LEGAL ETHICS Midterms Case Digests

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Legal Ethics Cases - DIGESTED For the foregoing reasons, it is submitted that

respondent committed grossly immoral conduct and

1) Cojuangco vs. Palma, Adm. Case No. 2474 violation of his oath as a lawyer, and it is recommended
September 15, 2004 that respondent be suspended from the practice of law
for a period of three (3) years and which later lessen to
FACTS: To practice law is a privilege one. It is only for one (1) year.
those who can pass the bar and pass the standards
sets- out which are indispensible. One of the According to IBP: “At the outset, it must be stressed
requirements to admit the bar is to have a satisfactory that the law profession does not prescribe a dichotomy
testimonial of good character. Such good moral of standards among its members. There is no
character must be maintained throughout his life as a distinction as to whether the transgression is
lawyer. committed in the lawyers professional capacity or in his
private life. This is because a lawyer may not divide his
In this case the complainant is a client of Angara personality so as to be an attorney at one time and a
Concepcion Regala & Cruz Law Offices (ACCRA), who mere citizen at another. Thus, not only his professional
assigned the case to Atty. Palma, the respondent. The activities but even his private life, insofar as the latter
former hired the latter as his personal counsel for his may reflect unfavorably upon the good name and
business. The same becomes very close to the family, prestige of the profession and the courts, may at any
dine and goes with them abroad. He even tutored, time be the subject of inquiry on the part of the proper
complainant’s 22-year old daughter Maria Luisa authorities.”
Cojuangco (Lisa).
Professional competency alone does not make a
On June 22, 1982, respondent married Lisa in lawyer a worthy member of the Bar. Good moral
Hongkong without the knowledge of the complainant character is always an indispensable requirement.
despite the facts that the former is already married and
with three (3 ) children. Complainant sends his two The interdict upon lawyers, as inscribed in Rule 1.01 of
sons to persuade Lisa to go home with them, which she the Code of Professional Responsibility, is that they
did. In the celebration of respondent’s marriage with shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or
Lisa he misrepresented himself as a bachelor. deceitful conduct. This is founded on the lawyer’s
primordial duty to society as spelled out in Canon 1
On August 24, 1982, complainant filed with the Court which states:
of First Instance, a petition for declaration of nullity of
the marriage and which was granted. Subsequently CANON 1. A lawyer shall uphold the Constitution, obey
complainant filed a disbarment complaint on the the laws of the land and promote respect for law and
ground of grave abuse and betrayal of the trust and legal processes.
confidence reposed in him.
And the suspension of 1 year which is previously 3
Respondent in his answer filed a motion to dismiss for years is not commensurate to the gravity of his offense,
lack of cause of action. As he contends that complaint thus he is disbarred from the practice of law.
fails to allege acts constituting deceit, malpractice,
gross misconduct or violation of his lawyer’s oath. 2) OVERGAARD VS. VALDEZ

ISSUE: WON respondent’s acts constitute deceit, FACTS: Torben Overgaard engaged the services of
malpractice, gross misconduct in office, grossly respondent Valdez as his legal counsel in two cases
immoral conduct and violation of his oath as a lawyer filed by him and two cases filed against him.
that would warrant his disbarment.
Despite the receipt of the full amount of legal fees of
RULING: There is no question that respondent as a P900,000.00 as stipulated in a Retainer Agreement, the
lawyer, is well versed in the law, fully well that in respondent refused to perform any of his obligations
marrying Maria Luisa he was entering into a bigamous under their contract for legal services, ignored the
marriage defined and penalized under Article 349 of complainant‘s request for a report of the status of the
the Revised Penal Code. The respondent betrayed the cases entrusted to his care, and rejected the
trust reposed in him by complainant. He was treated as complainant‘s demands for the return of the money
part of the family and was allowed to tutor Maria Luisa. paid to him.

