Students' Worksheet & Assesment

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Students’ Worksheet and Assessment

Asking and Giving Opinion

1. Basic Competence
3.2 Applying social function, text structure and language features of oral and written
transactional text about asking and giving information relates to opinion and thought in
contextual use. (Focus on “I think ..., I suppose..., In my opinion ...”)

4.2 Composing oral or written transactional text about asking and giving information relates to
opinion and thought in contextual use by noticing social function, text structure and
language features.

1. Indikator:
3.2.1 Identifying the social function and language features of the transactional text of
asking and giving opinion

Activity 1
The teacher asks the students to watch the video and identify the social function and
language features of asking and giving opinion.

1. What is the purpose of the video?

2. What are they talking about?
3. What is Mark’s opinion about Scarlet’s CD Promotion?
4. Why does Jack refuse Mark’s opinion?
5. Mention some statements of asking and giving opinion in the video.

Key Answers :
1. The purpose is to express how to ask and give opinion.
2. They are talking about the promotion of Scarlett’s new CD.
3. Marks thinks that Scarlett should visit the major music store in France to promote
her Album.
4. Jack thinks that visiting major music store is not comercial for Scarlett.
Asking opinion Giving opinion
What do you think, Jacques? I think Scarlett should visit the major
music store
What about a series of TV and radio In my opinion that’s the best way to meet
interviews? her fans.
I dont agree with mark, scarlet isnt
comercial in that way.
I agree with jacques
I think scarlett should tour clubs and
summer festival.
I think that’s a great idea.

Scoring rubric : Corect answer x 20 = Students’ score

3.2.2 Completing missing word in sentences by using expression of asking and giving opinion

Key Answers :
1. Totally agree ( has been answered for example)
2. Opinion
3. Am concerned
4. Strongly believe
5. Believe that
6. Strongly

Scoring rubric : Correct answers X 20 : sudent’s score

4.2.1 Expressing opinion and thought based on the picture and statement given orally and in



1. Smoking should be banned in public places

2. Bullying is so prevalent in most school
3. Women should not work
4. Harry Potter series is much better than twilight series
5. Gaming affects the life of teenagers
6. Time is more important than money
7. Internet is dangerous for teenagers
Scoring rubric for Writing

No. Aspek yang dinilai Skor

1. Arti jelas dan dapat difahami 20 – 25
15 – 20
1. 2. Arti jelas dan kurang dapat difahami
10 – 15
3. Arti tidak jelas dan kurang dapat difahami
5 – 10
4. Tidak berstuktur dan sulit difahami
1. Pemilihan kosa kata sudah tepat dan dapat difahami 20 – 25

2. Pemilihan kosa kata kurang tepat tapi dapat difahami

15 – 20
3. Pemilihan kosa kata kurang tepat dan kurang dapat
4. Pemilihan kosa kata tidak tepat dan tidak dapat
10 – 15
5 – 10
Tata Bahasa
1. Penggunaan tata bahasa sudah tepat dan dapat 20 – 25

15 – 20
2. Penggunaan tata bahasa kurang tepat tapi dapat
3. difahami
3. Penggunaan tata bahasa kurang tepat dan kurang dapat
10 – 15
4. Penggunaan tata bahasa tidak tepat dan tidak dapat 5 – 10
1. Penulisan rapi dan mudah dibaca 20 – 25
15 – 20
4. 2. Penulisan kurang rapi dan tapi dapat dibaca
10 – 15
3. Penulisan kurang rapi dan kurang dapat dibaca
5 – 10
4. Penulisan tidak rapi dan tidak dapat dibaca
Skor Penilaian
No. Huruf Rentang angka
1. Sangat Baik (A) 86-100
2. Baik (B) 71-85
3. Cukup (C) 56-70
4. Kurang (D) ≤ 55
4.2.2 Answering questions based on the text of asking and giving opinion
Reading Task
Task 3. Read the conversation below and choose among a, b, c, d or e that you think is the best

Conversation 1
Kevin : “Hi Maya.”
Maya : “Hi Kevin, what are you doing here?”
Kevin : “I want to buy manusiasetengah salmon book”
Maya : “Who is the writer?”
Kevin : “His name’s Radityadika.”
Maya : “Oh I see, actually I’ve read his another book.The title is Kambing Jantan.”
Kevin : “Yes, I have already read that book too and Radityadika is my favorite writer, I have all
of his books. By the way what are you looking for here?”
Maya : “I’m looking for negeri lima menara novel, I’m pretty sure that you know that novel “
Kevin : “Of course I know it, good choice Maya, and you should have it because I think the
book is really good and very recommended for the student like us.”
Maya : “Yeah my sister said too, I can’t wait to read that novel. By the way, I have to take the
novel now because I want to get home late, it’s nice to talk with you Kevin “
Kevin : “ Oh OK, it's nice to talk with you too”
Maya : “ See you later”
Kevin : “ See you”
1. Where does the dialogue possibly take place?
a. In school
b. In canteen
c. In book store
d. In library
e. In Kevin’s house

2. What is Maya’s sister opinion about negeri lima menara book?

a. It is recommended to buy
b. It is her favorite book
c. The book is not good
d. Manusiasetengah salmon is better than negri lima menara
e. Kambingjantan is better than negri lima menara

3. “….. because I think the book is really good and very recommended for the student like us.”
The expression above is an example of …..
A. Asking opinion
B. Giving opinion
C. Asking suggestion
D. Giving offer
E. Showing opinion

