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leave. We got a few souvenirs and got on the

___________ to go home.

Trip to the Zoo

1 – Adjective
It was the perfect day to go to the zoo. It was 2 – Verb (continuous)
___________outside and the birds were 3 – Number
___________. My mom had promised to take me to the 4 – Time
5 – Type of Transportation
zoo 3___________ 4___________ ago, and the time had
6 – Animal
finally arrived. We got on the 5___________ and I started 7 – Adjective
counting the minutes to get there. When we 8 – Adjective
finally arrived I was so excited that I didn’t even know 9 – Verb (past)
where to start! My mom took me to see the 10 – Verb (past)
___________ first. They were 7___________! They made 11 – Animal
8 12 – Adverb
___________ noises and 9___________ constantly. Then
13 – Verb (past)
we 10___________ to the 11___________ cage and 14 – Adverb
watched them eat their food 12___________. Suddenly 15 – Verb (present)
one of them came towards the fence and 13___________ 16 – Animal (plural)
___________. I got scared, but my mom assured 17 – Adjective
me that they couldn’t 15___________ the fence. I felt 18 – Adjective
19 – Place
better, but I still wanted to go to see the
16 20 – Type of Transportation
___________. They are my favorite animals! Their
___________ fur and 18___________
size makes them simply beautiful. No wonder they are
called the kings of the 19___________. It was getting late Well Done!! Can you make your own Mad Lib?
already so after visiting the other animals, it was time to

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