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Exposing thE ‘hindu’ JEsus Deception

There is a growing false doctrine, a deception, propagated by hindu teachers that paint Jesus
as a ‘hindu’, and portray Jesus as having hindu roots and denigrate Jesus as being inferior or
at the most equal to hindu gods. And sadly millions believe in this deception, majority of
whom are Hindus, Theosophists and New Age Followers. But today, these false teachers
have infiltrated Christianity and this deception has begun to seep down into Christianity as
well. This deception is twofold:

1. To discredit Jesus as the Only Way to God and denigrate Him to be a man rather
than being God Who came in the flesh.
2. To cause people to doubt the Word of God by perverting the Bible, as these hindu
teachers use Biblical words and verses and give ‘hindu’ meanings to them and present
a doctrine that is completely different from Biblical doctrine.

This deception which began in the 19th century is a precursor to the Great Falling Away and
to the One World Religion. The purpose of this article is to expose this deception.

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts
shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;” 2 Timothy 4:3-4, KJV. “Now
the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving
heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;” 1 Timothy 4:1, KJV.

True to the above verses of the Bible, there is a deception that began in the 1800s (19th
Century AD) to ‘hinduize’ Jesus Christ and to discredit Him as the True and Only Saviour of
mankind and to discredit Him as the only Begotten Son of God. A deception, to shape Jesus
Christ into just one of the ‘great teachers or masters’ rather than Him being the Saviour of
mankind; to project Him, as one among the various gods rather than being the One True
God. A deception to depict Jesus as a ‘hindu’ or having ‘hindu’ roots and to depict Him as
being inferior to hindu gods. A deception to replace Jesus Christ as the Only Way to God
and to present ‘Yoga’ as the ‘way’ to God and Salvation and with this intent to globalize and
popularize ‘Yoga’ not only in India but also in the West which was majority Christian. And
this deception began in the 1800s by the inspiration of an ‘spirit’ entity called ‘Mahavatar
Baba’ in Eastern Mysticism and known as the angel ‘Uriel’ in Western Occultism. This
deception is not just a conspiracy of men but it’s a spiritual conspiracy by the devil and his
angels to attack the very roots of Christianity. This conspiracy has demonic roots and it has
spread around the world. In the Bible, Jesus Christ clearly claims to be God. Every false
doctrine and cult that is created around Jesus Christ, first and foremost attacks the Deity of
Jesus Christ, denies Him as God and portrays Him as a mere man, an enlightened teacher or
prophet. This kind of attack on the Deity of Christ comes right from the spirit of anti-Christ
because it denies Jesus Christ came in the flesh. “And every spirit that confesseth not that
Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye
have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world”. 1 John 4:3, KJV.
The deception linking Jesus to Hinduism also attacks the Deity of Jesus Christ and denies
Him as the Only Begotten Son of God and projects Him as an ‘enlightened guru’ Who
achieved godhood by mystic spiritual practices such as yoga and meditation.

The 1800s was a century when there was a massive explosion of occult and mysticism
teachings. On one hand there was a sudden upsurge in Western Occultism through
Theosophy and then on the other hand there was an expansion of Eastern Mysticism
through Hinduism and Buddhism as many hindu teachers from India went out as
missionaries to the West to spread their doctrines of ‘Sanatana Dharma’ as hindus call it.
These hindu missionaries presented an ‘alternative’ gospel, a false gospel, one in which Jesus
is not the only Way nor the Bible the Absolute Truth but they presented a gospel where man
becomes his own ‘savior’ and Yoga as the path to ‘salvation’, a gospel where man becomes
‘divine’, becomes a ‘god’ by merging with God. And they added Christian doctrines to their
damnable false teachings and they appropriated Jesus Christ into their pantheon of hindu
gods to make their false doctrines attractive to the Christians in order to subvert them. The
Bible talks about false teachers presenting an ‘another christ’, an ‘another gospel’ and an
‘another spirit’. “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his
subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he
that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another
spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might
well bear with him”. 2 Corinthians 11:3-4, KJV. “But there were false prophets also among
the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in
damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves
swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way
of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words
make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their
damnation slumbereth not.” 2 Peter 2:1-3, KJV. “But though we, or an angel from heaven,
preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be
accursed.” Galatians 1:8, KJV.
There is nothing new in the false doctrine that these hindu gurus are promoting. These
hindu gurus promote the belief that man can be saved by his own efforts. By spiritually
evolving through the practice of mystic methods like yoga, he/she can become a 'god' and
achieve immortality through enlightenment/self-realization. This is the same lie that Satan
told Eve in the Garden that they shall not die but will become as gods if they eat the fruit
from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 3:4-5, KJV). These teachings are
part of the mystery religions that began with Satan in the Garden which later resurfaced at
the Tower of Babel. And in the 1800s, Satan through this spiritual entity called Mahavatar
Baba/Uriel presented the same repackaged version of this false gospel to Lahiri Mahasaya
who then passed it down to his followers. These gurus present a false gospel and a false
christ by claiming that Jesus achieved Salvation the same way that all hindu gurus did while
they reject the Biblical doctrine that Jesus is God Who came to save people from their sins.
Jesus did not come to be saved but to save. The false gospel that Satan presented to Eve
brought death on mankind and so will these false teachings of a ‘hindu’ jesus.
It is also no coincidence that at a time when false doctrines about Jesus Christ began to
appear, the modern corrupt versions of the Bible derived from the corrupt manuscripts of
Alexandria - Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus began to appear in the 1800s. Just as
the Gospel of Jesus Christ spread far and wide in the 1st Century AD, the 19th Century was a
century of religious appropriation when the doctrines of devils spread across the world. It’s
as if the Devil began and set in motion in the 1800s, the antecedent for a great deception
that would come at the end of this age which the Bible calls ‘Strong Delusion’. Because
people deliberately reject the Word of God, His Truth and reject Jesus Christ as the only
Way to God, God allows them to believe lies. “because they received not the love of the
truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that
they should believe a lie. That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had
pleasure in unrighteousness.” 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12, KJV. The Bible tells us that the end
times will be a time of great deception with many people claiming to be ‘chirsts’. True to
this, hindu gurus like Yogananda and Yukteshwar and Lahiri Mahasaya call themselves
‘yogi-christs’ of India.
The aim of Satan through his false teachers is to cause people to doubt the Bible and to cause
people to reject the True God Jesus Christ as the Only Saviour. Satan used this strategy in the
Garden of Eden to cause mankind to fall into sin and he still uses the same strategy today to lead
people to Hell. We live in a day when false doctrines and deceptions are rampant and the Bible
warns us that in the end times, people will fall for doctrines of devils and follow teachers who lead
them away from the sound Biblical doctrine of the Word of God. Proverbs 22:3, KJV says, “A
prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are
punished”. As Christians it is prudent to know about these deceptions, expose them and to
stay away from them. It is good sense to be knowledgeable about these deceptions so that
we can warn others. The Devil is not going to stop and things are going to be much worse
before Jesus returns. The only Way for us to endure this hard time on earth is to trust and
absolutely believe the Word of God as the Absolute Truth.

The web of deception of the ‘hindu’ Jesus doctrine connects the cult of Mahavatar
Baba to Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, and Freemasonry, all of which worship
Lucifer/Satan as the ‘True God’ and the ‘True Light’ while they call Jesus Christ as a
‘false God’ and denigrate Him to being an ‘Ascended Master’. Freemasonry,
Rosicrucianism and Theosophy have roots in Eastern Mysticism and thus promote
the false doctrine of Jesus being a ‘hindu’. All the people in the chart, both living and
dead are the missionaries for the Antichrist and a One World Religion, propagating
the false doctrine of a ‘hindu Jesus’. And they are the marketers for ‘kriya yoga’, a
mystic method to opening oneself to ‘spirits/devils’.

In the 1800s, there arose a cult of Mahavatar Baba and his ardent followers were the ones
who propagated this lie. Hindu gurus like Lahari Mahasaya, Yukteshwar Giri and Yogananda
promoted Mahavatar Baba as having been in communication with Jesus Christ. And parallel
to this cult of Mahavatar Baba, a Russian aristocrat Nicolas Notovitch and Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad, who started the Ahmadiyya movement in Islam, promoted ‘Jesus lived in India’
deception. So what is this deception?

This deception has various versions depending on who is promoting it:

▪ According to the cult of Mahavatar Baba, Jesus Christ was in communication with
Mahavatar Baba and learned kriya yoga from him in the Himalayas between the ages
of 12 and 30 and later He went back to Israel to start His ministry and to disseminate
the teachings of Mahavatar Baba. In his book The Second Coming of Christ,
Yogananda states that Jesus Christ went to India and conferred with Mahavatar Baba.
Yogananda claims that he was told by Mahavatar Baba himself that Mahavatar Baba
is in constant communion with Christ and together they send out vibrations of
redemption, and have planned the spiritual technique of ‘salvation’ for this age.
Mahavatar Baba claims that he assisted Jesus in fulfilling Jesus’ Plan on
▪ According to Nicolas Notovitch, a Russian aristocrat, Jesus journeyed to India and
lived in the Himalayas between the ages of 12 and 30 and learned from Hindu and
Buddhist monks in the Himalayas and went back to Israel to start His ministry.
Nicolas Notovitch claims Jesus came to India before His crucifixion. Nicolas
Notovitch was a Theosophist and Theosophy too denies Jesus as God but claims that
Jesus was a mere man who became an ‘Ascended Master/Mahatma’ by achieving
spiritual evolution through ‘enlightenment’ or ‘self-realization’. Theosophists believe
that Jesus was one of the many ascended masters as Buddha, Krishna, Mahavatar
Baba, Sanat Kumara, Maitreya, El Morya, Kuthumi, Djwal Khul, St. Germain, etc.
Theosophists believe that Shambhala/ Shangri-la, a mystical place, is situated in the
Himalayas and is the home to many ascended masters, hindu gurus, yogis and
enlightened spirits. Notovitch’s motive in claiming that Jesus lived in Himalayas was
to align Jesus Christ more closely with his own religious beliefs of Theosophy. He
wanted to prove that Jesus was not God but an ‘Ascended Master’ as Theosophy
claims and he fabricated a baseless story to prove his Theosophical beliefs true. [In
the teachings of Eastern Mysticism and Western Occultism, Ascended Masters are
believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary
humans, but who have undergone a series of spiritual transformations and evolutions
originally called ‘initiations’ to achieve ‘enlightenment’ and in so doing have achieved
‘union’ with God and have themselves become immortals and spiritual beings(gods).
This state of full union of a man with God is referred to as "Ascension". These
ascended masters now guide humanity to achieve ‘Salvation’ through enlightenment.]
▪ According to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement of
Islam, Jesus survived His crucifixion and came to India and He settled in Srinagar,
Kashmir, got married and died as an old man and is buried at Roza Bal to Mahavatar
Baba in Srinagar. He claimed that Jesus taught the ‘lost’ tribe of Jews who had settled
in Kashmir and also taught Buddhist monks. Islam denies Jesus as God and
the Ahmadiyya movement believes that Jesus was a mortal man and a prophet of
God, born to the virgin Mary in line with contemporary Islamic views on Jesus. And
like every false doctrine, Mirza denies Jesus as God but calls Him a ‘true prophet of
God’. Mirza Ghulam was a false teacher and a heretic who claimed to be the ‘Second
Coming of Jesus’. Followers of Mirza Ghulam believe that the prophecies regarding
the second advent of Jesus were fulfilled in the likeness and personality of Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad, who initiated and founded the movement. Mirza Ghulam claimed
that he was the Mujaddid (divine reformer) of the 14th Islamic century, the
promised Messiah Jesus and the Mahdi awaited by the Muslims in the end days. He
declared that Jesus (Isa) had in fact survived the crucifixion and later died a natural
death, after having migrated towards Kashmir and that he had appeared in the
likeness of Jesus. Mirza Ghulam claims that Jesus came to India after His crucifixion.

Mahavatar Baba(Uriel) Nicolas Notovitch Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

Jesus Himself clearly warned us: “Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ,
or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew
great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the
desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning
cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son
of Man be.” Matthew 24:23. KJV.

The primary source of information for the life and teachings of Jesus is found in the four
Gospels of the Bible. Here one can apply basic historical and textual tests concerning the
authenticity and accuracy of the documents. There are more than 5000 Greek manuscripts
available for the four Gospels which can be compared to ascertain if the texts have been
faithfully copied and recopied down the centuries. The Gospels of Matthew and Luke
mentions Jesus’ birth and the Gospel of Luke mentions the adolescence and adulthood of
Jesus, but the Gospels do not go into detail about every event in Jesus' life between the ages
12 to 30. This gives imaginative types like Notovitch, Yogananda and Mirza Ghulam plenty
of murky historical leeway when reconfiguring religious traditions and license to “reimagine”
Jesus to fit their beliefs and trends of the epoch they were living in.

People who read the books of these men blindly believe their lies that the Bible never
mentions about where Jesus was between the ages of 12 and 30. But Luke gives the answer
in Chapter 2. Luke says of Jesus: "And He went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and
was subject unto them: but His mother kept all these sayings in her heart. And Jesus
increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man". Luke 2:1-52, KJV. After
the incident at the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem at the age of 12, Jesus went with Mary and
Joseph and lived in Nazareth, became subject unto them and He grew, as Luke is careful to
say, in wisdom as well as stature until He started His ministry at age 30. Because Jesus lived
most of His life in Nazareth, He was called a Nazarene (Matthew 2:23). Jesus was recognized
in His hometown Nazareth as a carpenter (Mark 6:3). So Jesus lived in Nazareth between the
ages of 12 and 30. Jesus never came to India and He never lived here. And there are no
"missing years" in Jesus' life. It is the motive of charlatans like Notovitch, Yogananda and
Mirza Ghulam to discredit Jesus Christ by spreading such blatant baseless lies about Him
and make money along the way. And those who believe and spread these lies are deliberately
rejecting the tested doctrines of the Bible to give heed to doctrines of devils. It is people’s
hatred of Jesus that makes them doubt Jesus and believe these lies about Him. In their mind,
if they can deny Him as God and cast doubt on the Bible by believing these lies then they
don’t have to accept Him as God nor do they have to be accountable to Him. People’s pride
prevents them from humbly accepting that they are sinners against a Living Holy God and
this causes them to reject the unconditional Love of Jesus Who gave His life to save people
and to hate the Only Saviour Who can save them from their sins and from a destiny of
eternal damnation in the fires of Hell. By pride, Satan fell and like him, every person who
rejects God’s Loving Grace damns themselves to Hell. People like Yogananda, Mirza
Ghulam, Nicolas Notovitch, Yukteshwar Giri, Lahiri Mahasaya who believed and spread lies
about Jesus died in their sins and are in torment in Hell right now, waiting to be judged by
God and to be thrown into the Lake of Fire for all eternity. And all those who believe their
lies will share their fate. They themselves are in Hell and are leading many people to their
destruction by their books. People can reject Jesus all they want and try to justify it by blind
denial and circular reasoning with blind acceptance of lies but the fact is their opinions will
not change Who Jesus is and they will one day stand before Him to be judged of their sins
and to give an account of their lives. When people reject Jesus as their Saviour today, they
will face Him as their Judge and it is a fearful thing to fall into the Hands of the Living
God. (Hebrews 10:31, KJV).

Furthermore, the teachings of Jesus Christ completely contradict the teachings of Hinduism
and Buddhism. If Jesus had learned under hindu or buddhist gurus such as Mahavatar Baba,
it would have reflected in His teachings. To begin with, Jesus' teaching about God was not
pantheistic (“all is God”), as was that of the gurus of India. Jesus never cited the Hindu
Vedas but always the Jewish Old Testament which proclaimed the Monotheistic God of
Judaism (see Mark 12:29). Jesus claimed to be the Only Way to God (John 14:6, KJV) where
as the hindu scriptures say that there are many ways to God. There is virtually NO evidence
that Jesus came and studied in India. He was born a Jew and raised in Israel and was
crucified, buried and resurrected there and He ascended to Heaven from there and when He
returns, He is will first descend on the Mount of Olives. His Gospel though reached India in
52 AD when Apostle Thomas, one of the 12 disciples of Jesus came to India to preach the
good news of Salvation.
This deception of linking Jesus to India, Hinduism and Buddhism is not based on any
historical and textual facts nor is it based on logic. There is not a single manuscript that
exists which links Jesus to Hinduism and not a single manuscript that claims that Jesus
learned kriya yoga from Mahavatar Baba or some other hindu or Buddhist guru in the
Himalayas. It’s a blind belief, a lie, repeated enough times to make it look like the Truth.
People who believe and propagate this lie ignore the vast contradictions between the
teaching of the Bible, its purpose, its message and the teachings of Hinduism and they ignore
the fact that there is no evidence for their claims. Any person with a bit of common sense
could see the contradictory claims of this deception linking Jesus to hindu doctrines.

The claims of Nicolas Notovitch and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad have been refuted as lies by the
majority but the teaching of the cult of Mahavatar Baba and its followers regarding Jesus is
promoted as ‘Truth’. The books of followers of Mahavatar Baba like Yukteshwar Giri – ‘The
Holy Science’ and Yogananda’s book, ‘The Autobiography of a yogi’ promote these lies
about Jesus Christ and these books have influenced millions to believe this lie. Yogananda
has been a primary hindu missionary in propagating this deception and his book has been a
worldwide best-seller with millions of copies sold in almost over four dozen languages.
These books promote lies about Jesus Christ so blatantly and so confidently because these
authors know that millions of people who read these books will never take the time to
research whether what they are saying is really the Truth or not but will blindly believe them.
The cult of Mahavatar Baba and the books of its followers are propagating a ‘false jesus’, a
‘hindu jesus’. The teachings of Osho, Sadhguru, Deepak Chopra are all offshoots of this
deception with some variations.

One might ask, what did these men hope to gain by portraying Jesus as having ‘hindu’ roots?
Well, these men were promoting a cause much bigger and beyond them. These men of the
1800s are dead and gone but their books are still deceiving millions of people today. These
men and women who are promoting a ‘hindu’ Jesus are the front men for a One World
Religion and the Antichrist. They were working for the cause of deceiving the world and
bringing the world together into a One World Religion which would enthrone and worship
the Antichrist as ‘God’. These men are the missionaries of the Antichrist. And they are
leading people to Hell.

The end-goal of these men promoting a ‘hindu’ Jesus is to displace Jesus as the Only Way to
God and to present ‘Yoga’, especially ‘Kriya Yoga’ as the way to Salvation and to God. Their
goal is to usurp the place of Jesus Christ as the One and Only Saviour of mankind and to
present people with the false doctrine that they can be their own ‘saviour’ by practicing Kriya
Yoga and they too can be a ‘god’, they too can become a ‘christ’. This is a heretical doctrine
that denigrates Jesus Christ but lifts a person above Him.
Why do they promote such heresies about Jesus Christ?! To deceive people and pull people
away from the True Biblical Doctrine of God’s Word. To cause people to reject the Lord
Jesus Christ and to embrace a One World esoteric/occult spirituality that comes from devils.
These false teachers say they believe in Jesus but they deny Him as God and Saviour and
promote a ‘Jesus’ who is compatible with their hindu worldview. They use the Name of
Jesus and they use Biblical words, verses and events as bait to deceive people away from true
Biblical Truths. And they speak ungodly things about Biblical doctrines that they do not
even understand. The Bible says of such false teachers and false prophets: "For there are
certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation,
ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord
God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. But these speak evil of those things which they know not:
but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves. Woe
unto them!" Jude 1:4, 10-11, KJV.
The Bible says that before the Antichrist is revealed, there will be a great falling away of
people from their faith as they will abandon true Biblical doctrine and embrace new age
spirituality. These hindu gurus who promote a ‘hindu’ Jesus are the precursors of this great
deception that will cause the falling away of people from the Christian faith. Already the
teachings of Eastern Mysticism have made inroads into Christianity via Charismatic
Pentecostalism and its practices such as slain in the spirit, holy laughter, making animal
sounds, speaking in unknown gibberish tongues, etc which are similar to Kundalini
Awakening and also through New Age Teachings, Yoga, Meditation, etc. "Let no man
deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away
first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth
himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the
temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, KJV. Since
deception is rampant, the Bible tells us to always test the spirits and try the doctrines
whether they are truly from God or not. The way we test it is by measuring them against the
Absolute Standard and Absolute Truth of God’s Word. "Beloved, believe not every spirit,
but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into
the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is
come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come
in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it
should come; and even now already is it in the world." 1 John 4:1-3, KJV.
Yoga is an esoteric practice of Hinduism which aligns the neural and energy pathway of the
body and opens a person’s chakras or ‘energy wheels’, gateways to the body, to the spiritual
beings (devils) so that these spiritual beings could come into the person’s body and they can
merge and become one. The only Way God has given for mankind to reach Him is through
Jesus Christ. "For there is One God, and One Mediator between God and men, the Man
Christ Jesus;" 1 Timothy 2:5, KJV. "Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel,
that by the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Whom ye crucified, Whom God raised from
the dead, even by Him doth this man stand here before you whole. Neither is there Salvation
in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we
must be saved." Acts 4:10-12, KJV. God talks to us through His Word, the Bible. God will
not respond to any of mankind’s own efforts to reach Him. But when mankind rejects God’s
Way and God’s terms and seeks to connect to God by their own efforts and mystical
practices, they will not connect with God but will connect to Satan and his fallen angels who
masquerade as ‘gods’ and ‘enlightened beings’ and deceive people. In short, Yoga is the
surest way to open oneself to devils as Yoga prepares and aligns the body to become a
conduit for spiritual entities. The books of followers of Mahavatar Baba including the
prominent followers Yukteshwar and Yogananda promote Kriya Yoga as the way to
salvation and to God. Their books are all about denigrating Jesus and promoting Yoga and
its doctrines as the ‘true’ path to God! And to this end, they deceivingly take words, verses
from the Bible and twist Biblical words, verses and Biblical doctrines to correlate it with
Hinduism. The Bible forbids such practices such as Yoga and yet these hindu gurus try to
unite two contradicting doctrines and claim that they are the same! And in their audacity,
they claim that Christians don’t understand the Bible properly and claim to reinterpret it for
them! They think they know better than God and better than Christians who read their
Bibles! These gurus are deceived themselves and are deceiving millions to believe their lies.
“they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the
ditch”. Matthew 15:14, KJV.

