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Revision Work sheet on Motion

Name-_________________________________ Sec- _______ Date of Submission- 12/5/19

A. Let’s answer the following questions-

i. Is mass a vector quantity? ________
ii. Out of force and energy, which one is vector? __________
iii. A book is lying in an almirah, is it at rest or in motion? __________
iv. Physical quantity representing the magnitude and its direction is: __________
v. Are the passengers of a train in motion or rest with respect to each other? _______
vi. Can we add two scalars? _________
vii. Can we add two vectors? ________
viii. Can we add a scalar quantity to a vector quantity? __________
ix. A device used to measure distance travelled by a car: _______________
x. A device used to measure the speed in a car: _______________
xi. The SI unit of distance is __________
xii. The SI unit of time is __________
xiii. Can distance covered by a body be less than the magnitude of its displacement? ______
xiv. Distance travelled is a __________ quantity while displacement is a __________ quantity.
xv. Speed is the ratio of __________ and ___________
xvi. Speed with __________ is known as velocity.
xvii. Is absolute rest possible? __________
xviii. Rate of change of displacement is _____________
xix. Can there be motion where average speed is zero? __________
xx. Two cars are moving with speeds of 36 km/h due North and 36 km/h due South
respectively. Do they have the same velocity? _______________
xxi. Does uniform speed mean constant speed? _____________
xxii. The ___________ graph of a uniform motion is parallel to time axis.
xxiii. The ___________ under the speed-time graph gives the distance covered by a body in a
given interval of time.
xxiv. The nature of a distance-time graph for the motion of an object moving with constant
speed : ____________________________________
xxv. The nature of distance-time graph for the motion of an object moving with varying speed:
xxvi. The nature of a velocity-time graph for the motion of an object moving with constant
velocity : ____________________________________

B. Think and Answer the following questions:

1. A train is moving out of a railway station. Is the platform at rest or in motion with respect to
the moving train? Justify your answer.
2. Our Earth rotates as well as revolves around the Sun. So it is in motion all the time. Why
then, we don’t feel the motion of the earth?
3. An object is thrown vertically upward. It rises up to a height H and then returns to its initial
position. Calculate
i. The total distance travelled by the object: _________________________________
ii. The displacement of the object: __________________________________________

4. Arrange the following speeds in the increasing order:

i. A bicycle moving with a speed of 36 km/h
ii. A car moving with a speed of 2 km/min
iii. An athlete running with a speed of 7 m/s

5. Can a body be at rest and motion at the same time? Justify with an example.
6. Ashwin covered a distance of 40 m due east. Then he turned north and further covered a
distance of 30 m. What is the total distance covered by him? What is the total displacement?
(Show it with a suitable diagram)
7. The minute hand of a wall clock is 14 cm long. Find its displacement and the distance
covered from 10 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.
8. Shatabdi Express starting from rest attains a velocity of 108 km/h in 2 min. Assuming the
acceleration to be uniform, find the value of the acceleration and the distance covered by the
train for attaining this velocity.
9. Find the initial velocity of a car which is stopped in 10 seconds by applying brakes. The
retardation due to brakes is 2.5 m/s2.
10. Draw the velocity-time graph to show the following motion.
a. A car accelerates uniformly from rest for 5 s and then travels at a steady velocity for 5s.
b. A car acquires a velocity of 72 km per hour in 10 seconds starting from rest. Find the
(i) Acceleration
(ii) Average velocity
(iii) distance travelled in this time.
11. Give two examples of uniform circular motion.

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