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TPA 4- Britt Smith (2166962)

Activity 4 (during block) LINKS to STANDARDS 2.1 2.6 3.3 3.2. 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7
4.1 4.2 4.3 6.3 7.3

Prompts for discussion with your Mentor Teacher and/or University Liaison
• What surprised you about your teaching?
-After watching my video I was very surprised that I used my hands to
talk (quite fiddly). I did seem quite confident when teaching, and
presented myself in a professional manner. I was glad to see that I made
an effort to ask questions to a variety of students, and walked around the
room to support students when required. I was also surprised that I used
some slang language such as ‘wanna’, when I have been trying my best
to not say this in the classroom. I was also proud of the fact that I did not
let the ‘awkward silence’ phase me, when students did not have an
answer to a question straight away.

• Does the video segment show that you engaged students? How did
you manage challenging student behaviour?
-The video segment showed that I evidently engaged students through
group discussions and a group task that was planned. Fortunately, there
was not too much challenging behaviour to manage and the girls were
listening to everything I was saying. With this, when the camera was not
filming I did have to be firm with one student, as she kept sitting there
playing with paper and cutting things up. Upon further reflection, it was
also noticed that some students were not always listening (eg writing on
their pencil cases), thus meaning I need to look at the bigger picture of
student engagement when teaching.

• What strategies did you use to address the needs of the whole class
and the specific needs of individual students?
-To address the needs of the whole class, I ensured to cater to learning
profile preferences, through the use of group tasks and discussions. I did
not overly cater to the specific needs of individual students; therefore
this is something I will aim to focus on for next time. Thus being said, I
was mindful of students whom have English as their second language,
and made an effort to see if they understood what was happening.

• How did you monitor student understanding and learning during

the lesson?
-I monitored student learning by going around the room and specifically
asking students their answers to the activities (thus demonstrating their
-Use of higher order questioning

• What did you learn about your planning and teaching from viewing
the video?
From watching the video it was clear that I planned a really well thought
out lesson. It was evident the specific individual and group tasks I set
related directly to the content I was teaching. Through the use of a
TPA 4- Britt Smith (2166962)

PowerPoint, I also gave myself an opportunity to further guide my

lessons (remembering what questions I wanted to ask students). By also
having a PowerPoint, I was able to cater to those visual styled learners.

• What worked well and what might you work on future? Explain
how and why in your next lesson, you will build on the successful
aspects of your lesson and address aspects that you have identified
need further development.
I believe the lesson worked well in the sense that I was interactive with
the girls and was always plodding for the correct answer. I will continue
to work on this interaction, as I believe the students work better when
they know they have to share their answers with the class, rather than
them just discussing and not sharing. Next time, I will ensure that I have
taken extra time to understand all parts of what I am teaching and think
about the potential questions the girls might ask me (eg questions about
the legal age of sex), so I am more prepared to answer their questions. I
will also be more aware of the fact that sometimes when I am talking,
not all girls are listening and that sometimes they are drawing or fiddling
with other objects within the classroom. Therefore, I need to stay on top
of this for the future.

 Implications for practice:

- Continue to work on supporting student participation (AITSL standard
4.1), which was also a goal written in TPA 1.
- This implication could be achieved by ensuring students aren’t distracted
and are on task through continuously having engaging classroom activities.

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory……………………………………… (Liaison/Mentor)

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