All these people involved in propagating the 'hindu' Jesus deception are propagating a One
World Religion where there is no Absolute Truth nor Exclusivity of Religion. They want to
unite the entire world through occult/esoteric ‘spirituality’ which was given to them by the
gods of this world- fallen angels (devils). This false doctrine they are preaching is the corrupt
fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. All this false doctrine stems from
Satan’s words to Eve that promised immortality and godhood to mankind if they would
listen to him and worship him: “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely
die(Immortality): For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be
opened, and ye shall be as gods (godhood), knowing good and evil”. Genesis 3:4-5, KJV.
Christianity is an exclusive religion because it claims Jesus is the Only Way to God. There is
no other way to God. Christianity claims that Truth is Absolute and it is found only in the
Bible. And Christianity claims that eternal life is found only in Jesus Christ by being born
again in Him. The Bible denies the idea that man can become a ‘god’. And it forbids the
believers in Christ from compromising Biblical Truth to unite with the ungodly world. It
calls the believers to be separate and to live holy and godly lives. The core doctrines of those
promoting a ‘hindu’ jesus are completely unbiblical.

The core doctrines of these people who are promoting a ‘hindu’ Jesus are:
1. Universality of religions: According to this ideology, all religions are but different
ways to reach God and therefore all religions are the same and are true. (But the Bible
clearly teaches that there is only One Way to God and that Way is by Jesus Christ
alone. 1 Timothy 2:5, KJV, John 14:6, KJV, Acts 4:10-12, KJV).
2. Universal Brotherhood: According to this ideology, uniting the people of the world
while recognizing that the truth is not something exclusive but that every path,
religion, philosophy, culture has a part of the truth. Therefore truth is relative and not
Absolute. In other words, conforming every person to one religion by finding
common ground among different religions and creating a global family which in
hindusim is called “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”, a Sanskrit phrase found in Hindu
texts such as the Maha Upanishad, which means "the world is one family". (But the
Bible clearly teaches separation and division, that believers in Christ are to be separate
from the world and other religions. It tells us not to learn from other religions but to
follow Jesus Christ at all costs and to stay away from the practices of the ungodly.
The Bible tells us not to unite with those who reject Jesus as Lord and Saviour. The
Bible never teaches global unity nor does it promote peace at the cost of Truth. 2
Corinthians 6:14-18, KJV, Jeremiah 10:2, KJV, Matthew 10:34-36, KJV).
3. Self-Realization/Enlightenment: To become a ‘god’ by merging with God or
‘Brahman’ through esoteric and occult practices such as Yoga. In achieving
‘godhood’, to break the cycle of reincarnation and to become immortal. (The Bible
clearly teaches that every man and woman is a created being and is a wicked sinner
and can never become God. The Bible denies reincarnation. It tells us that we live
only once and when we die, we stand before God to be judged. Romans 3:23, KJV,
Hebrews 9:27, KJV, 2 Corinthians 5:10, KJV, Revelation 20:12, KJV).

These teachings are the stepping stones for a One World Religion, a Religion where there
are no Absolutes or exclusivity. This One World Religion is going to come to its culmination
with the worship of Antichrist and his image as ‘God’ (Revelation 13:12-18, KJV)*. These
men and women of Theosophy, Mahavatar Baba cult, Hinduism, Freemasonry who
propagate a ‘hindu’ Jesus are missionaries of this Godless One World Religion. To conform
Christianity to their One World Religion, they have to first discredit Jesus Christ as the Only
Way to God and they have to discredit Jesus as the Only True Saviour of mankind and they
have to discredit Jesus as God Who came in the Flesh…. God Who came as a Man.
Therefore they pervert Biblical doctrine and Bible verses and come up with false stories of
Jesus travelling to India and learning from hindu mystics. Once they discredit Jesus, they
offer Yoga as the ‘way’ to God. So which spirit is behind this ‘hindu’ Jesus deception? It’s
the spirit of Antichrist because this deception denies that Jesus is God and that He came as a
Man to save mankind. “Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is
antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.” 1 John 2:22, KJV. “And every spirit that
confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of
antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the
world.” 1 John 4:3, KJV. [* “And he(False Prophet) exerciseth all the power of the first
beast(Antichrist) before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship
the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he
maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them
that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight
of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the
beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the
image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as
would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small
and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their
foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the
beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count
the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred
threescore and six (666)”. Revelation 13:12-18, KJV.]

Hindu gurus like Sadhguru attack the Deity of Jesus Christ and deny Jesus Christ as
God and as the Son of God and pervert Christ’s teachings to give it a ‘hindu’ view.
This is the same strategy used by everyone who wants to reject the Bible and its
doctrine of Jesus Christ. First they attack the Deity of Jesus Christ and then present
Him as a mere ‘man’ and then present an alternate or another ‘way/ways’ to God.
They deny the clear cut Biblical Doctrine that Jesus is the only Way to God and
claim that Yoga is a way to God and to ‘experience’ Him. In 'Jesus Christ Superstar',
Sadhguru writes: “When we say “Jesus”, we are not referring to a man who lived 2000
years ago, but to a certain possibility within every human being. It is essential that
every individual allows this quality to flower within him, because today in the name
of religion, people are willing to take each other’s lives. In our aspirations for the
divine, we are losing our Humanity”. It’s clearly evident which spirit works through
Sadhguru, the spirit of Antichrist. “And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ
is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have
heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world." 1 John 4:3, KJV.

There are many more followers of Mahavatar Baba who believe and are propagating the
deception of a ‘hindu’ Jesus but Yukteshwar and Yogananda are the main persons.

Books of Yukteshwar and Yogananda in which they present a ‘hindu’ Jesus were
both inspired by Mahavatar Baba:

In their books, ‘The Holy Science’ by Yukteshwar Giri and ‘The Autobiography of a
Yogi’ and ‘Second Coming of Christ’ by Yogananada, they deceptively incorporate Biblical
words and verses in their books and in so doing they pervert the Biblical meanings of words
and verses to mean something that suits their hindu ideology. They pick Bible words and
verses out of context and give them different meanings that are contradictory to the core
doctrines of Christianity. They deceive people by giving hindu meanings to Biblical words
and verses.
These men claim that they got the inspiration to write their books by Mahavatar Baba
himself who guided them to reinterpret the Bible, to make it compatible with hindu
doctrines of yoga. These men created the deception that Biblical doctrines and hindu
doctrines are the same. For example, Yukteshwar and Yogananda in their books change the
meaning of Amen and the meaning of born-again/second birth, they change the meaning of
Salvation, the meaning of the Holy Spirit and the meaning of Christ. These men deny Christ
to be the only Begotten Son of God and they deny Him as the Saviour of mankind but
present Him as a mere man who gained enlightenment by studying hindu scriptures, doing
kriya yoga and they claim that Mahavatar Baba assisted Jesus Christ to gain ‘Salvation’. Their
teachings completely contradict Biblical doctrines and yet they claim that both are the same.
They reinterpret Christ as someone having ‘hindu’ roots. They metaphorize and symbolize
Biblical doctrine and reinterpret them according to their own hindu ideologies. In so doing,
they subvert Biblical Truth.
Yogananda claims that Yuktehshwar wrote his book on the direction of Mahavatar Baba:
Apparently, in his book, ‘The Holy Science’, Yuktheshwar Giri interprets the Bible through
his ‘wisdom and insight’ and finds a unity between Christianity and Hinduism. In the book,
Yogananda writes in the preface:
One of Yogananda’s follower, Kriyananda claims in his book, the New Path that
Yogananda was told by Mahavatar Baba to interpret the Bible and Yogananda
received visions of Jesus Christ:

“A visitor once asked Paramhansa Yogananda, “You call your temples ‘churches of all
religions.’ Why, then, do you place such special emphasis on Christianity?” “It was the wish
of Babaji that I do so,” the Master replied. “He asked me to interpret the Christian Bible and
the Bhagavad Gita, or Hindu Bible, and to show that the teachings of both are basically the
same. It was with this mission that I was sent to the West.” Another time in Boston
Yogananda received another remarkable corroboration of his experiences of the reality of
Jesus Christ. In meditation he saw Krishna and Jesus walking together on a sea of golden
light. To convince himself (as he put it), though more probably to convince skeptics,
including sectarian believers who couldn’t imagine Jesus and Krishna sharing the same wave,
Yogananda asked for objective verification of his vision”. Chapter 33, THE NEW

It’s no surprise that this spiritual being called Mahavatar Baba wants to be equated with Jesus
Christ and was the inspiration behind these blasphemous books in which his followers try to
discredit Jesus Christ as presented in the Bible and reinterpret Him into a ‘hindu’ Jesus.
These books are a complete perversion of Biblical doctrine. Yukteshwar and Yogananda
both in their books try to corrupt the Biblical meaning and context and reinterpret them to
give a hindu outlook. They symbolize and metaphorize Biblical words, verses, events, etc to
give a new meaning to them. And they do all this without giving a reason as to on what basis
they arrived at their conclusion and have reinterpreted the words of the Bible. They just pick
and choose Biblical Words and Verses and give different meanings to it from a hindu
perspective even though the Biblical Words and Verses mean something contradictory to
their explanation. They have the audacity to pervert the Words of God and their explanation
has no basis in textual, Biblical and historical evidence. They had a goal, to take their hindu
doctrines to the West and in order to further their goal, they tried to force fit Christianity
with Hinduism without any Scriptural basis.

So this conspiracy linking Jesus to Mahavatar Baba and kriya yoga started in the 1800s with
appearance and visions of Mahavatar Baba to hindu gurus. Mahavatar Baba himself gave this
false doctrine to his believers who today have spread it to millions of people in an effort to
discredit Who Jesus Christ is. Mahavatar Baba’s mission for his believers was to spread yoga
and his teachings to the West and for this mission his prominent followers like Lahiri
Mahasaya, Yukteshwar, and Yogananda were groomed.

These men through the guidance of Mahavatar Baba knew that the West which was majority
Christian would not receive Mahavatar Baba’s false doctrines readily and therefore they used
the Name of Christ to deceive them. Satan does not use whole lies to deceive people but he
perverts the Truth to seduce people. Satan did not lie to Eve, he perverted the Truth to
cause Eve to doubt and question God’s Word and it is the same strategy that Satan is using
today. He uses these false gurus and teachers to cast doubt on the Word of God, the Bible.
The doctrines of Mahavatar Baba and his followers is the vine of Sodom and the poison
fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and those who eat this poison fruit will
not find eternal bliss as they hope to but will only find death and eternal damnation in the
unquenchable fires of Hell .

In their books, Yutheshwar in ‘The Holy Science’ and Yogananda in ‘Autobiography of a

Yogi’ take words and verses out of the Bible and use these to force fit Jesus Christ into their
hindu ideology. They pervert the Words of God to justify their false doctrines. These men
knew that the Christian West would never accept their teachings readily and therefore, they
made it attractive to the West by using words and verses from the Bible and using the Lord’s
Name as bait to attract them to their cult. In so doing, these men twist the Biblical meaning
of Words and Verses to suit hindu doctrines. They take verses from the Bible and use it out
of context in their books to mean something else. They even denigrate Jesus Christ and use
the title ‘Christ’ so loosely and liberally, to mean something else entirely. This is a deception
in the making for almost 120 years albeit it’s not a perfect deception. When examined
through the lens of the Bible, it falls apart because Hinduism has nothing in common with
Biblical teachings but these gurus try to force fit two contradicting ideas together like iron
mixing with clay. These contradicting doctrines will never cleave together.

The followers of Mahavatar Baba have similar beliefs about Jesus Christ as the followers of
Theosophy do. Theosophists do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the
Saviour of mankind but they believe that Jesus Christ was a mere man who gained
enlightenment through occult doctrines and has become a ‘great teacher’ or an ‘Ascended
Master’ who’s goal is to help mankind to spiritually evolve into ‘gods’, to divinity and
immortality. Theosophists worship Lucifer as their ‘God’ and their ‘True Light’. Like
Theosophists, the cult of Mahavatar Baba also believes in Jesus as an ‘Ascended Master’ who
gained ‘godhood’ through meditation and kriya yoga.

The cult of Mahavatar Baba being promoted by Yogananda’s ‘Self-Realization Fellowship’

and ‘Yogoda Satsanga Society of India’ is making millions by selling this deception to people.
“For the love of money is the root of all evil:” 1 Timothy 6:10, KJV.

Both Yukteshwar and Yogananda use the word ‘Christ-like’ very loosely. They do not
believe that Jesus Christ is God but consider Him as just a ‘saint’ and they compare hindu
gurus to Christ. On what basis do they compare Christ to hindu gurus?! Christ died to save
mankind and rose from the dead proving to be God and Saviour but not one of these hindu
gurus nor hindu gods died to save mankind. Despite this fact, Yukteshwar and Yogananda
frivolously call hindu gurus as being ‘Christ-like’. This is nothing but blasphemy. They are
not christs nor are they Christ-like. They are dead and gone while Christ rose from the dead
and is living today in Heaven.

Following are some excerpts from the book ‘Holy Science’ which reveals the purpose of the
book, which is to find a unity between various faiths, especially Christianity and Hinduism:
In other words, to create a One World Religion by reinterpreting Christianity. Christianity is
an exclusive religion and does not fit in with other religions of the world. So the motive of
these men and their guide Mahavatar Baba here is to destroy the foundations of Christian
faith in order to conform it to other religions.
Biblical Christianity is exclusive in that it proclaims a Saviour Who has come to save
mankind from eternal damnation. It proclaims a God Who came as a Man to atone for the
sins of mankind. No other religion in the world including Hinduism can make a claim like
the Bible does. The Bible constantly calls the followers of Jesus Christ to not to be part of
the other religious systems. Jesus calls His believers to follow only Him because He claimed
to be the Only Way to God. He declared, “I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no
man cometh unto the Father, but by Me”. John 14:6, KJV. But Yukteshwar conveniently
ignores Jesus’ claim of exclusivity and falsely tries to establish that Bible is compatible with
hindu doctrines and seeks to unite the two religions.

Even Yogananda claims that his book ‘Autobiography of a yogi’ was inspired by Mahavatar
Baba. Before Yogananda wrote the book, it was prophesied more than 50 years before by
Lahiri Mahasaya by guidance from Mahavatar Baba that Yogananda will take the doctrines of
yoga to the West. The purpose of the book was to globalize yoga and to present it as a way
to God and to Salvation.

In the introduction of the book, Autobiography of a yogi, the following is written:

In his book, Yogananda presents Kriya yoga as the way to achieve ‘spiritual enlightenment’ and to
become one with God and thereby achieve ‘Salvation’. This concept is completely unbiblical as the
Bible presents Jesus Christ as the Only Way to Salvation. And yet Yogananda in his book uses Biblical
words and verses and pervert their meanings.

These books which claim to reinterpret the Bible pervert and corrupt the very Words of God and twist
them to give them a ‘hindu’ meaning. The agenda of these books is to present a false ‘Jesus’, a ‘hindu
jesus’ and to present a false gospel and a false way of salvation to the world. These men and their
books present a jesus who has nothing to do with the Bible and its Truth.

So who is this Mahavatar Baba?

According to his followers, Mahavatar Baba was a Himalayan mahayogi said to be about
1,800 years old and is the founder of kriya yoga. The world first heard about him
courtesy Paramahansa Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi. Today, many cults are growing
around his enigmatic persona.

Mahavatar Baba literally meaning ‘Great Avatar (Revered) Father or Elder or Wise’ is the
name given to an Indian yogi* by Lahiri Mahasaya, and several of his disciples, who reported
meeting him between 1861, 1935 and 1980. (*Yogi is a practitioner of yoga, including
a sannyasi or practitioner of meditation in Hindusim). Some of these meetings were
described by Paramahansa Yogananda in his book Autobiography of a Yogi, including a
report of Yogananda's own meeting with the yogi. Another account was given by Sri
Yukteswar Giri in his book The Holy Science.

In 1946, Paramahansa Yogananda, one of modern India's yogis, revealed in his book
"Autobiography of a Yogi," the existence of a ‘Christ-like’ saint, an immortal yogi,
Mahavatar Baba. Yogananda related how Baba had for centuries lived in the Himalayas
guiding many spiritual teachers at a distance, usually without their even knowing it. Baba was
a great siddha, one who had overcome ordinary human limitations, and who worked silently,
behind the scenes for the spiritual evolution of all humanity. Paramahansa Yogananda also
revealed that it was Mahavatar Baba who taught a powerful series of yogic techniques,
known as "Kriya Yoga" to Lahiri Mahasaya, around 1861, and who subsequently initiated
many others, including Yogananda`s own guru, Sri Yukteswar, some thirty years later.
Yogananda spent 10 years with his guru before Baba himself appeared to him, and directed
him to bring the sacred science of Kriya to the West. Yogananda fulfilled this ‘sacred’
mission from 1920 to 1952.

There are very few accounts of Mahavatar Baba's childhood. One source of information is
the book ‘Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga tradition’ by Marshal Govindan. According
to Govindan, Mahavatar Baba was named Nagarajan (king of serpents) by his parents. V.T.
Neelakantan and S.A.A. Ramaiah founded on 17 October 1952, (they claim – at the request
of Babaji) a new organization, "Kriya Babaji Sangah," dedicated to the teaching of Baba's
Kriya Yoga. They claim that in 1953 Mahavatar Baba told them that he was born on 30
November 203 CE in a small coastal village now known as Parangipettai, Cuddalore
district of Tamil Nadu, India. Baba's Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas Trust (Kriya Babaji
Sangah) and their branch organizations claim his place and date of birth. He was a disciple
of Bogar, a Tamil hindu guru. In Paramahansa Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi, many
references are made to Mahavatar Baba, including from Lahirī Mahasaya and Sri Yukteswar.
Nagaraj/Mahavatar Baba was initiated into the secrets of Kriya Kundalini Pranayama or
"Vasi Yogam". Mahavatar Baba made a long pilgrimage to Badrinath and spent eighteen
months practising yogic kriya taught to him by Siddha Agastya and Bhogarnathar. Mahavatar
Baba attained self-realization shortly thereafter. It is claimed that these revelations were
made by Mahavatar Baba himself to S.A.A. Ramaiah, a young graduate student in geology at
the University of Madras and V.T. Neelakantan, a famous journalist, and close student
of Annie Besant, President of the Theosophical Society and mentor of Krishnamurti.
Mahavatar Baba was said to have appeared to each of them independently and then brought
them together to work for his Mission in 1942.
The first reported encounter with Mahavatar Baba was in 1861, when Shyāmacharan Lahirī
(called "Mahāsaya") was posted to Ranikhet in his work as an accountant for the British
government. One day while walking in the hills of Dunagiri above Ranikhet, he heard a voice
calling his name. Following the voice up the mountain, he met a "tall, divinely
radiant sadhu." He was amazed to find that the sadhu knew his name. This sadhu was
Mahavatar Baba.
Mahavatar Baba told Lahirī that he was his guru from the past, then initiated him into Kriya
Yoga and instructed Lahiri to initiate others. Lahiri wanted to remain with Mahavatar Baba,
who told him instead that he must return to the world to teach Kriya Yoga and that "Kriya
Yoga sadhana would spread through the people of the world through his (Lahiri's) presence
in the world."
Lahirī reported that Mahavatar Baba did not give his name or background, so Lahiri gave
him the title "Mahavatar Babaji." Several disciples of Shyāmacharan Lahirī also reported
having met Mahavatar Baba. At the 1894 Kumbh Mela in Allahabad, Yukteswar Giri, a
disciple of Lahirī, met Mahavatar Baba. He was struck by the resemblance between Lahirī
and Mahavatar Baba. It was at this meeting that Mahavatar Baba instructed Sri Yukteswar to
write the book uniting Christianity with Hinduism that was to become Kaivalya Darshanam,
or The Holy Science. Yukteswar had two more meetings with Mahavatar Baba, including
one in the presence of Lahiri Mahasaya.
Pranabananda Giri, another disciple of Lahirī, also met Mahavatar Baba in the presence of
Lahirī, at Lahirī's home. Pranabananda asked Mahavatar Baba his age. Mahavatar Baba
responded that he was about 500 years old at that time. In his book Autobiography of a
Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda wrote that Mahavatar Baba visited him before his journey to
America and addressed him saying, "You are the one I have chosen to spread the message of
Kriya Yoga in the West."
The ‘babajisannidhan’ claims that Mahavatar Baba was born in Parangi Pettai “Porto
Nova” now a small village near Cuddalore in Tamil Nadu, South India in the
year 562 B.C.
In South India, Mahavatar Baba had been preparing, since 1942, two souls for the task of
disseminating his Kriya Yoga: S.A.A. Ramaiah, a young graduate student in geology at the
University of Madras and V.T. Neelakantan, a famous journalist, and close student of Annie
Besant, President of the Theosophical Society and mentor of Krishnamurti. Baba appeared
to each of them independently and then brought them together in order to work for his
Mission. In 1952 and 1953 Baba dictated three books to V.T.Neelakantan: "The Voice of
Babaji and Mysticism Unlocked," "Babaji's Masterkey to All Ills," and "Babaji's Death of
Death." Baba revealed to them his origins, his tradition, and his Kriya Yoga. They founded
on October 17, 1952, at the request of Mahavatar Baba, a new organization, "Kriya Babaji
Sangah," dedicated to the teaching of Mahavatar Baba's Kriya Yoga. The books created a
sensation at the time of their publication and distribution throughout India.
Powers and age have been attributed to Mahavatar Baba by the disciples of Lahirī. These
stories have led many to believe that Mahavatar Baba is a legendary person, rather than a real
sadhu that was seen by numerous witnesses from 1861 to 1935.
Baba is reputed to be ageless, according to some accounts, and about 500 years old around
the late 1800s, according to Pranabananda. Yogananda reports that, according to the
disciples of Lahirī, nobody knows Mahavatar Baba's age, family, place of birth, true name, or
other details.
According to Yogananda's autobiography, he has a sister called Mataji (meaning "Holy
Mother") who also has lived throughout the centuries. Her level of spiritual attainment is
comparable to her brother's, and she lives in a state of spiritual ecstasy in a cave. Although
only three pages in the book are dedicated to her, she is described by Ram Gopal as "young
and surpassingly lovely" as well as a "glorious woman."
According to his followers, Mahavatar Baba has retained his physical form for centuries,
perhaps for millenniums and is immortal. The deathless Baba is an avatara. This Sanskrit
word means "descent"; its roots are ava, "down," and tri, "to pass." In the Hindu scriptures,
avatara signifies the descent of Divinity into flesh. The deathless guru bears no mark of age
on his body; he appears to be a youth of not more than twenty-five. Fair-skinned, of
medium build and height, Mahavatar Baba's beautiful, strong body radiates a perceptible
glow. His eyes are dark, calm, and tender; his long lustrous hair is copper-colored. His
followers claim that although originally born centuries ago, he still maintains a physical
presence even today in a remote area of the high Himalayas near Badrinath. He has a small
group of disciples who travel with him from peak to peak.

