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7 SM4 Issueless Divorcee b'ful PQM4 Pb Khatri Mglk Girl

नवभारत टाइ स, नोएडा, रिववार, 11 जनवरी 2015

girl Kashyap Rajput 29/5'4" B.Tech, CS/ 5'1"/26.7.87/16:55

B.Com Pass MBA job Pvt. Ca- Delhi. Wrkg MNC GGN, 7Lpa
ste no bar. Simple marriage. Unable to conceive Surrogacy posbl'e.9891757744,8447966591

PQM 4 fair B'ful widely trav-

GENERAL eld MA (Psyc) final sems May
91/162 born in Canada Hindu SERVICES- PERSONAL
Pb. girl fmly stld Delhi BHP

FAIR b'ful PBI slim Kalra

girl veg 5'5" 6/10/89 MCA ASTROLOGY
from Pune convent edu com-
puter teaching job E-mail:
Mob 09568139355
SM4 chamar fair slim girl SM4 Gud L'king Mohyal
SM4 Del bsd upper caste girl 34/5'2" Phd., M.Sc, Bio- Brahmin 5'5" / 06.09.87 /
B'FUL Sanadya Br. girl 5'8" B.Com / MBA, Pref Veg
29/5'6", fair b'ful, Master in (8.3.84 / 6PM / Jodhpur) MA Tech(IIT) M.Sc Botany RA
HRM, AM in Mnc,7.5Lpa,Fthr 4.5LPA Delhi M:09456013251 & Teetotallar, No Dowry.
(Eng) PGDHRM , B.Ed. All
Chief Engr(Retd)#9868211880 Brahmins accepted M: 93147-
SM4 B'ful Mglk 91/5'2" 14768 Em: SM4 I'less Aggarwal 31/ 5'3"
M.Tech Boys from Nisad/- MEDICO/ Engr/ Govt Offr. B'ful,Govt.Job,4lpa MA,B.Ed
Bindh/Kevat/Manjhi cmuty CS, PGDT, Seeks I'less Qlfd
SM4 Sunni Muslim girl MCA M4 b'ful, fair, Dr. girl (Kori)
acptd#7354861340 Delhi/Ncr Match #9716030773
30/5'ft.S/W Engr MNC Noida BAMS, 25/5'4". Running Own Eml:
9Lpa.Pref well edu boy. caste Clinic in NCR. Pref. Delhi/
no bar . Mob : 7835807139 Em: NCR. # 9650086424.
SM4 31/5'-6", M.Tech. girl, SM4 b'ful Pb/SC 5'2", 23.3.69,
SW Eng., wkg MNC Noida, MA/B.ed, TGT, Gov. School,
9 LPA Father Rtd. Officer. sal-6th pay comisin, I'les, Div.
keharsinghkadian@gmail. SUNNI Ansari Del basd par- seek wel stld boy #9718420226
com , 9812033900. ents seek profsnly qlfd match
4,khalayafta B.Arch girl,slim
PQM4 Br. Girl 31/5'4" MBA suneetadamana@
wheatish,30/5'3".#9810720635 wkg in Pvt Company, Seeks
E: Boy from Reputed Family. REQ Veg Nsmkr T'Tlr SM4
Caste No Bar.M:09993942272; VALMIKI PB SC girl 5'5" Del bsd Jain Girl 81/5'4" I'less Èý¤è ×àæßÚæ ȤôÙ ÂÚ ƒæÚÔÜê
Div B.Tech wkg MNC (NCR) SM4 Bajaj fair B'ful 9.Feb.
PQM4 b'ful convt edu BTech 1984 born B.Tech,MBA wkg in
EPIL as AM (HR) in Delhi.
Email: searchpartner2014@ 83/5'1",MA (Interior & Desig-
ÃØæÂæçÚ·¤, ÂâüÙÜ â×SØæ, Üß
MBA Manager with Interna-
tional MNC 31/5'4" Syed She-
FAIR smart b'ful Vaish girl
26/4'11" BE(Singapore) MBA
Seeks boy wkg in Delhi NCR. ning),wkg Ludhiyana Seeks ×ñçÚÁ, L¤ÆÔ ·¤ô ×ÙæÙæ, ÕýÔ·¤¥Â
Cont: 9810987130, 9810987150 Well sttld boy. M: 8528155000
ikh girl rptd fmly.#9415101698
(Insead)wkg MNC Singapore ALLIANCE invited for fair E: àææ¼è, ÌÜæ·¤, çÇÂýÔàæÙ ¥æç¼