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Complainant Overgaard filed a complaint for the Supreme Court ordered him to show cause why he
disbarment against Valdez before the IBP. should not be disciplined as a lawyer and as an officer
of the court. In his explanation, Atty. Kho admitted that
Valdez argues that he did not abandon his client. He his failure to make a timely remittance of the cash
claims that he gave periodic status reports on the result deposited with him was inexcusable. He maintained,
of his work, that he returned the documents in however, that he kept the money in the court’s safety
connection with the case, and that he rendered an vault and never once used it for his own benefit.
accounting of the money that he actually received.
ISSUE: Whether Atty. Kho is guilty of violating Canon 1,
Overgaard declared that he did not receive the Rule 1.01.
documents being demanded from the respondent, nor
did he receive an accounting of the money he paid to HELD: Atty. Kho’s apparent good faith and his ready
Atty. Valdez. admission of the infraction, although certainly
mitigating, cannot negate the fact that his failure to
ISSUE/S: WON Atty. Valdez violated Canon 16.01 for remit P65,000 in judiciary funds for over a year was
failing to account for all money or property collected or contrary to the mandatory provisions of OCA Circular
received for or from Overgaard. 8A-93. That omission is a breach of his oath to obey the
laws as well as the legal orders of the duly constituted
HELD: Atty. Valdez violated Canon 16.01 for failing to authorities and of his duties under Canon 1, Rule 1.01
account for all money or property collected or received of the Code of Professional Responsibility.
for or from Overgaard.
Canon 1 - A lawyer shall uphold the constitution, obey
If the respondent had indeed returned the documents the laws of the land and promote respect for law and
sometime in the middle of July 2006, he would have for legal processes
presented a receipt to prove such turnover of
documents. And if the respondent had indeed Rule 1.01 - A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful,
rendered an accounting of the money that was paid to dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct.
him, he would have attached a received copy of the
accounting to his Motion for Reconsideration. But he As servants of the law and officers of the court, lawyers
failed to do both. There was no proof presented. are required to be at the forefront of observing and
maintaining the rule of law. They are expected to make
It is a lawyer‘s duty to properly account for the money themselves exemplars worthy of emulation.
he received from the client. If indeed the respondent
told the client that he would pay P300,000.00 to two The least a lawyer can do in compliance with Canon 1
intelligence operatives, as he claims in his Motion for is to refrain from engaging in unlawful conduct. By
Reconsideration, he should have held this money in definition, any act or omission contrary to law is
trust, and he was under an obligation to make an unlawful. It does not necessarily imply the element of
accounting. It was his duty to secure a receipt for the criminality although it is broad enough to include it.
payment of this amount on behalf of his client. But he Thus, the presence of evil intent on the part of the
failed to present any receipt or certification from lawyer is not essential in order to bring his act or
Collado that the payment was received. Since the omission within the terms of Rule 1.01 which
respondent was not able either to present an specifically prohibits lawyers from engaging in unlawful
accounting of the P900,000.00 paid to him upon the conduct.
complainant‘s demand, or to provide a sufficient and
plausible explanation for where such amount was Atty. Kho’s conduct was not only far from exemplary, it
spent, he must immediately return the same. was unlawful as well. For this, he must be called to
account. Atty. Kho is ordered to pay FINE of P5,000.00.
FACTS: Atty. Kho is a former clerk of court of the RTC in
Eastern Samar. He was found guilty of gross Respondent attorney was found to have violated Rule
misconduct for his failure to make a timely remittance 1.01 of Canon 1 of the Code of Professional
of judiciary funds in his custody. She was fined P10k. Responsibility. Respondent’s actions clearly show that
Since his malfeasance prima facie contravened Canon she deceived complainant into lending money to her
1, Rule 1.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, through the use of documents and false
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representations and by taking advantage of her
education and complainant’s ignorance in legal RULING: YES. Under Section 27, Rule 138 of the Revised
matters. As manifested by complainant, he would have Rules of Court, a member of the Bar may be disbarred
never granted the loan to respondent were it not for or suspended on any of the following grounds: (1)
respondent’s misrepresentation that she was deceit; (2) malpractice or other gross misconduct in
authorized to sell the property and that complainant office; (3) grossly immoral conduct; (4) conviction of a
could register the “open” deed of sale if respondent crime involving moral turpitude; (5) violation of the
fails to pay the loan. By her misdeed, respondent has lawyer’s oath; (6) willful disobedience of any lawful
eroded not only complainant’s perception of the legal order of a superior court; and (7) willfully appearing as
profession but the public’s perception as well. Her an attorney for a party without authority. Rule 1.01,
actions constitute gross misconduct for which she may Canon 1 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
be disciplined. provides that “A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful,
dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct.” “Conduct,”
5) RONQUILLO VS. CEZAR as used in this rule, does not refer exclusively to the
performance of a lawyer’s professional duties. This
FACTS: Court has made clear in a long line of cases that a
• Complainant Marili C. Ronquillo is a Filipino citizen lawyer may be disbarred or suspended for misconduct,
currently residing in Cannes, France with her sons. whether in his professional or private capacity, which
• Complainants and respondent entered into a Deed of shows him to be wanting in moral character, honesty,
Assignment regarding a townhouse unit and lot for probity and good demeanor, or unworthy to continue
P1.5M. Respondent transferred his rights and interests as an officer of the court.
over and promised to give a copy of the Contract to Sell
he executed with Crown Asia, the townhouse 6) DONTON VS. TANSINGCO
• Respondent received P750K upon execution of the FACTS: Peter Donton filed a complaint against Atty.
DOA. The balance will be paid in four equal quarterly Emmanuel Tansingco, as the notary public who
installments of P187.5K each. Respondent encashed notarized the Occupancy Agreement, and against
the first check.
 others (Duane Stier, and Emelyn Manggay) for estafa
• Crown Asia informed the complainants that thru falsification of public document.
respondent has not paid the full price yet. Respondent
also failed to give a copy of the Contract to Sell. For A disbarment complaint filed by petitioner on May 20,
these reasons, complainant Marili ordered the bank to 2003 against respondent Atty. Emmanual O. Tansingco
stop payment on her checks. for serious misconduct and deliberate violation of
• Complainants wrote the respondent to inform him Canon 1, Rule 1.01 and 1.02 of the Code of Professional
that they were willing to pay the balance if he can have Responsibility arose when respondent Atty. Tansingco
Crown Asia to issue a Deed of Absolute Sale in their filed a counter-charge of perjury against Donton.
favor. Otherwise, they are asking for their money with
legal interest within 10 days. Atty. Tansingco in his complaint stated that he
• Respondent’s response was that he will work on the prepared and notarized the Occupancy Agreement at
DOAS or return the money in 20 days. The period the request of Mr. Stier, an owner and long-time
lapsed but respondent did not fulfill his promise. resident of a real property located at Cubao, Quezon
• Complainants’ sent a second letter demand letter. City. Since Mr. Stier is a U.S. Citizen and thereby
The demand was unheeded. disqualified to own real property in his name, he
• Hence, this administrative complaint since agreed that the property be transferred in the name of
respondent violated his oath under Rule 1.01, Canon 1 Mr. Donton, a Filipino.
of the Code of Professional Responsibility.
• Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) Investigating Donton averred that Atty. Tansingco’s act of preparing
Commissioner Milagros V. San Juan, recommended the Occupancy Agreement, despite knowledge that
that respondent be suspended from the practice of Stier is a foreign national, constitutes serious
law. The IBP Board of Governors, approved the misconduct and is a deliberate violation of the Code.
recommendation. Donton prayed that Atty. Tansingco be disbarred.
Atty. Tansingco claimed that complainant Donton filed
ISSUE: Whether Cezar violated his oath under Rule disbarment case against him upon the instigation of
1.01, Canon 1 of the Code of Professional complainant’s counsel, Atty. Bonifacio A. Aletajan,
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because he refused to act witness in the criminal case arrest. And a complaint against Atty Dizon for making
against Stier and Manggay. warrantless arrest.

