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SY: 2016-2017
I. Objectives:
At the end of the period the students are expected to:
a. understand the content of the reading passage;
b. apply one’s own understanding of the reading passage through
given questions; and
c. value the importance of obeying the law.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Reading Comprehension - APPLIED
Reference: A Better Driver (reading passage)
Materials: paper hand-outs

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Review of previous topic
B. Activity (Anagram)
1. The teacher presents a set of jumbled letters.
2. Through oral recitation students are asked to arrange each
letter in the right order to form a word.
3. After a student is able to answer a set of jumbled letters the
teacher shows another set for other pupils to try to answer it.
4. The process continues until all the set o I f letters are finished
being answered.


tolavinoi violation
esgpsaern passenger
caiffrt traffic
C. Analysis
The teacher asks the following questions;
1. What do you notice about the words that you have answered
from the activity?
2. Can you guess what is our next reading passage all about?

D. Abstraction


“Your father is here now,” Mother said. “You may set the table, Sonia. He
must be very hungry.” “Father looks very happy, Mother,” observed Sonia as
she saw her father park the jeep in front of their yard.
“ Maybe he has good news,” Mother answered.
“ I have many passengers today,” Father said as he was coming in. “And
still a better news is that I was not caught for any traffic violations.”
“That’s really good news. You have become a law abiding driver,” Mother
remarked happily.

E. Application

The students are asked to give three sentences that show obedience in the
law. Write it in a 1/4 sheet of paper.

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