Annals of Agrarian Science: Paata Koguashvili

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Annals of Agrarian Science 14 (2016) 323e325

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Support for agricultural cooperatives is an urgent necessity

Paata Koguashvili
Technical University of Georgia, 59, M. Kostava Str., Tbilisi, 0125, Georgia

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history: Based on the current state of Georgian agrarian sector, that is
Received 5 August 2016 mostly associated with the economic activities up to 75000
Accepted 28 September 2016 smallholding landowners, only through the co-operative, i.e. the
Available online 11 November 2016 economic and social solidarity systems, it is possible to undertake a
complex process of overcoming poverty and forming a sound
middle class. Without co-operation, the existence of smaller scale
Effectiveness farming enterprises is possible only at a low-technological level
Farmer that can never ensure their development. Thus, for the purpose of
Planning creating an effective model of agro-industrial integration, when
determining the subject of integrated impacts, among the different
organizational forms, special importance is attached to the agri-
cultural cooperatives.
Cooperative is a multi-dimensional association, which creates
macro- and micro-economic capacities in the country. Its success is
explained by the improved economic and social environment.
Cooperative ensures the offset sources of financial markets and
contributes to macro-economic stabilization in the market in terms
1. Introduction of product quality, safety, traceability and stable fiscal and mone-
tary balance; halting migration, development of agricultural
The development of country's agrarian sector largely depends infrastructure, job creation, inculcation of firm and stable produc-
on financial-economic stability of agricultural enterprises. The tion factors, and introduction of the protected agro-ecological and
crisis situation faced by agricultural sectors in the current period, biological productions and innovative technologies. [2: P. 37].
further strengthens the financial support motivation for agrarian The basis for sustainable and balanced development of agri-
sector from both the State and international organizations and cultural production and processing enterprises consists in their
private sector. Funding of agrarian sector largely depends on a mutual integration. Within the frames of agricultural cooperation,
number of particular issues, among which the main one is the the use of vertical integration as a specific form is an objective
proper determination of funded entities and the types of funding necessity at that development stage of production relations, when
that ensures, on the one hand, the purposeful channeling of the urgency of the organic relationship between agricultural pro-
financial and organizational resources, and on the other hand, duction and processing enterprises grows particularly. A model
significantly widens the circle of potential recipients of financial within the frames of agricultural cooperation, which is based on the
support. principles of cooperation and vertical integration, will become a
The countries with successful economies have chosen as priority basis for creating a single cycle of primary agricultural production,
of government support and funding the support for those organi- processing and selling, wherein product costs keep rising at every
zations, which are functioning on the co-operative bases, since only economic level, and the population engaged in agricultural coop-
through co-operation it is possible to combine two natures: prop- eration will get significantly increased incomes from the commer-
erty, which allows its owner for the freedom of choice and scaled- cial market. For the purpose of increasing the incomes of every
up fabrication, which conditions, on the one hand, technical and member of this type of economic system of cooperation is inter-
economic advantages, and on the other hand, the authority and heft ested in producing more and higher quality products. It is actively
in commodity and financial markets. [1: P. 23]. involved in technical-technological improvement of the production
processing processes, marketing of final products, and provides
monitoring of a single cycle at every level of entrepreneurial ac-
E-mail address: tivities. Such a business pattern, on the one hand, creates the basis
Peer review under responsibility of Journal Annals of Agrarian Science.
1512-1887/© 2016 Agricultural University of Georgia. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
324 P. Koguashvili / Annals of Agrarian Science 14 (2016) 323e325