In Resolution dated October 1, 2003, the court referred ISSUE1: WON Lambino committed an error for
the matter to the IBP for investigation, report and opposing the arrest by the NBI
recommendation and for which the latter, through ISSUE2: WON Dizon commited an error for arresting
Commissioner Milagros San Juan of the IBP without warrant
Commission of Discipline recommended suspension
from the practice of law for two years and cancellation RULING:
of his commission as Notary Public. (1) Lambino is not guilty of any acts of abuse.

The IBP Board of Governors adopted, with Investigating Commissioner Siegfrid B. Mison
modification, the Report and recommended recommended the dismissal of the complaint against
respondent’s suspension from the practice of law for Atty. Lambino in light of a finding that she “acted within
six months. her official duties as she safeguarded the rights of the
students in accordance with the school’s substitute
The report was then forwarded to SC as mandated parental authority” and “within the bounds of the law
under Section 12(b), Rule 139-B of the Rules of Court. as the NBI agents had no warrants of arrest.”

ISSUE: WON Atty. Tansingco is guilty of serious (2) Yes. With respect to the complaint against Atty.
misconduct? Dizon, the Commissioner recommended to reprimand
him for violating the Code of Professional
RULING: Yes. Atty. Tansingco is liable for violation of Responsibility in “recklessly tr[ying] to arrest” the
Canon 1 and Rule 1.02 of the Code. The Court ruled that suspects without warrant.
a lawyer should not render any service or give advice
to any client which will involve defiance of the laws It is held that the objection of the said UP officials to
which he is bound to uphold and obey. A lawyer who the arrest of the students “cannot be construed as a
assists a client in a dishonest scheme or who connives violation of P.D. No. 1829, Sec. 1 (c) without rendering
in violating law commits an act which justifies it unconstitutional,”[2] they having “a right to prevent
disciplinary action against the lawyer. the arrest [of the students] at the time because their
attempted arrest was illegal.”[3]
Atty. Tansingco had sworn to uphold the Constitution.
Thus, he violated his oath and the Code when he In the main, Atty. Dizon invoked Section 1 (a) of
prepared and notarized the Occupancy Agreement to Republic Act 157 (The NBI Charter) which empowers
evade the law against foreign ownership of lands. Atty. the NBI “to undertake investigations of crimes and
Tansingco used his knowledge of the law to achieve an other offenses against the laws of the Philippines, upon
unlawful end. Such an act amounts to malpractice in his its own initiative and as public interest may require”[5]
office, for which he may be suspended. As such, and to make arrests. The invocation does not impress.
respondent is being suspended for six (6) months. Said section does not grant the NBI the power to make
warrantless arrests. The NBI Charter clearly qualifies
7) LAMBINO VS. DIZON the power to make arrests to be “in accordance with
existing laws and rules.”
• There was a killing on a rumble happen in UP on 1994. Members of the investigation staff of the Bureau of
The then Chancellor of UP(Posadas) seek the help of Investigation shall be peace officers, and as such have
the NBI. the following powers:
• Responding on Posadas request, Atty Dizon the head
of Special Operation Group of NBI arrived. (a) To make arrests, searches and seizures in
• Atty Dizon acted to arrest the two student-suspect in accordance with existing laws and rules.[6]
the said incident. However, Atty Lambino (legal counsel
of UP Diliman) refused and object the arrest alleging x x x x (Emphasis supplied)
that the arrest is illegal due to lack of warrant.
• Atty Dizon claims that it is under the NBI charter to By persisting in his attempt to arrest the suspected
make warrantless arrest. Thus, this a review for a students without a warrant, Atty. Dizon violated Rule
complaint against Atty Lambino for opposing the
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1.02 of Canon 1 of the Code of Professional FACTS: Complainant obtained a favorable judgment
Responsibility which provides: from the Court of Appeals involving a Labor Case.
Complainant then filed a Motion for Issuance of a Writ
CANON 1 – A LAWYER SHALL UPHOLD THE of Execution before the Regional Arbitration Branch
CONSTITUTION, OBEY THE LAWS OF THE LAND AND which the respondent was the Labor Arbiter. After the
PROMOTE RESPECT FOR LAW AND LEGAL PROCESSES. lapse of five (5) months, complainant’s motion
remained unacted, prompting him to file a Second
xxxx Motion for Execution. However, still, there was no
action until the complainant agreed to give respondent
Rule 1.02 – A lawyer shall not counsel or abet activities a portion of the monetary award thereof after the
aimed at defiance of the law or at lessening confidence latter asked from the former how much would be his
in the legal system. (Emphasis supplied). share. Thereafter, respondent issued a writ of