status family. Caste No bar. bful mum bsd girl,MBA from ßæçË×ç·¤ ßÚ 28/5Ò10" »ýÔÁé- UK, 32 yrs 5’4” Jain Agarwal B'FUL Conv Edu Mglk 30/
°×.°.¹æÙ # 9811990989
PQM4 Mansoori 26/5' con- progress& profsnal fmly 956- 5'5" from affluent family of
vent educated fair smart SM4 fair b'ful MDS (final yr.) °Å, ·¤æØüÚÌ MNC 25 ±ÁæÚ 0999235, Bhopal MBA,wkg MNC Pune,
MBA girl. Caste no bar. Early
SLIM Fair Delhi Bsd. Army marriage. #7579141682 Mail:
Delhi based girl May'86/5'2". ÂýçÌ ×æã Ð »ýÔÁé°Å, âé¢¼Ú Ü{Õè PUNJABI D/o retd IAF ofcr
9.5 LPA, Seeks Prof Qlfd boy
in Job/Busi.#09826046336; E:
Background,Convent Edu. Seeks w'edu MD/MDS/MBA/ MEDICAL SERVICES
MA (Eng.) 26/5'3" BR.Girl. Engr./CA boy. #8130601881 E: ßÏé ·¤ô ßÚèØÌæ Ð ÇéÜ»‘æ »ô˜æ Div. with 6 yrs daughter, b'ful 5'4"/Sep'74, Engr. wkg as Sr.
Pref.Army / Defence / Govt.
Officer.Sharma: 09871355969 SM4 Sunni Muslim beauti- ßæÜÔ ¥ŒÜæ§ü Ùæ ·¤ÚÔ Ð #987 Mngr Top MNC.Caste no bar.
ful girl 25/5'4" MA Eng. Luck- 1989251, 9910359478. EÑpin
now born, Nationalized Bank
officer. M: 9335214992, Email: SM4 B'ful 35/5'4"/ Jai / Div Rajput grl wrkg as teacher (1
girl 14yrs & 1 boy 8yrs) seeks
PQM4 V.B'ful Sindhi Sahiti
girl 1970 born luks yngr 5'4"
SM4, b'ful,slim 5'4"/23,doing well stld fmly. rathore935115
PG Tchr Del Govt. Caste no
PG,rep. well edu family seeks #9351154481
Bar.#9311881468, 011-29814830
IAS/IRS/IES/DR/ PQM 4 well settled boy Delhi/NCR &
5'6"/28 Khatri Asstt. Comm. Mumbai prefd. M:09811925465 SM4 Gaur Brahmin.b'ful girl
(IT), Father Army Offr. Upper Em: MBE,I'less Div. Shorts Marri-
Caste no bar.9198673043.BHP: age 5'6"/Nov'81,Sr. Mngr Top SM4 smart, fair, Divorce (6 MD/ MS/IIT/IIM CL-I SM4 Pvt.Bank in Delhi.Send BHP days) mglk Sindhi 22/5'5" BSc
Chmr/Jtv B'ful,Fair Girl MS- Sophian educated girl, niran-
Ophtha (Eye) 5'1"/Dec'85 SR. kari family Pref. 08302435734
in Delhi. Fthr Ofcr PSU Bank, Em:
SM4 Fair Rajouria Rjpt Girl Pref Delhi- NCR.#9911101688 SM4 Jaat V.b'ful, slim 29/5'4"
I'less Div. Govt. Teacher W.UP
86/5'3'',M.Phil(Bot),wkg Lect
Bsd girl Seeks W'Stld wkg boy SM4 5'4" fair wrkg CA mana-
JNV,Jammu. Pref. w'stld boy.
Caste no bar. Mob: 9899904833 ger sindhi grl. 15.8.82/5:15pm
Excuse SC/ST.#7063917111,sh Jaipur. Seeks educated wrkg
well settld boy. M: 09427927189
PQM4 Khatri /Fair / B'ful / EM:
M4 Nov'76/5'3" Beautiful, 33yr /5'2"/ MCA / Govt job/
Fair, I'less Inno. Div. Kay. Girl 48,000 pm Leg. Div/ I'less/
JAN85/168 cm /MBA/- M.Sc U.G.C. Net Qld. in Govt. SM4 Dhobi girl 5'-4"/ short Marriage. # 9818890380 BY NATIONALITY
MNC 30L/Swarankar upper Job. Mobile: 07275404668. 15.02.1988 / 1:00am (Chd.), Em:
