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Construction Machinery PT.United Tractors Tbk Date : 09.09.2019

Report : ZRVORDER1 Order Confirmation Time : 11:00:26
User ID : SPTPTO1 Page : 1 OF 1

SD Document Number : 139012392 ( ZPOR ) Document Date : 09.09.2019

Customer No : 38180 ( BUMI TRIKAMA JAYASRI )
Reference No : 615/BTJ-JKT/IX/2019 Reference Date : 09.09.2019
Terms of delivery : LDP SAMPIT
Currency : IDR Term of Payment : N30
PAD/Non PAD : PAD Salesman ID : 82295006
Item Material Material Description Qty.Ord Price Disc. Amount Ord. Qty.Conf Amount Conf.
0010 6125-81-7032 ELEMENT *** 6 665.420 0,00 3.992.520 6 3.992.520
0020 600-211-1231 CARTRIDGE *** 12 124.670 0,00 1.496.040 12 1.496.040
0030 600-311-8293 CARTRIDGE 12 74.340 0,00 892.080 12 892.080

Sub Total 6.380.640 6.380.640
Freight Surcharge
Total before tax 6.380.640 6.380.640
Tax output 638.064 638.064
Total Amount 7.018.704 7.018.704

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