4. The word it ,in Kevin dialog “…….of course I know it” refers to..
a. Book store
b. Manusiasetengah salmon book
c. Kambingjantan book
d. Negri lima menara novel
e. School
5. From dialog above, what is possible hobby of Kevin and Maya?
a. Buying novel
b. Reading books
c. Hang out in book stroe
d. Colecting books
e. Writing a book

6. The word looking for in Maya’s dialog “I’m looking fornegri lima menara novel” can be
replaced by...
a. Search
b. Find
c. See
d. Over look
e. Look after

Conversation 2
Adam : “I like Harry Potter movie because the magic seems so real.”
Jane : “I don’t agree with you. Harry Potter movies are just overrated.”
Adam : “I like playing tag because it is so much fun”.
Jane : “I don’t like playing tag because people end up fighting. In my opinion, the
goverment should provide means of sustenance for under privileged people instead of
building tall tower”.
Adam : “ I agree with what you are saying but have you ever thought that building tall towers
provides work for unemployed people?
7. Why does Adam like Harry Potter movies so much?
a. It it overrated
b. It has magic
c. The magic seems so real
d. The movie is fun
e. The movie tells about fighting

8. Does Jane like the movies too? Why?

a. Yes, She does. She likes fantasy movie.
b. Yes, she does. She thinks the movie is great.
c. No, she doesn’t. She thinks that they are as good as the people review.
d. No, she doesn’t. She thinks the movie can lead viewers to fight.
e. No, she doesn’t. She likes playing tag is overrated.

9. What is Jane opinion about playing tag?

a. She dislike it
b. She like it so much
c. She thinks that playing it is fun
d. She thinks that playing it is entertaining.
e. She thinks playing tagis overrated

10. In what specific things that Adam agree with Jane?

a. Harry potter movies is great
b. Playing tag is much fun
c. Tall towers provide employment for people
d. Govenment has to provide means of sustenance for underpriviledge people.
e. Harry potter movies are overrrated.

Key answers :
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. D

Scoring rubric : Correct answers x 10 : student’s score

Task 2. You will read a conversation and you will answer the following questions based on
the dialogue.
Conversation 1
Erika : “Hi, Clara, what are you doing?”
Clara : “Hi Erika, I’m writing poetry.”
Erika : “Poetry? for the special one?”
Clara : “Absolutely, tomorrow is a mothers’ day so I would like to give this poetry for my
Erika : “Mothers’ day? Oh my god! I forget about it.”
Clara : “Calm down Erika, why don’t you write poetry too?”
Erika : “No, I can’t write a poetry.“
Clara : “Do you know what the thing that your mommy likes?”
Erika : “She likes flowers.”
Clara : “How about buying a flower vase, I think your mommy likes it.”
Erika : “That sounds good idea, but would you mind to accompany me to find it out after
class end, Clara?”
Clara : “With my pleasure.”
Erika : “Oh thank you so much Clara.”
Clara : “Don’t mention it Erika.”

Answer these questions based on the dialogue above.

1. Why does Clara write poetry?
2. Where does the dialog possibly take place?
3. The word She, in Erika dialog “she likes flowers” refers to..?
4. The sentence “That sounds good idea” can be replaced by..?
5. Mention the expressions of giving opinion that you found in the dialogue!

Key answers :

1. Because tomorrow is mother’s day

2. The dialogue takes place in the classroom
3. Erika’s mother
4. I agree with your opinion.
5. “I think your mommy likes it”

Scoring rubrics : Correct answers x 20 ; student’s score

4.2.3 Demonstrating transactional text about asking giving information relates to opinion in front
of the class.

Task 1You will work in group, and each group consists of 3 students.
 Your parents are BPJS users and they are having trouble for paying the monthly payment
for your entire family member. You also know about some cases which portrait the BPJS
incapability to provide the real means of health for the users and also about the deficit the
BPJS has. You think that joining BPJS is no longer beneficial to your family. You share
your opinion to your friend but some of them have different view from yours.
 Act a dialogue out based on situation above. And each of you has to tell your opinion
about the case.

Task 2You will work in group, and each group consists of 3 students.
 You watch morning news program then you find out that some legislative members are
arrested by KPK. You think that the corruption case has happened massively in Indonesia
for years. You think that the corruptor should be sentenced to death. You share your
opinion to your friends but some of them have different view from yours.
 Act a dialogue out based on situation above. And each of you has to tell your opinion
about the case.

Task 3You will work in group, and each group consists of 3 students.
 You watch a TV about educational program with your father and sister. Education
Tuition fee for university nowadays is so expensive. You think that education is a right,
but your father and your sister consider education is privilege for rich family.
 Act a dialogue out based on situation above. And each of you has to tell your opinion
about the case

Scoring rubric for speaking :

Aspek yang dinilai Skor
 Ujaran lancar
 Ujaran cukup lancar
 Ujaran kurang lancer
 Ujaran tidak lancar

Kosakata (vocabulary)
 Penggunaan kosakata luas / bervariasi
 Penggunaan kosakata cukup luas /
 Penggunaan kosakata kurang luas /
 Penggunaan kosakata tidak luas / bervariasi
Struktur (Structure)
 Struktur kalimat banyak yang sudah tepat 25
 Struktur kalimat cukup banyak yang tepat 20
 Struktur kalimat kurang tepat 15
 Struktur kalimat tidak tepat 10

Skor Penilaian
No. Huruf Rentang angka
1. Sangat Baik (A) 86-100
2. Baik (B) 71-85
3. Cukup (C) 56-70
4. Kurang (D) ≤ 55

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