is very handsome. My father’s occupation is an
employee. My mother’s occupation is a housewife. When I grow up I want to be a Business
woman. I love my family and my friends. Bye Bye.

1. What is the speaker’s name?

2. Is he a boy?
3. Where does she live?
4. What are her friend’s names?
5. How are their friends?
6. What school does she go?
7. What subjects does she like?
8. What is her cousin’s name?
9. What are her hobbies?
10. What does she want to be?

Answer Key :

1. Nataly
2. No, she isn’t
3. In Thailand
4. Kanis and Tania
5. They are beautiful and very good
6. Smithsonian School
7. English, Science and Math
8. Brad
9. Playing badminton and swimming
10. A business woman
Tingkulang, 20 September 2018

Approved by :
The Headmaster of English Teacher
SDN 1 Tingkulang

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