Parents in Malaysia Are Generally Very Protective of Their Children

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Parents in Malaysia are generally very protective of their children. Do you agree?
Give reasons to support your views.

Definition Real protection means teaching children to #自己管理风险____________________
____________, not shielding them from every hazard.
Too many parents are shielding their child from idiotic things and they are not letting
the child #从自己的错误中学习 __________________________________.

Problem + Romeo and Juliet, is an ideal example of how parents are too overprotective of their
Effect children. For the Montagues, they consistently give Romeo the answer to his #困境
_____________________. . When Romeo got #放逐 ___________________, they
acted like it was the end of the world. For the Capulets, they wanted to protect Juliet
since she was their only child. They decided everything for her which made Juliet #
In the end, the two children took their own lives because they #无法处理生活给他

Opinion Overprotecting children can lead to bigger problems than the small complications
that they had before because #它没有教会他们独立,并从错误中学习

#Point 1 :
Point Overprotective parents #不断地掩盖孩子的错误 _____________
___________________________________. __________________

Reason According to the article, Teens and Decision Making: What Brain
Science Reveals, “This relationship between the emotional center
(limbic system) and control center (prefrontal cortex) helps to
explain a teen’s inclination to rush decisions”. As teens grow,# 他们

@紫翎老师 018-5700983
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Example When overprotective parents clean up after their child, they actually
causing harm to the kid because the child does not get to learn from
their mistake. Lehman implies that #孩子从父母帮他们修正错误中
吸取了错误的教训 ______________________________________

Effect #孩子没有学会任何责任,因为他们认为他们可以永远依靠他们
的父母 ________________________________________________
When the child gets into its adult years, they do not know what to do
because their parents have been doing it for them. This leads to many
problems later on in college and jobs.

Point 2 :
Point Overprotective parenting can also #导致儿童生命中巨大的健康
风险 _________________________________________________

Reason #他们不会社交,也不会交朋友 __________________________

, which is an important aspect of everyone’s lives.
Example The American Academy of Pediatrics argues that the decrease in
free playtime could carry these risks. They emphasize that, For
some children, this # 匆忙的生活方式是压力和焦虑的来源,甚
Not to mention the epidemic of childhood obesity in a generation
of kids who never got to go out and play. Letting adolescents play

@紫翎老师 018-5700983
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outside when they are young can #帮助他们为成年做好准备,帮


Effect They get to develop freedom over the years of their life. In
addition, allowing them to explore outside # 减少他们肥胖的机会,

Point 3
Point Parents who are #专横的________________________ often think
that #他们这样做是在帮助孩子,但反而使事情变得更糟

Reason 大学生上大学时常常不知道该做什么,也不知道如何独立生活

. College students #容易抓狂 _____________________ because
their parents did not prepare for what is ahead in their life.
Example They cannot do necessary tasks like doing laundry or making
dinner. Marano addresses this by saying, The middle of the night
may find a SWAT team of counselors calming down a dorm wing
after having crisis-managed an #急性躁狂发作 ______________
or yet another incident of #自残 _______________.
They #前一天晚上临时抱佛脚 ___________________________
____________________________ because they do not know how
to do the simplest things and they think they #可以像往常一样拖
到最后一分钟 _________________________________________
Effect 他们落后了,因为他们必须同时学习有关责任的一切______

@紫翎老师 018-5700983
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This can become overwhelming and stressful.

As a parent, not being overbearing is not only beneficial for the child but for the
adult too. Ann Cinzar expresses that raising a child is like being married. The adult
is going to have to not only put faith in the child but him or herself too. The parent
learns how to fail as does the child. The parent gets better at doing the job as the
kid grows. They learn how to handle each situation better each time. They can
sense relief by not overparenting their child because the child learns responsibility.
They will not have to drive up to the school just because the child forgot
something. This takes a lot of stress off the parents back. They can be proud of
their child learning how to do things on his or her own.