execution but the employer of the complainant moved
8) SORIANO VS. DIZON to quash the said writ. Eventually, issued a new writ of
execution wherein complainant’s monetary awards
FACTS: This is a case of disbarment filed against the were reduced to the effect that it modifies the
accused due to his conviction of frustrated homicide. DECISION of the CA. Complainant now filed the instant
The case stemmed from a traffic altercation by the disbarment complaint before the Integrated Bar of the
respondent with the complainant. In the course of their Philippines (IBP), averring that respondent violated the
trouble, respondent was able to hit the neck of the Code of Professional Responsibility for (a) soliciting
complainant by his revolver making the complainant money from complainant in exchange for a favorable
physically paralyzed. The manner which the resolution; and (b) issuing a wrong decision to give
respondent attacked the complainant and a credible benefit and advantage to PT&T, complainant’s
corroboration of witnesses as to the crime lead the employer.
conviction of the respondent of the said crime but later
the RTC suspended the sentence by granting the ISSUE: WON respondent is guilty of gross immorality
respondent a probation. Respondent banking his for his violation of Rules 1.01 and 1.03, Canon 1, and
defense on a concocted story and alibi which later Rule 6.02, Canon 6 of the Code.
disregarded by the court due to existence of credible
documentary and testimonial evidence. RULING: YES. The above-cited rules, which are
contained under Chapter 1 of the Code, delineate the
ISSUE: Whether his crime of frustrated homicide lawyer’s responsibility to society: Rule 1.01 engraves
involves moral turpitude? Whether his conviction the overriding prohibition against lawyers from
warrants disbarment? engaging in any unlawful, dishonest, immoral and
deceitful conduct; Rule 1.03 proscribes lawyers from
RULING: The court resolved the matter by declaring encouraging any suit or proceeding or delaying any
the actuation of the respondent in the crime of man’s cause for any corrupt motive or interest;
frustrated homicide involved moral turpitude. The meanwhile, Rule 6.02 is particularly directed to lawyers
court also considers the RTC’s findings of treachery as in government service, enjoining them from using
a further indications of skewed morals of one’s public position to: (1) promote private interests;
is also glaringly clear that respondent seriously (2) advance private interests; or (3) allow private
transgressed canon 1 of the code of professional interests to interfere with public duties. It is well to
responsibility through his possession of an unlicensed note that a lawyer who holds a government office may
fire arm and his unjust refusal to satisfy civil liabilities. be disciplined as a member of the Bar only when his
The court reminds him both the attorney’s oath and misconduct also constitutes a violation of his oath as a
code of professional responsibility. The appalling lawyer.
vindictiveness, treachery, and brazen dishonesty of
respondent clearly show his unworthiness to continue The infractions of the respondent constitute gross
as member of the bar. Thus, the court disbarred the misconduct. Jurisprudence illumines that immoral
respondent and ordered the name of the latter be conduct involves acts that are willful, flagrant, or
stricken from the roll of attorneys. shameless, and that show a moral indifference to the
opinion of the upright and respectable members of the
9) ABELLA VS. BARRIOS community. It treads the line of grossness when it is so
corrupt as to constitute a criminal act, or so
unprincipled as to be reprehensible to a high degree,
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or when committed under such scandalous or revolting be read in connection with Rule 1.03 of the CPR which
circumstances as to shock the community’s sense of provides that lawyer, shall not for any corrupt motive
decency. On the other hand, gross misconduct or interest, encourage any suit or proceeding or delay
constitutes "improper or wrong conduct, the any man’s cause. This rule proscribes “ambulance
transgression of some established and definite rule of chasing” (the solicitation of almost any kind of legal
action, a forbidden act, a dereliction of duty, willful in business by an attorney, personally or through an
character, and implies a wrongful intent and not mere agent in order to gain employment) as a measure to
error of judgment." protect the community from barratry and champerty.
In the case at bar, complainant presented substantial
In this relation, Section 27, Rule 138 of the Rules of evidence (consisting of the sworn statements of the
Court states that when a lawyer is found guilty of gross very same persons coaxed by Labiano and referred to
immoral conduct or gross misconduct, he may be respondent’s office) to prove that respondent indeed
suspended or disbarred.However, the Court takes solicited legal business as well as profited from