There is no historical record available about Mahavatar Baba and whatever is known, is from
the people who came in his contact. It is all word from mouth information from people who
claim to have seen Mahavatar Baba. There is no manuscript or ancient book proving that
Mahavatar Baba really existed.
According to his own followers, there is no historical reference to Mahavatar Baba. But they
explain this discrepancy in this way: “Great prophets like Christ and Krishna come to earth
for a specific and spectacular purpose; they depart as soon as it is accomplished. Other
avatars, like Babaji, undertake work that is concerned more with the slow evolutionary
progress of man during the centuries than with any one outstanding event of history. Such
masters always veil themselves from the gross public gaze and have the power to become
invisible at will. For these reasons, and because they generally instruct their disciples to
maintain silence about them, a number of towering spiritual figures remain world-

Reports also claim that last time he was seen in the Himalaya was during 1861-65.
Mahavatar Baba’s role on earth:
Paramahansa Yogananda, in his Autobiography, described Mahavatar Baba's role on earth.
Yogananda claims that Mahavatar Baba is in constant communion with Christ; together they
send out vibrations of redemption, and have planned the spiritual technique of salvation for
this age. The work of these two fully-illumined masters–one with the body, and one without
it–is to inspire the nations to forsake suicidal wars, race hatreds, religious sectarianism, and
the boomerang-evils of materialism. Baba is well aware of the trend of modern times,
especially of the influence and complexities of Western civilization, and realizes the necessity
of spreading the self-liberations of yoga equally in the West and in the East.
Mahavatar Baba’s mission in India has been to assist prophets in carrying out their special
dispensations in the propagation of kriya yoga around the world. According to his followers,
Kriya Yoga was revived by Mahavatar Baba, as a synthesis of ancient teachings of the 18
Siddha tradition. It includes a series of techniques or 'kriyas' grouped into five phases or

According to Yogananda, Mahavatar Baba came to his home in Calcutta, where the young
monk sat deeply praying for divine assurance regarding the mission he was about to
undertake. Baba said to him: "Follow the behest of your guru and go to America. Fear not;
you shall be protected. You are the one I have chosen to spread the message of Kriya Yoga
in the West. Long ago I met your guru Yukteswar at a Kumbh Mela; I told him then I would
send you to him for training. Kriya Yoga, the scientific technique of God-realization, will
ultimately spread in all lands and aid in harmonizing the nations through man's personal,
transcendental perception of the Infinite Father."

These are a few of the masters that Yogananda claims were assisted by Mahavatar Baba: Adi
Shankaracharya, Founder of the Ancient Swami Order, Jesus Christ and Kabir, Famous
Medieval Poet-Saint.

The hindu gurus who popularized Mahavatar Baba and his Kriya Yoga.

Modern claims and popular references

Mahavatar Baba was on the cover of The Beatles' 1967 album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts
Club Band. He can also be seen on the cover of George Harrison's 1974 album Dark Horse.
In Book 3 of Conversations with God (1998), by Neale Donald Walsch, it is mentioned that
Baba may at one time have resurrected himself from the dead, just like Lazarus, Jesus and
In the book Ultimate Journey (1994) by Robert Monroe, the author visits a person through
his astral projection (although no name is mentioned) who turns out to have lived one single
life for 1800 years, which would suggest that he was born around 203 CE.
The 2002 Tamil film Baba written by Rajinikanth was based on Mahavatar Baba.
Rajinikanth claims, that after introduction from a friend, he came to know about Mahavatar
Baba through the Autobiography of a Yogi. Rajinikanth says, "While reading the book,
Baba’s picture in the book emanated a light-spark. The light-spark asked him to sit in a
particular position. After Rajinikanth did so, the light-spark went inside him. After reading
the book and becoming an ardent follower of Mahavatar Baba, Rajinikanth turned to Kriya
Yoga and credits the practice for positive changes in his life. In order to give Baba a wider
appeal, he also made a film Baba, in 2002, to popularise the mystical guru. Rajinikanth claims
the light-spark experience had become a guiding light in scripting the movie, which he
produced and starred in.

So who is Mahavatar Baba in reality?

He is a fallen angel, a familiar spirit and a demonic seducing spirit. In occult circles,
Mahavatar Baba is called by the name ‘Uriel’ (
From the Hebrew, the name 'Uri'el’ means "God is my light" or “flame of God” from
'ur’ meaning "light, flame" and 'el’ meaning "God". Many of Mahavatar Baba’s followers
who claim to have seen him in reality or in a vision claim that they see a glow or a light
emanating from him. The same devil that is behind Theosophy is behind the doctrines of
Mahavatar Baba as well and that’s why the teachings of Theosophy and Mahavatar Baba are
quite similar. It is a devil masquerading as an ‘angel of light’ deceiving people with false
doctrines on Jesus Christ claiming that Mahavatar Baba is greater than Jesus Christ, that
Mahavatar Baba taught Jesus in the Himalayas. The cult of Mahavatar Baba is a false light
that leads people away from the True Light- Jesus Christ and the followers of Mahavatar
Baba are the missionaries of this false light that denigrates Jesus Christ. In their arrogance,
the followers of Mahavatar Baba claim that they understand the true meaning of the Bible as
explained by their hindu teachers while they think that Christians who read the Bible daily,
who have died defending the Bible have no proper understanding of it. “For such are false
apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no
marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing
if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be
according to their works”. 2 Corinthians 11:13-1, KJV.
For example, in his book, Autobiography of a Yogi, Yogananda claims that his guru
Yukteshwar knows more about the Bible than Christians do. Yukteshwar claims that
Christians have misinterpreted Christ’s Words! And Yukteshwar completely perverts the
meaning of John 14:6 and claims that Jesus never claimed to be the only Begotten Son of
God when Jesus clearly did. John 3 is proof of this because Jesus Himself said: "¶ For God
so loved the world, that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him
should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to
condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved." John 3:16-17, KJV.
Other Scriptures in the Bible too prove that Jesus is the Son of God. But Yukteshwar
ignores those Scriptures. This is kind of cunningness they use to present their false doctrines.
They blatantly deny the Scriptures!
To summarize:

Depending on different claims, Mahavatar Baba:

• Was about 500 years old around the late 1800s, according to Pranabananda which
would put his birth sometime in the 1300s.
• According to V.T. Neelakantan and S.A.A. Ramaiah founders of "Kriya Babaji
Sangah", Mahavatar Baba was born in 203 CE/AD.
• According to ‘babajisannidhan’ Mahavatar Baba was born in the year 562
• According to some, he is ageless and immortal.
The date of Mahavatar Baba’s birth itself is contradictory. Now why would this so called
‘saint’ lie about his age?! Because it’s a lying devil. (Yukteshwar Giri and Yogananda compare
Mahavatar Baba to Jesus and calls Mahavatar Baba ‘Christ-like”. But Christ never lied while
Mahavatar Baba does. Christ died for the sins of mankind. He is the True God and Saviour.
But Mahavatar Baba is not God and he never died for anyone’s sins but rather seeks to
usurp the place of Jesus Christ. See how Yukteshwar and Yogananda deceivingly present
Mahavatar Baba as ‘Christ’! )
▪ Mahavatar Baba was named ‘Nagarajan’ which means ‘king of the serpents’. The
Bible calls Satan as the ‘Serpent’. “And the great dragon was cast out, that old
serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world:” Revelation
12:9, KJV.
▪ There are no historical reference to Mahavatar Baba to establish that he
was a real person in history. The accounts of Mahavatar Baba were
received by his followers through interaction with this being or through
visions. It’s all word of mouth information and no document exists to
prove Mahavatar Baba. But the Bible has been tested and established.
There are manuscripts and scrolls to establish its authenticity and there
are historical evidences to prove that Jesus Christ is a real Per son in
history. There are no contradictions in the information about Jesus Christ.
His birth, His death, His resurrection, His ascension and His claims have
been well established.
▪ Mahavatar Baba’s claims: That he is in constant communication with
Jesus Christ and he taught Kriya Yoga to Jesus. And Mahavatar Baba
claims that both he and Jesus are sending out vibrations of redemption to
earth and are planning a spiritual technique for Salvation in this age.
Mahavatar Baba implies to his followers that he is greater than Jesus
Christ because he assisted Jesus in fulfilling His Plan on earth.
These claims are false and directly contradict the claims of Jesus Christ in
the Bible. Jesus claimed to be the only Way to Salvation and to God.
There is no co-redeemer with Jesus. Jesus claimed to be God and Saviour.
▪ Mahavatar Baba’s Mission: To spread his doctrines and his Kriya Yoga
across the world as the way to ‘Salvation’ and spiritual evolution of people
into gods and to achieve immortality. But the real mission of Mahavatar
Baba is to discredit and replace Jesus Christ as the Only Way to Salvation .

Not even one of the followers of Mahavatar Baba have furnished complete details
regarding the life of Mahavatar Baba nor about how he attained enlightenment and
immortality. More importantly, none of these people have been able to adequately
express the purpose for which Mahavatar Baba has remained in an immortal state and its
relevance for their own lives.
Hindu views on Jesus Christ:
Many hindus do not read the entire Bible but just pick and choose verses out of context and
try to portray Jesus Christ differently, one that suits their hindu ideologies. They do not care
what the Bible says of Jesus Christ. They just want to absorb Jesus Christ into their own
pantheon of gods. They conveniently reject verses of the Bible and conveniently reject the
fact that Jesus claimed to be God and that the Bible calls all mankind as sinful not ‘divine’.
And they conveniently ignore the fact that Jesus is the Only One Who died for the sins of
mankind and Who rose from the dead. No hindu god has ever done that. Hindus will accept
that Jesus was a good man or a good teacher but they will never accept Him as the Saviour
and Lord. This desperate need to force-fit Jesus Christ into Hinduism stems from their
hatred of Who Jesus really is and His claim to be the Only Saviour of mankind and His claim
that He is the only Way to God. By their logic, if they can somehow portray Jesus to be a
‘hindu’ then they do not have to accept Him as the only True God and they don’t have to be
accountable to Him for their sins. Because of this, they deceive themselves and deceive
others by spreading lies about Jesus Christ by perverting Biblical doctrines and Scriptures.
These people think that they know more and are wiser than Christians who read the Bible
every day, understand it and believe it. “Professing themselves to be wise, they became
fools,” Romans 1:22, KJV.
For the most part, hindus believe that Jesus was a man but they do not believe Him to be
God. They think He was a ‘man’ who achieved divinity and enlightenment by his spiritual
efforts. And therefore they think that they can follow Jesus’ example and achieve ‘divinity’
themselves by their own efforts. The Bible clearly declares Jesus Christ is God. Jesus clearly
claimed that He came to be the Saviour of mankind by dying for the sins of mankind. Jesus
was Holy but He was and is God. Jesus is not just a man, He is God… the God Who came
as a Perfect Man. Jesus can claim to be Divine because He is God but no other man and
woman in the entire world can claim to be divine nor achieve divinity. Hindus believe that
Jesus was ok with all religions and gave more importance to love at the cost of Truth. This is
not true at all. Jesus asked people to follow only Him and He told His believers to not to be
unequally yoked with unbelievers. (Matthew 8:22, KJV: “But Jesus said unto him, Follow
Me; and let the dead bury their dead.”, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, KJV: “Be ye not unequally
yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with
unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath
Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel. And what agreement
hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said,
I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not
the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My
sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty”. Matthew 12:30, KJV: “He that is not with Me
is against Me; and he that gathereth not with Me scattereth abroad.” Isaiah 45:5, KJV: “I Am
the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside Me:” 1 Chronicles 16:26, KJV:
"For all the gods of the people are idols: but the LORD made the heavens." Zephaniah 2:11,
KJV: "The LORD will be terrible unto them: for He will famish all the gods of the earth;
and men shall worship Him, every one from his place, even all the isles of the heathen."
Jeremiah 10:2, KJV: “Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen,”. Jesus is
not a pacifist who advocates peace all the time. When Jesus came the first time, He came to
die for the sins of mankind but when He comes the second time, He is coming to Judge the
world and everyone in it and He is going to be violent towards those who reject Him and
hate Him. Revelation19:15, KJV: “ And out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it
He should smite the nations: and He shall rule them with a rod of iron: and He treadeth the
winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God”. Psalm 145:20, KJV: “The LORD
preserveth all them that love Him: but all the wicked will He destroy. Isaiah 63:1-4, KJV:
“Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? this that
is glorious in His apparel, travelling in the greatness of His strength? I that speak in
righteousness, mighty to save. Wherefore art Thou red in Thine apparel, and Thy garments
like him that treadeth in the winefat ? I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the
people there was none with Me: for I will tread them in Mine anger, and trample them in My
fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon My garments, and I will stain all My
raiment. For the day of vengeance is in Mine heart, and the year of My redeemed is come.”

Some of the unbiblical beliefs of hindus about Jesus Christ: Hindu beliefs about
Jesus Christ are not compatible with what the Bible teaches about Jesus Christ:
▪ Jesus Was a Holy Man: Most Hindus evaluate “spirituality” on the basis of
behavior and practice. Virtues such as tolerance, love, non-violence, self-sacrifice
and humility are held in high esteem and considered to be characteristics of “holy
men” known as Sadhu. By this criteria, hindus think Jesus qualifies as a “Hindu
Saint” on the basis of His life and teaching. Yes Jesus was and is a Holy Man but
He is also God but hindus deny that Jesus is God.
▪ Jesus Was A Wise Teacher or a Guru: Most Hindus think that Jesus was a
wise teacher Who achieved enlightenment. Jesus was a Teacher Who taught the
Law (Old Testament) doctrines to His disciples but He was the Saviour Who had
come to fulfill the Law. Again hindus deny Jesus is God.
▪ Jesus is a ‘God’: Some Hindus are more than willing to acknowledge Jesus as
divine, if He is not seen as ‘uniquely’ Divine. Hindus often worship many gods
and goddesses and some are eager to include Jesus in their list of deities. They
don’t, however, see Jesus as the only Way to God neither do they see Him as the
One True God and Saviour as the Bible teaches. Instead, some understand Jesus
as the perfect example of “self-realization” (the goal of Hindu “dharma”). Many
Hindus see Jesus as a symbol of what humans can attain, rather than a true
historical person. He is divine in his modeling, if not in His nature, and He is
not the only such model. They believe that Jesus is an ‘enlightened being’ Who
achieved ‘godhood’ by spiritual practices such as yoga. And therefore they think
that they too can become ‘enlightened’ like Jesus and become ‘gods’. While some
Hindus may see Jesus as a God-man of sorts, they would also site other examples
such as Rama, Krishna and Buddha on par with Jesus. They believe Jesus is one
among many gods. According to Hindus, Jesus is simply one of many “ishtas”
(forms of the divine) in the history of mankind and not the Only Saviour as the
Bible claims. Either way, hindus definitely do not honor Jesus as Christians do.
▪ Jesus is an ‘Avatar’: Among many Hindus, Jesus is seen as much more, as an
Avatar, specifically a Shaktavesha Avatar or an empowered incarnation. They
believe that Jesus is just one of the many manifestations of God sent for that
time. Other manifestations of God being Rama, Krishna, Buddha, etc.
▪ Jesus came to India to learn kriya yoga from hindu gurus: Hindus say the
teenage Jesus traveled across Southeast Asia, learning yogic traditions and
returning home to be a guru to the Jews. To Hindus, Jesus' proclamation "The
Father and I are one" confirmed the Hindu idea that everyone, through rigorous
spiritual practice, can realize his own universal "god-consciousness." Hindus
believe upon His death, Jesus became enlightened and merged with the
Brahman, which is the Hindu idea of the force from which all creation springs.
Jesus and Father are One because they are God, they are different Persons of the
One Godhead. It does not mean that a human can merge with God as hindus
believe. Hindus and hindu gurus take verses in the Bible that are exclusive to
Jesus and apply it to humans which is wrong. Humans are created beings and are
separate from God. All humans are sinful and wicked and cannot ‘merge’ with
▪ Jesus preaches a message of Universal brotherhood: Hindus believe that
Jesus proclaims ‘Universal Brotherhood’ of peace and love and ‘many ways to
God’. They believe that He proclaims Universal love at the cost of Truth. But He
does not. Jesus clearly claimed that HE is the Only Way to God.
▪ Jesus is a ‘pacifist’: Hindus think that Jesus is a Pacifist Who only advocates
peace at the cost of Truth and Holiness. But He is not. Jesus is a Holy God.
When He came the First Time, He came to die for our sins but when He returns,
He returns as King and Judge and He is going to destroy His enemies. His
enemies include all those who reject Him as their Saviour.

A few examples of how hindu gurus like Yukteshwar and Yogananda pervert Biblical

‘The Holy Science’ Book by Yuktheshwar Giri:

In his book, ‘The Holy Science’, Yukteshwar claims that he unites Biblical doctrine with his
doctrines of Hinduism. He claims he got the inspiration and guidance to do so from
Mahavatar Baba. It is a fact as clear as day that hindu doctrines have nothing in common
with the doctrines of the Bible. Hinduism does not have certain concepts such as the
Godhead, Holy Spirit, etc. The way Yukteshwar and some hindu gurus like him deceive
people is they pick Biblical words and verses and twist them and give them a different
meaning, one which is based on hindu doctrine. What’s worse is that Yukteshwar does not
even explain how he arrived to the conclusion that words and verses of the Bible are the
same as hindu doctrines. He just claims it blatantly as if those who read his book have to
blindly accept his words without questioning it. It’s just a sad thing that many hindus and
probably many Christians even believe his false teachings as Truth. When you mention the
term ‘Salvation’ to a Hindu, the term will have an entirely different meaning to them than it
does to a Christian. For a hindu, ‘Salvation’ would mean ‘escape from the cycle of birth and
rebirth by achieving enlightenment’. But for a Christian, ‘Salvation’ will mean ‘saved from
God’s Judgment and eternal damnation by faith in Jesus Christ’. Likewise for a Christian the
term Holy Spirit means God but for a hindu the term Holy Spirit means a manifesting force
or life force or prana emanating from God and which is part of all creation. Hinduism does
not even have the concept of Holy Spirit but they plagiarize the term from the Bible and
apply it to mean ‘prana’ which is a completely different concept than what the Bible says of
the Holy Spirit. In a day and age when deception is aplenty, it is prudent for a believer in
Christ to know understand how these false teachers fool people.
Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda:

Yogananda follows in the footsteps of his guru Yukteshwar Giri and promotes Jesus as
having ‘hindu’ roots and promotes Kriya Yoga as the Way to Salvation. Like his guru,
Yogananda twists the meaning of the Bible and uses Bible verses to promote his damnable
heresy. Yogananda writes in his autobiography that he took Kriya Yoga to the West after
Mahavatar Baba appeared to him as a person and ordered for it.

Yogananda claims that his guru Yukteshwar expounded the teachings of the Bible to him
and showed him the ‘true’ meaning of the Bible. What Yukteshwar actually did was to
pervert the Biblical verses, words and Biblical stories to give them a hindu perspective. He
changes the very Word of God! Yogananda here groups Jesus Christ with all his hindu gurus
of India.