@紫翎老师 018-5700983
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Real protection means teaching children to #自己管理风险 manage risks on

their own, not shielding them from every hazard» Many Parents these days
are defending their children from everything. The child fails an assignment,
the parent calls up the school and demands if their child can redo the project
or get a better grade. The child gets hit by a baseball, they take them out of
the sport. Too many parents are shielding their child from idiotic things and they
are not letting the child #从自己的错误中学习 learn from their own blunders.
Romeo and Juliet, is an ideal example of how parents are too overprotective of
their children. For the Montagues, they consistently give Romeo the answer to his
#困境 predicaments. When Romeo got #放逐 banished, they acted like it was the
end of the world. For the Capulets, they wanted to protect Juliet since she was their
only child. They decided everything for her which made Juliet #反抗 revolt
against her parents by marrying Romeo. In the end, the two children took their
own lives because they #无法处理生活给他们的问题 could not handle the
problems that life gave them. Overprotecting children can lead to bigger
problems than the small complications that they had before because #它没有教会
他们独立,并从错误中学习 it does not teach them to be independent and
learn from their mistakes.

Overprotective parents #不断地掩盖孩子的错误 consistently cover up their

kid’s mistakes. This does not help the child at all because the child is not able
to learn from their mistakes. Sometimes they continue to make the same mistake
over and over again. According to the article, Teens and Decision Making: What
Brain Science Reveals, “This relationship between the emotional center (limbic
system) and control center (prefrontal cortex) helps to explain a teen’s inclination
to rush decisions”. As teens grow,# 他们要做的决定越来越多,而其中一些选择
并不总是正确的 the increase of decisions they get to make and some of these
choices are not always the right ones. #犯错误能帮助孩子从错误中吸取教训,
并帮助他们下次做得更好 Making the wrong ones is what helps the child learn
from their mistake and helps them to do it better next time. When
overprotective parents clean up after their child, they actually causing harm to the
kid because the child does not get to learn from their mistake. Lehman implies that
#孩子从父母帮他们修正错误中吸取了错误的教训 the child learns the wrong
lesson from their parents fixing their mistake. #孩子没有学会任何责任,因为
他们认为他们可以永远依靠他们的父母 The child does not learn any

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responsibility because they think they can always rely on their parents. When
the child gets into its adult years, they do not know what to do because their
parents have been doing it for them. This leads to many problems later on in
college and jobs.
Overprotective parenting can also #导致儿童生命中巨大的健康风险 lead to
huge health risks in a child’s life. Not giving them time to go and explore
outside makes them stay inside all day playing video games or watching
television would lead to bad habits in their adult years too. #他们不会社交,
也不会交朋友 They do not become social or make friends, which is an
important aspect of everyone’s lives. The American Academy of Pediatrics argues
that the decrease in free playtime could carry these risks. They emphasize that, For
some children, this # 匆忙的生活方式是压力和焦虑的来源,甚至可能导致抑
郁 hurried lifestyle is a source of stress and anxiety and may even contribute
to depression. Not to mention the epidemic of childhood obesity in a generation of
kids who never got to go out and play. Letting adolescents play outside when they
are young can #帮助他们为成年做好准备,帮助他们发展大脑 help ready
them for their adult years and help develop their brain. They get to develop
freedom over the years of their life. In addition, allowing them to explore outside #
decreases the chance of them being obese, which means, there is less of a risk
of getting heart disease when the child gets older.

Parents who are #专横的 overbearing often think that #他们这样做是在帮助孩

子,但反而使事情变得更糟 they are helping the child by doing such things
but instead they are making it worse. #大学生上大学时常常不知道该做什么,
也不知道如何独立生活 College students often go to college not knowing what
to do or how to live on their own. They cannot do necessary tasks like doing
laundry or making dinner. Marano addresses this by saying, The middle of the
night may find a SWAT team of counselors calming down a dorm wing after
having crisis-managed an #急性躁狂发作 acute manic episode or yet another
incident of #自残 self-mutilation. College students #容易抓狂 tend to freak out
because their parents did not prepare for what is ahead in their life. They #前一天
晚上临时抱佛脚 cram in study sessions the night before because they do not
know how to do the simplest things and they think they #可以像往常一样拖到最
后一分钟 can push it off till the last minute like they always did. 他们落后了,

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因为他们必须同时学习有关责任的一切 They fall behind because they have

to learn everything about responsibility all at once. This can become
overwhelming and stressful.

@紫翎老师 018-5700983

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