judicial notice of the fact that he had already been referrals’ suits. Through Labiano’s actions,
disbarred in a previous administrative case, entitled respondent’s law practice was benefited. Hapless
Sps. Rafols, Jr. v. Ricardo G. Barrios, Jr., which therefore seamen were enticed to transfer representation on the
precludes the Court from duplicitously decreeing the strength of Labiano’s word that respondent could
same. In view of the foregoing, the Court deems it produce a more favorable result. Based on the
proper to, instead, impose a fine in the amount of foregoing, respondent clearly solicited employment
P40,000.00 in order to penalize respondent’s violating Rule 2.03, and Rule 1.03 and Canon 3 of the
transgressions as discussed herein and to equally deter CPR and section 27, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court. Any
the commission of the same or similar acts in the act of solicitations constitutes malpractice which calls
future. for the exercise of the Court’s disciplinary powers.
Violation of anti-solicitation statues warrants serious
10) LINSANGAN V. TOLENTINO sanctions for initiating contact with a prospective client
for the purpose of obtaining employment. Thus in this
FACTS: A complaint for disbarment was filed by Pedro jurisdiction, the Court adheres to the rule to protect
Linsangan against Atty. Nicomedes Tolentino for the public from the Machiavellian machinations of
solicitation of clients and encroachment of unscrupulous lawyers and to uphold the nobility of the
professional services. Complaint alleged that legal profession.
respondent, with the help of paralegal Fe Marie
Labiano, convinced his clients to transfer legal Canon 2: A lawyer shall make his legal services available
representation. Respondent promised them financial in an efficient and convenient manner compatible with
assistance and expeditious collection on their claims. the independence, integrity and effectiveness of the
To induce them to hire his services, he persistently profession. Rule 2.03: A lawyer shall not do or permit
called them and sent them text messages. To support to be done any act designed primarily to solicit legal
his allegations, complainant presented the sworn business
affidavit of James Gregorio attesting that Labiano tried
to prevail upon him to sever his lawyer-client relations 11) PCGG V. SANDIGANBAYAN
with complainant and utilize respondent’s services
instead, in exchange for a loan of P50, 000.00. FACTS: General Bank and Trust Company was declared
Complainant also attached “respondent’s” calling card. insolvent by the Central Bank and subjected it to
Respondent, in his defense, denied knowing Labiano liquidation. A public bidding followed, which was
and authorizing the printing and circulation of the said bought by the highest bidder, Lucio Tan. Thereafter,
calling card. the government, represented by then Solicitor
General, Estelito Mendoza, filed a petition with the trial
ISSUE: WON Tolentino’s actions warrant disbarment. court praying for the assistance and supervision of the
court in GENBANK’s liquidation docketed as Special
RULING: Yes. Rule 2.03 of the CPR provides that a Proceeding No. 107812.
lawyer shall not do or permit to be done any act
designed primarily to solicit legal business. Hence, After the end of the Marcos administration, and the
lawyers are prohibited from soliciting cases for the election of Corazon Aquino as president, Presidential
purpose of gain, either personally or through paid Commision on Good Governance (PCGG) was formed
agents or brokers. Such actuation constitutes to recover the alleged ill-gotten wealth of the Marcos
malpractice, a ground for disbarment. Rule 2.03 should family and his cronies.
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of the government client that latter could be to the
One of the first civil cases filed by the PCGG in the advantage of parties who might later become private
Sandiganbayan was a complaint for reversion, practice clients.
reconveyance, restitution, accounting and damages
against respondents Tan et al. and the then First In the adoption of the said rule from Canon 36
Couple, Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos together with paragraph 2 of the American Bar Association’s Canons
several others. of Professional Ethics, the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines replaced the phrase “investigated and
By the time Civil Cases Nos. 0005 and 0096-0099 were passed upon” with the word “intervened”.
filed, Estelito Mendoza has returned to his private life
together into the private practice of law. He was This led to the explanation behind the phrasing of the
engaged as counsel for respondents Tan, et al. and canon in the American Legal System where members
thereafter filed petitions for certiorari, prohibition and of the ABA addressed the issues of “revolving door”,
injunction to annul the writs of sequestration issued by “adverse-interest conflicts”, and “congruent-interest
the PCGG. conflicts”.