caste Hindu/Prem Inst MBA Em: ME, Wkg MNC NCR 4LPA,
welcome.9501124271. SM4 Agra Ansari girl Caste no bar. 085588-46413, SM4 Fair Mnglk Julaha Girl ( BY LANGUAGE
28/5"/50 B.Sc., Biotech Pref
to Ansari boy in Med/Eng/- born 87/5'2",Masters in Phys-
Tech/Bnkg/Mgmt. Send BHP iotherapy. Wkg as Tax Asst.,
BY RELIGION (Customs),Mum.# 9871057008 CANADA bsd. b'ful v.fair Pb
Brahmin girl, 26/5'6" teacher
seeking tall hsme w'settled
BENGALI Kayastha 33/5'1'' professional boy in Canada.
MA Homely Girl seeks Well PQM4 b'ful Punjabi Brah- Em: rpekgroom@
Settled Groom. Preference to min (Manglik) girl 28/5'4"
KHATIK, SM4 B'ful Slim, Govt./Private Sector Em- Phd/MSc wkg in Jaipur seeks
ployees. Mobile- 7309692201 well educated boy. 8171751555
fair girl,NM,27/5'4"MA, B.Ed,
wkg Pry tchr(contrct)in MCD
PG Dip. Anaes. SR Dr. Delhi 28000p.m, seeks boy in Govt SM4 conv. educated bride
Govt. 5'3"/Nov'84,SC girl need service/MNC rptd,DEL/NCR 33/5'3" petite from edu & resp PQM4 Bachelor Convt. Edu.
Medico boy in Delhi/NCR. pref.Send bio : anujchauhan ectable Beng. family working Smart, Slim,Dec.68/5'4'', Wkg
Caste No Bar. #9818630349 #09540571766 MNC, Mumbai ; sams6810@ as Professor, Seeks Wel Sttled,9433036780,8-11pm Match. E: B'FUL multi faceted Hindu
HANDSOME Qlfd Sikh boy in.# 09303210870,0731-2593869 Girl 38/5'5" well qlfd settled
for Delhi based Ramgarhia ALLIANCE invited for De- in USA from affluent culturd
b'ful PG 24yrs/5'4" wrkg Girl. lhi based Kayastha convent family seeks well settled Boy
#9811417550, Send details on educated B.Tech, MBA,pret- PQM4 NM V'b'ful slim fair (39-45), from similar back-
E : ty Bengali girl Sept'89 born/5' 10/8/89/5'6" 1:06 Pm wkg as ground based in USA. Email
working as Analyst in MNC Engg. in MNC pref Engg. M: BHP: surbhi14.matrimony@
INVITING alliance for 30 GOOD looking LSC Grad,PG 9450130370/9305055899. Em:
year old, 5'5" fair beautiful 8.5 lacs.Parents in senior pos-
UK, Bengali girl 5'4"/82/Kol itions.Seeking well educated
girl. Family oriented, well
educated from London. wkg MNC Del,Fther V.Sr. Co established Bengali groom
CNI Fair, Slim, B'ful 26/5'3" Affluent Sunni Muslim fmly Exec seek stld PQ groom 9810 within 30years. Caste/ horo- MARRIAGE BUREAU
268367, scope no bar. M: 09818449218
SM4 Del 4 nm slim
MBA Girl, Wkg MNC,Delhi from Delhi. Seeking profes- b'ful,MBA wkg girl 6.10.83/
bsd well stld. rptd Fmly Seeks sional, business or indus- E:
5.18pm,Dli,5'1",2.50 lpa minor
Qlfd. H'some Delhi/NCR boy. trialist family. # 9899760909 SM4 V.Fair,5.3",Dec.75,Grad- KESARWANI Caste no bar pronouncing prob.9873019631 uate Girl from well settled, i'less divorcee 32/5'5" wkg Em:
medium built,fair,unmrd boy Bank Lko seeks well setld