There is no historical record available about Mahavatar Baba and whatever is known, is from
the people who came in his contact including Paramahansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a
Yogi, a worldwide best-seller with millions of copies sold in almost over four dozen
languages. To explain the absence of historical evidence for the existence of Mahavatar
Baba, Yogananda says that no history is needed about Mahavatar Baba, who is ever in
communion with Christ, as he never openly appeared in any century and the misinterpreting
glare of publicity has no place in his millennial plans. Yogananda compares him with the
Creator, the sole but silent power. Yogananda says that Mahavatar Baba appears in different
forms and can only be visible to them whom he desires for, and there is no relativity of past,
present and future for him. Where there is no evidence to prove his claims, Yogananda uses
circular reasoning to cover up his lies. Unlike Mahavatar Baba, there are thousands of
proven historical records as evidence to prove Jesus’ existence and yet people doubt Him
while they accept this obscure entity called Mahavatar Baba even though there is no evidence
to prove him. Even without a shred of evidence, readers of Yogananda’s books who are
majorly hindus will aggressively defend Yogananda’s claims that Jesus learned yoga from
Mahavatar Baba but with the same aggression will deny and reject any genuine Biblical
evidence about Jesus Christ and reject Biblical doctrine. Instead they claim that the Bible is
corrupted and even Christians do not understand the ‘real’ meaning of the Bible while they
as hindus do! They just keep parroting Yogananda’s lie over and over again as if it’s the
Truth. They confidently and proudly believe, defend and spread this lie. And they
deliberately ignore the vast differences between Christian and hindu doctrines and blindly
claim that they are the same. This is the strong deception of Yogananda’s damnable
doctrines and its strong hold on people. One cannot reason with them as they are blinded by

The cunning way Yogananda weaves his deception in his books is by linking two
contradictory ideas together. He embellishes lies to make them look like the Truth. For this
reason, he uses Bible verses and Bible words, pervert their meanings to justify his lies. For
example, Yogananda claims that the three wise men that visited Jesus Christ after his birth
were Lahiri Mahasaya, Yukteswar Giri, and Mahavatar Baba and in His travels to India, Jesus
is said to have paid them a return visit. And even claims that Mahavatar Baba was very
much present besides the manger when Christ took birth. Mahavatar Baba according
to some claims was born on 30th November 203 AD, Lahiri Mahasaya was born on 30
September 1828 and Yukteshwar Giri was born on 10 May 1855. Even if Mahavatar Baba
really existed, how could he and 2 men born almost 1600 years apart visit Jesus Christ after
His birth in Bethlehem, Israel?! And if Mahavatar Baba was with Jesus when He was born
then how did he travel with Mahasaya and Yukteshwar from India to Israel?! Yogananda
contradicts his own claims! Its logic defying!!! This sort of claims defies common sense not
to mention evidence. And if someone does question such illogical claims of Yogananda,
their convenient answer will be that these 3 men visited Jesus in their past lives or they
visited Him in spirit form. By making such claims, they absolve themselves from providing
any evidence and proving their claims. The Bible never mentions that only 3 men from India
visited Jesus nor does the Bible say that Jesus visited India. And yet they weave their lies into
the Biblical narrative to come up with some heresy.

Yogananda’s book, Autobiography of a Yogi, is a direct reflection of Paramahansa

Yogananda’s life, right from the days of childhood to become one of the most important
Yoga practitioners of his time, who took Yoga to the world. In his book, Yogananda
promotes Kriya Yoga and other Yogic activities as the way to man’s Salvation. In his day,
Yogananda promoted Yoga as scientific and universal in contrast to those, especially
Christians, who believed that Yoga was a dark and occult practice.

Many experts believe that Yogananda’s teachings were not only spiritual but a ‘cultural
phenomenon’ that affected celebrities and common people alike. Today, yoga is a well-
established practice through the world, and Yogananda is considered one of its foremost
This deception of Yogananda has had far reaching consequences. Today, Yoga is presented
to the world as ‘neutral’ and ‘universal’ as people conceal its roots in the Hindu religion. It is
claimed that any person can practice it irrespective of their religion. Yoga has been
deceptively touted as the panacea for good health while contradicting evidence exists that
even yoga practitioners are prone to sickness and disease. Yoga has been globalized as Lahiri
Mahasaya predicted almost 150 years ago.
In India today, Prime Minister Modi promotes Yoga as the ‘way of life’ and indirectly forces
people to practice yoga. Children are taught yoga in schools without their parent’s consent
and without regard for their religious beliefs. International Day of Yoga is celebrated
annually on 21st June since its inception in the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).
The idea of International Day of Yoga was first proposed by the current Prime Minister of
India, Narendra Modi, during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA),
on 27 September 2014. He stated: “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition. It
embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony
between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about
exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature. By
changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help in well being. Let us work
towards adopting an International Yoga Day” — Narendra Modi, UN General Assembly.
(Everything that the PM said is unbiblical and not compatible with Christian doctrines).
Following this initial proposal, the UNGA held informal consultations on the draft
resolution, entitled "International Day of Yoga", on 14 October 2014. The consultations
were convened by the delegation of India.
In his UN address, Narendra Modi suggested the date of 21 June, the Summer Solstice, as it
is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere , (shortest in the southern
hemisphere), and shares a special significance in many parts of the world. (Summer Solstice
and Winter Solstice is associated with the worship of the Sun in various pagan cultures).
From the perspective of yoga, the summer solstice marks the transition to Dakshinayana.
The second full moon after summer solstice is known as Guru Poornima. Shiva, the first
yogi (Adi Yogi), is said to have begun imparting the knowledge of yoga to the rest of
mankind on this day, and became the first guru (Adi Guru). Dakshinayana is also considered
a time when there is natural support for those pursuing spiritual practices. (Dakshinayana is
the six-month period between Summer solstice and Winter solstice, when the sun travels
towards the south on the celestial sphere. According to the Puranas, Dakshinayana marks
the period when the gods and goddesses are in their celestial sleep.) Following the adoption
of the UN resolution, several leaders of the spiritual movement in India such as Sadhguru,
Ravi Shankar, etc voiced their support for the initiative. So despite claims that Yoga is
neutral, Yoga cannot be separated from its spiritual roots in Eastern Mysticism. Anyone who
claims it is neutral is either genuinely deceived or is a deliberate liar.
At the heart of this conspiracy to popularize yoga across the world, is the deception that
man can save himself by doing Yoga. People who promote Yoga, including PM Narendra
Modi are in fact doing so to promote Yoga as the ‘Way’ to Salvation! This is heresy because
Jesus is the Only Way to Salvation. To promote Yoga as the way to their salvation, they have
to first denigrate Jesus as a mere man and deny Him as the Only Way. At the heart of their
denial lies their hatred for Jesus Christ. The aggressive promotion of Yoga today by hindu
teachers and hindus is to denigrate Jesus and to elevate their hindu doctrines and gods. And
sadly today, even Christians are blindly adopting Yoga in their homes and churches. This
deception of presenting Yoga as the way to salvation started with Mahavatar Baba in the
1800s and then promoted globally by Paramahansa Yogananda. God dwells in the heart of a
believer in Christ and believers are the temple of God (1 Corinthians 6:15-20 KJV). God
does not dwell in unbelievers. From a Biblical perspective, Yoga is a occult ritual which
opens a person to devils(demonic spirits); a person literally becomes a conduit for a devil.
And in practicing Yoga, a person out of his/her own free will open themselves to demonic
spirits. The spiritual agenda behind popularizing Yoga is to make people all over the globe
the temples of devils so that God could never dwell in them. The simple agenda is to lead
people to Hell in droves. And of course those who promote Yoga make money on the way
as Yoga is a billion dollar industry today.

The Bible prophecies that the spiritual kingdom of Satan will mingle with mankind (Daniel
2:43, KJV) as it happened in the days of Noah before the Flood (Genesis 6:6, KJV). Yoga
facilitates this mingling by preparing a person’s body to yoke with a devil by activating the
Kundalini/serpent fire. And for this reason, yoga is being popularized, to facilitate the
mingling of devils with humans. God asks us what communion hath light with darkness
and what concord has Christ with Belial (Satan) and what union does a Christian has with
yoga? Stay away from yoga. "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for
what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath
light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that
believeth with an infidel?" 2 Corinthians 6:13-15, KJV. “Thus saith the LORD, Learn not
the way of the heathen…. For the customs of the people are vain:” Jeremiah 10:2, KJV.

The word "Yoga" comes from the Sanskrit root ‘yuj’, which means "to join" or "to yoke"
or “union”. And those who practice yoga are yoking themselves to demonic spirits.

Yoga is a Hindu religious practice that is designed for one purpose and one purpose only: to
open the practitioner to visitations and possession by outside spiritual entities, better known
as demons. Yoga’s ultimate goal is to get a person to completely open their mind, body and
soul for a total takeover by demonic entities. Yoga is part of the doctrine of Hinduism which
is part of the Mystery Religion that originated with Satan at the Tree of the Knowledge of
Good and Evil and later resurfaced at the Tower of Babel in Shinar, Babylon.

When you practice yoga, you open the door to many demons including the Kundalini spirit -
the goddess of death whilst greeting and worshiping the sun. The ruling demon of Yoga is
widely known as Kundalini, which is a serpent or a dragon demon. Yoga aims to open and
activate the Third Eye/Pineal Gland to allow the person to commune with (demonic) spirits.
Yoga, by unleashing the Kundalini/serpent energy in the body, opens and activates the 7
chakras or energy wheels and realigns the energy and neural pathways of the human body to
open up the body for demonic possession. And meditation suppresses the logical thought
processes and suppresses the conscious mind and empties it. Repetitive mantras causes a
person to enter an altered state of consciousness to communicate with demons. As the
person realigns his energy pathways gradually through practice of yoga, this energy will
attract the demons which ignite or spark the kundalini fire to surge though the body and
open the portals to the body through which demons can enter a person. Through meditation
and physical body positioning through yoga, the aim is to raise the kundalini through a total
of 7 spiritual waypoints called ‘Chakras’ or ‘Energy Wheels’ located along the 33 vertebrae of
the spine. When the kundalini energy is activated, it opens the chakras and opens the Third
Eye/Pineal Gland which is synonymous to opening a closed door so that now a person can
easily be a conduit for a demon. The serpent that deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden is the
same serpent that is in the Kundalini.

Naturally, the seven chakras have been closed by God to protect us from the demonic
world. But people open their chakras and thereby open themselves to demons through
practice of yoga, meditation and other mystic arts. Ecclesiastes 10:8, KJV says, “…whoso
breaketh an hedge, a sepent shall bit him.” When a person’s chakras are closed, it creates a
protective shield around them. But when the chakras are opened by yoga and meditation, it
creates a breach in this protective shield through which a demon can enter and possess a
person. Numbers19:15, KJV, says, “And every open vessel, which hath no covering bound
upon it, is unclean”. Therefore an open vessel in other words, a person who has opened a
breach in his protective shield will be unclean as the person becomes a home for the unclean
demonic spirits.
Yoga aims to awaken the ‘Kundalini’ spirit or ‘Serpent’ spirit. Satan/Lucifer who is called the
‘serpent’ and ‘dragon’ in the Bible is the source of this serpent energy and he gives a false
enlightenment to those who practice yoga as he is a bearer of a false ‘light’. B.K. Iyengar,
quotes, “Why should you practice Yoga? To kindle the divine fire within yourself.
Everyone has a dormant spark of divinity in him which has to be fanned into flame”.
But God warns us not to kindle our own fires and He pronounces judgment on those who
do: “Behold, all ye that kindle a fire, that compass yourselves about with sparks: walk in the
light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled. This shall ye have of mine hand; ye
shall lie down in sorrow”. Isaiah 50:11, KJV.

Don’t be deceived because the devil’s main intent for Yoga is for the participant to become
demon possessed and lose their soul. Yoga is the corrupt fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of
Good and Evil. Those who practice yoga, believe that they will be transformed into ‘gods’.
This is the same lie Satan offered Eve in the Garden of Eden: "Ye shall not surely die:...
and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." (Genesis 3:4-5, KJV). Yoga instead of
transforming people into 'gods', it transforms people into a house of devils and molds them
into the image of the Antichrist.

Paramahansa Yogananda went to America in 1920, and remained there throughout his life,
teaching Yoga to America and the West. Yogananda settled in USA as his guru Yukteshwar
had predicted. He lectured and taught across the United States. His discourses taught of the
"unity of 'the original teachings of Jesus Christ and the original Yoga taught by
Bhagavan Krishna.'" In 1920 he founded the Self-Realization Fellowship and in 1925
established in Los Angeles, California, USA, the international headquarters for
SRF. Yogananda wrote the Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ
Within You and God Talks With Arjuna – The Bhagavad Gita to reveal what he
claimed was the complete harmony and basic oneness of original Christianity as
taught by Jesus Christ and original Yoga as taught by Bhagavan Krishna; and to
present that these principles of truth are the common scientific foundation of all true

Yogananda wrote down his Aims and Ideals for Self-Realization Fellowship /Yogoda
Satsanga Society: To disseminate among the nations a knowledge of definite scientific
techniques for attaining direct personal experience of God.

• To teach that the purpose of life is the evolution, through self-effort, of man's limited
mortal consciousness into God Consciousness; and to this end to establish Self-
Realization Fellowship temples for God-communion throughout the world, and to
encourage the establishment of individual temples of God in the homes and in the hearts
of men.
• To reveal the complete harmony and basic oneness of original Christianity as taught by
Jesus Christ and original Yoga as taught by Bhagavan Krishna; and to show that these
principles of truth are the common scientific foundation of all true religions.
• To point out the one divine highway to which all paths of true religious beliefs eventually
lead: the highway of daily, scientific, devotional meditation on God.
• To liberate man from his threefold suffering: physical disease, mental inharmonies, and
spiritual ignorance.
• To encourage “plain living and high thinking”; and to spread a spirit of brotherhood
among all peoples by teaching the eternal basis of their unity: kinship with God.
• To demonstrate the superiority of mind over body, of soul over mind.
• To overcome evil by good, sorrow by joy, cruelty by kindness, ignorance by wisdom.
• To unite science and religion through realization of the unity of their underlying
• To advocate cultural and spiritual understanding between East and West, and the
exchange of their finest distinctive features.
• To serve mankind as one’s larger Self.
Every one of the beliefs of Yogananda contradicts the doctrines of the Bible and yet he
baselessly claims that there is a harmony and oneness between the teachings of ‘original’
Christianity and ‘original’ yoga of Krishana. Its audacity that Yogananda thinks that he is
the only person in the entire world who can understand the Bible and can interpret it
properly! It’s blatant deception.

Yogananda promotes Kriya Yoga as a way to spiritual evolution and to Salvation!:

In his book, Autobiography of a Yogi, Yogananda tells that Kriya Yoga is referred to in the
Bhagwat Gita and Patanjali, and had been there before the onset of the modern age. It was
later recovered by his guru Lahiri Mahasya, who was trained by Mahavatar Baba for it.

Kriya Yoga is the union (Yoga) with the Infinite through a certain act or rite (Kriya).
According to Yogananda, Kriya Yoga was a simple, psychophysiological method by which
human blood was decarbonated and reached with oxygen, which resulted into atoms with
extra oxygen that were transmuted into life current to rejuvenate the brain and spinal
Yogananda says that a Yogi or a practitioner, who practices Kriya Yoga gradually gets freed
from Karma, the cause-and-effect principle. The book tells that Kriya Yoga is not just a
meditational technique, but a key to a fulfilling spiritual life-controlling the mind through the
life force is the most effective and scientific approach to the Infinite.

Paramahansa Yogananda’s book has a chapter Babaji, Yogi-Christ of Modern India on

Mahavatar Baba. Yogananda calls him a deathless avatara--a secluded master, who has
retained his physical form for centuries, perhaps for millenniums, appearing like a youth not
older than 25. Yogananda calls him a Mahavatar, as he assists prophets in carrying out their
special dispensations and gave Yoga initiation to prophets like Shankara, reorganizer of the
Swami Order, to Kabir and his guru Lahiri Mahasya, who revived Kriya Yoga for the whole
world. Yogananda concludes his book by telling that there exists a definite, scientific
technique of self-realization for the overcoming of all human misery, i.e., Yoga. Yogananda
opined that through yoga, a person can be in communion with supernatural realms.

There is no scientific evidence that Yoga is good and yes those who practice yoga can be in
communion with supernatural realms but it’s not God of the Bible but they will be in
contact with Satan and his fallen angels.

Examples of how Yukteshwar and Yogananda pervert Biblical doctrine in their


Yukteshwar Giri’s book ‘The Holy Science’

In his book, Yukteshwar says that the
Biblical Word ‘Amen’ is the same as the
hindu word ‘Aum/Om’:
Yukteshwar equates the Hebrew Biblical
word Amen to the Sanskrit Hindu word Aum
even though the two words have a different
etymology and have different meanings. He
does not even bother to explain how he came
to the conclusion that the two words are the
same and randomly links two contradicting
words together. The term “Amen” is
common to both the Old Testament and the
New Testament. Amen is a transliteration of
the Hebrew word Amen. The Hebrew word,
amen, means “surely, indeed, truly” or “so be
it” or “So let it be”. It is used to confirm a
statement made by people to mean "So be it."
Apostle Paul says “amen” to the blessings he
pronounces on all the churches in his letters
to them, as do Peter, John and Jude in their
letters. The implication is that they are saying,
“May it be that the Lord will truly grant these
blessings upon you.” When Christians say
“amen” at the end of our prayers, Christians
are following the model of the apostles,
asking God to “please let it be as we have
prayed.” It is generally used at the end of
declarations and prayers, in the sense of, be it
firm, be it established. Jesus is called ‘Amen’
in the Book of Revelation because Jesus was
the fulfillment of God’s Promise to His
people: “And unto the angel of the church of
the Laodiceans write; These things saith the
Amen, the faithful and true witness, the
beginning of the creation of God;”
Revelation3:14, KJV.

Om/Aum is the most sacred syllable symbol

and mantra of Brahman, the Almighty God
in Hinduism. Its written form, the Aum sign
ॐ, is universally recognized as the symbol of
Hinduism. The spiritual significance of the
syllable Om or Aum is described in the
Mandukya Upanishad and in many more
recent works. Its phonetic components A, U
and M are said to correspond to the three
states of consciousness: waking, dreaming,
sleeping. Om/Aum is the most sacred
syllable symbol and mantra of Brahman, the
Almighty God in Hinduism. Its written form,
the Aum sign ॐ, is universally recognized as
the symbol of Hinduism. The spiritual
significance of the syllable Om or Aum is
described in the Mandukya Upanishad and in
many more recent works. Its phonetic
components A, U and M are said to
correspond to the three states of
consciousness: waking, dreaming, sleeping. Its
origin is said to lie with yogis who, immersed
in meditation, heard this sound. In different
forms of yoga, known collectively as Nada-
yoga, this internal hearing of sounds is
deemed a mark of yogic accomplishment.
The humming sound or temple-bell sound
was vocalized as Aum. This way, the origin of
Aum is linked with the origin of yoga. The
Om sound is the primordial sound and is
called the Shabda-Brahman (Brahman as
sound). Chanting Aum reminds hindus that
people are all Divine, as is everything around
us – that everything which exists is connected
through this divinity.
The Word Amen is a Hebrew Word with a
meaning and the word Aum is a Sanskrit
word, in fact its not a word but a sound. They
have different meanings and they have no
relationship to one another. John 1 is actually
referring to Jesus Christ as the ‘Word’ (in
reference to Genesis 1) because Jesus is the
‘Word of God made flesh” but Yukteshwar in
his book, uses John 1:1 to claim that Amen
and Aum are the same and the Word in the
beginning was actually the hindu word Aum.
This is a blatant perversion of Biblical
Scriptures. There is no Scriptural basis to
claim that the words Amen and Aum are the
Moreover, God tells us not to pray with vain
repetitions and not to learn the ways of the
heathen but hindus chant the word Aum over
and over again to go into a trance. “But when
ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the
heathen do: for they think that they shall be
heard for their much speaking.” Matthew 6:7,
KJV. “Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the
way of the heathen,” Jeremiah 10:2, KJV.
Christians do not chant the word Amen
repeatedly like the hindus do with Aum. The
intended goal of the word Amen and the
intended goal of the word Aum are different.
Chrsitians say Amen to affirm their prayers to
God but hindus chant Aum to get into an
altered state of consciousness and to become
one with their ‘God/Brahman’. In other
words, hindus chant Aum to become divine,
to become a ‘god’. This concept is unbiblical
and therefore the words Amen and Aum are
not the same at all.

Chapter 1 of Yukteshwar’s book is called

‘The Gospel’. And he is of course presenting
a ‘false gospel’ of gaining Salvation by one’s
own efforts rather than by faith in Jesus
Christ. In this chapter, Yukteshwar uses
Biblical verses Hebrews 11:1 and John 8:28 to
present a false doctrine that contradicts the
Bible. Here, Yukteshwar claims that one
cannot ‘comprehend’ God unless he/she
become ‘divine’ by lifting himself/herself
above the this creation of ‘Darkness’ and
‘Maya’. In other words, he is saying that one
cannot know God unless a person becomes a
‘God’ themselves.
Hebrews 11:1, KJV says: “Now faith is the
substance of things hoped for, the evidence
of things not seen”. Hebrews 11:1 is talking
of faith and faith is how we know God.
John 8:28, KJV says: “Then said Jesus unto
them, When ye have lifted up the Son of
man, then shall ye know that I Am He, and
that I do nothing of Myself; but as My Father
hath taught Me, I speak these things”. In this
verse, Jesus is talking about His own
crucifixion of how He will be lifted up on the
Cross. Jesus’ crucifixion was prophesied in
the Old Testament and Jesus is saying in this
verse that when He is crucified, the prophecy
will be fulfilled and His disciples will know
that Jesus is indeed the Promised Saviour. As
Yukteshwar says in his book, Jesus is not
talking about lifting oneself from ‘Maya’ and
becoming divine. This is how Yukteshwar
twists the meaning of Biblical Scriptures.
Biblical doctrine says that only God is Divine
and Jesus is God Who came as a Man and
therefore He is Divine. No man and woman
on earth is a ‘God’ nor can a person become
‘God’. Yukteshwar perverts Biblical doctrine
to say that a person can become divine.

In his book, the Holy Science Yukteshwar

blasphemes the Holy Spirit:
These so called hindu gurus claim that they
understand the Bible very well, even better
than Christians. But they pervert Biblical
meanings and doctrines.
In his book, Yukteshwar changes the very
concept of Who the Holy Spirit is.
Yukteshwar claims that the Holy Spirit is a
‘manifestation’ of God while the Bible says
that the Holy Spirit is God.
The Holy Spirit is not some symbolic or
metaphoric force or a manifestation.
According to the Bible, Holy Spirit is God,
the Third Person of the Godhead. But
according to these hindu gurus, the Holy
Spirit is not God but a force or a
manifestation of God. Their views regarding
the Holy Spirit is completely unbiblical and
heretical. There is judgment against those
who blasphemes the Holy Spirit:
“Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin
and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men:
but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost
shall not be forgiven unto men. And
whosoever speaketh a word against the Son
of man, it shall be forgiven him: but
whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost,
it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this
world, neither in the world to come”.
Matthew 12:31-32, KJV.