for the creation of cooperation forms with the higher concentration which have either small number of members, or even to funding
level of agricultural production (second and third), but on the other of a person having just one representative power.
hand, creates motivation for introducing the new effective ele-
ments in funding of agricultural enterprises. [3: P. 46]. One of the main obstacle, due to which the cooperatives cannot
Supporting the agro-industrial integration within the frame- receive credits from commercial banks consists in fact that they are
work of agricultural cooperatives is possible through the creation of not able to guarantee security of commercial bank credits. It is
the infrastructure of the intensive primary production and pro- therefore appropriate to include a new, strong element of funding
cessing enterprises. In addition, of utmost importance is to make it in the activities for supporting the agricultural cooperatives, by
possible to replace the ineffective and inflexible form of typical means of which, after studying the cooperative's real financial-
bank commercial credit for agricultural sector by such financial economic status and capacities, personnel matters, development
instruments as a pledge of collateral, leasing, and soft credit. This opportunities and vitality, there will be provided investing in it just
form of financial relations is common in many countries with in matters of collaterals for guarantees, through investing the “risk
successful economies, and mostly is associated exactly with coop- capital” by the interested funds and companies. With account for
erative systems. international practices, collateral for guarantees of commercial
In terms of security of investments, the management demo- credit required for carrying out the economic activities is imple-
cratic principles and the prospect of the establishing a single pro- mented by the specialized guarantee funds. [5: P. 24].
duction cycle within the framework of cooperation creates real Based on the monitoring data, a specialized guarantee fund
condition of minimizing the entrepreneurial risks that is of utmost carries out assessment of the production risks, and provides
importance and attractive to the companies interested in “risk collateral for guarantees of a certain part of credit (see Fig. 1).
capital” investments. This paves the way to cooperatives for We believe that unlike the other organizational-legal forms,
participation in “soft agro-credit” and other governmental and such a model of planning, management and control of entrepre-
non-governmental programs. neurial activities, as well as industrial relations characteristic of
The “risk capital” is such a form of funding, which actually has agricultural cooperatives, represents the basis for minimizing
not been existed until today in Georgia, and is especially attractive production risks and eventually for sustainable viability, on the
to the initial (start-up) and growing businesses. By investing the grounds that:
“risk capital”, the investor (the fund, hereinafter) participates as a
partner in distribution of risk and profit of the investment recipient 1. The object of credit collateral for guarantee is represented to a
company. Such type of partnership can be implemented through large extent by assets purchased through this credit itself;
the equity acquisition in the company, collaterals for guarantees to 2. Within the framework of cooperative, on the one hand, creating
financial institutions, or through granting of participation loan. In a single production cycle (value chain), wherein manufacturers
comparison with commercial banks, this type of loan requires of primary agricultural products will be interested in obtaining
lower mortgage security and has a longer payment period. And profits from the realization of final products;
payment, as a rule, is tied to planned cash flow. Due to fact that the 3. Economic self-governance (self-repayment, self-regulation, self-
Fund participates in risks and interests, it actively works with control); characteristic of the cooperative systems;
company management for improving general figures of company 4. Consulting, monitoring and auditing by giver of investment
performance. This cooperation includes assistance in strategic (collateral for guarantee, insurance product) and/or by the or-
planning, financial control, marketing issues, production standards, ganization with the commensurate authority.
sells and so on. Since the company's success mostly depends on
success of the recipient of investment, a prerequisite for any in- System solution of the mentioned issue will contribute to
vestment project is searching of qualified and close cooperation- creating the necessary conditions for economic environment,
oriented management. An essential aspect of this cooperation is scaling-up reproduction and formation of the competitive envi-
the operational and strategic support from the Fund that is not ronment that eventually creates firm guarantees for the formation
typical of the organizations making traditional commercial loans. of strong cooperative development, regional socioeconomic
The Fund will invest capital only in the investment projects having development and for solving the food safety problems [6]. The issue
potential of success. It defines and identifies them itself. Thus, in is the adoption of a new investment policy of multilateral and
each specific case, the Fund makes investments in accordance with complex character in agrarian sector that will ensure the balance of
individualized plan. [4: P. 45]. all its functions, and makes an excellent opportunity to ensure the
At this stage, the cooperatives cannot obtain credits from com- suboptimal functioning of enterprises. Inadequate understanding
mercial banks, and they have not been successful in involving in of fact that the development of co-operation in agrarian sector is an
“Produce in Georgia”, “Preferential Agro Credit” and other state essential part of agro-economic reforms, and retraining from the
programs for the following reasons:

 Most cooperatives are practically in “start-up” state that is not

acceptable to banks;
 Most of them have no resource of collaterals for guarantees of
bank credit. However, the priority o the commercial banks ac-
tivities is oriented only towards the fields having guaranteed Fund
return on investment, and consequently towards the projects
supported by collaterals for guarantees;
 The disbursement of credits from banks to cooperatives is
Commercial “Preferential Agro
associated with studying the financial-economic and material “Produce in Georgia”
status of numerous members of the cooperative that signifi- bank
cantly increases time and costs required for this activity. Thus,
banks give their preference to funding of those organizations,
Fig. 1. A model for cooperation of the Guarantee Fund and cooperative.
P. Koguashvili / Annals of Agrarian Science 14 (2016) 323e325 325

adequate effective measures in this field and from sharing the rich which a model of this fund and cooperation is built. The author
experience of the countries with successful economies in this field, believes that unlike the other organizational-legal forms, such a
will cause serious problems that in turn would have an adverse model of planning, management and control of entrepreneurial
impact on the effectiveness of these measures and the planned activities, as well as industrial relations characteristic of agricul-
systemic-synergistic effect.[7: P. 3]. tural cooperatives, represents the basis for minimizing production
risks and ensuring the sustainable development. Unless the effec-
2. Conclusion tive measures are made in this regard, we will face serious prob-
lems that would have an adverse impact on the effectiveness of
Introduction of the new elements in the system of State funding these measures and the planned systemic-synergistic effect.
and regulation, as well as in the activities of international organi-
zations and private companies creates the basis for overcoming
those obstacles, which prevent transformation of many-sided References
production and financial relations into the expanded systems.
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