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Monday: Back

Wide-Grip Pull-Ups 4×12-15

Wide-Grip Machine Pulldowns 4×12-15
Close-Grip Pulldowns 3×12-15
Close-Grip Seated Rows 3×12-15
Barbell Bent Over Rows 4×12-15
Deadlifts 4×8-10

Tuesday: Arms/Abs

Tricep Dips 4×8

Single-Arm Tricep Cable Pushdown 3×10-12
Skull Crusher 3×10-12
EZ Barbell Curls 3×8-10
Single-Arm Dumbbell Curl4x8-10
Hammer Curls 3×8-10
Sit-Ups 4×50
Side Oblique Twists 3×20
Weighted Crunches 3×12-15

Wednesday: Quads

Squats 4×10
Hack Squats 3×8-10
Leg Press 3×12
Leg Extensions 3×12-15

Thursday: Shoulders

Side Lateral Raises 4×10-12

Shoulder Press 3×8-10
Straight Arm Front Raise 3×15
Rear Delts with Cable Machine 3×15
Front Shrugs with Olympic Bar 3×15
Rear Shrugs with Olympic Bar 3×15

Friday: Chest/Abs

Incline Press with Olympic Bar 4×10-12

Flat Dumbbell Press 4×10-12
Cable Flyes 4×10-12
Incline Dumbbell Flyes 3×12-15
Straight-Leg Hanging Leg Raises 3xFailure
Abdominal Crunches on Machine or Cables 3×12-15
Cable Woodchop 3×15-20

Saturday: Hamstrings/Calves

Single-Leg Seated Hamstring Curl 4×10-12

Stiff-Leg Lying Leg Curl 4×10-12
Weighted Walking Lunges 3×10
Seated Calf Raises 3×10
Smith Machine Calf Raise 3×30

Sunday: Rest day

1.寬握引體向上 2 組 X 20 個輔助組 3 組 X 10-12 個訓練組 1 組 X10 個-1 組 X10 個- 1 組 X10 個 (遞減


2.雙臂滑輪下拉 4 組 X 10-12 個 1 組 X10 個-1 組 X10 個- 1 組 X10 個 (遞減組) –

3.負重背部伸展 4 組 X 10-12 個 1 組 X10 個- 1 組 X10 個 (遞減組)

4.硬舉 1 組 X 20 個 1 組 X 15 個 2 組 X 20 個 –
5.窄距坐姿划船 2 組 X 15 個 2 組 X 12 個 1 組 X10 個- 1 組 X10 個 (遞減組)

6.單臂啞鈴划船 4 組 X 10-12 個

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