Yukteshwar blasphemes Jesus Christ by

changing the meaning of Son of Man and
Son of God:
Yukteshwar claims that the ‘son of man’ is
‘Ego’ while in the Bible, the term ‘Son of
Man’ and ‘Son of God’ is exclusively used for
Jesus Christ and Him alone because He is the
only Begotten Son of God and no man or
woman is worthy to claim those titles. But
Yukteshwar claims that when a man
overcomes Maya, he becomes a Sannyasi or
the Son of God. Yukteshwar’s false doctrine
is that by overcoming Maya anyone can
become a ‘Christ’. Yukteshwar’s insinuation is
that Jesus Christ is not really a God as He
claims but was a mere man who became a
‘Christ/Saviour’ by overcoming
Maya/illusion. Yukteshwar’s doctrines are a
complete contradiction to the teachings of
the Bible. So in what way is Yukteshwar
claiming to find unity between Hindu and
Biblical doctrines?!
Yukteshwar claims a person can become
a ‘Christ’!:

Yukteshwar does not even understand Who

Christ is. Jesus Christ is God Who came in
the flesh and He is real. Christ is a title which
means ‘The Anointed One’ or ‘Saviour’ or
‘Messiah’ because Jesus Christ died to save
mankind. Jesus claims the title of Christ
because He really is the Saviour of mankind.
Apart from Jesus, no one can claim to be
‘Christ’. Jesus Christ is God but we are mere
humans. But Yukteshwar separates the title
‘Christ’ from Jesus and claims that Jesus was
a mere man who achieved the title of Christ
by mystic means. And therefore anyone can
gain the title of Christ by practicing
mysticism. He picks verses that exclusively
speak of Jesus Christ and presents it as if it is
applicable for everyone. To claim that any
person can become ‘Christ the Savior’ and
become the ‘Son of God’ is blasphemy and
it’s a lie from the pit of Hell. Jesus Christ is
the Only Begotten Son of God. Believers in
Christ become God’s children by adoption.
To call oneself Christ is comparing oneself to
Almighty God. It’s a concept that originates
with the ‘god’ of this fallen world,
Lucifer/Satan whose main ambition is to be
like God and take His place in Heaven. “How
art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of
the morning! how art thou cut down to the
ground, which didst weaken the nations! For
thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend
into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the
stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount
of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be
brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit”.
Isaiah 14:12-15, KJV.

Moreover, Yukteshwar twists the meaning of

Christ to indicate something metaphorical
despite the fact that when the Bible says
‘Christ’, it means it literal as it is literally
referring to only One Man Jesus Christ.

This is blasphemy of the highest order to

claim that one can become Christ the Saviour
by enlightenment. Every man and woman is
sinful and can never become ‘God’. They can
be adopted as God’s children by faith in Jesus
Christ. To claim that one can become a
‘Christ’ by their own efforts at salvation is
foolish arrogance.
Yukteshwar calls a guru as the ‘Savior’:
Perverts the meaning of Christ:

According to the Bible, a Saviour is One Who

saves mankind from sins and from Hell. Jesus
proved to be the Saviour by dying for the sins
of mankind and by making a Way for
mankind to be saved by faith in Him.
Yukteshwar doesn’t even know what a
‘Saviour’ means let alone Who He is.
The concept that God is one with creation is
completely unbiblical. The Bible clearly says
that God is separate from His creation. He is
not one with His creation because God is
Holy and all creation has fallen and is tainted
by sin. But Yukteshwar uses the verse ‘ye are
gods’ to make it look like the Bible and hindu
doctrines are same.
In the verse, Jesus is actually defending His
claim to be the Son of God on Biblical and
semantic grounds; there is a sense in which
influential men or men in authority can be
thought of as gods; therefore, the
Messiah/Saviour can rightly apply the term to
Himself. Jesus quotes Psalm 82:6, reminding
the Jews that the Law refers to mere men—
albeit men of authority and in power—as
“gods.” Jesus’ point is this: you charge Me
with blasphemy based on My use of the title
“Son of God”; yet your own Scriptures apply
the same term to magistrates in general. If
those who hold a divinely appointed office can
be considered “gods,” how much more can
the One Whom God has chosen and sent to
be the Saviour of the world(verses 34-36)?
Like Yukteshewar, many hindu scholars
quote this verse out of context to say that
humans are actually ‘gods’. Human beings
are not divine and neither are we “gods” or
“little gods.”
Yukteshwar perverts the meaning of the
‘Word of God’ to mean the nadi/tube through
which the Kundalini/Serpent energy rises
from the root chakra to the crown chakra
along the spinal column. The Bible is the
Word of God. Jesus is called the ‘Word’.
John the Baptist was a real man but
Yukteshwar metaphorizes him into a
feminine force and calls him ‘lumnious body
of Radha’!
Sushumna is also the name for the
central nadi in the body. The sushumna runs
down the central axis of the body, through
the spinal cord. Nāḍī ( 'tube, pipe, nerve,
blood vessel, pulse') is a term for the
channels through which, in traditional Indian
medicine and spiritual knowledge, the energies
such as prana of the physical body, the subtle
body and the causal body are said to flow.
Within this philosophical framework, the
nadis are said to connect at special points of
intensity, the chakras. The three principal
nadis run from the base of the spine to the
head, and are the ida on the left, the
sushumna in the centre, and the pingala on the
right. The nadis play a role in yoga, as many
yogic practices,
including shatkarmas, mudras and pranayama,
are intended to open and unblock the nadis.
The ultimate aim of some yogic practises are
to direct prana into the sushumna nadi
specifically, enabling kundalini to rise, and
thus bring about moksha, or liberation.

Yukteshwar perverts the meaning of Tree of

Life: He metaphorises the Tree of life to mean
the sexual organs. Tree of life in the Bible was a
real tree in the Garden of Eden and it
symbolizes Jesus Christ in Whom we have
eternal life. Jesus Christ is the true Tree of Life.
But Yukteshwar compares the Tree of life to
sexual organs! He turns the grace of God into
lasciviousness! “For there are certain men crept
in unawares, who were before of old ordained
to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the
grace of our God into lasciviousness, and
denying the only Lord God, and our Lord
Jesus Christ.” Jude 1:4, KJV.

Paramahansa Yogananda’s book ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’

Yogananda impersonalizes and
metaphorizes the title of ‘Christ’!: Christ
means ‘Saviour’ or ‘Anointed One’.
Yogananda uses the term ‘Christ’ very loosely
and disrespectfully. Christ is the term used
only for Jesus Christ because He is the Only
True Saviour. But Yogananda takes the title
of Christ and applies it to hindu gurus and to
Mahavatar Baba. Not one of these hindu
gurus including Mahavatar Baba neither
suffered nor was crucified for the sins of
mankind like Christ was. And none of these
so called ‘christ-like’ gurus rose from the
dead. Taking the Name of Christ and
applying to mere men is blasphemy. “Thou
shalt not take the Name of the
LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will
not hold him guiltless that taketh His Name
in vain”. Exodus 20:7, KJV.
Yogananda is portrayed as if he was ordained
by Jesus Himself to teach Yoga to the
western countries which were predominantly
Christian at the time. On what basis do these
people blatantly claim that Jesus went to
Mahavatar Baba to ask him to send someone
to teach meditation?! They don’t have a shred
of evidence to prove their claims. They
spread baseless lies like it’s the Truth! The
meaning of Biblical meditation is entirely
different from hindu meditation. Christian
meditation has nothing to do with practices
that have Eastern mysticism as their
foundation. In the Bible when it says meditate
of God’s Word, it means to read, study and
consciously ponder on what the verse means
and how it applies to us. But in Hinduism,
meditation means, sitting cross-legged and
chanting repetitive mantras to empty one’s
mind of conscious thoughts. Jesus Himself
told us: “But when ye pray, use not vain
repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think
that they shall be heard for their much
speaking.” Matthew 6:7, KJV.
Yogananda’s guru perverts the creation
account and fall of man in the Book of
Yogananda’s guru Yukteshwar says that
Genesis is not a literal interpretation but is
deeply symbolic. In other words, He calls
God a liar and causes people to doubt the
very Word of God! He symbolizes tree of life
to the spinal cord and its neural branches, the
apple to ‘sex’. (When in fact the Bible never
says that the fruit was an apple).
He symbolizes the serpent to the Kundalini
energy coiled up at the bottom of the spine.
He even symbolizes Adam to mean reason
and Eve to mean feeling.
He in fact claims that Adam and Eve were
created when God transferred the souls of
two animals into the human body. Since
animals were not able to express full divinity,
God put the souls of animals into an
upgraded human body which was able to
evolve spiritually and merge with God and
therefore become a ‘God’. His claims support
the theory of evolution while the Bible rejects
it and tells that God created mankind to be
above all His creation. These heretical
doctrines of Yogananda and his guru
Yukteshwar are unbiblical and their claims are
without proof but yet they claim as if it’s the
‘Absolute Truth’. They pervert the very
meaning of Scripture. The Bible contradicts
their claims. According to Biblical doctrine,
animals do not have souls like human beings.
God created only human beings with souls.
And the Bible records that the account of
Genesis is literal and not symbolic. Genesis
account clearly differentiates between the
creation of animals and the creation of man.
The Bible never says that God put the souls
of animals into Adam and Eve.
In his book, Yogananda himself claims that
his guru Yukteshwar promotes and condones
astrology and himself believing in such
nonsense, Yukteshwar claims to know the
‘true meaning’ of the Bible itself!!!
When God said, He created the world, He
literally means it. To question God is to call
Him a liar. “I have made the earth, and
created man upon it: I, [even] my hands, have
stretched out the heavens, and all their host
have I commanded”. Isaiah 45:12, KJV. “In
the beginning God created the heaven and
the earth”. Genesis 1:1-31, KJV. “For by Him
were all things created, that are in heaven, and
that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether
[they be] thrones, or dominions, or
principalities, or powers: all things were
created by Him, and for Him: And He is
before all things, and by Him all things
consist.” Colossians 1:16, KJV.
Yukteshwar denies Jesus as the Only
Begotten Son of God!: In so doing, they
attack the very foundation of Christianity!
In page 171 of his book, Yogananda claims
that his guru Yukteshwar taught him that
Jesus was not really the Son of God as He
claimed but Christians have misinterpreted
Jesus’ Words. According to them, Jesus never
meant that He was the only Son of God but
that all people can become ‘Sons’ like Jesus.
And he calls those who believe that Jesus is
the Only Begotten Son of God as being
‘spiritual cowards’. He claims that Christians
have misinterpreted John 14:6 where Jesus
says: "I Am the Way and the Truth and the
Life; no man cometh to the Father, but by

While both Yukteshwar and Yogananda deny

Jesus as the only Begotten Son of God, many
verses in the Bible clearly claim that Jesus is
the Son of God. They conveniently ignore all
the other Scriptures that says that Jesus is the
Son of God:
“For God so loved the world, that He gave
His only Begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in Him should not perish, but have
everlasting life”. John 3:16, KJV.
Jesus is called the Son of God because He
was born of a virgin and His Father is God
Himself. No human being was ever born of a
virgin, not even Yukteshwar and Yogananda.
Again the duo conveniently ignores the fact
that Jesus’ birth was supernatural, brought
about by God Himself. No human being was
born the way Jesus was born. How many can
claim that they were born of a virgin?!
NONE except Jesus Christ. “He shall be
great, and shall be called the Son of the
Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto
Him the throne of his father David: And He
shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever;
and of His Kingdom there shall be no
end. Then said Mary unto the angel, How
shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And
the angel answered and said unto her, The
Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the
power of the Highest shall overshadow thee:
therefore also that holy thing which shall
be born of thee shall be called the Son of
God”. Luke 1:32-3, KJV.
God Himself gave witness that Jesus was His
Son at Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist.
How many can claim this? NONE except for
Jesus. “And lo a voice from heaven, saying,
This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well
pleased.” Matthew 3:17, KJV.
"And there came a voice out of the cloud,
saying, This is My beloved Son: hear Him."
Luke 9:35, KJV.
"For He received from God the Father
honour and glory, when there came such a
voice to Him from the excellent glory, This is
My beloved Son, in Whom I Am well
pleased." 2 Peter 1:17, KJV
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is
coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear
the voice of the Son of God: and they that
hear shall live." John 5:25, KJV.
". . . Of a truth Thou art the Son of God."
Matthew 14:33b, KJV.
"The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
the Son of God;" Mark 1:1, KJV.
". . . Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the
Christ, the Son of God, which should come
into the world." John 11:27b, KJV.
"But these are written, that ye might believe
that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and
that believing ye might have life through His
Name." John 20:31, KJV.
"Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the
Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in
God." 1 John 4:15, KJV.
"Who is he that overcometh the world, but
he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of
God? . . . He that believeth on the Son of
God hath the witness in himself: he that
believeth not God hath made him a liar;
because he believeth not the record that
God gave of His Son . . . He that hath the
Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of
God hath not life. These things have I written
unto you that believe on the Name of the Son
of God; that ye may know that ye have
eternal life, and that ye may believe on the
Name of the Son of God . . . And we know
that the Son of God is come, and hath given
us an understanding, that we may know Him
that is true, and we are in Him that is true,
even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true
God, and eternal life." 1 John 5:5, 10, 12-13,
20, KJV.
"Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and
when he had found him, he said unto him,
Dost thou believe on the Son of God? He
answered and said, Who is he, Lord, that I
might believe on him? And Jesus said unto
him, Thou hast both seen Him, and it is
He that talketh with thee. And he said,
Lord, I believe. And he worshipped Him."
John 9:35-38, KJV.

Scripture after Scripture from the Bible

proves that only Jesus is called the Son of
God and Jesus Himself claimed that He is the
Son of God but these false teachers deny it
and call God a liar: : “he that believeth not
God hath made him a liar; because he
believeth not the record that God gave of
His Son. And this is the record, that God
hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in
His Son.” John 5:10-11, KJV.
No other person in all of human history can
claim to be the only Begotten Son of God.
That title belongs only to Jesus Christ. Jesus
was born sinless while every human being is a
sinner. To claim that all are Begotten Sons of
God is blasphemy! And these men blaspheme
by perverting the meaning of God’s Word
and without regard to God’s Word. Those
who believe in Jesus becomes sons and
daughters of God by adoption by God. "For
ye have not received the spirit of bondage
again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit
of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father”.
Romans 8:15, KJV. "For ye are all the
children of God by faith in Christ Jesus."
Galatians 3:26, KJV.
"Having predestinated us unto the adoption
of children by Jesus Christ to Himself,
according to the good pleasure of His will,"
Ephesians 1:5, KJV.
Yogananda claims that the Bible supports
the theory of Reincarnation!:
The Bible always speaks of Resurrection and
never speaks of Reincarnation. “But now is
Christ risen from the dead, and become the
firstfruits of them that slept. For since by
man came death, by Man came also the
resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all
die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.”
1 Corinthians 15:20-22, KJV.
The Bible says, “And as it is appointed unto
men once to die, but after this the
judgment:” Hebrews 9:27, KJV.
The Bible clearly states that man lives ones,
dies one and He is judged by God and sent to
Heaven or Hell depending on his/her
acceptance or rejection of Jesus Christ as
their Saviour. The Bible denies that a person
is born over and over again and dies over and
over again.
First, Jesus’ original hearers (and Matthew’s
original readers) would never have assumed
Jesus’ words about John the Baptist to refer
to reincarnation. Besides, Elijah did not die;
he was taken to heaven in a whirlwind as he
rode in a chariot of fire (2 Kings
2:11). Second, the Bible is quite clear that
John the Baptist is called “Elijah” because he
came in the “spirit and power of Elijah”
(Luke 1:17), not because he was Elijah in a
literal sense. John the Baptist is the New
Testament forerunner who points the way to
the arrival of the Lord, just as Elijah filled
that role in the Old Testament (and might
again in the future—see Revelation 11).
Third, Elijah himself appears with Moses at
Jesus’ transfiguration after John the Baptist’s
death. This would not have happened if
Elijah had changed his identity into that of
John (Matthew 17:11–12). Fourth, Mark
6:14–16 and 8:28 show that both the people
and Herod distinguished between John the
Baptist and Elijah. Finally, proof that this
John the Baptist was not Elijah reincarnated
comes from John himself. In the first chapter
of John the Apostle’s gospel, John the Baptist
identifies himself as the messenger of Isaiah
40:3, not as the Elijah of Malachi 3:1. John
the Baptist even goes so far as to specifically
deny that he was Elijah (John 1:19–23).
John the Baptist confessed that he was NOT
the fulfillment of Malachi 4. Rather, he was
the fulfillment of a different prophecy found
in Isaiah 40. Elijah the prophet is still yet to
return as promised. In that way, we can see
that John the Baptist was the forerunner to
the first coming of Christ while Elijah is the
forerunner to the Second Coming of Christ.
Only in that sense can we say that John the
Baptist is connected to Elijah. Elijah did not
die but was taken to Heaven alive so that He
could return in the end times. Elijah is not
dead at all. So how can a person be reborn if
he is not even dead?! If Elijah is not dead,
then how can he be born as John the

As Yogananda claims, true Christians never

accepted reincarnation but accepted
resurrection. The Gnostics of Alexandria
were not Christians but they perverted the
Bible by mixing it with mystery religions. The
manuscripts of Gnostics were never
considered as Biblical doctrine. They have
always been rejected by Bible believing
Christians. Yogananda lies when he says that
Gnostics like Clement were Christians. They
were rejected by the church for their heresies.
Yogananda conveniently hides this fact.

Yogananda compares his guru Yukteshwar to

Jesus Christ which is blasphemy.

Yogananda claims that John the Baptist

was the guru of Jesus Christ in past life!
This is a lie because the Bible rejects the
concept of reincarnation and John the Baptist
was never the guru of Jesus Christ. John the
Baptist was the one who came to prepare the
people for the arrival of Jesus Christ. In fact,
John the Baptist said about Jesus, "John
answered, saying unto them all, I indeed
baptize you with water; but one mightier than
I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not
worthy to unloose: He shall baptize you with
the Holy Ghost and with fire:". (Luke 3:16,
Even though John was born 6 months before
Jesus Christ, John the Baptist acknowledges
that Jesus was before him because He is God:
"¶ John bare witness of him, and cried,
saying, This was He of Whom I spake, He
that cometh after me is preferred before me:
for He was before me. And of His fulness
have all we received, and grace for grace. And
I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of
God." (John 1:15-16, 34, KJV).

Yogananda in his book claims that

Mahavatar Baba tasked his guru
Yukteshwar to write a book to show the
unity between the Bible and hindu
scriptures. He claims that Christian belief
is a barrier for the unity of religions and
therefore must be reinterpreted to
conform it to hindu doctrines.

Yogananda claims that God can be a

Mother or Father! But the Bible clearly and
always refers to God in the masculine. It
always calls God a ‘He’. The Bible never
supports the idea that God is a ‘Feminine’.

Yogananda changes ‘Christ’ into ‘Christ Consciousness’ and promotes the heresy
that any person can become a ‘Christ’ by attaining spiritual enlightenment.
The concept of Christ Consciousness is self attaining Salvation instead of the Biblical
doctrine of Salvation by faith in Jesus Christ’s atoning Sacrifice. In short, Yogananda claims
that any person can become a ‘Christ’ or in other words, he/she can become a god… There
is nothing new in this deception, it’s the same old deception of Satan repacked in new terms
which is ‘…ye shall be as gods,…’ Genesis 3:5, KJV. The very concept of spiritual
enlightenment by mystic methods like yoga and meditation is not Biblical. And yet
Yogananda tries to yoke the two contradicting concepts together.

The term Christ consciousness, popularized by Yogananda has gained popularity in recent
years. Those championing this idea such as Yogananda sometimes call themselves Christians;
however, their definition of the word Christian is far different from the Biblical meaning.
The Name of the Lord Jesus Christ is used as a means of normalizing a religion which is
nothing more than rebranded Eastern mysticism.

Christ Consciousness is a term which can be interpreted in a number of ways. Many people
use it to describe a state of consciousness where a person has found Self-realization and, as
such, has realized their unity with God, or Christ. It may also be used by some as a synonym
for the yogic and Hindu concept of reaching samadhi, or deep spiritual bliss. For yogis of
Kundalini yoga, Christ Consciousness can denote the moment when the kundalini energy
reaches the crown chakra after passing through the 6 chakras of the spiral cord.
The Biblical records of Jesus Christ is very different from what Yogananda presents Jesus to
be. The Bible records Jesus as the only Begotten Son of God, born sinless, He is God in the
Flesh (God Who came as a Man), He is the Second Person of the Godhead, He came to
save mankind from sin and its eternal consequence of damnation in Hell, He willingly died
by crucifixion by bearing the sins of mankind and taking the punishment of mankind on
Himself and thus satisfied God’s Wrath and made a Way for mankind to be reconciled with
God. He rose from the dead proving that He is indeed God, He ascended to Heaven and He
is at the Right Hand of God right now and He will return soon to judge this world and every
person in it. The Bible clearly says that Jesus did not ‘earn’ His Title ‘Christ’ but He is
‘Christ’ because He is God in the flesh and no man can ever claim that title for himself.
Disregarding all these Biblical doctrines about Jesus Christ, Yogananda portrays Jesus Christ
as a mere man who achieved the title of ‘Christ’ by His good works and mystic practices
such as yoga. This is a clear perversion of Biblical doctrine. To claim that a person can
become ‘Christ’ is blasphemy.

Yogananda claims that “Jesus achieved this [higher state of being] in his human life, and was
given this term [Christ] before His Name as the recognition of His achievement of this
spiritual status. This path is open to anyone regardless of their religious tradition if and when
he or she practices Kriya Yoga” It does not take much research to uncover the ancient roots
of this idea. It is the same man-centered philosophy that is behind most religions.