Mum:09920150025,Del: 981115 match. 9936393953, 9956399540
8439, PQSM4 28/5'7", Manglik,
wkg MNC, Jaipur based fam-
ily 8 LPA, father doctor seeks
SM4 Mitra 1980/5'7" fair tall well settled Boy # 09414311367
girl B.Sc. pursuing B.Ed Em:
Lucknow based Father Retd
Lt Col Pref Army/Defence/ SHEIKH Girl 26/5'2" Fair SM4 b'ful, fair girl 22.8.89 /
Govt Officer. All upper caste Edu. fmly UP wkg in Micro-
accepted. # 91 9506060953 E: soft Bangl . wntd Engg, Engg. 03:22 am, 5'1", MBA convt edu +MBA,Allied,Govt. M:957015- wkng as HR in MNC consult-
AFFLUENT sophisticated ancy.#7599177545,9810991461
6376 family seeks alliance for
their daughter 31/5'5",beauti- DELHI/NCR, SM4 Delhi
SM4 Shekh 26/ 5'4" BTech ful cultured, highly educated bsd. Beautiful Himachali
girl from religious & edu- with strong family values. Bahti Chaudhary Girl B.A
cated family seeks well set- PQM from similar status 5'3",28/3/1987.#9873200405,E:
tled boy. #9415674106, E-mail: cultured family.Boy(31-37Yr) SM4 B'ful, fair, Sarswat Br. must be well established in Mglk 29/5'3" girl short
India/USA. Email BHP: Mrrg I'less Div. wkg in Delhi Seeks w'stld I'less boy#783698
SUNNI (Sheikh Syed)24/5'5" 2411, Em:
B.Sc.,BEd,MBA (AMU) cnvt
girl seeks highly edu boy frm PQM 4 Delhi Bsd. Telugu
highly Islamic values. Girl 40/5' 6" MA, Wrkg. in SM4 Agg. Issueless ALLIANCE invited for
Mob:099190 27168,09711552249 Delhi Caste No Bar, Pref. Nov 77/5'2" M.Tech from Delhi based Nampoothiry Never Married # 09958892512 Australia Now working in IT girl Feb. 88 born Moolam Star
EM: Co. Noida #9810139239 147cm, BAMS MD Ayurvedic
Em: Doctor Working seek well
SUNNI Khan 28/5'2" MA
(Psy) PGDBO fair b'ful KNP settled Malayale Brahmin
PQM4 Srivastava Dr. BDS groom within 30 years. Work- PUNJABI Khatri girl age 27
based girl seeks H'some well years (1987) 5'3" B.E. (IT)
stld boy. M:9889215336. Email: 37/4'11'' Lucknow based ing in Delhi, NCR Bangalore
Issueless Divorcee. Email- Cont: 8860672042, 9810693886 MBA From IMT Ghaziabad Working In German MNC
nk6654@ Mail: govindan_vasudevan@
Bosch as Dy Manager (HR) at
Bangalore - Father Indus- VASTU
DELHI based SM Pathan
girl 5'2"/28 fair smart Master trialist. Wanted an equally or
in Physiotherapy (UK) wkg in more qualified boy from a
London currently in Delhi status literate family. Email:
well educated family seeks
suitable match M:07838140746 Mobile: 09826357003
E :
JATAV fair 1979/5'1"/10+
LPA wkg in MNC divorcee
ALLIANCE for Lko based I'less seeks bachelor/divorc-
reputed Sunni Sheikh very ee I'less MNC/Dr. caste no bar
fair girl 26/5'3" pref. working M:08750047037/09473512554.
class. #09415426441, Email: Em;