This led to the filing of several motions by the PCGG to ABA further defined the following terms:
disqualify Mendoza from the cases he was Revolving Door: the process by which lawyers and
representing for the respondents, alleging that as others temporarily enter the government service from
former Solicitor General, he actively intervened in the private life then leave it for large fees in private
liquidation proceedings of GENBANK (currently Allied practice, where they can exploit information, contacts
Bank) that was acquired by the same group of Tan et and influence gathered while in government service.
al. Adverse-interest conflicts: exists when a former
government lawyer represents a client in private
The allegation of the government in its motions practice in which the matter is substantially related to
stresses that as former Solicitor General, and acting as a matter that the lawyer dealt with while employed by
counsel for Central Bank, he advised the Central Bank’s the government and the interests of the current and
officials on how to go about with the procedure of the former are adverse
liquidation. In doing so, PCGG says that he violated Congruent-interest conflicts: where former
Rule 6.03 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, government lawyers are prohibited from representing
prohibiting former government lawyers from accepting a client in private practice even if the interests of the
engagement or employment in connection with any former government client and new client are entirely
matter in which he had intervened while in said service. parallel.

The Sandinbayan, through a resolution, denied the It was through the definitions that the Court ruled that
motion to disqualify which led to the filing of a petition Mendoza’s case does not involve an adverse-interest
for certiorari and prohibition before the Supreme conflict because he has not shown any adverse interest
Court. when he acted as Solicitor General in the Special
Proceeding case and as counsel for the Civil cases
ISSUE1: WON the definitions of “matter” and pending before the Sandiganbayan.
“intervene” as interpreted by the PCGG are the same
as the definitions contemplated by the Code of As to the violation of Rule 6.03 of the Code of
Professional Responsibility Professional Responsibility, the Court shed light
ISSUE2: WON Estelito Mendoza violated Rule 6.03 of through the definitions of “matter” and “intervention”
the Code of Professional Responsibility in his based on the Formal Opinion 342 of the American Bar
engagement with the civil cases involving Tan, et al. Association.

