ISRO Is A Government Organization

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1. ISRO is a government organization.

Government organization doesn’t mean it

won’t make profit. ISRO makes profit.
2. Ever heard of a company called Antrix Corporation? It is a child company of
ISRO. Antrix made profit of around ~218 crores (around $30 million)
for the period of 2016 - 2017.
3. . 2014 Mangalyan was a big milestone for ISRO. Many criticized why India
spending $66 million dollar on Mars mission while half of its population lives
under poverty line. Well, they failed to notice one thing. Mangalyan made ISRO
an overnight hero Every newspaper and TV channels in the world talked about
ISRO and Mangalyan (a free advertising in all major TV and Newspapers).
4. ISRO launched 143 satellites for USA alone. Remember, there are many satellite
launching companies in USA (Space X, Boeing, Orbital sciences, etc.,), but they
chose ISRO.
5. ISRO is a moneymaking machine. Indian government is not throwing money in
the drain. They are investing money in ISRO. In coming days Indian
government will receive massive returns from its investments.
6. India has earned a revenue of Rs 13 billion by launching 35 foreign satellites.
7. Because all the other countries and other agencies had faith in ISRO that it
would launch their satellites safely. They had faith only because ISRO has
proved many times its capability by achieving success on such missions.
8. Its not only about the pride of country, as it is a government company so if ISRO
makes any profit then it’s the profit for whole nation. It’s not the fact that
poverty of India can be removed from the money spent on its space projects, it’s
just a start so we are seeking only on the money spent, the thing we are not
seeking for are the profits that can be made in future.
9. If you think that finding life on mars is just a stupid thing then I would want to
ask you a question that is exploring anything is so worst as you think. Today
what we humans are, are because of only science and technology and any
invention is not done without curiosity, explorations and failures. So failure also
doesn’t means that we’re wasting money on anything.
10. Let’s take a view on the countries which are involved in space projects and which
are not. What will you see? You can clearly see that the counties not investing in
these projects are not of such a kind that they are developing because only the
savings of their money.
11. They send information about any impeding cyclones, any cracks on the surface of
glacial ice, any cracks on the ocean beds (which might lead to tsunamis). This helps in
providing crucial information to the weather department so that they plan accordingly.
Guess who is affected by floods, cyclones and tsunamis the most? Yep- the poor. Not
the middle class. Not the ultrarich.
12. ISRO’s SARAL satellites measures soil temperature, humidity, precipitation, speed of
the wind etc.. This is crucial information in agriculture and fishery.
13. Now if you’re worried about the huge money wasted on the projects then I would let
you know that the mars mission costed 73 million dollar and the data below will help
you to know that how little the amount is.
a) the total revenue collected from IPL 2018 is 6 times the money spent on mangalyan.
b) The expenditure of Indian political parties and the government spent on election is
about ~2200 crores. ISRO’s satellites costed only 1/5th of that.
c) Apple Inc.’s sales revenue from India is about $ 1.8 billion. Apple India
sales rise 17% to $1.8 billion in 2016-17. Why are we spending so much
here?. Surely you can make do with Oppo phones?.
14. Rather than we are spending nearly 300 crores for Bahubali answer 250 crores in
robo2. We are looking and showing interest on entertainment only. If we spend that
money we can send more satellites which will useful for the future generation.

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