SUNNI Syed Nov86/5'6" b'ful

vfairNamazi BTech MBA wkg
Bank PO seeks Lko bsd allia-
nce frm rsp. f'mly#9918067667

MBA 24 years, 5'8" fair &

smart Syed Sunni Girl work-
ing in Hyderabad seeks well
qualified settled match. Fmly
Delhi based. Mb: 9718217663
FAIR b'ful S'Banik
Girl 5'4"/Dec.77/Kol PG wkg
MNC, Del. F'thr V.Sr. co exec.
seek well stld PQ groom 98111

LKO based Sunni Shk Govt

Ofcr seeks PQM of similar
background 4 his 25 yrs/5'3",
B.Sc. M.Ed UGC NET qlfd
b'ful Daughter, present serv.
Central Bank Lucknow. Caste
no bar. E-ml: ahamadaftab@ WANTED Suitable Officer/ # 09792095466 Businessman Khatik Groom
from Rep. Business/ Serv ice
SUITABLE match for Slim, Fly for 29/5'7" MBA fair slim
Fair , Pathan girl MBA Veg fmly girl Father Sr Class-
28/5'4"/10 LPA.Working MNC 1 Off in Central Govt of India
Gurgaon.Mobile:09936632969, Mb: 09530400911, 07568053911

SM for Shia Muslim beauti-

ful educated girl 23/5'3"
B.Pharm MBA Pharm Manag
Employed in MNC Delhi
Contact:09794811498 Email:

SM4 Delhi bsd b'ful Sunni

Sayed Muslim girl 30/5'2"B.Sc
religious(div.) prefd well stld 4 RG Sikh 35, 5'5"conv. edu.
boy. E: muhammad.yousuf04 MA V.B'ful I'less div. v.short # 9899471669 marriage emplyd MNC Delhi
08791343468, 9910962391 Em:
SUNNI Sheikh reputed lko
based family seeks groom
IIM/IIT/class one officer/ PQM 4 B'ful, Slim Sikh Girl,
MD/ MS tall H’some within 28 81/ 5'7" Ansh Mnglk,, MBA,
for their daughter slim at- Mngr.Noida,7 LPA. Fthr Retd.
tractive 22 yr 5’ 6’ convent edu CL-1 Ofcr. Delhi.#09871399299
doing MBA from prestigious Em: GROOM4 MG. PB, b'ful, 5'2"
institute. Apply with photo & /28,, girl pur. P.hd
details to cell 09453940250 belongs to h'status b'nes fmly SM4 Edu, Slim, B'ful Sikh pref. to h'status b'man veg.
girl 26/5'4"/C.A/B.Com Delhi t.totaler,n.smoker boy Snd
SM4 Sunni Muslim 5'4"/28/ Based, Wrkng in MNC @GGN BHP:krishna.1274@gmail.
M.Tech/6L b'ful fair W'ing seeks w'qlfd stld Gursikh boy com
girl Gurgaon MNC . Contact BHP:
Ph:8687323925,mail-wedpur@ ALLIANCE for beautiful, PQM4 slim fair b'ful MBA 87 cultured, slim, M.Tech Mang-
born 5'2" well settled family lik girl (24/165) from affluent
SM Ansari 33/5'5" wheatish, seeks buss/serv.Sikh boy business baniya family seeks
Govt. Teacher Caste no reput fmly. M:9415309180. Em: an established manglik boy
bar. 9935867371, 8960778628, from good family. Em: parul
Email- shakeelansari2007@

SM4 Sayed Sunni MBBS Girl

30/5'2" Fair, Divorcee, Issue-
less. Medico Preferred.
Father Engineer. E:gkpbltr@, Con: 9935313361.

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