So-called “Christ consciousness” has been known by various names in history, such
as Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and most Eastern mystical religions. More recently,
Deepak Chopra has popularized the “christianized” version of this same pseudo-spirituality.
The danger in this latest version of mysticism is the use of Bible verses and Christian terms,
which can easily lead astray those who don’t check the Scriptures for themselves. The basic
premise of mysticism is that man can, within himself, transcend physical existence and
experience his own goodness as being “one” with the universe, being a god, or existing on
whatever higher plane he chooses to believe in. The Name of Jesus is merely used as a prop
in this latest version of the same idea. Jesus is seen as the “leader” in showing us how to
exalt our own inner goodness and, in doing so, make ourselves right with whatever deity we
choose to acknowledge. Christ consciousness groups claim that Jesus earned the title
“Christ” by perfectly channeling the divine consciousness we can all attain, and they attempt
to attribute this philosophy to the Lord Jesus. Those championing this ideology are merely
using the Name of Jesus as a means of worshiping themselves. They desire to find
absolution without repentance, confession of sin, or acknowledging Jesus’ substitutionary
death and resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:3–4). The Christ they claim to follow is not the
Jesus Christ of the Bible. It’s a false chirst, a spirit who is masquerading as Jesus Christ and
leading people astray.

Self-designed salvation is merely repackaged under a different name, this time successfully
duping those who desire parts of Christianity but not the whole. Invoking the Name of Jesus
soothes the consciences of those pricked by the Truth of the Word of God. It allows
followers to imagine they have achieved salvation by acknowledging Jesus in some way,
while ignoring the parts of the Gospel they find unappealing. People have always sought to
pick and choose what they like from Jesus’ Words, even when Jesus was upon the earth
(see John 6:66).

So, is Christ consciousness a true form of Christianity? One site explains the Christ
consciousness as “a level of awareness where you no longer see error in any action that you
do or in any other human being, but see only the beauty and perfection in all things. For the
Christ Consciousness does not judge, does not criticize, coerce, tempt[,] does not condone,
does not react negatively.”

Is that what Jesus did and taught? The Scriptures are clear that Jesus was crucified precisely
for criticizing and “reacting negatively” to the established religious system of His day (Mark
12:12; Luke 20:19–20). He did not see “the beauty and perfection in all things.” Instead, He
rebuked the arrogant (Matthew 12:34), commanded the sinners to stop sinning (John
5:14; 8:11), and made it clear that not even those who thought they had achieved Christ
consciousness would inherit eternal life (Matthew 7:21–23). He said that He had come to
offer Himself as a sacrifice by which sinful man could be forgiven (Matthew 20:28; John
12:27). He did not float about in a cloud of transcendent euphoria. The Scriptures allow us
to see Him grieving (John 12:27), sad (John 11:35), angry (John 2:15–17), and
confrontational (Matthew 23:33).

Christ consciousness claims a belief in Jesus Christ, but it actually promotes faith in one’s
own ability to make oneself pleasing to God through attitude changes and mystical
experiences. Galatians 2:16, KJV, states that “Knowing that a man is not justified by the
works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that
we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the
works of the law shall no flesh be justified. ” Faith in Christ does not mean we strive to be
like Him in our own strength. He did not present Himself as a great moral teacher. He was
crucified because He claimed to be the “only Begotten Son of God” (John 1: 14, 18; 3:15–
18; 1 John 4:9). Becoming “conformed to the image of Christ” (Romans 8:29) comes
through the power of the Holy Spirit, given to those who repent and receive Jesus as Saviour
and Lord (John 1:12; Mark 6:12; 2 Corinthians 5:5).

First John 4:1, KJV gives us direction concerning philosophies such as Christ consciousness:
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many
false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit
that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that
confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of
antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the
world." 1 John 4:1-3, KJV. The consciousness that pleases Christ is for human beings to
recognize that we are sinners (Romans 3:23), confess Jesus as Saviour and Lord (Romans
10:8–9), and love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and our neighbor as
ourselves (Luke 10:27). It never pleases God when people try to usurp the place of His Son
Jesus Christ. Those who want to usurp the title of Christ are led by Lucifer/Satan who wants
to usurp God’s Place. "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in
thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit
also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the
heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High." Isaiah 14:12-14, KJV.
In order to promote his lies, Yogananda takes Bible verses that mention ‘Christ’ and adds
‘Christ Consciousness’:

In his book, Autobiography of a yogi’, Chapter 27, (page 253 footnote ) Yogananda perverts
John 10:9-10 by adding the word Christ Consciousness in the place of Christ:

“Great yogis go ‘in and out’ of the spiritual eye, the pranic star ‘door’ of salvation. Christ
said: “I am the door; by me if any an enter in he shall be saved and shall go in and out, an
find pasture. The thief [maya of delusion] cometh not but for to steal, and to kill, and to
destroy: I [the Christ Consiousness] am come that they might have life, and that they might
have it more abundantly” (John 10:9-10, Bible)”

Yogananda changes the Biblical Scriptures by adding the term ‘Christ

Consciousness’ where Christ is mentioned. While Jesus Christ is a real Man,
Yogananda portrays Him as an impersonal force!: One example is of a verse from
Mark 16 where Yogananda adds the term ‘the Christ Consciousness’ in brackets.:
"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name (the Christ Consciousness) shall
they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if
they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they
shall recover." Mark 16:17-18.

The Bible pronounces judgment on all those who add or take away from His Word and
Yogananda has the audacity to pervert the Words of Jesus Christ! (Revelation 22:18-19, KJV:
"For I testify unto every man that heareth the Words of the prophecy of this Book, If any
man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this
Book: And if any man shall take away from the Words of the Book of this prophecy, God
shall take away his part out of the Book of Life, and out of the holy city, and from the things
which are written in this Book.")

Yogananda’s book, ‘The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ
within You’ is about promoting this lie that any person can become ‘Christ’ by practicing
Kriya Yoga. His book perverts Biblical doctrine as he reinterprets the Bible, especially the
life of Jesus Christ and gives it a ‘hindu’ meaning. In short, Yogananda ‘hinduizes’ Jesus
through lies and by perverting the Bible.

The Second Coming of Christ’, Chapter 1, ‘The Universal Christ’:

Second Coming of Jesus, Chapter 2 ,Baptism

Second Coming of Jesus, Chapter 4, Why Jesus Fasted – How Christ Consciousness
Decends Into Human Consciousness:
In his book, the Second Coming of Jesus, Chapter 13, ‘The Only Begotten Son-The
Christ Intelligence’ this is what Yogananda claims about Jesus, that Jesus was not
God but He evolved into a ‘God’ and therefore by following His example, we too can
become gods! This is heresy! And Yogananda claims that Christians do not
understand the teachings of the Bible but he does!!!

Yogananda claims that Jesus was not a God when He was on earth! The Second
Coming of Christ, Chapter 3, ‘Why Jesus Was Tempted By The Devil- The Cosmic
The Second Coming of Christ, Chapter 15, ‘The Divine Task – The Will Of The

These are just a few examples of how the cult of Mahavatar Baba and its leaders such as
Yukteshwar and Yogananda pervert the doctrines of the Bible to give them a ‘hindu’
meaning and usurp the Name of Jesus Christ to lead people astray with false doctrines by
presenting them with a ‘hindu’ Jesus. Yogananda started the Self-Realization Fellowship
(SRF) by mingling the doctrines of Hinduism with Christianity and called it a ‘church’. This
is a mockery of the ‘church’ of Jesus Christ which consists of all His born-again, Bible
believing believers.

The hindu guru Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952) was a Hindu emissary to the West. He
founded the Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) in 1920, and it has developed into a yoga
church. Headquartered in Los Angeles, it is headed by swami nuns and monks. SRF states in
their "Aims and Ideals" that their purpose is:
• To teach that the purpose of life is the evolution, through self-effort of man's limited
mortal consciousness into God Consciousness.

• To reveal the complete harmony and basic oneness of original Christianity as taught
by Jesus Christ and original Yoga as taught by Bhagavan Krishna; and to show that
these principles of truth [?] are the common scientific foundation of all true religions.

• To point out the one divine highway to which all paths of true religious beliefs
eventually lead . . .
First, "these principles of truth" in the SRF aims and ideals is a grossly unclear reference on
the surface. That is bad. Worse, there is no utter harmony between "original Christianity"
and Krishna's Yoga,

• [Yogananda's] theology cannot be squared with Biblical doctrine. He teaches indifferentism

that no one religion or philosophy is superior to another but all religions are equally true. In
the dedication of "Whispers from Eternity", he writes: " . . . all churches, mosques,
viharas, tabernacles, pagodas, and temples of the world, wherein the One Father
dwells impartially . . ." This goes against Biblical doctrine that the Jesus Christ is exclusive
and only the Biblical faith is Truth.
• He also seems to teach the Pelagian heresy of salvation by human effort alone. He writes in
the Introduction to "Whispers from Eternity": "Our inner assertion of spiritual identity
is sufficient to operate the law for fulfillment of prayers." This is a denial of the Biblical
doctrine of our need of God's free grace.
• He misunderstands and even implicitly denies the Christian doctrine of Incarnation, that
God came in the flesh. In the same Introduction of "Whispers from Eternity", he
misunderstands and even implicitly denies the Christian doctrine of the Incarnation: "Down
the ages He (God) has materialized Himself before the gaze of His devotees in
whatever forms they hold most dear. A Christian sees Jesus, a Moslem sees
Mohammed, a Hindu sees Krishna or Rama, and so on." Implicit here is a denial of the
unique Mediatorship of Jesus Christ, "the only Name under heaven whereby we must be

The SRF lessons are arranged in an order that gives an array of Hindu philosophy, 1900's
health observances and Religious quotes, especially from the Bible are taken completely out
of context. Periodically the spiritual aspirant is exposed to a new sensory deprivation or self
hypnotic technique along with some regular mainstream yoga techniques. Interwoven in the
fabric of these lessons are messages to make the reader susceptible to worshipping
Yogananda and loyal to SRF. 'THE LESSONS' are considered holy and they are sent to
people's houses every other week in sets of two. It is a gradual indoctrination over time.
Yogananda claimed to be the chosen perfect god-like Avatar of this age and spokesman for
Jesus Christ, getting information directly from Him. Yogananda also claimed to be a Christ
himself. He claimed he was all knowing and could heal colds and read minds. Yogananda
claimed to have been William the Conqueror in one of his past lives. Yogananda also
claimed to be the reincarnation of William Shakespeare. Yogananda placed a picture of
himself next to a picture of Jesus Christ on the altar to be worshipped by his
followers. Yogananda claimed that he himself a TRUE Guru and can "be the cause of their
(SRF members) salvation", even after he is dead and he claimed to be omnipresent like God.
In SRF lay members generally take a formal vow of obedience and acceptance of the Guru
about a year after starting the lessons. This involves a secret ceremony. Yogananda goes into
a description of how he formed this bond with his Guru Yukteswar, whom he claims is
currently the Savior Christ of the planet Hiranyaloka. Yogananda and his SRF is a cult. To
learn kriya yoga in SRF, one has to swear an oath of loyalty and devotion for their whole life
and more - it is rather alarming, all possibilities considered, for the oath waives
several human rights. [SRF Oath, in part is sworn in the Name of Jesus Who said, "Don't
swear".] (Matthew 5:34-37, KJV: "But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for
it is God’s throne: Nor by the earth; for it is His footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the
city of the great King. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make
one hair white or black. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever
is more than these cometh of evil.")
“In 1920 a . . . Hindu missionary effort was launched in America when . . .
Paramahansa Yogananda, was invited to speak at the International Congress of
Religious Liberals in Boston, sponsored by the Unitarian Church. After the
Congress, Yogananda lectured across the country, spellbinding audiences with his
immense charm and powerful presence. In 1925 he established the headquarters for
his Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) in Los Angeles on the site of a former hotel
atop Mount Washington. He was the first Eastern guru to take up permanent
residence in the United States after creating a following here.” - ◦Elliot Miller.

SRF aims to show and teach a hundred percent harmony between the Bhagavad Gita's
teachings and the Gospel teachings of Jesus. SRF claims against Gospel warnings to the
contrary that Jesus is one of the fellowship's gurus, along with Krishna. A picture of Krishna
was included among the SRF gurus around 1970, and he was included in SRF guru
invocation from then on.

SRF and Yogananda claim in their Aims and Ideals and elsewhere to show and present
"original Christianity as taught by Jesus", and that Jesus is one of the SRF gurus. It boils
down to this: SRF is headed by nuns and monks of a Hindu Swami Order. There is ◦no
monasticism in Biblical Christianity, no monks and nuns in trappings, surrounding and
serving several christs as they say they do in SRF against warnings of Jesus against hungry
wolves. Make no mistakes: those who are heading SRF are members of a Hindu swami
order. Make sure: SRF has none of the traditional dispensations of Christianity. Its salvation
is not "faith in Jesus as Saviour", which is Christian Salvation, but is related to kriya
breathing, maybe for many lives. Christian sacraments are not included either. But there are
outré claims, Mother God-wailing, guru worship and many regulations one could do well
without. In short: To include Jesus among the line of gurus, backfires. The Jesus-Yogananda
fellowship looks like an all-unfit invention. It took shape after Yogananda had been about
five years in the USA, to make a Christian public more accepting. After some years in
America, Yogananda went public in purporting that his brand of yoga, called kriya yoga,
is the thing for Christians, brings salvation, that Jesus is one of the SRF gurus, and much
heresy. However, many his claims go against Gospel statements by Jesus and, further, do not
stand inspection otherwise too.
Dr Geza Vermes sums up something that appears to put to shame Yogananda's so-called
"original Christianity of Jesus Christ" - “It might be better to go to scholars for Bible
exegeses than to followers of blunders, simply put. The Bible's Jesus warns against
many christs, and the guru talked of many christs he had known. Yogananda
teaches the Self is God. Yogananda says "he and Jesus are buddies", that is, he
claims that Jesus is one of the six SRF gurus. First they were four, then five with
Jesus, and later Krishna was added to that. The idea of "guru Jesus" could be a
blunder, and not worth getting indoctrinated by a faith - since that faith goes starkly
against significant Gospel sayings against having several masters, against false
Messiahs, ravenous wolves, and so on. Yogananda's ideas about Jesus are contrary to
some central claims of handed-over Christianity”.

That gurus like Yogananda are false teachers inspired by devils are evident by the fruit they
bear. His own guru Yukteshwar said that Yogananda was influenced by a ghoul, a demonic
spirit: “In India Yogananda's guru said of him to another disciple that Yogananda
"had a disease - where a ghoul comes and sits on his back".” (Dasgupta 2006, 83). It
could be understood as Yogananda had a flesh-eating ghost on his back, one who soon ate
him up and then looked like him, but since Yogananda - or the ghoul passing as him - writes
in his autobiography that he put on much weight during his stay in India . . . I think the
essence of the old guru's diagnosis is that Yogananda was possessed by a malevolent spirit.
In SRF they say Yukteswar had unerring insight, on Yogananda's word (in Yukteswar's
book The Holy Science. However, the Yogananda-furnished credo of unerring insight is so

Sometimes a fruit looks good but is rotten inside or infested by works. In any case,
Yogananda once wrote that he regretted he had started his organisation. But he did not do
what was needed to stop those wheels from rolling, and as a result the SRF Church has
evolved its sort of hybrid Guruism. Prof. Lola Williamson, Associate Professor of Religious
Studies and Director of Peace and Justice Studies at Millsaps College in Jackson, MS, posits
that meditation movements like Self-Realization Fellowship make up “a new hybrid form
of religion. This new religion combines aspects of Hinduism with Western values,
institutional forms, modes of teaching, and religious sensibilities. Lying at the
conjunction of two worldviews, this phenomenon could be called "Hindu-inspired
meditation movements:' or HIMMs. . . .”

SRF or "Self-Realization Fellowship" demands loyalty to its gurus, and spreading kriya yoga.
The core technique is a common pranayama method of hatha-yoga. Yogananda's and SRF's
"Christianity" is not traditional Christianity, and is arrived at by constructs of a
Christianity that alter the meaning of the soul, the Father, the Holy Spirit, and the Christ.
Yogananda also reads reincarnation into the Bible by reinterpreting some passages as it suits
him, and disregarding Biblical contexts (settings) and the opinions of most scholars.
As a means to get better accepted in the USA, a formerly overwhelmingly Christian
country, the kriya yoga marketing by the founding Hindu swami Yogananda gradually
changed to look all right among Christians. And Yogananda infiltrated churches and
Christian homes by putting a garb of Christianity over the doctrines of devils. Marshall
Govindan, another leader in the Mahavatar Baba cult, explains that after five years in
America, Yogananda began to modify and adapt his teachings to the West in order to
overcome the resistance of Christians. The alignment may be understood as a work of
“After five years of effort in America, beginning in 1925 . . . Yogananda began to
modify and adapt his teachings to the West . . . to overcome the . . . resistance of
Christians who were suspicious of the foreign teachings of a Hindu swami. As a
result, Yogananda began to enjoy remarkable popularity. . . . However, in his
attempts to attract Westerners to the path of Yoga, he tended to focus on the
miraculous, and most readers of his "Autobiography" come away with many
romantic notions of the path. They are left with many unrealistic expectations”. -
Marshall Govindan.

Today the hybrid SRF theology contains many sham claims, that seemingly suit a brand of
Hinduism that lowers itself. The fellowship and church claims in its Aims and Ideals to unite
yoga teachings of Hinduism with teachings of Jesus. In reality, its Christianity is not
according to central Gospel teachings of the Bible and does not square with the teachings of
Jesus Christ either, for that matter.

Yogananda died i.e., entered mahasamadhi according to his followers—in 1952. Immediately
thereafter, SRF has since widely claimed, his untenanted body began manifesting a “divine

A notarized statement signed by the director of Forest Lawn Memorial-Park testified: “No
physical disintegration was visible in his body even twenty days after death.... This state of
perfect preservation of a body is, so far as we know from mortuary annals, an unparalleled
one.... Yogananda’s body was apparently in a phenomenal state of immutability” (in
Yogananda, 1998).

The editors at Self-Realization Fellowship (in SRF, 1976) then waxed eloquent:

This is as it should be. Paramahansa, flawlessly perfect soul that he was, could not possibly
have chosen for tenement a body that was not in pre-established harmony with the purest
conceivable soul.

And yet, as Robert Carroll (2004b) has noted:

The statement [quoted by SRF] of the director of Forest Lawn, Harry T. Rowe, is accurate,
but incomplete. Mr. Rowe also mentioned that he observed a brown spot on Yogananda’s
nose after twenty days, a sign that the body was not “perfectly” preserved. In any case, the
SRF’s claim that lack of physical disintegration is “an extraordinary phenomenon” is
misleading.... The state of the yogi’s body is not unparalleled, but common. A typical
embalmed body will show no notable desiccation for one to five months after burial without
the use of refrigeration or creams to mask odors.... Some bodies are well-preserved for years
after burial.

And indeed, with regard to embalming, in the full text of Mr. Rowe’s letter, reprinted in the
SRF-published (1976) Paramahansa Yogananda, In Memoriam, we find:

Paramahansa Yogananda’s body was embalmed on the night of March 8th, with that
quantity of fluid which is customarily used in any body of similar size.

And the “miracle” then was ... what, exactly? Apparently, only that the body was relatively
well preserved even with the funeral home having used no creams to prevent mold, in
addition to the embalming. Yet even there, Harry Edwards’ (1995) research in soliciting the
opinions of a pair of independent, licensed embalmers, disclosed the following experience
on their parts:

“I’m sure we’ve had bodies for two or three months with good preservation. This is not
unusual. Creams are not necessary” ... “preservation for twenty days through embalming is
not unusual. We can keep a body a month or two using an embalming fluid with a lanolin
base will have humecant which prevents dehydration, which is the major concern.”

As Edwards’ embalmers further noted, the circulation of air around Yogananda’s body
would have been largely prevented by the casket’s heavy glass lid, with that too impeding the
desiccation of the body.

So the “miracle” then was ... what, exactly? Perhaps only that SRF has gotten away, for over
fifty years, with presenting a phenomenon which is perfectly ordinary, as if it was some kind
of “sign” to prove the divinity of their eminently human founder. Yogananda claimed that
he was a ‘god’ and the Bible says of such men, "I have said, Ye are gods; … But ye shall die
like men, and fall like one of the princes." Psalms 82:6-7, KJV. Yogananda for all his grand
claims of having achieved godhood, died as a man rejecting the One Lord, Jesus Christ Who
would have saved him. Death is the greatest evidence to prove that the teachings of false
teachers like Yukteshwar and Yogananda is a lie because according to the teachings of these
men, they have achieved godhood through self-realization and shouldn’t die and yet they did
die. Their death proves them to be false teachers. These men claimed to be gods but died
like any man. Yogananda claimed to know Jesus Christ and claimed to commune with Him
but it wasn’t the Jesus Christ of the Bible. The jesus of Yogananda is a counterfeit. Logic
dictates that if a man who claims to be a god, does not have the powers of God like
Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnipresence, then he is not really a god. Yogananda tried to
be like God but today he has been brought down to the pits of Hell. (Isaiah 14:12-15, KJV:
"For thou hast said in thine heart,… I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought
down to Hell, to the sides of the pit."). And those who follow the ‘hindu’ jesus of these
hindu gurus will share their same fate.