RULING: The issues were resolved both in the negative. “Matter” is any discrete, isolatable act as well as
identifiable transaction or conduct involving a
The Court resolved the case by going through the particular situation and specific party and not merely
history of the adoption of the Code of the Professional an act of drafting, enforcing, or interpreting
Conduct from the American System and stating the government or agency procedures, regulations or laws,
rationale behind Rule 6.03. The evil sought to be or briefing abstract principles of law.
prevented is that a government lawyer’s actions be
influenced by the temptation to take action on behalf “Intervention” was classified in two definitions.
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The first includes the participation in a proceeding even Acting as Solicitor General, he had to sign the petition
if the intervention is irrelevant or has no effect or little as an initiatory pleading for the Central Bank. The
influence as implied from the definition of intervene assistance extended to the Central Bank by Mendoza
which is “to occur, fall, or come in between points of was only that of an agent of the government more than
time or events”. a court litigator acting in behalf of the government. It
is still the Central Bank that has the sole authority and
While the second includes an act of a person who has jurisdiction to promulgate the rules and regulations in
the power to influence the subject proceeding which is the liquidation of insolvent banks.
rooted from the definition of intervene “to come in or
between by way of hindrance or modification and that For these reasons, the Court denied the petitions of the
interference which may affect the interests of others.” PCGG in disqualifying Estelito Mendoza as counsel for
respondents Tan, et al.
The Court said that it is beyond doubt that “matter” or
the act of Mendoza as Solicitor General in the
liquidation case, advising the Central Bank on how to
proceed with it, is not the “matter” contemplated by
Rule 6.03 of the Code of Professional Responsibility.

The ABA Formal Opinion No. 342 stressed that the

matter which will not disqualify a lawyer would be the
mere “drafting, enforcing, or interpreting government
or agency procedures, regulations or laws, or briefing
abstract principles of law. “

The “matter” where Mendoza got himself involved

with was in acting as counsel for the Central Bank; he
informed them of the proper procedure provided by
law to liquidate GENBANK through the filing of the
necessary petition in the RTC of Manila.

Mendoza is not privy to the decision of the Central

Bank to liquidate GENBANK nor was he involved in the
sale of GENBANK to presently Allied Bank.
Furthermore, the matter of liquidation involved in the
Special Proceeding case is entirely different from the
matter of sequestration involved in the Civil Cases
Moreover, Rule 6.03 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility cannot apply to Mendoza because his
alleged intervention as Solicitor General is an
intervention on a matter different from the
sequestration of stocks as ill-gotten wealth in the Civil
Case. The Court opines that the second interpretation
of intervention is more fitting to the intention of the
law based on its historical background.

There can be no intervention when a government

lawyer acts only in “drafting, enforcing, or interpreting
government or agency procedures, regulations or
laws.” It has to be that the lawyer participated
personally and substantially in a matter related to his
office. To this, the PCGG failed to substantiate that
Mendoza played a significant and substantial
intervention in the Special Proceeding case.

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