In conclusion, there is a spiritual conspiracy afoot that began in the 1800s to discredit Jesus
Christ and to deny Him as the Lord and Saviour by depicting Him as a ‘hindu’. It began with
a fallen angel called ‘Mahavatar Baba/Uriel’. And today, its proponents are propagating this
lie and millions blindly believe it. The Jesus presented by hindu gurus like Yukteshwar and
Yogananda is not the Jesus Christ of the Bible. The ‘hindu’ Jesus is a false jesus, a devil
masquerading as the Jesus Christ of the Bible in order to deceive people and lead them away
from the One True God and His Word and to lead them away from the Only Way of
Salvation. This false jesus is the broad way to destruction because he advocates that all
religions lead to God whereas the Jesus Christ of the Bible is the Narrow Way Who claims
that there is no other way to God except by Him. These men who present a ‘hindu’ Jesus are
setting the stage for the end times deception that will lead to the rejection of the Jesus of the
Bible and creation of a One World Religion. These false teachers are perverting the Word of
God and God’s ways in order to present a false, alternative gospel of self-salvation. The
Bible warns us of such false christs and false teachers. There is no unity between the Bible
and hindu doctrines. We live in a day and age when deception is everywhere and false
teachers are aplenty. The perverted doctrines of these hindu gurus have infiltrated churches
and its going to get worse. The KJV Bible, the Word of God is the only thing that is going to
preserve us. Read it, trust it, believe it. Use the Word of God as the Standard to discern
things. "But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer." 1
Peter 4:7, KJV.

Core Doctrines of the Bible:

1. Nature of God: Christianity is a monotheistic religion with the worship of One

God. According to the Bible, there is One God (Deuteronomy 6:4; 1 Corinthians
8:4; Galatians 3:20; 1 Timothy 2:5) but He is a Triune God called the Godhead in
Scripture (Genesis 1:1, 26; 3:22; 11:7; Isaiah 6:8, 48:16, 61:1; Matthew 3:16-
17, 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14). In Genesis 1:1, the Hebrew plural noun "Elohim" is
used. In Genesis 1:26, 3:22, 11:7 and Isaiah 6:8, the plural pronoun for “us” is used.
It is One God Who reveals Himself in Three different Offices- God the Father, God
the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost. They are not 3 different
Gods but One God in Three Persons in the same way as Ice, Water and Steam are
one and yet different. The members of the Godhead are distinguished one from
another in various passages. In Isaiah 48:16 and 61:1, the Son is speaking while
making reference to the Father and the Holy Spirit. Compare Isaiah 61:1 to Luke
4:14-19 to see that it is the Son speaking. Matthew 3:16-17 describes the event of
Jesus' baptism. Seen in this passage is God the Holy Spirit descending on God the
Son while God the Father proclaims His pleasure in the Son. Matthew 28:19 and 2
Corinthians 13:14 are examples of three distinct Persons in the Godhead. Each
members of the Godhead is God. The Father is God (John 6:27; Romans 1:7; 1 Peter
1:2). The Son is God (John 1:1, 14; Romans 9:5; Colossians 2:9; Hebrews 1:8; 1 John
5:20). The Holy Spirit is God (Acts 5:3-4; 1 Corinthians 3:16). The Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit are not parts of God; each of them is God. God exists in Heaven.
2. God is the Creator and He is separate from His creation: One of the
foundational Truths of the Bible is that God is the Creator of all that is. Isaiah 40:28
proclaims God as Creator. God created the Universe, the Galaxies, the Planets, the
Sun, Moon, Stars; He created the Earth and the plants, animals and human beings
that exist on it. God created everything in six days and rested on the seventh day.
God exists outside of creation and He is not the same as His creation. God is
different from His creation but the evidence of His existence is seen in the things He
created (Romans 1:18-25). All three Persons of the Godhead were involved in the
creation of the universe (Genesis 1:2; Acts 17:24; Hebrews 1:2). When God created
the heavens and the earth, the physical world which includes the Universe and
everything in it, He did so by speaking it into existence. When He created the things
that filled the earth and the sky, He spoke them into being (Genesis 1:11–16). But
when He created human beings, He did something different. He took some clay that
He had already made and formed a man. Then He breathed His own life into that
man, and “man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7). When He created the first
woman, Eve, He also used that which He had already made. He caused Adam to fall
into a deep sleep and took a rib from his side and formed a woman (Genesis 2:21).
When we say that God is the Creator, we mean that no one created Him and that
God alone is THE Creator. Everything originated from God (Jeremiah 10:16; James
1:17; Revelation 10:6). Because He created everything, everything is His (Exodus
19:5; Psalm 50:12). As human beings, we are also His, and He has the right to rule
over us. He gives us freedom to choose Him or reject Him, but consequences come
with either choice. The wise person bows before the Creator and willingly submits
himself or herself to the only One who truly knows how we are made (Psalm
78:39; 103:14; Romans 9:20).
3. Creation of mankind: God created mankind in His Own Image. God is the
Designer and Craftsman of everything in the universe, and He created human beings
a step above all the rest. By breathing His own life into that man, He created the man
and woman “in His Own Image” (Genesis 1:27). It does not mean that we are a part
of God or His Divine nature. But that means that human beings are more like God
than any other created thing. We have an eternal spirit, just as God has. We can
reason, choose good or evil, and love. We have emotions, intellect, and the power
and desire to create things ourselves. God desires to have fellowship with us (Genesis
3:8–9; Jeremiah 29:12). He does not seek fellowship with dogs, dolphins, or trees.
They have life, but not God’s life. And when He came to earth to save us, He came
in the form of a Man (Philippians 2:5–8; Luke 1:35). God created humanity to have a
relationship with Him. Humanity is the only creation designed for that purpose. God
created mankind above all other living creatures.
4. God is Masculine: God in the Bible is always referred to in the masculine
pronoun ‘He’, ‘Him’. No where does the Bible say that God is a woman or compare
God to a woman. In Christianity, there is no female goddess or goddess mother as a
counterpart to God. God is a Spirit and all the evidence contained in Scripture agrees
that God revealed Himself to mankind in a male form. Scripture contains
approximately 170 references to God as the “Father.” (1 Corinthians 8:6, KJV, Luke
10:21-22, KJV). By necessity, one cannot be a father unless one is male. If God had
chosen to be revealed to man in a female form, then the word “mother” would have
occurred in these places, not “father.” In the Old and New Testaments, masculine
pronouns are used over and over again in reference to God. Jesus Christ referred to
God as the Father several times and in other cases used masculine pronouns in
reference to God. Jesus Christ came in the form of a human Man to die on the Cross
as payment for the sins of the world (Isaiah 9:6, KJV, Matthew 1:21, KJV). Like God
the Father, Jesus was revealed to humanity in a Male form. The Holy Spirit is referred
to as ‘He’ in the Bible (John 14:26, KJV, John 16:7-15, KJV). In countless references
to God in Scripture, there is clearly a consistent pattern of His being referred to with
masculine titles, nouns, and pronouns. While God is not a man, He chose a
masculine form in order to reveal Himself to humanity. Likewise, Jesus Christ, Who
is constantly referred to with masculine titles, nouns, and pronouns, took a male form
while He walked on the earth. The Holy Spirit is referred to in the masculine
throughout the New Testament. There is no female version of God in Christianity.
Catholics worship Mary but it is not Biblical and goes against Biblical doctrine.
5. Nature of mankind: Mankind made in the Image of a Triune God is also a
triune being. Man/woman is made up of the Body, the Soul and the Spirit. (1
Thessalonians 5:23, KJV: “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray
God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming
of our Lord”). The Body made of flesh and blood consists of the 5 senses: Taste,
Sight, Touch, Smell and Hearing. The Soul from which our personality stems
from is made of Mind (thoughts), Heart (Emotions) and Will to choose and
decide. The spirit of mankind comes from God which gives him/her life. The two
genders-male & female, were created by God. When God designed male and female
(Genesis 5:2, KJV), He created more than mere physical differences. Men & women were
created to fulfill differing & complementary roles in creation & in their relationship
with the Lord Jesus Christ. Men and women, both created in the Image of God, exhibit
different aspects of God's Image. The roles of the two genders & the family unit also
mirror the roles of the Godhead. The God-ordained roles/duties of man, woman
and children on earth reflect the roles/duties of the Godhead-Father, Holy Spirit and
the Son. The man is called to reflect the role of Father God which is to Lead &
Guide (Psalms 32:8, KJV) the family in the ways of God, to Provide (Psalms 34:10,
Matthew 7:11, KJV) for the family & to Protect (Psalm 91, KJV) his family. The man
is also to fulfill the role of priest in the home. The husband and father is also called to
be a priest in his home – interceding and praying with and for his family, taking
spiritual leadership. The role of the woman reflects the role of the Holy Spirit which
is to be a counselor, comforter (John 14:16, 26, KJV, Isaiah 66:13, KJV) and to be a
helper (Hebrews 13:6, KJV). The role of children is to obey their parents just as
Jesus-the only Begotten Son of God obeyed Father God (John 8:55, 15:10, KJV). In
the beginning, God ordained that every home should represent this heavenly order
and it is no different today.

6. The Devil called Satan is real: Satan/Lucifer called the Devil exists. He was a
Cherub in Heaven created by God to be in the presence of God. But because of his
pride, Satan rebelled against God and wanted to take His place as ‘God’. So he fell
from Heaven and with him fell one third of the angels. (Isaiah 14:12-15, Revelation
12:3-7, KJV). Satan hates mankind who is made in the Image of God and seeks to
destroy them. He caused the fall of mankind into sin in the Garden of Eden. He still
seeks to overthrow God and take His place. Satan is a created being, created by God
and is not an equal to God. God has allowed Satan to fulfill His Purpose. Satan will
be defeated by Jesus Christ when He returns again.
7. Fall of mankind into sin: When God created mankind, He created them
perfect. He gave mankind free will to chose and decide for themselves. We find the
Biblical account of creation and the fall of man in Genesis 1–3. Because God did not
want the man to be alone, He fashioned a woman, Eve, from one of Adam’s
ribs. God gave Adam and Eve everything in the Garden of Eden to enjoy except for
the fruit from one tree (Genesis 2:16–17). God told them that, if they ate fruit from
the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they would die. Satan had already been
cast down to earth due to his rebellion against God in heaven (Luke 10:18). Satan
came to Eve as a serpent and deceived her by suggesting to her that God had not
really forbidden the fruit for her good but was rather keeping good from her (Genesis
3:1–4). So she ate it and gave some to Adam (Genesis 3:5). Adam also ate it, and in
that moment everything changed. Sin had entered into God’s perfect world (Romans
5:12) through the disobedience of Adam and Eve. Mankind had fallen. With the fall
of mankind, sin became inherent to mankind and from Adam and Eve, sin passed on
to their descendants which is every human on earth. And as the consequence of the
sin, suffering, diseases and death came to mankind. The fall of man was caused by
Adam’s sin. Sin is any human behavior, word, or thought that is contrary to the
perfection of God. Because of Adam’s sin, God placed a curse upon the world, the
people, the animals, the plants, and the very ground (Genesis 3:14–19). Their sin had
brought upon them the judgment of God, and the only just punishment for such
high treason is eternal death (Romans 6:23). But God then put into play a system by
which human beings could find pardon for sin. God killed an animal and made
garments for the man and woman to cover the nakedness that now brought them
shame (Genesis 3:21). In doing so, God painted a picture of what He would do
thousands of years later when the Perfect Lamb Jesus Christ was slain to take away
our sin (John 1:29; Revelation 13:8). After the fall of man, God drove Adam and Eve
out of the garden and placed a cherub to guard the entrance. This was so that Adam
and Eve could not return and possibly eat from the tree of life and live forever in
their cursed state (Genesis 3:23–24). They were forced to find their own food and
shelter. Adam had to fight weeds and thistles to eke out an existence from the
ground, while Eve had to suffer in childbirth. Suffering and toil are part of the curse
God put upon this world because of sin. We call this episode in human history the
fall of man because, in that act of disobedience, Adam brought a curse upon every
person yet to be born. The man who was designed to walk with God in unbroken
fellowship had fallen from that exalted position. He was doomed to live in a broken
state, in a broken world, apart from ongoing communion with a holy God. God
promised that the Seed of the woman would one day save them from the eternal
consequences of their sin (Genesis 3:15), but the temporary earthly consequences of
sin remained. Every human being suffers the consequences of the fall of man as the
world groans under this curse.
8. All mankind descended from Adam and Eve: All of mankind is descended
from Adam and Eve (Acts 17:26) and after the Global Flood during the time of
Noah, mankind’s lineage continued through Noah’s 3 sons Japheth, Shem and Ham.
There are three major ethnic descended from Noah’s three sons, the Caucasoids
(white skinned) people from Japheth, the Mongoloids (yellow skinned) people from
Shem and Negroids (brown to dark skinned) people from Ham. Every human on
earth is a descendant of one of the three sons of Noah. (Genesis 5 and Genesis 10
9. Hell is real and the consequence of sin is eternal damnation in Hell: Hell is
a place of punishment (Matthew 25:41, 46; Revelation 19:20). Hell is eternal
(Matthew 25:46). Due to the sins of mankind, not only man died spiritually but
physical death also came. And with it came the eternal consequence of sin which is
eternal damnation in Hell. Hell was first created for the devil and his angels (Matthew
25:41) but when mankind sinned, they too became part of this eternal punishment.
According to the Bible, Hell is just as real as Heaven. The Bible clearly and explicitly
teaches that Hell is a real place to which the sinful people are sent after death. Since
all mankind has sinned against God (Romans 3:23), the just punishment for that sin is
death (Romans 6:23). Since all of our sin is ultimately against God (Psalm 51:4), and
since God is an Infinite and Eternal Being, the punishment for sin, must also be
infinite and eternal. Hell is this infinite and eternal death which we have earned
because of our sin. According to the Bible, Hell is a place of torment (Luke 16:23-24)
where the fire is never quenched (Mark 9:44-49). It’s a “lake of burning fire” where
the wicked are “tormented day and night forever and ever” (Revelation 20:10). The
punishment of the wicked in Hell is as never ending as the joy of the righteous in
heaven. Jesus Himself indicates that punishment in Hell is just as everlasting as life in
Heaven (Matthew 25:46). The wicked are forever subject to the fury and the wrath of
God. Those in Hell will acknowledge the perfect justice of God (Psalm 76:10). Those
who are in Hell will know that their punishment is just and that they alone are to
blame (Deuteronomy 32:3-5). (Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20).
10. Mankind cannot save itself; it cannot earn Salvation: Since mankind was
inherently sinful, mankind was separated from a Holy God and mankind could not
save itself; mankind could not deliver themselves from Hell with their good works,
religious practices, sacrifices, wealth, etc. (Romans 3:23, KJV, Isaiah 64:6, KJV,
Psalms 49:6-9, KJV, Romans 6:23, KJV, Ephesians 2:8-9, KJV).
11. So God Himself saved mankind: God decided to save mankind Himself like
He had promised Eve in Genesis 3:15 by sending as Saviour to mankind. So He
chose a faithful man Abraham and his descendants the Jews for the Saviour to be
born. He kept the Jews apart and gave them certain commandments and practices to
keep them holy and clean. He gave them the Old Testament which prophesied of the
coming Saviour. It was in the lineage of Abraham through David that Jesus Christ
was born to redeem mankind.
12. Jesus died for our sins to redeem us: Since mankind could not save itself, God
loved mankind so much that He devised a Way to save mankind. Some one had to
pay the price for the sins of mankind. Since no man was sinless, no man could pay
the price. Nor could mankind set the terms of his own Salvation. So God sent His
only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of mankind. God Himself entered
creation as He came as a Man to pay for mankind’s sins. Salvation is deliverance. All
the world religions teach that we need to be delivered, but each has a different
understanding of what we need to be delivered from, why we need to be delivered,
and how that deliverance can be received or achieved. The Bible makes it abundantly
clear, however, that there is only one plan of salvation. The most important thing to
understand about the plan of salvation is that it is God’s plan, not humanity’s plan.
Humanity’s plan of salvation would be observing religious rituals or obeying certain
commands or achieving certain levels of spiritual enlightenment. But none of these
things are part of God’s plan of Salvation.
God’s Plan of Salvation – The Why
In God’s Plan of Salvation, first we must understand why we need to be saved.
Simply put, we need to be saved because we have sinned. The Bible declares that
everyone has sinned (Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:8). Sin is rebellion
against God. We all choose to actively do things that are wrong. Sin harms others,
damages us, and, most importantly, dishonors God. The Bible also teaches that,
because God is Holy and just, He cannot allow sin to go unpunished. The
punishment for sin is death (Romans 6:23) and eternal separation from God
(Revelation 20:11–15). Without God’s plan of Salvation, eternal damnation in Hell is
the destiny of every human being. Mankind is born in sin and is inherently sinful and
is spiritually dead even though physically alive and therefore by default mankind is
headed to Hell.
God’s Plan of Salvation – The What
In God’s Plan of Salvation, God Himself is the Only One Who can provide for our
Salvation. We are utterly unable to save ourselves because of our sin and its
consequences. God became a human being in the Person of Jesus Christ (John
1:1, 14). Jesus lived a sinless life (2 Corinthians 5:21; Hebrews 4:15; 1 John 3:5) and
offered Himself as a Perfect Sacrifice on our behalf (1 Corinthians 15:3; Colossians
1:22; Hebrews 10:10). Since Jesus is God, His death was of infinite and eternal value.
Jesus though sinless, took upon Himself the sins of all mankind (every man and
woman who has ever existed in the past, who exist in the present and who will exist
in the future). God punished Jesus instead of punishing us. The death of Jesus Christ
on the Cross fully paid for the sins of the entire world (1 John 2:2). His resurrection
from the dead demonstrated that His Sacrifice was indeed sufficient and that
Salvation is now available.
God’s Plan of Salvation – The How
In Acts 16:31, a man asked the apostle Paul how to be saved. Paul’s response was,
“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” The way to follow God’s
Plan of Salvation is to believe. That is the only requirement (John 3:16; Ephesians
2:8–9). God has provided for our Salvation through Jesus Christ. All we must do is
receive it, by faith, fully trusting in Jesus alone as Saviour (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). That
is God’s Plan of Salvation. God does not ask us to earn our own salvation by hard
penance or worship or good works or good behavior or by doing yoga. He freely
gives it to those who receive it. When we believe Jesus died for our sins and ask God
to forgive us of our sins, God imputes the righteousness of Jesus Christ on us and
declares us sinless because our sins were imputed to Christ. We are saved by grace by
faith alone. God adopts us as His children and the Holy Spirit of God comes to dwell
in our spirit.
13. Jesus is the One and Only Way to Salvation, to God and to Heaven: There
is no other way: Since Jesus was the Only One Whom God sent to die to save
mankind, there is no other way to be saved. (John 3:16, Acts 4:12, Romans 10:9-13;)
"For there is One God, and One Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ
Jesus;" 1 Timothy 2:5, KJV. Jesus Himself declared, “I Am the Way, the Truth, and
the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me”. John 14:6, KJV. Jesus is the
One and Only Way to Salvation, to God and to Heaven. Those who accept Him as
their Saviour will have eternal life in Heaven and those who reject Him will be
damned for eternity to Hell. And they will remain in Hell because they cannot earn
their Salvation and they rejected God’s offer through Jesus Christ.
14. Once we are saved, we are no longer condemned to Hell by God. We are
reconciled to God and God adopts us as His children:"There is therefore now no
condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but
after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free
from the law of sin and death." Romans 8:1-2, KJV. When we confess Christ as
our Saviour, the Spirit of God (the Holy Spirit) comes to live in us: "But ye are
not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in
you." Romans 8:9, KJV. When the Holy Spirit indwells in us, we are no longer
separated from God but we become the sons of God:"And because ye are sons,
God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.
Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God
through Christ." Galatians 4:6-7, KJV. "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God,
they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear;
but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father." Romans
8:14-15, KJV. When the Holy Spirit dwells in us, He guides us into God's
Truth: "Howbeit when He, the Spirit of Truth (Holy Spirit), is come, He will guide
you into all Truth:" John 16:13, KJV. We are now citizens of Heaven: "For our
conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus
Christ:" Philippians 3:20, KJV. We have Eternal Life in Jesus when we are saved:
"That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." John
3:15, KJV.
15. Biblical meaning of being ‘born again’: The classic passage from the Bible
that answers this question is John 3:1-21. The Lord Jesus Christ is talking to
Nicodemus, a prominent Pharisee and member of the Sanhedrin (the ruling body of
the Jews). The phrase "born again" literally means "born from above”. New Birth,
being Born Again, Saved also called Second Birth, is an act of God whereby eternal
life is imparted to the person who believes (2 Corinthians 5:17; Titus 3:5; 1 Peter
1:3; 1 John 2:29; 3:9; 4:7; 5:1-4, 18) in Jesus Christ as their Saviour. John
1:12, 13 indicates that being "born again" also carries the idea of "becoming children
of God" through trust in the Name of Jesus Christ. The question logically comes,
"Why does a person need to be born again?" All mankind is sinful and separated by
God and thus spiritually dead. Sinners are spiritually “dead”; when they receive
spiritual life through faith in Christ, the Bible likens it to a rebirth. When a person
accepts Jesus as their Saviour, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in the person’s spirit
and revives the person’s dead spirit and makes him/her spiritually alive and thus God
grants the believer eternal life in Heaven. While those who reject Christ as their
Saviour will remain spiritually dead and headed for Hell. Only those who are born
again have their sins forgiven and have a relationship with God. When one is saved,
he/she has been born again, spiritually renewed, and is now a child of God by right
of new birth. Trusting in Jesus Christ, the One who paid the penalty of sin when He
died on the cross, is the means to be "born again" (2 Corinthians 5:17) The phrase
“born again” applies to people who have accepted Jesus as their Saviour or
Redeemer. The born again soul realizes that they are a sinner (Romans 3:23) and that
the penalty for that sin is death (Romans 6:23). To rectify the circumstances, God
sent His only Son to die in their place, to take the punishment for sin (Romans 5:8).
After Jesus’ death, He arose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:3-6). Jesus is the Only
Way to God (John 14:6) and He provides the blessing of Salvation. Each person has
the choice to receive or reject God’s gift through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9) and
experience new birth (John 3:1-8). Whoever follows Jesus as Christ, the Son of God,
and has accepted His gift of life can be called a Christian. Being born again is having
a change or transformation of the soul and heart by the work of God’s Spirit.
16. What the Bible says about Jesus Christ: According to the Bible, Jesus Christ is
a real Person Who was born in Bethlehem, Israel 2000 years ago. The Biblical details
of Jesus’ birth are found in the Gospels. Matthew 2:1 states that Jesus was born
during the days of Herod the king. Jesus was raised in Nazareth in the Law of the
Old Testament. He lived a sinless life because He is fully God and fully Man. Jesus is
the only Man Who is Divine. He fulfilled the prophecies concerning Him in the Old
Testament to prove that He is the Promised Saviour. Jesus came as the Saviour not
only of the Jews but of all mankind. Jesus had a public ministry, He was rejected by
the Jews publicly, He was crucified publicly by the Romans on the Cross, He was
buried and He rose from the dead on the 3rd day and was seen by people. He
ascended into Heaven and now sits at the Right Hand of God. And He is going to
return again to judge this world and everyone on it. The Bible documents the life and
ministry of Jesus. Apart from the Bible, secular scholars such as Josephus and Tacitus
wrote about Jesus Christ. The Bible mentions the Roman rulers and Jewish priests
that ruled during the time of Jesus Christ. These were real people in history. So much
evidence is available to prove that Jesus Christ is a real God and a real Man. Jesus
Christ is not a metaphor for some hindu idea of ‘Christ Consciousness’.
17. The Bible is the Word of God; God has revealed Himself to mankind
through the Bible: The Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God revealed to
mankind. God chose to reveal Himself to mankind through the Bible. The Bible is
the foundational Truth of the Christian faith. Christians do not believe information
regarding God and Jesus Christ outside of the Bible. The Bible is Absolute Truth.
“Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the Book it is written of Me,) to do Thy
Will, O God” Hebrews 10:7, KJV. “Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye
have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me.” John 5:39, KJV. “the Words
that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are Life”. John 6:63, KJV. The Bible is
Absolute Truth. “Sanctify them through Thy Truth: Thy Word is Truth ” John
17:17, KJV.
18. The Bible forbids worship of idols: The Bible forbids the worship of idols and
the worship of other gods other than Jesus Christ. Leviticus 26:1, KJV: “Ye shall
make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither
shall ye set up [any] image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I [Am] the
LORD your God”. Exodus 20:2-7, KJV: “I Am the LORD thy God, Which have
brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have
no other gods before Me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any
likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or
that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor
serve them: for I the LORD thy God Am a Jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the
fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate
Me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love Me, and keep My
19. Meaning of Sons of God: The term ‘sons of God’ are used to denote those
who are born-again of the Spirit of God by faith in Jesus Christ. “But as many as
received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that
believe on His Name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor
of the will of man, but of God”. John 1:12-13, KJV. Jesus is the only Begotten Son of
God but His believers are sons and daughters of God through adoption. Not every
one is a ‘son of God’; Those who do not accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour are
not ‘sons of God’.
20. God's Plan of Salvation:
Humans were created by God in the Image of God (Genesis 1:26-27).
All people have sinned (Romans 3:23, 5:12).
Death came into the world through Adam's sin (Romans 5:12-15).
Sin separates us from God (Isaiah 59:2).
Jesus died for the sins of each and every person in the world (1 John 2:2; 2
Corinthians 5:14; 1 Peter 2:24).
Jesus' death was a substitutionary sacrifice. He died and paid the price for our
sins so that we might live forever with Him. (1 Peter 2:24; Matthew 20:28; Mark
Jesus resurrected from the dead in physical form (John 2:19-21).
Salvation is a free gift of God (Romans 4:5, 6:23; Ephesians 2:8-9; 1 John 1:8-
Believers are saved by grace; Salvation cannot be earned by human efforts or
good works (Ephesians 2:8–9).
Those who reject Jesus Christ will go to Hell forever after they die (Revelation
20:11-15, 21:8).
Those who accept Jesus Christ will live for eternity with Him after they die
(John 11:25, 26; 2 Corinthians 5:6).

21. End Times events:

• Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet will rule the world for a short while,
create a One World Religion and unite all unbelievers against Jesus Christ. Christ will
defeat them at Armageddon. (Revelation Chapters 12-16).
• There will be a rapture of the living believers when Jesus will return to take them to
Heaven (Matthew 24:30-36, 40-41; John 14:1-3; 1 Corinthians 15:51-52; 1
Thessalonians 4:16-17; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12).
• Jesus will return to the earth (Acts 1:11).
• Christians will be raised from the dead when Jesus returns (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17).
• There will be a final judgment of all unbelievers (Hebrews 9:27; 2 Peter 3:7,
Revelation 20).
• Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet and all unbelievers will be thrown into the
lake of fire for all eternity (Revelation 20:10).
• Christ will set up a 1000 year millennial reign on earth. (Revelation 20:4).
• God will create a new Heaven and a new earth (2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1).

These are few of the core doctrines of the Christian faith. These doctrines are
contrary to hindu beliefs and yet these hindu gurus like Yukteshwar, Yogananda, et al,
pervert the Biblical doctrines to force fit them into hindu beliefs to deceive people
into thinking that they are the same.
Differences between Hindu and Christian doctrines:
Hinduism Biblical Christianity
Place of Origin: Indian Subcontinent Israel
Scriptures: Vedas, Upanishad, Puranas, Bhagvad The Holy Bible made up of 66 Books. 39 Old
Gita, Agamas, Sutras, Shastras. Smriti and Shruti are Testament books and 27 New Testament
oral scriptures. books.
View of God: Many gods, but realize that they all God is One Who exists as the Godhead, One
God as Three Different Persons- God the
come from Atman. The concept of God in
Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the
Hinduism varies in its diverse Holy Spirit.
traditions. Hinduism spans a wide range of beliefs “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is
such as henotheism (worship of a single god while One LORD:” Deuteronomy 6:4, KJV.
not denying the existence or possible existence of “For there is One God, and One Mediator
between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus;”
other deities), monotheism (belief in one God- 1 Timothy 2:5, KJV.
Brahman), polytheism (the worship of or belief in “For there are three that bear record in
multiple deities, which are usually assembled into Heaven, the Father, the Word (Jesus), and
a pantheon of gods and goddesses, along with their the Holy Ghost: and these three are One”. 1
John 5:7, KJV.
own religions and rituals), panentheism ( meaning ‘all
Jesus is the Word of God: “In the beginning
in God’ is a belief that the divine pervades was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and interpenetrates every part of the universe and and the Word was God. And the Word was
also extends beyond space and time), pantheism made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we
beheld His glory, the glory as of the only
(belief that reality is identical with divinity, or that all-
begotten of the Father,) full of grace and
things compose an all-encompassing, immanent god. truth”. John 1:1,14, KJV.
Pantheist belief does not recognize a “And He (Jesus) was clothed with a vesture
distinct personal god, anthropomorphic or dipped in blood: and His Name
otherwise, and instead characterizes a broad range of is called The Word of God”. Revelation
19:13, KJV.
doctrines differing in forms of relationships between
reality and divinity.), pandeism
(a theological doctrine first delineated in the 18th
century which combines aspects of pantheism with
aspects of deism. It holds that the creator
deity became the universe (pantheism) and ceased to
exist as a separate and conscious entity (deism
holding that God does not interfere with the universe
after its creation)), monism (Monism attributes
oneness or singleness; everything is derived from One
and everything is One).

God is depicted as both male and female. There are In the Bible, God reveals Himself exclusively
as Masculine. God created only 2 distinct
many transgender gods in Hinduism such as Shiva,
genders Male and Female and they are not
Vishnu. So Hinduism condones LGBTQ+ and sexual interchangeable. Bible forbids all sorts of
perversions. sexual perversion such as sodomy,
transgenderism, bestiality, etc.
Nature of God: One with the Universe (physical Separate from the Universe/physical world.
Exists outside of creation. God is distinct
world). In most forms of Hinduism, the universe is
from His creation. God is above and beyond
considered to be a manifestation of the divine essence all the finite things He has made, and while
and thus to, in one sense or another, be a part of or God may choose to interact with and even
an expression of "God." Similar ideas such fellowship with His creation, the things God
as pantheism (the belief that "God" and the material brought into existence do not share in His
divine essence or Being. The God of the Bible
universe are synonymous) and panentheism(the belief however exists wholly apart from His creation.
that, while God transcends creation, the created He does not need the universe, and the
universe exists in God and is a part of God's being). universe is not part of His being or nature.
In each of these ideas, the distinction between God God created all things outside Himself rather
than merely emanating them out from His
and creation is blurred or outright denied.
own essence. God is not the universe, and the
universe is not part of God. From beginning
to end, the Bible presents us with a God who
is distinct from creation and makes that
central to our relationship to Him. This is not
a tertiary fact, but rather a foundational
biblical truth. The Bible everywhere
distinguishes God from His creation and
nowhere implies any union or blurring of the
two. God is separate and distinct
from creation, and this is an absolutely
foundational issue in Christianity.
Path to God: Many paths to God. Hinduism teaches Bible teaches that there is only One Path or
One Way to God and that is through Jesus
that all religions are different paths leading to one
goal; all religions are different means to one end. A Christ alone. Christianity, however, teaches
that Christ is the One and Only Way to God.
person can go to God on his/her own terms in any
John 14:6 says, "Jesus answered, 'I Am the
way they want to. Way and the Truth and the Life. No one
comes to the Father except through Me." We
can go to God only on His terms not ours. No
man/woman can go to God apart from
Concept of Creation: Hinduism includes a range of Bible says that God is the Creator and He
viewpoints about the origin of created everything in order and with
life, creationism and evolution. There is no single symmetry. God created mankind above all
story of creation, due to dynamic diversity of other living creatures. Bible denies Evolution.
Hinduism, and these are derived from various sources “In the beginning God created the heaven
like Vedas, some from the Brahmanas, some and the earth.” Genesis 1:1, KJV.
from Puranas; some are philosophical, based on
concepts, and others are
narratives. The Rigveda mentions
the Hiranyagarbha ("golden egg") as the source of the
creation of the Universe, similar to the world
egg motif found in the creation myths of many other
civilizations. It also contains a myth of proto-Indo-
European origin, in which the creation arises out of
the dismemberment of a cosmic being (the Purusha)
who is sacrificed by the gods. As for the creation of
the primordial gods themselves, the Nasadiya
Sukta of Rigveda takes a near-agnostic stand, stating
that the Gods came into being after the world's
creation, and nobody knows when the world first
came into being. In the later Puranic texts, the creator
god Brahma is described as performing the act of
'creation', or more specifically of 'propagating life
within the universe'. Some texts consider him
equivalent to the Hiranyagarbha or the Purusha, while
others state that he arose out of these. Brahma is a
part of the trinity of gods that also
includes Vishnu and Shiva, who are responsible for
'preservation' and 'destruction' (of the universe)
Many Hindu texts mention the cycle of creation and
destruction. Hindus find support for, or
foreshadowing of evolutionary ideas in
hindu scriptures. For example, the concept
of Dashavatara can be seen as having some
similarities to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
The first incarnation of Vishnu in the form of a fish
resembles the evolutionary origin of fish in
the Silurian Period. According to the survey
conducted by Pew Forum in the United States, 80%
of Hindus agree that evolution is the best explanation
for the origin of human life on earth. Hindus already
had present notion of common ancestry between
humans and animals. The Hindu dharma believes that
the gods have animal features, showing a theory that
humans can be reborn again as animals or with their
Human Nature: Humans are divine in nature. Man has inherited "original sin" from Adam
and is sinful. Mankind then is inherently evil
They are little gods. Everyone is ‘God’: People
and is in need of forgiveness of sin. By
are all one and thus radically interconnected with all knowing right and wrong Christians choose
being. The self or soul within all, the Atman is their actions. Humans are a fallen, broken race
interconnected to the Brahman. So Atman is in need of Salvation and repair by God. God
(ultimately) Brahman. In other words, you are of the Bible does not call humans ‘divine’ but
He calls humans as ‘sinners’ and wicked and
identical with whatever power, force or energy He calls our self righteousness as filthy rags.
animates all reality; you are (non-personal) god. “For all have sinned, and come short of the
glory of God;” Romans 3:23, KJV. “But we
are all as an unclean thing, and all our
righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we
all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the
wind, have taken us away”. Isaiah 64:6, KJV.
According to the Bible, humans are created
beings and can never become ‘God’. Humans
are not gods because no one is sinless. Many
hindus take the verse 'ye are gods' in Psalm
82:6 and John 10:34 out of context and use it
to justify their argument that people are gods.
A verse has to be interpreted in context with
the surrounding Scripture. First of all, when
the Bible read, verses cant be taken out of
context and forced to mean something else. It
should be checked in what context the verse is
written by checking the surrounding verses.
Jesus is quoting Psalm 82 in John 10:34. Psalm
82:1 says, “God standeth in the congregation
of the mighty; He judgeth among the gods”. It
is clear from the next three verses that the
word “gods” refers to magistrates, judges, and
other people who hold positions of authority
and rule. Calling a human magistrate a “god”
indicates three things: 1) he has authority over
other human beings, 2) the power he wields as
a civil authority is to be feared, and 3) he
derives his power and authority from God
Himself, who is pictured as judging the whole
earth in verse 8. This use of the word “gods”
to refer to humans is rare, but it is found
elsewhere in the Old Testament. For example,
when God sent Moses to Pharaoh, He said,
“See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh”
(Exodus 7:1). This simply means that Moses,
as the messenger of God, was speaking God’s
words and would therefore be God’s
representative to the king. The whole point of
Psalm 82 is that earthly judges must act with
impartiality and true justice, because even
judges must stand someday before the Judge.
Verses 6 and 7 warn human magistrates that
they, too, must be judged: “I have said, Ye are
gods; and all of you are children of the Most
High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like
one of the princes”. Psalms 82:6-7 KJV. This
passage is saying that God has appointed men
to positions of authority in which they are
considered as gods among the people. They
are to remember that, even though they are
representing God in this world, they are
mortal and must eventually give an account to
God for how they used that authority.
Status of mankind in creation: No difference Bible places mankind at the top of God’s
creation, above all plant life and above all
between mankind, animals and plants. They are all on
animals and birds. Mankind is the crown of all
the same level. No special status for mankind. creation because God created mankind in His
Everything has the same importance in creation and Own Image and breathed in mankind His
mankind is not above animals and plants. NO special Own breathe of life. So mankind has a special
status for man. Man is like other animals and can be place in God’s creation. No concept of rebirth
in Bible and therefore man will never be
reborn as an animal. Hindus give more importance to reborn as an animal. Bible gives more
a cow than they give to a person. importance to a person over all his creation.
Concept of sin: In Hinduism, sin (Papa in Sanskrit) Sin is rebellion and disobedience and offence
describes actions that create negative karma by against God. It separates us from a Holy God.
All human beings are sinful and God judges
violating moral and ethical codes, which automatically
sin. Penalty of sins is death and eternal
brings negative consequences. Sin is a formation or a damnation in Hell.
consequence of desire-ridden actions, evil nature,
karma, Maya and dereliction of Dharma. However,
the term ‘sin’ in Hinduism cannot be taken in the
literal sense as ‘sin’ because there is no consensus
regarding the nature of ultimate reality or God in
Hinduism. The term sin/papa however in the strictest
sense refers to actions which bring about
wrong/unfavorable consequences, not relating to a
specific divine will in the absolute sense.

Means of Salvation: Reaching enlightenment by the Salvation is only by faith in Christ’s Death and
Path of Knowledge, the Path of devotion Resurrection as He atoned for the sins of
through Meditation, Yoga or the Path of Good mankind.
God’s role in Salvation: Salvation is attained via We are saved by grace which is a free gift
good deeds and righteousness (following the of God and not by our works. We cannot
“dharma” and avoiding sin). Salvation can be earn Salvation: “For by grace are ye saved
achieved by gaining enlightenment and self realization through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is]
through yoga and meditation. Gods do not help but the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man
people have to earn their own Salvation through should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9, KJV.
much penance. God freely gives us Salvation through Jesus
Meaning of Salvation: Salvation which is freedom Salvation in Christianity,
from the cycle of birth and reincarnation. Salvation in or deliverance, redemption is the “saving [of]
Hinduism is defined as freedom of soul from the human beings from death, Hell and separation
cycle of birth and rebirth and becoming one with the from God” by Christ’s death
‘Supreme Soul- Brahman’. The Sanskrit word for and resurrection, and
salvation is Moksha or Nirvana. The word Moksha is the justification following this salvation.
mainly used by Hindus and the word Nirvana is Salvation in Christianity means to be saved by
mainly used by Buddhists, but the meaning is the God from the consequences of our sin, His
same. Salvation is linked with a person’s ‘karma’. This Judgment and His wrath. Our sin has
Salvation has to be achieved by people themselves by separated us from God and we are guilty
their own efforts of hard penance, good works, before Him, and the punishment of sin is
ritualistic worship and by mystic practices such as death and eternal damnation in Hell and
Yoga and Meditation. In Hinduism, God does not separation from God forever. Biblical
save man but man is responsible for his own Salvation refers to our deliverance from the
salvation. consequence of sin and therefore involves the
removal of sin. It involves the regeneration of
our spirit by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit
and our adoption by God as His children. A
definition of the Christian doctrine of
Salvation would be “The deliverance, by the
grace of God, from eternal punishment for sin
which is granted to those who accept by faith
God’s conditions of repentance and faith in
the Lord Jesus.”
In the Christian doctrine of Salvation, man
can never same himself so God has rescued us
through Christ (John 3:17). Specifically, it was
Jesus’ death on the Cross and subsequent
resurrection that achieved our Salvation
(Romans 5:10; Ephesians 1:7). Scripture is
clear that Salvation is the gracious, undeserved
gift of God (Ephesians 2:5, 8) and is only
available through faith in Jesus Christ (Acts
Christianity has its own philosophy, found in
the Bible. That philosophy is Salvation from
sin, through the Passion of the Lord Jesus
Christ. There is no Salvation without Jesus
Hinduism has absorbed the word ‘Holy Spirit’ to In the Bible, Holy Spirit is God. He is not a
mean a force or manifestation of Brahman/ manifestation or a force of God but the Holy
Divine spirit or God. Spirit is God.
Meaning of born again or second birth: There is The ‘Second Birth’ or ‘Born Again’ is
no born-again concept in hinduim. But many hindu experienced by a person when he/she accepts
gurus cunningly use the term ‘born again’ to make it Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Being
look like the concept exists in Hinduism. But there is born again doesn’t mean a physical rebirth; it’s
a concept called ‘Dvija’ or ‘Twice Born’ in Hinduism. a spiritual one where the Holy Spirit quickens
The premise of the Dvija concept was that a person is the spirit of a believer in Christ. It refers to a
born physically through his parents at home, change of heart—from indifference or
spiritually through his teacher at school (gurukul) hostility toward God to a love for Him and a
who helps the student form the mind and realize the desire to live out His best for us. It is the
self. The concept is premised on the belief that a event when God the Holy Spirit comes to live
person is first born physically and at a later date is in the spirit of a man/woman professing
born for a second time spiritually, usually when he Christ and thereby God’s adoption into His
undergoes the rite of passage that initiates him into a Kingdom as His son/daughter. For a person
school for Vedic studies. The term also refers to to be Born Again, one must be begotten by
members of the three varnas in the traditional Hindu the Holy Spirit, and that such is effected by
social system, or social classes — the Brahmins the Word of God, Bible, as the sacred message
(priests and teachers), Kshatriyas (warriors), and produces belief in a sincere heart. The baptism
Vaishyas (merchants) — of the Holy Spirit may be defined as that work
whose Sanskara of Upanayana initiation was regarded whereby the Spirit of God comes to live in the
as a second or spiritual birth. This concept of Dvija is believer through faith in Jesus Christ at the
completely different from the Christian concept of moment of Salvation.
‘born again’.
The word Dvija is neither found in
any Vedas and Upanishads, nor is it found in any
Vedanga literature such as the Shrauta-sutras or
Grihya-sutras. The word is almost entirely missing, in
any context, from ancient Sanskrit literature
composed before the last centuries of the 1st
millennium BCE, and it scarcely appears
in Dharmasutras literature. Increasing mentions of it
appear in Dharmasastras text of mid to late 1st-
millennium CE texts. The presence of the
word Dvija is a marker that the text is likely a
medieval era Indian text.
Goal of religion: To break the cycle of birth, death To love God and obey His commandments
and reincarnation, and thereby attaining salvation or while creating a relationship with Jesus Christ
eternal bliss. and spreading the Gospel so that others may
also be saved from Hell.
God lives in every person. God lives only in people who have been saved
by faith in Jesus Christ. God does not live in
people who reject Christ.
Encourages repetition of mantras to get closer to The Bible forbids repetitive prayers. “But
God when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the
heathen do: for they think that they shall be
heard for their much speaking”. Matthew 6:7,
Idolatry: Hinduism worships idols. The Bible forbids idolatry.
"Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven
image, or any likeness of any thing that is in
heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath,
or that is in the water under the earth: Thou
shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve
them: for I the LORD thy God Am a jealous
God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon
the children unto the third and fourth
generation of them that hate Me; And shewing
mercy unto thousands of them that love Me,
and keep My commandments." Exodus 20:3-
6, KJV
“Turn ye not unto idols, nor make to
yourselves molten gods: I [Am] the LORD
your God”. Leviticus 19:4, KJV. “Wherefore,
my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry”. 1
Corinthians 10:14, KJV.
Truth: Truth is relative Truth is Absolute and is revealed in the Bible.
Life after death: A constant cycle of reincarnation A person lives once and after he/she dies,
until enlightenment is reached and the karmic cycle is they are judged by God. Eternity in Heaven or
broken. Hell depending on a person’s acceptance or
rejection of Jesus Christ as their Lord and
Views on the afterlife: A constant cycle of Resurrection of the dead. Eternity in Heaven
reincarnation until enlightenment is reached after or Hell; Those who accept Christ as their
which moksha is attained. Saviour go to Heaven and those who reject
Him go to Hell.


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